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Parents. Hannity starts right here right now. Welcome to hannity. President obama refuses once again to listen to you the American People. Because earlier today obama unveiled his 4 trillion budget plan. No big surprise here he wants to raise taxes on the socalled wealthy as well as for major corporations and spend more money. Listen to this. Weve got some fundamental choices to make about the kind of country we want to be. Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well or are we going to build an economy where everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead . Now under the president s proposal over the next tenyear period tax increases will total 2 trillion. Projected debt by 2025 will topple 26 trillion. So whats he thinking . By the way he said 9 trillion in debt was unpatriotic and irresponsible. Here with reaction kentucky senator, potential president ial candidate, rand paul. Senator, whats your reaction . Well, its more of the same. This president now is going to add more to the debt than all 43 previous president s combined. And theres no slowing up on it. He doesnt get what every American Family gets. We cant spend what we dont have or we go to Bankruptcy Court. How are we supposed to be a powerful nation from Bankruptcy Court . So i think its exactly the wrong recipe for the country. Okay. I agree with all of that. I have yet to see the republican plan either that says not only are we going to reduce the rate of increase but cut in real Dollars Money so we stop robbing our kids and grand kids. Is there a proposal that would work that you support . I put forward a plan every year that ive been here to balance the budget in five years. Thats consistent with the balanced Budget Amendment that we vote on. This year well vote again on the balanced Budget Amendment. The real question you should have for republicans is well your fore balancing it in five years amendment how come youre not balancing it im a stickler. You could do it one way, the penny plan. Cut 1 across the board of all spending and it balances less than five years. By the way im a big supporter of the penny plan. Cut one penny out of every dollar the government spends you get to a balanced budget, you can pay it down. Class warfare rhetoric, the president s back at it again. He wants a 7 increase in discretionary spending. 320 billion hes proposing in new taxes. Lets go to the hannity big board and show everybody. Right now the top 1 of wage earners pay 38 of the tax bill. And the bottom 50 pay 2. 78 of the bill. So 1 pays 38 and 50 pay 2 . Little less than 3 . Isnt that redistribution or wealth . Isnt that pretty complete . Weve been doing this for a long time. And so i dont think taxing the wealthy even more than they already are taxed is going to fix income inequality. Its a little more complicated. Its important to note income states run by democrat governors and countries run by democrat president s. Really we should be asking the president is he is truly concerned about income inequality how come its worse under his watch . Household Median Incomes down, you know 3,000. The average household costs for health care is up thousands of dollars. I dont think that helps the poor and middle class. Theres a perception out there though that conservatives dont care about the poor dont care about the middle class. Youve been trying to go into the africanamerican community, the Hispanic Community and say, no, our policies will help your families. Explain how thats going over when you go speak at historically black colleges et cetera. I went to detroit last year and i told them, you know what, ill leave 1. 3 billion in detroit, a 1. 3 billion stimulus by not taxing you. By lowering your taxes dramatically, that tax would never leave detroit, never come to washington and would stay there. This is the opposite of what the president wants. The president wants more tax money in washington. I want more money left in the communities, particularly poor communities, particularly communities that have high unemployment. So i would fix the problem by leaving money in the productive sector. And this is a fundamental disagreement between the president and i. The president wants that money to go to washington. I want to leave it in your community. All right. Well, 2016 is heating up. You know how i know . Because you have a website. And on your website you say oh, cut this out and you can turn this into like one of those footballs that you play when youre out with your friends and eating dinner and hit field goals with clicking it with your finger. And it says on there rand 2016. And your website put it out. Is that an announcement that rand paul is a candidate for the presidency . You know, i am up for reelection to the senate also in 2016. So it could be either or both. Were not quite certain yet, but were in the process of discovering that over the next couple of months. All right. Let me go to a comment that many thought you were taking a shot at jeb bush and it had to do with you think its hypocrisy the people on our side include a lot of people making mistakes growing up admit their mistakes but they still want to put people in jail for smoking pot. Would you want to legalize pot like they did in colorado . Whats your position . Im not really promoting legalization, but i am promoting making the penalties much less severe and not putting people in jail for ten 20, 30 years. Heres the problem, if youre white and youre rich in our country, if you get busted for drugs, you get a good attorney and you in all likelihood serve no time. But if youre poor, black, hispanic or poor and white for that matter, you can get put in jail sometimes one young man was 24, caught for selling marijuana, got 55 years in prison. And i kind of laughingly said you can kill somebody in kentucky and get out sooner. California recently started taking some of these felonies and making them misdemeanors. You know what the result was . They can now keep violent prisoners in for their whole sentence or most of their sentence instead of releasing them early. Violent prisoners to stay in jail. Youre not supporting Marijuana Legalization, do you support Marijuana Legalization . I would let states choose. And i dont know what would happen, i dont know if it would end up being good or bad, but i would let the states choose and believe in federalism and states rights. But i think it is hypocritical for very wealthy white people who have all the resources to evade the drug laws to say, oh well. Particularly in jeb bushs case hes against even allowing medical marijuana for people that are confined to wheelchairs from multiple sclerosis. Or i know a family whose child has 200 seizures a day and theyve tried all of the traditional medicines for seizures and their child still suffers. Theyll move to colorado because they want to use the thc or actually the cannabis oil without the thc. So its a part of the plant, but thats illegal in florida. And still jeb bush would keep that illegal. I would let doctors prescribe that. And i think thats the least we can do for some of these people with chronic illnesses. All right. I think between the football the paper football and the jeb bush references, i think we might have a candidacy emerging here. Senator, thank you. Good to see you. Anks. Coming up next tonight, a busy night here on hannity. What i think the president is trying to do here is again exploit envy economics. This topdown leadership doesnt work. Weve been doing it for six years. It may make for good politics, dunlt make for good economic growth. 26 trillion in debt. Republicans not happy with his economic policies. Can you blame him . Juan williams and steven hayes coming up next. Also tonight. Just go ahead and take any empty seat that you see. All right. We will review the best and worst commercials from last nights super bowl game. Plus, the game ending call by the seahawks that everybodys talking about might end up being the worst call in the history of football. Espn steven a. Smith is here straight ahead. A pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until. The am. New aleve pm the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. It was definitely a Mission Accomplished speech. It is not Mission Accomplished. We have a long ways to go. People are hurting and weve got to get back to work to fix this. What i think the president s trying to do here is to, again exploit envy economics. This topdown redistribution doesnt work. Weve been doing it for six years. Look it may make for good politics, it doesnt make for good economic growth. Welcome back to hannity. Like most republicans on capitol hill, congressman paul ryan is not happy with the president s economic policies. Here with reaction from the weekly standard, Fox News Contributor steven hayes and fox news political analyst juan williams. Juan, i think youre going to agree with what i say. But then i guess our paths to solution is different. You agree its immoral to have 18 trillion in debt for our kids and leave that to our kids and grand kids right . Yeah i would agree with you. And its kind of like robbery. Then we have 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. This president once called 9 trillion in debt irresponsible and unpatriotic. Now hes he will give us more debt very close to more debt than any other president before him combined. And now he outlines a budget thats going to take us to 25 trillion in debt. My question to you is, if you believe thats immoral why are you screaming, mr. President , stop robbing americas childrens piggy banks . Why dont you say it as a liberal . Oh, i tell you why i dont say it right now. Because i think its immoral we have increasing poverty in the country, we have increasing income inequality in the country, decreasing wages wait a second. Hold on. Ill stick with what you brought up first sean. I just think were in a situation where we have to invest right now in getting our economy moving as quickly as we can and especially helping middle class families because down the line those kids if theyre hurting now those kids will be in greater trouble when were supposedly leading debt and deficit. By the way, in the president s budget according to all the scoring thats been done so far it really doesnt budge the deficit and the debt numbers. 2 trillion thats not a lot. As a percentage 2 trillion not a lot. All right. So Median Income since obamas been president , steve has gone down nearly 3000. Health care coverages costs have gone up thousands of dollars. Now juan and obama want to keep doing the same thing. What is the definition here of insanity . Because thats insanity to me. Yeah look. You can see from what the president s proposing here that you have historic you have deviations from the historical norms of both revenues coming into the government and spending going out of the government. Up about 2 in each case by 2025 and then going in the same direction up for the foreseeable future. The president has one job or one primary job with respect to his budgets. And that is to address and try to solve the entitlement crisis in the country. He doesnt do that in this budget. And he basically acknowledges he doesnt do it. Its as if the president sees the longest term potential threat to the livelihood of American People and shrugs his shoulder. The second argument if he enhances growth we could grow our way out of economic crisis. But he doesnt do that either. Basically the president of the United States deciding hes going to make a political argument, and he will probably make a good one, but kind of shrugging his shoulders about the economic troubles facing this country. Hang on. Let me Say Something to steve real quick. Steve, dont you look and see that in fact the economy is Getting Better . The job creation is up unemployment is down. Juan, are you happy with 2 growth . Wall street is going zoom zoom, zoom. Are you happy with 2 growth . What should the United States be growing at 2 . Is that good . If thats what you think is good, thats fine. I dont think its good. Its certainly not good historically in terms of the way the United States has grown. And if you look at this recovery depending on which economist you believe, its either the slowest recovery in the last 50 years, other economists say its the slowest post recession economy ever. Thats not a good competition you want to be having if youre barack obama or his defenders. This is the longest sustained economic recovery in american history. Oh, my gosh. Out of the deepest, the deepest recession, some people call it a depression that weve ever seen. Juan, wait a minute. 92 million americans arent working. And i love you liberals that mention wall street all the time. I really do. Wall street going up doesnt help 50 million americans on food stamps or in poverty. Correct. Where are the shovelready jobs this stimulus whats interesting is you and steve hayes are to the right of paul ryan. Yeah, i absolutely am. Paul ryan and areas the president can work, hes interested in i support cutting one penny, one penny out of every dollar eliminating baseline budgeting where you have builtin increases every year and real dollars, cut a penny out of every dollar washington spends so we stop robbing our kids and their future and breaking open their piggy banks. I would think even you could get on board for that, juan. If you want to do that in addition to increasing revenue so we could pay our soldiers, so we can properly fund the pentagon and get rid of the sequestration sequestration, im for it. I dont hear you guys saying it. You actually think this is a recovery. Thats the problem. The poor has suffered under obama. Health care costs are up thousands of dollars. This has been the most difficult sixyear period of time for most americans. And juan wants to double down on for those free everything. Including dental care. Free housing for people who dont have it. He even wants governmentchauffeured limousines for people if they need it. And he wants free day care. Yes, i want those limos for tv hosts on the right who host a great show on fox what are you talking about . Steve, do you have a limo . Does anybody here have a limo . I do not have a limo. Yeah. Thank you, guys. Youre welcome. Appreciate it. Coming up, the super bowl call by seattle that everybodys talking about. Did Seattle Seahawks coach pete carroll blow the game last night . Well check in with steven a. Smith. Also tonight, this straight ahead. No the best and worst super bowl ads from last night and much more tonight as hannity continues. Welcome to the most social car weve ever designed. The allnew nissan murano. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. Because Hydraulic Fracturing Technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. The new Energy Superpower . Its red, white and blue. Log on to learn more. Welcome back to hannity. Some are calling it the worst call in super bowl history. The Seattle Seahawks down 2428 to new england. Patriots have 30 seconds to go in the super bowl, second and goal from the 1 yard line and theyre in the end zone, they win the super bowl. All they needed to do was hand it off to the best running back in football. The man they call beast mode Marshawn Lynch. Instead, the seahawks coaches called for this. Second and goal. Goldman sets up on the left. Play clock at five. Pass is intercepted at the goal line by Malcolm Butler unreal then the patriots ran out the clock to win the game. Now, seahawks head coach pete carroll, he took the blame for the blown call. And we call the play and its a miraculous play the kid makes to get in front of that route. Really to keep him from making that play. I told those guys that was my fault totally. Some say why dont you just run it, thats a real good thought. Meanwhile the patriots are winning their fourth super bowl. Is tom brady one of the greatest quarterbacks if not the greatest quarterback in history . Here now former nfl safety and espn cohost steven a. Smith. Steven a. In the house, so awesome in the house. You should be touched im here. Im here for you right now. Theres a nobashing tebow. He loves me. Dont let him lie to you. All right. You have Marshawn Lynch in the backfield. He just had a fouryard run gain. You got one yard to go. You got three downs to do it. Youre the super bowl champions. Why would you throw the football . Makes no sense for me. I mean, jay and eric are more qualified to talk about that than me. For me i thought it was the worst call id ever seen by a head coach. It made no sense whatsoever. Marshawn lynch was running the ball effectively. Over four yards a carry. Thats your identity. The seahawks were comfortable with them being gone because Marshawn Lynch getting fed the ball feeds their identity. So to be or be on the 1 yard line closer than the 1 yard line to the end zone, second down with the timeout. With the super bowl on the line. And to call somebody elses number. What do you think . Well, as a defender im sure all those patriots defenders took a sigh of deep breath when they dropped back for a pass. Marshawn lynch personally gave me a concussion. Hes a strong guy to bring down. And to not give him the ball, or rather see him get Russell Wilson on the perimeter throw it. Stop the clock. Throwing it in the middle, clock keeps going. How about the read option or bootleg 100 . You dont have to throw the ball in that position. Especially in that area. No matter how successful its been in the past you do not take that chance. Either going for the corners or pull it in and no chance for an interception. And as a defender in the red zone youre that close always attack the ball. Theres no way they can get behind you they cant get past you. Corner made a great play for new england. Butler made a great play. What do you think . Im dying sitting there watching this game thinking the patriots are going to lose another heartbreaker. The reality is there was 109 passes in the super bowl this year. But you got the best running back in the game. Hes a power back. Even though he was only 1 for 5 on the season in scoring a touchdown from the 1 yard line, you give him the ball. You dont do i promise you i was at the afterparty with the patriots. Every guy in there was thrilled that they threw the ball that they didnt run the ball. They didnt want to see Marshawn Lynch get the ball. Always a touching moment for me when jay agrees with me. Hey i said so you get the same b. S. From steven a. Now. I do. On monday i said on espn patriots by four. He did. He did. He called it by four. Whatd you call . I called seattle by four. 2622. On this show you called it. And they should have won. Lets go to my prediction. Should have could have. Im picking patriots by three. Well see. Even play this back on monday and see how i do. You lost. Do you see how you are . Im picking the patriots by you didnt see sure of yourself. Its the content of what i said. Nothing to do with the style. Yes. In the end you and i were right, he was wrong. Thats all that matters. Thats all that matters. Hes being a sore losers. Listen i grew up i played a lot of ice hockey. Fighting in ice hockey and roller hockey, street hockey, ice hockey, there wasnt a day we didnt drop our gloves, go at it, pick them up go back and play. You have a fight in football and people act like its the worst thing in the world. Whats the big deal . I dont think its a big deal that there was a fight at the end of the game. I think it was the fact that it was at the end after the interception was thrown. The reigning defending super bowl champions were about to go down. As great as those guys are, show some class in that particular moment. Look at that shot gronkowski takes. Im saying show some class at that particular moment in time. You lost a game. Thats what people had a problem with they didnt show enough class. That is a great point. One of the things i really like, eric at the end of Football Games youve got guys on both sides beating the living heck out of each other and often at the end of the game you have both teams get in a circle say a prayer together a camaraderie, they walk up to each other and congratulate each other. There is a sportsmanship that i can appreciate with the nfl. That was the anomaly though. I agree with you. It is nice to see those guys get together at the end of a game. You know the nfls a small fraternity. Theres about 1,500 players. And everyones working hard to win. You might be on a different team, but youre all working towards the same goal of trying to win. And its great when i saw Richard Sherman go up and say congratulations to brady. That was a humbling moment for him im sure. Right. But the fighting i never understood it. You get more guys breaking hands throwing punches at helmets than anything. Thats the dumbest thing. If youre going to hit somebody last thing you want to hit is helmet. In fairness to seattle, as brash as they are, you do have a lot of guys that showed a lot of class. Agreed. There were a select few. There were a few people off the bench though. Jay feely, you know a lot of quarterbacks, spent a lot of time in the league. Tom brady goes down in what position . Where do you see him . He is the best quarterback of alltime now. You look at the fact he set all the super bowl records last night. Most touchdowns ever thrown in the super bowl. Most completions in a game. Most wins with four tying joe montana and terry bradshaw. You can look at any measure, and if youre objective, you will go down saying tom brady is the best quarterback of all time. He has heartburn let me tell you something about jay feely. When jay feely decides to run for office and its inevitable, hes got my vote. I wont vote for you, but i will vote for jay feely. As much as we love tom brady, he is not joe montana. He did not have 11 touchdowns zero interceptions or 127. 8 passer rating. Nor was he unblemished in super bowl appearances 40. Tom brady does have four super bowl rings but he also lost. But he got there two more times. But he lost twice. Got there two more times. Michael jordan win six. Who you pick . Im rolling with michael jordan. There we go. I think hes the best quarterback i played against. Some people just thrive under pressure. He thrives under pressure. Their preparation. It was said after the game theyve been through every situation. Bill belichick puts them through many situations. Theyre prepared. Theyre ready for the twominute drills. Theyre ready if theyre down by three. Theyre always prepared. Thats a credit to the organization more than tom brady. Tom bradys a Great Quarterback but thats the point. Why dont you ever invite me on your show . You invited jay feely. Eric you been on his show . No. You come on my radio show and television show. Oh, really . Wait until you get on my radio show, because its just you and i. And i got you then. Youve been running from me long enough. If he can play sports as much as he talks here it would be an amazing career hed have. The tie is beautiful, but you need a pocket square. Whats a pocket square . Ive got jeans and boots on. Stop covering for it. Thank you guys. Good to see you all. Coming up next tonight on hannity. Marsha, what happened . Peter hit me in the nose with a football. I cant go to the like this. Im sure it was an accident. Eye for an eye is what dad always says. Best and worst super bowl ads. Our panel to weigh in on this monday edition of hannity. Stay with us. No pictures of trucks pulling boats. No photos of men working on ranches. Just a ram 1500 ecodiesel that gets 156 more miles per tank than the ford f150 ecoboost. Get more facts at ramtrucks. Com. Ou have something for pain . 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Go go go hes challenging the very fabric of society. In a post cannonball world and now theyre making a movie out of it was it Grilled Cheese . Guilty the aquatic delinquency is a larger issue to this one bad apple spoils the whole you did it again, didnt you . Yup. Welcome back to hannity. The big game isnt the only thing people are talking about today. Theyre also talking about the big budget commercials that air during the super bowl. Heres one ad that is getting a lot of buzz and its a take on tv classic. Peter hit me in the nose with the football. I cant go to the dance like this. Im sure it was an accident, sweetheart. An eye for an eye is what dad always says. I never said that, honey. Shut up teach her a lesson. Marsha, eat a snickers. Why . You get a little hostile when youre hungry. Beterer . Better. Marsha, marsha, marsha. Jan, this isnt about you. It never is fox news correspondent Geraldo Rivera fox friends host ainsley earhart. What did you think . I thought tom brady should have been in it. He was part of the brady bunch, right . I thought it was really funny. Geraldo. I thought it was great. I was watching with my 9yearold, as sappy as it is with the puppy and what do you mean . I just knew just to see it through her eyes with the classic tail and when the horses rescued her, she was so excited. I swear i started crying. And i hate to sound so sappy, but they got me. That was my favorite ad for sure. Lets go to ainsley and jim. You have the same. Our favorite ad. Thats the little blue pill ad. It was one of my favorite ads. All right. The all new fiat 500 crossover. Youre very defensive oh you said it was your favorite. It was one of my favorites. I like the feel good ones too. I like the puppy and the one about the dads. I thought that was sweet. But this was a fun light hearted one. The car takes advantage of having the blue pill. Just happened to fall in the gas can. Yeah, i thought it was really cute. Im buying a fiat right now. I actually got emotional watching this as geraldo was watching the other one. It encouraged me. I can feel the desk rumbling. You didnt see the end of that ad he goes back upstairs. He comes back up and shes passed out asleep. He missed his chance. Hes asleep. No, its her, right . No hes asleep. Hes asleep and shes like twidling her thumbs oh, thats right. Geraldo, your other favorite is the dove i like this ad too about fathers and men. This is the dove ad. Daddy dad. Dad. Daddy daddy daddy dad i have five children, and those moments are the greatest moments of my life. They are so life affirming, theyre so sincere, theres no baloney. Thats real life. Those are the men that love their families and work hard. Makes life worthwhile. Its like a dee odeodorant commercial. This great man doesnt stink. It was really moving, but then the product is so odd. I got the blue pill, not the fiat. I got the loving children but not the deodorant. All right. What was nationwide insurance thinking about when they talk about the dead kid . Watch this ad. Ill never learn to ride a bike. Or get kissed. Ill never learn to fly. Or travel the world with my best friend. And i wont ever get married. I couldnt grow up because i died from an accident. I cant grow up i died from an accident. Theres an uplifting ad. But a lot of people are talking about it. I was at a Super Bowl Party and all the women were discussing it and saying, my gosh, that gets your attention. Its sad. All about awareness. Awareness is one thing. Making a product appealing is another. And i dont think it made insurance appealing. The child is dead, so what . His beneficiaries are going to live happily ever after . I didnt get that one at all. I didnt think that was what it was about. I like to be reminded of my own mortality during the football game. Especially at my age. Oh, you look terrific. I throw a couple i fed you that line. A couple companies took out these tsa a tampon Company Always did this commercial for dont say throw like girls. I dont think that was to sell insurance other than to give a psa other than to go hi were nationwide and be careful. Lets go to the halftime show. A lot of talk about the halftime show and katy perry. I got mixed reviews from my friends. I watched it. I thought it was a phenomenal halftime show. I got the eye of the tiger i am a champion and youre going to hear me roar all right. I thought she did a great job. But i tell you being at the game behind the scenes, clock is 30 minutes. They set it up she does her thing, its broken down in 30 minutes. Its an unbelievable production. Where were your seats . Row 6. Nice. I bought them on stubhub or ticket master. The problem with katy perry, and i love katy perry, the bit with the tiger once it happened she was like trapped on top of that mechanical animal. And it was good for the stadium audience, which is 80,000 or 90,000, whatever it is. But for the millions at home i thought it was way more statistic than katy perry. Shes usually more vivacious, more sexy i agree. But did you i was thinking shes probably worried about falling off of that thing. Thats what i thought too. Shes not too sure did again when she was flying around the arena. That must have cost ten grand there were probably hundreds helping take that stuff off. Lets go to the bud ad we were talking about everybody loved. This i think got the best reviews of any ad. Im going to be the man who goes along with you i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more just to be the man that walks a thousand miles to fall down at your door not even you can hate that. And youre cynical. I think its very cute, although its promoting bud. Good point. Ainsley wants to sneak in the doritos ad. She likes this one. Its great. Just go ahead and take any empty seat that you see. I hope its not contagious. When your mom wakes up can you tell her about me . I dont want to sit next to gross people do you . No, thats the he was acting like he was gross because he didnt want anyone to sit next to him and then he saw the pretty lady and pulls out the doritos bag. Did yall hear that the guy who produced that he only spent 2,000 and everyone in that commercial theyre all his friends. They did it for free. I want to go to some of his parties. Right. Who would you rather sit next to the guy with the toenail clippings or baby . I would like to sit next to the toenail clipping guy. I would take the baby. Its too loud. I dont care. It was a great game and i bet sitting in that settle was electric. I picked the pats by three. Really . Youre a new yorker. I want the jets and giants, but theyre not in the bowl. So thats who i pick. I went home that morning. I wish i was hanging with warren sapp. Thank you. Measles outbreak all across the country. 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Lets talk about measles rehe mernling because parents took exemptions. This vaccine is 99 effective and measles is incredibly contagious, can cause side affects. So what do we have to do . Vaccinate. Should it be mandatory . No. It shouldnt be. If your kid is going to school and unvaccinateed and some kid if they decide not to vaccinate then you cant go to Public Schools . That should be the basis. What if there is a kid that has hiv . In disneyland you learned vaccines dont always work. Many people got the measles that had been vaccinateed because were for getting ageold truth brain, emotions, junk food. Heat at disneyland. What about mercury inside of the vaccines . People claim autism connection. Dont believe it. There are many ways to get autism as there is to get demetia. Alcoholism head trauma. Mmr vaccine is incredibly safe. Our point, 99 effective over time it can wear off in 10 of the cases if you or i are going to disneyland, we should be checked lets get the vaccine. Communication more important than any vaccine. We cannot rely just on vaccines. Im not trusting president obama to tell me to vaccinate. This is big big numbers. Coming up a huge important question of the day. We need your answer, straight ahead. No superslowmotion footage of trucks splashing through the mud. No cowboy hats, horses or hay bales. Just a ram 3500 that head to head can outtow fords f350 by more than one and a half tons. Get more facts at ramtrucks. Com. Startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. They are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. And with over 300 locations, and 3. 7 million square feet available, theres a place thats right for your business. See if startupny can work for you. Go to startup. Ny. Gov. 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Marshon lynch one of the greatest running backs in nfl today, bar non. Im shocked doesnt matter what i think. What do you think . Go to facebook. Com and let us know what you think. Thanks for joining us. Well see you back here tomorrow night. The Oreilly Factor is on. Tonight while we are pushing back isil, we are not creating another situation in which we are deploying massive numbers of u. S. Troops. And because of that the isis savages will not be defeated and will continue to murder civilians with impunity. Tonight, we will tell you exactly what should be done to stop the barbarians. I think there are terrible people that will do that to it a 91yearold man with a broken shoulder to physically threaten him. [chanting] senator mccain talking about code pink, the protest group, and he will also react to bills plan to defeat the jihad. The facts have been so distorted by oreilly and

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