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He is currently making his way to the venue and could be here in a matter of minutes, we understand. And this is going to be somewhat of a celebratory tone, we imagine, because a lot of the people that are sitting in this room at this convention would benefit potentially from the trade deals that were talking about here. On twitter, this afternoon, the president in part im quoting here saying that farmers hit pay dirt with our incredible new trade deal, china, japan, mexico, canada, south korea, and many others, end quote. If crowd here was eager to hear more because roughly 5,000 ranchers, farmers, top producers, in the ag industry, they have all come to this annual convention and trade show, and there is a lot of buzz in particular surrounding that preliminary deal with china, with a country as committed to buy an annual average of 40 billion dollars worth of u. S. Farm products, over the next two years. Listen. I think we have a real good connection with this president in agriculture, better than we have had in the past several year s and thats helping not only Dairy Producers but others as well. Then again, many farmers have financially struggled over the last several years, between the tariffs and the trade wars, soybeans, corn, and wheat have been hit especially hard. U. S. Farming exports plum meted. The United States government continues to dole out billions and billions in agriculture subsidies, and that remains quite controversial. So again, the key message that were expecting tonight from the president talking about these trade deals and more importantly the positive impact he expects that it will have on the people in this room, a lot of whom, jon, have faced bankruptcy. Theyve had problems with weather and drought, and theyve had to just plow their crops into the ground, so this is something that a lot of people have their attention on, and they certainly want to hear more, and they are hoping they get that from President Trump tonight. Any minute now, the music is getting a little bit louder. The similar play tunes the same play list we expect at the conventions and at the rallies is ramping up, jon, so it is going to be another trump show here in just a few minutes in austin. Jon yes, we have been told the president is in the building there, casey. We will get back to you as soon as he begins to speak. Fair enough. Jon thank you, casey. Meantime, House Democrats are hard at working making final touches to their case to try to remove President Trump from the oval office. On tuesday, the democrats impeachment managers as well as the White House Defense team will make Opening Statements before the republicanled senate. Kevin corke live on capitol hill with more. Kevin . Good to be with you. Democrats say they want more evidence and they want more witnesses as we look forward to tuesdays beginning of the senate trial. Further more, they argued there are a number of interesting individuals that might actually help advance the case against the president. Among them lev parnas, we have talked about him at length over the last several days. They say having him there, more information is more clarity and that means a net positive for the process. Secretary of state pompeo by the way was asked if he knew parnas. He said he never heard of him before all this broke. Given parnas past, his indictment not to mention his current legal quandary, some republicans say hes not the best example of adding anything to the process. I would be careful before crediting the veracity of someone who is in under indictment in the Southern District of new york and who is trying to get leniency from the prosecutor and who has ties to russian oligarchs. John cornyn of texas. Still democrats argue that part of a fair process means getting all the information available, even that which the house failed to collect. The threshold issue here, george, is will there be a fair trial . Will the senators allow the house to call witnesses, to introduce documents . That is the foundational issue on which Everything Else rests, and one thing that the public is overwhelmingly in support of, and that is a fair trial. Adam schiff of california. Meanwhile South Carolina senator Lindsay Graham argued that no matter what happens with respect to witnesses and evidence, the senate trial will be exceedingly fair, especially when compared to the house process. I think he wants to have a chance to have the day in court that he didnt get in the house. It would be nice to have a lawyer present. It would be nice to request witnesses. I guarantee you, he will get a better deal in the house in the senate than in the house. He wants to go to the state of the union with this behind him and talk about what he wants to do the rest of 2020 and the next four years. Graham of South Carolina talking about what the president should expect as the senate trial gets underway. Lastly, dont forget, jon, house managers met today, thats part of the preparation as we all look forward to tuesday together. Back to you. Jon kevin corke on capitol hill, thank you. Fox news sunday has exclusive interviews with two lawmakers who will be front and center at the impeachment trial. House impeachment manager and democratic congressman jeffries of new york and Senate Judiciary chairman republican Lindsay Graham. Fox news sunday airs tonight 7 00 p. M. Eastern right after this program on fox news channel. Fallout from harry and meghans departure from the royal family spreading across the u. K. And around the world. This as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Andrew attend Church Services in the countryside today, a day after Buckingham Palace announced prince harry and Meghan Markle are no longer working members of the royal family, will no longer use their royal titles or receive public funds. Amy kellogg has more on the future and what it may hold for the pair who can still call themselves duke and duchess of sussex from our london bureau. It seems there is a lot of sadness about the couple leaving and a lot of worry particularly about prince harry and how he will deal with the new environment, away from family, no matter how stressed or strained that family may have been over all of this. Now, perhaps more messaging today. The queen putting on a brave face at church and seeing for the first time this year publicly alongside Prince Andrew who has come under much fire for his friendship with the late convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein. Also comments were made by Meghan Markles father thomas that they cheapened the monarchy turning it into a quote walmart with a crown. He had been interviewed for a documentary. As people discussed the terms of the deal for the sussex and continue to ponder was it lack of warmth in the royal family, harrys own sensitivity to the media or Something Else that drove their decision to go . There were a lot of young brits who were excited to have meghan in the royal family and saw her as a force for modernizing the institution further and now people ponder their absence. I think they must do their own thing. I think [inaudible]. Now, they will still be the duke and duchess of sussex. However they will not use the hrh titles, but another question hanging out there, will they be able to use the brand sussex royal for their future ventures . Now, all of the arrangements that were set out by Buckingham Palace for this new life for harry and meghan will in fact be under review at least on a yearly basis. Jon . Jon amy kellogg thank you. We will have much more on the so called megxit and we will hear from prince harry when we break down the terms of the agreement between Buckingham Palace and the duke and duchess of sussex ten minutes from now here on the fox report. Thousands of gun rights advocates are expected to rally outside Virginia State capital tomorrow. The annual event comes after the democratic controlled state Legislature Passed three new gun control measures. Officials in richmond are taking extra precautions after the arrest of three members of a White Supremacist Group late last week. Garrett tenney has more from washington. Its important to note this rally has become an annual event. No history of violence. Both organizers and officials are hoping it stays that way. But this rally is expected to be much larger than it has been in the past with thousands of people descending on the capital to protest a series of gun control measures the democratic controlled state legislature is expected to pass. The governor has declared a state of emergency, temporarily banning firearms and other weapons from capital grounds due to credible intelligence that white nationalists and militia groups plan to atend the rally and stir up violence. On friday prosecutors announced that three members of White Supremacist Group are now in custody after allegedly planning to attend the rally and carry out some kind of attack. Those arrests fuelled gun control advocate ss who argued tomorrows rally is about intimidating anyone who supports tightening gun laws to any degree. This is no longer about gun laws any more than charlottesville was about statutes. We are seeing armed extremism in this country and it is dangerous. Number of gun control measures including universal background checks allowing cities to ban firearms in parks and other public areas. Republican lawmakers are blasting the proposal as assault on 2nd amendment. A state senator tellings fox news these actions by the democratic leadership are outrageous but expected from the liberal agenda. Virginians will unite behind their rights and support the constitution, so help us god. Law enforcement Officials Say they are top concerns are keeping everyone safe and making sure folks are able to safely protest tomorrow. Jon . Jon garrett tenney, thank you. Hawaiis governor confirms two Police Officers have been killed in the line of duty. It happened this morning in the diamond head area of honolulu. Reports say the suspect in the shooting apparently set a home on fire this which then spread to neighboring homes. Christina coleman has the breaking developments from our west coast newsroom. Christina . Jon, the suspect allegedly stabbed his landlord, shot and killed two honolulu Police Officers and then lit his neighborhood with multimilliondollar homes on fire. He was described to local media as a 70yearold man with multiple restraining orders who stole from people had a history of assault and making false 911 calls. Police tell our honolulu affiliate he stabbed his landlord this morning as she was serving him an eviction notice. Her children were taken to neighbors house so she could be treated for injury at a nearby hospital. Two officers responded to the assault call at the suspects home near diamond head. Thats when the man allegedly opened fire, shooting the responding officers. One was a woman. The other a man. Both of them died. Sources tell local media outlet hawaii news now that the man set his own home on fire after a brief stand off with law enforcement. Fire crews couldnt respond to the flames immediately due to the threats the man continued to pose. Witnesses describe hearing multiple gunshots, even as his house was engulfed in flames. Local media is reporting that the suspect is now dead, but it is unclear how he died. Meantime, the flames from his home spread to at least four houses and several cars including a parked police car. One witness says hes seen police stop by the suspects house multiple times over the past year. He described the suspect as a troubled individual. Been a lot of time in the making. It is just unfortunate that in the course of human events that Something Like this had to occur. Hes had so many police contacts. And its just tragic. Homes are still on fire in this neighborhood, at this hour, and rounds of ammunition can be heard exploding from inside the suspects home, continuing to pose a threat to firefighters. And condolences for the fallen officers are now pouring in, including from the mayor of honolulu and the governor of hawaii, who described this as an unprecedented tragedy. Jon . Jon what a tragic, tragic scene. Christina coleman, thank you. Mexican Security Forces clash with thousands of Central American migrants over the weekend. Scuffles broke out as authorities used plastic shields to push migrants back, trying to force their way across the border from guatemala. Officials closed a bridge between the two nations, after more than 2,000 migrants tried to push their way across. The federal government is trying to crack down on new york citys sanctuary policies. This after the immigration and Customs Enforcement agency subpoenaed the city for information on several Illegal Immigrants who have been arrested there, but were shielded by its controversial sanctuary city policies. Jacqui heinrich is in our newsroom with more on that. If the city doesnt hand over information that i. C. E. Is looking for, they could be on the hook for federal fines. I. C. E. Also subpoenaed the Denver Justice system over growing frustrations with sanctuary city policies. I. C. E. Is demanding information on four aliens here in new york, including three who were released following assault, rape and drug charges. The fourth man is still behind bars charged with sexually abusing and murdering a 92yearold woman from queens. In a press conference, i. C. E. Railed against local officials showing a list of fugitives who were released into local communities after their i. C. E. Detainers were refused. All these people were charged with assault. I. C. E. Said the lack of cooperation puts communities at risk. Sexual assault on 11yearold kid. We told the department of corrections we wanted that individual. They didnt care. They released him. We went and arrested him. Hes off the streets. I will say it again, we are going to do everything we can to protect these communities in which we operate. But new york mayor de blasio defended the policy saying they wont turn over people who are waiting to stand trial, but will enforce detainer if a person is convicted of some 177 felony or Violent Crimes also if they are on the terror watch list or if i. C. E. Has a judicial warrant. New York Attorney general james echoed support backing a lawsuit against i. C. E. , writing with every arrest in and around state courthouses, i. C. E. Continues to endanger our communities and our public safety. These arrests not only have a Chilling Effect on immigrant communities, but stop our courts from operating properly and thus prevent justice from prevailing. But new yorks also fielding criticism over a new bail reform law that took effect this year which requires that judges give pretrial release without bail to people accused of nonViolent Crimes. Critics say the loopholes are dangerous. This man allegedly robbed four banks in a week, got arrested and released that new law and then robbed another Bank Allegedly just four hours later. The feds took over his case since the bank was federally insured and tonight he is behind bars. Jon . Jon one bit of good news there, thank you. The royal rift ends in a hard bargain. New remarks from prince harry. Also were taking a closer look at the so called megxit deal that Queen Elizabeth struck with the duke and duchess of sussex, how their departure impacts the house of wind sor and canada. music if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. Dealing with our finances really haunted me. Ttle cranky. 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Jon some of the first words from the former prince harry, the british tabloids are labelling prince harry and Meghan Markles break from the royal family a hard megxit. The couple giving up the titles of Royal Highness while agreeing to pay back more than 3 Million Dollars in taxpayer funding used to renovate their house. Here to talk about it from the daily mail. Com charlie langston. I may have misspoken there. It gets confusing. He is still a prince. He is still a prince and they are still the duke and duchess of sussex and there is a lot of anger about that because it was made to seem in the original statement from the queen that they would not keep their titles, that they would lose that hrh status. Its now been clarified that no, they will keep those titles, but they wont use them actively. It is a very confusing situation. Jon this has been handled publicly at least with great, you know, proper british manners, but it seems like theres been some pandemonium maybe behind the palace walls. Absolutely. I think theres also been some up sit and some anger behind the palace walls. We understand that Prince Charles is especially upset by this whole thing. He and harry formed a very close bond especially after the death of princess diana. The queen is incredibly fond of harry. Prince william and prince harry have also been very close for very many years. It is difficult to watch him walk away from that. Jon we are looking at some of the titles of the newspapers as a result of this agreement that has been struck. New york post calls it the Great British breakoff. From the sun it is payback time. And from the sunday mirror the queen orders a hard megxit. I mean, i guess as outsiders looking in, these headline writers are saying, you know, the queen is coming down with a hard bargain here. She took a much harder line than i think a lot of people expected. Jon maybe even harry . Absolutely. Now we know they will be keeping their titles, it is a less hard than it might have seemed initially. However they will have to pay back a lot of money. Its been made very clear to them that theres no kind of toe in the water situation. You are in. You are out. Theres no middle ground. I think a lot of people are pleased to see the queen saying that because a lot of people said she will make more of a compromise. The fact she hasnt done that has pleased a lot of people in the u. K. Jon lets take a look at specifics. They will both give up Royal Highness titles. Still remains duke and duchess of sussex, harry keeps status as sixth in line for the throne. They have to make 3. 1 3. 1 Million Dollars repayment for they cottage renovations. How are they going to make money . I think working with Big Companies isnt a huge issue for them. Meghan has already signed a deal with disney. I dont think working with Big Companies is something they are not going to do. I think they just need to do it in a way that doesnt embarrass the royal family and then not allowed in theory to kind of make money off their titles, thats what they have agreed by saying they wont use them. Jon ive also read that harry is still going to be allowed essentially to get an allowance from his father, Prince Charles, which could amount to 2 or 3 million bucks a year. Thats not exactly chump change. No, and Prince Charles also paid for a large amount of the renovations to the cottage. Yes they are paying back 3. 1 Million Dollars in taxpayer money but also getting a bit of a good deal because charles was the person who kind of paid for the more kind of fine details within the house. I dont know, i think they are getting a better deal than they could have done. Jon they will be going to home depot for the next one. Exactly. Harry will be hammering in nails himself. Jon thank you. Thank you for having me. Jon another protest in hong kong today coming to a violent end. Police firing tear gas. Some ten of thousands of people gathered in the city to rally against pro beijing law makers. Tensions between the protesters and police have remained high as it enters its 8 months. Today hundreds of women rallied in a city of northeastern india, a controversial law grants a fast track to citizenship. The law does not apply to muslims. Opposition parties and activists say the law violates indias secular constitution. As the u. S. Impeachment trial begins in capitol hill, President Trump is at a Farm Bureau Convention in austin, texas right new. They are making introductory remarks. We will take you there when the president begibbs to speak. Begins to speak. There he is. Oh, wow. Youre doing, uh, youre doing really great with the twirling. Dad, if you want to talk, i have a break at 3 00. Okay, okay. Im going. Im gone. Like like i wasnt here. 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So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Jon take a look at austin, texas. President trump is on stage ready to address an annual gathering of farmers and ranchers there. This is the third Consecutive Year that the president has spoken at this conference. His appearance comes on the heels of the phase one china trade deal and the senates approval of the usmca. The president is about to speak. We expect he will make mention of the impeachment trial that begins at some point this week in the senate, set for tuesday. But the president has essentially seemed unbothered by it, in his past remarks. We expect he will maintain that same kind of attitude tonight. He has a lot to talk about in front of this agricultural group. He says the trade deals, usmca and phase one trade deal with china are both going to provide a lot of export opportunities for americas farmers and ranchers. It appears the president is ready to speak. Lets listen. I want to thank you very much and thank you to our great secretary of agriculture, sonny perdue. Thank you, sonny, very much. You have done a fantastic job. Sit down, everybody. Lets stay for a while. Come on. We did it. We did it. Remember . They were all saying you were never get nafta changed. We were stuck with one of the worst trade deals in history. Well never do it. Well never get a deal done with china. Ive told everybody youve got to buy a lot of land and youve got to get much bigger tractors right now because we did a great deal with china, great more our country and hopefully it is great for china too because were going to sell them the greatest product youve ever seen; right . [cheers] the greatest product you have ever seen. Jon we will continue to monitor the president s remarks, and if he makes news, we will take you back there live. In the meantime, a number of democrats are campaigning through the Holiday Weekend before the Senate Impeachment trial forces some of them back to washington. Ellison barber has more on that from des moines, iowa. Ellison . Hey, jon, by the end of this forum, the voters here in iowa at this forum will have heard from different president ial candidates. You see andrew yang over my shoulder. He is speaking and taking questions from the crowd at this forum right now this is we the people forum, six candidates are participating or already have participated some of them calling on the live stream. Those on the list, Pete Buttigieg, john delaney, Amy Klobuchar, devall patrick, Elizabeth Warren and andrew yang. We have heard from all of them so far except for john delaney. This forum is hosted by eight advocacy groups, meant in part to mark up coming ten Year Anniversary of the supreme co t courts decision on citizens united. They have been asked about their plans on Campaign Finance reform and explain how they are financing their campaign. Four Democratic Candidates have signed a pledge saying if elected, the first bill they will send to congress is comprehensive anticorruption legislation that builds on the for the people act or is similar to it. Heres a little bit of what we have heard so far today. When we sell ambassadorships to big donors, it is just one more way to say to all of the american people, rich people are different from you. Any honest candidate would tell you that life would be better across the country and frankly running campaigns would be better if we had a different and better system. For me this is the driving issue. All of these issues were talking about on the debate stage. We are not going to be able to get this done if outside money is flooding our system. According to the latest iowa poll, biden, buttigieg, warren and sanders continue to be the top tier candidates in this state. Amy klobuchar has come up a little bit. She was at 5 in the last poll, and shes improved a bit since then. She also got a big endorsement today, jon, from the quad cities [inaudible]. Back to you. Jon ellison barber, thank you. For more on how this up coming impeachment trial could affect all of this, lets bring in the white house correspondent. It is coming down to the wire for the iowa caucuses. All the Democratic Senators who are running for president , lets take a look at the names who will be required in the senate for the trial, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and Michael Bennett. They would rather be out campaigning but say they will go to washington to participate in the trial. Who gets most of which of these candidates guess gets most affected by all of this . All of them are equally affected of their time but you could say sanders and warren have been building up a presence in iowa for well over a year. Bernie sanders for well over that, given his campaign in 2016. So you know, they are prepared with their surrogates. You could argue that Amy Klobuchar is probably the most affected by this. She had been rising in the polls as you just noted. So well see what happens with klobuchars campaign. Obviously Michael Bennett has never really broken through with voters there at least up until to point. You could argue that he would lose out the most. All the candidates plan on taking advantage of that hour time difference between washington and iowa and trying to go back after sessions close. They will go back on the weekends. As the Campaign Goes on, if the trial incorporates witnesses, we are probably going to see this actually impact all of the candidates. Jon yeah, but Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have something that Amy Klobuchar and michael ben net dont which is a lot of money. Absolutely. Jon they can spend on tv and radio ads in iowa sort of pretend they are there even when they are not. Amy klobuchar especially relies on Retail Campaigning. She goes out and shakes hands, takes her bus from place to place. Isnt it going to hurt her more than the others relatively speaking you know who else obviously prioritizes Retail Campaign is b iowans. Thats what they are looking for. Jon right. In that regard, all of these candidates are sort of losing out. But the most important thing is that iowans want to at least meet the candidates once. And at this point, to your point, jon, bernie and elizabeth have really met a lot of iowans. And klobuchar would have liked to shake more hands at this point. Jon people like joe biden and Pete Buttigieg are smiling big tonight because they dont have to go back for a senate trial. One of the questions is, how long might such a trial last . Republican ted cruz says thats sort of anybodys guess. Listen. I think its certainly possible that this trial could last one to two weeks. On the other hand, if the senate makes the decision to go down the road of additional witnesses, that could extend it to six, eight weeks or even longer. There are really two paths here. Jon if its six or eight weeks, does that essentially gift wrap the democratic nomination, or at least the iowa portion of it and the races that follow and hand them to joe biden . Oh, gosh, it is hard to say, but certainly given iowa is only two weeks away, and again, that retail politics element of it, joe biden is already doing quite well there, as it is. Of course it should be said that these other candidates, as you say, with a lot of money, have made the argument that they have a job to do and that its their constitutional duty to be in washington, and so you will be hearing that argument, and its not as if they are going to be invisible. They are going to be quite visible. All of the reporters on capitol hill are going to be asking them about what they think of the developments of the day, so they will have plenty of earned air time. Jon republican senator blackburn is saying they should recuse themselves because they are sitting as judges in the trial but also running for president. Doesnt sound like any of them intend to do that. Thanks very much, michael wilner, white house correspondent. My pleasure. Jon space x blows up its rocket on purpose. What elon musk has in store for the falcon 9 and why it had to meet this fiery fate. hey there im lonnie from lonnies lumber. If you need lumber wood, lonnies is better than good. We got oak, cherry, walnut, and more. And we also have the best selection of plywood clattering in the state. Hey highpitched laughter man dang woodchucks wood clattering stop chuckin that wood with geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. And mine super soft . Yes. With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Plus, free premium delivery on all smart beds when you add a base. Ends monday. Jon space x got one step closer to sending astronauts into space. The private Company Launched and subsequently destroyed one of its own rockets all part of a test to ensure the emergency exit procedures are working as intended. Two mannequins successfully parachuted back to earth in a crew capsule after detaching from the rocket. Space x is expected to begin sending real people into space over the next few months. 2020 is shaping up to be a big year for Space Exploration with the return of an americanmade rocket to major advancements in Space Tourism. Kristen fisher explains. After nearly a decade without an americanmade rocket to ride on, nasa astronauts are about to have three, and theres a new generation of astronauts waiting in the wings. [cheers] first, there were the mercury 7. Then the apollo and Space Shuttle astronauts and now the first class of artimus astronauts have just graduated from basic training and eligible for space flight. They represent the first wave of nasas artimus generation astronauts. It is nasas new mission and a top priority for the Trump Administration to return american astronauts to the moon in just four years and then go on to mars. Our newest astronaut. Navy lieutenant and the new astronaut says the mission has given nasa new life. We are all pretty excited about the moon right now. The artimus program has really reinvigorated the nasa team about doing new things and using our imaginations to understand what a sustainable presence on the moon looks like. In addition to the moon, and maybe mars, this new class of 13 astronauts will also be flying to the International Space station, and for the First Time Since the retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet, american astronauts may no longer have to hitch a ride on a russian soyuz rocket. 2020 will mark the return of human space flight launches with american astronauts on american rockets from american soil. Nasa administrator believes 2020 will be the year that Nasas Commercial Crew Program will become operational. With the manned flights of space xs capsule and Boeings Starliner slated for later this year. At the same time, nasa is continuing to development the orion capsule will be used for missions to the moon. We are having so much fun getting ready to fly three new vehicles. 2020 could also be the year that Space Tourism industry takes off with Companies Like Virgin Galactic on track to begin sending paying customers into space. In washington, kristen fisher, fox news. Jon as this weekends severe winter storm moves northeast out to sea, much of the midwest is left dealing with bitter cold temperatures. How does the rest of the week look . Meteorologist adam klotz in the extreme Weather Center with the forecast. Adam . Adam hey there, jon. The big Winter Weather system that we tracked over the early half of the weekend is now pulling a bunch of cold air behind it. We have seen the temperatures drop across the upper midwest stretching across the midwest and running into new england. Theres your current temperatures. It feels a lot colder than that with the wind. Heres whats left of that system. Its moved out to sea. A little bit of very light snow still sprinkling across portions of new england and back into the midwest. By in large, thats over and all we will see is bitter cold temperatures on the back side of this system. All pulling in air from canada. These are some of your feels like temperatures, windchill, you add that in and sudden negative 16 to negative 20 in some of these areas, unfortunately thats not going to change a lot in the next few days. Windchill forecast, i can take you through tonight hovering around 20 degrees. The same will be true for most of the day on monday. So jon, bitterly cold here for the first half of the week in the midwest and plains. Jon thank you, adam klotz. The freezing temperatures at Arrowhead Stadium in kansas city did not seem to bother the chiefs as they defeated the Tennessee Titans this afternoon for the afc championship 3524. Meanwhile, the San Francisco 49ers are taking on the Green Bay Packers right now on fox for the nfc title. The winner of that game will take on the chiefs in the super bowl two weeks from today, on fox. Authorities in panama are investigating a mysterious cult suspected of killing at least seven people. What were learning next. music if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. You can talk to animals . Yes. Woo hoo we just belong together. Welcome aboard. What kind of polar bear works on their tan . Well, wait are you even a bird . What bird stuff can you do . Well what bear stuff can you do . [ roar ] you win this round. Whats the worse that can happen . Im too beautiful to die. Step away from the light. Ah, there is no light im alive you can talk to animals . Dr. Yes. Ttle. [ roaring ] [ screaming ] wonderful. What bird stuff can you do . Well what bear stuff can you do . [ roaring ] you win this round. [ distant roar ] is he speaking. Dragon . [ roaring ] nobody told me thered be a dragon. [ roaring ] [ screaming ] im too beautiful to die. Jon iran saying today it will reconsider cooperating with the u. N. s Nuclear Watchdog should it face, quote, unjust measures. This as france, germany and the u. K. Issue a formal complaint that tehran is breaching the terms of the 2015 Nuclear Agreement. We have more from our mideast bureau. That formal complaint filed by the european parties to the 2015 Nuclear Agreement is going to open up a 60day negotiation period. In the deal, this action is referred to as triggering the dispute mechanism, aint has serious consequences and it has serious consequences for iran. If a solution isnt found, iran will likely face reimposed u. N. Sanctions on top of the more than one thousand u. S. Sanctions that are currently levied against the Islamic Republic. The u. S. First pulled out of the nuclear deal in 2018 leading to extensive iranian provocations across the middle east. The speaker for Irans Parliament responded today saying his country would reevaluate its relationship with the International Atomic Energy Organization if iran is treated unfairly. Translator i announce unequivocally if europe for any reason shows unfair behavior in using chapter 37 of the Nuclear Agreement, the Islamic Republic of iran will make a serious decision about cooperation with the International Atomic energy agency. We will not initiate this but we will take actions proportionate to your move. The remarks come amid developments to the iranian shooting down of a Ukrainian Airlines flight earlier this month. The 11 bodies of ukrainian citizens on board the flight arrived today. Families of the victims went to the airport with flowers to pay their respects. Iran today denied reports that it will send the planes black boxes to ukraine for further examination. The lack of transparency in the plane tragedy has upset many iranians, some of whom are calling for regime change in the Islamic Republic. Meanwhile, in places like iraq and lebanon, there are protests linked to iran. Further illustrating the current state of instability in the middle east. Jon . Jon trey, thank you. Seven people are dead after members of a religious sect attacked a village in panama. The group claims they were appoint anointed by god. They found 14 others bound and beaten in the groups makeshift living space. Nine people were arrested including a grand father and two one kls of multiple uncles of multiple victims. A programming announcement on the fox news channel. Why you wont want to miss whats happening on our network beginning tomorrow. But first it is the 26th annual Screen Actors Guild awards tonight. What hollywood is honoring this year. Before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. Now no fruit is forbidden. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . With truecar, to sell just enter your license plate for allday, allnight protection. And see your cars value in real time. Sports package and low mileage . Nice. Within minutes, youll have a true cash offer, and you can head to a dealership and get paid, today, right now. Jon the hollywood awards season continues tonight with a Screen Actors Guild honoring the best achievements in film and television. Among those nominated Joaquin Phoenix for his role in joker and Renee Zellweger for her portrayal of judy garland in judy. Robert de niro will receive the Lifetime Achievement award for his legendary career and humanitarian work. Changes happening tomorrow here on fox news channel. Bill hemmer is debuting bill hemmer reports at 3 00 p. M. Eastern, or brand new daytime line up every week day right here on fox news channel. And thats how fox reports this sunday, january 19th, 2020. I should mention ed henry will join sandra smith on americas newsroom as well each and every week day morning. Thank you for joining us. We will see you again next weekend. Donald trump. The houses hour is over. The senates time is at hand. Chris ahead of tuesdays opening arguments the president names a highpowered legal team to defend him. The senate sworn in as the jury. The impeachment of donald john trump. Chris chief Justice John Roberts set to preside but the battle is just starting over how it will play out. A fair trial has witness. They had a chance to call all the witnesses. They chose not to. Because they were in a rush to do it. Chris well sit down with senator Lindsey Graham chair of the judicia

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