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Groundbreaking Publicprivate Partnership designed to protect the health, the wellbeing of the american family, our family. That means your loved ones, everybody. Take a look. To unleash the full power of the federal government, i am officially declaring a National Emergency. Two very big words. The action i am taking will open up access to up to 50 billion. We arent announcing a partnership with the private sector to vastly increase and accelerate our capacity to test for the coronavirus. We want to make sure those who need a test can get a test very safely, quickly, and conveniently. We have been in discussions with pharmacies and retailers to make drivethrough test available in the critical locations identified by Public Health professionals. Sean what happened today, gone is the old way of thinking. Government walls its self off, tries to solve problems on its own and now thanks to a dealmaker in chief, entrepreneur, lifelong businessman in the white house there is now a new way to solve a crisis has been developed and is unfolding before our very eyes. You are witnessing history in the making, and with the help of the most Amazing Companies in this country, private sector companies, the administration has created what will be the most robust plan never tried before to battle the coronavirus across all 50 states. Today, we heard from representatives from several Major Companies involved. Americas biggest and best corporations, by the way they deserve to be praised tonight. Look at your screen, walmart, google, walgreens, target, cvs, quest diagnostics, signify health, lab core are all playing a role here. Heres what you need to know, with the help of googles Parent Company a brandnew website is being developed where americans can go to determine if and when and where they should go to to get a test for coronavirus. 1700 google professionals working on that. New drivethrough test sites are now in the works, this will drastically reduce the spread of this virus and future viruses. Hospitals, frankly, are in many cases where many people become infected. One fully up and running, this will also take much needed pressure off of hospitals and leave beds open to those that are most in need in the coming days they will be setting up a parking lot of bigbox retailers like target, walmart and other big stores. There is a rapid new way to test for the coronavirus, according to officials results from the new test kit should take around 24 hours. With just one stroke of a pen, all the bureaucracy, all the approvals, it happened in hours. This is only but one facet that the president brought up in Public Private partnership. The Ad Administration has developed similar relationships with hospitals and Insurance Companies and universities and banks all in an effort to keep you safe and combat this pandemic and get our economy back on track. This is, frankly, america at its best. These are the doctors, the medical researchers, the scientists, the entrepreneurs rising to the occasion as great patriots in a crisis. These are the people i have been telling you about for weeks. I put the most faith in them. None of these companies had to partner with the administration, they didnt have to do it. They did it because they love this country, they care about their fellow americans, and they are committed to saving lives. Frankly, what we saw today can only happen in this great country of america. This is freemarket capitalism at its best. How many of these companies, by the way, have you heard demonized over the years . Oh, big pharmaceutical companies. While back. Maybe they deserve a pat on the back today, made possible by the president leaving the way. We all need to understand that all of this did not happen in one day. He did not happen overnight. As one official put it, this has been in the works behind the bee scenes for quite some time outside the view of the media mob and the general public. There was no guarantee this will all come together the way it has. Take a look. I understand a lot of this action over the last couple weeks was invisible to the press and the American People. But this intense effort has not only resulted in innovative solutions, but in automated, highfrequency system bringing the ability of these already coronavirus testing at unprecedented speed. Sean ultimately, all of this work covers three very important areas. Testing, treatment, economic recovery, and the implementation is well underway. For more context, lets go back to the timeline. This is very important. December 30th, the w. H. O. Discover an unknown virus with pneumonia like symptoms that was first observed in the wuhan province area of china. January 7th, the coronavirus was first identified. That is this year. By january 31st, 3 weeks later the president comp administration declared a Public Health emergency. Americans abroad were then subject to mandatory quarantin quarantines, on february 2nd the president ordered a temporary travel ban for all nonu. S. Citizens who recently visited china. In the days that followed, he formed a toxic force filled with the top scientific medical professionals in the country led by the Vice President. February 29th, that travel ban was extended to iran on the same day they department issued news travel restrictions to and south korea. March 2nd, President Trump met with pharmaceutical executives. These meetings now will come into a broader picture. March 3rd, cdc was ordered to lift all restrictions on testing. March 6th, he signed it and a . 3 billion emergency spending package into law. On march the 10th, the president meant with Insurance Industry representatives. They agreed to waive copays for corona related treatment. On march 11th, he met with banking and food Business Executives to discuss Economic Relief for those businesses and hourly workers. On that same day, he extended the travel ban to all of continental europe. These travel bans were critical. Why . Because it prevented many other americans from getting infected or contracting this virus. Take a look. Our aggressive containment strategy has been started early enough to avoid that peak . As i mentioned, there were two components of that. Preventing and mitigation. Clearly, early on we made a travel ban on china. That was a very smart move, what that did was prevent the major influx from china. Today, the new china is europe. Sean by the way, breaking just moments ago President Trump announced the relief package. We will have more on that coming up. Dr. Fauci is exactly right, will anyone in the media mob, the Democratic Party have they given the president any credit for anything he has done . Not one thing. In february, there he was, quid pro quo joe and other top democrats. The president is called hysterical and xenophobic. Neither biden nor Bernie Sanders would have other enacted a ban, they were bragging about it still today. Oldschool, old model regrets. For more perspective, lets take a look at the h1n1 pandemic. A swine flu, 20092010. The obama and biden years. This fast spreading pandemic worldwide, particularly deadly to children on my corona which is more deadly to older people. In april 2009, obama and biden years. A few days after the pandemic was in the u. S. , obamas hhs secretary declared a Health Emergency freeing up some money. I will give credit, that was a good move. By october, more than 20,000 americans had been hospitalized and more than 1,000 american citizens were dead. 1,000. And only then, six months later, did then president obama finally a National Emergency. That year, the cdc estimated 60. 8 million americans were infected, which ultimately resulted in over 274,000 americans being hospitalized, and nearly 13,000 americans in a one year period died. Worldwide, about 575,000 people died in 2009 from swine flu, h1n1. The obamabiden administration, or as joe says the obidenbama administration. There were no quarantines, they werent quick to declare an emergency. 1,000 americans were dead. Others were infected. Now the media mob, how did they react back them . Do you think they were going as hard as they are against obama and biden as they have been going after drum . If you want to know how corrupt the media mob in this country is, you should be disgusted by what i am about to show you. This was after 1,000 americans were dead. Tens of thousands had contracted the disease. Then he decides to declare a National Emergency. Great timing. Now lets watch the media coverage. Lets talk about this, something is concerning a whole lot of people these days. President barack obama declaring the swine flu outbreak a National Emergency, should there be a worse Case Scenario . Speak up it is that they were. More than 1,000 people in the u. S. Have died, 90 in the last week. There would be 100 doses of vaccine by now, but as of this weekend 11 million were available. When we hear emergency, alarm bells start to go off. What exactly does this declaration mean . People shouldnt panic when they hear this. Health officials battling the h1n1 flu virus this weekend have received two booster shots of their own. President obama has declared it a National Emergency. Laura noticed a slight difference in coverage . That is how corrupt the media mob in this country has become in ten short years. That is disturbing. What they have done and what they are currently doing is hurting our country. This defines them. If you ever had any doubt that they have an agenda, well, that proves our case. Never before has there been this unholy corrupt alliance existing between the mob of the media and the one party they love with their agenda only. The same people that have been lying hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month now. For over three years. Russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, impeach, and beach. Corona, corona. That is how disgustingly corrupt they are, to the court. It is repulsive. Anybody that watches that video, a thousand americans dead no emergency. Its like nothing had happened. Meanwhile, President Trump takes unprecedented action within three weeks travel bans, quarantines. What does he get . Criticism. You listen only to the mob of the media you might think that the president may be because the virus. You would begin to think that they probably cooked it up in a lab somewhere to destroy it the country with prudent and russia and ukrainian mad scientist. That is a level of hysteria and lying that has gone on for three years. This alliance is hurting this country. They are not serving we the people in any way, shape, matter, or form. They are advancing a political agenda. Journalism i declared in 2007 is dead, it is dead, it is done, it is buried. It has now become disgraceful state run liberal radical extreme socialist tv. That is who they are. You would think the world is coming to an end. This virus is serious, we have been telling you that from day one. We need to take the flu seriously, we need to take cancer seriously, this virus seriously. Of course, we all need to prepare accordingly. And by the way, this is not pie in the sky tonight. This will be innovative, this will be allowing future president s to have travel bans a lot easier. This will allow this time of cooperation between the Top Companies in this country to work handinhand with our government to keep us safe. But you do need to understand, we will, this is a fact there are going to be dramatic increases in the weeks ahead of the number of americans who test positive. They are going to hyped that up, i guarantee it. That is what the mob does, and they will blame donald trump every second. They cant acknowledge a single good thing this president has done. They are against travel bans, against the quarantines, that alone saved countless thousands of americans from contracting the virus. That one decision literally saved thousands of americans from contracting this disease. Racist, xenophobic. We expect that at some point, four to six weeks according to all the experts, hopefully mike in china there will be a leveling off. That is where hopefully that will be followed by a dramatic decrease and reduction in new cases. And hopefully, then back to normal life. If you are generally a healthy person, under the age of 80 and you dont have Underlying Health issues or a compromised immune system or are getting chemotherapy or autoimmune problems of any kind, the odds of getting coronavirus and dying are slim to none. Some people have no symptoms, some have mild symptoms, some people feel like it is the flu or respiratory flu. We have to be careful for those people that are sick and if you do know people who are sick you have to keep a distance. Look out for your friends and neighbors. Basic, simple things we have been talking about. In the coming days and weeks, as more americans get tested expect that sharp rise. It will be confirmed, dont panic. Ultimately, we believe it will level off and we will begin a precipitous decline. Lets hope we can all get back to normal. Keeping america safe and healt healthy. Here is fox nation host laura logan back tonight. What do you have tonight . Good evening sean, unfortunately five more americans died from the coronavirus today. The death toll now up to 41 for the u. S. Washington state is still the hardest hit, with 37 deaths. California after that with fort, then you have kansas, georgia, south dakota and new jersey has one and florida has had two deaths so far. The total number of cases in the u. S. Right now stands at 1,629. The declared a National Emergency, that frees up billions of dollars in federal funds but it also frees up federal resources in terms of personnel, it puts fema the federal agency in charge of Disaster Response in a position to coordinate. Dhhs will still be the lead agency on this, but under the stafford act which is what Congress Passed back in 1993, this is what really gives the federal government a leading role in the response now and it is for states who are overwhelmed is really what triggers the act. This is the point, this is the moment where trump can really use the federal resources to make an impact in how states deal with this on a local level. Really, the last update sean is that the cruise lines, all cruise lines have suspended all of their activities now. Those have been put on hold. Every cruise line across this country, that would be a really bad place to be caught. For people who were on cruise lines over spring break, difficulties at schools across the u. S. , really, this will be the moment that americans are looking to see if the federal government is able to step in here and make a difference now the National Emergency has been declared. Sean laura logan, thank you. What is the new plan mean for doctors and their patients and how to keep your family and lovd ones safe and secure and healtht team doctor Nicole Saphier is with us. Unprecedented actions by the president , thief travel ban through the quarantines. This blood private partnership, america should be very happy about our Corporate Partners here and what they are doing. When the testing is set up in the parking lots of target and walmart or walgreens or cvs, and keep people out of hospitals. It leaves beds open for those who need it. How do you see this perhaps changing the future of how we deal with these types of pandemics . Today marked a very paramount option for President Trump. It really signaled to us not only that he is taking this seriously, but what he is doing by declaring a National Emergency he is lifting regulations to allow hospitals to do what they need to do to make sure we can care for patients if the event comes that they do become sick and we need more hospital beds. Not only that, he used the stafford act which gave us the funds to do so. This gives me a lot more ease, and behind that he brought in the private sector which i have been waiting to happen because we live in an incredible country that is based on capitalism, i was waiting for the private sector to come in and that is what happened. I had a feeling this was going on going on behindthescenes, and just needed to be announced and today it was. It should have absolutely given people the comfort they need to know we are moving forward. These drivethrough chests, that is so important. We cant have people in the emergency department. Sean we expect a rapid rise in the number of people who have contracted the virus, even those who have no symptoms whatsoever or mild symptoms. Knowing the media as well as i think i know them, it will be shocking and alarming and fearmongering and scary. What we witnessed in china in particular, china is not on my list of favorite country right now, they did the world a disservice. I will get to that later. But, we expected their numbers are right, we now have our experts on the ground confirming it. The leveling off and precipitous decline of new cases. Do you see that happening . We are going to see an uptick in diagnoses, the reason is because we are all of a sudden going to be testing more people. That is what happens when you have test. You will have more cases. But the truth is, we should look at south korea south korea. South korea has beaten the other countries. They have the most aggressive testing, they didnt have to do a lot of mass shutdowns because they had aggressive testing right away. What that did, that gave us a more accurate case fatality rate of 0. 7 which is significantly less then what was reported out of china which was 3. 4 . That does give us some comfort. It will take a little bit for us to start seeing cases level off, and then decline in the United States. I think it is going to be 46 weeks, maybe a little shorter, maybe a little longer. We will get there, that is the point. Thats the message, people have to know. We have gone through pandemics before, and the President Administration is doing the necessary steps to make it happen this time. Sean thank you for being with us tonight, breaking just moments ago President Trump tweeted the Coronavirus Response bill. National Economic Council director larry kudlow. I know a lot of americans look at the stock market, always jittery. Larry, you have been around this block a long time. It was interesting as the president s press conference went on in the rose garden today to watch the dow jones rise and almost fully recover from yesterdays pretty big loss. What do you see for the economy. There has to be some impact on the economy, right . We would expect some negative impacts . Its interesting, sean, during the press conference the market went up 1,000 points. I think it is the biggest oneday rise in history, at least on the dow jones. Again, as you have said before the Emergency Declaration and the phenomenal partnership between the federal government and private sector is a breakthrough staff. Absolute breakthrough stuff. That is going to get us closer to the end of this. This doesnt go on forever, as some people are predicting. We will get closer to the end. In terms of economics, the deal made with capitol hill, Steve Mnuchin and nancy pelosi and President Trump signed off on it, that helps folks with unpaid sick leave, that will help families and middleclass workers, spouses, if the kids have to stay home this will also add a lot of money close to 50 billion. Other stuff we are doing, with that 50 billion in assistance if necessary for small businesses. Probably, with the treasuries task deferral they want to defer tax liability, node penalty and interest and so forth. That is probably worth 200 billion, on top of that we are waving the interest on student loans, probably until the end of the year. And because of the hardhit energy sector, heard i might add by russia and saudi arabia, we are going to give purchases of 75 million to our american factors to keep them going. Right now in hand, we stand ready with 400 billion of various forms of assistance and, if i may, the president is keen on this payroll tax holiday through the end of the year. That will give middle income bluecollar workers, they will keep more of what they earn, they will have more liquidity, they will have more cash flow, and so will their employers to get through this temporary problem. I am not sure folks understand the scope of our assistance program. But it is at least 400 billion in direct assistance and could be vastly more if we got this role tax holiday. Sean larry, honestly, it is very reassuring. I hope the American People are listening, we appreciate you joining us tonight. We are learning more about chinas coverup of coronavirus, but get this, they are trying to blame the u. S. Military for this and threatening to deny americans lifesaving medication. We have a full report, coming up and much more on this breaking, busy friday new news night. Stay with us excuse me. Uh. Do you mind. Being a motour . What could be better than being a motour . The real question is. Do you mind not being a motour . I do. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. 100 online car buying. Carvanas had a lot of firsts. Car vending machines. And now, putting you in control of your financing. At carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget, then customize your down payment and monthly payment. And these arent madeup numbers. Its what youll really pay, right down to the penny. Whether youre shopping or just looking. It only takes a few seconds, and it wont affect your credit score. Finally a totally different way to finance your ride. Only from carvana. The new way to buy a car. Sean the coronavirus outbreak which originated in the wuhan province area of china is exposed serious dangers of our dependence on china. For essential drugs, medical supplies, nobody has warned abo, unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft. We were told during the biden and obama years, those jobs are never coming back and the president fought to bring back by eliminating regulation and creating tax incentives that we have more manufacturing here. Here to explain all of this, Investigative Reporter sara carter. There are the latest. It is certainly alarming, sean, china definitely ratcheting up the rhetoric and they are threatening in their local media to plunge america into the sea of coronavirus, that was their latest threats this past week. Something that is alarming both National Security experts and top physicians is the fact that 95 of our antibiotics are actually manufactured in china. And over 40 of pain medication. If China Threatens to withhold that medication, that could put us in a horrible predicament right now. What they are doing is begging the Trump Administration to make this a top priority. To look at what we can do to bring those manufacturing jobs back here and produce the antibiotics as well as the pain medication and medical supplies in the United States. Sean sara carter, thank you. We will keep an eye on it. I know the president needs information from china right now, i note their trade deals are in the works. China did the world no favor and any of this, they need to be held at accountable. The coronavirus has exposed this disturbing disinformation propaganda campaign, state sponsored propaganda making the wild claim that our u. S. Army is to blame for the outbreak that happened there. I dont blame the country of china for the outbreak, i blame them for the line, the lack of transparency, misleading information, and not accepting the help of world professionals that could have greatly reduced the spread of this virus. That prompted the u. S. State department to summon the Chinese Ambassador for his spread of these lies and propaganda. A virus originated in the wuhan province area. Dr. Fauci, many other experts have made that clear. As a simple fact. The president was asked about it earlier today, lets take a look. I did read one article, but i dont think that article was representative of my conversations with president xi. We all know where it came from. Sean author gordon chang, along with fox news contributors and former cia station chief dan hoffman. Lets start with you, this is outright lying. China tried to hide it, they were not helpful in the beginning and one person that had been warning about china more than any one individual in this country was for years donald trump. Unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft, and too much american reliance on the cheap labor and manufacturing outsourced to china by the United States. One of the first things that President Trump did was he had that july 21st 2017 executive order looking at the robust of our supply chain. That led to a number of changes including tariffs on steel and aluminum to bring that back to the u. S. We are critically reliant on china as sara carter said. This is unacceptable, china first of all has turned around shipments of masks, gowns, other medical protective equipment. They did that a couple weeks ago. We have also seen the threat three days ago to cut off the supply of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. This is just an unacceptable position for us to be in. The president recognized this earlier. Sean you have said china is our enemy. You have talked about in detail the peoples daily, the authoritative publication state media carrying a piece declaring a peoples war on the United States. You mentioned the threat of holding or withholding some manufactured medicines. Now, this Conspiracy Theory and they did hide the information from the world and they were less than forthcoming and it didnt help the world, it hurt everybody. It certainly did. For three weeks in december and january, the top leadership knew about this or had to have known about this. They didnt do anything. And clearly well that occurred or didnt occur, the virus spred around china and escaped china to the rest of the world. That didnt have to happen, but for the secrecy of the communist party. By the way, sean, we have seen the communist party go back to their extraordinary control over information. They have kept virologists for as long as possible away from wuhan, they have inhibited their search, and clearly, this right now is a problem for not only Chinese People but for the American People and people around the world. Sean let me bring in dan hoffman, your take on all this. I think this highlights the danger of outsourcing what matters to our National Security to china, whether hightech, and do some has been very tough including with our allies about not allowing to gain traction for the 5g network for the same reason. This is china trying to whitewash their reputation overseas, as well as deal with the homefront where chinese chinese are legitimately concerned about their government withholding information. Warning about a pandemic flu are not like fine wine, Getting Better with age. China really risked not only the health of their own citizens but the world as well, they should be held accountable for that. Sean thank you both. And over time, we need to. The president does need information right now, it would be helpful for the safe safety and security of american citizens. Not exactly the time that we need to build up an enemy here. But they need to be held accountable. Next, all eyes on capitol hill. Both are happening on a coronavirus bill, also senator Lindsey Graham live on the phone. He is self quarantined awaiting the results of his coronavirus test. Straight ahead. Ed time only, now you can get two lines for just 55, including unlimited talk, text and data. Plus no annual service contracts. Only at tmobile. I believe at tecovas,hould focus othats handcrafted, highquality western boots at a fair price. Because netsuite shows me all my financials in one place, we stay focused on what we do best. announcer with netsuite by oracle, you get a full picture of your business. Finance, inventory, hr, customers, and more. Its everything you need to grow, all in one place. Netsuite is the worlds number one Cloud Business system. Schedule your free product tour right now at netsuite. Com boots noand, silly question ki is nwont it sink . alright, im going to get back to you. Im going to get back. People ask me what sort of person should become a celebrity accountant. And, i tell them, nobody. Nobody should. Theres nothing wrong with liking privacy, but i just dont think you need a separate private plane. But i, but i want it you cant claim that as a dependent because its inanimate thats what the pay me for. Not enough, though. Not nearly enough. Hey, buddy. Whats the damage . I bought it the waterfall . Nope a new volkswagen. A volkswagen . wow i think were having a breakthrough here welcome to caesars palace. Wait, youre in vegas . Sure looks like it wha, what, what . What are you doing back there . Sean more breaking news on this busy friday at fox news alert tonight, the house will vote to approve the first Coronavirus Response with the president s support. Fox news Congressional Correspondent the hitchhikers guide to all things on capitol hill, chad what is going on there tonight . Good evening, sean. We will call it green light for tweets, the idea that they were waiting for the president to send the green light by twitter this evening to say that he would sign this bill and encourage all democrats and republicans to vote for this compromise. I spoke with kevin mccarthy, the House Minority leader couple minutes ago. He said there were some things which need to be cleaned up, it is important this gets done. Kevin mccarthy complemented House Speaker nancy pelosi, she spoke 13 times today with the treasury secretary steven mnuchin. He was deputized by the president to cut this deal. We dont have the final legislative text, there were some things in this bill earlier dealing with abortion which seem to be all right now. Both sides are going to vote on this sometime in the next hour or two, then it is on to the United States senate. Keep in mind the senate is not here this week. They will come back monday night and we will see if they can process it then. I was told earlier in the day, if there is an overwhelming vote in the house of representatives by both sides that the senate would green light this sometime early next week. Sean. Sean chat on capitol hill tonight, thanks for that update. We will keep you up to speed throughout the hour. Earlier this week, Lindsey Graham decided to self quarantined after he came into contact with the brazilian president in West Palm Beach at maralago. Tested positive for the virus, today the Senators Office released a statement that he was also in contact with australias minister of Home Affairs Peter Dutton who has also tested positive for the virus. Senator graham is currently awaiting the results for his coronavirus test, he adjoins us on the phone. I am sorry to hear this, we dont want anybody sick. Youre okay, no symptoms whatsoever . Thank god for my grades. Sean microwave food . That is the only thing i know how to cook. Sean i will order a whole steak and i will have it delivered and left on your doorstep. Sean ill take it. Sean i will call them tonight, i just need to address. Speaking i am going to milk this for all it is worth. I feel fine, the reason i got tested was because i had an allergy episode for about a month in that spike and chills, i wanted to just be sure. Today was a big day, we are not out of the woods yet. Dr. Fauci says we have many challenges left. The stock market went up. Three things happened today, a declaration of National Emergency will free up about 40 billion to help states medical infrastructure, that will help us contain this problem. You have a bipartisan deal that is going to help people who have been laid off and had their income go down. And you have a big change in testing you had the private sector come forward with testing kits that are going to accelerate testing tenfold, and the private sector like walmart allowing driveby testing. I think the president has made three really good decisions today supporting the bipartisan deal to help working people, getting Emergency Declaration to help the states, and adding the private sector to come up with Testing Programs outside the federal government. Sean its it explains why the president was meeting with all these Industry Leaders over these many weeks. The key is the private sector to get them to do things the government cant do. He inherited a system that was not designed to test everyone, but we now have is a private sector Public Sector partnership that is going to allow people to be tested in real time and we will know more about the virus. I dont think the election will be about politics tonight, the question for the country is who is best able to rebuild this economy after dealing with a worldwide pandemic . Joe biden or donald trump . He has fixed a broken economy once, that was the obama and biden economy and he will fix this economy a second time. Sean did you see my opening monologue tonight . I am thinking attendance, if you get a chance. But two of the things we brought up, i think this will create a new paradigm. This is good for not only america, worldwide. These companies are amazing to do what they do for patriotic americans. They took six months for biden and obama on the h1 and one virus, and when they finally declared National Emergency after 1,000 americans were deadd tens of thousands contracted h1 and one, only then they declared a National Emergency and the media was fawning over x months later. Look at how far the media songs. They want to trump to lose no matter what or how, they want him to lose. Heres the deal. The president inherited a stagnant economy, it was loaded with regulations. In three years, donald trump took a wet blanket off the economy. Three weeks ago, this economy was historic. Now we have a worldwide pandemic that started in china, the single best thing this president did was stop travel into america from china. The reason italy is having the problems that they do, he has done the same thing with europe. The goal is to contain the virus and stabilize the economy. Look at what donald trump did with the obama and biden economy that was going nowhere. Who do you want to fix the economy after a worldwide pandemic . Biden or trump . That is an easy decision. Sean here is one other quick thing we want. We want you and every american healthy, safe, and secure. We wish you a speedy recovery, we are praying for everybody that is dealing with the anxiety of waiting test results. Thank you senator. We are going to get through this. Sean all i need as unaddressed, stay on the line, give my wonderful producer your address and i will send it over. Thank you. Sean no shaking hands. We are going to take our supply chain back home. We will be stronger after this, sean, we will be stronger as a nation after this. When we come back, another example of quid pro quo joe has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. And later, rising star of the Democratic Party found in a hotel room in miami where a man had overdosed on crystal meth in a bizarre story. Straight ahead. Oven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Laura of quid pro quo joe continually and shamelessly politicizing the outbreak, recey tweeting a harsh critique of trumps travel ban saying a wall and travel ban will not stop the virus. Here with reaction, reince priebus. Governor huckabee, i would argue that that travel ban decision where joe said it was the president being hysterical and xenophobic was the single best decision early that help americans not contract this virus. I would argue probably saved thousands of americans from contracting it. I dont think there is any doubt about that, sean. The fact is, by keeping the risk lower for americans with people coming in who could in fact americans, it did in fact mitigate what could have been a much worse situation. I think one of the most revealing things is that two of the most antitrump governors, gavin newsom of california and andrew cuomo of new york, have both publicly, publicly praised the president and the Vice President for the kind of assistance and help that they have been given by asking for it. These are not two guys who are prone to saying President Trump has done something great, but they could not deny it. After all, the job of the governor is a pragmatic job when it really gets down to it. It is not as much ideological as it is pragmatic. They are dealing with a crisis, they got the help they needed, and it was because President Trump understood his role as president and the partnership with the states and joe biden cant argue against that. Sean you know, you look at the man, the quarantine and now we know why all these industries one by one were going into the white house. This has been in the works from the getgo. From day one. The Trump Administration established relationships with people in all sectors of the private sector, of aviation, the tech industry, pharmaceuticals, big hospitals. It is those partnerships so people coming in and out, even in the first six months. This is important time in our history, an important time for the safety of the American People. A very serious, it doesnt get any more serious and the political world when you actually have to try to resolve a pandemic. And the reason going to 2020 that is going to be important, joe bidens entire campaign is the only thing that will be there. They are going to have a virtual campaign, as you know. This is going to be a referendum on donald trump, they will not talk about anything else other than donald trump. It is a huge political risk, but also a huge political opportunity. And leadership opportunity for the president to show the American People that you can resolve the most difficult, serious thing that take place in our society. Sean obviously, thinking in a whole new way. I think this is a game changer for the world. We have a new paramount. Thank you both. When we come back, shocking story. I mean mindblowing story about one of the Democratic Partys upandcoming stars. You may not even believe it. Straight ahead. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. 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He was a democratic candidate for governor back in 2018, in their report police say they try to talk to him about what was going on but he was inebriated. He has been saying he had too much to drink but he also is denying he ever used any month of enemy. There is still a lot of questions about what was going on. Sean thank you. We are always going to be fair, balanced, we are not the media mob. We look for the truth and fact without fear. Laura is on a spring break mommy daughter ski vacation, let not your heart be troubled. Special edition of the ingraham angle. 10 00 youre on the east coast, good evening everyone. The end of a long and confounding week and america, i am bill hemmer in new york. The coronavirus continues to spread in the u. S. , more than 1700 cases. At least 48 deaths reported thus far, and tonight we will hear from some of the doctors on the front line for what you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones from getting sick. It will also hear from a woman, she had the coronavirus and has recovered. She will tell us about her recovery. First though tonight, we begin with President Trump declaring a National State of her emergency over the virus today that moved freeing up 50 billion in disaster funds to help fight the outbreak. This comes as a u. S. National guard gets ready to

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