shown either a location headed either north or south. that's the latest information they have. the criminal investigation has started as well as psychological evaluations with anyone on board. >> when you say anyone on board with piloting experience. obviously we know some people on board weren't who they said they were. we know that from the stolen passports. do we know if assuming people who they say that are. the rest of them -- are there any other pilots we know of who were on board? can you hear us, mike? >> reporter: yeah, okay. got you, judge. the signal is dropg out for a second. could you come again with that question? >> assuming we know everyone was on board was who they were. given the fact we know two people had stolen passports. do we know if other people had a pilot license or flying experience of any kind? >> reporter: that what is the malaysians are looking in to right now. especially -- this is 159 internationals on board. you have to understand there are -- [ inaudible ] and in southeast asia. looking at that issue as well. they're looking at military exercise off the cost coast of malaysian as well. [ inaudible ] there are all of these issues they're looking at. they have a lot of people, each individual to review and look at who are on the plane. among the most likely thing they're saying is either personal reason or profit, those are the two things. >> when you mentioned profit. do we know what was on the cargo. do we have the manifest? >> there's a lot of speculation as to what was on the cargo hold. as you know, malaysian is a country with a lot of natural resources. you have a lot of gold, diamonds, other material that move there. could it have been a simple robbery? >> if indeed it was what it was. it might explain why nobody is taking credit for this. it doesn't give us any sense of the plane as it is probably landed. would you agree with that? >> reporter: it is either in the land or on the water. it's no way it would be anywhere else. at this point the problem is where. >> thank you for being with us. with me now retired navy captain chuck gnash. i see you maded it home. >> i did, indeed, judge. thank you. >> good to see you again today. all right, chuck. you have credentials. so you done this kind of thing before. you know the plane. what do you think is going on here? >> well, i have to tell you, first, i thought 75% some kind of a catastrophic event. 25% possible air crew or other involvement. now i've shifted over quite the opposite. it is about 90% air crew involvement and maybe a 10% some kind of very weird, unexplainable, never-happened-before mechanical event. it's on the air crew side. the question becomes, as we talked about before, means, motive, and opportunity. the means, does someone have the ability to fly the aircraft. take control of the aircraft. opportunity, does the opportunity present itself where it can be done. the big question, what is the motive? what is it they wanted? they wanted that airplane. now, did they want that airplane for use later in maybe a terror operation? if so, then the airplane is intact. and the hostages, which is what they are right now. not passages, they are hostages are likely alive as an insurance policy should a government discover where they are before they can activate their plan. if it was they were after that aircraft because of what or who it was carrying, then that is a totally different scenario. it doesn't bode well for the passengers. if it was -- >> go ahead. >> go ahead. >> if it was a pilot suicide. that doesn't really explain why it took so long to play out, and the other thing is, it may just be the ultimate end of the extreme is somebody who wanted to create an amelia earhart mystery and have it become a legend. you start with the core events and you go out to the extreme, which, you know, it is a possibility. so i will discuss it. it is supported by the data, but that is getting out to the remote. >> all right, captain. let's talk about the fact that several of my guests have said that those pings that were heard after the last contact that whatever time it was 1:11, you know, aren't necessarily from the 777. if that is the case, maybe the plane didn't fly for an extra seven hours. what did you say about that? >> exactly. if they don't have -- if that signal is not unique to that aircraft, as it would be to your cell phone, when your cell phone checks in on the network, they know exactly who to bill that call to. so if the aircraft, and i would think the company -- the english company, the british company, that owns that satellite system, i'm sure they want the bill to go to the right place. [ laughter ] >> all right, let me ask you about the change in altitude. you know, there is so much talk about it went to 45,000 feet. if, indeed it did, there is speculation it did so to pretty much, you know, either cut off the air supply to the passengers. which would explain why there are know mails, texts, cell phone calls. what about auto pilot? do you think that plane would have taken off of auto pilot? would it account for the jerking, apparently, in so many 40, 30, 20,000 feet? >> absolutely. in fact, you could spin a scenario where somebody was come police it, entered new way points. took the aircraft off the course, was flying normally, then there was a subsequent struggle in the cockpit. maybe it was depressurize and smoke everybody or keep going? there was some kind of, maybe, a struggle in the cockpit where the auto pilot was kicked off. there was a rapid change in altitude all the way, possibly, to a stall where you get the aircraft so high and the air is so thin. it would explain where you have a presip use drop in altitude. the aircraft is recovered and flown on. i think when we get the voice recorders. we will get the voice recorders to this. this is all going to come out in the end, and some of the things that some of us have said are going to look silly and some are going to look spot on. at this point, judge, we don't know. >> and clearly. you know what is sad, whether we're silly or spot on. you have all the family members, you know, are trying to imagine as we talk about this what their loved one went there. did their loved one know. did their loved one have any sense of what was going on. are they still alive? captain, thank you very much for being with us. >> you bet, judge. all right, joining me now former assistant director of the fbi, james. who lead the investigation to the crash of twa flight 800. you were nodding your head when captain nash was talking. >> i agree with everything he said. i would sign under his name. >> having said that, you think the plane landed somewhere? >> i think that could be, you know, 50/50. that could be. they're looking right now for the pings. if it is in the water, that thing is pinging for 30 cay -- days. finally they have resources in there that have the type of microphones they can put in the water. i think it was days before the stuff was deployed. so also with the aircraft, you know, anti-submarine aircraft. the same technology could probably hear the pinging of those -- >> but, you know, jim, when you talk about that -- >> i hope they don't hear the pinging. >> why? >> then it is probably on land. >> i see. if they do -- >> if it is on land. >> okay. what about the fact that if it is on land, shouldn't -- could it have landed, i mean, this is a big plane, could it have landed somewhere where there is no airstrip? where it can, you know -- >> you should have asked chuck that. i think he talked about that before. i think it needs about -- >> 5,000 feet. >> 5,000 feet. it has to be pretty solid ground. it is a heavy aircraft. you're not going to take off from there again, i suspect. >> then you would empty the cargo. let me go to your experience. we know ramsey one of the al qaeda guys with the world trade center. they did a test run of an airline. they didn't take credit of it. taking down a flight. >> operation bo jang ls. could this be something like that and maybe you can explain exactly what it was? >> well, they put a device up against the bulk head and they wanted to test how effective that technology would be. >> yeah. >> and actually did go off but the plane survived and landed. so then they knew they would probably have to put nitroglis renner in the next one. they were going to do 11 smumtly. can you imagine. they weren't that far away from it. they had plans on all the aircraft. it's long before we had the awareness that we have now. even with the awareness we have now, look where we're at. >> do you think it can be a new kind of terrorism where no credit is taken. and, you know, the wrong doers and, you know, testing the limits of what they can and cannot do? >> it is a possibility, sure. we're in a whole new age. there's digital age of all these weird ways of communicating and signaling. think about it, when you and i were first rookies in law enforcement. we went to att; right. now enlisted 150 providers in all kinds of ways that people can conduct in nefarious work. that's why the nsa has to be capable. >> what do you think about the fact that none of the family members or loved ones got any text messages, phone calls, e-mails. nothing, dead silence. >> yeah. well, they did an effective way of rounding up the cell phone or the plane was in someplace remote and high enough it couldn't hit a cell tower. you can't hit the cell towers. you to get down lower. >> if it is over the ocean, clearly. there is no cell towers to be held there. >> shake everybody down for the cell phones, how long would it take? >> yeah. something tells me, united flights you had the passengers decide they were going to go in the cockpit. >> sure. >> something like this would have happened would you know. >> you would think they know that. you would think they saw the disturbance unless there was no obvious disturbance. they didn't see it because the culprits are in the cockpit. maybe one is dead. maybe he's disabled. they didn't see that, and they weren't close enough to any kind of cell towers to communicate. at some point, they had to take the equipment away or disable it. or, unfortunately -- >> silence the people who might use it. >> the plane doesn't have to go to 40,000 feet to do that. they can depressurize the cabin and exclude the cockpit. >> right. jim, fbi, thank you for being with us. coming up. everyone has a theory on what happened to the missing flight. up next the former crash investigator breaks down fact from fiction. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. the the mystery of what happened to malaysian airlines has cap elevated the world. my next guest is a -- how to celebrate fact from fiction. dr. allen who is also a psychologist joins us this evening. good evening, doctor. >> good evening, judge. >> all right, doctor. there's a lot of questions we all have about what happened on this flight. not the least of which is where is the plane. are the people on that plane still alive? and, you know, who would do something like this and to what end? what can you tell us based upon the facts, as you know them? >> well, obviously there's a lot of here right now. i can tell you there's a couple of other accidents that fit this scenario, i don't think we should assume it has to be a criminal act. i don't know, but i can tell you about a couple of accidents that with what we know happened in the accident -- in this event. >> you think it could be an accident. there might have been a catastrophic event and the plane is now either in the water or on land having some kind of problem? >> exactly. 1998 jumbo jet swiss air 111 out of jfk to geneva, about an hour later, just like malaysian same type of altitude. they start smelling fumes. they ask the flight attendant. before they know it, they have a ranching electrical fire in the cockpit. the first officer is trying to fly. they eventually succumb and crash. the electronics failed. he basically flew it in the water. another accident, a greek flew for two and a half hours. it was a scenario they lose pressure zags. we know what happened there. but the ideas because the plane flew for awhile and the greek 737 was on auto pilot. and a male flight attendant had a walk around oxygen bottle. they could have oxygen when everyone else doesn't. >> you know, doctor, when you talk about the possible scenarios, there was no may day call here. there was no distressed call. there was none of the stuff that -- and the transponders being turned off intentionally turned off. the a cars -- there seems to be more that is lending credence to the theory as well as the malaysian government saying this now a criminal investigation. what do you think the motive to something like this would be. you're a psychologist >>well, you know, i don't know how much they know about the other accidents, but i -- i'm not saying they're covering up anything. i don't want to imply that. i certainly think they do need to look at the criminal -- the potential criminal explanations. you asked about the transponder being turned off. and you didn't mention it, of course we know the pilot said something fairly casual. they didn't know they had a problem for several minutes on the swiss airline. an electrical short could have cut it off. the electronics compartment is below the floor on the 777. >> so you're saying it could have been the catastrophic event, but it wouldn't be in the sea in the last place you had the contact in that area? now they're going in a totally different direction. >> well, you know, i would imagine the pilot would start to turn around. they may well have been overcome kind of like the swiss air co-pilot trying to fly. we can envision things. i'm saying these are another possibilities. the other thing is we need to get some resources over there. the control planes that was mentioned are vital. the u.s. government should be offering a squadron of the anti-submarine war fair planes to scour the indian ocean. >> there's no question we are there now. we have tremendous assets over there now. the shame of it is it doesn't appear that the malaysian government was as forthcoming as they might have been given their military said they picked up the plane on radar. anyway, dr. ale less than. thank you for being with us this evening. coming up. does anyone think that malaysia didn't know about the plane flying for hours. maybe seven hours after it disappeared for a week? could international politics be getting in the way of the search? that is next. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to cf before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade sunny or bubbly? cozy or cool? 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let ask former u.s. ambassador to the u.n., john bolton. ambassador, thank you very much for being with us. again, the question remains it seems that for the last hour and a half everyone has agreed that information was not given to us sooner that might have helped us get more information. why do you think the malaysian government was not so quick to give us the information that we certainly could have helped them with? >> well, i think they were naturally concerned. they've lost a 777 with hundreds of people on board, an the risk is they will end up being blamed for it. so their immediate reaction is to hunker down and hope they can find some explanation that doesn't leave them responsible for it. i think there is inadequate communication between malaysian airlines the government of malaysian, the military of malaysia, that problem just within the different entities in malaysia alone was serious. i think the united states should have been more alert to this. i mean, i've been told people who deal with intelligence and military matters were on this question very, very quickly wondering what happened. at the top level of the u.s. government it was just laid back as usual. even though the evidence mounted fairly rapidly, i think, that would be hard to explain the disappearance due to a catastrophic. when you have the malaysians not coordinating and the u.s. sitting back. it's a prescription for nothing to happen. >> the additional issue of three americans being on board. the fact it could be terrorism. there's talk of al qaeda. you know, was the united states continuing in this kind of, you know, we're not going to run to protect our own as in benghazi. could we have forced ourselves on this sooner? >> yeah, no i think it is an camp of hear no evil, see no evil administration policy that seeps down to the bureaucracy. this is in the case of the malaysian government sometimes and unpleasant. the fact is, we know it from everything from criminal investigations to responses to terrorist attacks. the more time that goes by, the more leads you're losing. the more opportunities you're losing. the harder it is to put it back together. we are the united states. nobody else is going to do this. the chinese aren't going to. the malaysians aren't going. nobody else in southeast asia is going to. if we weren't pushing, nobody else would be. >> certainly nobody else has the capabilities that we do in terms of investigating this kind of thing. let's talk about the fact, ambassador, that there were 239 people on this aircraft. about majority of them chinese. now is china, and they're realty sophisticated, are they going lay back and wait for the malaysian government? do you think they have their own thing cooking? >> i think they were worried. i think that's one reason they came forward with the satellite images. now, it doesn't say much for chinese intelligence if they looked at that debris and concluded it was from the airplane. i must say one of the first things i thought of when i asked myself who would destroy an malaysian airplane going from malaysian to china. my first thought was the uighurs. they have never conducted an international operation. they would want to do something to hurt at lot of chinese. their style in the past couple of months has been knife attacks. it's not just that some of them are islamic extremists. it is also a nationalistic ethnic dispute with china. it goes back hundred of years. it doesn't seem to fit the pattern of the uighurs. there's not evidence that would have helped us on this. that means going through the passenger manifest with a fine-toothed comb. >> all right, ambassador. you've been the american ambassador to the united nations. isn't there a protocol in the situation like this, i mean, do we rely on the country that may not have the capabilities to invite us in. can we force our way in? >> well, i think you have to go in -- not just because it is the united states. but as you say, we have the capabilities. i think sometimes you don't stand on protocol. there is the international civil aviation organization that possibly could be helpful over the long-term. but in the immediate aftermath of the disappearance of the plane, i think we should have been active very early. we might have offended some people in the malaysian government. i think that the answer is too bad. the stakes are high here. >> all right, ambassador. i'm with you. that's too bad. thank you very much for being with us, ambassador. >> thank you. with me now terrorism analyst eric. all right, eric. you heard the ambassador talking about the uighurs. who are these people? >> well, they're a great point the ambassador makes. the uighurs have not shown sophistication in the pass. yes, they are focussed mainly on china. they are in the western half of china. they want to break away and form the own islamic state. they targeted chinese. not very sophisticated traditionally. we have seen uighurs picked up on the battle field. there were 22 of them at guantanamo bay. they have links to the global jih jihad, to al qaeda. maybe they don't have the means to do it themselves. hijack a plane and evade radar. maybe they hooked up with folks. you have people on the ground. al qaeda has been active in malaysian over the years. there have been a few plots patched out there in malaysia. not hard to find a support network on the ground there. >> all right. it doesn't appear the uighurs who would have the capability to do this, i mean, to make a plane that weighs 600,000 pounds just disappear off the face of the earth. we understand, we've heard it before. you can turn off the transponders. but just making it disappear with all of these countries now involved doesn't make sense? >> right, judge. they would probably have to have help. that's a clear thing with the uighurs. they haven't shown the sophistication. if they had help from al qaeda central over some outside actor. then we could see it. now it seems like the trajectory of the flight, judge, was going off toward western china where the guys are based. it is all speculation right now, of course, we have to consider all possibilities right now. but they're one of many players who may have been involved in this. >> all right, you know, when you say western china. then you are of the belief that radar pinging at minimal as it might have been is clearly this 777. although some people are not so convinced, eric. >> yeah. i have to say, judge, i'm not an aviation expert. i'm more focussed on the terror threat, the jihad threat. that's a good question. if it kept going for seven hours, look, after they lost contact. it will take do you western china, india, pakistan. there are a lot of questions fire department pings were indeed coming from the plane. again malaiysia has been a spot where al qaeda is active. a big al qaeda summit in 2000. not hard to find a support network on the ground in malaysia if you had bad terrorist intentions. >> could it be a test run in '93 with ramsey you receive. >> they don't have the stringent security. if al qaeda is probing we'll try it in the west. that is a possibility. >> all right. thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you, judge. coming up nations around the globe have their military searching for this plane. even random citizens on the internet are using map programs to look for it. so how hard could it be to find the giant okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? 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[ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. the mystery in to the missing malaysian airlines deepens by the day. are we any closer to finding out what really happened to this plane, and to the 239 people on board? with me now former adviser to the u.k. defense ministry and retired assault helicopter pilot michael. all right, michael. we've been talking about this all night. when we know now -- maybe we can throw this up there. there were ships in terms of the height of the plane flying at 45,000, 29,000, and then there were also turns or flight path has changed. does that tell you anything about whether it is on auto pilot or whether there is a struggle or whether this was preprogrammed? i mean, what are those things tell you? >> everything you just mentioned, judge. i think it just adds to the mystery, really, in terms of why this happened. in term of altitude changes and actually the location in which the altitude changes occurred, as well. for me, it would make sense if there was a struggle in the cockpit and a pilot was replaced, someone who hijacked who had remedial training in it. they might be having issues in either flying it straight and level. they're not well adversed in flying the 777. we know the aircraft changed 140 degrees over the south china sea. it wouldn't make sense -- the altitude change would occur with the heading change of 140 degrees nap doesn't seem to be the case. the altitude change seemed to occur once it is over malaysia and heading to the malacca strait. >> let's talk about the malacca strait. i'm hearing now, i mean, this is an extremely important area where the united states has -- or government has a great deal of capabilities -- satellite capabilitiey ies because that i relevant to international commerce. if it were there, our satellites might have picked it up, yes? >> possibly. you have to do simple math. pi r squared. if the jet was last detected, out to say 3,000 miles. it you go the theory it is 28 million square miles for, you know. yes, that is a lot of hardware looking for it. it is a huge area. >>let put that full screen up again where they shifted to the 45,000 feet. there's some speculation that the plane went that high. the 45,000 feet. that was after 1:30 a.m. the last contact with the control tower was, i believe, at 1:11. is that accurate? guys? okay. so then the question is, if they went to that height, because they wanted to decompress and injure the passengers. why would they have waited so long to do that? >> it is a great question. you know, i think we have to sort of reign in that type of speculation. 45,000 feet is very high for a passenger airline to travel. >> is it dangerous for an airline to be at 45,000 feet? >> i wouldn't say it is dangerous. the reason they don't fly that high is because of fuel efficiency and everything else. 35,000 feet 38,000 feet is the norm. you stro remember that the cabin is pressurized as well. pressurized something like 8,000 feet. i don't have enough technical expertise to know what happened to the cabin if you take it to 45,000 feet. it is certainly unusual. i don't think anyone in hollywood star scenario everyone would pass out and a way of making sure the passengers are dealt with. some people do, mike. some people do believe they went that high and, you know, put the oxygen masks on themselves. that would explain why there was absolutely no cell phone, text messages, nothing. even though the plane supposedly flew over land. >> for me, i base my analysis on fact and principles of flying. for me, i'm -- a better reason, if you like for the decline is the auto pilot has been taken out. the person that would be flying it is potentially not that well versed. you lose weight you are burning off fuel the aircraft wants to tend to climb. >> that was early on. the highest point was early on. it flew for another six hours. but if that plane had landed somewhere, you know, and there is a possibility that the plane could be landed somewhere. would we inevitably find it or is it something that, you know -- >> judge, again, these are all brilliant questions. the two things that are perplexing me. if the aircraft crashed to the sea. then the emergency locaters transmitters in the nose and tail will be pinging. they'll be pinging because the g loading and the contact with salt water. we don't have that. if it is landed somewhere, the 777 is a big jet. it is a wide-bodied jet. it is a pretty good amount of real estate to land on. it has to be somewhere within malaysian air space. if it goes in the southern air spas, it needs a flight plan to talk to the agencies. we know that everyone has a phone and a camera. social media is right. you can't do anything in the world -- >> there is some jungle areas there. there's some areas where maybe they waited for sunlight to land the plane because they didn't have the exact coordinate in the area. >> i would love to be able to sit here and say you are absolutely wrong. it is just the scenario. but i can't. and the reason is because someone reminded me the other day when i was talking about theory. 2001 if you would have said to, miky, there are going to be two jets that fly to the twin towers. >> you would say -- >> i would say judge you're barking. it is something we can't rule out. >> thank you for being with us. coming up as the investigation in to what happened continues. two men are at the center of it all. the pilots. the latest on the men who were flying that plane. next. fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. the two men piloting the missing plane have come under vut any since the disappearance eight days ago. with evidence now pointing to someone with aviation experience, the coming days we'll see even more investigation in too who these men are and if one of them could be responsible. dominique has the latest. >> reporter: hey, judge. u.s. law enforcement officials starting fresh background checks on everybody who was aboard the flight including the captain and the first officer. so far, no links to any traditional jihadist groups or any fact any links to terrorists at all have come up. of course, the focus on the captain and the first officer. most information has come out so far about the captain. he's a 53 year-old guy. he's married, has three kids. he's been with malaysian airlines for 23 years. he's notable for the youtube videos he offers advice in do-it yourself tips. he built himself his own flight simulator and goes in to links how to do it on the youtube videos. he's considered a steady pair of hand. that's one reason why his colleagues and other commercial airline pilots can't see him as having any sabotage links. >> he loves this. this is his life. this is what he lives and breathes. for the captain even to do this. i don't really buy it. >> as for the co-pilot, well, he's a young guy. he's had around 2,000 flying hours of experience. only started co-piloting boeing 777 in recent times. the problem here is that there's been embarrassing pics on the internet two teen blonds sitting with him in the cockpit. that is embarrassing for the airline and for him. does that mean he's a risk taker? no one knows at this point. it shows he might be the kind of guy that steps outside regulation. he's described by people who know him as a good muslim who goes to the mosque every day friday. he was apparently preparing to get married. if you look at the terror profile that exists in malaysian it was a peaceful country. it is a majority muslim nation. about two-thirds of people there, that is 20 million people are muslims, but, again, very few examples in history have any terrorism taking place there. >> lots of questions still. thank you very much. coming up. did one of the pilots hijack this flight? a man who teaches pilots how to fly the [ female announcer ] who are we? we are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. dso i got dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. ired. they absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. i feel energized! get dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles at walmart. i'm a believer! the missing malaysian airlines is a boeing 777. one of the most technologically advanced machines in the air today. it is also the center of massive investigation in to what could have happened to that 777. so where could the plane be? we're going ask a man who knows the plane front to back. former boeing 777 instructor and united airlines pilot captain ross. all right, captain. what is your take on the handling of the investigation by malaysia? >> judge, this is probably one of the most intelligent questions i've heard in the past 20 or 30 interviews i've conducted. obviously, we've all seen the miss handling of this whole investigation by the malaysian authorities and even the airline. the poor families of the passengers that have no way to get any kind of information out of them. there's been about -- a move for the past 30 years to -- which means letting a foreign carrier come to the united states, pick up passengers, and go from new york to l.a. or from l.a. to san francisco. do we really want to allow any airline to come to u.s. and do this? just by looking at what's been happening -- seeing what they've done. the way they handled these things. their security -- >> well i think, captain, i think we can all agree they really weren't up to snuff on this thing. or they weren't telling us much. initially, the beginning of the investigation, i mean, everybody is focussed on this aircraft going down in the vicinity where last contact was. then we find out the plane continued to fly possibly for another seven hours. so what do you think could have happened to this plane? >> obviously, again, nobody knows right now. >> right. >> and all kinds of speculations. but what i probably would have done as an investigator, the first minute, literally the first minute, along with other investigation. along with looking nor airplane, i would go in the background of every passenger on that airplane, even the pilots. >> absolutely. >> even the crews, and what was in that cargo compartment. my partner in our consulting business just called me before you -- when we were talking he said they found out there was a shipment of lithium-ion batteries in the cargo apartment. it's been banned by united states on every commercial airline, even cargo. >> why? >> because lithium-ion batteries are the most lethal thing is. once they catch fire, or as they call it runway. there's no way you can turn it off. you can throw them in an ocean, water, ice, whatever. they won't turn off. if they had lithium-ion batteries in the airplane. it may be an amazing discovery what may have happened to the airplane. >> all right. captain, thank you very much. and that is it for us tonight. be sure to tune in tomorrow night for a special live edition. we'll continue our investigation in to the d tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" hot models. should we stop taking their picture and start asking questions? why the mainstream media is so afraid to learn what they really are. and what do they think of his latest book title compared to the last one? >> i like it is edge yes, sir. >> and how does he predict the book will end? >> it is a nailbiter. >> and finally, jelly beans. delicious candy or world's deadliest choking hazard. none of these stories 0* "red eye." >> now let's welcome our guests. don't go changing to try and please her. you have let her down before. due to her impossibly high

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