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Border and theres talk about trying to move something with just 1. 6 billion instead. But mark meadows said thats not enough. And mccarthy said hes not going to bring us anything that the president will not sign. House lawmakers adjourned very early and many lawmakers headed straight for the airport because they were told they would have 24 hours notice. Mike pence has been running point for the negotiations here on the hill. But we dont know a ton about what the white house is willing to give and what the white house might be willing to concede. Vice president only left just within the last five or ten minutes and hes been very tightlipped as he has thanks very much. Today President Trump unveiled the design of the proposed border wall on twitter. Take a look at that. But will this important project ever be funded . Joining us now, Freedom Caucus chairman, congressman mark meadows and jim jordan. Will it ever be funded . Yes. Remember, just last week in the oval office nancy pelosi told the president of the United States there arent the votes in the house to fund it. Just last night, 217 republicans proved her wrong and voted to pass a bill with dollars for a Border Security wall. This makes good sense. The only reason were going to be headed to a shutdown is because democrats dont want to support it. Trump promised it. He has tried to deliver. The house delivered, but the senate wont. So is this the Chuck Schumer shutdown . Well, indeed, in just an hours when it shuts down, the only person standing between really getting a deal and not getting a deal is Chuck Schumer. But i can tell you, you mentioned peter ducey was talking about the Vice President. Its his entire team that has been working on capitol hill all day. The Vice President , mick mulvaney, jared kushner. The president has been on the phone throughout the night. His desire is to not shut it down, but its also to deliver to the American People a secure border. And weve got to do that. Hes made a promise. Hes committed to that. I believe well get it down. Right now theres not a deal primarily because of schumer. This is exactly what the framers didnt want. They argued about having it. And they abandoned the idea because they tried it before in the articles of confederation and it led to chaos and dysfunction. Over the last decades, hundreds of productive bills have been defeated by this artificial device called a filibuster. Isnt it time to end the filibuster for everything once and for all . Yeah, i think thats where im at. Thats where the American People are. Youre right. Its not in the constitution. It is a senate rule. Imagine if they kept a filibuster for Supreme Court nominee. They were able to change the rules for something that important. It seems to me when your talking about our nations security, billing a wall, which was the fundamental promise, it seems to me this is of paramount importance where we should actually say, United States senate, maybe you need to change that so we can get this done. Were going to keep pushing and get the wall done. The president is committed to it. His team is working hard to night trying to get members to understand how critical this is and actually deliver for our country. Congressman meadows, critics would say, well, wait a minute, republicans have had control of the house and senate for two years and the white house for the better part of two years, and yet you have failed to undertake comprehensive Immigration Reform that would include a border wall. So doesnt the gop leadership, mcconnell and paul ryan and others, bear the lions share of the blame . Theres certainly enough blame to go around. Putting something on the president s desk is what congress should have done. I will say this, the president actually made a fourpillar option and it was schumer who said no to that option. We spend more money on sugar subsidies than we do on building a wall to secure our nation. I find that just incomprehensible. The president has made offer after offer after offer and been very reasonable. It is time that we put something on his desk. I know jim jordan are committed, but more importantly, the American People are committed. He said, wait a minute, isnt there another way . We have a 4. 4 trillion annual budget, 1 trillion of which is discretionary. Surely the president can grab 5 billion of in that and use it without specific authorization to start construction. Well, he can, but heres the interesting thing. He can but i know all your viewers know that he gets sued over everything. And the minute that he does that, hes going to get sued. Theyre going to get some liberal judge in california to say it wont work. Listen, we would certainly support some of those unobligated funds going that way, but its really incumbent on congress to do their job. Were committed to getting it done. So youve got four days really because government workers arent going to work saturday, sunday, monday. They have the day off, the holiday. So youve got four days. What can be done . Well, weve got to just keep pushing and making the argument. Mark is exactly right. We need to appropriate dollars. 1. 6 billion is not going to cut it. Its got to be more money than that. The big thing i think we have to get through is democrats have to be less focused on stopping the president and more focused on helping the country. Theyre so concerned about stopping President Trump. Lets just focus on whats good for the country. Everyone knows well have less problems if we secure the border and build the Border Security wall. We know when it comes down to it, the American People are us. This is why they put donald trump in the white house. We have to deliver it. I think were going to get something. Jim jordan, mark meadows, two important members of congress. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Over the past week, prominent democrats from all over the country have vowed to fight President Trump tooth and nail over any plan to secure our southern border. Watch this. If you build a tenfoot wall, somebodys going to have an elevenfoot ladder to go over it. And thats not securing the border. And we ought to stop that foolishness. It is very true that he will bring on this shutdown and he has to take responsibility for it. Any effort on his part to blame the democrats, will be [bleep]. As i said before, i will hardly be able to stand it. The president s Campaign Promise was for mexico to pay for the wall. It wasnt for american taxpayers to pay for it. So if hes really going to stick to his promise, he should make mexico pay. Jesus christ, who has a plea for his life, with mary and joseph. Thank god there wasnt a wall that stopped him from seeking refuge in egypt. Thank god that wall wasnt there. And thank god there wasnt an Administration Like this, or he would too have perished. Oh, how times have changed. Remember it wasnt that long ago that these same people were pretty much in agreement with President Trump. Take a look at this. I voted numerous times when i was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to are prevent Illegal Immigrants from coming in. And i do think you have to control your borders. People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter the u. S. Legally. The American People will never accept Immigration Reform unless they truly believe their government is committed to ending future illegal immigration. Those who are in our country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age, we cannot allow people to pour into the u. S. Undocumented and unchecked. Joining us now is author Fox News Contributor Lieutenant Colonel alan west, Fox News Contributor tammy bruce joins us, and attorney danielle mclaughlin. Five years the Senate Caucus voted for a barrier. Back in 2006, they voted for the secure fence act. That included barack obama, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, the whole gang. Now all the sudden theyre against it. Thats only because trump is for it, right . Well, without a doubt. And when you hear senator schumer saying President Trump is not going to get his wall, this is not about President Trump or his personality. This is about the constitutional duty and responsibility of the United States elected officials. That responsibility is to make sure the american citizens are secure. Now, when you talk about a Border Security wall, no one is talking about 1700 miles of a continuous wall, but were talking about a place where you can have an obstruction along some of these. But, tammy, its all about trump. They just he could say christmas presents for all, and the democrats would oppose it because its donald trump. Well, yes, but in this particular instance, its worth opposing because hell actually get it done. We have Congress Voting for these kinds of things all the time and it never happened. It was promised to president reagan. They that you wouought they wou wall in the 80s. This is a president who cant be controlled because he cant be stopped from getting things done. This is his primary threat. The democrats became a party of bullies, chasing around the gop women, harassing people in public. And now were seeing this happen, this kind of approach i think youre going to be seeing in office as well. We saw it with representative gutierrez attacking secretary neilson. And then he walked out. And then when shes about to respond, he walked out. We also know that this cant be a game. Its been a game for too long for washington. This is in some ways what the founders wanted. A person of action in the white house to move congress into getting things done. And i think the congress should remember what their job is, why the president is elected. 80 of americans want a secure border. And of course a barrier is going to have to be a part of that. I think most americans frankly they care about the wall, many do, but i dont think they care if the government shuts down because it doesnt affect them. There have been 18 since 1976. Tsa continues on, the post office. So it doesnt affect most americans when the government shuts down at midnight tonight. No, it doesnt. Nonessential employees. Which invites the question, why does the government employ nonessential workers . You keep the criminal folks on but take the civil people off. I still argue that enforcing our civil laws is still an important function of government. At the same time, most americans of course, if not all of them, wont notice that it shut down. But what strikes me is this obsession by the government about itself. That is the scariest thing for them, that people will have a few days off during the holiday. They will still get paid a few days late. Because americans know what its like to be furloughed for years and never get a paycheck because of what washington, d. C. Has done. But when it comes down to this, its like the scary monster of a Government Shutdown. It really isnt scary at all. As a matter of fact, the markets respond well when the government shuts down. What about that . I think that but for the haironfire media hysteria, oh, the earth will stop spinning on its axis if the government shuts down at midnight, most americans would yawn. There really is no effect on the everyday average american. Why does the government hire people for nonessential positions . And when this shutdown is over, they will be given the backpay. This is a very important thing to look at the effectiveness and efficiency of the federal government. Here you have people talking about medicare for all, which has a 32 trillion price tag, but we cant find 5. 7 billion to ensure we have security along our southern border. It really is absurd when you think of it. In the competitive marketplace, no Small Business or corporation, danielle, would hire somebody who is not essential. They hire only vital workers because their goal is to increase profits. And yet the government, the most inefficient disorganization in the world, hires a load of nonessential workers. P youre not suggesting that theyre not essential. I would disassemble the department of the justice. I think that there are many important things that doj does from a civil perspective, not at least of which is consumer protection. Theres also some things that we have lawyers and other people doing really important things for the American People. They cease assets and levy penalties is one of the things they do. Why not use the 14 billion they seized from el chapo and use just a portion of that to build the wall . Remember the billions that were lost in the state department when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. The 700 million, maybe its billion, in the pentagon that cant be found, the amount of money, because the government is so large, it becomes like water. And you just lose it. Who has a 200 we could do this with drones. Democrats are not about open borders. They care about using money wisely. Why arent we thinking whether this is really actually a big White Elephant . It costs the government far more money. Danielle, we do have sections of walls across the borders. And where those walls exist, at least 95 of illegal traffic ended. So we have the proof and the history along our own border where the segments of wall exist and again starting in the 90s. So its been consistent historically. Let me come back full circle to my original question. Democrats have long argued for a barrier on the southern border, and yet now theyre flipflopping. Would you agree the only reason is they dont want to give donald trump a political victory because he promised the wall . Youre absolutely right. Ask the israelis who built the wall did that do . When you look at, as tammy as talked about, there are direct results of having a border obstacle down there. I know danielle talked about drones and other things. The purpose of a wall is to channel people into areas where you do have additional resources. We just found out that we had an infiltration tunnel that was being built and almost completed along our southern border. We have a very serious problem and we have to rectify it. Congressman west, always great to see you. Tammy, danielle, thanks for being here. Coming up next, members of the Mainstream Media continue the same old talking point on the trump administration. Well show you the tape. And then former fbi director james comey is continuing to downplay deep state corruption in efforts to undermine President Trump. Stick around for that. Well be right back. The greatest wish of all is one that brings us together. The final days of wish list are here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Only at your lincoln dealer. Welcome back to this special edition of hannity. Im greg filling in for sean. Trump versus the swamp. With all the news this week on the trump administration, news busters pointed out the Mainstream Media had only one rather ridiculous conclusion, all in unison now, the walls are closing in on President Trump. Take a look at this. With every organization hes ever run, the washington post, said seemingly under investigation now, that this is a president who really does feel the walls closing in on him very quickly. While donald trump is no stranger to legal trouble, the walls may be closing in now. Clearly, the investigative walls are closing in on trump. The walls are closing in. It seems every day now a new facet of President Trumps life, both personal and public, is being scrutinized. Its like an echo chamber. They only hear themselves. Joining us now is joe and charlie, Fox News Contributor doug. So, joe, let me start with you. Youve pointed out that trumps ratings are fairly static. Does that mean that the media has lost its mojo or americans are just wise to their act . Thats quite a montage you just played, greg. Its as if a memo went out and everybody got the same talking point. Its like the boy who cried wolf, but now its the boys and girls who cried trump. Its not just the walls are closing in. His poll numbers are stubbornly in the 40s. The negative coverage isnt really having an effect. Its the noose is tightening. We hear about all the moments. Then we hear about the beginning of the end, the bombshell revelation, the bombshell report, constitutional crisis. This is the turning point in the trump presidency. Trump weaponizes. The point is, you keep saying these things over and over again and it gets a bit tedious. I spent a chapter in my book going through the outrageous media statements in which they said this is a bombshell, this is the end of trump. And of course most of those stories had to be retracted and corrected. They were wrong. They have written his political obituary as far back as two years ago and it hasnt happened yep. Its not that the walls are coming in, but the walls not getting built. You have to do what bill clinton did when he had a republican congress. Compromise. The president cannot govern only to build the wall and get his agenda. Compromise requires conciliation. And if he doesnt seek consensus, hell be the losers. That was 1994, and youre the guy who told him to compromise. But the political arithmetic is the same. Charlie, let me go to you because the eminent demise of donald trump has been written out for two years, as i pointed out before. And yet it hasnt happened. Is it simply because the media has such unabashed scorn and viscer viscer visceral hatred, the man, and his politics that they cannot tain themselves . Youre exactly right. They fought endlessly. And there was a Government Shutdown over christmas during one of those negotiations. And on the front page of the magazine, it was the newt who stole christmas. The republicans fought in the 90s. And donald trump right now is doing the correct thing, taking a hard line to fulfill a Campaign Promise that will make our country stronger and safer. And finally republicans are like, oh wait, we can fight again . We dont have to just pass these endless continuing resolutions about progress. This is a core Campaign Promise and im so glad to see the president fulfilling it the best that he can. When he actually does compromise and achieves something, and he did most recently, the criminal Justice Reform act that was passed into law once he signs it, its sort of buried in most newspapers. The New York Times grudgingly said, okay, he actually did something good. I know it broke their heart to have to print that. It steps on the narrative that weve been hearing about if weve been hearing this president is a racist, how could he possibly work with democrats to put criminal Justice Reform bill. Thats one of the least racist things you can do. So that got buried this week certainly. But we go back to all these sayings being said over and over again and the impact that it has. And the bottom line is that all these pundits and a lot of them are anchors too, at least disguised as anchors. The goal isnt to win an emmy or to get a pulitzer. I know you said youve got to get to 50. The president won with 46. 1 of the votes. To govern with less than a majority, to govern with a narrow constituency is a recipe for failure. Sure, joe, sometimes you can draw into an inside strait, but thats now how i would advise a president whos got to represent all the people and wants to represent everyone in a way of producing consensus and conciliation should govern, especially when the democrats control the house. Do you think, charlie, most americans when they tune in and tune out because they hear the same thing, the echo chamber that we played, all of them saying 50 times saying the wall is closing in. Do you think americans are just wise to that . Without a doubt. The only reference to the wall that should be talked about is donald trump will do everything he can to build the wall. If you want evidence of collusion, thats collusion. But to the previous point that i really want to mention is that you cant govern or you dont have a mandate to govern unless you have 50 or more Approval Rating. I never heard that when obama was president. We have become such a bifurcated country where you have manhattan, malibu, and Middle America. Essentially those are the two buckets. And the Approval Rating for donald trump in Middle America is still very, very strong. You saw that with the Strong Senate performances. They werent so good. There were some losses. A lot of losses. Look, we gained in the senate and trump did a lot better than people thought. There was no blue wave whatsoever despite being outspent. Outperformed obama in his first midterm. I reject the premise that he somehow doesnt have a mandate to governing because people in manhattan and malibu dont like him. The guy from harvard had to get in the last word. They do and im happy and proud of that. Your Basketball Team aint so great. That is sadly true. All right, joe. Thank you very much. Coming up, the mueller witchhunt could be wrapping up very soon. Well have analysis coming up next. If you have psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla,75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Welcome back to this special edition of hannity trump versus the swamp. Comey is continuing to down play deep state corruption in the efforts to undermine President Trump. Quote, who cares, when asked about the source of the phony trump dossier that was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Were learning that any Government Shutdown will not affect muellers probe operations and that the special counsel might actually wrap up the investigation as soon as mid february. Weve heard that before. Sydney powell along with madison. Good to have you both. So, sydney good to be with you. I have, in fact, a copy of the 173 pages of comeys testimony on monday. And i nearly fell out of my chair when i saw him say, what difference does it make . The Hillary Clinton thing. Who cares that Hillary Clinton paid for it and it was composed by a guy who admitted he would do anything to stop trump, meaning he would lie, which is what the dossier was. Thats a familiar line, isnt it, greg . It has quite the ring to it since mrs. Clinton herself used it. Unbelievable. Of course, the leaking, lying comey only cares about james comey and whatever narrative it is he wants to promote, including his primary job of covering up for mrs. Clinton. So hes going to say whatever it is that promotes his own agenda and her coverup. Absolutely appalling. And, madison, thats not only appalling, but he lied to the fisa court using exclusively the dossier, which he admits he hadnt verified. He deceived the fisa judges by concealing the fact that it was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the democrats. Im willing to bet that the fisa judges would have wanted to know that vital tidbit of information that comey concealed. Its disingenious at the very least. Of course he knows better than that. We know better than that. When we look at this dossier being used to obtain Court Permission to spy on american citizens, hes absolutely appalling. Hes an embarrassment to the fbi, the American People, and quite frankly, people are sick of him. He loves to hear himself talk. He didnt do a good job at the fbi, hes doing a terrible job right now, and i dont think hes very credible or trustworthy in the hearing. Comeys the guy who launched the trump russia investigation, so on monday he says and he said this in his previous testimony he cant recall who drafted the document that launched the investigation, never knew that clinton paid for it. How could he not know . Bruce ohrs role i dont know anything about that. Christopher steele i dont know anything about his involvement, the guy who wrote the dossier that comey used. He is either the most clueless and incompetent fbi director in modern history or hes lying. Which do you think . I think its actually both, greg. He made material false statements to the fisa court when he signed that affidavit saying it was a verified application to the fisa court when he didnt do anything to verify any of it. Why he has not yet been prosecuted i dont know other than the entire department of justice and fbi are corrupt. I mean, somebody needs to be opening a grand jury investigation into mr. Comey and all of the fisa abuses right now. Its got to be done. And, madison, he still is dodgey about whether or not hes still not really giving genuine straight answers as to whether any of those seven documents was classified and therefore leaking illegally classified information. Its really pretty astonishing. Definitely. He claims to care about truth. He claims to want to share this truth with the American People. Hes a leaker, hes a liar, and when when he look at the fisa court abuse, this isnt something that just started with him. As we look back all the way to the early 2000s, there was over 70 fisa court judges that say they were misled by the fbi. This has needed to be addressed for almost two decades now and this is just a prime example of why. The first time he testified, december 7th, 245 times he said, i dont remember, i dont recall. Now in the most recent 173page document, in addition to those, i dont recall, i dont remember, its, i dont know, i cant tell you, i wont tell you, thats classified. And beyond all of that, what struck me was he was so snarky or sarcastic towards members of congress who were asking legitimate questions. What do you make of that . Thats his absolute hubris. He, like mr. Mueller, holds himself above all else and above the rule of law. They alone deem themselves fit to decide who is guilty, who is innocent, who is benefitting from a coverup, who is entitled to their protection. Hes a guy, madison, its almost nauseous his inflated sense of rectitude and selfrighteousness. He pretends to be this noble and heroic figure. The truth is hes anything but. Would you agree . I 100 agree with you on that. Hes extremely he feel righteous. And when we look at equal justice under law, this is something him, Hillary Clinton, and several others dont want to respect anymore. Its a pivotal part of our country. And they should not be held above the law. It shows that many of these people have been in corrupt d. C. For way too long. And thats another thing that needs to be changed that our president has been degreesing. He cleared Hillary Clinton by contorting the facts. Then he steals government documents and conveys them to somebody unauthorized to trigger the special council. He continually gives false and leading and evasive statements. Do you think hell ever be held accountable . He must be, greg, if americans can ever have any faith of the department of justice or fbi again. And dont forget, he agreed to destroy the evidence on the laptop and mr. Mueller has destroyed evidence. All of that is obstruction of justice and affects the flynn and manafort prosecutions. They destroyed evidence of those cell phones and laptops. That has got to be held to account for that. Yeah, and he gave immunity to five of clinton aides in exchange for nothing. Ive never heard of that before. Exactly. Exchange for zip. Unbelievable. All right. Madison, sydney, thank you both. Coming up, Kristen Fisher gives us the latest out of washington, d. C. And a miraculous story about our vets. Youre not going to want to miss this one. Stick around. And welcome back to this special edition of hannity trump versus the swamp. Lets turn now to our nations capitol where the swamp resides but also Kristen Fisher is there, standing by with the latest on the looming Government Shutdown and the health scare with ruth bader ginsburg. The shutdown is going to happen. Both the house and senate have adjourned for the night with no deal in sight. The Sticking Point is funding for the border wall. He wants 5 billion. Democrats wont come close to that number. Vice president has been the point man for the administration tonight on capitol hill. In fact, he only left an hour ago after spending most of the afternoon and evening trying to cut a deal with democrats. But so far those efforts have been unsuccessful. So now funding for about 25 of the federal government will run out in just about two hours. The health of ginsburg. She has two cancerous nodules removed from her lungs. Tonight President Trump is wishing her a full and speedy recovery, greg. And we do as well. Thanks very much. More to come on our hannity special, trump versus the swamp, but first we want to tell you about a touching story that embodies the christmas spirit. An army veteran donating his kidney to a fellow vet. And it all begins with a conversation at a Washington State starbucks. Here to share their incredible story, Justin Mcneil and vince. Vince, it begins with you. You walk into your usual starbucks. You see your barista who prepares your coffee. She noticed you were down. What happened then . Well, she kind of actually observed me from an angle, dealing with another cashier and could just see that i wasnt having it that morning. Im not really a morning person to begin with and was having some pain that was consistent with my condition. And she just asked me what was going on, said, hey, you look like somethings up. And i told her, long story. And when she had more time, lets talk about it. And she said, well, im off in five minutes. Lets talk. I told her that i was going to need to have a transplant eventually. And it just kind of snowballed from there. She suggested that i meet with justin. And we did. And it here we are. Justin, your wonderful, thoughtful, caring wife nicole comes home and tells you this story. What happened . She came home that night. We were laying in bed and getting ready to go to sleep. At that point, she relayed vinces story to me. It sounded like a pretty rough time he was having. So my response was, i have a kidney. Lets do this. So she connected us and we went from there. Did you say, hey, i have a kidney. Lets look into helping him, because hes a vet, a fellow vet, or just because hes a fellow human being . She mentioned that he was a vet, but i think regardless of who he was, it would have been the same reaction. It makes it a little bit easier for us to get along as friends and the fact that were both vets. Weve got a baseline of understanding. We come from a similar background. So that helps us today to kind of remain friends. Right. But i think i would have the same reaction regardless of who it was. And i think the surgerys coming up pretty shortly. But have you guys become friends and kind of close with the families . Yes, yes. Vince is kind of part of the family now. Hes around quite often. Christmas, thanksgiving, any holidays, or just any random day of the week where were having dinner. Vince is always welcome in our home, and i know im always welcome in his. Hes a good friend to have. How do you feel about that guy sitting next to you . How do you feel about him is this as close as you can feel about somebody without them being your biological relative or sibling. Its really amazing for me. I didnt know exactly how i was going to get through this, and when they arrived, it was there was no question. Yeah. Its a gift from heaven. Divine intervention or whatever it may be. The perfect time around christmas. Guys, thank you very much. Vince, justin, good luck on the surgery. Well be back with closing thoughts. Voicecommand navigation with waze wifi Wireless Charging 104 cubic feet of cargo room and seating for 8. Now thats a sleigh. Ford expedition. Built for the holidays. hurry its the final days to get zero percent financing plus twelve hundred and fifty dollars ford credit bonus cash on Ford Expedition a back with a special edition. Trump versus the swamp. President trump is seeing that he is hopeful that the looming Government Shutdown will last a short time. Thats all the time we have for this evening. Before we go, christmas is a fe days away. If you looking for the perfect lastminute gift, check out my book. As always, thank you for stayin with us. Have a Great Holiday weekend. Laura in ram is coming up next. Hello, welcome to the specia edition of the anger him and go. Putting America First bridge were two hours away from a Government Shutdown. We go to capitol hill and a few moments. Its all much a not shutdown news. Contrary to popular belief, you have to have some christmas debates. Were right here. Die hard i christmas

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