>> i did. >> homeland security hasn't gotten ahold of you? the fbi has not gotten ahold of you? >> no. >> and she's back tonight with juan williams. liberalism is failing baltimore. 2016 presidential candidate ben carson met with the community leaders earlier today. >> it's always good to be back in baltimore. >> he's here with reaction. >> actress sophia vergara face off over their frozen embryos. >> i don't want people to take advantage of my career. >> it has nothing to do with her baby or a baby. lives were already created. >> who's right? our panel tonight weighs in. and tom brady busted. >> i feel like i've always played within the rules. i would never do anything to break the rules. >> one of the nfl's biggest stars could be suspended. joe theismann and spencer stillman weighs in. han i it i starts right here right now. just days after islamic terrorists targeted an event in texas, pam geller came on this program to take on an imam who you will see in the next clip he called for pam's death. watch this. >> we're not talking about mickey mouse or donald duck. you're talking about people who deliberately had a competition to insult the muhammad. >> you support the -- >> if you saw the cartoons that "charlie hebdo" drew you would understand the anger. this woman had people draw cartoons to insult the prophet knowing this carries the death penalty in islam. >> you want her to die? >> she should be put before a sharia court and -- >> she's not a muslim. she's not a muslim. >> i would retaliate if someone retaliated my own mother let alone the prophet who i adhere and own 100 times more than my own family. >> so you don't -- if somebody says something about your prophet that you don't like you want them dead. >> any prophet. >> that was issued against me. my name is preceded by conjeer. now, conjeer means pig. it's the word muhammad used before he slaughtered how many -- beheaded hundreds of jews. does anyone really think these jihadis would have been peaceful loving americans? of course they wouldn't. i submit to you that -- >> it's -- >> i know you're used to stepping over women, but i'm not going to have it for you. >> the fact is you insulted the prophet muhammad. obviously you knew the consequences. >> what do you mean i knew the consequences? i live in america. i live in america. there are no consequences. >> the united states of america are the champions of murdering innocent people. >> you're pathetic. you're just pathetic. >> wake up. >> you're pathetic. you're evil and pathetic. those threats from chowdery are the least of pam geller's concerns in light of the fat wa currently issued by isis. this threat is particularly concerning to geller given that neither the fbi or the homeland security has investigated this threat much less offer protection for her in any way. now, back with us is the person at the center of this entire situation, author columnist, pamela geller as well as fox news news analyst is with us. you have not heard from the fbi? >> no. we've extensively ramped up security. i have a huge security team now. and various -- i can't speak to what we're doing, for obvious reasons. >> right. >> look sean it's a terrorist threat. you're right, i reached out to them they did not respond to any of my communications. >> you know juan williams whether you like what pam geller the contest she had or not, to me should be irrelevant. i hope you're not one of those i support free speech but, liberals out there. we're talking about people who want to kill people over a cartoon, which in this country is absurd. where do you stand on this? where do you stand on the fbi being missing in action? >> well look i don't have any question in my mind i'm someone who's been punished for speaking out. >> right. and i defended you. >> i appreciate it sean. so i don't have any question. i think a lot of it is a distraction. legitimate journalists cannot function even people who are satirical, like "charlie hebdo," in a world in which you are threatened to death for what you have to say. i think if we want to have a serious conversation here about miss geller that she's like a pi pyromaniac who goes before a judge, saying we set the fires to see how fast the fire department can respond. >> if she dresses provocatively, she's in a position -- >> no no. >> yeah you are. it's the same thing, juan. you're not holding a victim -- >> no there is -- sean the victim is dead. in fact the victim is a person who was trying to protect this event that pam geller put on quite intentionally. she intentionally was provocative in her actions. >> you're saying don't offend the sensibilities of those who don't like cartoons? don't offend the people -- >> let me finish this point. no there's a woman up in seattle, molly, she is a political cartoonist. she was threatened she's now in hiding fbi protection. why? because the terrorists the muslims have gone after her. the islamists -- >> wait a minute. >> think about somebody like -- >> he was -- >> he was doing literature. pam gellar was intentionally provoking -- >> incendiary -- >> she was doing political cartoons cartoons. >> i could not interrupt your -- let me speak, sure. you know what is incendiary? the jordanian pilot put on fire that's incendiary. the idea i'm provocative? no. murdering cartoonists is provocative. i held many free speech conferences on the anniversary, on 2012 i held a free speech conference. we weren't attacked because they're emboldened now. they're stronger now. what i find galling is that my motives are continually questioned by the media. not the jihadist motives. my motives. what's a motive? look at my work. for ten years, after 9/11 i have been opposing sharia and jihad, period. it's the media that have created these myths about me. but i ask you -- >> everybody -- >> why hasn't the media -- >> hang on, hang on. >> i have the media to address this. why hasn't the media addressed the motive behind the jihadists? >> juan it's a little cartoon. it's going to set off people to go kill other people. and try to assassinate them. then you've got to believe that anything will set them off. i think this is part of what pam was explaining here the other night. in other words, if the trigger is that short, they're going to attack us anyway. and we've got to be prepared that there are people that are so easily offended that this is the war that they are waging against us. and our lifestyle and our way of life. and that we've got to be prepared that if they also don't like jews they don't like christians radical islamists don't like a lot of things. so if a cartoon will provoke them they will be provoked. and there's nothing we're going to be able to say or do to stop them. it's rather naive, i think, of people like you on the left to think that you can stop them. >> what are you talking about? we will stop them. the point is we have stopped them. the point is that you have to go out and wage very clear lines and say, we do not believe in sharia law. we do not respect it. we're a country of civil constitutional laws. and you have a right to free speech in our country. >> you can't say yes -- >> that's what i just said. didn't i just say it to you? what i'm saying to you is for instance pam geller just a moment ago said they burned a pilot. the pilot was fighting a war. those people acted in a barbaric fashion. >> i'm fighting a war. >> let me finish. someone who was following -- someone who was pursuing a war. i thought you didn't like people interrupting you. you just go over people. i think you are about self-promotion pam geller. >> let me stay focused here. pam, five years ago, there was a young girl pakistan school girl who went to school knowing the threat. she got shot in the face. she ended up getting the nobel peace prize. she knew there could be consequences but she went anyway. and my point is -- >> sean she was getting an education. >> i'm giving an education. >> if a cartoon is going to set off somebody to kill there's no negotiation there. there's no appeasing people that would react that way. i think it's naive of you to think that if only we didn't have the cartoon contest, they would be nice to us. that's absurd. >> sean listen you have to engage and say, listen this is not the way that we as americans live. we do not believe in sharia law. >> we do. we do. you are enforcing sharia law. you are enforcing sharia law. >> how? >> by making -- >> how are we doing that? >> by making me the bad guy. >> oh my not just a contest. you're not even -- you are not even informed -- >> you are hurting our cause is what you are doing. you are hurting people who say sharia law is wrong, by generating -- >> all right. i've got to leave it there. thank you both. appreciate it. busy news night tonight on "hannity." >> when it comes to the persecution of christians we're talking about an extraordinarily urgent issue. we are talking about an international emergency. >> liberals freaking out over offending muslims with a cartoon. cardinal timothy dolan is taking a stand against actually religious persecution. i don't want him to take advantage of my career and try to promote himself, get press. >> a moral dilemma, actress sophia vergara battles her ex-fiance over frozen embryos. the deflategate investigation, and more. ♪ miranda: ♪ i got red dirt stains on my boots and jeans. ♪ ♪ calloused fingers from my guitar strings. ♪ ♪ wild like the wind in the tall pine trees. ♪ ♪ i got roots and i got wings. ♪ ♪ hi. hi, we're here to look at a camry. we just came from a birthday party. ohh, let me get you a new one. camrys are so reliable. yeah... and you gotta love that bold new styling. here you go. whoa! wow. those balloon towers don't make themselves. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit thanks jan. thanks jan. now you both have camrys. yeah! toyota. let's go places. 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(music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. welcome back to "hannity." the archbishop of new york denounced the brutal persecution and slaughter of christians at the hands of radical islamists. watch this. >> when it comes to the persecution of christians we are talking about an extraordinarily urgent issue. we're talking about an international emergency. this is not some nice idea. this is not some chic hobby. we are talking about life and death. we're not going to let it go. we are going to talk about christians being beheaded martyred threatened harassed killed throughout the world. we're going to keep talking about it. we're not going to let it die. in talking about it we have got to be blunt. we have got to call it what it is. we're talking about fanatical islamic terrorism. we should not be afraid to tag it as such. >> a lot to say about pam geller and cartoon contest, joining us now from the islamic house of wisdom muhammad ali elahi. and jonathan morris. let me ask you, muhammad. a simple question. we have in the name of your religion going on worldwide now raping we have kidnapping we have enslaving, we have assassinations we have beheadings we have firing squads we have terror we have bombings. all in the name of allah. why is this happening in the name of your prophet? >> well first of all, we as muslims, moderate muslims, unfortunately our moderate voice is ignored most of the time by the media -- >> no no we have a hard time finding moderate voices that will speak out, and if you're condemning this, i appreciate your voice. >> we are available anytime. seven days a week. >> you still haven't answered the question. raping kidnapping beheadings assassinations slavery. all in the name of muhammad. why? >> well that is a false claim. >> it's false? >> they have nothing to do with this religion or any other religion. >> no they're doing it in the name of allah. they're doing it in the name of islam. >> well they can say whatever. but we know that in reality, they are the worst enemies of allah. they are the worst enemies of our religion. enemies of rationality. >> you seem like a nice man. i take you at your word. you're a moderate muslim. i see that there are moderates, too few that speak out. and it seems to me for two reasons, they will be viewed as a postate, which under radical islamic thought they would be killed for that. so there eooh a certain fear that exists. or is there partly maybe some agreement among people and for that reason they just don't express their moderation. why aren't there thousands of muslims marching on washington demanding that this stop showing support and solidarity for freedom? >> well freedom also means responsibility. sometime honestly i think there is a kind of cooperation between the forces of islam-phobia here and the boko haram over there. they want to show us look how horrible america is. and the forces of the islamic-phobia show us how horrible islam is. both are wrong. >> we don't see people killing -- but -- let me go to father morris on this. the cardinal said we've got to address this. finally someone of stature in religion is speaking out. we must address this. >> he also mentioned, sean that we should be affirming genuine voices from islam. i'm glad we're doing it. it sounds like the imam here is moderate. i would never call myself a moderate christian. i'm just a christian. i think it does show though that moderates like muhammad here should recognize that there's a problem in islam right now. it's a major problem. and yes, they do have something to do with islam. and, therefore, there should be and this is to your credit muhammad your moderation you mentioned reason two, to make sure that there is a very public a very public coming together to say, this is wrong. and then to give reasons why this is not islam. it's easy to say this is not islam. but we have to give a reason why is this not islam. >> father let me ask you a question if i can. >> sure. >> there is nothing wrong with islam. there is something wrong with human selfishness and greed. and we cannot solve this problem, unfortunately. we've been warning about this isis for many many years. >> muhammad they're using your -- >> if saudi arabia is our closest allies and we tried to solve this problem through even more closeness to saudi arabia -- >> muhammad -- >> the source of terrorism, and isis and supporting all of this violence in the middle east i mean come on how are we -- >> but they're justifying their evil acts by using the koran. now, father there have been instances where crucifixes have been emerged in urine, and elephant dung thrown on the virgin mary. now we have a cartoon that is motivating people to kill not once but multiple times. >> that is a big lie. >> muhammad muhammad imam sean's asked me a question here. it's important here. you know we have to be very clear, that no matter what anybody else does to us, whether we're christian, muslim jewish no matter what anybody else does to us no matter what they say to us it does not give us a right to do something that is wrong. inherently wrong. now, i think it's very important also to recognize that i disagree with pam, and your previous segment, that therefore, we have the responsibility to incite violence. i think that's what she did. it doesn't mean that you -- >> you can't blame her, father. that's not fair. that's not accurate. >> sean it's not blaming her, it's recognizing that what the wrong that these crazy radical islamists did was so -- >> do you think not drawing cartoons is going to appease them? they're willing to kill at the drop of a hat. >> can i speak? >> last word we've got to go. >> who created isis? what is the cause of isis? >> they're using the koran, sir. >> no no. >> yeah yeah yeah. >> this is a political conspiracy. >> no not killing in the name of their religion. >> no doubt it's political. it's also done in the name of muhammad. >> look at the supporters of terrorism, the supporters of isis. where do those guys get their money and military? we are not serious -- >> we've got to go. thank you both for being with us. i appreciate your time. coming up next 2016 gop presidential candidate dr. ben carson he went to baltimore today to meet with community leaders. he'll be here next with reaction. actress sophia vergara and her ex attack each other in a media blitz over frozen embryos. could tom brady be in big trouble when he says he knew nothing about deflated footballs. tom brady's agent will be here exclusively, and joe theismann and spencer tillman will be here to react as we continue straight ahead. or irregularity? 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[ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. ♪ ♪ black people black people were making enormous progress in this country, in a post-slavery era right up until the '60s. just enormous progress. strong families strong values and principles. and then it like came to an abrupt halt. and then started going down in the other direction. and i think a lot of that has to do with the culture that has been created by government just throwing money at things with no thought process. >> that was 2016 gop presidential candidate dr. ben carson talking with baltimore community leaders earlier today. he joins me now with more of his visit. joining us the man himself, now a presidential candidate, dr. carson. how are you, sir? >> i'm doing great, sean thanks. >> there was a report by a baltimore official today, if the case against the cops unravels baltimore will burn. did that come up today? >> there was some mention of that. and my feeling is that if they will continue to be transparent, or maybe i should say start to be transparent with what's going on first releasing the findings and then explaining things to people over a period of time rather than letting there be just a sudden explosion at some point, i think that would make a big difference. >> we spent as a country, some $40 trillion since the great society, to get people out of poverty. it obviously isn't working. baltimore got $1.8 billion in stimulus money. $1.2 billion every year in education. the president mentioned education. but the gop won't give him the programs he wants. when you look at inner cities like baltimore, and the problems they're facing what do you think has happened and what needs to be done? if you're president, what would you do? >> well, clearly in the great society program, the war on poverty has not been helpful. with the trillions and trillions of dollars that are being spent. i don't want to spend a lot of time demonizing anybody who did it. they maybe had good intentions. it's clear to anybody that it hasn't worked. we should be talking about, what do we do to get people to move up and out of dependency. i think what we have to do is recognize that it's relationships rather than throwing money that works. there are many examples around the country of programs that generally are started by the private sector. and business industry academia wall street churches community groups who get involved with their fellow human beings. and those are the things that actually get people out of poverty. i've spoken at a number of those programs. >> isn't that part of your life too? i mean you come from -- you didn't come from wealth. you had a tough mother who threw your tv out, got rid of it made you read kept you away from your friends. turned you around. you were not exactly a stellar student to start out, from everything i've learned from you. >> yeah absolutely. my mother refused to be a victim. and she wouldn't let us be victims. and she didn't make excuses and she wouldn't let us make excuses. that was a big part of it. you know it's one of the things that we talked about today, was the importance of going back to values and principles that used to make the communities strong that used to allow them to get through some of the hardships. a lot of that's been abandoned. but also recognize that a lot of traditional families have been broken. and a lot of them are broken by government programs that actually incentivize people to not have complete -- >> every time if it's cambridge police if it's ferguson if it's trayvon martin baltimore, the president either a, talks about the need for more social programs early education in the case of baltimore, or he talks about a bad relationship between the black community and police officers. do you agree with him? or is he wrong? do you think america has a race problem? >> i think the problem with police and the community stems from the fact that we don't introduce the police into the community at the right time. a lot of times the first encounter with police is a hostile one. they need to be embedded in the community, and they need to be people that are known. i was talking to one of the police representatives at the meeting, and he made this quite clear. he says i'm in the neighborhood. everybody in the neighborhood knows me. you know i don't have to go out and get something to eat. susan pokes her head out the door and says you want fried chicken? he said we all know each other. that's the kind of relationships that really keep a lot of these problems from occurring. and i'm not sure why they won't do that. >> all right. you saw what happened. you saw the rioting. you saw the prosecutor marilyn mosby. did you feel this was a rush to judgment a political prosecution in place? do you feel this was maybe done so quickly to appease those in the streets? they had no justice, no peace, those that were rioting? >> yeah i was asked that question today during the meeting. and i said without being able to see the same evidence that miss mosby saw, i don't know how anybody could say whether it was a rush to judgment or not. obviously we need to be exposed to the same kind of data. it certainly did quiet things down. the fact of the matter is there is a legal process. where the information will be hopefully, made public. and people will be able to see what happened. i personally as a physician think that there was a severe injury incurred during the arrest. i don't think it was done purposely. >> we don't even know that at this point, though do we? >> well i think during the arrest you can easily particularly a heavy strong individual put one's knee down on the base of a person's neck and cause instability. and then if they're rattling around in a truck, none of that obviously was done on purpose, but it was still done. and it needs to be dealt with. >> dr. carson we'll be seeing you out there on the campaign trail. thank you for being with us. >> absolutely. pleasure. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> i don't want to allow this person to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself, get press. >> hollywood a-lister sophia vergara lashes out at her ex-fiance who is suing her to make sure their embryos are not destroyed. here with reaction. later tonight. >> i've always played within the rules. i would never do anything to break the rules. i believe in fair play and i respect the league. >> tom brady could be in big trouble for denying knowing about his team deflating balls. will the nfl suspend one of the biggest stars. we'll have reaction from joe theismann and spencer tillman and much more tonight on "hannity." spencer tillman and more tonight on "hannity." you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.♪ ♪ it's time to catch your breath and some sun. it's spring and great deals are in bloom at bass pro shops. like bass pro original logo tees for under $10. and save $80 on this nikon fieldscope outfit. who does this kinda thing online? 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>> here with reaction mercedes cohen, and kimberly guilfoyle. what do you think? >> this is a legal issue that should be taken with a lot of consideration and thought. so far, you've had ten states that have addressed this issue. now with california this is where they created these lives, that's where the court will consider this. think about it the state also should have a compelling interest in making serious decision about whether to preserve life. these are not eggs these are embryos, two baby girls. >> conceived. >> yes. mr. loeb said he wants to take full legal and financial responsibility. >> not asking for any of her money. >> not asking for anything to be able to bring these two embryos to term. her argument is well listen we signed this agreement but it wasn't a contract between the two parties. more to do with liability with respect to the agency that they used to be able to do this to do the retrieval. >> he talked about the moral issue here. and about the life issue here. and she's talking about, he's not an actor, he's not a celebrity. you know why are they taking into credibility what he's saying? i guess this is the question mercedes. should a man who helped produce an embryo why does he have no say? >> you look at the contract. it's a third rail. no court is going to say, i'm going to take on the right to life issue. already this has been decided around the country. they look at it as so many people would say that the embryos are looked upon as a property. when you deal with property they're going to go back to the contract. sophia and mr. loeb had to consent what was going to be done with that edge bri oh. so the court can show them and say i'm not going to go down into the right to life issue. i'll focus in on the right of a property issue. that's the first step. >> they'll look into see whether or not there was a legally binding contract. under california law, the legislature decided this you have to have an agreement between the two parties about what would happen to these embryos in the event they separate. this particular agreement, this form that they filled out from this place that they did the retrieval did not address that. so the court could strike that down saying it's not legally binding. then they would balance the parties' interests. >> who drafted it? it was the agency not the two of them. if you look at strict contract law, they'll say, wait a minute there's supposed to be an agreement between the two individuals. if one wants to say i want to bring these children to life -- >> dr. ablo your thoughts? >> the legal matters will get decided. prenuptial agreements are vacated all the time. i don't see why this has to be an ironclad contract. i talked to nick loeb last night, he seems sincere to me that he is invested from a moral standpoint in bringing these children to life. he considers them children already. potential lives already. and i think it's a big issue, sean. why don't men have any say? why isn't there -- we talk about a women's right to choose. how about a man's right to choose life. why are we without any say as to whether these frozen embryos come to term? there are surrogates who can carry them to term. we don't know who the people will be in the future. maybe a dad would like to see that. >> should men have the right to a say? we only have about 30 seconds. >> of course they do. they are part of the equation. >> but they really don't when it comes to the issue of abortion. >> it's not just about men versus women. let's say i had embryos that i created with ex-boyfriends and he wants them destroyed. does he have the right to say i'm going to destroy those? when i want to accept full legal and financial responsibility. that's my point. it's an important decision that needs to be made here. coming up an nfl investigation reveals tom brady must have known that the team's footballs were being deflated. will the nfl suspend him? we'll hear from tom brady's agent coming up next. 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>> good. thank you for having me on sean. >> i want you to know, because i'm a jets giants fan, doesn't mean i hate tom brady. he's a very talented guy. here's what the report said. more than probable tom brady was at least generally aware. it said more probable than not patriots personnel participated in the deliberate effort to release air from the balls. it's unlikely an equipment assistant or locker attendant would deflate the game balls without brady's approval. how do you react? >> sean when you're using a phrase like more probable than not, and that's being written by a law firm what that really means is that we believe in our opinion. it's 50.1% versus 49.9%. >> i actually agree with you. i mean i think those words were purposely used which i think is an indicator that in spite of what people want i know a lot of people are -- other fans of other teams want tom brady punished. but those words tell me there's no punishment coming. what do you expect? and if he did get a punishment what would you do? >> i really don't know what to expect sean because the recent history of the league when it comes to disciplinary measures and i'm just looking at its own history. this is not speculation, has been fairly spotty. there have been a number of decisions that have been made by the league office that have been subsequently overturned. >> yep. >> so i really don't know what to expect. because the decision-making, i would probably describe as frenetic at best. >> did those e-mails not implicate him at all in your mind? they seem premning. >> the only thing i can tell you, and maybe the average person you know can relate to this we all have mobile phones. if i took your cell phone, sean and said i'm going to clip out an excerpt of a text discussion you're having with a close personal friend i believe that that conversation could be subject to a number of interpretations. because people don't know the exact dieynamic between you and your friend. there's no context, right? those texts could actually cause people to think that you're a person that is completely different than who you really are. >> all right. don yee, appreciate it. here with reaction former nfl quarterback, joe theismann, star running back also a star broadcaster, good friend spencer tillman is with us. guys good to see you. i read the report spencer, i'll start with you, more than probable he was involved. more than probable they participated. unlikely an equipment assistant would do it without his knowledge. i'm reading legalese here that says they can't prove it. >> it could be 51% as your last guest just said or 99% fact that we're sure that he was engaged at least with general knowledge what was taking place. as joe will attest to this fact any quarterback that played any appreciable amount of time and we certainly know tom brady has in the nfl, knows the relationship between the center or the trainers and this locker room assistant as well. he knew exactly what was going on there. the evidence to me is overwhelming in this case. i do disagree with what the attorney just said a moment ago. i think there will be appreciable punishment against tom brady. >> even looking at the language of this report by ted wells? >> yeah. >> i'm saying they're equivocating here. what do you say, joe? >> well just to take what spencer was saying, i think that the league has forced themselves into a box where they have to take some kind of action. rich mckay didn't know anything about the noise pumped into the atlantic falcon stadium. he got 90 days. you look at the punishments dealt. and you have to say, they've got themselves in a box and have to do something. one of those texts is to me very indicative of what was transpiring. that's where he said the officials had the ball. one of the balls at 16. okay? so when you think of that now, remember the league has a variance of 12.5 to 13.5 variances. tom likes them at the lower end. how do we know and i thought don made a very good point, how do we know there isn't more dialogue that took place with regard to wanting it at the lower end. where is the lower end? who makes that determination? >> but if we stand here at more than probable more than probable and unlikely that they did this on their own, is that enough to give a star like tom brady, if nobody admits anything of severe punishment spencer? >> listen sean you hammered both of us on our super bowl predictions. so i'm not going to let you off the hook here. tom brady can remove all of that doubt by simply releasing his statements made in the texts. >> but he doesn't have to either. >> this is a vindicated issue. we're not talking about this anymore. >> what do you predict the punishment will be joe? >> i've been saying it's going to be at least a couple games. but nbc has to consider now in the opening game it's off the boards in vegas. you've got new england and pittsburgh monday night. what is nbc going to do without tom brady? >> they're going to be crying in their soup. >> they've got to figure out something to be able to make it -- have enough teeth in it so it is discouraging. yet they can't look like it's too light. because it's new england patriots four-time world champions. tom brady. i do agree with spencer in this there's only one way this will come to a conclusion in a heart beat and that's if tom makes some statements. we have to take him on his word what he has to say about it. >> really quickly, sean -- >> who predicted the super bowl last year? >> you got us all. you got us all. one thing, sean -- >> i think i took new england. if i just think back. >> spencer, do you remember that? my mind's fuzzy on this. >> sean got both of us joe. he nailed both of us. >> i love you both. thanks for being with us guys. appreciate it. we need your help. talking about tom brady. that's our "question of the day," straight ahead. go get help, boy. go get help. go get help! right now! if you're a cat, you ignore people. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty... photos are great... ...for capturing your world. and now they can transform it with the new angie's list app you can you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done... ...and angie's list will find a top-rated provider to do the job. start your project for free today. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. top three tools: hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. in the right hands, an imatch quick-hitch could probably cure most of the world's problems. that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. see your john deere dealer for great green tag savings on the one family sub-compact tractors. 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