Their ukrainian conspiracy theory, impeachment coup attempt and how illegitimate, and frankly, almost laughable, what it has now descended into articles ofof impeachment. We will try to do thee impossibe in detail each and every single lie fromhm that guy. Wewe are gonna expose him. He is compromised, corrupt, and a congenital liar. Fun tonight, we prove it. But first as we have been telling you over two and half years, our top story tonight the single biggest abuse of power scandal, Corruption Scandal in american political history, our countrys most powerful tools of intelligence were weaponizedig b against a private citizen and a president ial campaign, transition team, and all 20162017. We were right, President Trump was right. Attorney general barr was right. Spying occurred. We told you. It the mob didnt believe it, but it is all true. Take a look. Do you still stand by your statement that the campaign was spied upon . Oh, it was clearly spied upon. I mean, that is what electronic surveillance is. I think wiring people up to go in and talk to people and make threcordings of the conversatio, spying. I think going through peoples emails, which they did as a result of the fisa warrant. They went through everything, from paiges life. She was in at the campaign at that point. Yes, i think females were held back. Sean the mob and the media chase their own tail obsessing about one hoax and conspiracy after another. We, on this program, we never relented. We unpeeled every layer of the onion. We covered this very real abuse of power, this real Corruption Scandal, perhaps the biggest in history. A scandal that now the attorney general of the United States just called intolerable. He is right. These are powerful comments. Pay close attention. These comments are not made in a vacuum. This is the attorney general of the United States. He knows more than all of us. Take a look. I think our nation was turned on its head for three years. I think, based on a completely bogus narrative that largely fanned and hyped by a responsible press. And i think there were gross abuses of fisa and inexplicable behavior that is intolerable in the fbi. Sean let me repeat, two and a half years our ensemble cast, we got the crap beat out of us every day. We were beaten up, we were made fun of. Its all fine, i dont care what anybody says anymore. You, me, the people, we were right every step of the way. Andd the Inspector General fisa report confirmed and rebuild report confirmed and revealed major facts, one, and we have been telling you Hillary Clinton erdirty russian dossier. It was central, it was essential. It was almost the entire fisa application against carter page, the back door into the Trump Campaign, transition team, and even presidency. Without the dirty dossier, as we told you, it would not have been a fisa warrant. Second, the socalled intelligence in the dossier was nothing but garbage, lies, conspiracy theories, and cooperated the garbage based on one Single Source. He never corroborated, never verified. In fact, as we told you, it was unverifiable. Third, the dossiers author, christopher steele, said his Single Source was an egomaniac that liked to boast. Fourth, steeles Single Source told the fbi his or her claims were never corroborated, were never conclusive, and were based on wordofmouth or harris say. And a crude joke at the bar. Especially, remember the hookers, moscow, carlton . All of that information totally admitted from the fiza admitted from the fisa applications on purpose. That would be premeditated fraud, perpetrated repeatedly on the fisa court. According to the Inspector General, there were at least 17 significant failures, inaccuracies, and omissions. By the way, hey, super patriot jim comey, that is your fbi, that is you. You did that you hurt the premier Law Enforcement agency of the world, notmi the rank and file. If they are fantastic. You signed off on three of the four fisa applications. You never verified it because it was unverifiable. You knew full well that the information provided was never close to being vetted, true or accurate, and that it was unverifiable. And under comeys corrupt leadership, highranking fbi officials again not the brave men and women in the best Law Enforcement agency in the world. Those top guys knowingly misled that fisa report repeatedly. They knowingly and purposely, we learned yesterday and today omitted exculpatory information. They knowingly suppressedto information of the rye liability of steeles principal source. They altered things, and ag barr saying comeys fbi, well, they may have been been acting in bad faith. That is an understatement. Take a look. Here, to me, is the damning thing. Not only did they not tell the court what they had been relying on was completely in a rubbish, they actually started saying things to bolster the steele report by saying we talk to the sources, and they appear to be truthful. They dont inform the court what they aress truthful about, the dossier is full spirit so and the core statement, in my opinion, by the ig, is that these irregularities, these statements, these omissions are not satisfactorily explained. And i think that leaves open the possibility to infer bad faith. Sean what is barr saying here . That comey is likely a subject in the durham barr criminal probe . He didnt get the memo, because mr. Super patriot is taking a victory lap, living in his conspiracy world and crazy home courageous leadership. The washington post, mr. Comey, i warned you about this before it. You might want to hold off on popping the champagne. And guess what . You have the right to remain silent. And i suggest you might want to do that. We have a clear pattern now of willful misconduct. Comey, brennan, clapper, and all these other top officials in the obama administration. And one of the most damning pieces of evidence is the fact that no one inside the Trump Campaign, they never went to the Trump Campaign, candidate trump he is a patriot, and warned the Trump Campaign about this counterintelligence investigation. No. Lets see brennan went to the russians twice and obama went wants to tell them. Take a look. What i find particularly inexplicable is that they talked to the russians. But not to the president ial campaign. On august 4th, brennan braced the head of russian intelligence, he calls the head of russian intelligence and we know what youre up to. You better stop it. E,n he did it later in august, and then president obama talked to president putin in september and said, we know what youre up to. You better cut it out. T so they go and confront the russians, who clearly are the bad guys, and they wont go and talk to the campaign, and say what is this about . Sean i will have more flexibility after the election. Instead of briefing the president , his campaign at the time, or members on his team about a possible threat. This is pretty unbelievable. Brennan, obama, others, comey used their meetings with the Trump Campaign and transition team, secretly collecting evidence on trump and warning the russians. A set up, an insurance policy from the getgo. But let not your hearts be troubled, because barr andse durham clearly, clearly, speaking out for a reason. They obviously, not hard to figure out the minot things we do notio know. And they are now official criminal investigation beyond serious. And i believe justice is about to be served. It will take time. Im not making any time predictions because, well, i thought the horowitz report would probably be out last may. And tonight, the president has every reason to be confident that those whoev have grossly abusing their power, those thatn have been corrupt, in 2016 and beyond, will, in fact, be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Take a look. It all started with the russia witch hunt, right . Then the Inspector Generalta shocking report proved that the obama fbi obtained secret warrants to spy on my Campaign Based on a phony foreign dossier. Of debunked smears, paid for by crooked Hillary Clinton and the dnc. The fbi failed to disclose the nature of the political hit job to the fisa court. They hid it, they concealed it, and they lied. Sean congressman mark meadows, john ratcliffe, it must be noted, but for these guys and devin nunes, and jim jordan, and matt gaetz, and i cant mention everybody. And i would even argue the ensemble team, we wouldnt be where we are today. You guys took a lot of heat for all of this. How do you interpret . I find the remarks by both congressman meadows, the attorney general, and john durham, the extended remarks, particularly of the attorney general. If i was one of the deep state operatives i would find that ominous, and i would be lawyered up faster than you could say good morning. Well, the attorney general needs to beus applauded tonight because what he has done is try to put a frame behind the report that we just saw. Inspector general horowitz and his team found a lot of great facts. I believe that they reached thep wrong conclusion based on some of their limited tools. But more importantly than that, what we know is, indeed, Trump Officials were spied upon, secretly recorded, but also what we know is that President Trump then candidate trump, was treated very differently. They went in and did a defense of briefing with them. What did they do . They sent a special agent in to spy on him while they are supposed to be saying, you need to be protected from foreign interference. Im sure they said, listen, be careful. L. You never know who is spying on you. The only problem was, donald trump didnt realize it was his own fbi. Sean you know, congressman ratcliffe, what is interesting, jim comey goes in january 2017 to trump tower. He tells the then president elect the dossier is out there, salacious and unverified. Yet in october, the fisa warrant correct me if im wrong john ratcliffe, does it not say the word verified on it and do we not know that it is unverifiable . Did he lie to the president elect trump or did he lie both before and after the trump tower meeting and certify it was verified . He lied once, somewhere in there. It does say verified at the top, sean. And it was almost exactly a year ago today that mark meadows and jim jordan, trey gowdy and myself deposed jim comey. It was december 2018, and after that deposition, he came out in front of a spray of reporters and asked a bunch of questions about fisa. Fisa abuse is a bunch of nonsense. Well, if you read the Inspector Generals report very clearly, as the attorney general just laid out, it wasnt just fisa abuse. It was systemic, repeated abuse, gross abuse, misrepresentations, false statements, refusing to provide exculpatory evidence to the fisa court. And that was under jim comeys watch. And he knew very clearly. Sean congressman, he signed it three times. He certified it was verified. If i, sean hannity what would happen to sean hannity . I think if i lied before fisa court, premeditated lies with unverifiable document, i dont know, maybe, i think,d probably likely, i would be charged. And put in jail. And even mark meadows couldnt get out, as great as he is. That is true, sean. You would not only have run into a problem with signing off on that, but you know, jim comey is tht there doing a victory dance. The only reason hes doing a victory dance is because hes not in jail. He may be celebrating the fact the ig community now found him inept. Sean not yet. They did not find him a criminal, yet. But as we start to look at this, they are bragging about all things. John ratcliffe is exactly right. Bragging about all kinds of things that are in this report that shows another thing. Adam schiffs memo, not only was he wrong not once, not twice, but three times, he deserves four pinocchios for lying to the American People on what was there. Sean hold on. Stay tuned. My next segment, i haveme a History Lesson on the congenital liar, just for him. All right, last exit question. Do you believe that whenta you e unverifiable material, they knew it was unverified. They were warned it was unverified. As do you see charges coming down the road, congressman ratcliffe and then congressman meadows . Well, i do see charges. In this fisa abuse summary from the Inspector General. Sean lying to judges. Isnt it wrong to lie to a judge . I wouldnt lie to judge judy. Very clearly, what is laid out is, these are not errors and omissions. These are not typos in there. You had someone working for peter strzok, a lawyer working for peter strzok. Who, when donald trump gotng elected, sent a text message that said viva la resistance. L that very same person took an email that identified carter page as an operational asset for one of our agencies and changed it to say he was not so that it could be submitted to the court to continue a renewal of the fisa. That was illegal. And so i would expect just on that basis alone that you will see criminal referrals and prosecutions come from this, sean. Sean mark, what do you say . So sean, the two statements one from attorney general barr and john durham is telling on what they have seen. N. But what we also know is thatfr after the president was inaugurated, after he actually was sworn into office, they knew he was innocent. They continued an investigation. Someone needs to go to jail for that. Sean all right. I will forgive your congressman meadows in particular, you and jordan wouldnt share the information you knew and would only answer one question. Am i over the target . That is it. Jo well, you are still over the target. A you are still over the target. Sean thank you, sir. Joining us with more is former acting attorney general Matt Whitaker wow. What is your reaction . I watched and i dont leave attorney general or prosecutor like john durham cursing the things they are saying if they didnt know a lot more than us, sir. General barr and john durham clearly know more than what we know. What we have learned so far, this is really a dark day in america, where a very thin, even a slight suggestion of interference by russians and collusion with the Trump Campaign caused an investigation that ultimately led to the president of the United States being a target of an fbi investigation. It is extraordinary, and this is not overat yet. Sean and then they go to the russians and warn them, but they dont warn our own american campaign. You are an active attorney general. If sean hannity created three if sean hannity committed premeditated fraud on a fisa court, or any court, what would the likely outcome be . Not only would you be in trouble with the court, but ultimately, in trouble with the law and Law Enforcement would investigate you for fraud and lawyers and prosecutors for a full statement to a cord. But this does a lot of damage for a future fbi agents who have to go in to the fisa court and are now not going to be presumed to have the same legitimacy because of what these folks involved with the fisa application did. Sean Matt Whitaker, thank you for your insight. Wehecy appreciate it. First it was russia collusion, then obstruction, then the quid and the pro and the quo, but it was only joe. It was bribery, then extortion. And lacking any evidence of wrongdoing,. Be zero. Democrats, they are walking back all their previous accusations in the light of day, they decide to, never mind. Ac and they only settled on two, weak, ridiculous, absurd charges for their ridiculous ukrainian impeachment coup attempt ten articles of impeachment. First, they are accusing the president abuse ofco power. Dont ask them to define this vague charge because they cannot. And the obstruction of justice, obstruction of congress. Now, they actually want an undo an election because the president exerted executive privilege, something obama did, bush did, clinton did, and nearly every other president in history did. And something theyve all utilized. So let me, tonight, give a hannity History Lesson and educate some of these dumb lawmakers in the Democratic Party, because we have a constitutional system. We have three branches of government. Lets see, the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. Democrats want to dispute the executive branchs claim of executive privilege. Well, if there is a dispute between executive and legislative branch. That is where the third branch of government comes in. They resolve those disputes, but the three stooges of this impeachment charade and the impeachment coup attempt are in too much of a rush to let the court case play out. Here now, minority leader kevin mccarthy. I will tell you, i think ive pounded on republicans for a good seven or eight years straight for being weak, unorganized, feckless, spineless, visionless. This is the first amount off serious significant unity passion and strength i have ever seen in a revitalized, as reagan once said, in the Republican Party that ive seen in a decade. What is the difference . The difference is we are sitting here fighting for our constitution. What you just said, i felt like i was listening to schoolhouse rock one more time. Es when we watch with the democrats are doing with these two articles that could go to anybody that they have no proof on. It really sums up exactly what the democrats, they know they dislike this president. They loathe him so much because they know they are going to lose to him. Ec sean did you notice what i did today . The democrats, they get rid of the quid and the pro and the quo, the bribery, the extortion. They drop that in plain sight. Okay, they will settle on these two nonexistent things they settled on. And then they immediately rush out to praise the president forl his trade deal, because they havent lifted a finger to help the American People, jobs, the economy, peace and prosperity in any way. So im guessing the democrats have a lot of problems within their ranks over the political suicide with schiff, and nutty nadler, and crazy pelosi. It shows how unpopular impeachment is. Within one hour of doing an impeachment press conference,el they do a press conference about usmca. They held that up for onee year. But that just shows how unpopular it is because they got to bring usmca up. We have to give the president a great deal of credit. This is the art of the deal. If your viewers go back and remember, it is very difficult to get an agreement between the twort countries. What did the president do . He shifted, got a negotiation with the president of mexico right before he leaves office. Put the candidate in a bind and come to an agreement and now he just got the speaker of the housee who wants to impeach him to agree to that. Sean do you think the democrats have the votes to gor over the cliff with the congenital liar . You know, it is very interesting tonight. There was a group of what i wouldnt call moderate democrats but old democrats, because the new ones are socialist democrats. Ul they are talking about can we moved to censure . They have no proof. The only thing the speaker ever had was a time line. She had a timeline when she wanted to impeach him. She just never had the facts are the proof on her side. Sean how Many Democrats do you think are there . Im speak of the last one, the only bipartisan vote was not to go forward, and the only vote we have that will be bipartisan will be a no. Or sean okay. Congressmen, a lot of credit to your team. They have done a great job here. They were on their a game, and i have been very critical for a long time. Take a bow, thank you, sir. When we come back, i have been telling you about theab compromised, corrupt, congenital liar adam schiff. He has a big reason to worry tonight. I will lay out why he is, in fact, a congenital liar. News i promise you will not get anywhere else in the media mob. Because they have been pushing conspiracy theories, lies, slanders, besmirch mint, character assassination. That is all they do, 24 7. We will continue. male announcer check out Bass Pro Shops and cabelas for great gifts, including thousands of sale items. Like select columbia mens and ladies fleece jackets starting at under 30. And lightweight sleeping bags with built in hoods for under 20. Plus free 2day shipping they use stamps. Com all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Sean yesterdays explosive ig report was also a powerful rebuke of the compromised, corrupt, coward congenital liar. That guy right there, adam schiff. Now, the schiff show and schiff, they could not have gotten this more wrong, as usual. Congressman devin nunes, the Freedom Caucus could not have been more right. Lets compare schiffs liefilled 2018 memo compared to Ig Michael Horowitz uncovered which vindicated everything. Devin nunes, the Freedom Caucus and we have been telling you on this show. Schiff wrote, the fbi, doj did not abuse the fisa process can p omit Material Information or to spy on the Trump Campaign. Horowitz found the exact opposite. We have identified at least 17 significant errors or omissions on the carter page fisa applications and many additional errors in the procedures. Liar. And it gets more embarrassing for the congenital liar schiff. He actually wrote the doj may only narrow use of information from steele sources about pages specific activity in 2016 and didnt rely on any salacious allegations. Again, the exact opposite is true. Di from horowitz report and i quote we concluded the crossfire Hurricane Teams receipt of steeles election report played an essential role in the decision by the fbi to support the fisa surveillance targeting carter page and ultimate decision to seek the fisa order. Schiff also wrote the courtrt approves surveillance of page, allowed fbi to collect valuable intelligence. Ap as horowitz lays out on page 476, mr. Congenital liar, the fbi was not able to gather any valuable intelligence, was not able to corroborate anything in the dirty, unverifiable, debunked, clinton bought and paid, russian, steele dossier that they used and needed, it was central to get the warrant. Lets read it. Op the cross fire Hurricane Team had not corroborated any of the specifics. Substance of allegation is carter page contained in the election reporting and relied on the fisa application or any other evidence implicating page. Schiff also falsely wrote, the congenital liar wrote the applications also reviewed steeles multiyear history, incredible reporting including criminal proceedings again, that was a lie by the congenital liar because the igep found the fbi omitted the past contributions to the fbis criminal program only minimally cooperated verifiable fisa warrant at the top. Again, this was all withheld from the fisa court, and its hard to even put into words just how wrong and just how regularly the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar schiff lies. But of course, why would he ever let facts or reality get and that way of his next witch hunt . Because he is now justifying impeachment by suggesting that the president is going to cheat in 2020. I guess he has the congenital liar crystal ball. I will say he is a liar. I say he cheated even before it happens. Take a look. The argument, why dont you just wait, amounts to this. Why dont you just let him cheat in one more election . Why not let him cheat just one more time . Why not let him have foreign help just one more time . That is what that argument amounts to. Sean here with reaction republican senator from georgia doug collins, oh, im sorry, they made the wrong decision. How are you, congressman . Good to see you. Good to see you, sean. Sean im still not happy with your governor. I understand. Sean okay, he is a liar. He is a proven liar. We see that nunes told the truth, and the congenital liar does what he does and lies. How did he get away with it and now he is taking the entire Democratic Party over the cliff with him. I think this is his biggest mistake. His lies only let himself down that path. We talked about him before he cant spell truth much less tell it. Hes crossing the line. Hes taking the democratic parts over the line with his lies. The interesting thing in what he said a minute ago should scare everybody. This president deserves much better because this president is doing what is right. What adam schiff is saying is that fairness and justice are at the epitome of staying back and watching a clock and a calendar. He is saying it doesnt matter anymore about fairness. As long as we get to do the time frame we get to do it on. Adam schiff has a lot to be accountable for, but not only is he hitching himself to it, he is hitching the entire democraticuc caucus to that life, and they will pay a price. The president will be elected because he is doing what the americans want. That is being proven truth over and over again. He cannot keep lying about this because the people are seenct seeing through it. The department of justice is finally starting to see it. Sean it has all come from the unverifiable, clinton bought and paid for, dirty, russian dossier was the entire mark. Now, schiff has the entire democratic caucus. Well, first thing they eliminated bribery, quid pro quo, and extortion. That just disappeared. Now obstruction of justice and abuse of power. Obstruction of justice becausebs you actually seek remedy in a court which is actually allowed in the role of theyo judiciary. So the question is, where does this go . Where it goes is we will start off tomorrow with these impeachment articles. Ue i tell you what is happening here. Abuse of power is the mostst ambiguous, vague reference to an impeachment that you could ever have. You can make anything you want. You dont like that the president got up and wore a red tie . Thats abuse of power. You dont like what former president ial candidate Eric Swalwell said . You can be impeached for removing an ambassador. Re i dont know what planet he is living on, but that is not an impeachable offense. But the abuse of power will give you that. The other issue, obstruction of justice, congress after 72 days, give me a break. Here is the problem, sean, and you have not hit on this yet. This is the part where the committee and intelligence actually tapped into phone records. They found phone records and went at it and found nunes and solomon and others. It is either schiff but they would not prove that. They want to smear them. They want to smear them, sean. This is a drive by nothing but a smear category because they have nothing else in the schiffhe report that made sense. What do they do . Lets me of the colleagues. Lets smear our colleagues. We are involved so far in congress where adam schiff is leading a corrupt investigation. Sean actually needed impeachment. Ss do you think the democrats, will they vote and go forward with this s insanity . Yes, because democrats fall in line when nancy pelosi snaps her fingers. Sean all right, doug collins, thank you, as senator. Sorry, they made a mistake. Thank you congressman. Here with more reaction, the author of the best seller resistance of al at all cost, contributor kimberley strassel. Also fox news contributory jason chaffetz. You know, congressman chaffetz, there is one thing that barr said that is totally true. In a sense, the Inspector General is in a bubble. The bubble is he can only look within the confines of the doj and the fbi and he did his best. Nor does he have the power to convene a grand jury, go forward with indictments. Durham has all of that power and no restrictions. With that said, everything we knew about the fisa application unverified, clinton, dirty, russian dossier was true and confirmed. That is right. We now have a thousand pages, five reports detailing the Upper Echelon of the fbi totally misled the court. I think the courts need to stand up and do something. And i was really buoyed up and encouraged when i heard durham stepped forward to. St because durham can look outside the confines of the fbi and the department of justice. E. That signals to me that you got people like brennan, clapper, perhaps the cia or perhaps someone within the umbrella of the dni implicated here. Sean do you think they spent a lot of time overseas which durham referred to . Others find took place and other outsourced gathering to spy on americans by using friendly countries like italy, great britain, north australia for the britain, australia for the very purpose l of circumventing american laws and spring against americans . Yes, if you just follow the money. Look at where the democrats spend money. Millions of dollars flowed overseas to generate the stuff. And whenn mr. Durham goes overseas, suddenly, it goes from just an investigation to a criminal investigation. Sean you have been accurate, and kimberly, you too have been sharp. I retweeted all of your analysid today, on my twitter account, because i thought it was so good. Youve got 15, 16, 17 great points. Why dont you explain . Well, look, i think you start with i agree with you, within the confines, he did a great job. For those of us who get stuck reading Inspector Generals report, ive never actually read one which is more critical and more damning, and as jason points out, this is a string of reports for jim comey. Sean anybody referred . Lying, lack of candor, mccabe, strzok, all of them have had reports from horowitz. This is why it is remarkable some of the press suggest this is an indication for jim comey . I mean, come on. We have never had such condemnation at the leader of the fbi, especially one that was fired for cause, as well, too. Sean great work, both of you. Released also, jason chaffetz. When we come back, hunter biden may have to reveal exactly howhu much money he made with zero experience, serving on those lucrative boards. It hmmm, we will explain why that is happening straight ahead. F a cold. I am for shortening my cold, with zicam zicam is completely different. Unlike most other cold medicines, zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. I am a zifan for zicam oral or nasal. What happened to the real men of america . Before we suffer a fullon masculinity crisis, unleash your potential test x180 ignite from force factor. Boost testosterone to fuel desire and build lean muscle in the gym. Plus burn fat and improve performance. Now available at retailers nationwide. Sean zero experience hunter biden in hot water tonight after the woman suing him for Child Support demands the details about all his finances. Trace gallagher joins us live tonight. Hes in the west coast news room with the very latest, trace. Sean, hunter biden may have to turn financial records over sooner than later because the judge in the paternity lawsuit has scolded him for not giving up more information. The judge is now asking for five years of financial records from both biden and Lunden Roberts, the former exotic dancer and mother of bidens love child. And ms. Roberts and her lawyers want more than the documents from his time on the board of burisma, where he reportedly earned 50,000 a month. They also want information about money, biden, or his various investment firms gained from china. Bidens connection to burisma is what initially led the democrats impeachment case, but a former polish president on the board of burisma said last month that biden was indeed placed on the board because of his last name, saying that is how business works. Biden met am Lunden Roberts at a strip club frequented. He initially denied fathering her child until a paternity test confirmed it was, in fact him, sean. Sean wow, pillar of the community, trace, thank you. This impeachment sham is boomeranging on the bidens. Congressman, we go to texas, dan bongino and geraldo rivera. You are new to the group so we will let you go first. S hunter is in some really deep kimchi, as we used to say in the army. These records are going to come out, and regardless of whether he comes to testify on capitol hill, we will have access to a lot of information about burisma and hunter biden. But his dad was the one who is a government official. He is the one that can be charged with these kinds of corruption. But, isnt it interesting, when we finally got the allegations, the articles of impeachment today, this evening, bribery, extortion, none of those that fitf joe biden are included. Isnt that interesting . Sean i think it is very interesting. All right, geraldo, where are you . You look cold. Im in a exotic location in new jersey. I thought i would lighten it up a little bit. A i think the congressman is wrong, sean. There is no doubt hunter biden will have to provide all of his income records, not only his pay, his fees, it is trust funds, interest earned, honorariums, every source of income on a seven page document that is required in arkansas. Where the congressman, i believe, is wrong is that under the law of this state, those records are sealed. They generally are sealed in family court. It is a very serious offense to leak those records. Th those are strictly for the judge to set Child Support. They are not for hungry politicians to pour over, sean. Sean and dan . Geraldo looks like consolo in Empire Strikes back. What is it, 20 below in new jersey, geraldo . The wind started blowing and the weather report. Right over there, the hudson river. I love the guy. You know, obviously, this obviously has all the hallmarks of an influencepeddling operation. You have the polish politician who sat on the burisma board, indicating what we knew from the start. Anybody with commonn sense knows that hunter biden was hired because of access to his dad, who was the sitting Vice President , who was conveniently the obama administrations point man on ukraine. Sean, in the middle of discussions with the country about International Natural gas policy. T and his son conveniently works for a Natural Gas Company in said country . I mean, you have to take like a palm to the face to not realize that this was obviously trying to peddle influence with the bidenpa family. And they are not immune from scrutiny, imm sorry. Sean you cant even say biden says no serious person. Every serious person who has a brain asking about what about the quid and the pro and the quo for joe . Hunter biden claims hes broke. He has been unemployed since may. Sean interesting, maury povich line about all of this. Im not going to go there. Or go ahead. Hunter is in deep trouble, and we will see the records. And all of this is coming out. All of it. When the records come out, you will see how joe and hunter were t,intermingled through the whole process. Sean dan bongino will say, go ahead, say it, hunter you are. [laughter] sean all right, lets leave it there. Thank you all. Geraldo once did one of those shows. When we come back, new polls reveal the impeachment sham backfiring big time on the democrats. The architect karl rove breaks that down straightahead. Good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. Billions of problems. Morning breath . Garlic breath . Stinky breath . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy. Theres therabreath at walmart. Sean as predicted on this show, the impeachment backlash has already begun, according to the new polls. Here to explain the architect himself, fox news contributor, karl rove. Number one, underwater, Ari Fleischer pointed that out. Number two, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan, interesting numbers there, karl. There is a new set of polls out from the firehouse strategies. We have to say, first of all, ih a republican firm, we have toic know whether nonpartisan or partisan. These are the numbers against trump. Trumps leading according to firehouse, in the early states, biden was the candidate leading by the biggest margin earlier. In michigan 4641, pennsylvania 4641, wisconsin 4839, and in september, when firehouse was last in the field, biden was beating trump in all three of those states. Weve got to be careful about putting too much into one poll. We like to, especially at thee state level, look at a series of polls. But Good Movement in all three states. What is also interesting born out of other polling, in all three states the percentage of the people opposed to impeachment was rising. Nearly 58 wisconsin, 52 , 52. 2 in pennsylvania, and 50. 8 and the survey said each case you expect the democrats strongly in favor and democrats strongly opposed. But the independence, the voters who are neither republican or democrat were moving against impeachment and all three states. Sean when you have seven polls, you would have to say it is a trend. Im looking specifically at support for the president in the africanamerican community, we have been setting one record low unemployment number after another, same with hispanic americans, asianamericans and women in the workplace. The best Employment Situation since 1969. That is deep and profound but also add to that criminal justice reform. Which many promised and never delivered. And we have the lowest polls show the president with 60 support. But we have one poll 34. 5 , one poll 34 , one poll 33 , those numbers are anywhere near real even at the lowest level, only 8 in 2016, that is a game changer. That is game over to me. Look, if he had 8 in 2016 and lets say he got to 12 in 2020, that would mean his margins in wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan would all increase, and other states like nevada might become closer and minnesota might flip. So even a small change in that. Same with latino vote, 29 and 2016, mid 30s, that is a game changer in states like new mexico, colorado, and nevada. Sean thank you, karl. When we come back, and epstein update. Trace gallagher will tell you what the copilot had to say about his flight. That is new, and that is next. Around, look at me the vogues ] there is someone walking behind you turn around look at me there is someone look at me including thousands of sale items. Like white river flannel sheet sets starting at under 20. And the new bass pro rhino 4 by 4 rc truck for under 50. 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One of the former copilots told him he flew all over the world with epstein, saying the financier employed young flight attendants, or rather, miners dressed as flight attendants, sean. R, sean trace, thank you. Dont forget to set your dvr, never miss an episode. We will never be the hatetrump media mob. Let not your heart be troubled there galore has a big show tonight. Laura, take it away. Laura hannity, tremendous show on your part. Im laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle from new york city tonight. Gregg jarrettouou is in the stuo with me, congressman devin nunes, lee zeldin, all with me on this impeachment farce, and the ig report, and adam schiff expose we have for you. But first, what if congressional leaders could be impeached . Thats the focus of tonights angle. Weve read all of your emails and your tweets about the democrats impeachment of session. This is a general flavor of what im reading. Why cant they be impeached

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