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We will make a taste, case by other corrupt deep state officials must too be stripped of their security clearances. We have a major news breaking report from sara carter, including bazaar newly unearthed text between Christopher Steele and doj official bruce ohr. This is a smoking gun text about firewalls before comeys 2017 appearance before congress. You did not want to miss this report. We will cover day 12, trial of the century. Paul manaforts 2005 2005 tax d bank fraud trial. By the way, well watch it closely. The midterms into closer, some on the left are ramping up their divisive rhetoric just as we predicted, and we wish a very happy birthday to the leader of the Democratic Party, maxine waters. Sit tight for tonights breaking news, jammed packed opening monologue. All right. After years of serious misconduct, former cia chief and obama sycophant john brennan can kiss his security clearance byebye. The government stripped his special access and secretary sanders announced this decision today. I decided to revoke the security clearance of john brennan, former director of the civilian intelligence agency. Any benefits that senior officials might glean from consultations with mr. Brennan are now outweighed by the risk posed by his erratic conduct and behavior. Second, that conduct and behavior tested and far exceeded the limits of any personal courtesy that may have been due to him. History has called into question his objectivity and credibility. Im evaluating action with respect to the following the visuals, James Clapper, james comey and, michael hayden, sally and yates, susan rice, anja mckay, peter strzok, lisa page, and bruce ohr. Security clearances for those who still have the may be revoked and those who have reduced their security clearance may not have it reinstated. Sean it is about time, for months here on this program we have been calling out brennan over his serious and blatant abuse of power. During his time as obama cia director, john brennan was responsible for the proliferation of Christopher Steeles dirty dossier in an effort to take down then candidate donald trump and legitimized salacious, unverified claims, russian lies found in that dossier. Brennan leaked its contents to then senator harry reid which subsequently alerted the public with a open letter to james comey. He pushed Hillary Clintons russian lies to purposefully deceive and lie to you, the American People. Why . So he coulds way and election. Through all of this, brennan told congress, the cia did not make use of the dirty dossier. That, my friends, is a gross abuse of power. Brennan literally tried to use your federal government to weaponized the clinton campaigns phony russian Opposition Research against donald trump. Its beyond disgusting. By the way, he is a representaty the American People do not have faith and trust in their government. By the way, speaking of talking, after stepping down as cia director, john brennan, hes done a lot of it. He donald trump from the highest levels of power, to his new job. Hes now paid by a socalled news agency, conspiracy tv msnbc, socalled news channel, continues to peddle all this propaganda and misinformation and disinformation. How fitting. Take a look at the conduct of a former socalled nonpartisan cia director who once had his fingers on every american secret we have. Watch this. Donald trump has badly sullied the reputation of the office of the presidency. With his invective, with his constant disregard, i think, for even decency. He is, i think, the most divisive president weve ever had in the oval office. He is feeding and fueling hatred and animosity and misunderstandings among americans. I think the big question, first of all, for those of those who are on mr. Trumps National Security team whether they can continue to serve in good conscience, an individual who basically betrayed his nation. What mr. Trump did yesterday was to betray to the women and men of the fbi, cia, nsa, and others, and to betray the American Public. That is why i use the term that this is nothing short of treason this. I think hes afraid of the president of russia. Why . We can speculate to as to why. The russians have something on him personally that he can roll out and make his life more difficult. He has ignorance of the fats and willful disregard of them. Just to follow through to follow through on these Campaign Promises that really were very flawed. I and so many other National Security officials are speaking out because of the abnormal and aberrant behavior of mr. Trump. This is a very large and painful national the relief we feel afterward will be exhilarating. Sean for anyone who thinks that man, that trump hating partisan, that msnbc hack should have a security clearance, let me make the simple and easy to understand. I will read to you to the official cia rules. And by the way, all you hacks and the media, you need to do your jobs, you need to tell your media, and audiences the truth. In the case of former directors, the agency upholds its clearance, every five years for the rest of their life. However, that requires former cia directors to behave. Like the current cia employees. It is what you saw, is that, you know, a man to meaning a sitting president of the United States on a daily basis on national tv, is not acceptable behavior for a sitting member of the cia . You dont not of course not. John brennan on tv today and writing on twitter, this action is part of a broader effort to suppress freedom of speech and punish critics which should gravely wary all americans, including intelligence professionals, about the cost of speaking out. My principles are worth far more than clearances. I will not relent. Mr. Brennan followed that up with more vitriolic appearance on conspiracy tv and bc he would take a look. I do believe that mr. Trump decided to take this action as he has with others to try to intimidate and suppress any criticism of him or his administration. And revoking my security clearances is his way of trying to get back at me. Ive seen this type of behavior and actions on the part of desperates and autocrats for many, many years during my cia y career. I never, ever thought i would see it here in the United States. And so i do believe that all americans really need to take stock of what is happening right now in our governments. Sean i love getting lectured from former communists. This country is a better place tonight without that man having his fingers on americas most sensitive secrets. How a former communist ever became Barack Obamas army cia director is another insane part of all of this. Meanwhile, Sarah Sanders announced nine other current former official security clearances also under review, including the liar, the leaker known as James Clapper, that would include james comey, andrew mccade, susan rice, peter strzok, and others. My advice . Clean it up now. Get rid of these clearances. We can easily make the case all night tonight, each of these disgraced or fired officials should lose their clearances permanently. But we would have to take all night. We do, once again, have other breaking news to talk about. One of the people on that list, according to an exclusive report from sara carter, we now have a smoking gun evidence of the very special relationship between demoted doj official bruce ohr and exforeign spy Christopher Steele who put the phony dossier together. Uncovered another series of test tonight between ohr and steele. Christopher steele expressing concern about james comey, 2017s congressional testimony writing two days before that testimony, hi, just wondering if you had any news. Obviously we are a bit apprehensive giving the special appearance congress on monday, hoping that important firewalls will hold. Many thanks. Ohr writes back, sorry, no new news. I believe my early information is accurate. I will let you know immediately if there is any change. What are these firewalls . What the Christopher Steele have to hide . What was bruce ohr trying to cover up . Why was monday so important, as we said . Thats the day james comey is set to testify before congress. Steele was afraid we notice an Intel Committee and their scrutiny, afraid of media scrutiny, he wanted a firewall to hold, firewalls plural . We now know the context. Meanwhile steele was desperate to get his hands dossier to the hands in Robert Mueller. We know by testimony that he couldnt stand his own claims in his own bopper paid for a quick dossier. Its just raw intelligence. I do not know if its true. Why is his wife worked for fusion gps . We just discovered they had another client beside clinton. We learned a kremlin, a thai lawyer, a Russian Oligarch being paid by them and the clintons . What about Glenn Simpson from fusion gps meeting with that kremlin lawyer both before and after the now infamous 2016 trump tower meeting . That doesnt sound fishy to your . Mark it down for your calendar. These questions must be opposed to bruce ohr when he testifies before congress on august 28th. By the way, why arent those appearances public . We reached out to ohr for comment. Shockingly didnt receive a reply. Sara carter will have more details in her report. First, we have an update on the medias trial of the century after 12 days, closing arguments on both sides have come to an end. Paul manaforts defense clearly relying on the terrible credibility of the prosecutions star witness. That is manaforts former Business Partner rick gates, despite him admitting to have numerous felonies, mueller provided him with a get out a free card in change for his testimony. Remember sammy the bull romano, the gangster, who killed up to 19 people. So many other cd individuals that arent just get out of jail free free cr testimony. Its a serious problem. Frequently resulting in less than trustworthy testimony. But in the case of Paul Manafort, well, we should all be prepared, frankly, for a guilty verdict. I tell you why. 95 of federal cases end up that way. The media . They will cheer in unison if Paul Manafort is found guilty. You must remember this this case of mueller had nothing zero to to do with russia zero to do with collusion nothing to do with manaforts work on the Campaign Zero to do with donald trump why are we even hear will have more through this throughout the show. The midterm elections only 83 days away. The language of the left is getting downright disgusting as it does every 24 years. In tennessee, democrat steve cohen urged Marsha Blackburn who is running for the senate to jump off a bridge. By the way, we go high Something Like that. Take a look. Thats not somebody for knoxville. Going to come down here and endorse Marsha Blackburn. Because Marsha Blackburn, if she says jump on the harrison bridge, shell jump off the harrison bridge. Sean if you want to know how pathetic the Democratic Party is, look at new york for its governor democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo announcing his brandnew Campaign Slogan . Im not making it up. You have to see it to believe it. Take a look. We are not going to make America Great again. It was never that great. We have not reached greatness. We will reach greatness when every american is fully engaged. Sean america has never been great . Okay. Namely one country who has a cumulative much power and abuse that less than the United States who can laid and more power and used it to advance the human condition around the world more than the United States of america . It doesnt exist. No, we are not perfect. This is the same america that beat back fascism and communism and nazism and Imperial Japan and has stood for human rights and dignity all around the world a great cause to this country. Of course, segments on americas left would be complete without an over threat of the president of the United States. Take a look at this poster from the band pearl jam showing what appears to be the skeletal remains of a dead President Trump outside a burning white house. While pearl jam wants the president to go down in flames, most will settle for impeachment. A cornerstone of their political strategy for 83 days in no one has been more upfront than the de facto leader of the Democratic Party, maxine waters. Lets take a look. Your birthday is on wednesday. Yes. Sean happy birthday. Thank you. Sean if you could be granted one birthday wish, but that would be . I guess now my biggest birthday which would be that we are able to get a leader of this country who represents us. I would wish that we could remove him from office and go about getting the kind of president that we could all be proud of. If hes not mph, if he cannot be impeached, 2020 is coming coming up and i believe that American People are going to do the right thing for our country, stand up for what is right, and get rid of this man who is embarrassing us all. Sean today maxines birthday which is not true, but the president said, happy birthday to the leader of the Democratic Party, maxine waters. This program, wed also like to wish congressman waters happy birthday, and we put together a montage to the leader of the Democratic Party the power for the next three days. Take a look. Reclaiming my time. Reclaiming my time. Reclaiming my time. Reclaiming my time. This belongs to the gentle lady from california. Perhaps, mr. Kellerman reclaiming my time. Would you please explain the rules and do not take away from my time. With this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight and i will fight every day until he is impeached impeached 45 this is a bunch of scumbags. Thats what they are. Thats a very strong word to. They are all organized around making money. The fact hes wrapping his arms around putin while hes continuing to advance into kore korea. Sean from all of us who support the president and his agenda, keep it up, maxine waters. The most honest woman in the Democratic Party. Weve got a lot to get to including our breaking news for joining us now, fox news contribute or sara carter, writr of the judge jeanine is number two. Russia hoax the scheme to unseat donald trump. Lets go directly to this text message, if i can read it, if i may, i think this is im wondering if you have any news. Obviously we are apprehensive giving scheduled appearances on monday, congress, hoping more firewalls will hold. I believe my earlier information is still accurate. I let you know if anything changes. One of the firewalls, sara carter, two days, before comeys testimony . This is where comey announced there is a counterintelligence investigation into the trump campaign. These firewalls are very important. It shows premeditation, in my opinion. It shows they set up firewalls, which is very interesting. Because bruce ohr apparently was one of those firewalls and apparently there were a lot more firewalls in place. A lot of other people communicating with Christopher Steele, possibly in the state department and within the Intelligence Community. They were moving this information in and out. It was a lot of the same information that they tried to use inside the Foreign Intelligence Court application against carter page so they could spy on the trump campaign. It wasnt just carter page. Let me make myself clear here. When they are listening to telephone conversations and gathering emails from carter page, they are also looking at secondary and tertiary people in communication with carter page. So with everybody that was connected to carter page. Sean, i believe this is a smoking gun. They need to ask bruce ohr what those firewalls were and are and exactly how his involvement in this, because he does talk about information that he supplied Christopher Steele earlier. Sean the 70 contacts, Text Messages, emails, meetings, and, of course, his wife works with fusion gps. Firewalls before comeys testimony, earlier information he provided. Firewalls sound like they had a plan. Sounds a lot like, oh, an insurance policy to me. Gregg jarrett you are right. Here is 60 pages worth of the Text Messages, emails, the notes of bruce ohr and to the conversations steele spanning a full year. Whats remarkable about these documents in saras reporting exactly right, on the one hand, Christopher Steele trying to communicate to the fbi through bruce ohr after steele is fired for being a liar. Also trying to get a contact with Robert Mueller in his special council team. At the same time, he is frantic and worried that he is going to get busted for all of the illegal things he has been doing. From one text message, he is concerned that grassleys letter will implicate him, and worried in another text that comey is going to expose him in congress. In another, hes worried about questions from the Senate Intelligence committee that are being sent to him. Judges worried about getting busted for all of his wrongdoing. Sean hes worried about grassley, the senate intel community, worried about comey, also worried about texts about the media. Let me go back to this, the 70 contacts. But more importantly, ohr and steele are talking about getting his pony dossier that he didnt stand up for under oath in Great Britain to the special counsel mueller. That too is a big piece of this coming together, sara. They wanted to get this dossier to mueller. We know this is used as the bulk for the war and to spy on carter page. More importantly, sean, steele losing communication with a russian who was living here in america as well, in communication with Glenn Simpson, he must have been in communication with other russians, former kgb sbc People Living in europe and possibly into medication with people in russia and even more interestingly enough, now we know sean a meeting before and after. I love this. The russian lawyer was a the attorney, yes, was in munication with Glenn Simpson before and after. Absolutely. Sean amazing report, sarah sarah. We are proud of you. Thank you, the information is critical in your book. A lot more to come tonight. Kristin fisher, new information on these abuse allegations surrounding deputy dnc chairman Keith Ellison. Also, alan dershowitz, david shown, they will react to this breaking news. The great one mark levin. Busy news night. Stay with us. George woke up in pain. But he has plans today. Hey dad. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. Start with water that has a lot of dissolved solids. Pour it through britas twostage filter. Dissolved solids remain . What if we filter it over and over . sighing oh dear. 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It appears the Domestic Abuse allegations had impact on this race. Carcass men Keith Ellison easily won the democratic primary for Minnesota Attorney general, eveh days earlier he was accused of emotional and physical abuse by an exgirlfriend over the weekend, her son alleged on facebook he had seen angry Text Messages from allison to his mother and a video dragging him off bad, but that video has not surfaced and during his victory speech last night. Listen here. We had a very, um, unexpected event in this campaign. That happened. I want to assure you it is not true. We are going to keep on fightin fighting. The six term congressman also serves as the deputy chairman of the dnc. A awkward spot to be in because the dnc is reviewing these allegations of Domestic Abuse per the committees chairman says he takes it very seriously, though he downplayed the impact this could have heading into the midterms. Minnesota is shaping up to be a critical state in november. Dont forget, sean, minnesota still reeling from the resignation of senator al franken just last year. Sean thank you for that report. Joining us now with reactions to tonights opening while monolo, alan dershowitz. He has a great book. Professor dershowitz, let me begin with you. I think that saras report tonight, what are the firewalls . I dont have any new information. It sounds very nefarious and to me. I have no idea. Thats why it from the beginning i call for a nonpartisan complete investigation by expert to all aspects of this whole election. We have to get to the bottom of this. We have to have testimony thats open to the public, not behind closed doors of the grand jury. The American Public is entitled to know what these things mean. I have no idea what these firewalls are referring to, but enough to open up some kind of investigation. Can i, just briefly on your opening monologue . I wrote a piece for the boston globe arguing that if the president revokes the security clearance only of his critics, that would raise a serious First Amendment question. It would be a close question because hes not shutting them down, people can say what they want. They just dont have access to the material. If they dont have access to the material, what that means its some way punishing for their expression of political views, then i think you can have some First Amendment issues that are raised. I dont know how the case would come out. Its similar to some ways to a case sean let me say this again, cia rules. The agency holds their security clearance and renews it every five years for the rest of their life. However, that requires former cia director is to behave like current cia employees. You cannot make the case that mr. Brennan in any way is conducting himself like a current cia employee. No, i agree with that. I agree with that. The question is is this being applied across the board to people and are they looking at everybodys background . If the case went up to the supreme court, it would be like the case involving the travel ban. The court would ask the question, are we allowed to look at the motive of the president. In doing this, or do we look at the action . The president clearly has the power to revoke security clearance for but if he does it for an impermissible basis that could be the basis of it could not be a basis for criminal charges, but it would be a basis for constitutional violations. Sean if we applied the standard, you agree its applicable. No ambiguity here. Not behaving like a current cia employee. Let me give you a hypothetical. Let me give you one quick hypothetical. Lets assume there was somebody who wasnt behaving like a cia director but was saying things positive about the president. And the president didnt revoke a security clearance, then wed have a serious question. Its the content of the information. Sean this is such an egregious abuse. You recognize anyone with common sense recognizes no cia employee cant act this way. Let me go to david. I want to stay on this firewall issue, firewalls plural. I cannot imagine why a Christopher Steele is in contact. 70 plus times, at least that we know of with bruce ohr. The things that they are talking about, the urgency hes expressing prior to comeys testimony . Is a shocking testimony and professor dershowitz said from the start on the special counsel question, special counsel regulations provided and provide that something short of a full investigation has been the appointment of the special counsel is appropriate in the situation like this. There has to be a full hearing. Its not going to happen certainly from mr. Mueller on this question and the doj frankly right now has been missing in action. I do not know who is going to carefully look into this. Sara carter has done a great job looking im going to jump back into one other issue. Has professor dershowitz recognized with all respect and always with him, the president certainly has the authority and the exclusive authority of the question of brendans security clearance but hes overstepped things here. There is a history to this. President obama isolated people whose views he didnt like, associates like george tennant, policy bits, didnt include them in the briefing. He stopped short of stopping security clearance, but why does brennan need the security clearance at this point placement hes misusing it and abusing it. Sean i argue that we are going to see more people. Clapper, bruce ohr, james comey. The context though with ruth or, you do not find that its before the election. By the way, one other thing, the house will have the former cia director disseminating lies unverified lies to the American People visavis harry reid thats not the role of the cia, professor. Thats a scary i agree. He should be criticized for it. I know john brennan. I like him. I thought he was a good director of the cia. But i think hes gone overboard in his criticism. It makes it sound when he makes criticism that he knows it because he was in the cia, he has some special information. I think a former director of the cia has to be much more discreet in his level of criticism. Having said that, i do think if the president denies security clearance only to his critics, he will be in court on the wrong side sean by the way, i have an update. The aclu will bring a lawsuit. Sean on the security clearances, i put a republican list that they were incompetent or crazy, well said. That is a good argument. Sean professor, congratulations on the success of your book. When we come back, well continue this discussion with the great one mark levin joining us. Thats next. Sis,. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. 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We begin tonight with a chilling action taken by the president of the United States that looks like something you might see out of a dictatorship or authoritarian regime. Trump is under power for nixonian enemy list tactics. After the white house publicly admitting it is retaliating against former cia director john brennan. Sean joining us now is the host of crtvs living tv, here on the fox news channel. I called him the great one mark levin. We have never had a former communist who literally we now know spread russian lies to misinform, propagandize the American People to impact a president ial election. These are unprecedented times. Lets see if we can unravel this from the fabulously stupid omorosa media. The fact that brennan voted for a stalinist was very attractive to barack obama who made him cia director. Think about that. How did this man ever get a security clearance . Im curious about this. A couple of things. The he revokes his security privilege. Professor dershowitz needs to know thats nobody is stopping brennan from speaking. He has a big mouth, he will never shut up, hell go on tv and be the kook that he is. The idea that he has a right to access of information because he served in the obama illustration in the cia the aclu will take it up because they take up a lot of stupid cases. Number two, who else is the president looking at . Comey and people who are keeping score, comey is a republican. How many times have people told the media, mueller is a republican, comey is a republican, and they question the president you got a republican. Most of the people the media is looking at are white. I know thats very important to you. Fired at the recommendation of that she absconded with government documents when he left. His security clearance should be pulled. The number two from the fbi. Never before in history, his security clearance should be pulled the guy in charge of counterintelligence investigations for misconduct, his security should be pulled James Clapper committed perjury. He lied to the American People and senator wyden and that committee a long time ago, his security clearance should have been pulled. Bruce ohr, another one. Pulled another one for not because the president has a problem with democrats or liberals, he has a problem with these people. We havent got to the unmasking issue yet. If this is a First Amendment issue. Meanwhile meanwhile when these people have security clearances, what the hell did they do with them . Lets take a look. The russians interfered in our election, right . Who was president , who was head of the cia, who was National Security advisor, who was ahead of the fbi . All of these people with their security appearances down the clearances did nothing to stop the russians from interfering in our electio. They did nothing to stop china from stealing our technology. They did nothing to stop north Koreas Nuclear program. Even worse, they awarded the islamo hold it, mark, the regime in tehran with 150 billion and provided them with a pathway to nuclear weapons. Good job, boys and girl in the Obama Administration with your security clearances, the fact that obama pointed these people and gave them security clearances, its not the obligation of this president to let them retain their security clearances. There is no constitutional issue. Thats just nonsense. And again, one of them is a republican. So that makes this all okay. Sean i would take away all of their clearances. I would take away all of their clearances too. The fact of the matter is we need to focus in the conduct of these individuals but look at the phony media and the arguments they are making. This is like a dictatorship. Weve never seen anything like this before. All these blabbermouth who know nothing, you are going to see clapper on tv until you throw up on your loafers. You are going to see comey, you are going to see brennan all over the place, all these phony victims so forth. Meanwhile when they were in office, when they had their security clearances, when they had power, they didnt stop the russians, they didnt stop the red chinese, they didnt stop the north koreans, they funded the iranians, and, in fact, responsible for the greatest scandal by trying to undermine the trump campaign. Sean and the trump presidency. Hold on, mark. More importantly, thats what we call you the great one. Great commentary, mark levin. Thank you. Remember, his show every sunday night 10 00 p. M. , number one in its time slot right here on the fox news channel. When we come back in the operative daniel hartman, hes been very outspoken about his criticism and Sebastian Gorka next. Sean here with reaction of President Trump revoking former communist John Brennans security clearance, retired cia Intelligence Officer sam hartman and the author of why we fight, fox news strategist Sebastian Gorka. Both of you have been outspoken. You spent your life, dan hoffman, in this type of business, lets put it that way . Yeah, i always felt like john brennan should take the hippocratic oath of respecting the privilege of holding security clearance and doing no harm to our National Security when he was enjoying his rights as freedom of speech. He did that tonight when talking on msnbc. This is not about freedom of speech. From my experience with the cia, the concern that i and others would have is when foreign governments, not to mention spies, foreign spies, stealing secrets on our behalf, john brennan making unsubstantiated claims that Vladimir Putin would blackmail President Trump, john brennan must know something because he has security clearance. Thats why john brennan was costing, risking, great Collateral Damage to our National Security. Sean dr. Gorka, they should take all of these Peoples Security clearances. The whole bunch of them. This hack, if you look at this, he tried to peddle lies to the American People in his role as director, putting aside former directors must act as former cia employees when shes not doing. As a matter of protocol, he has failed on every level. How did this guy even get a security clearance . You just stole my thunder, sean. Issue number one, john brennan should never have had a security clearance. He admitted in 1980 when he joined the cia in a polygraph that he voted for the communists at the height of the cold war when they wished to destroy us. Never should have had one. I love alan dershowitz, but this is not a civil rights freedom of speech issue. Nobody has right to security clearance. Only one person who get security clearance automatically. Guess who it is . Its the president. Everybody else is a privilege of office. Dan hoffman, my myself, we have all taken a oath of office. I took it twice. I took it when i joined the defense department, i took it when i joined the white house. It says you will protect the constitution to all enemies foreign and domestic, and you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. John brennan has betrayed that oath of office and he has betrayed his profession and Intelligence Community every time he accuses the president of streaming with no evidence. He is reprehensible and betrayed his oath of office. It is that serious. Sean i agree, dr. Gorka. Why is it just a stick in my craw as cia director that he literally perpetrated on the American People spread misinformation disinformation by the way, right out of pravda, out of former soviet union lies and propaganda. Misinforming purposefully the American People with unverified information. That bothers me as much as all that hes done after. I think thats a separate issue is with the extent he politicized intelligence and involved in politics. Hes the most political director over my career in the government of over 30 years. But to me, its probably a separate issue. This one is him abusing the privilege he enjoyed for having a security appearance clearancs be clear, the clearance was designed so he could help his successor. I dont think anybody is inviting him back and asking for his assistance at this time anyway. Regardless, im not sure b1 go ahead. No, go ahead. Sean dr. Gorka . John brennan supported moscow during the cold war and hes still supporting the kremlin today. Thats who he is. Hes the first person should be stripped of his clearance and more to follow, sean. Sean they are all corrupt. All abusing power. All betrayed the American People with a political agenda. And so many have tried to literally steal an election and influence an election in the United States. Thank you, both. 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And boy, has become even clearer over the last year and a half. Sean 83 days, an important election. Let not your heart be troubled. Let not your heart be troubled. I went two seconds over. I like tucker. Laura i would love to chitchat but i am packed. We do have a great show. Laura ingraham. Laura all right, hannitie hannitie. I am Laura Ingraham from washington, d. C. Welcome to the ingraham angle. We have a riveting show. Would you like anything else . President trump has revoked John Brennans security clearance of the media is in a complete freak out. We also an exclusive with Lindsey Graham with his controversial idea on how to clean up the fbi. Raymond arroyo will be here with a hollywood

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