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Will have built chaos from bidens basic bunker campaign. In his radical base refusing to endorse the Presumptive Democratic nominee after he embraced the entire socialist Green New Deal bolshevik bernie agenda and bidens struggles a dont end there. Had struggles to remember where heas was, well have all of that tonight. Karl rove, dan bongino. Senator kennedy, congressman gates, rick cornell all join us. Plus Louie Gohmert will be hereu he just tested positive for covid19. We will talk about that and more. But we begin tonight withne new york city. It is deteriorating before our very eyes all because of what is the pathetic leadership of theet mayor de blasio and the governor cuomo. Just take a look, america, this is the beginning of what the funding the police looks like, and a brief review of what Joe Bidens America will look like for these insane lunatics let violent criminals outside and mass using coronavirus as an excuse, let felony offenders out of jail scotfree because of these idiotic new york laws, zero bel law. Get arrested, you get released. Its like that. To top it off, the mayor has now slashed the nypd budget by 1 million. The tragic results speak for themselves. Shootings are up 73 over last year. Murders up 29 . There have been over 11,000 felony assaults so far this ye year. Cuomo, de blasio should be ashamed because safety and security is the number one job of any elected official in their failing prayer thats only the tip of the iceberg. Police are a constant attack of target of violence attack. Thousands of u. S. Officers have been injured, many seriously police have been bashed in the with sticks, canes, bricks, rocks, fire extinguishers, bottles, and molotov cocktails. They have been run over by cars, they been stabbed, theyve been shot. One man tried to take down and nypd helicopter using a laser, the one that blinded three officers out west. Over 100 nypd vehicles have been damaged since the start of the peaceful protest, costing the new york city and new york state taxpayers a fortune. Officers surrounded by an angry mob, pelted by rocks and bottles during an arrest they were involved in. Officers were attempting to serve a warrant on an individual who was wanted for destroying nypd cameras. As police attempted to put the suspect into an Unmarked Police van, a crowd tried to physically prevent police from doing their job and they made the arrest of violence, as you can see. The statement, the nypd said the warrant squad uses unmarked vehicles to effectively locate wanted suspects. Despite this official policy, well, comrade de blasio never misses the opportunity to trash the police and today the mayor actually scolded the officers. He accused them of making an arrest at the wrong place and the wrong time. Mr. Mayor, just when is the right time and the right place to make an arrest . Especially after the perpetrator commit tens of thousands of dollars more in damage . Meanwhile this morninge 2 30 a. M. , another angry mob showed up at the home of the new York Police Department commissioner, his name is commissioner shea, with loudspeakers and sirens chanting, if we dont get no justice, you dont get no sleep. New york city is in the state of perpetual crisis and to top it off homelessness, drug use spiraling out of control in public view. Its become so bad that one four star hotel has been turned into a homeless shelter into drug addicts. According to a report by the new york post, a section of midtown manhattan also happening in the Upper East Side, prestigious upper east e side filled with addicts shooting up heroin in broad daylight in full public view. Its so bad that discarded needles are lining the streets which brings us to tonights hannity special investigation. We sent our own 2020 correspondent Lawrence Jones to new york today to find out exactly what is going on and what he found should shock the conscience. But remember, a preview of coming attractions if Bidens America became a reality in 97 a days. Here with moore, fox news correspondent, 2020 correspondent Investigative Reporter Lawrence Jones. You learned a lot today. Good evening, sean. As you know weve been covering American Cities in crisis and the cities happen to be run by democratic mayors and new york city isnt any different. Residents are fearing about individuals openly shooting up drugs with needles, they place the blame squarely with their mayor bill de blasio. Take a look. How long have they been around here . Three months theyve been here. Since they shut down, they been here every single day. Speaker shooting up in the open question marks because shoot up. If you smoke a cigarette, 30 people attack us. What to the police do . Nothing l you say its not that bad because you come from San Francisco . You know, i dont even see it anymore because im kind of. Im kind of numb to the whole thing people shooting up. What do you think about new york being compared to San Francisco and skid row. Its getting there. Who that you blame for all of this. The mayor. Beagle hes responsible . Absolutely. Never, ever. Sean, if only that was bad enough, we saw the caps of the needles everywhere. They decided to clean it up after the new york posts report, but now they are puttig Homeless Individuals in four star hotels. The only thing is they didnt tell the residence staying in those communities. They arent happy. They move the Homeless Population across the street here. Are you concerned . Im a bit concerned especially as a woman at night because i work at night and i come home late and during the day i just saw one guy help another totally out of its guy across the street. The whole dynamic of the community has changed. Do you support them doing this in your community . Not really do you believe the mayor has made a bad move in this . Absolutely. They are trying to get them out of congregate settings where the covid thing can spread. I mean, you have to put them somewhere. You have to put them in individual rooms. Al i think if very well coordinated and supervised, it can work. Ive seen so many drug deals go down. I dont want those things to come back. Sean, as you can see in the video, these local businesses have the higher private security to protect their patrons from the Homeless People that are strung out on drugs. The people want to make it very clear, they are not antigetting home was help, they want them to get consulted. And if the four star hotel is willing a place to put them. Sean we arent talking about what we say no more crimeridden areas of new york, the midtown Upper East Side of new york . We are talking about the center side. We not only saw them shooting up but we saw them prepping their drugs right in this area as we well. Of course, when i talked to residents who say, why arent the police enforcing the laws that are on the books, they blame the mayor for the d fund the police message, disbanding the anticrime unit, they feel the officers they use to see on a daytoday basis feel like their hands are tied and they dont want to lose their jobs or their livelihoods. Os did you also see people, ie seen pictures of the vacation not unlike what you saw in San Francisco, people, in the streets. We talked to one person who is not new York Resident he said he almost feels numb to it becauses before. N sean Lawrence Jones, great reporting as always. We turn to some big updates from the 2020 election. In order to appease the most radical socialist part of his party which is the democratic partdemocraticsocials adopted all of his insane policies, coopted them all. First he said police becoming the enemy and he acted like violent protests werent actually happening and he said he was part of a 2020 campaigning thing used to scare people. Really . Videos, they are scary. Take a look. Some of the ads, uc cities burning, call 911, they have my picture in the background, if its a rape, dial one, if its anything else is going to take. Come on, its all about trying to come up with a bizarre law and order 202 2020 campaigning thing. Sean all right, out of touch biden, tell that to the businesses in downtown portlanda chicago, los angeles, new york city. Course, biden will say anything now to shore up his radical base because he doesnt have them. He recently announced his economic plan was the most progressive in american history. Thats actually true. Take a look. If i am elected and this passes, im going to be good to go down as one of the most progressive president s in american history. Sean hes not wrong because he actually plagiarized most of his economic agenda from bolshevik bernies platform. He said he will raise taxes, thats confiscating wealth and nationalize major industries, he pledged trillions of dollars to congressman alexandria ocasiocortezs insane Green New Deal which would eliminate thee lifeblood of our economy, oil, gas, coal. The president , he delivered his analysis of bidens insane socialist economic agenda. Take a look. Washington democrats have embraced representative ocasiocortezs nearly 100 trillion Green New Deal disaster. Ive added the fourth word. Its a disaster. It would ban oil and gas, leasing on all federal lands, there would be no fracking. I dont think biden is going to do too well in texas. Hes already written it off. No fracking. Part of its platform. If these far left politicians ever get into power, they will demolish not only your industry but the entire u. S. Economy. Sean tens of millions of jobs in the Energy Sector gone. By the way, pennsylvania, you had a resurgence economically. Say byebye if joe bidens president. Joe now even being more radical. Socialist congresswoman member of the squad Rashida Tlaib saying she will not endorse her. Bernies campaignie cochair was saying voting for biden was like eating a bowl of beep and over 700 dnc delegates, they are now planning to reject bidens democratic platform at the convention if it doesnt include medicare for all. So now its only a matter of time before biden caves there. He has never had an original thought of his own. He has changed a hundred times all throughout his career. 47 years in washington, he has nothing to show for it. Ill ask you if you can answer this question at home what has joe biden accomplished and what did he do to make this country a better place in 47 years . He is withoutla a doubt one of e weakest candidates to ever run for office and now one of the most radical of a major party in history. Its not just his terrible record and his hard left turn, add to that as well lets be honest cognitive struggles that are now more than the little concerning. Just this week during his speech he actually forgot where he was and during a Virtual Event he thought, well, we areal living n a totally different decade. This is getting bad. Welcome to the Kingswood Community center actually, thats down the one i used to work. Thats a joke. E. Didnt know where we were. The 2020 census which is now two censuses before, the largest latino percentage sean my prediction is this is only going to get worst. If elected biden would be frankly no more than an empty suit. Bolshevik bernie, bernie, aoc, also mr. Guns are beto bowes or rourke, while the socialist left slams through a social agenda, you need to reject this madness. Our very way of life is at stake, if these radical stated policies are implemented. Here with more, fox news contributor, we called him the architect karl rove. Reaction of the state of the race and your perspective . I think you put your finger on it. There need to be a big contrast made. I think the president did that on the energy issue in texas. Not only the opposition of fracking and an immediate end of leasing and federal lands, its also an immediate ban on leases on federal waters. If President Trump had been on the opposite side over on the eastern side of this date, he wouldve been in houston whose economy depends mightily on thee dramatic increase in exploration and production thats coming out of the gulf of mexico. That would end. He there would be no more new leases in the gulf of mexico and an immediate ban. If you want your utility bills to go higher, if you want your gas bill to go higher, if you want the United States to become dependent on foreign sources of energy, vote for the biden energy plan. N. Its just amazing to me. I just saw a letter from the Laborers Union international to the ohio oil and Gas Association talking about how many Union Workers were working how many hours getting paid what kind ofs wages in order to work in the Energy Infrastructure that iser rising up in ohio and western pennsylvania as a result of the fracking revolution. You are right. This Campaign Needs to be about big changes, big contrasts and the big changes that joe biden would like to affect on the country that arent for the good. Sean you have an opinion piece on the wall street journal re you are right, if biden wants to lead he needs to specifically denounce the violence in these cities that have been run by liberal democratsth for decades with only one push does he givee the, okay, we need to stop that. He also said that police are the enemy. Not one supportive ward of the 99 of police that protect and serve. This is such a disservice. Seeing these cops pelted with everything look, he wants to be the head of the federal government and he cant find one word to say, to defend federal property under attack in seattle and portland or to command that the heroism of federal officers who are protecting federal facilities. My column, i was interested about this. Doum you know what the name of e federal courthouse as they are trying to destroy . The william cans on the in 1942 he was 20 years old and the son of japanese immigrants, a japaneseamerican, and he was interned by fdr at a camp in idaho along with every other japaneseamerican on the west coast after pearl harbor. Do you know what he did . A year later at the age of 21, he enlisted in the United States army, served in the famed 422nd brigade, combat brigade. And july 4th 1944, he singlehandedly took out a nazi machine gun and placement, volunteered to provide covering fire for his platoon to withdrad machine gun nest, and was killed. Hehe was 1 of 21 members of the 422nd to be awarded the congressional medal of honor. His was posthumously. Thats who they are attacking for it when they attacked the courthouse, they are not only attacking the place where judges serve and were Social Security benefits are adjudicated, citizenship is granted, the accused have their day in court, they are also attacking the heritage that this man gave us. Take a look at portland. 62 nights in a row, mark o. Hatfield, youngest governor in the history of oregon, a deeply religious man who was strongly prolife, not only prolife being against abortion but prolife being against the death penalty. He went to the United Statesen senate and served his state for 20 years and won on numerous respect from democrats and republicans for his common sense, decency, and willingness to work across the aisle. The first republican senator to come out against the vietnam war in 1966. St thats who they are attacking. These are progressives. They should be applauding someone like this. Instead they are standing the memory of these individuals. Joe biden cant bring himself to say one good word about it. Yesterday he said, you know, our sin and we ought to those people ought to beyo prosecuted, but never in the context of, i deplore whats happening on these nights in portland. I oppose the violence we see on our screens from seattle. The reason is the left of the Democratic Partyea is afraid of angering this faction. There is a contagion that has taken over the leadership of the Democratic Party that made them fearful of standing up and being strong for what they ought to support and that is the rule of law in america. Sean a lot of stake in 97 days. Karl rove the architect. Thank you. Today the president laid out exactly whats at stake in november. Lets see what he had to say. I used to say we would become another venezuela for the same ideology, you would become another venezuela. Venezuela used to be some of the richest in the world and in the period one of the richest in the world, among the largest oil reserves. Now they dont have water, they dont have medicine, they dont have food. If youve got a lot of oil, it doesnt seem to matter. M they dont have anything. And that can happen to us. All you have to do is look at portland. Look at the agitators. Look at the anarchists in portland. Sean here with the reaction, louisiana senator john kennedy. Thats a lot to absorb. I want to get your reaction to all of it. O have great to have you back, sir. Thank you, sean. I think it would be a fair statement to say the Democratic Party has taken a hard left and kept driving. Many of my democratic friends now believe that socialism, illegal immigration, and abortion are moral goods. They wants to defund the police. They wanted to take away our onthejob Health Insurance bear they want to make it illegal. Many of my democratic friends now believe that most americans, presumably white americans, they say most americans are racists. Will Vice President biden be able to stand up to them . I dont think so. And if he tries, i think they will beat him like he stole christmas. Thats the issue in this race. Sean it wasnt long ago that biden and hillary clinton, they were for building a wall in obamas second term. Now they are against the wall. They would support they werent against it. Now theypo are, for example, thy were against slave reparations. They were for building the wall. I never thought you would see a party go this left this fast and i thought obama was pretty hard left, as was hillary. This is nothing compared to th them. You mentioned immigration. Itit wasnt that long ago on capitol hill when the debate between democrats and republicans was what sort of immigration system we should have. Gr that is no longer the position of many of my democratic friends. Their position is now that illegal immigration is a good thing. That we shouldnt have any immigrationn laws, that immigration laws are just a nuisance, that the border is just a nuisance. I dont know any other country in the world that has that position. Their position we used to debate what it ought to be in health care. My democratic friends, the position now is you should be able to get insurance from your employer. Government will make all health carenc decisions. If you think you like government can called health care, i want you to close your eyes and imagine living in a well designed by the post office. Itd be an unmitigated disaster. And Vice President biden said he is a moderate. But he hasnt been acting like it. Even if you take him at his word, the issue really is will he be, Strong Enough to say no . Sean if i may gently disagree, he has already adopted bernies economic agenda, aocs Green New Dealco agenda, beto bo orourkes agenda. Speak of the Vice President his positions have changed with the day. Tomorrow hell try to appear to be more moderate. And i understand this is an election. But the stakes are extraordinarily high. They are extraordinarily high. Sean he says he supports it he has committed trillions to the Green New Deal. He has taken bolshevik bernies economic agenda. Last word, quick. Vice President Biden believes government made america great. He is wrong. Its ordinary people doing extraordinary things. They make america great. Sean well said. It was the great people of this country. Breaking tonight, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg in the hospital tonight. Shannon bream has a live report. And the big tech execs on capitol hill got grilled by republican lawmakers over anticonservative bias. That update, full report straight ahead withh us. This isnt just a wifi upgrade. This is xfi complete from xfinity. Youll get the xfi gateway with advanced security, so your connected devices are also protected. And stay out plus with unlimited data, you can stream and scroll more than ever. And well ensure that you get the most wifi coverage throughout your home. This is xfi complete. Simple, easy, awesome. Get the security, unlimited data and wifi coverage you need. Plus, xfi customers can add xfi complete for only 11 a month. Call or visit a store today. Sean developing news tonight surrounding the health of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. Our own shannon breams live in washington. She has the latest. What we are told tonight is the justice is back in the hospital and this is what the Supreme Court i spokesperson tod us. She went im minimally invasive nonsurgical procedure related to a bile duct stand she got about a year ago. The second time that this month she is hospitalized, last it was atthe same time earlier h that we learned Justice Ginsburgs cancer returned earlier this year. Justice says that treatment has been going well. It will continue and she said it has not kept her away from work and what we all remember in an incredibly busy term this year, decisions fromwa everything from abortion to the president s tax return, tonight we are told that the justice is resting comfortably after this latest procedure and they do expect she will be released from the hospital by the end of this week, sean. Sean thanks for that report. We will be watching you at 11 00 eastern tonight. The titans of Silicon Valley faced a grilling from lawmakers on capitol hill. Ceos from apple, amazon, facebook, google all pressed on allegations of their unfair business practices, antitrust law violations, close ties with china, mounting evidence of anticonservative bias, and here is a small sample. I will just cut to the chase, big tech is out to get conservatives where thats not a suspicion, thats not a hunch, thats a fact. July 20th, 2020, google removed the home pages of breitbart and the daily caller. We find out that google has entered breitbart so much traffic has declined 60 . Google threatened to the monetize the federalist. Re either there is a federal component or for creating those lips, that process can involve a manual process. Thats the concern i have. You have confessed there is a manual component to the way in which you blacklist content. Te is there an ideological diversity amongst the content moderators . Congressmen, i dont think we choose to hire them on the basis of an ideology. But certainly we dont want to have any bias in what we do. And we wouldnt tolerate it if we discovered that. Sean earlier today the president tweeted, if congress doesnt bring fairness to big tech which they shouldve done years years ago, i will do it myself with executive orders. In washington its been all talk, no action for years. The people of his country sick and tired of it. Ic here with the reaction author of firebrand, congressman matt gaetz, and former ambassador and former acting director of national intelligence, actually allowing us to see some truth about the deep state, you did a phenomenal job, sir, thank you for what you did. Rick, we start with you tonight. We are learning about these companies, they have the Liability Protection if they are content providers but once they begin editing that Liability Protection will go away and we see a lot of thisty going on moe than we ever dreamed of. Isnt that true . Its totally true. This is a decision that they have made. They are not trying to do anything but flip the script on citizen journalism. We have for 235 years beginning with hartford current had the media controlled by newspapers and newspaper editors. When the internet was invented, we flip the script. We had citizens being able to question what the news was and put out their own stories. Now what we see is big tech roaring back. What they are trying to do, sean, is take away the power of the citizen and they are going to do it pretending like they are looking for facts. What they are doing is looking for opinion. They want to go back to controlling the news and when you control the news you control a whole society. Washington politicians, theyve got to stop complaining and theyve got to start doing something. Sean matt gaetz, you are critically poignant and powerful today in your arguments. Id like to give you a chance to explain. Has a message to the president congress will not do anything on big techng because congress is bought off by big tech. We prove today that many of americas Largest Technology platforms are not acting in the best interest of our country. They have pulled out of deals as google has with our own military to keep our Service Members safe,ic but then google has no problem going and partnering with the Chinese Military of ale folks, even general dunford the chairman of the joint chief of staff says google is directly benefiting the Chinese Military. Its not that they are working with china, they are trying to turn our country into china. Google in particular is the most dangerous election interference organization in the world. Sundar pichai was in a meeting with his executive team that said they have to stop donald trump in four years and make his victory a populist blip in histories. Since then he admitted individuals can alter search and change things on backless so you dont blacklist so you dont see sites that are conservative like mr. Jordan missed her. D you confessed, i think theres an outcome that can be explained through glitches that the conservative sites we used to see and use are starting to disappear. They want to control what you see so they can control what you think and act, and a free society must act against this. Sean shadow banding is real . Rick, i ask you both first. Of course its real. Over and overt again and we got to have more people more focused on this election. Its in less than a hundred days and we have too many people that are focused on the russian propaganda problem of the past and what we need to be able to do is recognize the russians will always do propaganda like they have done at every election. But right now we have a problem in our own country with our own tech executive trying to put their thumb on the scale for this election. Weve got to do something about it. Sean matt . Twitter shadow band four members of the russian hoax. That wasnt a coincidence. The chicago of justice should investigate these major tech platforms and prove they are not biased. There is enoughs smoke, theres definitely fire, the justicee Department Must be more active in the civil litigation. Sean they have got to be content editors for that liability doesnt exist for news organizations. They deciding what content is good and what content is bad, and if they are going to make that determination there Liability Protection should go away. Thats the least of it. The bias is also obvious. Thank you both. When we come back, the view, abc, that hardhitting news show, abcs joyless behar defending the nasty were democrats, route to attorney general barr yesterday. We will explain. Willie gomer was diagnosed with covid19 today. Hes in our prayers and he joins us talk about that and more straight ahead. To rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder force factor is the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Unleash your potential in the bedroom with score . Sean all right. In the aftermath of yesterdays despicable excuse for a congressional hearing, really just an allday campaign hearing for joe biden, one nugget went under reported. That is the attorney general william barr left the door wide open for a release of the durh p durham probe results before the 2020 election. Speaker pelosi showed how low democrats would go, taking this cheap shot at our attorney general who was treated like garbage yesterday. Why anybody would ever want to serve and have to talk to these idiots . I dont really know why. Take a look. He was like a blob. He was like a. Henchmen for the president of the United States. Sean i think that was the role eric holder when he actually said hes taking on that role. Joyless behar, over at abcs the view made this typical but nonsenseless argument. I thought the democrats did a good job. They didnt let him answer a lot of the questions because what he does is he just talks and talks and talks and uses up the time and never really answers the question. Here with reaction, House Intel Committee member we know the reason, jim jordan laid it out articulate yesterday. The facts we know, as we havewe them right now, should result in i would argue the grand jurys and indictments. I think they are afraid of that big time. Yes, sean, when they are scared of you they begin to attack you so they can no longer and ignore the attorney general. It was an unhinged disaster for the democrats. When they resort to namecalling, you realize they have no campaign, they have nothing to campaign on. Can anybody tell me what they actually stand for . Biden has been in his basement still. At some point biden is going to have to come out of his basement and the namecalling is not going to survive will ultimately i hope is the truth on what happened during the russian hoax of 2016. Sean dan bongino, its also about law and order. The president is only protecting federal courthouses, not only he has a right but an obligation to do. Talk about 100 federal agents. Yet these mayors, these governors, these democratic politicians would have you believe that thisan is all by design, that all the violins for, what, 60 odd days in portland, seattle, all these cities is Donald Trumps fault, 100 agents in these cities protecting federal buildings . That wouldnt be trumps fault. Speak of these cities are all dominated by liberals bear the commentary is so ridiculous. You should seek help there are three things we know that are going to be really horrifying for the democrats. Number one, we know the january meeting happened where the steeles sources were garbage but whats being done was doing we still have no idea. We know the translator with donald trump jr. , the translator said don jr. Is telling the truth and i dont like don jr. And we now know fbi notes from january 2017 that said that all the stories with trumps contacts with the russians . Thats all a load of b. S. You should start asking the questions. I know congressman nunez a long time, what the hell was bob mueller doing through all of this . Sean we learn the recent documents, they started this russia thingar not only at the d of july 2016 but they were actually spying on him, well, donald trump talking to him about National Security issues, devin nunes. And they knew for certain that the dirty dossier uses the bulk of information for the fisa applications, they knew it was false and confirmed it false, and they confirmed it with two more renewal warrants. What really happened is this meant to be an october surprise. They were trying to tie donald trump with russia likely to cover up for hillarys problems with russia. Thats the irony here. They were desperate after the election to do something and thats when the Obama Administration really got involved, and thats when it really started to come out that the fbi was just using whatever they had to just continue this investigation. Ev thats going to be the problem because they had nothing. It was all fantasies of the democrats. Sean w i want to thank you both. Either way, congressman nunes told us all the truth. Adam schiff lied to the country. We now have the dates, what people were telling the committee, and what he was saying publicly. A congenital liar compromised himself. Thank you both. When we come back, congressman Louie Gohmert friend of this program, tested positive for covid19. We will talk to the congressman straightahead as we continue. Im jeff anderson. For 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. Even in these uniquely challenging times were still fighting with dedication and devotion. California law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. If you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. Its time. Sean today, republicanub texas congressman Louie Gohmert tested positive forit covid19 before set to travel on air force one. Representative gomer it was present. Joining us now from quarantine, congressman Louie Gohmert. The worst pandemic since 1918. All the models, all the doctors were wrong. Im not blaming them, there is nothing they couldve known. Im sorry for anyone who has gotten through with this, what are your plans now . I feel okay. Im a little tired, but with all the symptoms of covid19, i didnt have any of them. The first test, its the quick one, at the Old Executive Office building [broken audio] the president , dont you love it, he called me on his way home from air force one tonight. I told him, if you had not invited you to go to west texas, i wouldve never known that i had coronavirus. That is when i got tested for it and i found out i had it. In the cell allows me to protect people better. I had a tiny little taste of what you and the president get every day. The left went nuts. They said, i contaminated the gym. I havent been in the gym in months. They say i berated staff to not wear masks, thats a lie. I get a littlee taste of what te president gets all the time but nobody gets more than the president. Youve been a good friend, sean. Thank you. Sean we care about every body. O when i say i wear masks to protect older people i meant it. Hopefully football and baseball. By the way, there is a hannity football over your shoulder my dear friend, thank you for putting that on. You remember those. Sean have you thought of based on all you learned in consultation obviously with your doctor, the forward study, the one that dr. Oz cites, the study, the one that says hydroxychloroquine, zinc, i sit is azithromycin didnt work, the guy at senior cedarssinai that knows more than anybody. Any thoughts on it for yourself . Yes, i have. Thanks for the discussion that youve had for it. You talked about the one study that said it wont affect it had to be withdrawn. So yeah, my doctor and i are all in and i got a text before i your friend, the doctor that found that he had it. He said he started a regimen too. So zinc, azithromycin, and hydroxychloroquine. Thatll start in just a day or two. So thank you. Sean im going to send you an article. Daniel wallace is his name. Probably the preeminent expert on lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. For 42 years has given this and said in the doses for covid, the risk is nil. His words, not mine. For anyone, consult your doctor. I will send all of that. Like everyone else, youre in our prayers. We wish you a speedy recovery, godspeed, and im glad you are clarifying some of the lies told about you. Welcome to Donald Trumps world. That happens every second of the day. I only get a little smidgen of it. More hannity after this. Guys, its that time. And nothins happenin. Well now theres score , from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder force factor is the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Unleash your potential in the bedroom with score . Sean just want to be clear, i made reference to eric holder earlier in the program. He said he was obamas wing man. The very thing democrats are outraged about that barr isnt. In less than a week, next tuesday august 4th my brandnew book m live free or die in atlanta in latin, live free or america dies. Weve got to take our country back. It lays out everything at stake. Preserving liberty and freedom. Weve got a lot of announcements on all of this tomorrow night on the show. Let not your heart be troubled. Laura ingraham, how are you . Laura good we are talking to the acting Homeland Security secretary sean chad wolfe . Hes great. Hes been phenomenal. Laura the mayor and the governor want to say its a big victory because they are pushing out the feds but has trump said if it wasnt for the federal presence, the court house wouldve been burned to the crowd and thank goodness had that. Sean im going to be watching. Laura im Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight for organ officials as i said claimed that federal agents are leaving portland after a deal was struck with the trump

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