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Be exceptions. Im prolife, but this ought to be exceptions for rape and incest and where the life of the mothers at risk. But, look, youre seeing laws on both sides of this argument that are in the extreme. Jon ellison barber is live at the white house with more. Reporter hi, jon. President trump did not specifically mention alabama, but his series of tweets clearly suggested that he believes that law in the alabama went too far. It certainly went further than what President Trump says he supports. I am strongly prolife, President Trump tweeted, with the three exceptions, rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother. The president urged republicans to stick together, adding if we are foolish and do not stay united as one, all of our hardfought gains for life and will rapidly disace peer. The disappear. There are no exemptions for victims of rape or incest. It also classifies abortion as a felony with a he hefty penalty. Doctors could spend up to 99 years in prison. Vice president mike pence was asked about the alabama law on thursday, he did not directly address it but said he is proud to be part of a prolife administration. President trump and other republicans have made it clear abortion is an issue they want to talk about in 2020, and theyve tried to paint the Democratic Party as far outside of the mainstream when it comes to abortion rights. Heres President Trump earlier this month. Democrats are aggressively pushing lateterm abortion, allowing children to be ripped from their mothers womb. Right up until the moment of birth. Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, lateterm abortion. Reporter earlier this week President Trump sat down with foxs steve hilton for a wideranging interview. They talked about everything from the u. S. mexico border, to trade, trade war with china to infrastructure. Listen here. Youve got nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, were going to get together, do a big infrastructure plan. But very soon after that Mick Mulvaney, your chief of staff, saying, no, its not going to happen. Do you still want that yeah, if Mick Mulvaney said, that or he has no right to say that. He tells me he didnt say that and he didnt mean it, its going to be hard to finance. I think the democrats want to raise taxes and do this, this, and this, and then theyll have a news conference, see, trump wants to raise taxes. So its a little bit of a game. Reporter the rest of that interview airs right here in about three hours. Jon ellison barber, thank you. New fallout from capitol hill after michigan congressman justin amash became the first republican to say the mueller reports findings show President Trump committed impeachable offenses. House minority leader Kevin Mccarthy disagrees with that assessment, saying amash is just looking for attention. This is exactly what he wants, he wants to have attention. Now, youve got to understand justin amash. Hes been in congress quite some time, i think hes only ever asked one question in all the committees hes been in. He votes more with nancy employees city than he ever votes with me pelosi than he ever votes with me. Jon Garrett Tenney is life washington with more. Reporter jon, you saw justin amash is getting a lot of blowback for siding with democrats against the president and attorney general bill barr, saying that barr deliberately misrepresented muellers report and misled the public about its findings and that the president obstructed justice and could be impeached. To that, the president fired back on twitter this morning saying in part never a fan of justin amash, a total lightweight who opposes me just for the sake of getting his name out this through controversy. Justin is a loser who, sadly, plays right into our opponents hands. Democrats are all too pleased to have a republican join their calls for impeachment hearings. Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib replied to amash saying 100 in agreement. Hashtag, time to impeach. And Julian Castro quite tweeted when even a member of his own party is calling for the president s impeachment, shouldnt that tell you something . Trump should be impeached. Other gop lawmakers are distancing themselves from amash and suggest he is alone in his calls for impeachment from the gop. This morning even senator mitt romney, who is also a frequent critic of the president , said he disagrees with amash and that the evidence to impeach just isnt there. There is the full element that you need to prove an obstruction of justice case. I dont think a prosecutor would actually look at this and say, okay, we have here all the elements that would get this to a conviction. So, you know, everyone reaches their own conclusion. As i read the report, i was troubled by it, was very disappointing for a number of reasons, but it did not suggest to me that this was time to call for impeachment. Reporter so far Democratic Leaders have resisted calls for impeachment hearings, but some are now urging justin amash to join them in their efforts to push it through and make it happen. No indications, though, from him or his office that he plans to do that quite yet. Jon . Jon all right. Garrett tenney, thank you. Jon with new entrance this week entrants this week, the list of democratic president ial candidates climbs to 23. Among those trying for the nomination, south bend mayor Pete Buttigieg from surge to from long shot to one of the leading contenders has been a big surprise. In less than an hour, he will take part in a fox news town hall in claremont, New Hampshire. Chris wallace is moderating the event, he joins us now with a preview. Chris, even buttigieg has said hes a bit surprised at where he stands in this race right now. No, he is the it candidate so far, ive got to tell you, jon, and you can tell it right here in claremont, New Hampshire, where were going to be holding that town hall in about 55 minutes with the mayor. The place is already starting to fill up. Were here in the gymnasium at Stephens High School in claremont, and theres a real sense of electricity here about mayor pete. I think a lot of people are, have learned a little bit about him and want to know more. Other people really dont know that much about him, and they want to hear where he would take the country. Not just his fascinating biography he would be the youngest president if hes elected, hed be the first openly gay president if elected. Hes a rhodes scholar, he was a veteran serving in afghanistan, but they want to know more about where he would take the country, what his policies are on the great issues that face the country. Jon in the latest fox news poll of democratic voters, they were asked what is extremely important to them in their next president ial candidate. 73 said they want somebody who can beat donald trump. 37 say they want someone who represents the new generation. Obviously, buttigieg fills that second line. Yeah. But, obviously, as you can see, its only about a third of voters. No, thats why joe biden is in such a commanding lead in the latest fox poll, i think hes 39 support, and Bernie Sanders is second at 7 17 . Obviously, at this point for all the talk about the democrats moving left and pursuing a lot of ideas like medicare for all and the green new deal, what seems to be most on voters minds i dont know if thats true here in claremont or not is beating donald trump. Which is why at least for now people are parking on joe biden. Now, of course, the race really hasnt begun, we havent had the first debates, we havent seen how all of these candidates are going to do on the campaign trail. Perhaps peoples minds about whos the best candidate to face off against trump will change, maybe it wont. Jon i mentioned earlier that fox news poll of democratic voters. When asked which candidate they like versus donald trump, Pete Buttigieg comes in at 40 . And i should say this is not just democratic voters, this is voters overall. Pete buttigieg comes in at 40 versus President Trumps 41 . Again, for a guy who thought he was going to spend most of the summer getting people to know how to pronounce his name, hes doing very well in president ial politics. [laughter] no, it is astonishing. I dont know how much of that is support for buttigieg, how much is people who just dont want to vote for donald trump. But the idea that a 37yearold mayor of the 300 biggest city in america, south bend, indiana, would be running within the margin of error in the late fox news poll against the president of the United States is quite astonishing. I think it, one, says there are a lot of people who are opposed to president. Also a lot of people, obviously, who are for him. There is real interest in talking about an alternative, and, obviously, events like tonight are an opportunity for people both here in the gymnasium and the millions more watching at home to see whether they think mayor pete fills the bill or not. Jon so tell us about the format tonight. Whos in the seats behind you, is and what does is it question and answer from the public . What . Yeah. You know, one of my concerns [laughter] sometimes with town halls is that the people in the audience dont get to ask enough questions. I promise you telling everybody here were going to get a lot of questions from real people. Ill ask a few followups, but thats the whole idea. And this is, of course, a proud tradition in New Hampshire town halls, that they sometimes youll hear when we get to primary in february, and ive got to say its a lot nicer in may in New Hampshire than it is in february, right, folks . [laughter] [applause] yes. But, you know, whats interesting is youll say, well, who are you for, and theyll say, well, i dont know, ive only seen each of the candidates three times. [laughter] they take this very personally. They want to do comparison shopping, see all the candidates several times. So so its a long road for may 19th when its been a Beautiful Day here in claremont to, i guess, the second week of february, 2020. Jon a lot of tire kicking there in New Hampshire. Were looking forward to it, chris, thanks very much. Thank you, jon. Jon tonight, 7 p. M. Eastern time, right after this program, so about 50 minutes from now for that town hall with 2020 democratic president ial candidate Pete Buttigieg. Chris wallace is the moderator right here on fox news channel. Just in to fox newsroom, google says it has cut off Chinese Tech Company huawei from direct Business Activity due to new rules set by the u. S. Department of commerce. This as the trade war between the two countries shows no sign of letting up. Soybean prices have hit a 10year low, and farmers anticipate even more fallout. Some lawmakers say e china should not be underestimated. It has certainly gone beyond trade and economics at this point. Part of whats at stake is which nation is going to set the standard for the rest of the world, which nations values are going to predominate. We see china using not just their military, but their economic and trade leverage and investment all over the world. Jon david spunt has more from washington. This trade war does not appear to be ending anytime in the near future. We do know conversations continue even if behind the scenes. President trump and his team not backing down from their demands, and chinese officials not giving in to those demands. Soybean farmers are getting hit hard by this. They continue to see prices drop. Many are just waiting out in the trade war, many trying to run a business. Farmers that grow soybeans are faced with the possibility of not even making money to do so. Ill be doing everything i can to be cutting expenses, renegotiating rents, trying to lower my cost of production for soybeans. Reporter President Trump said several times hes considering a bailout for farmers. A check would go into the mail to help farmers through this difficult time with china. Some farmers say theyll gladly take the money, others just dont want it. Pennsylvania senator pat toomey a republican says hes against the bailout, but hes in favor of the president s approach to china. Here he is on Fox News Sunday earlier this morning. If in the end we end up with an agreement that gives us a meaningful reform of chinas most egregious behavior, we might look back and say this was worth the price that were waiting. Reporter toomey said we might look back and say this was worth it because we dont know how long the stalemate between the United States and china could continue. I want to point out this fox news poll from just a few days ago highlighting the trade war with china, what does the public have to say . 34 believe the increased tariffs helps the economy, 45 believe it hurts the economy. President trump and xi jinping expected to meet next month at the g20 summit in japan. Perhaps a chance to strike a deal . Jon . Jon david, thank you. The Trump Administration pushes back against reports of plans to send migrants apprehended at the southern border to florida. But with thousands of people crossing every day, what will the government do now . This is a commercial about insurance and i know youre thinking. I dont want to hear about insurance. cause lets be honest. Nobody likes dealing with insurance. Right . See, esurance knows its expensive. I feel like im giving my money away. So theyre making it affordable. Thank you, dennis quaid. Youre welcome, guy in kitchen. I named my character walter. Thats great. Id tell you more but i only have thirty seconds so heres a dramatic shot of their tagline so youll remember it. When insurance is affordable, its surprisingly painless. clients voice remember that degree you got in taxation . danny of course you dont because you didnt your job isnt understanding tax code. Its understanding why that. Will get him a body like that. Move . That. Your job isnt doing hard work. Here. 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On thursday sheriffs in broward and Palm Beach County said Border Patrol notified them their communities could start seeing up to 1,000 migrants being flown in per month beginning in two weeks. One of the local sheriffs said the move was not humanitarian, and Florida Governor ron desantis said florida couldnt handle the, quote, dumping of migrants. Now border officials saying there are no plans to transport people to northern or coastal border facilities, include florida. The sheriff in Palm Beach County, florida, is expressing his relief on twitter through a new audio recording. This is sheriff rick bradshaw. It appears that Border Patrol has backed off its initial plans to transport a thousand Illegal Immigrants to south florida. Because of everybodys effort, we are able to stop what appeared to be a crisis for our community. Reporter today Homeland Security acting secretary Kevin Mcaleenan try thed to explain the confusing back and forth and why they initially considered flying migrants the those communities, and then that is suddenly changed. Communities all over this country are extremely generous, but theyre not ready to receive this flood of immigration. We looked at it from a planning per spective, whats prudent here. We do have stations in florida on the northern border. Theyre small is stations, they have a few agents that are busy patrolling their areas. It wasnt going to be an effective use of resources. Reporter but el pasos mayor says something has to give. He spoke with fox news earlier, and heres his response when asked about states like florida saying they cant take on any of the migrants. Well, they dont understand, and when i say nimby, its not in my backyard. The migrants dont stay there. Theyre usually leave anything 2448 hours wherever their sponsors are throughout the United States. So its a a matter of processing, and what were saying is the el paso Border Sector is overwhelmed. Reporter Border Patrol in san diego did confirm migrantses are being flown to that sector right now from texas. Jon . Jon jeff paul from los angeles, thank you. Powerful thunderstorms and Severe Weather battering much of the heartland. Dozens of tornadoes have ripped through oklahoma and texas, devastating homes and businesses. But attention is now turning to a new system which could bring another round of lifethreatening weather. Meteorologist Paul Williams is tracking it all for us. Paul . Unfortunately, we have a double helping, two scoops of bad weather we really dont want, but its going to happen anyway. First and foremost, the northeast is being targeted with severe storms. We have severe thunderstorm watch and some warnings that well get to in just a second that are active at least until 9 00 for the watches, then the watches in lot throughout portis of indiana and michigan. Heres an example, the strong line that began to push through portions of indianapolis and central portions of ohio just to kick that off. Were concerned about hail, downpours reaching from the indianapolis, cincinnati, we could see winds in excess of 70 miles an hour. We have strong storms with isolated pockets of damaging hail and damaging winds racing its way towards the east throughout upstate new york, portions of vermont and additional storms with warnings connected to them throughout portions of pennsylvania and, guess what . This is not just a onetrick pony. For tomorrow as well throughout the northeast damaging winds, hail, torrential downpours all the way down to boston and even waterbury. Then theres the problem monday going into tuesday down south, throughout texas. Monday, look for a line of severe storms thats going to rip throughout texas, oklahoma, going into missouri for monday and then going to tuesday well have one more slice of that, and that will continue going into tuesday with a stormy corridor. And if thats not enough, lets catch our breath, one last problem ive got to tell you about. Greatest risk of additional significant rain throughout sioux falls, sioux city, des moines, kansas city, wichita, greatest risk where you see the darker green, possibly ten more additional inches of rain. And remember, this is the area where we already have too much water. Jon all right. Paul williams, thanks very much. Arnold schwarzenegger blindsided by an attack at an event in south africa. The 71yearold former california governor and terminator star was taking pictures and chatting with fans when a man drop kicked him in the back. The suspect was taken away by security and later turned over to police. No word on a motive, but schwarzenegger is okay and says he has no plans to press charges, tweeting he hopes the attacker gets his life back on the right track. Country music star Travis Tritts tour bus is involved in a deadly crash. It happened yesterday morning in myrtle beach, south carolina. The singer tweet thing that an alleged drunk driver side wiped their bus. Two people died in the resulting collision. No one aboard the tour bus was injured. He tweeted god bless those who died adding, they died needlessly. Well, south bend mayor Pete Buttigieg set to address the big issues impacting voters in tonights fox news town hall. Were live from the claremont if, New Hampshire, next. Uhoh, looks like someones still nervous about buying a new house. Is it that obvious . Yes it is. You know, maybe youd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. I didnt know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. Yep, theyve been doing it for years. What are you doing . Big steve . Thanks, man. There he is. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and renters insurance. Jon im jon scott, and this is thex report. Were approaching the bottom of the hour, and we are minutes away from fox news town hall with one of the rising stars of the 2020 democratic president ial field, Pete Buttigieg. The south bend mayor is currently forth in the latest fox fox news poll with 6 , still firmly behind former Vice President joe biden whos leading with 35 . This as candidates make their rounds hoping to separate themselves from the ever growing field. Peter doocy is live in claremont, New Hampshire. Peter . Reporter jon, Pete Buttigieg has officially e broken through from candidate to pop culture, which we saw last night on saturday night live. I hear when you grow up, you want to be the president. Well, i am grown up. Awww [laughter] well, i may only be 37 years old, but i do feel like i represent everyday americans. Im just a harvardeducated, multilingual veteran rhodes scholar. Im just like you. Reporter mayor pete emailed supporters to say if we ignore the viewers of fox news and every News Platform that doesnt share our world view, we will surrender our ability to speak directly to millions of american voters. Mayor pete has 6 support nationally, good for fourth place in a recent fox news poll, but host on President Trumps radar as somebody who could win the nomination, so the president is now talking about the south bend mayors personal life and saying that he thinks that it is absolutely fine to hook up at the democratic look up at the democratic stage and see buttigieg with his husband. He said, thats nice, im more interested in policies that affect lgbtq people. The first debate is still more than a month away, so cocontenders are mostly holding their fire, but mayor pete took issue with something in the frontrunners record last night. Joe biden voted for the iraq war, what does that say to you about his judgment . Well, im not going to weigh in on any of my competitors. What i will say is that, you know, i was opposed to the iraq war. Reporter that bite was from an event in iowa. Tonight the mayor is in New Hampshire, and it is something that they have noticed back in indiana, the folks at the south bend tribune tallied up he has been out of town about 45 of the time in recent months, jon. Jon peter doocy. Peter, thank you. Joining us with more on the 2020 race, kelly Jane Torrance, Senior Editor of the washington examiner. Kelly jane, what is it about Pete Buttigieg . The he has sort of captured lightning in a bottle at least at this point. Hes in fourth place, you know . The, coming from the standpoint of the mayor of not even the largest city in indiana. What is it that hes got . No, its the fourth largest, right, jon . The yeah, i think really when you look at the frontrunners in this race, joe biden and Bernie Sanders according to polls, Pete Buttigieg really stands out. Hes a young, fresh face, and i do think that people connect with that. You know, one of the reasons that President Trump won in 2016 again, you know, hes aned older guy, but he was different. He was an outsider. He wasnt an establishment politician. Thats what voters wanted. And i still think that that antiestablishment view still holds even among democrats. And i think thats one reason that weve seen Pete Buttigieg really rise so much in the polls despite, you know, not having a lot of executive experience. Hes a, you know, guy in his 30s, he connects very well with people. He really connects well with people on a personal level. Of course, he has ignored policy for the personal, i think that could start to harm him as the race goes on. Jon theres another millennial war veteran in this race, congressman seth moulton. He says it is his generations time. Listen. I think its time for the generation that fought in iraq is and afghanistan to take over for the generation that sent us there. To show how were going to take America Forward into the new world, into a new economy, into the challenges of Climate Change that our generation has to deal with and live with. I think its time for that change in american politics, and ive been fighting for it ever since i was elected. Jon he and buttigieg, i suppose, have some time to make that case, but joe biden is 74 years old. Hes number one in this race at this point, and Bernie Sanders not that far behind. Yeah. I think youre seeing an interesting dynamic really amongst democrats. You know, of course, President Trump famously did not fight in the vietnam war, neither did biden. Bernie sanders was a conscientious objector. But then you have these young people, the sort of 9 11 generation who enlisted after those terrorist attacks, fought for their country, and now weve seen a number of them in congress tom cotton, tulsi gabbard, some others, and now were seeing some of them run for president. Theyre very young, but they bring a certain amount of experience in an area that biden even at 74, Bernie Sanders, donald trump dont have. So theyre going to make that argument as best they can. Right now, again, i think were hearing a lot more personal stuff about the candidates than actually hearing about their policy. One thing i thought was interesting was Pete Buttigieg did a town hall, and the host, actually, Anderson Cooper actually kind of ribbed him because he didnt have a single policy issue on his web site. And when pressed, mayor pete said, well, basically, i want to pack the Supreme Court and get rid of the electoral college. Those issues, i dont think, are going to resonate with voters. But the perm connections and hes talked about his faith, those are less significant. Jon republicans have a tendency to take the sec place finisher of their president ial primary process and make that person the next nominee. Democrats maybe not so much. Bernie sanders, obviously, did very well the last time around, but hes not necessarily in well, hes not in first place right now. Still, he says that he has changed the dynamic of this this race. Listen. We came up short, yeah. We took on the entire democratic establishment. We took on the Democratic National committee. We took on every democratic governor, took on every democratic mayor, and we ended up winning 22 states and 13 million votes and, in fact, bringing forth ap agenda that transformed the Democratic Party. Four years ago people were not talking about the issues theyre talking about now. Jon so does bernie have a chance this time around, or is he yesterdays news . Thats a great question, jon. He does bring up a good point. He has changed the party. I would say not for the better. Youre seeing a lot more progressive people in this race, a lot more people in the party proott moting progress weve positions. But, lets face it, Bernie Sanders moved Hillary Clinton to the left in the 2016 primaries, and i think it hurt her with voters. You know, Hillary Clinton was for the transpacific partnership, shes a free trader. She ended up coming out against the it after pressure from Bernie Sanders. She ended up supporting a 15 minimum wage from pressure from Bernie Sanders. I could name a number of other issues, and i think Bernie Sanders pushing her to left hurt the democrats with a lot of moderates and independents who are really sent tryst centrist and dont want socialist policies. So hes right, hes changed the party, but he may actually have harmed it. And i think a lot of centrist democrats, thats one reason they dont want him to become sort of the heir apparent after hillaryed had her chance and lost it. And i think thats one reason he is not number one in democratic polls right now. Jon of course, Trump Supporters will say that the polls were all wet last time around, but i want to read this poll anyway. In the latest fox news poll, when voters were asked where they stand on President Trump versus someone else, 28 say they would definitely vote to reelect the president , 10 say theyd probably want to reelect him, 7 said they would probably vote for someone else, and 46 say they will definitely vote for someone else. I dont know, this white house doesnt seem worried, but those arent numbers that get you back into the oval office. No, and i think thats something that the president and his advisers really need to think about. They dont seem to be reaching out as much to get new voters. We see time and time again that President Trump says things, does policies that he thinks his base will be happy about, is and weve seen his concentration on immigration in the last few months, i think, is one great example. Theyre going to have to reach new voters. Lets face it, we know some of the people who voted for trump are not going to vote for him again. He needs new support. And i think criminal Justice Reform is one issue that the president its actually a bipartisan issue the president has been pretty good on. He should be trumpeting that and doing more for that. That is something he could reach new people on. Im not sure that hes going to do that. Time and time again he mentions issues that he thinks play well with the base, but eventually the base is great when youre running in a primary, but hes got another general election coming up, and he needs to reach out and get more support. That was a close race in 2016. Its not likely to be a lot less close in 2020. Jon it could be a nailbiter again. Kelly Jane Torrance from the national examiner, thank you. Thanks, jon. Jon a surprising move from the president , offering support to one of his potential 2020 rivals in an exclusive interview with steve hilton. Weve got the town hall with Pete Buttigieg boot edge edge there you go. This weekend. Just one thing on him. Putting aside policy disagreements, dont you think its just great to see the fact that youve got a guy there on the stage with his husband, and its normal . Its not i think its absolutely fine, i do. But isnt it a sign of great progress in the country, that thats just yeah. I think its great. I think thats something that perhaps some people will have a problem with. I have no problem with it whatsoever. I think its good. Jon you can catch Steve Hiltons full interview with the president tonight about two the and a half hours from now, 9 p. M. , during the next revolution right here on the fox news channel. More in ang moment. 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Reporter the leader of irans revolutionary guard said today his country is not pursuing a war with the United States, although tensions do remain high. Speaking sunday, the ran january general sulemani adds the United States does not have the will for a war with iran. In response, the United States moved a Carrier Strike group to persian gulf as well as a series of war planes. With western Oil Infrastructure being the main target in the attacks so far, exxonmobil evacuated 30 engineers from iraq on saturday. The Company Called it a, quote, temporary precautionary measure. In neighboring saudi arabia, the kingdom had strong words for iran over the weekend, saying it does not want a war with iran, but its ready to defend itself with all force and determination. Translator we want peace and stability in the region, but we wont stand with our hands bound as the iranians continuously attack. Iran has to understand that. The ball is in irans court, and iran should determine what the path will be. Reporter in the United States, President Trump has reiterated a desire to talk with the ran iranians, meanwhile, some of his advisers are urging a stronger response. Jon trey, thank you. Well, the 2019 graduating class of Morehouse College receives the surprise of a lifetime. Find out what that is next. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. Call usaa to start saving on insurance today. Hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. danny s voice of course you donte because you didnt . 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Reporter the billionaire investor told the graduating class to make sure they pay it forward, make sure their Community Gets taken care of and have an equal opportunity to pursue the american dream. 396 students graduated today at the historically black allmens college in atlanta. Students could barely believe their ears when robert smith told them hed be wiping out their debt. As you can imagine, huge cheers from the audience and a standing to ovation. And for those who might have thought it too good to be true, Morehouse College tweeted, quote my family is going to create a grant to eliminate your student loans. On behalf of the eight generations of my family who have been in this country, were going to put a little fuel in your bus. My family is making a grant to eliminate their student loans. Reporter smiths gift could be as high as 40 million. The cost of a fouryear degree is about 100,000 per student. Some students reported having debt as high as 70,000. Smith received an honorary doctorate during the commencement. In january he made a 1. 5 million donation for scholarships as well as a new park on campus. According to forbes, his Software Investment firm, vista equity partners, is very profitable, made him one of the most wealthy africanamerican men in america. His net worth is reportedly ability 5 billion, and his debt or his gift, rather, comes at a trying time for students, Student Loan Debt at an alltime high. On average the student owes at graduation about 29,000. Morehouse, by the way, has 2,000 undergraduate students, many of them probably now hoping, jon, that smith comes back next year. Jon yeah. I bet hell get invited to a lot of graduations. [laughter] a lot of keynote addresses. Great story, thank you. A piece of pennsylvania history gone in a matter of seconds this morning. [background sounds] jon wow. Crowds gathered to watch the demolition to have martin tower, bethlehem steels original world headquarters. And while the 47yearold structure crumbled, some spectators couldnt help but reminisce. My father and and other relatives worked there for 40someodd years, and we seen it go up, being built in the 70s. Its just an iconic building. Every day i look out my window, i see this building, landmark. And to see it come down, it brought a tear to my eye, it really did. Jon the 21story building stood vacant for a dozen years. Now the land is set to become a mixeduse development of apartments and retail buildings. As we mark nearly 20 years since the tragic death of john f. Kennedy jr. , a new fox Nation Special is shedding some light on the night his private plane s vineyard. Heres a sneak peek. So what were flying conditions like that night . Well, joining us is a man who may be able to answer that question. Kyle bailey is a private pilot who flies out of the same airport that john f. Kennedy jr. , his wife and sisterinlaw took off from. Were you concerned about conditions . Originally, i was planning on making the same trip that night jon you were going to go to Marthas Vineyard . Yes. The conditions were marginal, very hazy. Jon the big story and the disappearance of jfk jr. Now available exclusively on fox nation. Well, game of thrones ending on a sour note for some as a petition calls for hbo to give the shows final season another try. You wont believe how many fans are have signed off. My insurance rates are probably gonna double. But dad, youve got allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Are you in good hands . S. S. U. S. U. V. These letters used to mean something. Letters earned in backwoods, high hills, and steep dunes. But somewhere along the way, suvs became pretenders, not pioneers. But you never forgot the difference, and neither did we. There are many suvs, but theres only one legend. 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But, it is really cool to see people made this with their hands and the work and years. Reporter the project built on opposite end of liberty i land showcases a unique structure with glass walls and a copper collar roof. Museum is the biggest addition to the area around the statue since she was first unveiled in 1886, languagal the original tontorch is the center piece. Those who helped to build say they hope all art knack artifac. It stands for a lot of Different Things for a lot of different people. That is the beauty of it. Reporter other key features, life size copper replica of lady liberty face and foots, and visitors will hear recordings of immigrants, as they approached the United States, Liberty Island receives 4. 5 million visitors a year, until now, the museum was inside of the pe pedestal, at mission is included with the price of your ferry ticket. Fox news in new york. Tonight marks Series Finale of hit tv show game of thrones, not everyone has been thrilled with the closing season. A change. Org petition calling for a remark. Remake with competent write writers. So far no comment from hbo, that is our fox report, i am jon scott, stay tuned for our town hall with president at candidate Pete Buttigieg live from New Hampshire. See you next week. Im chris wallace, can a millennial mayor from the midwest make the case to be the democratic nominee to take on President Trump . My name is Pete Buttigieg. People get tripped up on that, they just call me mayor pete. Pete. 37 years old, rising in the poll and on President Trumps radar. Buttigieg believes he has what it takes. I have more years of experience in government than the president and more years of the executive than the Vice President. It is time to fill in the

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