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Gaps so from here were going to go deeper into the policies and see how we can make sure were operating on the same core principals. I think this is going in a positive direction and this was an encouraging meeting. In 45 minutes you dont litigate all the principals that were talking about. Here with reaction Presumptive Republican nominee donald trump is with us. Good to see you. Hi. Your take on the meeting . What did you think . I thought it was a great meeting. We discussed a lot of things, a lot of very important things and i thought it was really a very, very good meeting. I think paul felt the same way and everybody else did also. Maybe its just me, theres a part of me that thinks i understand that people saying youre the nominee, you have the job to unite the party, but doesnt he as speaker of the house have that job . I think he does and i think hes doing a good job. Hes got not an easy job and i dont mind going through a slow process. Its a big subject. We have a lot of things and i k for on a lot of different items and were getting there. I feel very strongly about boarder security. I feel very strongly about trade. I feel very strongly about building up the military and to a large extent i think paul is there also. So well get is there im pretty sure. Ive interviewed you a lot in this process. You say you want conservative justices to the supreme court, you said youll even give us a pool of names before the election, right . Right. Im going to do that, yes. So youre going to build a wall. Thats conservative. Conservative justices obviously are. Youve said to me repeatedly you want to get the budget back in balances, that you will repeal and replace obama likely with Health Care Savings accounts. Absolutely. Common core, well get rid of common core and bring education locally and protect our second amendment so important, so so important and the Second Amendment is big chipped away at and as far as hillarys concerned she wants to abolish the Second Amendment. I believe she wants to abolish the Second Amendment. Shes a disaster in so many different ways so were going to i think we had a great meeting today and we agreed on a lot of things and it will be a process but it will come along. You want to be energy independent. You said you want to take care of vets and build up the military. Maybe its me. What does he want to know . Why is this so hard for him to say yeah, i agree with him on all of those issues right there and Hillary Clinton is on the other side . I dont understand why thats so hard. I think a big thing was the judges, the justices, supreme court, i think they felt good about it. I had this idea a couple of months ago because i was getting a little bit of push back from some great friends of mine in congress and they were telling me how can we feel a little bit better and i came up with this idea that i would come up with a list of really, really terrific acceptable judges, conservative, and ill put that list forward and that will be a list from which ill choose or at least a list of which ill use as a guide and ill tell you that went a long way. People really liked that idea a lot. I think a lot of people do and ive heard people talk about maybe even naming sop cabinet positions. Youve got a team of people, you have ben carson working for you and Chris Christie is working for you now. Would you maybe name some of those people along with a Vice President before the election . I do think so. I think before the election id name some and i think they would be really great. We have some great names, you mentioned two much them and we have other great names. They would love to be involved and they want to be involved. I get a kick all of these people saying they dont want to be understood, they dont want to be for the Vice President position and but none of those people were asked. Its like one of those things. Theyre turning me down but they would never asked and i guess they turned me down because they know theyre not going to shall asked, but we have some incredible people for Vice President that i think youll be impressed with and ill do that announcement probably during the convention in cleve lapped. There was a report youve narrowed it down to five or six people is that true. Thats radio. Anything you can tell us about that . I can tell you youll like most of them. Im not sure about all of them, but youll like most of them. But i think youll like the final pick which is the only one that counts. Well have some interesting days and nights ahead because its tough. Its a tough decision. You have some that are really strong in some areas. We want to get somebody thats good in all areas and i think we have a few that are really excellent and that people are going to like and really respect as people. Lets talk some issues came up this week in the last week and a half some am big guty on issues of minimum wage and raising taxes and whether or not you were softening your stance on bringing refugees in the country. Lets clarify. Minimum wage. Let me tell you, the only thing i am talking about a little bit is i want i like the idea of the states looking at minimum wage because if they dont new york is totally different than if you go to alabama or arkansas or so many places that i love. They voted for me. I love them all. But youre talking about a whole different cost of living. So whats good for new york is not necessarily good for some place else. New york is very expensive to live in and i could see having more in recollection nnew york other places and the standard might be better in alabama or arkansas and other places than it would be in new york even though new york would have a higher minimum wage. I like giving it to states to dining room a determine and they have to compete with each other. I like the concept of giving it to states. In some states where its more expensive maybe they do have to lift the minimum wage and others they dont have to do it. They also have to committee with each other in business. I really like the idea because its so different, its a big country, its so different antd the cost of living is so different i like letting the states set the minimum wage. How about tax increases . I saw that you said maybe well raise taxes on the wealthy. You clarified on twitter. These people on minimum wage i said about states and i think its clear and i think its a good idea and ive been praised for that. As far as taxes are concerned, all i said when i put in taxes its really a proposal. Its no the a policy. Its not anything. Its a proposal. So you put in taxes because youre going to have to negotiate with congress and senators and congress people. Theyre going to be its going to be a tough negotiation. Im going to possibly have to lift it from my proposal, but that proposal even when lifted it will be cheaper than it is right now. As you know larry kudlow is in love with my plan and he likes my plan the best, but my plan is the biggest cut of anybody. I have the biggest tax cut of anyone. But remember when i put in the proposal and proposed rates and everything else, its going to be negotiated. Youre not going to put in and everybody is going to say thats wonderful im going to leave it there. Were taking care of big league of the middle class and business. Our business taxes are being reduced by a magnificent by a tremendous sum and i will say perhaps from my low proposal perhaps the wealthy will go a little bit up from that standpoint, but thats all i was saying. Theyre not going up. Thats not a clarification. Thats just all you have to do is read it. Ill tell you who covered it well, yesterday the wall street journal had an article that covered what i said so well because the writer got it. He understood it. It was covered so perfect. When you really think look at the latest numbers that have come out is this is the scarey part and i asked you a lot in almost every interview you have one in five families that dont have is a Single Family member in the workforce. Look at young people today. Young men 18 to 34 this is staggering, one in six are either incarcerated or dont have a job. Now, if we dont turn that around, then our country is in decline. Thats going to be probably the biggest challenge you have, right . Were loie losing our busine and manufacturing. I won new york and pennsylvania and maryland. I won every state. You look at indiana which was the most recent one and then the other night we just had a fantastic night also in nebraska, in West Virginia, you look at whats happened in West Virginia with the miners where Hillary Clinton says she wants to put the miners and the mines out of business and i say just the opposite, were going to put the miners back to work and were going to open up the mines. Its just insane whats going on. Shes like a job killing machine. She is horrible in terms of the economy, horrible. Dont forget it was her husband who signed nafta which was probably the greatest in terms of a disaster the greatest disast disaster weve ever had economically for jobs. I went through new york and pennsylvania and maryland and connecticut and all these states, theyre like empty. Its scarey. The jobs have been sucked out of us. Theyve moved to next kmexico. China has sucked the life out of us. I can do it. Every exit poll shows jobs, the economy, peoples top concern. This president has accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined. James cuomo our assistant fbi director, general allen, the director of national intelligence, James Clapper our Homeland Security chairman have all said isis will infiltrate the refugee population. You took a strong stand. It was reported today that you said thats only a suggestion, a temporary ban. Explain. No, i would not allow people to come in from syria. Theyre not vetted properly. Theyre moving in by the thousands. You remember i told you thousands of people are going to power pour in. Thousands of people are coming in from syria. We dont know who they are and if you look at the migration you have a lot of young strong men. You look at the women. Where are the women and children . You dont have many by comparison. We cannot allow people to come in from syria and i would stop it and i would stop it immediately. We have tens of thousands of people coming into this country. We dont know who they are. Theres no paperwork or documentation. With that being said build safe zones in syria and ill get the gulf states to pay for it. We have a disaster going on in our country. Our roads, our highways, our bridges and tunnels, airports, hospitals, everything, our schools. Have a disaster going on. Were going to rebuild our country. Weve spent almost 5 trillion in the middle east. We cant do this anymore. We have to knock the hell out of isis, that i have to say, but we have to get back to rebuilding our country. Well take a break. The Washington Post has an army of 20 people that want to look at every single aspect and phase of your life, well talk about the polls against Hillary Clinton as we continue with donald trump after the break and coming up tonight. Were on the same page. It was positive. It was cooperative. It had good spirit in the room. That was Reince Priebus talking about todays meeting in washington with donald trump and paul ryan. Hell join us and much more what republicans need to do to beat Hillary Clinton in the fall. And then later tonight the pat ree arkansas of duck incident was a ted cruz supporter and hes now supporting donald trump. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. man hmm. Hat do you think . stranger good mornin store p. A. attention shoppers, theres a lo. Ouple in the mens department. vo theres a great big unkhaki world out there. Explore it in a subaru crosstrek. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Man 1 man 2 i am. Woman exmilitary . Man 2 four tours. Woman you worked with computers . Man 2 thats classified, maam. Man 1 but youre job was Network Security . Man 2 thats classified, sir. Woman lets cut to the chase, here. Man 1 whats youre assessment of our security . Man 2 [ gasps ] porous. Woman porous . Man 2 the Old Solutions arent working. Man 2 the world has changed. Man 1 meaning . Man 2 its not just security. Its defense. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. Word out of washington tonight that the white house will issue a sweeping decree for transgender students. The New York Times reports the administration wants every Public School district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender itemty. A letter will go out tomorrow asking schools to ensure that no student is discriminated against. It does not have the force of law, but reportedly warns schools they could face lawsuits or loss of federal aide if they fail to comply. The capture of ten american sailors cost a top naval leader his job. The service has lost confidence. His ship was pralg the gulf when it veered off course wand was seized by iranian forces. The men were held and then released unarmed. Now back to hannity. Welcome back. We continue now with republican president ial candidate donald trump. Youre winning by four in ohio, youre even in pennsylvania and florida. How do you interpret that poll . I think really good. We have to win florida. I think ill win florida. I won florida against marco by massive number. We had a 20 victory and pennsylvania we won massively and we will win that against hillary. She wants to put the miners out of business. I think were going to win pennsylvania and ohio is a great state for me. I did very well in ohio. We had a great number in ohio. I did a very good job . If i would have been there for two more days you would have seen, but we got a great number in ohio. Look at the i dont know if youve seen they came out with the war room, how the clintons fought back in 1992 against george bush. Very insightful. It gives you insight into your friend. We know about the clinton machine. We know they play dirty. Theyll say and do anything to get elected. Between that and the Washington Post announcing they have put 20 people to dig into every single phase of your life, are you prepared for whats coming, not if its comi, but whats coming. Its interesting you say that because every hour were getting calls from reporters from the Washington Post asking ridiculous questions and i will tell you this is owned as a toy by jeff who controls am zon. Hes using the Washington Post for power so the politicians dont tax amzon like they should be. Hes worried where he thinks i would go after him for antitrust because he has a huge antitrust problem because hes controlling so much. Theyre controlling so much of wbr id wbr10736 what theyre doing he bought this paper for practically nothing and hes using that as a b political tool for power against me and other people. We cant let him get away with it. He has about 20, 25. Ive heard theyre taking these bad stories theyre wrong. In many cases they have no proper information and theyre putting them together and ther going to do a book and the book is going to be all false stuff because the stories are so wrong and the reporters, one after another so what theyre doing is hes using that as a political instrument to try and stop antitrust which he thinks i believe hes antitrust, in other words what hes got is a mon oppositely and he wants to make sure i dont get in. Ill tell you what, what hes doing is wrong and the people are being the whole system is rigged. You see a case laike that, the whole system is rigged. Hes using hes using tthe Washington Post for political purposes to save amzon in terms of taxes and antitrust. Let me ask you about hillary. You commented about her being an enbeliever. Y ive interviewed those women. They tell the stories and more importantly they tell about how they were smeared and slandered when they did tell their stories. I havent heard you talk a lot about the email server investigation, i havent heard you wbrid wbr11695 talk a lot about the Clinton Foundation. Hillary says shes for women and the foundation took money from the saudis. Did the saudis buy her silence. I talk about the emails all the time and what can you say . Does it get any more corrupt or crooked then that. Shes been protected. Before she gets this nomination, you talk about a rig, i watched this guy Bernie Sanders, im not fan of his and i watch him win every night and everybody says he cant win because she has these super delegates so im talking about that all the time. The Clinton Foundation obviously is looking to me like its got some big problems. If you read the book and see the movie thats coming out, the movie is brutal from what i understand. I actually know all about it, yeah. Im talking about the emails all the time. Look, people have done like 2 of what she did and they have paid theyve destroyed their life over it and what shes done with the emails is horrible. Now i hear the man that set it up and set up the server has gone rog so lets see what happens. I think she has big problems. I dont know whether or not theyll prosecutor. Nearly half of Bernie Sanders voters say they will vote for you instead of hillary. Hillary has warned her donors, they sent out an email the other night saying if bernie runs the table on the remaining states the corrupt system of super delegates gives it to hillary so shes doing very poorly here. Ill give you an example. Back in 2008 when she ran in West Virginia she had 240,000 votes she got less than 85,000. What do you make of how she cant close this nomination on her side. She isnt a closer here and she wasnt a closer the last time she wasnt a closer with the chinese and shes not going to be a closer with isis, she hurt us with libya and isis has taken the oil. What shes done has been a disaster. Shes not a closer. The bottom line whether its the election or whether its the election against obama in terms of the primaries, shes just not a closer. This is not a woman that would be that should be president. We have so much work to do. I dont think she has the energy to be president. I dont think she can do it. You see it right now, she cannot close the deal. If you look at exit polls in every state same answer republicans feel betrayed by their own party. I think thats playing a big part in how this election has played out. The question is theres been two moments where i think conservative policies have made america a better place. You talk about ronald reagan, i think that was one of the most recent examples. The other would be the contract with america. These promises that you make about the about judges, about obamacare, balancing the budget, about schools and energy and vets and the military and all these things, would it be a good idea to put it on paper and say to your fellow republicans were going to do these things, sign the paper. Promise the american people, theyre tired of being lied to and being betrayed and sign it and say this is my promise if you elect me . I mean id have to problem doing it. Im going to do it with the judges because i think it would make people feel better especially certain people within the party. But i think Everybody Knows first of all obamacare is going to fall of its own weight. In 17 it explodes. Its dead. Its an absolute disaster. Unfortunately lets say im president i have to inherent this mess but we hopefully will terminate it before it explodes. In 17 its a disaster. I can put it in paper, but we have to do these things. We need the wall. These 16,500 boarder patrol agents endorsed me. First time they ever endorsed a president ial candidate. I said what about the wall, they said we need the wall. Were going to stop the drugs and problems. Believe me. I hope when the five or six you said a couple i may not like, dont pick that person. Pick the guy i would like if you dont mind. I think youre going to be very impressed. Well come up with the right final answer, believe me. Thank you, donald trump, the presumptive gop nominee. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Thank you. When we come back Reince Priebus is here with his take on Donald Trumps meeting today in washington with paul ryan plus laura ingram reacts. Later tonight duck incident arresty was a supporter of ted cruz but now hes jumping on the trump train. If youre going to make a statement. Make sure its an intelligent one. The allnew audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. Make healthy saychoices. Ten but up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients. From food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens. 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It was a good day tofor our par and it was a good day for donald trump and i dont think donald trump or paul ryan could have been more pleased with the meeting they had today. So from my standpoint why didnt he endorse him. It was a good start. I think both parties agreed with the strategy and both parties agreed with how the things should go today. They both wanted to talk. I think they might be talking tomorrow or the next day and theyre going to be working together very closely over the next couple of weeks. It was all positive. I know its interesting to poke out, but i think theyre both happy with the outcome. It seems this has gone on a long time. I wrote you a note today and you wrote back i dont know what im talking about. You said it in a nice way. This has been going on for a year. Does paul ryan have questions on where he stands on judges, the wall, immigration, the economy, isis, energy independence, did he have questions about that . What did they talk about . I cant get into i hate to spoil the fun, but me being i had to be a trusted person that i wouldnt come on tv and spill the beans, but i can tell you they agreed on a vast majority of things and there was a lot of chemistry in the room. It was fun. There was no an mossty whatsoever and i think it was a time to get to know each other. This was not a normal primary so we dont have a normal process that were instantly 100 on the same page, but i think for the most mapart you have 90 there d it wad a good day. Everyone should feel good about today. Thats the feeling that everyone involved today had and if you watched paul ryans presser of afterwards there were some positive things. When would you expect paul ryan to endorse donald trump . I dont want to put a time frame on it because its not my place, but my sense personally is not that long. I know it doesnt thats not very helpful but im telling you it was very good and i dont i think this thing is moving in a very good direction quickly. Did they talk about issues specifically, philosophy . What was it more about . I think both it was about both of those things. It was about philosophy and issues. There were specific issues discussed. It wasnt vague discussions about what do you think about the constitution. It wasnt like that, but it was specific things that both paul ryan and donald trump believed in in our country and how they relate to our party and the movement and how they can Work Together so without getting into all the details i can tell you it was substantive and not vague and not just all around the edges. I can think of three differences knowing woboth of them, trade, immigration and touching entitlements. Yeah. Those are three issues that are important. Obviously both paul and donald trump i think actually have a lot more in common than they have not in common. So i dont think the disagreements are as wide as some may perceive. Did they talk about vp at all or did they talk about cabinet members or potential cabinet members and vp. Im really sorry. I cant i just would everyone can understand. Youre supposed to come on and give me information that you didnt want to give me. Come on. Step up. I wouldnt be an honest trustworthy person in a meeting like that if i did that. I want to help you but i cant. Can you give me any nugget bring us into the room. Was there a lot of laughter, joke telling. We had good bagles and coffee and water. It was very cordial and actually it was not just cordial. I would say it was warm and there was a very good spirit between the two of them. All right. Reince priebus, thats about all im getting out of you tonight, i can tell. Thank you for being with us. Does the Republican Party need to unite to beat Hillary Clinton in november. The patriarch of duck dynasty first endorsed ted cruz and now hes jumping aboard the trump train. Hell tell us why ahead. 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So will the party now start to come together and defeat Hillary Clinton in november. Here with reaction editor and chief of light zet. Com and former White House Press secretary. Why am i a little annoyed at this whole thing. This has been going on a long time. I can state chapter and verse every single candidates position. Paul ryan doesnt know where donald trump stands at this point . I think ryans point is that its only been a little bit over a week and we have over a year. We have differences. You and i lets face it we are not known for our patience. Im more impatient than you are, but we want it done yesterday and maybe this is a little bit of a process. Im really trying to look on the bright side here and i think theres so much bright side. Just listening to trump right now, doesnt he seem a lot more chill . He seems he does. I agree with that. Hes in a zone and hes very confident. He knows whats coming and he knows theyre digging up whatever they can find on him. He seems ready for that. I think ryan to some extent is trying to catch up. A think a lot of people were surprised when ted cruz dropped out in indiana. They thought they were going to be able to negotiate between the convention and california. And more time. I think they were i think there were legitimate concerns about trump. I think theyre worried that article one, he wouldnt feel bound by article one which limits the power of the executive. Congress is worried about having its power eroded. You didnt do much to stand up for your power when obama was in office so that would have been more of a concern, but i think its going to be wrapped up in days, not weeks and we want it done yesterday, but i think its going to be okay. Im glad laura admitted shes more impatient than me. I feel theres a little bit of a dance going on that i dont like here and i feel its a little bit of a power play. I went over it with donald trump where he stood on judges, the vets, education, military and isis. What else does paul ryan want to know. Theres a difference on free trade and a difference on reforming entitlements, particularly Social Security and medicare which donald trump says he believes we can leave alone and Donald Trumps statement that george bush was a liar about iraq. You add those up and its the reason people have pause about donald trump. Ive said theres things about donald trump that i disagree with and i do i will vote for donald trump over Hillary Clinton any day of the week because she is so unprincipaled, reckless and dishonest. Donald trump emerges as an unpopular republican. Hes popular with the people and hes not just not people with the washington establishment. You cant discount the polls that show his disapproval ratings. This is going to be an outsider driven race. When you have a 60 disapproval you have a problem. Hes lucky hes running against hillary who has a 55 disapproval. I think you bring up valid points. This is not bean bag. This is a blood sport. We saw it in the primaries and ive got to bet i think a lot of people that supported other candidates that didnt like trump attacking their guy are going to be happy when he goes after hillary unlike any other republican probably would. He is going to fight hard. I think that he were outfoxed by trump. They were outsmarted by trump and people are ticked off about it. Trade, immigration, but trump is closer to where the people are and closer to where those independent minded folks are on doing better deals. Hes not antitrade i think thats going to be destroyed in an argument. What did you think about his answer when i said naming other cabinet officials he said he likes that idea and he said he would be glad to put all the things that i mentioned that hed be glad to sign that as a pledge. I think that would be two good ideas to bring confidence back to the people that feel betrayed. I think his instincts generally have been pretty good. Theyve been better than everybody elses instincts so whether its announcing youre going to have a s. W. A. T. Team go into every federal department to show where the power can be rolled back to return power to the people and get off the backs of Small Business in this country, i think hes going to think in those kinds of ways and i would say in response these new polls coming out i guess we can discount those too. Hes tied with hillary right now and its not started. I think he has moved the conversation toward a more poppist republican conservative agenda which is going to be very popular and its probably where the Republican Party should have been. Good analysis both of you. Thank you. Coming up duck incident arre arrest sti is here to weigh in p w. 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Flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. Flonase changes everything. Welcome back. A few months ago fiphil roberts endorsed senator cruz but now he is backing donald trump. Hes here to explain. The man himself, the patriarch, phil robertson. How are you, sir . Im doing good. The temperature of the river is perfect. Theres a problem. I got to tell everybody the story now because nobody knows what youre talking about. So im at your place and interviewing you and willy is there and some other people and youre like hannity you want to get them ratings up, come on back im going to dunk in the water and bap ties you. I said you want to dunk me in an al gator swap. The lord will protect you son. Ill oo need his protection. I said dont you have a Swimming Pool. Ill let you do it in a Swimming Pool. Are you kidding . The Swimming Pool is the river. There are alligators in there. I saw them on your show come out of that very spot. Theres a few, but thats okay. But cottonmouths are worse than the alligators. So you supported cruz. Willy was trump all the way. Now youre totally on board with donald trump. Tell us how you feel about the election. Well, ive been watching you and a lot of guys like you. You all are what i call political warriors. In my case my view of it is a little different than yours is. Im more into the spiritual part. The issueamerica, in my opinion, is much larger than president s, prime ministers, kings, the issue before us in my opinion, is a spiritual one. In other words he dont think its a political fix. Politicians can help. Now, i went with ted cruz, strict constitutionalist. A jesus man, like antoni antonin scalia. Religious man. Strict constitutionalist. I played it close to the vest. I thought scalia vetted his decisions through the bible. Cruz would have done the same. But that is out, and theyre gone. Theyre out of the race. My hope is that donald trump, i know he has a lot of common sense, my hope is where does common sense come from. Youre a pastor. Doesnt it come from god . I hope so in his case. I really do. So i have hope. We all do. I have hope. But youve got to remember something. All men, sean are like grass and flowers in the field. The grass withers, the flowers fall, but the word of the lord stands forever. We have a spiritual problem in america. That is the crux of the problem. The good book says all of sins have fallen short. And you have a new movie, its called torch bearers. Does it deal with this . That deals precisely with this. As empires rise, they remove god as their anchor. They let men determine what is good, bad, wrong, and evil. The documentary looks at a historical account going back. Thousands of years. Its always the same. Once you remove god, then, the carnage starts. All have you to do is look around. The reason people are so frustrated and theyre trying everything. Donald trump, a new york businessman. Let him run the government here as president of the united states. The reason its making these wild swengs, people are looking around, sean, the privacy in my lifetime has become main stream. Dep dep deprity. They look towards their politicians to solve it. God does not come and go like president s. Hes there. Our Founding Fathers warned us, youll lose your religion, then, your morality goes and there goes your freedom. Its when people forget god that tyrants forth their change, john adams said. Thomas jefferson, declaration of independence. Our rights come from god. But its a hard sell in these days. I can talk to you all day. Ill come back, but you get a Swimming Pool. I will do a kiddie pool. As we say goodbye to phil robertson, i will play a trailer from his new movie. Thank you. In the beginning, god. Beyond all time and outside of all space, this was god. But then, the evil one, the father of lies tempted them. If this calamity down through the ages man shakes his fist at his creator and said i decide what is right and wrong. God is dead. Im my own god. With the fall, death entered into human history. Now, all creation is subject to its bondage to decay. Tips. Like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. Want my number . And cash back for driving safe. And the power to automatically find your car. I see you car and i got the power to know whos coming and when if i break down. You must be gerry. Hey. In means getting more from your Car Insurance with the allpowerful drivewise app. Its good to be in, good hands. Walter nncr scorching heat today, stay cool out there stop suffering with hot ac cool it yourself with a c pro. In just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the 1 selling coldest air. Nothing cools like a c pro. Twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . 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That means hillary and Bernie Sanders among others. But that is all the time we have left this evening. Well see you back here tomorrow night, have a great night. Enfo. 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Good night from washington. The Oreilly Factor is on, tonight i was very encouraged with what i heard from donald trump today. I do believe that we are now planting the seeds to get ourselves unified. What is the real story behind the trump g. O. P. Leadership meetings today . Is there still bad blood . We have information we will have inside information for you the Washington Post launching unprecedented investigation into donald trump. Why . Bernie goldberg has some thoughts. As a millennial, what issues do you care about the

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