Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20160920

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Shrap until including bbs and ball bearings. A second Pressure Cooker bomb to the north of us did not detonate. Pipe bombs at a train station also failed to explode even after a couple of homeless guys grabbed the backpack the bombs were in and carried it 1,000 yards. A police robot detonated one of those devices. Linked today after the shootout that left several officers hurt and rahami with a couple of bullet wounds, he was charged with five counts of attempted murder of a Law Enforcement officer and weapons charges. He is being held on 5. 2 until dollars bail, and his First Court Appearance set for next wednesday, september 28th. Sean, rahami likely will be hit with numerous state and federal charges in connection with the attack, so he likely wonder be bonding out of jail any time soon. Thank you, rick lef an thal. Also tonight Authorities Say rahami was not on Law Enforcements radar before the bombings. Joining us with more, chief intelligent correspondent kathryn harrison. Kathryn, he apparently sued police along with his family for profiling of muslims, correct . Thats correct. We will get to that in a second. Late today there was prior contact with the fbi and the suspect. The victim alleged rahami also showed signs of possible radicalization at that time. Two sources confirmed the fbi followed up on the lead but there was not enough to pursue at the time and the original allegations were withdrawn. Here is how the fbi described the episode at todays news conference. Theres nothing to indicate that currently he was on our radar. We had a report of a domestic incident some time ago. That was the allegations were recanted and i dont have any other information. We will keep digging. The fbi is very focused on rahamis overseas travel and at least three trips to his native afghanistan. A Law Enforcement source says the frequency of the trips was not suspicious at the time because of his family ties, and the number of trips did not suggest rahami had outside help to pay for the flights. A second Law Enforcement source backed up that account, adding the fbi is now investigating who rahami met with overseas and whether they planted the seeds of radicalization. Rahami immigrated to the u. S. Legally with his family when he was seven years old and he is also a naturalized u. S. Citizen. Meanwhile, police say they are not looking for other suspect rs or a broader cell. They are running down leads from the new york City Surveillance video where the Pressure Cooker bomb exploded, injuring 29. We identified well, we have a video of two persons who picked up the bag, took the device out of it and then walked off with the bag. Now, we went back to see where they came from. They looked like they were two gentlemen just strolling up and down 7th avenue at the time. We have no information that would link them to this at all. However, we still want to talk to them. Based on the news conferences today, there was really a long stretch from 2002 until 2012 where there was a dispute over the familys restaurant, and according to court papers they sued at one point alleging they were being marginalized and targeted because of their faith, sean. Catherine, thank you. Americans are on edge tonight, and a druj report headline from earlier today sums it up best. It says, isis among us. The bombings in new york and new jersey werent the only terrorrelated attacks this weekend. On saturday a 22yearold so mali man stabbed 10 people at a mall in minnesota. It is being reported he mentioned al mentioned allahu akbar. Isis claimed for that. On jordanan man with a passport went after Police Officers after they caught him trying to remove a boot from his car. A boot is one of the things that prevents a car from leaving a parking spot. If you dont live in new york, you might not understand that. Anyway, according to the New York Post the u. S. Was trying to deport him and he was shouting allahu akbar once again before lunging at police. One of the brave officers was released from the hospital. Look at this video. Struck in the face by a meat cleaver, he needed 70 stitches in his face. Anyway, thats among the news for today. Joining us now, we have former new york city mayor no . Rudy guilliani is with us apparently. In mayor, how are you . How are you, sean . Let me start with, this guy recently went to afghanistan. One of his friends was interviewed with shep smith on fox and i paid close attention. He says he changed when he went there. If somebody is going to visit afghanistan, iraq, syria, saudi arabia, is it a red flag and is it fair . It is fair. I disagreed with the fbi analysis with regards to this and the Boston Marathon bomber. I thought it was a red flag when he went not only to russia but checnya. Here is what i object to, did they give the information to the local police . If not, the fbi needs to be straightened out and somebody needs the courage to say that. When the fbi has information like this, the reason that im following up on it is because there are only 14,000 fbi agents. There are 36,000 new york city Police Officers. There are over 800,000 sworn Law Enforcement officers in the United States. The fbi has to begin to give this information to the local police, because maybe theyll have the extra ability to watch a guy like this. Now, i put the responsibility for isis completely on obama and Hillary Clinton. This would not have happened had they not withdrawn the troops from iraq. They were handed a somewhat stable iraq, that miraculously the surge under petraes, we used the sunnis, the surge worked. When obama imposed his deadline, i have no idea what kind of irrational mind would think you should have a timetable for a war. But when we pulled out a lot of those sunnis went into the hills and the other sunnis joined isis. That joined up with the syrian rebels, and then all of a sudden and it is even worse. The jv team is now it is even worse because they have the oil as an ability to finance a caliphate and pay for it. And we left them with a fountain of gold, right . We left them with a fountain of gold, and they are now in 28 countries. In the last year we had more attacks in america than at any time since september 11. From september 11 until obama we had no attacks on america. Theyve all started under obama. They are provoked by his weakness, by her weakness, by her having the government of libya over thrown where isis also has a major stronghold. We lost four americans there. She seems to have forgotten that. Let me ask you this. And we are living in a much more complex and dangerous world than we were living in before barak obama and Hillary Clinton came into office. You know, hillary voted for t of the war. As you said, they gave a dropdead date which created a vacuum for isis. She callously said recently, i made a mistake, we have to learn from the mistake. If im the parent of the nearly 5,000 people that died there or one of the brave men and women that fought, bled, lost a leg, arm or was disfigured and oops, i made a mistake, we have to learn from it, thats a pretty severe mistake. Sean, i dont know what hillary is good at. I can tell you what she is not good at, Foreign Policy. She voted for the war, then she was against the war. She was she was against the surge. She embarrassed petraeus when he appeared before congress to describe how the surge was working. The reality is everything in the world that was handed over to her when she became secretary of state was much worse when she left office, not to mention all of the emails that she exposed and all of the money she took for the foundation, for the clinton foundation. The reality is that this womans knowledge of Foreign Affairs is like but this is as big a choice election as i think well every see in our lifetime, on every big issue from obama care to the economy to the Supreme Court justices but there are three issues that impact this issue profoundly. One, one candidate can say the words radical islam. Thank god. I mean the tortured, pretzel, you know, theyre turning themselves into pretzels. They ride a razors edge of Political Correctness. They cant say it. Theres the other two. Building a wall will protect the country, and extreme vetting. Here is my question on vetting. Hillary wants a 550 increase in refugees. Are every top Law Enforcement official, intelligence official, comey, clapper, stein beck, mcall, general allen have all warned and brennan, all warned isis will infiltrate the refugee population. She wants a 550 increase. Here is my question. I know the saudis, for example, gave her foundation up to 25 million, 10 million for the library. So if you grow up in a country where as a man you get to tell women they cant drive, you get to tell women what to drive, you get to say whether they go to work or school or can leave the country, you grow up in a country where they kill gays and lesbians, where they persecute christians and jews. She takes their money, they buy her silence. If you grow up under that Cultural Divide, the direct antithesis to our constitutional republic, why cant we ask if you want to abide by our laws and our culture before you come here . Why is that described as bigoted . Not only should we ask that, thats the oath that you take when you become a citizen of the United States. You renounce allegiance to all other sovereigns, you pledge allegiance to the United States, and you pledge you will give up your life in defense of the United States. So when we say that we want people, like donald trump says, that come to the United States who love this country, thats built right into our constitution. Hillary clinton doesnt understand our constitution. She doesnt respect our constitution. Her knowledge of Foreign Policy is a joke. Her performance on Foreign Policy was a disaster. Every single thing in the world is worse. Let me ask a question, because donald trump said today by the way, cnn, i just read joe conscience column in the hill, he never said racial profile. He said profile. Of course you profile. Should we profile people with a huge Cultural Divide and who grow up in a society that says were going to kill gays and lesbians and persecute christian goes and jews. I want to profile them. Sean, i investigated lots of crimes, right . Right. I used fbi profilers to help me figure out who the killer was, who the person was. If i have a few little pieces of information, the guy is 65 and hes white, i dont go look for a 54 black. Profiling is absolutely appropriate and necessary to solve crime. So long as it is based on fact and not prejudice. After 9 11 and if youre telling the nypd had a mosque Surveillance Program and comrade bozo de blasio eliminated that program, was it a mistake . Big mistake. He looked pathetic this weekend. Oh, it is so embarrassing. It was humiliating. As a former mayor of new york, i was embarrassed watching him on television. He couldnt even say that a bombing was an act of terror. It was so bad. Governor cuomo had to come in almost as if he was his mentor and say, hey, by the way, if theres a bomb and it hurts 29 of your citizens, it is an act of terror, then well figure out if it is islamic or not. In mayor, it was an intentional act. We did get that information. Intentional act. Intentional act but not an act of terror. A bombing in and of itself is terror, it can be islamic terror. Odds are it is islamic terror. The moment i heard about it and the kind of bomb, i knew where it came from. We are fighting a twofront war. We are fighting a war over in the middle east and were fighting a war on the streets of america, and obama, clinton and this guy they have on the ticket, tim kaine, who says that were winning, if this is winning the jv team. I would hate to be losing. Were winning, and how many attacks have we had since San Bernardino . This guy on her ticket thinks we are winning. He must be living on mars. Thank you for being with us. By the way, in 53 days, do you want a president that can say the words radical islam . Do you think it is important for National Security to build a wall along our border. Do you think vetting people that come from countries like saudi arabia where they treat women like third class citizens, they kill ga kill gays and lesbians and, of course, persecute christians and jews, do you think we should be vetting someone from that culture . Up next right here on hannity. We are not going to jump to conclusions. We are not going to offer you easy answers. So we know what we know at this point, and i would be dubious about speculating on what we dont know. After the bombings this weekend in new york and new jersey, democrats went out of their way to thread the needle. They never wanted to say this was a radical islamic terrorist attack. Why this mysterious reluctant resistance . We will check in with lieutenant cler colonel oliver north and dr. Ben carson. That and much more on hannity. You found the perfect car foim a robot s. Com yeti rawr jingle bells tents up guys. And used cars. Com to find a place alaw hey guys, hows it going . Thats not even music. Now when youre ready, you can sell your old car and find your new one all on cars. Com you know us for shopping, and now were there for every turn. Cars. Com ne welcome back to hannity. So the democrats continue to prove they dont get it. In the aftermath of the new york and new jersey bombings, you know what your liberal leaders were telling you . They all said, dont rush to judgment, it is probably not terrorism. No, it is an isolated incident. Theyre not connected, even though they all happen to have flip phone cell triggers just by coincidence. Watch this. I think it is always wiser to wait until you have information before making conclusions. Were going to be very careful and patient to get to the full truth here. We are not going to jump to conclusions. Were not going to offer you easy answers. Were going to make sure we have all of the facts. You can guess, you or you can wait for the facts and go from there. We know what we know at this point, and i would be dubious about speculating on what we dont know. I would ask that the press try to refrain from getting out ahead of the investigation. It does not help if false reports or incomplete information is out there. All right. Here with reaction now is the host of war stories, Lieutenant Colonel oliver north. Colonel, once again the mysterious reluctance, resistance, mancaused disasters, overseas contingencies, workplace violence, and now were threading a new needle here. This was an intentional act, it was an intentional. A bombing set. Gee, talk about stating the obvious. And then we have josh earnest say it is a narrative war. I would say to Pay Attention to the bodies that come back draped with american flags. I have the answer and dont want to take a second from ben carson because i know he is up next. Here is the slogan for the next commanderinchief of the United States of america, stop the jihad. It doesnt matter the trade name, isis,al kieda. All are different trade names for these franchises from heel. Theyre all pushing death to infidels like us. It is not enough to condemn in the strongest terms or beg for more time or investigations. We stand shoulder to shoulder, thats bologna and the jihadis know it. Number two, stop guessing about whether they are radicalized or lone wolves. Theyre all gee hauledies. Number three, the commanderinchief has to lead western leaders to know jihadis safe havens where they can create their own propaganda. Number four, they have to be killed. Dont hold a press conference to show potus and others ringing their hands. End the Syrian Civil War and keep the peace. Number six, the next commanderinchief has to cancel the iran nuke deal and break the perception that the United States is joined at the hip with the ayatollahs in iran. Number seven, keep get mow open, try them in tribunals, start a Public Diplomacy program like we did against the soviet union with solidarity, radio liberty, radio freedom. Like the mayor said a moment ago, americas mayor was right, reactivate Surveillance Programs like the new York Police Department commissioner kellie created when he was mayor and de blasio abandoned. Theres eight ways. The only way those things, and i agree wholeheartedly with all eight on the list, thats going to happen is if donald trump is elected because hillary wont do it. Let me give you another example. She not only screwed up voting for the iraq war, then giving a date of return and saying, oops, sorry, we made a mistake, sorry about your sons and daughters dying, im sorry about you being disfigured and losing your legs and arms. We have to learn from that. But she has made a lot of mistakes. Then weve got iraq, afghanistan, and weve got syria, then youve got, of course, the russian reset. She hasnt done anything with north korea. Add to that though, donald trump met tonight with president of egypt tonight, and hillary and obama supported the former Muslim Brotherhood head, a guy by the name of morsy and gave him f16, tanks and 1. 5 billion taxpayer dollars, a guy that once referred to israelis and jews as descendants of aprils and pigs. Any place Foreign Policy wise where she has a Success Story to tell . Yes, she traveled to more places than any previous secretary of state. Thats not a thats part of her legacy. Look at, sean, we cannot undo the damage these people have done in the last eight years. What we can do is rectify it. The ways you rectify that is having a Foreign Policy thats america first. Im not trying to quote a campaign. And it supports the ideals of the American People. We dont have that today. One of the big reasons why the disconnect has occurred is because the folks who have been running our government for the past eight years are in nirvana. Look at the way they talk. They dont want to make a conclusion about a bomb going off, for crying out loud. I mean everything that they have done has been done wrong. We cant undo what they did, but we can fix it. Well, i agree, colonel. You had it right, i had it right and they had it wrong, and the iranian deal is at the heart of the worst decision they made. Absolutely. Libya second, iraq and syria a close first, second and third, and egypt another mistake. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Appreciate you. All right. Joining me now former 2016 president ial candidate, dr. Ben carson. What is your reaction to this resistance to say the words radical islam . Why is it so hard . I believe that the loss of common sense. People are so caught up in their Political Correctness that they lose control of rational thanking. Unfortunately, this is exactly what the radical islamists want. The memorandum of understanding that was uncovered during the Holy Land Foundation trial, they found this memorandum, and it talked about civilization jihad, how they would be able to take over here and they would use our Political Correctness against us. It really is quite silly and it seems like all we have to do is look at europe, look at france, look at germany. Can we learn from their mistakes or do we have to make the same mistakes over again . It really is just maddening how weve completely lost our senses. You know and, you know, this whole thing about profiling, you know, forget about the label. People are so concerned about the label. If you know it is a mass murderer who is 7 feet tall with green eyes and you are in a room full of people, which ones are you going to look for . Youre going to look for the tall ones with green eyes. Doesnt mean every tall one with green eyes is the one, but certainly thats the group you need to be concentrating on. Thats common sense. Dr. Carson, we are 50 days away from election today tonight, 50 days. I view it as one of the biggest choice elections. Number one, Supreme Court, it will impact this country for generations. Extreme vetting or no vetting. A wall as trump wants or a bridge and what hillary wants. Saying radical islam, not being able to say it. You know, obama care, eliminated, repeal it, replace it or keept. So many big issues, education, energy independence. Absolutely. Ness are deep and profound differences between the two candidates. What do you say to the republicans that have been sabotaging and undermining donald trump, and i would argue helping Hillary Clinton in the process . I would say to them this is not going to be a four or an eightyear issue. You think we can just blow through this and hillary will be okay because she is a known quantity. Wrong. The problem here is that when you get the federal court system and the Supreme Court in the ha radicals, it will be there for a generation or two. Oh, at least. And the United States will never be the same again. Oh, i dont know if well recover. Thats what they need to understand. Economic policy. We wont understand. Raising taxes, cutting taxes, energy independence, education back to the states or top down common core from washington, you know, supported by the neas. It is deep and profound. Absolutely. It is not a republican or democrat issue. This is an american issue. People have got to get beyond that because were talking about our children. Are we going to see you in ohio, in cleveland on wednesday for our town hall with mr. Trump . I will be there. All right. We will see you there. Dr. Carson, thank you. Thank you. Coming up next tonight, we will give you details on the town hall in a few minutes, but up next on hannity. We want people to come into our country, but they have to come in legally, through a process, and we need extreme screening. After a wave of terror attacks right here on u. S. Soil, donald trump is calling forex tre for extreme vetting of refugees. We will check in with dr. Gorka. Right ahead on hannity. Eating better, keeping healthy. So that no matter what happens in the future, my future self will thank me. Thank you youre welcome hey listen. Whatever you do, dont marry dan hey babe, im dan. Hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for. Thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. Natures bounty its not a weekend hobby. Ance . You have to live and breathe it for 50 years. Its the sound. And the fury. Its letting it all hang out there, and its hanging on for dear life. That is what amg driving performance means. And this is where it lives. The 503horsepower mercedesamg c63 s coupe. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. These these attacks and many others were made possible because of our extremely open immigration system which fails to properly vet and screen the individuals or families coming into our country. We should temporarily suspend immigration entirely from regions where safe and adequate screening cannot occur. The proimmigrant position is the position that favors tough screenings and tight control. We want people to come into our country, but they have to come in legally, through a process, and we need extreme screening. Donald trump talking about his plans for extreme vetting for refugees and immigrants who want to enter the u. S. Here now the author of defeating jihad, dr. Sebastian gorka. So clapper, comey, brennan, if you look at the names, stein beck, mcall, all said isis will infiltrate. Trump is listening and saying, okay, if theyre going to infiltrate we better vet them. Why are Hillary Clinton and barak obama willing to gamble with the lives of americans, because thats what theyre doing . Why would they be willing to do that . It is part of their ideology, sean. Remember, these are people shaped by the one world, multiculturalism. These are postmodern secularists. They think it is unfair to close our borders. We had the former secretary of Homeland Security state recently that our borders should be porous, there should be no such thing as antiborders. It is not about National Security, sean, it is about ideology. It is about oneworld multiculturalism. What is ideology except if you dont listen to these top intelligence officials saying, yeah, isis will infiltrate, then if they come in and they kill americans, then dont you bear part of the responsibility for those americans that are victims of whatever terror attack they bring with them . As weve discussed before, sean, reality is optional on the left. It is not about truth. It is about their narrative. Look at this weekend. Weve had 11 devices deployed, only a handful of them exploded by 11 devices were deployed, ieds. How many people have to walk around america with shrapnel in their bodies . How many people have to be killed or maimed until they say, yes, there is a threat. Isis said theyre going to use refugee streams. You know what . Theyve done it in europe. Let me ask you this, we know there are 88 sharia courts in great britain, we know the nogo zones are real, no matter how many times liberal press said they dont exist when this do. Look what happened with angela merkel, her party was destroyed in elections. Add to that belgium, add to that sweden, add to that all of europe and the impact that this is having, you know, the islamization of europe. I guess with 50 days to go we are going to elect a president that either acknowledges radical islam, that will vet these refugees to keep americans safe, build a wall to protect our borders or we wont. So the American People have a very clear choice, dont they, in 50 days . Sean, this has become a National Security election. I believe in my heart the majority of americans when they walk into the polling booth will be making this decision, which person is going to protect me and my family. Is it donald trump who has declared war on the islamists, or is it hmillary clinton, who until the nice attack wouldnt use the word jihad to describe our enemies . Which is going to protect us . She is still playing word games and threading a needle and is afraid and doesnt want to hurt peoples feelings. Dr. Gorka, always good to see you. Thank you. Thank you, sean. And up next tonight right here on this busy news night on hannity. A lot of the rhetoric weve heard from donald trump has been ceased on by terrorists. Hillary clinton talks tougher about my supporters than she does about islamic terrorists. Says a lot about hillary, doesnt it . Anyway, hillary accusing trump of aiding isis. Really . He is firing back. Sheriff david clarke, dinesh today suesa, theyre next. I absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. Good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. With great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. Delivery. Hey. Lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. Have a good one. Ah, these small new york apartments. Protect your belongings. Let geico help you with renters insurance. Make sure its ano make a intelligent one. The highly advanced audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. Share the joy of real cream. With reddiwip. Thats why a cutting edgeworld. University counts on centurylink to keep their global campus connected. And why a Pro Football Team chose us to deliver fiberenabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans. And why a leading car brand counts on us to keep their Dealer Network streamlined and nimble. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. We know that a lot of the rhetoric weve heard from donald trump has been ceased on by terrorists, in particular isis, because they are looking to make this into a war against islam. Secondly, we know that Donald Trumps comments have been used online for recruitment of terrorists, the kind of rhetoric and language that mr. Trump has used is giving aid and comfort to our adversaries. Wait a minute, hillary. Maybe you being a part of negotiations with the number one state sponsor of terror, that being iran, and giving them 150 billion, the right to spin their centrifuges, right to partner with Vladimir Putin and build up conventional forces, and the bril yanls of 25days notice before inspections, not any place, any time. I can add to that libya and the disaster there. Then add to that your support of a man that was former head of the Muslim Brotherhood in egypt who once referred to jews as descendants of aprils and pig goes. We might want to talk about other places in the world like syria when you draw a red line in the sand and dont follow up. Here is what trump said about his democratic rival at a rally in florida. The president of the United States or my opponent and both wont even say the words radical islamic terror. In fact, Hillary Clinton talks tougher about my supporters than she does about islamic terrorists, right . What a profound point. Joining us Milwaukee County sheriff david clarke as well as the creator and best selling author of hillarys america, dinesh dsouza. I think trump is right. She is more mean, harsh, combative, not towards iran, not towards assad and syria, not towards a guy that refers to jews as descendants of aprils and pigs, not towards isis, but towards trump. What is wrong with that priority . Well, sean, if isis has seized on anything its been the weakness of president barak obama. Look, mrs. Bill clinton and barak obama are sleep walking through this war on terror. They have no sense of urgency. She keeps saying we need to move slowly on this. Someone ought to give her a read bull because the wolf is at the door. She has a record of performance and it is called benghazi. The ambassador asked for more security and she moved slow on that. She does make she is like low energy on steroids in a way. Dinesh, you did this whole thing, we are all a basket of deplorables in Hillary Clintons mind, you know, islamophobic, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic. She is best friends with iran and morsi and didnt do anything in syria and libya. It makes you think donald trump has a good point here. Well, the bizarre think about what hillary is saying is essentially she is saying to call out the radical muslims and to fight them is to play into their hands, that basically if you attack them verbally and if you declare a plan to defeat them, this is going to help them with their recruitment videos. Essentially donald trump has never said that most or all muslims are terrorists, but what he is implying is a politically incorrect truth, which is that most terrorists are muslims. This is true in america, it is true around the world. You are raising a good point. You know what, the 9 11 Commission Report said after the cobart towers, the Embassy Bombings in kenya and tanzania, after the uss cocole he, they c leaded they were at war with us, we werent at war with them. Lets jump ahead, next 9 will be 11 happens, we are at a pre9 11 because of obama and hillary. Are we going to refer to new york and new jersey, are we going to refer to San Bernardino, chattanooga, fort hood and orlando, oh, they were at war with us and Hillary Clinton was worried about offending them . Clin okton and obama do not it when it comes to the threat radical islamic terrorism. After listening to his military commanders, National Security people and Homeland Security people, and he will present a Clear Strategy to go after these people. Until then, we have to get used to these attacks. It sounds like she is willing to kiss their and appease them. It sounds like, we dont want to offend the terrorists. Sean clintons strategy is to call the American People islam owe foowe islamaphobes. If we suck up to them they will be nicer . If we give the iranians 150 billion and they will like us . Its been a die as truss strategy. Listen to the absurdity of what theyre saying. Take this fellow rahami in new york. He is typical of islamic terrorists in that hes been a muslim all his life. He sees what he is doing as an expression of piety. Obama and hillary are telling muslims acting in the name of muslims theyre not muslims. Lets kiss every islamic terror and lets not offend them, and maybe if we give them 150 billion or give morsi f15s and tanks and cash, and if we are nicer they will be nicer to us. That is beyond naive. Thank you. Coming up, donald trump and Hillary Clinton clash on the campaign trail. Theyre talking about refugees. Sara carter and doug schoene will join us next. Its time for the canam yellow tag sales event. Get a cash rebate of up to 2000 on selected models. 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If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Welcome back to hannity. Election day is only 50 days away, and the night allamericans are talking about are this weekends terror attacks. Here with reaction from circa news, sara carter. And doug schoen from fox news contributor. Let me start with you, doug. It is pretty disgusting with all of these terrorist attacks hillary says donald trump is saying radical islamists is aiding and abetting, especially coming from a woman that sucked up the iranians, gave them 150 billion, did nothing when the syrians used weapons of mass destruction on their own people, and supported morsi with the Muslim Brotherhood. On a day like today, we should all stand together including me and secretary clinton against but she cannot say radical islam. To say what she said is a political and profound mistake. The fact that she said what you quoted is wrong on the merits, it is wrong substantively, and i think she needs to change her approach if she is going to benefit in the debates. I was disappointed as a clinton supporter who was hoping for more. Sara, thats a pretty strong reaction from a democrat. An american. An american democrat. An american. He is an american democrat, yes. But he is right. It is a fallacy on its face. I mean isis does not need trump to garner support. I mean thats just a complete fallacy on its face. When you look at what Hillary Clinton is trying to establish, i mean it makes no sense, sean. All you have to do is talk to Law Enforcement officials, talk to adjudicators, talk to federal Law Enforcement officials who have to deal with this every day. Vetting people coming into the United States, i mean we have no capabilities. We dont have the resources, we dont have the appropriate tools to do this. Let me ask you, this we are short on time. Three big issues in this campaign, a president that can say radical islam, one that wont. Youve got somebody that wants extreme vetting, somebody that doesnt. Youve got somebody that wants to build a wall and somebody says no walls, lets build bridges. Who do you agree with more on those three specific issues . I actually disagree with both because theres a fourth issue more important to me. Killing them, going to where they are and wiping them out. Trump said bomb them. I have to hear a real plan from him and hillary. Havent heard it. Last word, sara. We have been drone striking the leaders, going after al qaeda, going after isis and the taliban. It needs to be a combined you enforcement, both i had i dont logical as well as drone strikes. I agree. I think youre right. Thank you both. More hannity right after this break. We need your help. Ur help. Hold onto your forks. Endless shrimp is back at red lobster. That means you get to try as much as you want. 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Lease the c300 for 369 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. What powers the Digital World . Communication. Like centurylinks Broadband Network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. Or the network that keeps a leading hotel chains guests connected at work, and at play. Or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. All right. Welcome back to hannity. Before we go, quick programming note. Be sure to tune in wednesday night, 10 00 p. M. I will be in cleveland, ohio with donald trump for the hour. We will be doing a town hall focusing on issues that matter most and impact minority voters. Thats this wednesday, 10 00 p. M. Thats all the time we have left this evening. As always, we appreciate you being here, and, hillary, you owe trump an apology. Aiding and abetting . Really . I think you want to take that back. 49 days to go tomorrow night until election day. Thanks for being with us. Well see you back then. Hello again and welcome back. Im brit hume and this is on the record. On a day when terrorism inside the u. S. Dominated the news cycle, donald trump continued to inch forward in the polls. The latest real cheer politics average shows him now trailing Hillary Clinton by less than a point in a twoway race. And a cbs poll of 13 battleground states shows the candidates tied. Betting odds favor mrs. Clinton by 2 to 1. None of the polling was done since the big story of the weekend, which is the combination of bombings and attempted bombings in the new york metropolitan area. As of midday today a suspect was in custody and for the latest we go to fox news correspondent Rick Leventhal in a new yor

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