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>> the democrats, watching the arguments today, their argument is we shouldn't have to debate this again. but this was sold to the american people as not being a tax. the supreme court has weighed in, it is what we said it was, it's a tax. why was this important today? >> well, it was sold on three broken promises. 1; it's a tax on middle-income taxpayers. number 2; president obama said health care premiums would go down, but they went up about $2500. number 3; he said if you like the plan you have, you can keep it. but millions of people are poised to lose helt insurance once this becomes effective. it was sold on migs leading grounds. we really believe that if these facts were known then, when it passed, it would not have passed. we want to revisit this issue, of course. but look, we didn't get to the supreme court. we didn't get the supreme court to knock this bill down. so there is one more chance. that's what the supreme court said, one more opportunity and this is up to the american people. l, through their elected representatives to repeal and replace this law. what we are demonstrating is that the house of representatives is here and ready to do that. the question is the united states senate and the president, obviously, they are not going to do that. that means the people of this country, through this election need to give us a better united states senate and need to elect mitt romney president so we can finally repeal and replace this law, which was passed on a whole series of broken promises. >> what is interesting to me now that it's a tax. you guys have repealed it before. it hasn't gone anywhere. >> right. >> now, will clair mccaskill and bill nelson and joe mansion, democratic senators up for re-election, they will have to vote up or down on this. is that going to happen in the september? >> i doubt t. it's up to harry reid, he decides whether to make them take the vote or not. what do you think he will do? i don't think he wants to put the vulnerable democrats up to these votes, like for 3 years, he has prevented them from having to vote on a budget. even though the law says we have to pass a budget every year, he has not had them pass -- >> how is the obama budget? it's a constitutional mandate. i am trying to understand, constitutionally, congress spends moan, how is it possible that you don't put forward pass a budget? how is that possible? >> the 1974 budget act says that congress -- both the house and the senate -- have to pass a budget by april 15. tax day for americans, budget day for congress. they have chose tone ignore the law. the problem is that there is no consequence in the statute for ignoring the law and they made the calculation that it's better that we do nothing and take the heat for that than show the country all the tax increases that are required to fulfill the spending vision that we have. you have to remember, all the tax increases that the president's talking about, they don't pay for a fifth of the proposed spending. it goes for spending, not to mention the fact that, you know, he raised the debt $5 trillion in five years. they are proposing far more debt increases in the next five years. >> all right. your job, basically, you immerse yourself, day in and day out in numbers. we keep hearing that social security's going bankrupt and medicare is going bankrupt. you kind of scared me the last time you were on this program because you said that we have basically 2 to 3 years before the bond markets abandon us. meaning that they will not feel comfortable lending the u.s. money any longer. do you still stand by that? and what specifically did you mean? >> yeah. so this isn't my prediction, this is the prediction of economists and budget and bond experts that come and testify before our committee that tell us just like in europe, america's not going to be able to borrow at such low rates and we will have a debt crisis. a debt crisis means that the people who lend us money, which half of our borrowing comes from china, japan and other countries, they won't lend us the money at these rates. and we will have a debt crisis and have to respond rapidly to appease the bond markets so we can avoid a catastrophe. that means cutting benefits to current seniors, raising taxes, which slows down the economy, which is what europe is doing. we are trying to prevent that crisis, get our spending under control, balance our budget, prevent the debt from getting out of control and reform the tax code to create jobs and get people back to work. economic growth, spending control and entitlement reforms are the key recipe of what we are trying to do to prevent this debt crisis from happening. we think the next president and the next congress will decide how this goes. >> any time anyone deals with this -- this goes to a question i have asked you in the past, if you want to save medicare and social security from bankruptcy, is the paul ryan look-alike throwing granny over the cliff -- >> we are used to that. >> give me 30 seconds. let me throw out where we are economically and considering you study these numbers more than anybody else, tell me what that means. first time in u.s. history, our sovereign debt was downgraded. first time in history. we have spending as a percentage of gdp, the highest since world war ii, the budget deficit as a percentage of gdp, highest since world war ii. long-term unemployment is the highest since the 1930s, the great depression. we have homeownership at the lowest level since 1965. the highest percentage of people, 49% pay no federal income tax and the highest -- the largest number of people in the country that are now getting a government check. >> and the highest poverty rates on record, more than ever before -- >> and food stamps. >> and food stamps. and the worst quarter of economic growth of job creation in 2 years. this is all under the president's economic policies. our argument is that the president's policies are bringing this about, this is why woo need to elect mitt romney president. this is why we need a senate republican majority so we can turn this stuff around and fix it before it's too late, before we become a net nation of takers instead of makers and have a debt crisis. we see two big tipping points, which will be very difficult to come from. the debt crisis, a european-like situation with a managed decline,gnant, lost decade. and a crisis of more and more people seeing the government as a provider of their livelihood, instead of themselves. we want an upwardly mobile society. we want to have a safety net, not a hammock of dependency and complacency, and we are worried that the president's taking us down the wrong path. >> look at greece and spain and ireland and portugal. europe in general, we see what's happening. you are saying that's going to happen here. we have $16 trillion in debt. do you really believe we can begin the process of balancing our budget and paying that off? i mean, did scott walker's election tell us that the american people really desire that? >> yes! yes tdid. actually, scott's a very close friend of mine. what scott dhe told wisconsinites, our state has problems, here's my solution. then he did it! you know what? his recall vote was better than his vote in the first time in 2010 -- people are hungry for solutions. they want to be talked to like adult, not pandered to like children. that's i didn't think mitt romney will be president. >> your name is often mentioned as a v.p. choice for governor romney. if you were asked, would you accept it? >> i don't think it's worthwhile to go into the hypothetical. it doesn't do the romney campaign any favors, with this speculation -- >> i didn't think you would answer t. i was hoping that -- our friendship meant something and you would give me the exclusive. >> thanks. >> all right. congressman, we will watch this closely. it is a tipping point moment for the country and election. thanks for being here. >> michele malkin is here. it ended up with a standing ovation, tense momes after mitt romney refused to back away from his criticism of the president's reckless agenda at the naacp convention. we have the analysis and much more. >> am i am going to eliminate every nonessential program we can find. that includes obamacare. man: there's a cattle guard, take a right. do you have any idea where you're going ? 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[ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. >> we don't count anybody out. support is asked for and earned. that's why i am here today. now, with 90% of african-americans who typically vote for democrats, you may wonder -- or some may wonder why a republican would bother to campaign in the african-american community and to address the naacp. one reason, of course, is that i hope to represent all americans of every race, creed and sexual orientation. from the poorest to the richest and everyone in between. >> sean: that was governor mitt romney at the naacp convention in houston. as you heard, he received applause throughout the speech. but there were a handful of moments where the audience was -- well, a bit less receptive because the governor refused to pull punches and pander to the crowd. instead, he vowed to repeal obamacare and dared to crittedicize the president's policies. watch. >> i am going to eliminate every nonessential, expensive program i can find, including obamacare. i am going to work to reform -- [boos from crowd] >> if you want a president who will make things better in the african-american community, you are looking at him. you take a look. >> sean: despite that reaction, in the end, governor romney received a standing ovation from the audience. joining me with analysis of what this could mean in november, fox news contributor cynthia jackson and political analyst, angela mcclown. >> thank you for having us. >> sean: before i get to this. there have been conflicting reports about your brother, congressman jackson. first of all, from my standpoint, i hope he's okay. i just wanted to say that. is there anything you can tell us? is he doing okay? >> first of all, let me thank you, sean, and my fox fam disple for so many people who have been just so loving and so respectful of our privacy. i think the first thing that our family wants to do is protect his privacy, of course. you know, doctors have the h. >> sean: paa standards that they have to obey. i think that what we have to do is dial everything back and give him the grace of space so he can get well. i want to thank you for asking and being so kind. >> sean: first of all, i don't think it's people's business. we just wish him well. he's in our prayers and look forward for him coming on the program and beating me up again i. oh, he won't do that, sean. >> sean: that's okay. let me throw this at you -- the african-american community, 90%-plus goes barack obama in 2008 election. unemployment for african-americans is up to 14.4%. it hasn't gotten better. it's gotten worse. african-american youth unemployment is 50%. as mitt romney pointed out, 17% of african-american children in our schools, but they represent 42% of the worst-performing schools. how does barack obama make the case that he deserves re-election from a part of his base that voted overwhelmingly for him? >> i wish he were there this week to make that case. i think he has made a lot of great strides to try to improve the lot, not just of african-americans but of all americans. through democratic and republican presidents, the african-american wealth has dropped 65% since 1983, from 1983 to 2009, it dropped 65%. so we have an issue with democratic and republican presidents and administrations. and so -- >> sean: but this president -- >> i am glad governor romney there was today -- [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: this economy is nearly -- it's nearly twice the national average. >> nearly twice the national average. even though we have the first black president, black people don't have a seat at the table. he sent bide tone speak before the national association of blarveg black journalists. even bush spoke before the urban league. and mitt romney talked about unemployment and talked about the school system and our crime rate. i give mitt romney kudos for showing up. and obama didn't show up. he is taking our vote for granted. and blacks don't want to ask him the hard questions. he has not given any black press interviews since 200 9. >> sean: why isn't he showing up? is he afraid because of the horr ific numbers? >> he's not afraid. unfortunately, we can look at marion barry being re-elected. charlie rangel in harlem. sometimes we can be loyal to a fault. but mitt romney -- >> no, no -- >> sean: you are saying that it's race based, then. >> no, no, no. that's not true. let me statistical you something -- >> i didn't get to finish. >> i apologize. >> i think that some of it is race based. i think some of it is that we do want to support a black president. but i commend romney for showing up and putting the facts in our faces what have we could do and what obama hasn't done. >> but what i object to, angela, is the smearing of marion barry, he has been in service to the broader community -- >> greta: he was -- >> sean: he was on video smoking crack cocaine. >> a lot of people have a lot of problems. there is a lot -- no! angela. that is out of line. >> as a former activist in washington, d.c. -- >> i'm an activist, too. and he was may mior in washington. >> firsthand, viseen how we got volunteers from howard university to help welfare mothers in d.c. get their g.e.d. let's talk about factses here -- >> absolutely. come on -- >> in washington, d.c., we were the murder capital of the world and marion barry was smoking crack, okay? >> that's not all he was doing. he was also sponsoring a summer youth emg ployment program that employed more african-american and white youth -- >> it isn't enough. >> but a lot is not enough! but -- >> sean: the unemployment rate in the hispanic community is 11%. in the african-american community, 14.4% this. president made promises. he said he would cut the deficit in in half and create jobs. we have $5 trillion in debt. he did not fulfill his promise. will the african-american community that voted overwhelmingly for him look at this as the failure that it is? 14.4%. >> you know, i think what they need to do is raise the challenge to governor romney and to president obama. i do not -- >> but he fail audio governor rom he. >> but you know what. i don't think anyone would have succeeded rierks nobody. so that's the excuse now? >> no, no, that's the reason. in 2012, what the african-american, the hispanic and the white and the red community -- >> sean: last word, angel amount of mitt romney made a great statement. he said if equal opportunity was an accomplished fact, a bad economy would be equally bad for everyone and it's been worse for our community. president obama has made a lot of promises to us and has not delivered. i think that mitt romney has a shot in gaining some of the black shots. not just the economy, same-sex marriage and the right to life. >> sean: i think he will not get the same numbers -- meaning president obama -- that he got from the african-american community. some will stay home and some will switch to mitt romney. >> i love being courted. i am so glad he was there. i appreciate that he was there. here-here. >> sean: all the best to your brother, sincerely, he's in our prayers. coming up, we uncover how hypocrital democrats are being when it comes to mitt romney's financial disclosures. but first, it's the ad that could swing the female volt into rom rouming's corner. a hard-hitting ad that has a lot of political insiders talking. see this ad, >> with hotwire's low prices, i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is our beach. ♪ this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st. we believe the more you know, the better you trade. so we have ongoing webinars and interactive learning, plus, in-branch seminars at over 500 locations, where our dedicated support teams help you know more so your money can do more. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our teams have the information you want when you need it. it's anothereason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. it's anothereason more investors are saying... it doesn't look risky. i mean, phil, does this look risky to you? nancy? fred? no. well it is. in a high-risk area, there's a 1-in-4 chance homes like us will flood. i'm glad i got flood insurance. fred, you should look into it. i'm a risk-taker. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. visit to learn your risk. >> sean: it is one of the most powerful ads to hit the airwave this is campaign season and could dramatically sway female voters come november. it comes to us, courtesy of american crossroads. >> same people say there is a w. we agree. it's a war being waged in our economy, under president obam athe number of women living in poverty has skyrocketed, hit hardest in every poverty-related category. 17 million women, now in poverty. 800,000 more than when obama took office. 7.5 million women in extreme poverty. four out of ten female-headed families, stuck in poverty. the poverty rate for hispanic women is growing faster than any other group, 25%. and 2 1/2 million women over 65 are impoverished. and the job market, women are not fairing as well as other groups. in the so-called recovery, women have lost jobs as men have gained them. men are gaining four times as many jobs as women. and over three-quarters a million more women are unemployed. poverty, unemployment, fading hope. that's not the change we voted for. there is a war on america and it's hurting real women every day. we can't afford another four years. >> sean: joining me with the reaction to the ad and more, sandra smith and from the daily caller, michelle fields. >> thank you. >> sean: this was supposed to be the first line of attack, and we got hillary rosen and then bill maher with the crrks c-word and the b-word and obama doesn't have a sister soldier moment. >> i think this ad is strong and goes directly after the base and points to the numbers. these are government numbers that nobody can dispute right now. if women don't know this already, the numbers prove a point, under the obama policies, we are worse off now than we were when he took office. >> sean: 780,000 fewer women working. 7 million women in poverty. most people don't know the statistics. >> they don't. this goes straight to the point. democrats love to run away from numbers and facts, which is why they created this ridiculous war on women with the contraception and they reduced the woman do a sexual being whose sole concern is birth control and cheap abortion. that's not the american woman. the real american woman cares about the economy, getting a job, helping her family, which is why this will be far more effective. >> sean: even the dog in the kennel -- that backfired when the audio came out of barack obama -- i ate dog meat, grasshoppers and snakes. when they went to the attack on bain capitol and corey booker and ed rendell, bill clinton -- that backfired. >> are absolutely right. they tried to distract with these various topics. what needs to happen more and more is come back, come back hard with these statistics because the statistics don't lie. and they're there. unfortunately, i think that the romney campaign has been somewhat slow and not as aggressive as they could have been using the numbers because they are there. sean, one thing i want to point out about the war on women, now that the republicans are launching the democrats with the numbers from the department of labor, on the onslaught of the recession, more men were losing jobs than women -- women were the broad winners throughout the recession. so if the women are losing jobs and more and more in poverty, we are really in trouble. >> sean: the war on women backfires, the dog story backfires, the latest one is the issue of outsourcing and $29 billion went to finland, denmark, china, brazil, the dominical problem and canada. >> right now, they are using telemarketing services from canada and the philippines. it's desperate. they are trying whatever they can to shift the focus away from the economy. obviously, his agenda of taxing and spending and regulating isn't working. we have 20% of hispanic women living in poverty and 17 million women in poverty. they are trying to distract the american people. >> sean: we were talking about this earlier. in the african-american community, 14.4% unemployment, hispanic community, 11.7% unemployment. they went after bain capital and get four pinocchios for lying and romney wasn't working at bain. and the stimulus money went to the foreign countries to create jobs. >> more and more of that is coming out. i think the hardest part of bain cap tail is -- capital is to dial it down. the democrats were coming out so hard and the obama campaign was coming out so hard with the message, when we could be bouncing back so much harder. so i still think, the message needs to be clearer because i think at the end of the day, people know that these are -- whether it's women or hispanics, the poverty and the unemployment level, these are the unintended consequences of failed policy. >> they went after mitt romney on the issue of transparentsy and that backfired because, of course, the president invoked executive privilege. and he has still not revealed his college records. it seems that they are trying the smears and the attacks, but they don't seem to be working. >> not at all. they know that they are failing and look -- this campaign is desperate. they are doing everything they can to distract -- >> sean: it's like the boomerang effect. it comes flying back, erch time. also coming up, the left continues to slam mitt romney over his finances. wait until you hear where the top democrats have invested their money. we will check in to check out the [ birds chirping ] [ engine revving ] ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ [ tirescreech ] [ male announcer ] with fuel economy that's best in class and better acceleration than camry and accord, you'll wish you had the road to yourself. 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[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. >> the only way the cayman island investments are superior is avoiding a u.s. tax. yoke that that is something that the american public would agree with or appreciate. >> i'm the guy who doesn't have some offr offshore bank account in the caymans, hiding my money. >> governor, will you relates your income tax records. >> sean: president obama's so-called truth team, continuing to mislead you about governor romney's finances and with glaring hypocrisy now coming to light. abc news has uncovered that valerie jarrod has a quarter million dollar line of credit in, where else? bermuda? she's not the only one. the dnc chairwoman also has a history of overseas investments and joining me to help expose the rampant hypocrisy, author of the new york times best seller, michelle malkin. >> it's good to be back. >> sean: let's see, we have valerie jarrod in bermuda and debbie wasserman-schultz in switionz bank accounts and the bank of india, according to the weekly standard. and the daily caller points out that nancy pelosi has investments in an llc company, their singular focus -- investing in asia. >> that's right. and they are lecturing romney and outsourcing. i have some free advice for these democrat operatives. they shouldn't cast these class warfare stones if they themselves have housed their own money overseas. you would have thought that they would have done this due diligence. i think it's a credit to the mainstream organizations, but more credit to the conservative media outlets that are looking at the disclosure forms and dicking this up and pointing a mirror and tossing this fake narrative right back in their laps and it's blowing up in their faces. >> sean: let's go to the issue of outsourcing, their latest attack on governor romney. two things have come to light. number 1; the outsourcing at bain capital didn't happen while mitt romney was working there. and point number 2; if there is any outsourcing it came from the obama stimulus. the rnc poigns this out. >> most of the money we are investing in this plan to get out the door immediately and go directly to job creation. >> the u.s. money had helped to create 500 u.s. factory jobs. but they are not in the united states. nearly $2 billion dollars have been spent to build these things, move of them have been built overseas. >> more than 250 foreign workers were hired using federal stimulus money. >> jobs that pay well, jobs that can't be outsourced. >> how could it be? even going to china! >> a chinese company expects to get $450 million stimulus dollars. >> this is american taxpayer dollars and they should be american jobs that are created. >> sean: we have fin larngd the auto investment, we have denmark and china. we have mexico and we will be brazil's best customer with their oil exploration, not ours. >> that's right. i thought it was a very effective ad, it's an aggressive push-back to the g.o.p. and romney need to be doing because what the whitoustous and the democrats, debbie wasserman-schultz and nancy pelosi and the overseas investing plutarks are doing are engaging in swirl politics. okay isn't lap dogs are there to be told -- squirrel, squirrel! politics of distraction and to distract from so much of the shady investing and shady cronies that barack obama himself has rubbed elbows with. you want to talk about swiss bank accounts? how about robert wolf or charles adams? robert wolf, a big bundler who has raised more than a half million dollars for barack obama, in charge of what -- swiss bank accounts. the crony back-scratching that goes on includes things like, i don't know, the obama. >> sean: rs dropping its investigation of ubs tax havens overseas. let's talk about that. >> sean: and the latest issue is transparency. this administration has not been transparent. i may be one of a few people who would really like to see the president's college records. i think they may be interesting. i think there is something they are hiding here, his thesis, his grades, his records. what's the big deal? he said he would be transparent and we have executive privilege invoked. let's take a look at president obama pledging that transparency would be a touchstone of his presidency. watch this. >> the way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable. the way to make government accountable is to make it transparent so the american people can know exactly what decisions are being made, how they are being made and whether their interests are being well served. let me say it as simply as i can -- transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency. >> sean: really? tell that to brian terry's parents, who have been on this program? >> exactly. sunlight is the best disinfectant and the stonewall of this administration and particularly the justice department and eric holder is going to come crumbling down in november, largely thanks to those of who have pushed from the beginning of the administration and beforehand, knowing that this has been a culture of corruption and darkness and a culture of fetted , willful disregard for the rule of it law and the process. >> sean: thanks for being with us. >> you bet. >> sean: time to check in with the one and only greta van susteren. >> greta: you know, we have so many guests that i have to keep a cheat sheet. michele bachmann, congressman heuer and senator john mccain and the latest about a city that is almost falling off the cliff into the pacific ocean, financially. that and much more -- >> sean: let me guess. did joe biden come from there? >> greta: no. but we have a videotape of the owner of the new england patriots. you will not believe what he did. have you seen it? >> sean: i have seen it. >> greta: what is his problem? >> sean: i am not going to air it. it was part of my great american panel. i won't air it. >> greta: i am going to show people. when have you owners of the nfl joining in, trying to be -- whatever. really? >> sean: yeah. that's how i felt. greta in 18 short minutes. see you tonight. by the way, a homeowner -- get this -- is jailed in phoenix. why? because he held a bible study. we will tell you that and more with our great american panel, straight ahead. >> we have the right as americans to gather in our -- our property, privately with our family and friends, in the privacy of our home and that you privacy of our home and that you cann managing my diabetes is part of my life, between taking insulin and testing my blood sugar... is this part of your life? freestyle lite test strips? why, are they any... beep! wow, that hardly needs any blood! yeah... and the unique zipwik tab targets the blood and pulls it in. so easy. freestyle lite needs just a third the blood of onetouch ultra. really? 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[ chirp ] >> sean: tonight, he was the senior spokesman for the hillary clinton presidential campaign, an actor, a singer, robert davy -- look at that. you are looking awesome. a former reporter, host on fox sports, and host of marc levin. model, tv personality eye won't say what magazine -- we debated that already. old news -- >> can i just ask you something -- >> sean: go ahead. you take over the show. let me tell you, the only guy who is say davy are the guys i went to school with, they go -- i remember when you were davy -- >> sean: what's the difference? >> it sounds like -- >> sean: i am not trying. now i am wondering why you are changing it. >> no. but frens of mine tease me on that. i thought it was a secret thing that you knew someone who knew me from years ago. >> sean: i am not revealing secrets of our guests. >> i would love to give my condolences of mass 7, the plane crash at the international national guard. our planes are out there. my heart-felt condolences. as a wife, thank you. you donated to heros and patriots, that helps military families in need. we are sending $10,000 to the families. thank you for your help. it's a sad day for our military. yeah. >> sean: you do great work. you have been to afghanistan and iraq a million times. i admire all that you are doing. i have a homeowner, phoenix, arizona, jailed. why? in his own house, he has a bible study. he and his wife speak out. watch this emotional piece. >> as long as we are using the building for social or recreational or amusement purposes, it was fine. but the moment we made the building for religious use, it became a violation. >> we want to stand for not only our relieves, but every believer in phoenix who wants to host a bible study in their home, that they can do it without fear of the city saying, no, this is no longer your home, this needs to become a church. >> we have the right of americans to gather on our property, privately, with our family and friends in the privacy of our home, and that you cannot make us become commercial. >> sean: 60 days in jail. 3 years probation, $12,000 fine. bible study -- in your house? maybe he should have smoked crack because they wouldn't have bothered him. this is -- is this what we want? our government doing? >> look, i think the penalty was absolutely -- >> sean: penalty! >> from what little i read about this, i understand it was a zoning issue. and -- >> sean: zoning issue -- >> let me finish. i am sensitive to local governments being concerned about large gatherings, getting together in inappropriate places. i am sensitive to that. but this seems to be different. i do believe the government shouldn't get involved in where people worship and people ought to have the right to worship in their homes. if there was zoning concerns, the city could have done more to work with these people to alleviate their concerns. i think the penalty was way overboard. >> this stinks. it makes me want to pull my real teeth out. >> sean: doesn't this make you angry? >> what about the political campaigns and the charities and tupperware parties. i think it's your home and people are coming to a pool party or a bike study or a soccer ball celebration, leave it alone. >> sean: does he own the home? is he paying taxes? is he bothering his neighbors? >> no, obviously, i would like to know who is on that counc and i will what their beliefs are. it sounds like an atheistic attack. it would be interesting to find out. >> i find it offensive -- i remember as a kid going over to my friends' house, i had a pool. there were 50 of us screaming in the house and nobody came over from the city, saying, oh, there are too many kids in your pool for a zoning purpose. really, if somebody is worshipping in their house, i am sure they didn't charge admission. what if you are having a sunday bible study with his children -- is that wrong as well? >> sean: i can't cut a tree down without risking a $20,000 fine. mo will call for me to be put in jail -- >> yeah, but not for that reason. >> drug dealers are released for way less time. >> sean: this is how oppressive the government is getting. we can't get a big gulp. >> you can't smoke in your home. >> sean: you can't in an apartment. you can't smoke outside in new york. >> incremental to enslave and to create a population that is controlled by the government. >> right. where is it going to stop? >> sean: we are going to have to eat our government broccoli because we can't have a rib-eye because there's too much fat. i want a big gulp at 7-eleven. big gulp. [laughter] [laughter] lianne why let constipation slow you down? try miralax. mirlax worksdifferently than other laxatives. it dws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. don't wait to fe great. miralax. you're entered for a chance to win a trip to the olympic gam for life. to cheer the summer athletes to new heights, starting in 2016... as you experience every moment, every emotion, every four years... for the rest of your life. visa. supporting athletes and the olympic games for 25 years. people everywhere go with visa. >> sean: so joe biden will speak at the naacp tomorrow. mitt romney did today, he got some boos, he got a standing "o" at the end. >> he did? >> sean: he did. james earl jones was here. >> you can learn from anybody, any perspective. absolutely. >> i think i figured out the tea party. i do understand racism because i was taught to be one, by my grandmother. my grandmother was part cherokee indian, part black -- she hated everybody. she taught all of her children and grandchildren to be racist, to hate white people and to distrust black people. >> who did she love? >> nobody. nobody at all. but that allowed me to figure it out for myself. i think -- i know what racism is better than anybody who has ever been a racist. >> sean: i resent this. i figured out the tea party. i understand racism. mo, give me a specific example of racism in the tea party. >> i am not one of those democrats who paints a broad brush and says all tea partyers are racist. i think there are probably some tea partyers who are racists. i think there have been some examples of racist signs signs d comments -- >> greta: andrew breitbart -- >> sean: andrew breitbart. >> my problem with the tea party is policy. >> sean: this is the campaign of the democrats. the president says the republicans don't care about old people. >> it's couched in a bunch of misinformation. those racism-tea party is misinformation. >> sean: misinformation or a lie? >> it's misinformation and a lie to put forward a socialistic agend a. i agree with james earl jones, he's a great actor. i agree that he was taught racism. there are people and families that are taught racism, who have that problem -- but don't put that with the tea party. that's disingenuous because you don't know the tea party members. vimet the people. there are black people, there are chinese people -- there are indians. >> sean: they want to balanced budget, they want limited government -- that's it. >> i feel like he know much about the tea party. i think that's where i feel more angry about him. i feel like he's like, oh the tea party, they are racist. this is what i know about racism. i don't think he understands the tea party or did any research about it. he thinks, oh, they are racist because that's what he hears from anybody else. >> sean: we disagree on economic issues, but you are socially -- >> keep working. i will keep coming back every month. i was raised in a household, too, where i am half asian, they said oriental. my grandmother called black people, colored people. as a group of people in society -- >> that's racist? >> no. but i understand what he is trying to say and people in

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