Hordes of freeloading londoners took to the street to protest his visit. By the way, against the advice of everyone with me and all my producers, i went down to the demonstrations in the middle of it to see what they were all about. We will show you what i experienced. That is coming up. One spoiler alert. They all knew me and they didnt seem to like me much. We had fallout from Peter Strozks explosive hearing from yesterday. New information surrounding todays closed door hearing with lisa page, Catherine Herridge and sarah carter will join us with full report. Put it this way. Rod rosenstein seems like he has explaining to do. Plus we are getting reports tonight that democrats are trying to withhold key information. Again, from the House Intelligence Committee. Stay tuned. Its time for breaking news from london opening monologue. So today the president wrapped up a trip to england and held a joint press conference with the british Prime Minister theresa may. The president discussed americas special relationship with the United Kingdom and so much more. Lets take a look. President trump the relationship between the two nations is indispensable to the cause of liberty, justice and peace. The United Kingdom and the United States are bound together by a common historic heritage, language and heroes. The traditions of freedom, sovereignty and the true rule of law were our shared gift to the world. They are now the priceless inheritance to a civilization. We must never cease to be united in the defense. And in their renewal. I would say give our relationship in terms of a grade the highest level of special. We start off with special. I would give our relationship with the u. K. And now especially after this two days with your Prime Minister. I would say the highest level of special. Sean the president is now in scotland where he is scheduled to spend the weekend. Meanwhile, if you thought blind hatred for President Trump with us unique to the far left, coastal elite in the u. S. , think again. Today President Trumps visit here to the u. K. Was accompanied by waves and waves of angry protesters. By the way, as i predicted, wherever america shows strength we see this. Like with ronald reagan. President trump was Holding Important meetings with the Prime Minister, thousands took to the streets yelling and chanting and holding up signs and marching around. Complaining about everything from capitalism to everything trump. To get an accurate picture, i went down to the protests in the middle of it. Interviewed, well, some of the trumphating europeans face to face. Take a look. Why are you here today . To protest like everybody else. To protest trump. He is a horrible person. He doesnt deserve to come to our country at all. Racist, sexist, misogynistic pig. What is that . [bleep] why dont you like the president of United States . [bleep]. [bleep] [bleep] racist, sexist pig. The Trump Administration is scary. Its very, very scary. It says, resist. What are you resisting . Fascists. Who is fascist . You. Sean i was shocked how many people knew me and there was a lot of anger but not a lot of serious answers from the liberal, socialist freeloaders that are living in a fantasy land. Stay tuned. We have the full highlights of my time in the middle of antitrust protest coming up later in the show. First, new development from Robert Muellers witch hunt. Earlier today the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein announced the indictments of 12 russians accused of hacking to former Clinton Campaign chair emails and leaking them. They are all g. R. U. Agents. Which is the russian version of the c. I. A. They will never come here for trial. So that is interesting and we have to ask questions about that. No americans, Rod Rosenstein, said are suspected of playing any role in the election crimes. He said no americans were involved. None. Despite this, you go to fake news conspiracy tv msnbc and there is Andrea Mitchell thinking this proves a nexus between trump and russia. Two years in. They are still believing their own lies. Watch this example of fake news. Its a month later july 27 when the president said what he said about russia. If you are listening. They already were doing the fishing operations. Clearly there is a nexus between what was happening that summer and the comments of the president. Here colleague, chucky todd and urging President Trump to cancel all talks with Vladimir Putin. Take a look. It is stunning to me that there isnt a larger chorus to postpone it. Why would you if you recall President Trump canceled the north korean summit for a day technically based on what he thought was nasty words that were said about Vice President pence. So he threatened to cancel a summit essentially for much less. Than putin if you believe the Justice Department. They have confirmed that Vladimir Putin has lied to the president , to his face. Sean the left predictably is freaking out and hyping up the dine itments, they are d hyping up the indictments but they are forgetting they couldnt care about election hacking. Remember trump raised concerns about rigging the election . President obama october 2016 laughed it off. Told trump stop wining. There is no serious person out there to suggest that you could even rig americas elections. In part because they are so decentralized. The number of votes involved. There is no evidence it happened in the past or that there are instances in which it will happen this time. So i advise mr. Trump to stop whining and make a case to get votes. Sean no serious person stop whining credit to jake tapper because he called out obama because it happened on his watch. He was the one asleep at the wheel. Take a look. You read the indictment and you think the Obama Administration missed the ball on this. They issued a report. President s day said he told putin to cut it out or knock it off. It wasnt particularly strong. Then there was the hesitation about warning the American People for fear of looking partisan. In retrospect doesnt it seem that the Obama Administration was a degree asleep at the switch . Of course, that is right. We have all known about this for years. Go to 2014. The House Intel Committee chairman warned us about all of this in the lead up to the 2016 election. Again years before it happened. Obama was president. There were countless warnings about this from intel officials. Many others. Excuse me. How many countries hacked Hillary Clintons i mail server . China, russia iranians or the north koreans . Despite the known risk Hillary Clinton was she decided to conduct official top secret government business on that private server. Which we know was hacked by at least five foreign powers. We know the former Clinton Campaign chairman and the dnc for easily hacked. Today podesta called in to celebrate mueller indictments. We will tell you how stupid he is after you watch this. From the beginning at the heart of the matter were crimes that were committed against the individual citizens including myself. What is more important is crimes committed against the american democracy. The president likes to describe muellers operation as a witch hunt. They have caught the witches here and i hope they will be brought to justice. Sean we all know podesta is nothing but a political hack. We have known about russia interference and chance to create chaos since devin nunes 2014 warning when obama was president. And mr. Podesta the witch hunt is not whether the foreign powers tried to influence or hack elections. Everyone knows that has been taking place for years. Obama tried to influence israeli election to prevent the Prime Minister, the closest ally in the middle east, netanyahu, Prime Minister netanyahu from being reelected. So the witch hunt is about the phony bias political investigation into trump and the Trump Campaign concocted a grand conspiracy with Vladimir Putin to defeat your precious Hillary Clinton. We know in reality that trump went to wisconsin and hillary did not. He was connecting with the americans. Look at the crowd size. Not with the unlikable Hillary Clinton with no vision. How many reports do we need to show no votes were impacted . I could go on and on. Tonight we have asking the question why announce indictments today on the eve of the meeting between the president and Vladimir Putin . To me the timing is suspect. We agree that russia is a hostile regime to be held accountable. But we are days away from the long scheduled meeting with putin. So what does this accomplish than keeping russia, russia, russia in the headlines ahead of the president s trip . Today the president previewed how this would play out in the upcoming meeting. Take a look. President trump we will talk to putin about a number of things. Ukraine. Well talk about syria. Well talk about other parts of the middle east. I will talk about nuclear proliferation. We will talk about other things. I know you will ask will we talk about meddling . I will bring that up. I dont think you will have any gee, i did it, i did it, you got me. There wont be A Perry Mason i dont think. You never know what happens but im ask the question. Hopefully we will have a Good Relationship with russia. So the president will be talking about it. On monday the show will be broadcasting from helsinki. We will bring you details from the important meeting. Turn the attention to the deep state. Lisa page finally did appear before a closed door hearing on capitol hill today. This is after her trump hating former boyfriend peter strozk testified in the house yesterday. Last night we showed you the countless instances where the corrupt biased f. B. I. Investigator played verbal gymnastics and flat out lied in what was contentious questioning. You might imagine that the friends in the left wing destroy trump, the main dream media cheered him on every step of the way. This is a disgraced high ranking Government Employee who said he can smell Trump Supporters at a southern virginia walmart. Irredeemable, deplorables. People that cling to their god, their guns, their bibles and their religion. That is i guess who we all are. Watch this. Its like really watching something out of the 50s. Out of the mccarthy era that you see someone brought up, ordered questions cant possibly answer. Its appalling behavior from the leadership of the committee. Im glad that peter strozk had an opportunity to talk publicly about this so the American People could see the professionalism and the integrity. Its remarkable that strozk, that is the most robust defense of the f. B. I. We have heard from a sitting official. Saying it was remarkable. It was for show. It was for show. The whole thing was for show. We didnt learn a lot new. The whole thing was odious in a way. The russian intention was to sow dissent in the United States. From their perspective, Mission Accomplished. This is a day that arguably in the minds of many may have empowered Vladimir Putin. In light of what has happened in last 36 hours, President Trump did trash nato and shoved off the meddling in the election and allies in congress are now holding what they say looks like a show trial intent to undermine the investigation in the to in the meddling. If russia intended to sow discord in the country, Mission Accomplished. They should be ashamed. If anybody watches this they will understand where there is a blue wave. People are fed up with the cowards. I was not confuse who had the villain was. Was clear who the hero was by the end of the nine you are of pounding. Sean Mission Accomplished under obama. Look what the president said to the chancellor merkel this week when he said you ought not be that energy dependent on russia. We have Natural Resources and the energy to export to germany. That dependence under minds even the mission of nato. Do they care about government oversight . Do they care about corrupt, high level actors in the f. B. I. . The answer is obvious. Destroy trump media hatred for the president and the smelly supporters supersedes all integrity, journalism is dead. There is no longer a pursuit of truth. A lot to get to. But first, joining us the host on our Sister Network lou dobbs tonight. Its hard to know where to start. But lets start with nunes warning in 2014. What happened chaos wise or impacting the 2016 election would have been done on obamas watch. We know five Foreign Intelligence Services hacked to hillarys emails so we dont know who hacked when, where, or what, do we . That is correct. But we do know in 20142015, the russians were hacking, attempting to hack in the electoral system. The nonclassified email system of the pentagon and the joint chief of staff and the white house, capitol hill. The effort has been underway for years and decades indeed. Particularly under president obama there was a shattering passivity that simply overtook the administration and our department of defense. Our intelligence agencies. There was no response to interverence by the russians in 2016 intervention by the russians in 2016. Sean let me ask this question. There are reports that we have as many as 250,000 i. T. Experts that we pay in our government. Take us, Julian Assange for one, in his late teens when he apparently hacked in the d. O. D. And nasa. Here we are 30 years later. Where are the cyber defenses. And in 2016, obama saying no insightful person, no serious person would think anybody could hack into anything or impact the elections. President obama at that time was also crafting a policy that required the United States to respond to devastating Cyber Attacks as an act of war. To expect the United States to respond militarily. By the way, that obviously never happened. It has despite the largest hacks and the Cyber Attacks in this countrys history, you recall when the office of the Personnel Management was hit. Over 30 million federal employees, the data. From china and russia and god knows where else. So the whole Obama Administration amounts to a great fiction. Artifice rather than defense against the Cyber Attacks and there was never any response to any time to a cyber attack in the entire eightyear period. Sean at some point, we better take it all seriously. Sources and the methods clearly were compromised with email server. Felonies were committed to get to the heart of the rigged investigation to hillary. I see you want to say something. Go ahead. Today we witnessed another act that shows there is no seriousness whatsoever on the part of the Justice Department to deal with this as a National Security issue. The viewers are looking at Rod Rosenstein talking like a sixth grade civics instructor and talking about the patriotism versus partisanship and he is carrying out a partisan act. He is in point of fact dealing with without any question whatsoever in the partisan politics. Upstaging the president of the United States for whom he works. Point of fact trying to cover for peter strozk who had a devastating experience on capitol hill where he was ultimately forced to admit the truth about the phony dossier concocted through 12 million from the d. N. C. And the Clinton Campaign and used fraudulently to secure surveillance on the Trump Administration through fisa courts where someone should probably go to jail. Sean if we did the obstruction that hillary did and compromise sources and methods the way she did we would be in jail. There is so much to unravel here. I know you are working hard on this every night. Let me ask you this question. We are in london. Against all the advice of everybody here with me i went out in the middle of the crazy protesters. Good for you. Sean we will show it later tonight. I am not going to back down and that is not how i roll. That is not how you roll either. But they dont know what they hate. They have no clue. That is the one consistent thing i saw today which we will show the audience in a few minute. That is terrific. Those haters by the way, who were supposed to the National Left wing media of america styled purely antitrump. When we know its anticapitalism, its anarchists, its my gosh, you know, they are trying to produce a program for Climate Change and the list goes on. Being styled by the left wing media, particularly in this country, as antitrump. The silly thing is there are a lot of people antitrump around the world but they cant figure out why. Here is a guy with the entire Global Economy revving up. If it werent for the giant engine of the american economy, which he has ginned up to 4 likely, the 4 g. D. P. Growth which obama of course said was impossible. It will drive the Global Economy. It is remarkable the ignorance of the folks. Sean we will show that coming up. Lou, thank you. When we come back, trump hating lawyer lisa page met lawmakers. Well have reports. With natures medley is the only complete multivitamin with antioxidants from one total serving of fruits and veggies try new one a day with natures medley. Does it look like im done . Shouldnt you be at work . [ mockingly ] shouldnt you be at work . Todd. Hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game fist pump your real bikes all fixed. Man, you guys are good well, we are the numberone motorcycle insurer in the country. Wait. You have a real motorcycle . And real insurance, with 24hour customer support. Arcade game wipeout oh well. I retire as champion. Game hog champion. 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Lawyer lisa page spent four hours on capitol hill and is expected back on monday for second half of a closed door deposition that could go to classified setting. Heading in, fox news asked page if she saw peter strozk yesterday and whether her legal Team Coordinated the testimony with his lawyers and if she had regrets. She was romantically involved with strozk did not respond but a Senior Committee republican said she appears to be cooperating. Im not going to characterize her testimony because i think that would be not in the spirit of where we are trying to do with transcribed interviews. I will say that there is new information that we have been able to gain today. And that new information is credible. Also today the Justice Department released the 29page indictment from the Russia Special council alleging a direct link between the 2016 election interference and president putins government. In the 2016 dam pain the defendants all members of campaign, defendants all members of the g. R. U. Are accused of hacking democrats emails and releasing them and sometimes posing as u. S. Citizens. The conspirators had fictitious personas and they claimed that d. C. Leaks was group of american hackers and guccifer 2. 0 was a lone romanian hacker. In a statement, a white house spokesperson emphasized there is no allegation that any american citizen committed a crime and no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count. Sean . Sean all right. Catherine herridge in washington tonight. Here with reaction, Fox News Contributor and Investigative Reporter sara carter and author of only a week away the russia hoax the illites scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame trump. Gregg jarrett. Go to your reporting on lisa page today which is very, very important. But only a short time but there is one big development, especially Rod Rosensteins name involved again. Yet again. Absolutely, sean. They have asked a number of questions and there have been significant developments. One of the things that we do know is the january 4 letter that the House Intelligence Committee received from Rod Rosenstein, they agreed to allow them to interview eight witnesses. Eight key witnesses. Two of them peter strozk, lisa page. Sean this is in january. This is in january. When they questioned lisa page and they asked her why didnt you respond to the House Intelligence Committee request . She said the d. O. J. Never contacted her. Rod rosenstein never contacted her. Sean he is the same Rod Rosenstein that begged before the nunes memo, begged paul ryan dont release this up until the final hours. Yes, the same. This is even more interesting because this week, this week, nancy pelosi, Chuck Schumer, mark warner, all sent a letter, sent a letter to dan coats asking not to reprimand him to release information to the House Intelligence Committee, their own committee. So they dont even want the information. Sean there is something there. Just like Rod Rosenstein signing the fourth fisa warrant. They dont want to release especially 19 pages if my memory serves me well. Absolutely. Sean go to gregg jarrett. Get your reaction to this. Obviously, and with so much other stuff happening here today. Including the indictment of 19 people which devin nunes warned us about in 2014. This was under obamas watch. We still dont know who hacked into hillarys email server and what methods and the sources were compromised there. You know its not really the bombshell that the media seems to be proclaiming. And the American Public if they are watching cnn or msnbc, they are not getting the truth. They are being deliberately misled. I watched them today. Sean fake news. Dayna bash on cnn twice said its now imminent that americans will be indicted over this. Meaning the Trump Campaign. You have schiff sean it doesnt mean people might not but Nothing Happened here. Andrea mitchell on msnbc saying there is proof of a solid connection between trump and the russians. Adam schiff was musing today about the arrest of donald trump and said im only half jesting about it. If you want the truth dont watch the networks because they are lying to American People about really happened today. Sean actually, the American People already figured that out. Thank god. They really dont. So that is good news. What about what sara is saying, this is really important. Why would they not want specific information going to their own committees when its their Constitutional Authority and duty to perform oversight . Where are the 19 pages to the final application, fisa warrant application that Rod Rosenstein signed . Look, if the department of justice and the f. B. I. Were capable of lying to judges, concealing evidence, and hiding facts to obtain the warrant, they are hiding other documents including the 19 you refer to. So, i wouldnt put anything past the f. B. I. And department of justice. When it comes to unscrupulous and probably illegal behavior. Sean then that goes to the heart of what gregg has said and you have said and i have said. The president has the authority to force them to release all of this information. And the president should absolutely use that authority. The American People and the president and the administration deserve better than what they are getting. They deserve to know the truth. Get 19 pages out and get them public. Sean get out what Chuck Schumer doesnt want out. What they are asking coats not to release. Absolutely. They have no reason to reprimand daniel coats other than they are trying to hide something. Sean whatever it is has to be profound. For them to write the letter to me is profound. Right . Its profound because they want to continue the disinformation campaign. They want to push this through to november. I say you know what . Dont give them the opportunity. Get the truth out for the American People. That is the most important. Sean thank you both. Days away from greggs book. Am son. Com amazon. Com. This is going to be a big book. An important book. I have read it. Thank you both. When we come back from london, left wing protesters right here angry at donald trump for daring to ask them to pay their fair share. Actually, they have no idea why they are angry at trump. They are just mad. I was a big party. I went down in the middle of it. We will get reaction from dan hofman and Sebastian Gorka as we continue from london. Wait until you see the video coming up next. Coppertone sport. Proven to protect street skaters and freestylers. Stops up to 97 uv. Lasts through heat. Through sweat. Coppertone. Proven to protect. Sean all right. Earlier today against the advice of everybody here with me in london we hit the streets. We were asking all the protesters to tell us exactly, specifically what they dont like about President Trump. Well, you cant make this up. Take a look. Sean why are you here today . Im here to protest. Sean what specifically dont you like about trump . I dont like his policies. Sean what policys . All of them. Tell trump to go home. He is not welcome here. We dont want him in the u. K. We hopes he takes this seriously. Ignore it. La, la, la. Sean this seems like a party. It doesnt seem too serious. Everybody is here for a good time to spread a message of love. Sean dont you love america . Um we are not going to engage with you anymore. I saw people giving you trouble. No need for that. I think america is divided like britain. I think part of america is deeply, deeply ashamed. Part of america has been hoodwinked. Do you think that the Nato Alliance that the United States of america is fair if they pay 70 of the bill . [no response] sean what are you protesting . You are here to have a party. Be honest. I cant believe this, man im here because of all the hate that trump exudes. Hate . Yes. I wasnt going to come out initially because trump is a [bleep] sean why are you here . To protest against the Trump Administration. Sean what about them . Im okay not being interviewed. Its a nightmare. He must be stopped. America, wake up. Vote him out. Its been out this summer for a reason. You know what i mean . It trumps fault its hot . No. But he is promoting Climate Change. Donald is not welcome. Free melania. I detest trump. Because of his policies and homophobia, misogyny and he is just twofaced. We respect human rights in this country. We would like him to see that the way he acts and the way he speaks we profoundly, profoundly reject it. In a polite way. The lies that he has told. Not to men the human rights abuse not to mention the human rights he has committed in his own country we dont think he has a place here. A lot of british people are more intelligent than the americans are when it comes to voting. Im angry. Quite angry because i think he represents everything that is toxic about western culture and western history. Im furious. Sean all right. They didnt really have good reasons but it was kind of a good party. I was shocked how many people knew me. Here with reaction. The awe for of why we fight. Fox news strategist Sebastian Gorka. And Fox News Contributor daniel hoffman. No one wanted know go down. We had a minor incident but we didnt get it on tape. That drives me nuts. It wasnt that bad. I was shocked how many people knew me but they cant answer, they just should we pay 70 . Why are you here protesting . He is a bad person. Every time america shows strength on the world stage, european socialists liberals hate it. If it was obama apologizing or dumping 150 billion, they would love it. Reminiscent to me of 1983 when the europeans came out and protested against president reagan for the persian ii missile deployment. Its a great contract. Sean to protect europe. Right. President reagan was proven right years later. We agreed it was the right thing to do. But it couldnt happen in russia and china but that is the first point. The second one we know the russians have used the social networking and the media site to amplify protest and hurt the president. I wonder if they might have done it in this case as well. That is something for the Intelligence Community to check on. Sean dr. Gorka, your first reaction, we talked offair. You told me you think im nuts for doing it. But what is your reaction . They dont have a point or no universal point or nothing specific. Its getting hot in world. Is that trumps fault . No. Sean so why are you here . Sure. I would have told you not to do it but im glad you did. That was really very, very amusing and telling. At least we now know that trump is responsible for global warming. These people, i would like to see at least this many brits go out and demonstration against terrorism. Go out and demonstrate against the grooming and the rape gangs that are prosecuted. How about going out and demonstrating against female genital mutilation or the bombing of the Ariana Grande concert in manchester. We now have proof, snowflakes are everywhere. These are not the people who voted for brexit. This is the chattering classes and they have nothing to tell you. Sean you know, the reality is that but for the United States of america and our commitment to europe and nato, i mean, i just they dont survive. That is the stupidity. One of the best things the president did this week is tell Angela Merkel stop creating dependencesy on putin and a hostile regime. Stop. We have more Natural Resources and we could put more americans to work tomorrow and export all the energy they would need for all of western europe. There is a bit of irony about all of this. Europe is under greater threat from russia today than at any time since collapse of the soviet union. Yes, the United States takes the lead in countering and deterring russia. Sean 70 cents of every dollar we pay for nato. 700 billion a year. Germany doesnt pay their fair share. Even beyond the financial aspects of this. This is really our moral leadership and the intelligence leadership, the strategic leadership of the United States. People are not always grateful for that. But on the eve of the president s summit with Vladimir Putin, i find it ironic. Sean the president said everything is on the table with Vladimir Putin. Just like the lead up to the kim jong un summit in singapore, this is a bad idea. The president shouldnt do this. Dr. Gorka, i think it is good for the world if the president , we saw how direct he was with nato. He will be the same way. He cant be different. That is who he is. It will be an honest, forthright frank discussion just like it was with little rocket man and fire and fury. You know the president. I know the president. People ask what he is really like . The viewers need to understand. He is exactly the same behind closed doors as he is in front of 50,000 people in an arena in florida. He is a straight shooter. You know when he closes that door and its just him and the interpreters he is going to say look, what you did in the ukraine is wrong. That cannot stand. Stop messing around in syria. We have already killed 200 of your mercenaries and stop threatening nato. He is a straight shooter. Look. Rod rosenstein and everybody else wants to talk about russian collusion. Its a fantasy. Sean as we all know. There gorka, we dr. Gorka, we wish you were here. But well see you in helsinki. And when we come back, nigel farage is coming up. Monday we will be in helsinki, london. We hope you will join us. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Mbc doesnt take a day off, and neither will i. And i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. 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Its very complicated negotiation and not an easy negotiations. That is for sure. Sean that was the president earlier today reaffirming the United States commitment to a strong trade relationship with postbrexit england. Joining with us reaction is the brexit leader, nigel. How are you . Good to see you. Good to see you here. Sean why didnt you come to the protest with me . Im hated even more than donald trump. In fact, i went into a building at westminster earlier, and they found i was there. They gathered outside. Sean protesters . Yes. I had to go out the back. I got you a souvenir. Sean you did . I do. Its very important that we have that. Sean could you sign it . Absolutely you have to remember that trump is guilty for Climate Change, torture and sean every hill of ill of the world. 14 states have record low unemployment, for hispanic americans, africanamericans, women in workplace and more Jobs Available in america than we have people that take them on the unemployment. There is no rationale for this. Every one of the people out there are the same people with the antibrexit marches. This is the same crowd. Sean so the president in the sun took theresa may to task. I told her how to do it and she didnt do it right. The truth is trump and the administration believes in brexit. Why . They believe in nation state and they understand that the European Union is the epicenter of the globalist project. Sean you won by a big margin here. We did win by a big margin but what we have now a couple of years on is establishment fighting back hard. Weak Prime Minister who doesnt believe in what she is doing. Sean she says the right thing and never does it. She says the right thing and does the opposite. Its extraordinary. I think they wind her up at the back in the morning. Sean ouch she rerobotticly says we are taking back control of our laws, borders and money. It sounds great. But then you see what she does is different. I think this, from the early days of the administration i remember talking to people around the president. They were saying to me how excited they were about a free trade deal with the u. K. Why . It showed the world sean in jeopardy. The world wants fair trade. Sean free and fair trade. Absolutely we promise to america we would facilitate that. Once brexit happened. But the agreement may made last week makes that impossible. Sean the Prime Minister seems to be hanging by a thread by my observation. Boris johnson, does he have a chance . We wasnt pro trump as i remember. The idea they are good friends is nonsense. Sean i love your honesty. Boris didnt even want trump to come to london. Times change. There are certain politicians that can be malleable with these things. Sean a little bit . Why dont you run for Prime Minister . The truth is boris did join the brexit party. He may have came late but he did and he was important. If we had boris as a leader we would be in a better place than we are with theresa may. Middle england is in uproar. Sean do you support him . Why not you . Because you were the brexit leader. I am, i kind of step back a bit from the front line politics in britain. If they drop the ball and conservative party cannot work it out, i will be back and the next time no more mr. Nice guy. Sean ly take that as a i will take that as a yes. We love our friends in great britain. We are tied forever. 25 seconds. We pay 70 cents of every dollar for nato. Why wont germany step up . Why are they making russia rich again with energy. Sean the whole thing is a joke. Its to build a european army. European army to undermine nato. I hope trump starts to withdraw trumps to say we are serious. Sean its good to see you. Great to be, actually, we have time here but i was hanging out with the protesters. Its a great city. Sean thank you for my gift. When we come back, from london, more hannity and a programming note for monday straight ahead. Until her laptop crashed this morning. Her salon was booked for weeks, having it problems . Ask a business advisor. For as little as 15 a month. Right now, save 300 on our hp 2in1 laptop bundle at Office Depot Officemax let your perfect drive come together at the lincoln summer invitation sales event. Get 0 apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus 1,000 bonus cash. [ coughs ] [ screams ] whoa, whoa, whoa. Your one item would be the name your price tool . It helps people save on car insurance. Why wouldnt it save me . Why . What would you bring . A boat. Huh. Sean thats all the time we have left from london. As always, thank you for joining us. All right, monday, President Trump meeting vladimir the putin in finland. Well be live from helsinki with all the details. You do not want to miss mondays show. By the way, dont miss the show. Well see you from helsinki monday. Have a great weekend. Laura good evening, from washington im laura ingram, this is the ingraham angle. I thought things were supposed to slow down in the summertime. Theres no slow time with President Trump and well have insight and analysis you cannot and will not get from anywhere else tonight. President trump meeting with the british Prime Minister and the queen and monday is set for the oneonone meeting with russian president , vladamir putin. And well analyze the president s entire overseas trip and preview whats in store for monday. Back at home, a Major Development in the mueller probe, interesti

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