Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170221

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Though they pretend that they have them, they make them up in many cases they just dont want to report the truth and they have been calling us wrong now for two years, they do not get it but they are starting to get it. I can tell you that. Theyve become a big part of the problem. They are part of the corrupt system but despite all their lies, misrepresentations and false stories, they could not defeat us in the primaries. And they cannot defeat us in the general elections and we will continue to expose them for what they are and most importantly we will continue to win, win, win. We are not going to let the fake news tell us what to do, how to live or what to believe. We are free and independent people, and we will make our own choices. Sean the ultraleft propaganda media in their response, so pathetically predictable. Lets take a sneak look. Trumps attacksll on the American Press are more treacherous than Richard Nixons attacks on the press. They were largely in private, there is a history of what enemy of the people that phrase means, as used by dictators and authoritarians, including stalin, hitler, and im not about to say anything about comparing hitler and trump but it is a demagogue statement. Somebodys going to get hurt. Just a question of time, just like in every other dynamic, if you take someone whos got a legitimate reason to be upset in the first place, and you pump them up and it starts to become a call to action, somebodys going to get hurt. As long as the american democracy remains healthy, therell be reporters willing to pursue the truth even if that means incurring the wrath of the most powerful person in the world. A free press is not the enemy of america, it is a big part of what makes america great. Sean what is now obvious and so transparent is the abusively bias press has now declared war on President Trump and by the way, in turn, you the American People who put him in office. We are seeing just how relevant for example wikileaks was. They exposed the rampant collusion between the press and the clinton campaign. They had a stake in this election. Of course they were one side to so. Our suspicions have now been confirmed. All these leftwing news w outlets, they thought they would stop donald trump from becomingg president. Just take a look at how the media laughed off the idea of donald trump becoming president and winning the white house. Donald trump has been saying he will run as president as a republican, i just assumed he was running as a joke. Look at me. Do it. I will personally write you a Campaign Check right now on behalf of this country which does not want you to be president but which badly wants you to run. We better be ready for the fact that he may be leading the republican ticket. [laughter] i know you dont believe that. But i want to go on. Which republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election . Of the declared ones, right now . Donald trump. [laughter] sean instead of admitting they were wrong, theyve now doubled down on their attacks against President Trump, let me explain. Let me give a history lesson. In 2007, 2008, the media never vetted president barack obama and his radical ideologicalhe leftwing agenda. They did not talk about franknt marshall davis, they did not even bother to look into a relationship with its unrepentant domestic terrorist friend, bill ayres. He was asked one time about that and it was a question i fed the George Stephanopoulos on my radio show. They only asked about bill ayreq one time. And then the church of gd america, the press was a year behind that too. They barely cover the story and if it is donald trump, you know it would be different. The media didnt want to reporte on Barack Obamas associations, we did on this program. Obama became president , all right, he is in there eight years. The media did not go anywhere near his real record on the economy. We were not afraid on this show to give you the real numbers. For example, millions more out of the labor force, and poverty, on food stamps, and obama accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined. President trump talks about inheriting a mess . Those numbers are the ones he is referring to. Then this hillary clinton. Oh, wikileaks exposed just how in bed the media was with her. Just take a look at all the Media Outlets that for example rsvped to the 2015 dinner allegedly at John Podestas house. It was all the major Media Outlets except for fox news. On Election Night after donald trump won, it was like a funeral and every one of these networks. Even Martha Raddatz cried. Watch this. Thats a pretty extraordinary thing to say. If you have a son in the marine corps and that you do not trust the commanderinchief. There are people in the military, they defend the constitution. America is crying tonight. Im not sure how much of america but a very, very significant portion. I mean literally crying. A ive gotten text from a College Campus about a dorm that is just in tears. This was a white lash. A white lash against a change in country, a white lash against a black president in part. That is the part where the pain comes. Im still having hard time getting used to standing on this earth right now. It is a different earth today than it was 24 hours ago. Sean of Martha Raddatz crying . Really . A white lash against everybody that voted for trump, they are racist . Thats how biased the media in this country is. Heres where we are today, has its abusively biased media changed . Have they apologized or changed apologized for the collusion . Absolutely not and worse, can we look at what they are doing now, they are ignoring President Trumps accomplishments. An they will never tell you the truth, they have a clear radical leftwing agenda and by the way, they are also lazy. They will not report the trump is ordered federal agencies to ease the burden of obamacare. And seeks to repeal and replace obamacare, that he took action to freeze new and pending regulations, he withdrew the u. S. From tpp like he promised. He instituted a government hiring freeze. He banned, literally, some countries from getting funds that provide abortions abroad, issued five executive actions, advancing keystone and decode access pipelines, which by the way will w create jobs and leado energy independence, and also issued actions on construction of a border wall, stripping money from sanctuary cities, all promises issued executive actions on extreme vetting. He will win that eventually. And rebuilding the military. He issued executive action the draft of the plan to defeat isis which should probably be in his hands today or tomorrow. He instituted a five year ban so you can train the swamp, he nominated and originalists to the Supreme Court, a house joint resolution, number 38 to help the coal industry get back into business, sanctioned iran over their Ballistic Missile program, negotiated lawyer prices on fighter jets and air force one with Companies Like intel, with boeing and others. Then he met with intel, ford, general motors, Fiat Chrysler and all these other companies to incentivize them to come back to america and build jobs here. He signed executive orders to protect Police Officers that are under fire. Er he signed executive orders to take down drug cartels. He called for the advancement of women entrepreneurs. He called or met with over 30 foreign leaders so far. And trump made a big announcement today by appointing Lieutenant General h. R. Mcmaster to be the new National Security advisor. Is anybody in the press focused on any of this . They would rather spend their days going after the president for a comment he makes about sweden, which by the way he was right about, and the media is perfectly willing to continue to mislead and lie to you, the American People. Its so clear. They are collectively, the news media, at war with, the president. T. Their little egos are bruised and they have been exposed. They are waging this battle by focusing on superfluous nonimportant issues, citing unnamed sources and the press has called this president every name in the book, are they inciting violence by calling him racist, antisemitic, homophobic, sexist, a liar and even a dictator . Theyre throwing out names with the hopes that some name may stick one day and they go out and report recklessly whatever the tweet is of the day. The biggest point i want to make tonight is this, the Mainstream Medias audience, they are heroes, listeners, readers, they are not you, the american peopl people. They are not the forgotten men and women in poverty, on food stamps, out of the labor force, that cant buy a house. We have the lowest Home Ownership rate in 51 years. It is not the oceans of red in the middle of the country, the little slivers of blue, coastal elites. That is where the media is catering to. Out of touch liberals, they know nothing about you and your problems. They do not seem to care about the millions more in property the people that are struggling. Because they are trapped, overpaid, in their bubbles and they seem to care less about the plight of the average hardworking bluecollar americans that make this country great. That is why they did not think that donald trump could win. It is why they cant for the life of them understand why he is connecting with the American People. And the American People are so happy that he is taking this corrupt media on every day. You have an alt left media, they have proven they can never be trusted. They lie, they mislead, they distort, and they have an agenda. A leftwing radical agenda. That is why they are colluding with hillary. In reality, they are modernday propagandists. Other countries, we see it, liberals, a state run media. They are the biggest mouthpiece for the left wing in the country. This is gross malpractice because what they are doing tog you, the American People, is a great disservice. They should be ashamed of t themselves. This is exactly what the president calls on fake news because you cannot trust them any longer. That is just a fact. Her with reaction, the host of Michelle Malkin investigates on crt become our friend Michelle Malkin. Lets put up on the screen, wikileaks. All the collusion. And how it it expose them and then i want you to answer, did they not learn anything from this campaign after they were laughing at the idea of a President Trump, colluding with hillary and then they seem to have learned nothing. Yeah, they have seem to have learned nothing, sean, their quadrupling down. Propagan worse than that. These are the soiled pants media. A they are still suffering fromt. Postelection indigestion. This weekend was really a milestone for them, there is no other industry that is more selfcongratulatory and self delusional than journalism. Well, maybe with the exception of hollywood. They are thinskinned, their reaction to being called what they are, the enemy, it tells you everything you need to know. About just how agenda driven they are. You know what they did in the echo chambers of twitter this weekend . They spent the whole weekend they spent the whole weekend tweeting about the exceptional 1 of american journalists who actually did their job, sacrificed their lives on the battlefield and this is somehown representative of all the feckless beltway journalists who are in practice nothing more than political propagandists and ideological shilt for the left. Sean they had to reprimand a reporter for referring to someone that i know is a lovely woman, Melania Trump, as a hooker. Reprimanded. Then it gets worse, they tweeted out a story about Stephen Miller and his severed head on a stake. All of this fake news, i will put some of it they lie so o often but it is so deeper because what they choose to cover and for example, what trump has accomplished in 30 days, they ignore completely. T yeah, that is right. Whether they are engaging against Stephen Miller or Melania Trump were jumping on board the hollywood nutballs who are even going after donald and melanias son, these people have no shame. The great malpractice, the gross disservice as you highlighted is all of the noise that they are creating to oppose the Trump Administration is underminingt what journalism is supposed toti be about. Which is informing the American People about the important policy decisions and the important policy advancements that are actually going on in washington, d. C. And for which donald trump is responsible for. They want to jump on the fact that he mentioned things are going on in sweden when he is absolutely more righten than wrg sean im going to prove that he was right. In fact, it is the jihadistcoddling media that has made the american left stay by their ideological whitewashing of existential threats to america. Sean great commentary as always. Congrats on your new tv show as well. Thank you for being with us. If i have one bit of advice for the white house, very simple. Keep your promises and all of this noise, all of these hacks, they will be meaningless in the end. Up next, here on hannity. The media did not make a donald trump and they cannot destroy him. Sean Rush Limbaugh calling out the alt left propaganda media, we will have more reaction to this biased press and also later tonight. No Campaign Managers should sit at a table like this and say i do not know, the russians may have been the reason we lost the election. Its not important, it could have been the reason. Sean is Hillary Clintons former Campaign Manager suggesting russia could have cost her the election. Okay, where is the election . Later tonight, we are joined with guests who will weigh in on trumps long list of accomplishments. That that media will never tell you about. What he has done in one month in office. All that, straight ahead. In office. What do you get when you combine an h r block tax pro, with the deduction finding superpower of ibm watson . Ah you get more money. Thats what you could get. H r block with watson. Get your taxes won. Ways wins. Especially in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. 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They reported 11 people passed through an unintended security checkpoint monday, three of those travelers have been tracked down. The others, i believe, have boarded flights to unknown destinations. I am kelly wright, now back to hannity. The media did not make donald trump and they cannot destroy him but the media thinks and when i say media, let me define abc, nbc, cbs, usa today, los angeles times, they have a formula. A blueprint for destroying republican political officials they do not like. It will not work on trump. He does not fit that mold. They are trying to everyday. It is kind of comical to watch. Sean that was Rush Limbaugh yesterday talking about the Mainstream Medias attempt to sabotage the president , heree with reaction from joe concha, byron york, raheem kassam. I think rush is right. They did not elect him, they did everything they could to defeat him, i worry if it becomes cumulative and if there is one little mistake, if he could huru the president. I would say the president has a leverage right now in this war against the media. I base that on numbers, not opinion. The survey on trust and media, before wikileaks, 86 of republicans do not trust the media. Okay, we expect that. Its 70 of independents. Dont trust the media. Donald trump has the leverage right now in terms of this war. In terms of journals and what they think their job is now. Eight use to do an accurate story, good investigative journalism, you get a pat on the back. Now it is all about, how many times am i going to Say Something provocative that gets retweeted by my media brethren . And oh, maybe i can get a story and they will talk about me. Its all about drawing attention to themselves instead of reporting accurately. Instead, its a race to be first. Sean hoping somebody will get reaction, byron, what is your take on this . I do think there some people in the media that were frustrated after the campaign because we threw everything we had against this guy and it did not bring him down but talk about trump attacks on the media, they are very exaggerated. He has had a multidecade relationship with a history of working with the press. He has a codependent relationship with them. He is not use the power of the presidency to attack the press, if he names james rosen as a coconspirator in the leak case, then we should really worry. Sean such a great point. Sh actions and set of words. The last thing is, theres really been no chilling effect. No evidence of journalists who have been intimidated and silenced. In fact, its been the opposite. Sean agenda driven and frankly, lately. The latest example as you have an immigration problem all throughout europe, specifically a whole pile of reports here on sweden. And they say oh, did you hear the president is wrong on sweden . The president was right about sweden. Explain. The president was correct. I was there just last week, and sweden. The suburbs of stockholm and what i saw was absolutely terrifying. I cant tell whether these journalists are now just partisan dumdums or liars or both. But they have not been there, they have not seen what is going on, the segregation, this lack of integration, this appeal to allowing them to get this way. The swedish government enforcing them to do so by putting them in these housing liveents where they all together. This isnt even a question, hes absolutely right. Because they came out and said he was wrong within seconds of him saying it. That means they have not lookedn into it, they have not researched it or read the books on it. Sean good points from r everybody. Up next, Hillary Clintons former Campaign Managers still trying to blame russia forer her loss of the election. When is this lunacy going to stop . Please give me evidence. E. Watch this. Decisive action will be taken to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. Sean the president keeping his campaign promises. You will probably not see this on any other network tonight. Pi if you often suffer from a dry mouth, over time it can lead to cavities and bad breath. Thats why there is biotene, the 1 dry mouth brand recommended by dentists. Biotene. For people who suffer from a dry mouth. Remember when you said men are supeyeah. Ivers . Yeah, then howd i get this. Allstate safe driving bonus check . Only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months youre accident free. Silence. Its good to be in, good hands. [and her new business i do, to jeanetgo. Jeanette was excellent at marrying people. But had trouble getting paid. Not a good time, jeanette. Even worse. Now im uncomfortable. But heres the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. Send that invoice, jeanette. Looks like they viewed it. And, tada paid twice as fast. Oh, shes an efficient officiant. Way to grow, jeanette. New. Get paid twice as fast for free. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Sean welcome back to hannity, if you thought thought the left had finally accepted Donald Trumps massive victory, guess again. Take a look at the latestd an example of the lesson blame game. It wasnt a former Campaign Manager, robbie group, this will shock you. I do not bring up our campaign, whether it because our loss or not. They could have. This is the key. No kim may manager or candidate ever sat at a table like this on a nose program and said i do not know, the russians may have been the reasons why we lost the election. Whats important is that it could have been the reason. That should never happen again. Sean really . Obama tried to unseat Prime Minister netanyahu. The former director ence james o it down as a lie. Mi watch this. They did not change any vote tallies or anything of that sort. We had no way of gauging the impact, certainly the Intelligence Community cannot gauge, the choice of the electorate made. Theres no way for us to gauge that. Ho sean here now with reaction, charlie hurt, dinesh dsouza. Can anyone of you give me any evidence at all . Because the National Director of intelligence is saying it, the types of Systems Russia targeted were not involved in vote tallying. Is it evident any dents, the russians, the russians, the russians had any impact . No evidence at all. But i want to go with the idea because i want to translate what he is actually saying. What is actually saying is that the russians have sort of been like cops who have broken into a car, and the car were illegal drugs. Those drugs were then exposed to the jury and the jury said guilty. The jury here is the American People. The American People decided the election, based on information allegedly provided by the russians, and what the left is basically saying is illegal search and seizure. Sean but has anyone proven the russians were the hackers . No, absolutely not. Sean number one, charlie, obama did spend taxpayer dollars and operatives to go after netanyahu. That is a fact. I thought we were not supposed to have outside influence of elections but number two, hillary had an email server in a bathroom closet. And podesta is an idiot that fell for a phishing scheme. Tell me where the connection to the russians are, what are we going to get that evidence . Because the media repeats it daily. Theres no evidence whatsoever. O what is really shocking if you go back and look into the structure of what was said right there, who is the biggest boob in democratic politics. They hate this guy, theyre saying, what is wrong with this guy . They say he failed to go out and campaign in key states. It is not important whether the russians actually did it or not . All that is important whether they could have. Whats interesting about that statement is that he does notwh even believe that there is any evidence. Because he does not want to talk about that. He just wants to talk about could have. Yes to put out something that the left can hold onto, to keep trump is illegitimate. Lets go convince the electorates to vote, the only shred they hold onto is this idea that somehow, it could have been rigged, the russians could have played an illegitimate role. Sean no evidence thathe russians impacted the election in any way. That wikileaks got it from the russians, believed Julian Assange or not, he told me no. Wikileaks have never been proven wrong. The really sad thing here is while all these other people are talking about these wild dispersions and accusations, they are not in the hard works, that they should be doing which is figuring out what is wrong with their candidates, whats wrong with their party, what is wrong with their message, what is wrong with their policies . That they are not able to win an election . Donald trump is going to be successful, that is the greatest. I gotta let you go but great too see you both. O your movie to great, by the way. Congratulations. Up next, tonight, right here on hannity. I will take Decisive Actionon to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. Sean who could ever disagree with that . The president talks about what he has accomplished since taking office, the Mainstream Media will never tell you. E next. Next. Let us pray. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Y. Sean first lady Melania Trump reciting the lords prayer and liberals absolutely lose it. Pretty pathetic. It we are joined with reaction. Wit. Theres nothing more important to me than my vacation. So when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. They offer free cancellation, in case i decide to go from kidfriendly to kidfree. 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And by the way, we are going to be submitting, in a couplele of weeks, a Great Health Care plant that is going to take the place of the disaster known as obamacare. It will be repealed and replaced. I have taken Decisive Action to keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. Sean so at saturdays rally in florida, the president laid out when he has accomplished during his first month in office and what he is hoping to achieve in the near future and the foundations he is laying. Joining us now, larry elder, david clarke. How refreshing that you have a guy who made promises and stays on message and is laying the foundation to accomplish a lot more and as we talked earlier, the media ignores thosese successes. Sheriff . How cool is that . Leadership has returned to the white house. We havent had it in probably 35 years or so, real leadership im talking about. Since Ronald Reagan was there. Clearly defined vision for america, clear principles, people can understand and things that people can get behind. I think its biggest hurdle would be congress, the g. O. P. P too because they work at a snails pace. Theyre still fiddling around with obamacare but they said they sent a bill up to former president obama that he vetoedr why dont they send it back up to trump, have him sign it and veto that thing and repeal it and then lets get moving on. Sean very good question, sheriff. I was asking paul ryan last week and he said all of this will be done in 200 days. 200 . [laughs] they said they had a plan ready to go. Thats a snails pace that Congress Works at. Theyve been saying that for the two last years, it will be 300 days, next thing the thing will get mired. In the gridlock and nothing will happen. Sean i certainly hope not. Larry, there is a short window here. There really is, every president has usually a honeymoon period, this one will not have one but generally speaking, the other side wants to accommodate the new president. You got about 100 days, maybe 200 days to get stuff done. Da i think its been pretty remarkable, already a nominee td the Supreme Court was an originalist just as donald trump said. The travel ban issued, i know that was slapped down but they will reissue another one andue make it more narrowed and tailored. They are already talking about submitting a plan to repeal and replace obamacare sometime early in march. I think it is extraordinary that he has done as much as hes done in just one month, given the opposite end of the other party and sean and build a wall and also make us Energy Independent and his economic plan which he promises, ryan promised me it will all be done. Their legislative challenges, i know none of us like the pace of washington. It is frustrating. I think they should have had that plan ready to go on day one. They did not but now they are squaring it and he things it will be done in march. By the way, sheriff, i thoughtut you were going to join the administration . Are you going to join . Be patient. Just be patient, thats all i can say. Sean what is be patient mean . My job is to ask questions, i am a talk show host. Ha i think you should be there. Thats all i can say. Sean larry, doest that sound like to you . How do you interpret that . Hes probably having some discussions and hes not ready to tell anybody what going on right now but sean, donald trump has said that the media its enemy of the people. I do not think that thats hyperbole. When you look atol the washington post, they admitted that they put it more flattering stories of obama on the front page than mccain. More flattering pictures than mccain. Ai more positive stories on obama and mccain. They admitted that they were biased. They were biased towards obama and this is what donald trump is up against and i thank god that finally somebody is taking on the media. Its about time. The share, last word. Well, the place where donald trump is right now, its not just the washington establishment, it is also the liberal Mainstream Media who is in bed. They are the propaganda wing of the democratic party. We know longer maintain to be a watchdog of government, they are the echo chamber for progressive policies and i think it is sad that they have abandoned their responsibility under the first amendment. Sean pretty despicable. I agree. Thank you both. Good to see you. Up next, tonight, right here on hannity. Let us pray. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. P sean on saturday, thee first lady Melania Trump began the rally by reciting the lords prayer. The left is going insane. Up next, we get reaction. And later, we will play some of the messages, some i am hearing not so nice, that you left for me on the hannity hotline. Stay with us. Liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance sean welcome back to hannity, the first lady Melania Trump started the president s rally by recitingadt the lords prayer. Watch this. Let us pray. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen. Sean the crowd erupted in applause when she finished the prayer but she was heavily criticized. On social media and elsewhere, joining us now, jerry falwell, jr. , and franklin graham. Er so, i am reading comments about this, she got accused of plagiarizing by reciting the lords prayer. All right, we are all guilty foe plagiarizing by reciting this prayer. They called it a dictatorship and then some said she was reading, it looked like she was bowing her head to me. I am thinking as far as i know, is this not a judeochristian country founded on judeochristian principles . Sean, you are right. When melania did this i thought to myself, thats of the first time in American History and politics as far as i know where the first lady stood and recited the lords prayer before she introduced her husband. I thought it was tremendous. It resonated with not only millions of christians across this country but also around the world. An i am talking about christians halfway around the world that saw that. That encourage them to think that the first lady would recite a prayer that the Lord Jesus Christ gave and here she is, reciting it before the whole i am so proud of her and i just couldnt stop talking about it. I thought it was tremendous. Im proud of her. As proud as i can be of our first lady. She is such a fine person and of course, the left is going to attack and theyre going to do everything they can to beat up our president and his wife, the first lady. His children, they are going after everybody. But there are millionsns and millions of christians out there that stood behind President Trump and they are going to continue to stand behind him and i just hope he keeps Going Forward and i certainly hope the first lady is not discouraged because the left who want to try to embarrass her some way, she did a great job. A fabulous job. Mb sean ive known you a lot of years, ive been to the convocation when your dad ran liberty university. Since you have ran it, by the christian that either you or franklin are. He mustve known and stick debate that i would leave and not more help than you guys. Your father knew it, that is why he is to call and say he was praying for me. He knew instinctively i needed a lot more help. I thought it was a reallyy touching, beautiful moment. It was sincere and i met melania, she is lovely, kind, she is a great mom, a great support to the president. English is not her first, second, third, or fourth language. It is her fifth language. N she is amazingly smart and really, we are going to attack the 10yearold kid and the wife of the president . Thats how desperate these people are . I thought she was so classy, it was such a classy thing to do, i agree with franklin 100 . This is tradition in American History, franklin prayed at the inauguration, i read the scripture that contained the lords prayer, it is such a perversion of the idea of separation of church and state what our founders meant by that. That the judicial activists have created in this century. I know i live right here in virginia, my family has lived here since before the revolutionary war, Thomas Jeffersons farm its a few farms away from mine. I will tell you what he meant by separation of church and state, the Virginia Colony was under the british stern and everyone was supposed to pay ties to the anglican church. The king controlled the church, bought up much of the land in virginia and after the revolution, Thomas Jefferson was determined to never let the church be used by the state to control the people again. Thats what he meant by separation of church and state. Sean thank you for joining me. When we come back, we need your help with tonights very important question of the day. And apparently we have some hate messages you left for me on the hannity hotline. We will have those for you, straight ahead. E day. It apparently we have some hate messages you left for me on the alarms wheres the car . Itll be here in three. Uh, four minutes. Are you kidding me . No, looks like he took a wrong turn. Dont worry, this guys got like a fourstar rating, were good. His name is randy. Thats like one of the most trustworthy names ordering a getaway car with an app . Are you randy . Thats me awesome surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money erin saved by switching to geico. Everybody comfortable with the air temp . I could go a little cooler. Ok. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. You fand together, of your dreams. You had the kid of your dreams. Now you can put them in the car of your dreams. For a lot less than you might think. With a certified preowned mercedesbenz, you can enjoy legendary safety, innovation and performance at a price you can afford. And thats a pretty sweet dream. Visit the certified preowned sales event, now through february 28th. Only at your authorized dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho its off to work we go heres to all of you early risers, whats up man . Gogetters, and shouldbe sleepers. From all of us at delta, because the ones who truly change the world, are the ones who cant wait to get out in it. Sean time for our question of the day. Do you think President Trump has accomplished a lot in his first month . Give him a letter grade. Go to facebook. Com seanhannity. seanhannity on twitter. Its time to play some of the messages you left for me. I have not heard that yet. Sean hannity, i heard you came in second place in a Eddie Munster lookalike contest. You are a very, very intelligent man. I really like you a lot. You are so professional and im hoping after eight years of mr. Trump you decide to run for president of the united states. You have to let your other guests to talk. You talk too much and you talk over them. But thats okay. I still love you and im still going to watch you forever. Thanks. Five. Sean i will try to let people finish. Eddie munster, that was unfair. If you have comments. Mean, nice, doesnt matter. Call the number on the screen. All you haters, hits me with your best shot. Call that number. Its all the time we have left. Thanks for being with us and we will see you back here tomorrow night. Martha breaking tonight, a new executive order on emigration could come down at any moment. Plus, President Trumps search for a new National Security advisor is over. It is day 32 of the first 100. I am sandra smith and for martha maccallum. Just a short time ago, from his morrow log a resort, President Trump announcing Lieutenant General h. R. Mcmaster will take over as National Security advisor. The announcement coming exactly one week after Michael Flynn resigned from the position. Plus, we learned that President Trump is expected to double down on his immigration ban. He is going to sign a new executive order within days. That order will still target the

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