Hannity starts right here right now. Welcome to the a special edition of hannity road to the white house. Donald trump continue to hammer Hillary Clinton for her long history of corruption and scandal. Watch this. The American People have had it with years and decades of clinton corruption and scandal. Corruption and scandal. And impeachment for lying. Impeachment for lying. Remember that . Impeach. Theyre tired of the lies, theyre tired of the trivial politics, talked down to and looked down upon and treated like second class citizens and theyre phenomenal people. You have phenomenal people. The clintons are the sordid past. We will be bright and clean future. Here now is former speaker of the house, Fox News Contributor newt gingrich. Im getting different feels from people, especially as it relates to the Alicia Machado issue. Should trump go back to the main focus which is the economy, corruption and scandal like hes just doing this and stay off of any of the side issues that hillary is trying to drag him into in. Ive been trying to think about his style. As you know, im very fond of him. Ive worked hard and i think its vital for the country that he win and that Hillary Clinton be defeated. And when ive concluded that Steve Lawrence in golden rainbow and broadway in 1968 sang a key song ive got to be me. Hes got to understand hes got to sing ive got to be me or hes got to learn a new song, ive got to be president. Theyre not the same song. Hes got to become much more disciplined for a while i thought he had turned a corner. This last week has been a lost week, a week which has hurt pum, shaken his own supporters. And you cant tweet at 3 00 in the morning, period. Theres no excuse ever, not if youre going to be president of the United States. Hes really got to decide and i think its very important to understand this. If hes got to have himself, then he may well not win. If hes willing to grow into the role of president , then he may win. In fact i think he will win. The bigger the issues, the more he talks about raising taxes versus cutting taxes, killing jobs versus creating jobs, defending america versus letting in thousands of syrian refugees. The big issues hes going to win in a landslide. But if he stays down in the mud, the clintons are the best mudders ive ever seen and theyd be perfectly happy to wage the next 39 day misthe mud because they know how to survive in mud. Its interesting to point out. As weve seen i guess it is frustrating on a lot of levels because the clintons have all of the bimbo eruptions, all of the smearing of women, all of the money from saudi arabia and countries that mistreat women, kill gays and lesbians. The double standard is frus tra frustrating. Hes the candidate. Thats something i would say or you would say, i the tack show house and you the former speaker. He has to present to the country for the next 39 days a methodical strong clear vision of making America Great again to use his own slogan and he needs to spend a lot more time preparing for this next debate. Because he only had lester holt in this last round. When you get somebody who is as opposed to him as hes going to have when they have that town meeting, Anderson Cooper is viscerally deeply opposed to donald trump. This will be basically three within one with the two moderators plus hillary. Hes got to go in there having done what every professional athlete would do. Look at the game film of the last game, figure out what you did wrong. Figure out what you got to improve. And it cant be lax dackadaisic. Hes got to decide that making America Great again is worth his so board nating himself to the process of becoming president of the United States and thats very different than just being a candidate. In many ways he had done that, especially in the last six weeks leading up to this week. I actually thought coming out of the debate he was fine. Hi was on your show immediately afterwards. I thought he was fine. And then the media is set up in a way you and i didnt appreciate. This whole thing was an ambush. But the correct step there is to side step the ambush. Didnt get sucked into it. All he had to say is look, they want to make something out of a 20yearold business decision, i want to create jobs. They want to talk about 20 years ago, i want to tell you how were going to fix the economy. You build a litany. You learned a trained i didnt get to be a good debater by randomly doing it. It takes training, it takes thinking and learning your own mistakes, going, wow, i didnt know i did that. And so i really hope that this is a wakeup call for him. Quit tweeting without somebody looking over your shoulder. Dont ever tweet late at night. And prepare to really study and get ready for a serious debate because hes really this next debate is going to be very important for how people judge him and whether or not they think hes capable of being president. In other words will he make the adjustment. Look, as far as im concerned, hillary, she shot every bullet in her attack gun against donald trump and he left a lot on the table, especially about emails and servers and lying and dishonesty and benghazi and obama kaye and iraq and syria and isis and vetting refugees and immigration and the wall. Theres a lot left here for him to bring up. And making that list would be important. Im sorry. Go ahead. Youre doing great. Its your show. But im excited to say this. Look. When you look at get the transcript of the last minute and a half of the debate where she goes on this huge detour to get this attack on trump. Hes being a professional debater. She knows wh her message is. The key to this thing is if Anderson Cooper asks you something stupid you say gosh, thats an interesting topic and it reminds me of how i want to create jobs. Im so glad you brought that up because creating jobs is really important you dont let him design what the debate is. You look at my best debates in 2011 and 2012 aconsistently refrained the media and got to the topic i wanted to talk about, not the topic they wanted to talk about. You are one of the best debaters out there by far and i. D. Led to a lot of success. You won an important primary in South Carolina as a result of those debates. It is important for me, this is so substantive and the differences so profound. It is kind of sad on one level that if hillary can robotically memorize lines written by others and deliver them because shes been in politics, as you pointed out the other night, 46 years, not 30 years. That somehow thats viewed as president ial. And if somebody looks at that as sur purrful house, well ignore the vetting of shis, which their issues are deeper and profound. Hillary is willing to gamble the lives, trump is not. But people would be more interested in the style than the real substance. Thats a little troubling. Remember, youre a conservative and youve been through this. I go all the way back to reagan and the early days of the Reagan Campaign for president. If she didnt have the elite media in the tank for her, she would be down she would be down 30 . Thats true. Thats a fact. Not a problem. What you do about it is a problem. Every conservative has to start out saying, the the New York Times oppose me, the Washington Post oppose me, nbc, cbs, abc, you go down the list, theyre all against me. Now how do i design a campaign and go into a debate knowing that. Its like sailing and understand you got to learn to tack. You never go straight into the wind because you cant. You got to figure out how am i going to maneuver around these biases and turn it back on her. If she didnt have the elite media, she would be losing by an enormous margin right now. Thanks mr. Speaker. Appreciate it. Coming up next on the special e dit dition of hannit vote for mr. Trump. He is the greatest man i have ever met. Clinton campaign is trying to paint trump as sexist but our next guest says thats 100 not true. Plus, donald trump continues to pound the campaign trail today. He was in the great state ofmy mu. Were going to play highlights and well speak with Trump Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. That and much more straight ahead. Your life wasnt meant to be lived under a bushel basket. Neither is your faith. On october 6th, bring your bible to school. Learn more at bringyourbible. Org. Live from americas news head quarter, im robert gray. Police in california releasing video of the deadly shooting of an unarmed black man. The video shows an officer firing four rounds at Alfred Alongo after he raised hi hands and got into whats described a shooting stance. The tape was made public after days of protests. Alongos family says he suffered from Mental Illness and was holding an ecigarettes. Federal investigators are asking witnesses from yesterdays train crash to reach out. First hand accounts can help them piece together what happened. So far investigators are holding off on questioning the engineer, allowing him to recover from his injuries first. The krsh killed a woman standing on the platform and injured more than 100 others. Im robert gray. Now back to hannity. He is the greatest man i have ever met. His heart is made of pure gold. He saved me in so many ways and changed my world. Yes, he gave me a lot of gifts in my life, gift of compassion and showing my son how to pay it forward. But above that, if this man becomes president of the United States of america, he is going to give me the best gift ever, and that is ill know that when i leave this world i wont be here to watch my son grow, but ill know that he is going to grow up in a country that is safe. Welcome back to the special edition of hannity. That was Melissa Young in april giving a heartfelt endorsement of trump while she fights for her life. Joining us now to explain, former Trump International Vice President is with us, former miss california usa and the woman you just heard from, former miss wisconsin Melissa Young. Melissa, youre really fighting for your life even still. I had the honor of meeting you myself. Yes, sir. Tell us the story about you and donald trump and your health. Yes, sir. Youre correct. I am fighting for each and every day. And what happened was i stood on his stage when he owned the Miss Universe organization, i competed in the miss usa pageant in 2005. Many years later i became ill and really in the darkest days of being sick in the hospital i have never told him this personally. But that morning the priest had come and read me my last rights. And that day an envelope was delivered to my room. It was handwritten by plch trump. When opened it was a letter saying to the bravest woman i know. She wanted me to keep fighting. And in that moment it sparked something in me that i realized like my purpose is to fight and i need to get up and fight. And he really sparked such a wonderful you have an 8yearold little boy and your ulness, your doctors say i do. Youre fighting every day for your life. What is the prognosis that theyre telling you . Right. Correct. There is no cure for me. My heart is now in the condition of a 90yearold woman. And since the message is coming from my brain, the part of my brain that controls my nervous system, all of the automatic functions that we dont think about, heart rate, blood pressure, all of those things, digestion which explains the tube i have here, that part of my brain shut off like a light switch. I cannot get a new heart because it will send the same message to a new heart. So i have a heart in the condition of a 90yearold woman and i am fighting each day. And i just had a blood clot removed less than 48 hours ago from my chest and im here today because until my last breath i will use this voice to speak up to talk about who mr. Trump really is. It is so important that this side of the story is told. Let me go to you, carrie. Hes the most wonderful man i have ever met. Its a deep story. Youre in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me. Carrie when you were under fire, and you were under heavy fire. I remember you told me at one point there was only two people in your universe that stood up for you as the world turned against you and one of them was donald trump. Uhhuh. Yeah, its good to be with you sean. Thank you for having me on. Melissa is just such a woman of courage. She truly is amazing and her bravery is so inspiring. Thank you, melissa. Thank you, carrie. Donald trump is one of the only people that stood up for me and defended me. Im so tired of the nonsense and the attacks against him. Theyre so december trasperate theyre going to go to all length to try and destroy this man. This is a Smear Campaign to distract people from the real issues. This is the type of man listen to melissa and her story, listen to my story. He defended any. He stood up for me. He didnt have to do that. He took every one of my personal he defended Alicia Machado. Right. Exactly. He said its a very tough position. Were talking about beauty contests here. Right. Lets put it into context here. Lets not forget, this is a beauty contest. A contest that hypes up how women look and part of it is walking on stage in a bikini and god forbid some women might need to shed a few pounds and some women might need to gain a few pounds. My doctor few years ago and i started working out and i lost a few pounds. In 20 years you should come forward and Say Something about that. Im going to call him out on national tv. Youre in a different position because you work for donald trump and you worked on his biggest projects, one of you were Vice President and you hear these attacks. What do you say to people because you know him. Well, first and foremost, i want to say to people to listen to amazing Inspiring Women like melissa. I can relate. Shes truly just a beautiful woman inside and out. But shes such an impactful inspiring woman. Based on my experience, i worked at Trump International from 2003 until 2007. I can tell you that hes a very tough businessman, but hes very fair. He gave women the same opportunities that he gave to men and you had to prove yourself. You had to work really, really hard. And carrie, when you compare how hillary and her husband treat women and the media doesnt cover it. And you know, im going to crucify jennifgennifer flowers monica lewinsky, a narcicisstic looney toon. That never gets covered by the media, paula jones et cetera. She spent over 100,000 bullying these women who didnt deserve it. If shes such an advocate of women and their rights and supporting women, why was she tearing these women down. She should have been believing their story, like she says we all should. Thank you for sharing your stories. Melissa, you especially and all of you, youre in our thoughts and prayers and we wish you the very best every day and the best to your son also. We have highlights from Donald Trumps rally earlier tonight in michigan. His Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway will join us next. First Lady Michelle obama has been trying to rally Hillary Clinton supporters. But what does she really think about her. More on this special edition of hannity. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. 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Were going to do it, our country is going to be greater than ever before. Were going to be the smart country again. The people of this country are tired of the lies. Theyre tired of trivial politics. Theyre tired of being talked down to, looked down upon and treated like second class citizens. This will finally be the year that the American People say enough is enough. And a brandnew National Fox News poll just released today shows in a fourway matchup clinton and trump are neck in neck. Theres a threepoint difference in the margin of error. Joining us now is Kellyanne Conway. Good to see you. Hi, sean. One of the things that newt said that i thought was pretty smart enlightening bright guy, i understand mr. Trumps frustration with an abusively biassed media. Theyre never going to tell the story of the smearing, the slandering, the besmirching and the bimbo issues. There will always be a double standard. And what hes suggesting is that mr. Trump subordinate his personal messages to the larger message, here are our differences on Supreme Court justic justices, on vetting ref agr itn build a wall on obamacare. What do you think . I agree completely. Hillary clinton cannot run on her record. She can be held accountable for the unremarkable record in the United States senate. There are three bills passed with her name on it. I know she sponsored other ones but ooh go and look at the information. She has a checkered record as secretary of state. So if you actually make a contrast between her views and yours, her vision and yours and you hold to account on women, sean, how many thousands of women have donald trump employed over his career. Theyve been compensated, theyve been respected, theyll elevated throughout the ranks of the trump corporation, many of them. They occupy some of the highest level. We just had some of the women on that have either worked for him or that hes treated so nicely. Its a very different story that the clintons will spin or the media will spin. As everyone knows, watch what i do, not what i say when it comes to how you treat people. And the point is that he has been very good to women throughout his life as a nonpolitician. Secondly the Clinton Foundation takes money from all of these countries where women and girls are not treated with respect. They dont have basic rights. Millions of dollars have gone to the Clinton Foundation. I think the frustration is all of the incomplete coverage. We dont hear anything about the five people who have taken immunity with connections to the fbi investigation of the email scandal. Cheryl mills took immunity an d acted as her own attorney. Take the case, take the issues set to Hillary Clinton and you win. Thats also why she didnt really talk about issues the other night when she got the mike phone. She got through that five or six point checklist of things she wanted to make sure she was going to say. Theyre there to talk about issues and shes yelling squirrel and making a bill deal of it afterward. At the end of the day i think people are going to look at, okay, the economy is not good, 12 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, the worst recovery since the 40s, lowest how many ownership late, that is huge. And then if you look her record in benghazi, syria, iraq, afghanistan, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in egypt, chinas ak biggss, north Koreas Nuclear ambitions, nothing has been solved. That was a good point that donald trump made the other night at the debate. It seems that the media wants to stay focused on the former miss whatever that threatened to kill the judge. That lady. And sean, look, when donald trump did say at the moment, a very strong moment for him and something that wont change between now and november 8th. Who represents the past, who represents the future . Who represents change and who represents more of the same. If youre one of the 70 of americans who tells pollsters you want to take this country in a new and different direction, your choice is clear. Im struck by your new fox poll that the ballot is still tight. If you listen to the pundits about monday night, she should be at 8 2 and shes not. Shes still well below 50 . Because people already know. Her their mind about her representing the status quo and having a checkered and underwhelming record, that doesnt change during a debate. The other thing that struck me on the attributes and who can handle the positions better. These two nominees are tied. Most of those in your poll, theyre within the margin of error or close to it. This is a real contest. We have a lot of day to go. She practices for a moment. Donald trump is out there on the strump. Today in michigan, people stand in the pouring rain for hours to get into his rally and then he talked about her globalists policies and the fact hes got a patriotic message to make America Great again. It will come down to that again. I agree with that. I know youre working hard. As always, thanks for taking time to be with us. Coming up, Michelle Obama has been hitting the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton in recent days but you might remember this. And my view is that if you cant run your own house, you certainly cant run the white house. Cant do it. Ouch. Back in 2007. Well a lot of people one, including myself that was Michelle Obama taking a shot at Hillary Clinton. Later tonight, sheriff david clark, former governor of arkansas, Mike Huckabee is here to react to the liberal medias bias and the bad treatment of the Trump Campaign as we continue on this special edition of hannity. Im my teams 1 fan. Yay. Sports. Ive never been 1 in anything until i put these babies on. 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And my view is that if you cant run your own house, you certainly cant run the white house. Cant do it. All right. Joining us with reaction, Fox News Contributor and author of putins master plan doug schoen and Kimberly Gill foil. I think its clear to say if you cant be in the white house because if you keep keep your own house. Which michelle should we believe, the one then or now . Irony. Bimbo eruptions. Unbelievable treating women abusively. And then this is somebody who people are supposed to look up to and admire. This is somebody who would put the oval for sale like they did with the Clinton Foundation. Getting involved in businesses that have stay sponsored of sharia and countries that commit silenie violence against gays and minors. On first glance i know as a political strategist you would probably say stay focused op the issues. Absolutely. Heres the problem for the clintons. Every time they think theyre scoring on the issue, it boomerangs back because now paula jones is talking, now we bring up saw day arabia and mistreatment and the money they gave to the clintons. I was one of bill clintons closest advisers in the white house during the lewinsky scandal. People care about their lives. You and i have talked about this. If donald trump wants to run against Alicia Machado and not Hillary Clinton, i can tell you whatever your feelings about the secretary of state, she will be our next president. And i can say for those who want donald trump to be president , talk about the economy, talk about corruption and change most of all and get off of this stuff because it doesnt help donald trump. Isnt it the type of thing that people like i would bring up, as a talk show host or kimberly gives her opinions every day. Isnt it more of what we would do to bring context to people rather than a candidate . Absolutely. What you and kimberly talk about. And im happy to talk about it. But let me be clear on an opinion show. Im not a journalist. They keep writing im a journalist. I keep telling them i am a talk host. But youre a strategist to understand that no matter what her vulnerabilities may be, if theres an election to be won you win it by talking about the issues that people care about. He pivots back. Do you agree with that in. Look. Hes so strong on the economy and jobs, creating infrastructure, restoring safety in communities on national security, theres so many things that you can hit hillary on and the polling shows shes weak kneed when it comes to the emailing scandal. Dont get distracted by the other issues. I get it. He doesnt let anybody land a punch, always wanting to counter punch. Let his team surrogates, the talk show hosts who have strong opinions like us and doug, we can give opinions on that. At least that would inform. I do believe theres an entire generation that dont know paula jones story. I mean exposing him, groping, fondling, grabbing, kissing against her will, al gaigs of rape and more importantly the smearing that took place afterward. My best advice is that the Trump Campaign should talk to millennials about the economy, the weak economy of barack obama and not get into these extraneous issues which really dont concern how people are going to vote. Excellent advice. She doesnt have a Strong Economy to fall back on. She doesnt. Good to see you both and appreciate you being here. Coming up next on the special e dit of hannity. How dishonest are these people. Unbelievable. Donald trump calling out the Mainstream Media for their abusively biassed coverage. Well check in with sheriff david clark and former governor Mike Huckabee. They are here next on this busy news night straight ahead. Our eyes they have a 200degree range of sight which is good for me hey and bad for the barkley twins. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. 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Were trying to disrupt the collusion between the wealthy donors, the large corporations and the media executives who are among the most honest people anywhere that i have met. Joining us now with reaction, former 2016 republican president ial candidate mike huck booek as well as milwaukee sheriff, david clark. Governor, youve dealt with a corrupt media, sheriff youve dealt with a corrupt media. Its all true. But as newt said earlier in the program, youve got to factor that in. Its just a reality that never going to change, right, governor . Thats exactly right. You wake up every day and the first thing youve got to do is look in the media and say, the media will never be my friend. Donald trump has to understand theyre never going to be for him, always going to be against him. But it doesnt hurt him with the people. Most people dont have any faith with the media. They have the lowest Approval Rating than history. The people dont trust the media any more than they trust hillary. What he said in that clip he played, that was exactly how to play it. Tie to media to the same frustrations that people have about the way this system is rigged. Dont dignify them. Dont give them play place by giving too much attention to them because they dont deserve that kind of attention from him. And sheriff, look at the death and destruction in obamas home city of chicago. You know, there is something really radically wrong that a president will talk about cambridge, trayvon, ferguson and baltimore but ignore 3,000 shot this year, nearly 4,000 killed since hes been president in hiss own hometown and nobody in america knows their names. Isnt that a media that goes with the president s narrative, ignoring real death and destruction, not telling the whole story . Sure. Theyre covering for him. Pay no attention theyre coveri him. The liberal main stream media is dwindling into irrelevanty. These rags realize this is their last stand to have any influence over the American Public as it relates to president ial politics and donald trump, its a thing of beauty, continues to play the employer strategy of mohammed ali rope a dope. The media is pounding away, throwing everything theyve got like George Foreman does and every once in a while, donald trump looks up, smiles, and says is that all youve got . Donald trump is going to win this election and liberal main stream media are scared as hell. Governor, that becomes a strategy for donald trump. There are deep, profound differences that will have a dramatic impact on this country bases on who gets elected from vetting refugees to lowering taxes to energy independence, to education. These are profound, deep differences. To what extent does donald trump have to balance that agenda and point out the change hes offering versus dealing with falsehoods and attacks . Well, i think hes got a focus on the differences that he and Hillary Clinton both bring. Look. One of the things the president does is employ people and appoint people. Who will hillary appoint to epa . What will they do to the fossil fuel industry . To the cost of a tank of gasoline and heating oil. Of a cost of natural gas. That is going to be a huge difference. Who is going to be a champion for people, getting manufacturing back that pay decent wages . Who is going to protect the home of our country against people coming in who are not vetted . Who is really going to enforce our immigration laws . Those are the things that donald trump so comparing and contrasting of what the future will look like under her and under him. That is key . I think its absolutely the key. If he just continues to pound away at that, look. Its a very obvious that there is a difference between Hillary Clinton having used government as her own atm to take cash out doing favors for foreign governments who in turn gave money to the Clinton Foundation, corruption is rampant. In addition to dishonesty, its the philosophical vent she comes with that could be devastating to this country and to the deplorable, and irredeemable people that she has no respect for. Youre deplorable. Were all a basket of deplorables. Sheriff, youre in the basket with us. Yes. Donald trump created a great vision for america and will make America Great again. Every american can see that and envision that. Hes talking about defeating radical islamic terror and talking about reducing crime and violence, but in the american ghetto, and talking about kick starting this economy to put people back to work, again. Those are things that affect us here at ground level. I know the beltway, the bubble and beltway, those people disconnected the congress, the washington politicians, the media leaks. Theyre all disconnected but we know what we want and its Donald Trumps vision for america. Thank you both for being with us. When we come back we have a veryimportant question of the day. This special edition of hannity continues, straight ahead. Remember when you said men are superior drivers . Yeah. Yeah, then howd i get this. Allstate safe driving bonus check . Only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months youre accident free. Silence. Its good to be in, good hands. Your life wasnt meant to be lived under a bushel basket. Neither is your faith. On october 6th, bring your bible to school. Learn more at bringyourbible. Org. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. 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Should Hillary Clinton apologize to her husbands accusers . Why . For the way she treated them and her surrogates treated them. Go to sean hannity and let us know what you think. Well be back on monday. 36 days to go until election day. Getting interesting. Have a good evening. Hi, im eric bolling in for bill oreilly. Thanks for watching this special election. Four days since the blockbuster president ial debate. Three days until the one and only Vice President ial debate and two more showdowns between trump and clinton still loom with that back tropic, get to the story. Donald trump on super charged offense. Ignited a fresh controversy in the wee hours of the morning accusing former Miss Universe Alicia Machado of having a sex tape among other things that led Hillary Clinton to dewar on women charge against

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