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Streets outnumbering officers on the streets even though Additional Resources were brought in including more National Guard troops, state police and other boots on the ground but unfortunately for local authorities they say they were out mine and outnumbered and underestimated the ones in distraction and size of the crowd that in some cases according to authorities was firing weapons at them forcing the police to adjust their tactics to avoid being shot and killed on the streets of minneapolis as they tried to corral the more violent protesters. We are seeing these demonstrations across the nation tonight and the cities are burning and authorities are wondering where this is going. Certainly in minnesota governor said theres a proposal to bring in army troops and special teams but he does not want to see these troops squaring off with people on the street so what happens now, will appeals for calm be heard, we simply do not know. We have seen your correspondent mike tobin on the phone. He was there to witness firsthand three nights of violence on the streets of minneapolis and he is with us tonight to talk about what happened as he tried to get his way out of this hot zone. Do we have mike tobin . Go ahead. Reporter the real observation is the reluctance to have these ugly scenes play out, to witness things like what we saw in ferguson. This is almost the polar opposite of the problem we saw in ferguson were the quick jump to bring out the heavy force and the reluctance to use any force and stand up to the mob whatsoever created arguably a worse scene, when you saw the third precinct just given up to the angry mob and the protesters very encouraged as they toppled the fences and broke out the windows and doors and got inside that location and set fire to the precinct and the number of businesses in the immediate area, so they went back today, looked like the state patrol secured that area rather effectively in the crowd of demonstrators that showed up at the line didnt really seem like they were that. They were growing numbers as you get close to the 8 00 deadline with the curfew and state patrol came out with their about speaker truck, told demonstrators they needed to go home or would be in violation of the order, they stepped that up saying youre in violation of the order and subject to arrest and when 8 00 came and went they retreated and as the guardsman and state before retreated the demonstrators advanced, see more bold all the time, exchange rocks and bottles with tear gas fire, flash bang but the authorities kept backing up and the protesters kept advancing, it seems like it wasnt going to be too destructive of a margin possibly looked like letting them march might cause them to disperse but that didnt happen at all. The fires we saw set at an auto parts store, they continued on to the area of the fifth precinct where it looks like they were joined in numbers by other demonstrators, i shouldnt say demonstrators, rioters from around the city and more and more started setting fires, the office depot there, the dollar store, they tried to get into the Wells Fargo Bank according to one Security Guard i was communicating with, they took the car, rented into an atm at the Wells Fargo Bank, they set things on fire and ultimately set the Wells Fargo Bank on fire, that area near the fifth precinct, the post office set on fire and looked like a rental center, or group of businesses, that building was set on fire and ultimately entirely engulfed and it got to the point, a retreat up to the interstate, looking at what was happening, even that got carried away and we have Security Force with us, we had to get all the way back three miles across lake street, we had to go now. It was digressing the entire time across lake street but i would say my by observation it was the exception to have a business that didnt have windows broken out. They broke the windows and bent the doors of almost everything, they were leaving the liquor stores, as brazen as to drag cars in front of the liquor store and load up the liquor store, with as much liquor as they could and it is not political, it is opportunism, a good bit of gunfire. We made it back to the vehicles in the comfort of my hotel room. That is where you should be. We heard from minnesota governor who said he was deeply disappointed the curfew was ignored and there were a shocking number of people on the streets overwhelming the Law Enforcement that had been deployed. He called the situation incredibly dangerous which he said he understands the rage but what is going on now is not that. What were seeing is opportunism and anarchy in the streets, this is not grieving, this is lifethreatening and dangerous, telling people you need to go home but people arent listening to the governor right now. The goal to protect life and property and restore order is not being achieved by Law Enforcement who have to present themselves in addition to the public and what you are seeing now with these fires burning is apparently pretty much out of control and what you have reported and what we heard from the National Guard is one of their missions, the National Guard in minnesota was to accompany those fire trucks because firefighters werent safe going into these areas to put out these fires without some kind of armed security. So tell us about those convoys that you saw of him these escorting firetrucks to these blazes. They have set their goals as far as what they can achieve on smaller missions, the Bigger Mission would be to restore order altogether but the smaller mission would be to secure the area around the truck, you see one of those examples affordable trucks dousing the fire and they have three or four hoses trained on one of the big letter trucks doing the heavy work but if you create a scene like that it is interesting, that attracts the protesters, they will show up, slowly but surely things like the bottles will start getting thrown over the crowd and as they grow more bold over time, they will come after really anybody or anything that gets their attention so in order to let the firefighters do their work youve got to secure a perimeter and what we saw with the firetrucks driving across town is two firetrucks outnumbered for someone with humvees, all of the humvees so with guardsman, every seat filled in those particular humvees. I know you know from being in iraq, the general used to call those gun trucks because of weapons mounted on top of the trucks. The weapons themselves went on top of the truck. As far as what i saw the guardsman armed with, mostly m16s. A few m 4s, not all of them had magazines. A lot of the rifles were empty. The complement of the guardsman going out with everyone, firetrucks, they need to have some space to do their work to respond to all the fires that have been set across the city. This is supposed to be a Civilized Society. We heard the governor make reference to that and what were seeing tonight is far from civilized and very disturbing for anyone who is watching, we definitely appreciate your reporting, get some sleep and be back on it tomorrow. I want to bring in the former boston superintendent in chief of the Police Department who is managing director of coral security. This is so awful what we are seeing now and clearly no longer a protest but just anarchy. It was product that perhaps they should have anticipated that people who were cooped up during the pandemic would see this as an opportunity to get out and do some wilding but no one anticipated it would be as bad as it is not just in minneapolis but across america, many of the big cities. Are you there . Exactly right. Theres always individuals will take advantage of situations like this. There it was an outrage, every one of them realized that gentleman was victimized and was murdered and every one of their drops is going to be harder because theres going to be blowback, people are not satisfied with the, Justice System and that is righteous, there are things that can be done and outrageous action by the officer. But this is people who are now just, theres always criminals will take advantage of situations to try and. And do things for themselves and be part of what they think is an amazing experience to be part of the riot and you add the fact that americans were locked up in their homes for the past 3 or 4 months trying to fight this virus and it is gas on the fire. Should have been an acknowledgment this will be challenging, we need to have a commitment of resources across entire regions that are robust to where hotspots occur. People engaged in criminal activity, let me get my cell phone out. The signal on your cell phone is not as strong as we would like you to read but im curious to hear your reaction, i assume you were listening to the governor and other city officials who spoke about the plans that were made and the fact that they say they were overwhelmed, they dont have enough manpower to handle the size of the crowds that were demonstrating and creating these situations, starting fires, looting and breaking windows across the city and if you are still with us, final words, hate to ask you to secondguess the Minneapolis Police but can you secondguess the Minneapolis Police and tell us if you think they should have done more than they did . It is the police in the region. They said what do you think of 500 National Guardsmen . I said not enough. There will be problems and challenges across the state and we need a large number of resources. Ems in the entire region ready to respond to hotspots very quickly and to be in front of it. Theres definitely a need for Additional Resources and you need to be upfront and dont the first bottle that flies you need to be decisive and take the individual out of the crowd, the first signs of fire you need to go and put that fire out. If you dont it keeps growing and growing and people who ordinarily wouldnt engage in activity will get sucked in and become part of the crowd. You need to stop that by having a large number of resources ready, willing and able to hold people accountable for their actions. It is unfortunate but apparent that the more freedom, the more leeway you give people like this who want to do what they are doing, the more they will do and we are seeing it play out not just in minneapolis but phoenix as well where the Police Department tweeted out that property in the Downtown Phoenix area have been vandalized, some demonstrators engaging in criminal behavior, breaking windows and doors and destroy cars parked along the street, we find images from portland were similar things were happening, images from washington dc where demonstrators were squared off against officers, throwing bricks and other objects. In new york city, police cars, vans and squaring off with police, it is happening in atlanta where they attacked the headquarters of cnn and were engaging in confrontations with officers there and we are seeing it in other cities, it is unfortunate but likely to continue unless more is done and sounds like you believe more could be done and should be done and more can be done but they have to be tougher immediately with the people on the street and we appreciate your time. Before we get to Fox News Contributor ted williams i wanted to mention a couple other things that happen, one of them is a frightening incident in san jose where an suv drove through a crowd of demonstrators and we are told by witnesses may have struck multiple people, the tale end of the video where a van drives into a crowd of people protesting on the street and according to witnesses the injuries were very very serious, we dont have confirmation that we have this video that shows a van driving into a crowd. This is the kind of thing that could happen again certainly. We know gunshots were reportedly fired in minneapolis and i have been told by a Law Enforcement source that two Security Guards in oakland were shot and one of them was killed friday night by rioters and one of those Police Officers in front of the white house, ted williams, took a break to the head, saw them being treated and we know bricks were thrown based on reporting in front of the white house, show what say use of the likelihood that these demonstrators will continue and how do authorities get them under control . Not good being with you at this time of the lord. I was hoping things would have dialed down from the time you and i last talked but it is apparent it is amplified itself. When i say itself, i think theres going to be a need for a National Investigation by the fbi because i believe a lot of this was better organized. When you look at this and what has happened overnight in all these major metropolitan cities, the one thing you can come away from with a clear knowledge of, this is not about george floyd and what happened to george floyd. George floyd never went into a target store and stole large amounts of clothing and televisions. George floyd never went in and broke into a liquor store and bought us much about some liquor as he could, this again. I could continue on but i would just say this. If you had the average demonstrator out there, this is no longer a demonstration. This is mob action. This is a mob. I will tell you, this is domestic terrorism, that is what this is, this is terrorism. You said more eloquently than i could. It is definitely domestic terrorism and what weve never seen in this country before. We seen riots no doubt about it but theres something about this one that is out of the ordinary and it is not about the death of this man. As a result of that weve got a lot of good people have gotten hurt. I mean people in Law Enforcement, people in security jobs, people guarding certain institutions and banks etc. It was heartbreaking to hear the mayor of atlanta, georgia calling it a mob, not the demonstrators but the mob to go home, that what they were doing last night and throughout the night certainly was not representative of anything george floyd or his family would have wanted. I agree 100 . We are coming up against the heartbreak and appreciate your time early this morning as the situation continues to unfold and we will have continuing coverage of these nationwide arrests. Thank you. A nondrowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. So you can always say yes to putting your true colors on display. Say yes to allegrad. Medicare alone only covers 80 of your costs, up. To putting your true colors on display. Leaving you to pay the rest. Try the new fitscore from healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. 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Call the number on your screen rick in this fox news alert here from the studios in los angeles, word of the death of a demonstra this fox news alert, word of the death of a demonstrator in detroit tonight, not at the hands of police but gunshots fired from an suv into a crowd of protesters near the greektown entertainment district, the victim was a 19yearold man, no word on who the shooter may have been or the motive for that shooting is protests continue in cities across america including new york. Lets go to fox news correspondent alex hogan who has the latest. Reporter crowds gathered here in manhattan chanting things like black lives matter, the violence has to end and i cant breathe, those were the final words we heard george floyd say in the viral video so even though those crowd started just walking peacefully things changed as they made their way to brooklyn. Several dozen people have been arrested in new york, police even brought in a van so they could load people up into that van as they were arrested today, video of an officer kneeling on an unarmed black man as he continued to stop breathing, that pain and agony translating to anger we are seeing protests not just here but around the country, some of those protesters are saying if you are not speaking up against this problem you are a part of the problem and we heard from the mayor tonight. He was in the area of the breakout this evening urging people to not take their anger out on police who are just trying to do the job but on elected officials, also went on to tweet the we have a long night ahead of us in brooklyn, our sole focus is deescalating the situation and getting people home safe, there will be a full review of what happened tonight, we dont ever want to see a night like this. The anger and frustration grew as people circled around a police van, through fireworks underneath it, through a flames of a car, spraypainted, broke the windows, jumping on top of it and broke rose on it dead cops before went up in flames. Also protesters getting into fights with police and through Water Bottles at them but there will be more protests tomorrow, very empty streets in new york city, the city returning to this quiet city weve seen throughout the pandemic but moving forward we will likely be seeing more protests in the future. We will brace ourselves for what is coming tomorrow. We have mike tobin from minneapolis. Can you tell us what you experienced on your way out of that rough area where you were positioned all night . It was pretty hairy, the looting is widespread, when we made the walk out. It didnt seem there was extensive looting on the way out but as we get deep into it and started coming back i saw the liquor store is broken into, people running in and out, a few moorish fires going in the third precinct and another fire going here. I lost count of the number of fires. Lots of looting, lost count of the number of windows i saw broken out. It is widespread and people are certainly we are walking along and encountered this crazy lady who wanted to know what was in her bag. Once you start a struggle you become interesting and people multiply so suddenly there was a big crowd on us and a good thing we got out when we did because the situation is only getting worse as the night goes on. It seems it is spiraling nearly out of control and you mentioned earlier that firefighters were not rolling trucks and to put out these blazes started by the protesters because they feared for their safety. Is that accurate . There was a convoy of firefox and National Guardsmen rolling in that direction, three firefox heading in the direction of the big fires we saw at the Wells Fargo Bank, the rental center of the tobacco store that was burning in the post office so we saw fire trucks going in that direction with a cadre of guardsmen to provide them security so they could set up and start putting out fires. Anything that attracts attention the mob will get on them and started throwing rocks and then it melts down into total mayhem so they need that security. The firefighters would be reluctant to put out a blaze without that section from police or National Guard soldiers. Youve been in the situation many times. Sound like this one shook you. Sounds like this situation. This scene in minneapolis is worse than most. We are traveling with security but this is the first time i remember a retreat from a story i was covering. The situation is no longer tenable in the Biggest Issue we had is we were on one side of the conflict and needed to get to the other in order to get home so we had to cross that and everything was digressing throughout the evening so the call was made the we had to make that crossing as fast as we could without delay. It is getting worse out there. At several points we heard a good bit of gunfire and beating a hasty retreat so there wasnt time to stop and figure out what was going on. And exchange of gunfire or someone shooting into the air, i cant. We are glad you got out of there. You mentioned looting, we have looting reported in numerous cities including portland where people are looting stores, you can look at life pictures, not you but our viewers can see spraypainted on storefronts and people carrying goods that they have apparently taken from stores that were smashed into as opportunists move in to grab what they can in this chaotic situation. It happened in minneapolis as well where we are waiting on a News Conference from the governor who is going to speak to this ongoing situation in the twin cities. Youve been there for a couple days. Youve seen is protests every night. I wonder if you think there is something the Police Department could have done and should have done in coordination with National Guard, state police and others to shut this down, we may be going to the governor live any second, here he is. Colonel layingers at the fifth precinct holding the ground with the state patrol. The folks under dnr and our local partners in minneapolisst. Paul and joint powers agreements are assisting. The situation is incredibly dangerous, the situation is fluid, it is dynamic. I think all minnesotans who chose to protect our cities, who chose to protect their neighbors and stay home, thank you for that, to all the First Responders out there from firefighters to National Guard to line crews to utility workers out there to keep us safe i want to thank you for that. Law enforcement is responding the best they can in this situation. We will get you all the numbers out there. I want to say first of all, i can fully understand the rage. I spoke to George Floyds siblings quite extensively. I understand that rage. We talked about it. We understand what has to happen. What is going on out there is not that. The wanton destruction specifically of ethnic businesses that took generations to build are being torn down. All those infrastructures of Civil Society and the things that make our city great which lends me to believe as we look at this the disenfranchisement that went with what we witnessed from georges death is one thing but the absolute chaos, this is not grieving, this is not this is not making a statement we fully acknowledge needs to be fixed. This is lifethreatening, dangerous, to the most wellqualified forces that are out there facing us so i want to acknowledge that. I am deeply concerned. You needs to go home. You need to go home. Is making it more difficult to get to the point we can deal with these issues. Our neighbors are afraid. People are watching and wants to know what is happening. I want to thank mayor fry for the leadership and the issue of coordination and communicating together. This is the largest civilian deployment in history as we dont have the numbers. We cannot arrest people Holding Ground because of the size of the dynamics in the wanton violence coming out there. Colonel langer spoke about seasoned folks who deployed overseas and seeing this in our neighborhoods. To put this into perspective the force we have out there now is 3 times larger than the one in the 60s, they are out there right now and the capacity to do that, they are doing that, arresting the folks that we can but there are already shots being fired, arson taking place, firefighters are specifically open to targets and minneapolis fire is responding heroically. The Response Time as fast as we want to get in that responsibility, the coordination lies with us. I will take responsibility for underestimating the wanton distraction and size of this crowd. We deployed a force as we sit down together and talk about would have in any other civilian Police Operation work. The terrifying thing, looking at this, military operation, they are moving place to place. I would ask again, go home to protect our assets, understanding the priority of this mission today, the plan was to deploy the assets that we have to working in coordination and beef up what we had to do very quickly in command and control of those, put a joint force together to protect life followed by protecting property followed by restoring portland. I said time and again whether it was something that now seems so simple, to do stand home orders about covid19, to get the situation under control to protect those people that there is a compact that goes in Civilized Society that you have to have social buyin. The eleventh out there now, they are stopping semis by blocking roads and rating what is in them. This is not about georges death, not about inequities that were real. This is about chaos being caused. My responsibility, executing a plan is very difficult and the frustrations we feel isnt aimed at the mayor. He is here today, asking and calling hourly where can we move out of that . The same with mayor carter of executing together. This is an operation that was never done in minnesota. The scope of this is reached globally or across the nation. We were in contact and had an extensive conversation with general jensen, commissioner harrington and the secretary of defense and general billing, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, to talk about assets and how to assess the situation. We are seeing it on the grounds, putting that in a plan to operate today. The plan is not changed and folks are out there doing this. Our intention is to do the same things to protect the lives of minnesotans, protect as much property as we can and try to restore order on the streets. I have to do that in a way that protects those who are out there doing that to ask them to go in Forward Motion to do to get some of these people, they are well coordinated and will playing these groups and do everything possible. With that being said im a have mayor fry coming up. We will talk about the next steps, we are 72 hours into this, the mayors quick action of activating the National Guard will protect as much as we could. I think now, this far into this it seems almost impossible planning tonight for what tomorrow is going to look like and minnesotans need to recognize what you see tonight we will replicate tomorrow unless we change something. We changed that today in a way that was unprecedented, the execution of the plan and the quality of First Responders out there. You have veterans overseas, state control, local police and firefighters who have been doing this for decades and are the best at what they do. They are just not used to doing it where you have wanton distraction and the challenges we face the challenge the mayor faces, we have to do it with ensuring the safety of those people, ensuring there are legitimate people who want to express their grief, folks who are out there right now one nothing more than entice something that sets us off even further, entices our folks to get into a situation where we start to lose life so that adds complexity to it. If it was as simple as pushing and moving them back that would be one thing they cannot do. I want to reiterate minnesotans deserve a plan to try to get this. We need to assess that with all the tools we have with the experience we have seen in this. We are in contact with neighboring states and the federal government to think of the best way to do this. The situation tomorrow will be more difficult because this has spread to other cities in a serious way which makes the challenge to civil order more difficult but i want to clarify to my friend and someone who has led in this, america should never be put in a position he was put into try to respond. There are a limited number of resources any city has in this force that is spent on this is simply overwhelming what we have on the ground so it becomes more of a hold so i want to thank you for being up for 72 hours and picking up the phone and adapting to the situation. Thank you, governor, thank you for the command and control today and the partnership. Minneapolis, i know you are reeling due to lack of sleep and heartbreak, seeing the events over the last couple days. I am reviewing too. We as a city are so much more than this. We as a city can be so much better than this. There is no honor in burning down your city. There is no pride in looting local businesses that have become institutions of our neighborhood. These are institutions people are counting on especially during a time of pandemic. They are counting on Grocery Stores to get food, counting on pharmacies to get medicine, they are counting on a local bank to get cash. If you care about your community, youve got to put this to a end. It needs to stop. You are not getting back at the Police Officer the tragically killed george floyd. By alluding a town. Youre not getting back at anybody. If you have a friend or Family Member that is hot right now, call them, tell them to come home. It is not safe. It is not right. If we care about our city, lets do the right thing now. We are doing absolutely everything we can. Our firefighters are hauling around the city putting out fires as they quickly act as they can. Are Police Officers are doing everything to secure core doors, make sure the looting stops and try to prevent these necessary precincts which are so essential to safety. The chiefs are in minneapolis doing everything they possibly can. As i said in the beginning i am real and i know each and every one of you is too. Lets do right by our city, lets do right by our communities and lets put ourselves in a position 5 and 10 years from now where we look back at this day and recognize that this was a point we decided to make change. I know in my heart that we can do it because i know in my heart that minneapolis is everything we believe it to be. Commissioner John Harrington of the department of Public Safety. Yesterday we put together a unified command structure, bringing together the st. Paul Police Department and sheriffs department, Minnesota State patrol, general jensens men and women of minnesota National Guard, we created a plan brought together one of the largest civil Police Forces that we have ever seen in the state of minnesota, the Republican National convention in excess of 2200 officers total committees to keeping the peace. We had a clear mission, crystalclear, the mayors have been crystalclear. By 8 00 last night we began to see that we were going to operate on multiple different fronts of criminal behavior. They were actively engaged reports. And fans and east of hiawatha, hundreds in lake street. Crowds for thousand or more in downtown. We reassessed the assets we had, personnel that we had, to be as many of those as we could be at. Did not even with the numbers that have enough officers and personnel to meet those operations successfully. We picked missions based on our capacity, focused on the fifth precinct area. With Critical Infrastructure, were being targeted, to hold those places of Critical Infrastructure as we speak. They were able to rally on that area to disperse the crowd and make what i am told is a neighborhood of 50 arrests. In excess of larger than the mobile field force we utilized last night to clear the hiawatha in the lake street area, actively engaged but the level of resistance weve seen tonight has increased exponentially. We have had officers shot at, what looks to be munitions targeted toward the officers, we are continuing to push that crowd east of hiawatha, the attempt to do was a did off of the streets to restore order there. We recognized as we do that continuing to hold the area, to maintain order in downtown that we will need far more officers and National Guard resources. They created a request for the National Guard to increase the number of National Guard officers that would be available that we reassessed our strategy in terms of mobile field forces, more effective in moving entrenched group of protesters, the we would operate and say more with this entrenched group of rioters. We have not given up efforts to try to clear those streets, in minneapolis, helping st. Paul, we are getting ready for what will be one of the largest crowds we have ever heard, we will be at the center of not just statewide event, not just the National Event but an interNational Event tomorrow in that same area we are holding right now in the area. At this time i asked general john jensen for his comments. Good morning, Major General john jensen, adjutant general, i would like to cover some quick operations we are involved in in minneapolis. We currently escorted and are supporting three minnesota Minneapolis Fire Department teams on fires, chicago, lake, and 30 first street. So we continue our support to the Minneapolis Fire Department that began yesterday. We have 100 soldiers between hyatt hotel and grant street concerning Traffic Control points in support of our state highway patrol. This morning at approximately 12 30, i believe, in cooperation and consultation with colonel matt langer of the Minnesota State patrol the governor authorize the minnesota National Guard to increase our strength. The initial requests was for 1000 additional soldiers to support the department of Public Safety and the state highway patrol. Governor wallace and i looked at different ways to mobilize this force and was we are going to use, unit that would normally report to their normal training this weekend. My belief is we will exceed the 1000 mark. This will be the largest deployment in the state of minnesota in history. At the conclusion of tomorrow i believe we will have 1700 soldiers supporting the department of Public Safety. The city of minneapolis and the city of st. Paul. You may have seen or heard that this evening the president directed the pentagon to put units of the United States army on alert for possible operation in minneapolis. We were not consulted as it relates to that but i believe it is a prudent move to provide other options for the governor if the governor elect to use those resources. That completes my comments. Thank you, commissioner. The situation, minnesotans who maybe dont understand the structure we have, some of this is classified but minnesota soldiers are deployed overseas supporting missions, that is a limited course, the National Guard is what it is in states but when we talk about calling of the National Guard is not like pulling something off the shelf, it is there. This is human being citizen soldier working across the state and they get called in and need to make their things in order, report to their armory staff and start understanding what their mission is. It is not as easy as it might seem. These deployment levels reached deployment levels in support of Operation Enduring freedom in response to those operations. The mission that remains the same to restore order, protect life and property the best we can. We were in close coordination to do that and i agree with general jensen it is prudent to have them ready before we exhaust all resources we need. General millie was quite extensive and we spent some time thinking of where those assets are and they have to understand what federal assets are into an ever widening situation when we are losing these precincts in brooklyn and some of this unrest spreading across the country. Was i would say minnesotans once again, and unprecedented threat to our state, a tragedy that was the catalyst for this that has morphed into something much different. The challenges of protecting people from ones instruction is the goal, no regard to life and property and no sense of civic pride in who we are, that is what these folks are up against, in a quite dangerous environment i think minnesotans for staying home, thanks for looking out for one another. Our goal is to do what we can, working with our partners on this. As i said today once this became a unified command starting last evening, the state of minnesota, with that, tom. Hundreds of thousands, millions of americans watching on television as fires burn, buildings alluded, people of minneapolis in danger and they dont see the National Guard, they dont see Law Enforcement, i know you say theyre out there but people are not seeing the more hearing from their leaders and it goes on for hours and hours and nobody knows what is going on. Are people just missing there is simply more of them than us and the situation is so much broader. We are out there, i can assure you. They are in heated confrontations that are putting folks at risk. We are prioritizing those critical assets. I know the heartbreak that brings to people when the business you fought for your life or to get burns down it seems like a pretty critical asset to you. We are protecting the federal reserve, protecting infrastructures downtown, power stations and things like that. This is the largest single deployment in the states history. This is certainly not a group that slacks off. These are the best trained in the country. They are war hardened and have been out there many times as far as National Guard and the police and firefighters. It is simply that broad and we have to prioritize and triage, it is a horrible predicament. I want every one of those fires put out immediately. I wish it had not happened, we are using all the tools we had, fact of the matter is we ask people, we put a stayathome order in and they dont give one damn about that and they are out to causes much damage as they can. Our goal is to create the plan the best we can to assess and in this case assess and bring on those truths. Completely ignore the 8 00 curfew, people causing the destruction did not do that. No surprise, deeply disappointed. When you do one of these things the assessment was folks that are truly grieving and the folks who were pentup and wanted to get outside and theres a sense of excitement and it wasnt there. Are thought is there would not be casual observers on this. The number who are now here and continue to grow here is pretty staggering, deeply disappointed. I dont know about surprised but it is shocking to me the number, but that didnt do anything and when you do one of these things you have to be careful that that is not a catalyst in itself. Gives me something to do with that. I talked about it this morning, the minute i put someone out there. These are folks, critical for the fbi is on targeting a National Guard soldier and wanting to find glory in killing one of our citizen soldiers, that is the type of person that is out there right now. Walk us through a timeline. What was the plan initially and if you can address. Todd violence over the death of george ford spreading from minneapolis to across the country. Mayhem unfolding in major cities include atlanta where rioters vandalized cnn headquarters as minneapolis remains the scissor of unrest. Even secret Service Agents clashing with protesters outside the white house. Todd welcome to a 5 00 am addition of fox and friends on saturday morning. I dont know about you but i was

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