Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report With Jon Scott 20230304

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0 once again, we are not a free nation right now, we don't have free press, free anything. in 2016, i declared i am your voice. today i add, i am your warrior, i am your justice and for those have been wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution, your retribution. i'm going to let this -- [cheering and applauding] [cheering and applauding] i will totally obliterate the deep state. i will fire -- [cheering and applauding] [chanting] >> thank like it's never been westernized before. these are sick people. i will put the people back in charge of this country again, the people will be back in charge of our country. [cheering and applauding] the biden administration is the most corrupt administration in american history. hunter biden is a criminal and nothing happened to him, nothing happened. joe biden is a criminal and nothing ever seems to happen to him. because you know, say what you want but the democrats stick together. they don't have mitt romney, they don't have guys that, they stick together. how is mitt romney doing? not too good. i can name plenty of others but they do stick together whether you like them or not and many of us don't grow maybe we will get together one day but the question was asked of me just before covid came in, they said, the country is coming together. do you think this is real? i said to myself, it is real, it's amazing. i was getting calls from radical left people, the nicest calls, it's amazing because we have the best employment numbers in history. the best economy in history. we were laughing china, china was supposed to have taken over as the world's largest economy and we were actually increasing at a level nobody thought possible. we were doing great and then covid came in and a lot of things have happened and we did a great job, who never got the credit for that job but we did a great job then gave back something very strong but we were bringing this country together, had covid not come in, he would have had a much different -- a lot of people want to know, can we get along together? if i didn't have that experience, i would say no because the thought process is so different but we were starting to really get along and then we had the disaster as i call it the china virus because i want to be open and i want to be -- [applause] i want to be accurate but biden openly held back a billion-dollar taxpayer, taxpayer money for the government of ukraine. remember he said until they fire a prosecutor, when they fire that prosecutor and the prosecutor was after hunter and the company paying him a fortune of money. joe biden stood up and said and i looked at them and said i get that billion dollars. were not guaranteed -- i can't believe he did that. can you imagine if i did that? [laughter] i wouldn't be here right now i suspect and nobody picks it up. nobody wants to pick it up, it doesn't get any worse than that although, maybe it does. it's called the laptop from hell. [cheering and applauding] yet, they go after me over and over again about something that's not even a crime. they make up russia, prussia, russia which was a plan made up by crooked lori clinton, adam schiff and the dnc and then made up a fake phone call. they took a phone call that was perfect and pretended i said things that weren't even there. they imitated, remember adam schiff stood up in congress and repeated the call like i was a gangster, over and over again, quid pro quo, remember the terms? there wasn't. i called downstairs of the white house and said do we have that coal taped? there's no way i said those things. they call back and said yes, we do essentially, transcripts of the call. thank goodness we had transcripts because these guys -- they are sick people and they were looking to do a number. i'll tell you how bad they are. i tell the story seldom but it's a strong story, monica. thank you for the great job you do, by the way. what a defender. [cheering and applauding] there so bad. they come up with this russia, prussia, russia hoax and they know it's a hoax. i know it's a hoax, to but they know it's a hoax and adam schiff comes out from a secretive room, intelligence committee or whatever and meet the press), the press is going crazy because they will do anything to hurt trump, they are ev evil people. some cases they rate people, evil people. he stands up on the microphone, this is a man who knows it's a fake story, six years of phone calls, millions of calls were made from my office, one call to russia, not one call. they were surprised. they want surprise, some people were surprised but he stood up before the microphones and he said donald trump junior go to prison for what he has done with russia, my son. my son is going to go to prison. he said my sons going to go to prison for what he's done with russia. my son didn't have anything to do with it and he knew it was a story. when it was finally revealed, times and washington post admitted it was a fake story, trying to get the pulitzer prize taken away, they got prizes. [cheering and applauding] do you know what the price is? for its concise and accurate reporting on the russia, prussia, russia event and they have it totally wrong. actually, mark levin should get a prize and greg jared should get a prize. [cheering and applauding] even it's not his deal, sean hannity should get a prize and frankly jesse should get a pr prize, jesse should. a lot of people, and i'll tell you, you know who should get a prize? tucker. [cheering and applauding] we have numerous writers that should get it but the ones who got it with the new york times, reporters from the new york times and certain reporters from the washington post and they were exactly wrong. now they have even admitted it was a hoax, a total hoax and they got the press but how that is a person that stands before a big gamble of press and can't get enough? my son is going to prison for something he knows was a hoax. only a really bad person would do that but they then came in with ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. the mueller hoax, how did mueller present himself? at the hearings, it wasn't too pretty. you know what? at least they came to the right conclusion because i was concerned they would come to the conclusion -- we have prosecutors now, they don't give the , they are looking at me on a perfect : phone call, even more perfect than my perfect call to ukraine. that was a perfect call, this is even more perfect. by the way, where is hunter? wears hunter? [laughter] will there ever be a time when joe biden says thing with hunter isn't working out well? i'm starting to get angry at hunter. or when hunter comes to him and says dad, dad, we have a problem. what's? what is it, son? another disaster? done, you are a disaster. dad, we have a problem, i left my laptop at the repair shop. [laughter] joke looks at him and says, what's on it? hunter looks back and he says, every single crime you've ever committed, dad. [laughter] [cheering and applauding] they call the laptop from hell and miranda devine did a great book on that and she thanked me. she said i got the name from trump, she told me i said i want to thank you for the name. i said no charge. [laughter] she did a great job, great book, laptop from hell. if i so much as fly over the blue state, they do so many bad things, it's crazy. the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg who is presiding over one of the most dangerous violent cities in the united states, you have to see this, united states where feelings are taking place a number like nobody's ever seen right in manhattan and he's doing nothing about it, nothing whatsoever. no cash bail for people that just kill people. knife them in the back, hit them over the head with a baseball bat, push them into subways when the train is right there but this racist da is being push by radical left democrats, fake news media and department of injustice. [laughter] to bring charges against me for now ancient story of stormy daniels, no attraction. [laughter] no affair, i call it no affair where there is no crime anyway and charges have never been brought in such a case before and this case has been looked at by every prosecutor, they've looked at it for years now. she was represented by legal a fanatic, how's he doing? he's now in jail and the whole thing is a complete con job and she was ordered to pay any federal court order, hundreds of thousands of dollars but they are still looking at it, still looking in all they do is cause anger and problems, people are going to take this, it never ends in the meantime, hunter and joe biden escape, they go away free. what's going on with that? the laptop is a disaster, has anyone read this? how can it be possible? they are looking in delaware, how's he doing? not the same guy i have for the document, i have him as a total animal. known to be he's looking and looking and in the meantime, biden is a guy looking and looking, don't forget -- a very strong privilege as president, i was able to do things he wasn't able to do as vice president and wasn't able to do as a senator even the senate, they can't believe it. the senate cannot believe it but when you look at what happened, they haven't even started. congress and various radical left democrats prosecutors in an effort to stop me go to the supreme court twice. they went twice and the supreme court in a moment of total weakness gives them everything they want to try and prosecute trump, thank you very much, supreme court. appreciate it but they found nothing. 11 million pages of documents, a big company, great company. my taxes, we are after his taxes five years later about my taxes. they came out about two months ago and everyone said wow, great company, great. that's the end of it. rights? [applause] the biggest most prestigious, one of them at least, law firms accounting, i don't do it, they do it. you rely on these people, but i didn't hear one word. how stupid am i telling you this story? now they are thinking we got to find something in that. he made a typographical error, there's a revolution going on within the fbi because they don't want to do what they are being told to do because they know right from wrong. talking about the people who work in the fbi and they like me and they like you a lot, so many of them. a recent article washington p post, stated that many did not want to raid mar-a-lago, they didn't want the agents, they said it terrible but they were forced to do so by their marxist radical left leadership and drove my popularity numbers, who would think this? it went up 11 points. it's not supposed to work like that. when nixon got impeached, it went down, a spiral down he couldn't stop. i got impeached, we went up but the fbi people didn't want to do this. to those in the fbi, that are with us, i want to thank you very much, i really do. [applause] stay strong. [applause] stay strong, help is coming. then there's the racist da from atlanta city is among the most violent dangerous places kat in the country. more murders than even chicago, it's totally out of control and kangaroo court focused on a perfect phone call i made. the jury foreman, a rather bizarre young woman. [laughter] going around doing media interviews and saying exactly what's going on, one of many grand juries, our opponents do anything they can to hurt pe people, they are afraid of me and afraid of you that's what it is. [applause] but it's not supposed to work that way. the disinformation people say they are great at this information. the one we want to run against, do you ever hear that? we want to run against trump even though i'm leading everyone of these guys and even though i one second election, i one by a lot. when they say -- >> when they say biden one, the smart people know but right now we are way up but they say we want to run against trump. they say that about everybody when they have somebody they don't want to run against a governor or senator, they say we want to run against -- you are supposed to -- [laughter] i got 75 million votes, more votes than any sitting president the last time and we did a much better job than in 2016. 2020 we did better than 2016 but they say we want to run against trump. they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to find a single word, a sentence, anything to prosecute trump because they don't want to run against me. that's what they said. we want to run against trump, we will do anything to run against trump. they have the greatest line of -- of any line of people. [applause] want to run against me. [laughter] at the same time they sent people from the justice department to the local da office. do you know the justice department sent their top people to the manhattan office to help the prosecution of trump? this way we have a little bit away from their top guy was put in that office to prosecute trump. how would you like to have my life? would anybody like my life? i still like it. [laughter] they want to try and find anything they can, they've already been exonerated. many times, you look at this, time after time but all of this is happening for one single reason. they know when we return to power we will bring their lies and corruption and disinformation tumbling down. [cheering and applauding] hour getting back in the white house is their worst nightmare but it's our country's only hope. if we don't get back, this country can't take it, even the two years less than that, hard to believe. he's to say for years, a lot of people said sir, the election was so bad, one year people in this room, you will be back in x weeks but it's a bad system, very dangerous but nobody else can do it but us. in recent weeks i've been laying out a detailed agenda for how we will complete this mission in our next weekly statements and people are liking them. today i want to go through big plans that i will do as the 47th president of the united states. [cheering and applauding] thank you. at the top of my list, we'll be stopping the slide into never ending wars, can't keep spending hundreds of billions of dollars protecting people that don't even like us. in business if you did that, what you do is put up the money and then say listen, we don't have your country in case you win. take a piece of the upside. don't get nothing. in fact, the opposite. we put up the money and after it's finished assuming its successful, let's say it's successful, they don't want to talk to us. nothing to do with us, get out of here. nothing. in business you put up money, seed money, call it what you want, you end up owning the country by the time it's over. the only reason they are doing well as we are giving them the greatest equipment that i thought, the greatest equipment ever made. the only reason they are doing well is i raised $440 billion from countries that weren't paying anything. [applause] and secretary general, a good man, he said it's one of the greatest jobs i've ever seen. i hope he still says that but one of the greatest jobs, he said obama would come and make a speech. bush would come make a speech and then they would leave. i came and looked inside these people aren't paying, we are paying for the will thing practically. of the 28 countries at the time, only eight were paid up. twenty words including germany, they paid a fraction of what they were supposed to be paying. i said to them, either you pay for we are not going to protect you and a man stood up, a president of a country stood up and said sir, can i ask you a question? this was a round table, nobody in the roof of the president's prime minister, and dictators. some of them were all the same but they stood up and he stood up and said sir, can i ask you a question? if we don't pay up, if we get attacked by russia, will you protect us, sir i said you are not paid up, right? you are delinquent? i will not protect you from russia. sir, we will send you a check tomorrow. we will send you a check tomorrow. [cheering and applauding] it will see sense overnight, i promise you will have it tomorrow. if i said the stupid politicians say absolutely -- you know, article five, six, seven, eight, nine we are supposed to do it but those articles supposed you are paid up to let's say i said the opposite. we will always protect you, i took a lot of heat because they said i'm not a good member. actually they wouldn't exist if i didn't get them to pay up but they paid up for $49 billion or something and it's the money they used. they spent an office building that cost $3 billion, like the skyscraper in and had, one of the longest buildings ever seen and i said you should have instead of spending $3 billion, he should have spent $500 million will the greatest bunker you've ever seen because russia wouldn't even need an airplane attack. one tank, one shot for the beautiful glass building, same market used in chicago, great architects that they didn't have war in mind. when things happen, the building would be gone in about 15 minutes. they should have spent $500 million bunker, nice ceiling, 6 inches, 6 feet of concrete. by the way, we have a great gentleman speaking of china, please stand up. [cheering and applauding] talking a lot about china and i'm saying, studying his face as i'm speaking because people do like me to go off script a little bit, right? it's a little more risky but more exciting. [laughter] i'm looking at gordon and i'm saying i hope he agrees with what i'm saying but basically i'm saying exactly what you say, they are not out for our good, are they? nobody ever attacks them like i did and nobody took money like i did. 440 billion, we took in so much money from china, incredible so it's an honor to have you here. it is. i agree with almost everything you said, most everything. thank you very much. thank you, madam. great job, both of you. i was the only president in decades that didn't have a war but i completely wars that are already started, including one 100% of the isis. [applause] i was also the only president where russia didn't take over the country during my term. russia took over because i got along with vladimir putin very well. as it don't do it. you and i are friends, don't take over countries because moscow will be hit hard. he probably didn't believe it but he believed in 10% and president xi jinping believed when i talked about beijing, he probably said i don't believe him, 10% chance we are not going to do anything. it's true. no idea these conversations. i wish they could have been recorded, people would think a lot of me. [laughter] but with bush they invaded. with obama, they took crimea. with biden they tried to take everything. [laughter] he won't even know they took it. [laughter] [applause] they killed. with me, they took nothing. nothing. i didn't really even have to threaten them very much. they understood me very well. i wanted them to understand me very well, they knew they couldn't do it. putin new, resident xi jinping no. china has eyes strongly focused on taiwan we could soon have a nuclear armed, the saddest thing of all when we talk about iran, the saddest thing when you see, i have them in a box. i said to china, you can't buy any oil from iran. they said no, we have to buy. we buy millions of barrels and said you can't buy, you have to buy from somebody else. no, we'll lie. we not going to do anymore trading with china. we will promise you not to buy from iran, that was the end of that. thousand conversation i had. i said if you buy from iran, any oil, we are not going to do business or if for some reason we do, we will put one 100% tariff on every single thing you sell into and they didn't buy any oil and nobody was buying oil and they were in a position at the election that turned out the way it did, they were in a position where they were going to give us everything, going to make a great deal but now they are rich again. china buying unlimited amounts of oil from iran, unlimited amounts and other places. we've done something else terrible from the time of a young man, i learned, never allow russia and china to get together, never allow it and we've not only allowed it, we made them bosom buddies, we've made them -- we force them together and you can add another group in there, nuclear armed iran so the three are not together i should never have been allowed to happen, would never have happened with me and it was all oil, stupid oil policy. we have more oil in the united states than any country in the world including saudi arabia, people don't realize it. in alaska, they approved the site, we all know what the site is, the biggest in the world and the democrats said no, it's over. they turned it down. ronald reagan tried to do it, every president, republicans and some democrats tried, they couldn't get it done, i got it done. the first day in office, secretary of the interior for biden signed off on it, not allow it to happen. bigger wobbly than saudi arabia and if we have that without even talking to putin, oil would have been at $40, $45, maybe $30 a barrel so he wouldn't have the money to prosecute a war against ukraine. he wouldn't have done it anyway and it's not even what i'm saying from previous but wouldn't have had the money even if he wanted to. ukraine would have been driving, there would be no dead people and there would have been no obliterated cities that could ever be built. never can rebuild the cities. russia would never have pulled the trigger. this is the most dangerous time in the history of our country and joe biden leading us into oblivion. he's leading us into oblivion. we smile when he falls down stairs and things, cute when he falls off his bicycle. [laughter] you know what amazed me reporters didn't catch him when the bike was going down, they are standing next to him, they let him fall. [laughter] amazing. i am surprised. when he makes statements so bad when he gets out of afghanistan and takes the soldiers, takes the soldiers out first and afghanistan, for 18 months i had a talk with abdul, i said get a lot of criticisms and they said he's talking to the leader of the taliban, soldiers were being killed a lot of them, like snipers and i didn't want that, i didn't want to deal with the problems and i don't want to talk to the mothers and fathers who i speak to a lot, i don't want to talk to them and tell them their shot son from 2000 yards away, very good sharpshooters. i spoke to this man, i said abdul, don't kill any more of our soldiers because if you kill our soldiers, we are going to hate you harder than any country has ever been hit in history of the world. [applause] [applause] he called me excellency, he's still the leader of the taliban but noworth of our equipment that i bought. 85 billion. i said to general milley, i want every piece -- sir, i think it would be cheaper to leave it behind. that's when i lost faith, and when he didn't like me holding up a bible in front of a church, this guy is not with us, this is not a smart guy but he didn't like it. they said i want -- i was getting out but i would have kept barbara, one hour from where china -- forget about afghanistan. china makes nuclear weapons, one hour away. the biggest most powerful runways in the world, we built it many years ago for tens of billions of dollars and we gave it away, left the lights on, we left dogs behind. they said that they take the dogs? they are dog lovers. no, we left the dogs behind in the taliban doesn't like dogs by the way but we left in disgrace, the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country in my opinion and probably is what caused putin to say well, trump is gone, this is a great time to take over, probably a reason that happened but i stand here today and i'm the only candidate who can make this thomas. i will prevent and very easily world war iii, very easily. [applause] and you are going to have world war iii, you will have world war iii if something doesn't happen fast. and by the way, to conclude that little story when abdul heard me say, he said your excellency, thank you for telling me that, he said but why, but why? i thought it was an interesting plan, words i've never heard, i use it sometimes myself, i liked it. he said but why, but why? do you send me natures of my home? [laughter] i said you will have to ask your wives that question. [laughter] we didn't have -- mark will tell you this, we didn't have one soldier killed in 18 months. not one soldier was killed. [applause] not one soldier. [applause] it was so good the media didn't mind, i took a lot of commended heat. why do you call him? they say you asked jesse james, the great bank robber for many years ago, why is it that you rob banks? why do you go after banks? he said because that's where the money is. i spoke to abdul because that's where the problem was that we went 18 months until that horrible day when we lost 13 soldiers and the thing nobody talks about, we lost $85 billion worth of the greatest military equipment in the world, goggles, night goggles that are so sophisticated, better than anything, brand-new never taken out of the box and you know afghans and they are good, taliban are good fighters, very much the same thing, they didn't fight good for us but they fought good for themselves and took a lot of money from us. i asked general, we've got to get out of there, they been there 20 years, we've got to get out of there. they are fighting for their country, sir. i said that's right, i guess they are. two days later i was thinking about it and i said i don't know why, we had more blue and green, green on blue where they get their gun and shoot master sergeants and sergeants tra training, he said why are they fighting for us if we've never had this problem to the extent we've had? he said are we paying them a lot of money to fight? i had it checked. we were paying billions and billions and billions of dollars to these afghan soldiers, tens of billions of dollars. i said they are not fighting and i called him back and and they love their country, they are fighting because they are the highest bid soldiers, we are basically robbing them to fight and they didn't fight but the taliban did fight, same people but the taliban did fight but they didn't kill anybody for 18 months, very proud. biden got up and actually said they didn't kill anybody, i will say that, they didn't kill anybody for 18 months. know what happened? his people started screaming, don't say that because it's a good thing for us but then when we left, we lost soldiers, 13 killed but what they don't talk about, they talk about equipment, the fact that they are still to this day, a lot of americans we've lost contact with, a rough place but they don't talk about the fact that many of these soldiers were absolutely destroyed. destroyed. they lost their arms, they lost their legs, they had their face blown off and they were absolutely destroyed. they don't talk about that. they don't talk about it and it's very sad because these people, many of them, they lost their team, they died but nobody talks about the gravity of the injuries of these soldiers and it's a sad thing. i got it down to 2500 people and how is the one who got it down but we were going to get out with dignity, strength and being respected and admired. i could see abdul, they took out the soldiers first. if you don't take the soldiers, you take the soldiers out last. get the americans out first, they fear our soldiers, they fear the f-16s and now they own them. think of it. you get the soldiers and they go out last, take american citizens out. then take the equipment out and really said to me, it's cheaper to leave the equipment. i said ask you, we have a plane that cost $100 million brand-new, you want that? yes, sir, it's cheaper. i thought he was another april fools deal. i thought i said no, fill it up with a tank of jet fuel, fly it back home or minimum, fly it into pakistan or a semi from the country and to take it from there. no, sir. i actually told him i want the tents, the incredible tents, every piece of steel, every school, nut and bolt, every tractor. i want every jeep. [applause] you know what they did? they left 700,000 rifles and guns, 700,000. they left 70000 vehicles, 70000. many of them brand-new. many of them are 6 inches of steel on the bottom, cost millions of dollars to build and they left it all behind. there is not a car company used car lot, new car lot, anywhere in the world that would have 70000 vehicles. i said to a friend of mine in florida, great guy, they said how many cars, i think he's the biggest in florida, they sold, did very well but the biggest i said how many cars? l, couple hundred extra and he's like a big one, real big one, runs a great operation. 70000 vehicles so now i read the other day taliban that afghanistan is the second largest of alarms anywhere in the world because they are selling everything and by the way as i'm speaking, dry see cash? my eyes are better than i thought. [cheering and applauding] is that rick grenell? [cheering and applauding] wow. i better check with gordon, i better check the audience more closely. i'm going to miss a lot of people here. two great people, thank you very much, the second largest arms dealer in the world, selling off the beautiful brand-new equipment we gave them the apache helicopter, the best in the world, they gave one to russia, they gave one to china and they take it apart or re- duplicate it, take it apart, reduplicate it because they've never been able to build what they have. now they are able too because they are smart actually. before i arrived at the oval office i will have the disastrous war between russia and ukraine. it will be settled quickly. [cheering and applauding] i look at the problem solved and i will get it solved in rapid order and it will take me no longer than one day. i know exactly what to say to each. i get along very well with them. i get along with putin even though i was the one -- they said trump is giving a lot to russia. putin said to me if you are my friend, i would hate to see you as my enemy because i ended the pipeline. do you remember? nord stream two, nobody heard of it. nobody ever heard of nord stream two until i came along. i started talking about it, i had to go with the pipeline because nobody knew what i was talking about. i ended it, it was dead. i told every company sucked into it that you are not doing business with the united states of america you go forward and allow this to be filled. it was done. day one biden came in and this is the biggest economic development project, the most important project russia has. day one, the biggest money they could make, nothing they could do to compete with us, the biggest pipeline in the world, supply europe, germany in particular. day one biden came in and what did he do? approved the nord stream two pipeline and they say trump was soft on russia. i was the one who gave 1000 javelins, the antitank busters and they are vicious because i look at those tanks and they ended up, they were hit one shot and that was the end of that. you wouldn't want to be in those tanks but i was the one who supplied the javelins. they supplied the bedsheets. remember? they supplied bedsheet and maybe even pillows from mike over here. where is mike? [laughter] [applause] did you send some pillows over there? they supplied the bedsheets. they say we supplied the sheets, didn't want to get involved. i gave the javelins and they say trump was weak on russia. disinformation. again, this information. that's all they are good at. cheating on elections and disinformation. instead of spending hundreds of millions of dollars to defend borders of distant foreign countries under my leadership we will defend our borders first. [applause] three years ago we had the safest border in the history of our country and i quickly do that again. [applause] as you know, i built hundreds of miles of wall and completed that task as promised and then i began to add even more in area that seemed to allow a lot of people to come in so we do it with 200 miles of wall and it could have been done and completed in three weeks but the biden administration said they weren't going to do it and the wall was sitting there waiting to be installed, the easiest part and biden -- they took it away so texas and arizona couldn't use it. texas and arizona said, could we use the wall? we will finish it up and they said no. they took it and hit it and put it in hiding area which was revealed quickly, just sent a couple of helicopters up but they wouldn't let him use it. under my leadership we will seal it up and expand the wall. [cheering and applauding] until we have total control. [cheering and applauding] we did a great job paul ryan and mitch mcconnell, will give it next year, no, give it this year. sir, if you approve it, will give it next year. i think that's okay so i waited and they didn't give it yet mitch mcconnell approved five and a half trillion dollars green new deal garbage. the disgrace but i took it from the military because i considered it an invasion so marjorie i said you know what i'm going to do? i will take it out of the military invading our country and i got it built and we did a great job, did it quickly and we used army corps of engineers that were fantastic before biden came into office we have illegal immigration at a live record low, refugees at the lowest level in history. human trafficking, women and children at the lowest in 30 years and drug dealers were finding u.s. border a very inhospitable place to be. very inhospitable. my last year less drugs came through the southern border than had been seen and many, many decades. we were playing games. now we have complete chaos, fentanyl is pouring in, families are being wiped out, destroyed and there's death everywhere. all caused by incompetence. millions of illegal aliens stampeding across our border. interior enforcement shut down, everyone is overstaying their visas, nobody thinks about reporting it anymore. my wonderful travel ban is gone, it was wonderful. refugee numbers are through the roof and spies and terrorists are infiltrating our country, totally unchecked like never before. with i'm back in the white house, the first reconciliation bill i will sign will be for massive increase in border patrol and colossal increase in the number of ice deportation officers. [cheering and applauding] i want to thank the board patrol, incredible people and i want to thank ice and in particular, brandon judd, border patrol and tom homan, central cast. [cheering and applauding] under my leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. [cheering and applauding] other countries are emptying out their prisons, in-state asylums and mental institutions and sending all of their problems into their dumping ground, the usa. think of it, they are attempting out but they are also emptying out mental institutions to use a strong couple of words, insane asylum, anyone see silence of the lambs? it's a stronger word a mental institution. they are putting them into our countries, i will ask every state and federal agencies to identify every suspect gang member in america and everyone here illegally and the towns know who they are, towns and cities and police, we love our police. the police no who they are. [applause] we will pick them up and we will throw them out of our country and there will be no questions asked. we had a problem when i first assumed office in 26 years, a big problem. we have these people, we ground them up, ms 13 games, these are brutal, they use a knife, 16-year-old girls because it was more painful and take longer to kill her. these are real animals. nancy pelosi said how dare you call them animals, these are real people. the country was specially three, look at guatemala, el salvador, honduras in particular and mexico to an extent. he couldn't get them back in because they didn't want them. they set them out in the first place. they force them into the cou country, these are smart people who run the country so i said was the problem? we have thousands of people but they won't allow us to land planes or allow buses to cross the border, they won't allow them back in the country. how much money do they pay to the various countries? sir, $750 million a year. i said in from the country we are no longer paying any money and if they ask why, you can tell them. [applause] yes, sir, we will do that. the following morning almost simultaneously, about 8:00 i got calls from all three, i'll call you back. [laughter] they came in on time, right on time like you call on time. what happens is they came in and called and said sir, there must be a misunderstanding. we'd love to have them back in our country. we started dropping them off by the tens of thousands and still hadn't paid them back their money. they've been ripping us off long enough. to stop the flow of deadly drugs, it would be my policy to take down the cartel just as i took down the isis that everybody said was impossible to do. [applause] a lot of parents in this audience that lost a child, lost a loved one to fentanyl and the drugs pouring in, so many different kinds, fentanyl is a big problem. in fact, with the isis, a certain general said he could only be done in three years, probably can't be done at all sir. i did it in three weeks. i went over to iraq, met a great general. sir, i can do it in three weeks, you've heard that story. how are you going to do that? they explained it, i did it in three weeks, i was told it couldn't be done at all for at least three years. i did in three weeks, knocked out one 100% of isis. a great military, the reason i say that, we have a great military. i will direct the department of justice to go after marxist prosecutors offices to make them pay for their illegal race-based enforcement of the law. [applause] by the way, we have one of those great generals with us, where is general kellogg? where is general kellogg? he is the greatest. he's here. thank you, general. thank you. thank you, general. [applause] and cities there's a complete breakdown of safety, i will send in federal assets including the national guard until law and order is restored. we are not supposed to do that. one thing i think about a lot is we had some difficulty in certain cities and if you look at portland, house portland doing? everything is two by fours because they are burned down every week, it's chaos but what we had in seattle, they took over a large portion. i was ready to send in the national guard. they heard that, more than the national guard, i was ready to go to town and they heard that. they said we are going to break it up, they left. we saved minneapolis. we not supposed to do that because it's up to the governor, the democrat governor. they never want help, it's almost like they don't mind to have their cities and states destroyed. they are simply wrong with these people. all of us have seen many videos of 13-year-old carjackers and 14-year-old hoodlums viciously beating their victims so yesterday, a horrible situation. they kill people without retribution because they may days short of the age requirement to put them away, put them in jail and throw away the keys for a long time. my administration will crackdown on these out-of-control monsters. young though they may be and impose tough consequences of juvenile terminals. criminals use young people. they higher young people, pay them some money, not a lot because if they get caught, nothing will happen to them. that will end, i will end the scorch of homelessness taking over our cities and suburbs. i just drove through washington d.c. coming here for the first time in quite a while and the roads and highways were littered with trash like i've never seen before. it looked like somebody took their garbage and through it all over the highways, beltway and it's so disgraceful, disgusting. i always made as a points when i saw the highways were dirty or homeless encampments were starting to form, to take care of the problem immediately. i used to have people all the time sweeping highways, cleaning highways, hosing them down. it bothers me so much, as i was driving back to the white house and i would see a filthy dirty highway with paper that hasn't been -- you could see it laying there for months. i would have them leaned up, i wouldn't even call the mayor because it would never get done with the mayor. frankly the federal government should take over control and management of washington d.c. [applause] good project. it's horrible. i think of it different, foreign leaders coming to see us, we want them to do what we want them to do and they drive through terrible discussing streets, the streets are much better maintained, much nicer and they see camps in homeless all over our beautiful, once beautiful parks all over, hundreds and hundreds. i used to have them taken down immediately, i would see one or two or three and i would say do it fast, immediately. then i would check and it was done. they never have time to do -- once they have 500, 600, 700 things, it's a more difficult thing but you can do that, to get under our leadership, we will take the homeless, drug addicted and severely deranged, get them off our streets and create tent cities where we will get them the help they so desperately need. [applause] day one i will revoke joe biden's crazy executive order and install marxist diversity equity and inclusion stars in every federal agencies and i will immediately terminate all staff hired to implement this horrible agenda. [cheering and applauding] i will urge congress to great restitution fund for those unjustly discriminated against by these biden policies, so unfair, so un-american. we will ban racial determination by the government. i will write for parents rights. can you believe here we are? i'm saying i will fight for parents rights. who would think you would have to say parasites? don't you think parents have good right? who would think you would have to say it but you do because they take their rights away including universal school choice and the direct election of the school principals like the pants. we want the school principal to be appointed and elected by parents. you will get good principles then. [applause] who loves the children more than the parents? [cheering and applauding] if any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to fire that principal immediately and select someone new. [applause] continuing the work of our 1776 commission we will teach values and promote our history and our traditions to our children. we will in other words, be proud of our country again. [cheering and applauding] [chanting] usa! [chanting] >> i will revoke every biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual utilization of our youth. [cheering and applauding] as congress sends a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. that should be easy. [cheering and applauding] and we will keep men out of women's sports. [cheering and applauding] how ridiculous. [cheering and applauding] that will take place on day one. i will destroy illegal censorship regime and bring back free speech in america because we do not have free speech. i will stop the biden's demolition over economy with crushing inflation and mass layoffs. we will take care of inflation very quickly. 4.9 million people dropped out of the labor force since i was president. as the trump administration's great larry kudlow, does everybody know larry? [cheering and applauding] larry kudlow said biden is setting a record on economic relations that are absolutely killing american companies. his spending and borrowing at record levels. his causing historic inflation, sir which is only going to get worse and worse. before -- i said i want to say this, larry, it's only going to get worse and worse, driving up interest rates and cars and homes are going to be impossible

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Prosecutors , Perfect , Thing , Hunter Isn T Working Out , It , Problem , Dad , Repair Shop , Done , Joke , Miranda Devine , Name , Book , Alvin Bragg , Blue State , Fly , Manhattan District Attorney , Cities , Place , Feelings , Knife , Cash Bail , Head , Baseball Bat , Charges , Department , Train , Injustice , Racist Da Is Being Push , Affair , Attraction , Stormy Daniels , Case , Legal A Fanatic , Hundreds Of Thousands , Jail , Court Order , Wall , Problems , Danger , Joe Biden Escape , Guy , Anyone , What S Going On , Document , President , Privilege , Animal , Senator , Haven T , Vice President , Senate , Cannot , Everything , Supreme Court , Effort , Weakness , Documents , Pages , 11 Million , Everyone , End , Taxes , Rights , Two , Five , Word , Law Firms Accounting , Prestigious , Typographical Error , Fbi , Wrong , Revolution , Ksp Post , Agents , Mar A Lago , Leadership , Points , Popularity Numbers , Marxist , 11 , Nixon , People Didn T , Spiral , Couldn T Stop , Help , Places , City , Atlanta , Out Of Control , Murders , Kangaroo Court , The Jury Foreman , Opponents , Ppe People , Media Interviews , Woman , Grand Juries , Disinformation , Information , Against , Election , Everybody , Somebody , Votes , 2020 , 75 Million , Hundreds , Sentence , Line , Department To The Local Da Office , Prosecution , Bit , Life , Reason , Times , Corruption , Lies , Tumbling Down , Nightmare , Hope , Sir , System , Agenda , Mission , Statements , Plans , 47th President Of The United States , 47 , List , Top , Billions , Wars , Business , Spending Hundreds , Fact , Piece , Opposite , Upside , Equipment , Countries , Secretary General , 440 Billion , 40 Billion , Speech , Jobs , Obama , Bush , Make A , Words , Fraction , Eight , Twenty , 28 , Roof , Round Table , Some , Same , Prime Minister , Dictators , Sense , Seven , Politicians , Heat , Articles , Member , Nine , Office Building , Skyscraper , 849 Billion , Billion , 9 Billion , 3 Billion , Bunker , Buildings , 500 Million , 00 Million , One Shot , Mind , War , Building , Wouldn , Market , Glass , Architects , Airplane Attack , Concrete , Feet , Ceiling , Gentleman , 15 , 6 , Face , Gordon , Little Bit , They Didn T Fight Good , Madam , Didn T , Honor , Both , Isis , 100 , Hit , Russia Didn T , Term , Friends , Moscow , Chance , About Beijing , Xi Jinping , 10 , Conversations , Idea , Crimea , Eyes , Armed , Putin New , Xi Jinping No , Soil Policy , Nuclear Armed Iran , Box , Barrels , Conversation , Somebody Else , Position , Buying Oil , Amounts , Bosom Buddies , Group , Three , Site , Biggest , Know , It Done , Republicans , Putin , Interior , Secretary , He Wouldn T , Barrel , 30 , 45 , 0 , 5 , 40 , Driving , Wouldn T Have , Trigger , Into Oblivion , Bike , Bicycle , Stairs , Soldiers , 18 , Leader , Taliban , Talk , Abdul , Criticisms , Shot , Mothers , Snipers , Fathers , 2000 , More , Sharpshooters , Don T Kill , History Of The World , Excellency , Noworth , General Milley , 85 Billion , Bible , Front , Faith , Church , Tens , Runways , Weapons , Barbara , The Lights On , Dogs , Left , Dog Lovers , Disgrace , Opinion , Candidate , World War Iii , Thomas , Plan , Natures , Home , Mark , Wives , Soldier , Didn T Mind , Banks , 5 Billion , 13 , Out Of The Box , Military Equipment , Night Goggles , Goggles , Money , Afghans , Fighters , There , Green , 20 , Extent , Training , Gun , Shoot Master Sergeants , Green On Blue , Sergeants Tra , Dollars , Bid , Anybody , Fight , Screaming , Contact , Arms , Legs , Destroyed , Talks , Injuries , Team , Gravity , 2500 , Strength , Dignity , F 16s , 16 , Plane , Take American Citizens Out , 100 Million , Fools , Jet Fuel , Yes , Tents , Minimum , Steel , Semi , School , Tractor , Jeep , Guns , Rifles , Nut And Bolt , 700000 , Vehicles , Cost Millions , Bottom , Behind , 70000 , Great Guy , Car Company , Anywhere , Cars , Sl , Great Operation , Big One , Largest , Cash , Alarms , Speaking , Audience , Arms Dealer , Selling , The Best In World , Apache Helicopter , Reduplicate , Oval Office , Order , Friend , Enemy , Nord Stream Two , Pipeline , Day One Biden , Day One , Project , Economic Development Project , Supply Europe , Abusters , Tanks , Javelins , Nord Stream Two Pipeline , 1000 , Bedsheets , Wouldn T , Pillows , Bedsheet , Mike , Elections , Sheets , Cheating , Borders , Border , Area , Miles , Task , 200 , Arizona Couldn T , Part , Hiding , Couple , Helicopters , Garbage , Mitch Mcconnell , Military , Invasion , Record , Immigration , Army Corps Of Engineers , Drugs , Children , Drug Dealers , Refugees , Women , Low , Southern Border , Human Trafficking , Fentanyl , Games , Everywhere , Death , Chaos , Families , Incompetence , Interior Enforcement , Aliens , Visas , My Wonderful Travel Ban , Refugee Numbers , Terrorists , Spies , Increase , Reconciliation Bill , Ice Deportation Officers , Border Patrol , Particular , Ice , Board Patrol , Central Cast , Resources , Deportation Operation In American History , Institutions , Prisons , Dumping Ground , Emptying , In State Asylums , Insane Asylum , Agencies , Institution , Lambs , Police , Police No , Towns , Gang Member , Questions , 26 , Animals , Girls , He Couldn T , Mexico , Planes , Cou , Buses , 750 Million , 50 Million , Following , 8 , 00 , Misunderstanding , Tens Of Thousands , Policy , Hadn T , Cartel , Flow , Parents , Child , General , Kinds , Pouring In , Couldn T , Department Of Justice , Prosecutors Offices , Generals , Law , Enforcement , Greatest , Assets , Breakdown , Safety , Guard , Law And Order , Difficulty , Fours , House , Portland , Portion , Town , Carjackers , Videos , Minneapolis , Situation , Victims , Hoodlums , 14 , Juvenile Terminals , Criminals , Requirement , Keys , Monsters , Consequences , Homelessness , Scorch , Suburbs , Highways , Time , Roads , Trash , Washington D C , Care , Encampments , Beltway , Form , Disgusting , Cleaning Highways , Hosing Them Down , Mayor , Hasn T , Highway , Paper , Control , Management , Leaders , Streets , Dover , Camps , Parks , 600 , 700 , 500 , Tent Cities , Homeless , Drug , Executive Order , Marxist Diversity Equity , Inclusion , Staff , Restitution Fund , Biden Policies , Determination , School Principals , Parasites , School Choice , Principles , School Principal , Pants , Principal , Someone , Work , 1776 , Traditions , Commission , Values , Bill , Chemical Castration , Utilization , Youth , States , Mutilation , Men , Women S Sports , 50 , Inflation , Demolition , Censorship Regime , Layoffs , Labor Force , 4 9 Million , Companies , Record Levels , Relations , Borrowing , Homes , Interest Rates ,

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