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Now know one dead, confirmed by the poway mayor who is calling it a hate crime. He also has pretty strong words earlier, he spoke about the shooting, take a listen. I want you to know this is not poway. The poway i know comes together as we did a few weeks ago in an interfaith event. We always walk with our arms around each other and we would walkthrough this tragedy with our arms around each other. The Pennsylvania Attorney general expressing sympathy saying pennsylvanians who have dealt with tree of life shooting stand with the members of habad of poway, so far unclear how many were inside the synagogue at the time of the shooting but we are hearing some witness accounts of what unfoaled inside and according to sheriff at least 100 witnesses waiting to be interviewed. The wife of one of those had to say. A shooting is everybody okay. [inaudible] he was telling everybody what happened. The San Diego Sheriffs Office confirming they have a 19yearold white male suspect in custody, the sheriff says offduty Border Patrol agent inside the synagogue was the first to engage with the suspect, he was able to get away in his car, short time later the suspect surrendered to a k9 officer without incident, that officer spotted artype rifle inside the suspects vehicle, we heard from Medical Center who confirmed they had received 4 patients earlier, the sheriff confirming that one woman has died, there are 3 patients still at the hospital, a child and also two males we were told. Worshipers were beginning a fullday Passover Service that wasnt scheduled to end tonight, very large complex, several other churches in the area where this all occurred and also we we want to remind people that this is still developing, still a Large Police Presence in the area, so people that live around, residents are being told to stay clear of it and also people are just being urged not to spread any misinformation on social media or anywhere else that could cause panic in the neighborhood as investigators are still working on this case, jon. Jon marian, thank you. Member of the Poway City Council and joins us now by phone. John, condolences to your community after another terrible event like this. We heard at the News Conference that authorities have already essentially recorded the suspects social media posting, do you know anything about what is on the postings . I dont and i really dont, i appreciate sympathy, so i dont really have any details or the circumstances or the background thats not available to you. We know that your mayor said he had met with the rabbi of synagogue to discuss safety. Clearly it was on the minds of people, maybe no active threats but at a time like this Everybody Needs to be prudent i guess. True. A lot of progress including this. Jon the Sheriffs Office were on the scene very quickly. Thats what im hearing as well. Im hear thaig responded quickly. Jon like so many other cities around the country youre now left wondering why, why there, why us, what do you say, how do you answer a question like that . Why people do what they do. We are walking shoulder to shoulder. Jon we are told that the suspect is 19yearold male that comes within the city limits as i understand it of san diego, how fash would he have had to travel to get to poway . South. Essentially a neighborhood man i guess you would say. Well, freeway is a barrier, west to have freeway. So jon what are the plans ahead now, i know your town has to grieve. The mayor said he will stand shoulder to shoulder, all residents of poway will stand shoulder to shoulder as you address this tragedy, what happens next . You know, i cant really answer that. If i could understand it it would be easier to put your head around it. Accept, adjust and move on. We will take other steps. Jon its a beautiful city, a beautiful part of the country. Im sure that nobody woke up this morning expecting Something Like this to take place. No, youre absolutely right. Beautiful saturday morning. Jon and from here on out, do you have to send Police Patrols to religious services, that kind of thing or how does life change in poway . I thats not my decision, of course, i think the world needs to do in response is to carry on, whatever the agenda is, i do feel like you cant live the way we live, you would not do that. Jon john, we thank you very much if before with us. It is john mullan. Correct. Jon thank you. Youre welcome, thank you. Jon for more on this lets bring in ted williams, the defense attorney, former police detective, also fox news contributor. Ted, youve seen a lot of crimes investigated a lot of crimes, when you hear that the suspect is 19 years old, what comes to my mind . What comes to my mind this was a coldblooded killer, going in there and killing as many individuals as he could. Ive gotten some information that the description of this person was he came in perhaps with a helmet on and a tactical vest and he came in, he made certain statements and started shooting in there and right after he started shooting there was one brave hero that needs to be called out, thats rabbi goldstein, tried to calm the suspect down. Tried to shoot, rabbi golds, the ein has survived the shooting but once the guy started shooting in there and Border Patrol officer took action, it is my understanding that congregants took action, the 19yearold white male ran out, got in his car, driving away when this other Police Officer who had heard about this over the radio confronted this guy, the guy got out and gave up, a coward. Just a coward. Jon you have to be a coward to carry semiautomatic rifle into a church full of unarmed people and open fire and, you know, as bad as this was with one dead and 3 injured, including a little girl, sounds like it could have been a lot worse. Jon, absolutely. Just think about this day, 6 months ago i was in this studio at fox covering the tree of life shooting in pittsburgh, pennsylvania at a synagogue where many died. So as you say, jon, and i agree, it could have been a lot worse, its sad, its worse if one person is injured and now as we know and been reported a human life, a person has died. And it sounds like the police, you know, the sheriffs deputy there and the Border Patrol agent just had a magnificent response in terms of, you know, keeping ear on the scanners and lookout on vehicle. So we weve had many unfortunately shoot negotiation the country Law Enforcement officers have been trained to go toward the shootings and under the scenario and circumstances of what took place here, Law Enforcement was on the scene as quickly as possible and they also acted as deterrent and saved many lives here, jon. Jon the Border Patrol agent that heard call on the scanner, the description of the suspects vehicle and saw him on the freeway not far away, chased him down, thats Excellent Police work. Excellent police work, thats what our viewers need to know. Police officers Work Together on a daily basis to keep us safe and under these circumstances my understanding is the Police Officer was off duty and here it was, he was serving and protecting the citizens and he apprehended this crook, this coward. Jon yeah. So what happens, you know, in that community and others, you noted that its been six months to the day since the shooting of tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, does every house of worship in this country have to post an armed guard at the front door now . Jon, houses of worship throughout our country for some time now have had armed guards posted at houses of worship. The problem is its such a soft target, if you have 2 or 3 armed guards, they can only act so fast and under the circumstances here you had the individuals worshiping and you have this guy comes in as he came in, started shooting, hard for any guard, any Security Guard to react that fast. Jon absolutely it is, but again, the police were there in a heart beat and the suspect is under arrest. Thats the good news, the bad news took life of one woman and injured lives in the process. Thanks for your expertise, we also heard from the president about the horrible shooting in poway, california, we will have poway, california, we will have more on that after this lets be honest. Safe drivers shouldnt have to pay as much for insurance. As not safe drivers thats why esurance has drivesense. ® the safer you drive, the more you save. Although im not really driving right now that would be unsafe. When insurance is affordable, its surprisingly painless. My time is thin, but so is my lawn. Now theres scotts thickr lawn 3in1 solution. With a soil improver seed and fertilizer to feed now yard time is our time. This is a scotts yard. Openturning 50 opens theuard. Door to a lot of new things. Like now your doctor may be talking to you about screening for colon cancer. 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So we changed that. As a Financial Health coach, i help people every day. I try to put myself in their shoes from my own experience. I connect to them because ive been there. Helping families like mine save a little money changes everything. This is personalized guidance. This is wells fargo. Jon six months to the day after shooting in tree of life synagogue, a similar event today at synagogue in poway, california, an Allday Service underway celebrating the last day of passover when a gunman walked in 11 30 pacific time and opened fire with semiautomatic rifle, one woman is dead and two men are wounded as well as a little girl. President trump on his way to rally in wisconsin, lets go to ellison barber at the white house. We waited in the lawn and i asked him if he had anything to say about todays synagogue shooting, he said he did and twice said it appears this was a hate crime. Listen here. My deepest sympathies goes to the people that were affected, the families, the loved ones by obviously what it looks like now from my last conversation looks like a hate crime. Hard to believe. We will see what happens, we will see what comes up at this moment, it looks like a hate crime but my deepest sympathies to all of those affected and we will get to the bottom of it. Looks like the person was apprehended. The president then said that Law Enforcement did a fantastic job, he did not sake any followup questions on the shooting, he briefly talked about trade and Campaign Rally before boarding marine one and making his way to wisconsin. Jon. Jon all right, ellison barber at the white house, thank you. The president has plenty of competition coming up. Reaction to the synagogue shooting coming in from some of the 2020 Democratic Candidates who hope to win the white house. David is live in washington with the latest on that. Hey, jon, good evening, several Democratic Candidates are in las vegas and spoke before union group on stage but did not address the tragedy on camera as it was unfolding at the time but many have taken to twitter, Bernie Sanders who was not at the vegas event, another horrific shooting at place of worship today at the poway synagogue in san diego county, we must every day to eradicate forms of bigotry, kamala harris, senator from california tweeted yet again place of worship of senseless gun and must not be silenced, enough is enough. My heart with synagogue. Congressman for massachusetts tweeted, quote, we have a hate problem in america, we have a gun problem in america, its time to look ourselves in the mirror and fix both, end quote. We expect to get reaction from more candidates as the evening goes on, tim ryan and eric also running for president both tweeting their condolences to the situation. Jon. Jon all right, david joining us from washington, david, thank you. Lets check back in with ted williams, the defense attorney, former vp detective, also fox news contributor. I want to go back to tweet, we have a hate problem in the country, we have a gun problem in the country, you might agree with those two statements but how do we fix it . Its easy to say its time to fix these things, how do you do that, ted . Youre absolutely right. Its easy to make those kind of representations but it is certainly not an easy problem to fix. Look, we have individual who is are mentally ill, we have people in this country who are bias and have their own prejudice and they also have access to gun and so its not only one problem, you cant say its a gun problem or a hate crime, its a combination thereof. Law enforcement officers will tell you that when you look at possibly this semiautomatic assault weapon here, the ar15 that may have been used in this case jon just to be clear they said arstyle weapon. Its not clear that it is that kind of semiautomatic weapon. Right. When you have individuals who are held and going into target be at house of worship or be it at a restaurant, they are going to take out individuals unfortunately and, you know, ive been here 20 some odd years and covered just about every kind of a case from the Virginia Tech shooting to the pulse nightclub in florida to San Bernardino shooting and they all have that one common thread, the thread is that they hate the individuals that they are looking at and that they are some of them mentally ill and they want to do one thing, they want to kill, jon, thats what they want to do, kill. Jon we have a free country and with freedom comes great responsibility and people that have to exercise that. Absolutely. Thats one reason why i think we have to have the various guns, we have to have guards, guards in houses of worship and and if you think about it, what happened in this case showed that a gun works because we had a man in the church, a Police Officer who took the action reactive action right away to try to diffuse the situation. It could have been a lot worse if the Border Patrol was not in the church with his gun and trying to shoot back at this guy. Jon ted williams, thank you very much. Former member of the Fbi Joint Terrorism Task force, he joins us on the phone, does this sound like terrorism, steve, to you or is this a hate crime . Well, sounds like a hate crime but as you know we wont do able to determine the motives until Law Enforcement, its so important that they apprehended him alive because they are going to get down to the bottom of this and let me add that it will come by looking at the forensic analysis of electronic equipment. Im sure search warrants are being executed perhaps where he has work, the interviewing of many friends, neighbors, relatives so we will get to the bottom of this of exactly what the motive is, assault on these people and this has to stop. Jon you know that the 19yearold suspect was apprehended alive and thats very unusual in these circumstances. I remember the Church Shooting down in texas more than a year ago. That guy was shot by a Good Samaritan from the neighborhood and then pursued not only by that man but by police and ended uptaking his own life. Im curious as to why a 19yearold who has just committed an act like this, presuming he is the gunman that police arrested, why does he just show up his hands and come out of the car . Well, you know what, its a mystery, isnt it, this is an individual who i understand was wearing a protective vest. That person did not want to die. They knew if they were to engage with police they would probably end up being dead. But saying that cudos to Law Enforcement, they do everything they could to capture these individuals alive because they know they are going to get wealth of intelligence and information and, in fact, they discover that there were other people involved in planning or that there were other people who had knowledge of this, if he belongs to a hate crime group that would be critical to help prevent any similar incident that some people may be planning in the future. Jon so many shooters comes from seminole backgrounds and so many of them have fed themselves of diet of violent video games, when you play the video games nobody gets hurt but maybe the case that he, you know, goes to this synagogue and and shoots people and finds that the actual act is not nearly as, what, void of humanity as it is when youre watching it on the tv screen. You bring up a very good point. We are constantly spread violence whether itd be video games, radio, leads to this point, you had some guests who discontinued this earlier, how do we stop this, how do we prevent this, back in 90s i worked with my jewish organizations Building Community policing programs, partnerships between our clergy, between people in the communities, Business Community and Law Enforcement, i have to tell you when cops are out on the street walking the beat, Community Policing, they knew the who, what, when and where of everyone living in the community and we helped Police Officers educate people about diverse cultures we had, about the fact that we need to respect each other. The constant feeding of violence and we are able, who knows, maybe able to prevent a lot of things happening in the 90s, when people ask me, what can we do, i really believe Community Policing methodology is a big, big factor in preventing a lot of these incidents. Jon steve rogers, former member of joint terrific task force, thanks for your expertise. My pleasure. Jon latest on poway, california, a little girl wounded, two men also wounded and one woman dead after a we switched. I switched. We switched. I switched to chevy. I switched to chevy. We switched to chevy. We switched for value. For family. For power. It was time to upgrade. I switched from ram to chevy. See why people are switching to chevy. We love our chevy. I love my malibu. My colorado. My camaro. My traverse. Why did we switch . Just look at it. Just look at it. Here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone keep goin man you got it if you ride, you get it. Here i go again geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. Tech at safelite autoglass, we every chip will crack. This daughter was Home Visiting when mom saw a chip in her windshield. Mom honey is that a chip . 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Jon another horrible day in house of worship, a begunman walked as the synagogue was conducting an allday Passover Service marking the end of the jewish religious holiday, opened fire and killed one woman, two men are wounded as is a young girl. We are told that their injuriess are survivable and minor. Marian following all of this from west coast news room. Marian, whats the latest . Yeah, jon, officials confirming as you mentioned a short time ago that one person, one woman has died following the shooting at the habad poway synagogue and the suspect is in custody, the mayor is calling the incident a hate crime and saying the community will come through the tragedy united four patients transport today palomar Medical Center after shooting, one of them has passed away and still 2 adults and a little girl that are currently in stable condition we are told, unclear how many people were inside the synagogue at the time of the shooting but the San Diego Sheriffs Department says that they still have at least 101 people that they need to interview, Officials Say that 19yearold white male suspect was engaged by an offduty Border Patrol agent that was inside the synagogue at the time of the shooting, the suspect was able to get away, though, short time later Authorities Say he surrendered to k9 officer without incident an rtype rifle spotted inside the suspects vehicle. Jon, we are getting new information all of the time and we will certainly bring you any information as we receive it, back to you. Jon marian, we know that the police say that they have recorded all of the social media postings that the suspect made, apparently he put something online that may have indicated his motives, have you had a chance of what he may have written or said . Well, we are expecting to hear from the officials again sometime in the next hour or so and what they said earlier is they arent able to really tell us much right now because they are still in the middle of investigating and trying to come up with a motive but, of course, like i said we heard from the mayor that said that this was a hate crime and he came out with some pretty strong words saying that the community was going to come together and get through this and we are waiting to hear more and as soon as we get more information on that specifically, on the social media aspect of this we will bring it to you. Marianne rafferty, thank you. We want to bring in maureen who spent 25 years as special agent at the fbi. Maureen, the Police Response here is absolutely remarkable. Apparently somebody inside the synagogue was an offduty Border Patrol ought and was armed and was able to engage with the suspect. Yes, from the Law Enforcements perspective they did exactly what we train to do every single day and they did it beautifully. The fact that he engaged with the shooter and i understand from the initial report that the that the rabbi also tried to calm him. I think those two factors really reduced the death threat but later reports of course confirmed that the Law Enforcement exhibited great strength in resolve and handled the situation just beautifully. Jon we noted that this is happening six months to the day after the terrible shootings at tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, more and more often houses of worship are being targeted, so if you are part of a church or a synagogue or a mosque, where do you go to look for help to prevent this kind of thing . You can go to private entities or private companies, professional organizations, Outreach Program thats charged with increasing resiliency of infrastructure and Key Resources throughout the country. We worked very hard to help get you in touch and help you identify vulnerabilities, increase your Security Posture and make it overall much more safe. Jon so there are resources, you dont have to sit down with your Church Council or whatever and try to come up with a plan. Correct, there are a lot of resources out there. Some you to pay for, some you dont. You know, i would say that private Security Companies do a good job, theres companies, if you look at, for example, the Jewish Federation in los angeles, they have a worldclass program that theyve developed themselves with the help of the fbi, with the help of Company Called zt watch and they work all of the time tirelessly to put on training specifically to help keep synagogues and other places of worship safe. Jon maureen oconnell, thank you. Congressman peter, how did you find out about the terrible shooting . Oh, jeez, i got a text from my staff, he told me that theres active shooter and didnt have details. Jon we heard from the mayor that there had been discussions with the mayor himself had been in discussion with the rabbi at this particular synagogue just a few weeks ago about, you know, safety, is that something that has been a concern in your community, in that community or is it simply out of a sense of prudence that these kinds of discussions were underway. Well, you know, we have seen attacks on religious institutions including 6 months today in tree of life in pittsburgh and i think its caused everyone to be concerned with a conversation for everyone. I dont know that thats the norm that you want to establish that we have to arm churches and synagogues and mosques. Im certain that people are concerned about it given whats happening. Jon it does seem to be happening more frequently and each time one of the episodes takes place seems to invite copycats, you know, you to wonder about the cig significance of this shooting happening 6 months to the day of the tree of life shooting. Right, i wouldnt want to speculate on it now but coincidence. Jon so i know its a long way from washington to california, are you going to be heading back to your district . I havent decided yet. We are supposed to be recon reconvening. I talked to the sheriff, i dont want to be in the way. The most conservative of the jewish community. So i know its a lot of work to get information from those folks and may take extra effort, i dont want to get in the way but i certainly want to be the people of the synagogue and poway. Jon what about the federal government, we know that the fbi is apparently involved in the investigation, is there more that the federal government can and will do after a circumstance like this . Again, i wanted to have a version with the sheriff just to let him know that if i could help i would but i didnt take his time. I think we should do that in the next few days and make sure the federal government is doing everything we can to help local Law Enforcement. Typically they do a pretty good job and cooperation and collaboration. I expect that they are. I send my prayers to victims, family members, the congregation and express and we cant be word about going to church or the movies or school and being shot take action to ban these kinds of weapons. Jon congressman scott peters, democrat whose district includes poway, california where the terrible shooting took place, congressman, thank you for your time. Youre welcome, thank you. Jon shootings have taken place at houses of worship more after a quick makes it beautiful. State of the Art Technology makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx. Lease the 2019 nx 300 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke hit and drone. Seen it, covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum be right back. 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Steak ribs starting at 14. 99, with your choice of sauce or dry rub. And keep the ribs coming with our 3point rib bloom and new aussie twisted ribs, starting at 9. 99. Hurry these deals wont last. Jon gunman walks into a synagogue in poway, california wearing tactical vest and helmet and carrying semiautomatic Assault Rifle and opening fire, happened around 11 30 this morning pacific time, apparently a Border Patrol agent off duty who was inside the synagogue at the time who may have opened fire apparently on the shooter, the shooter was pursued by police, parked his car and came out with hands up and now in custody. Lets bring in marine oconnell, special agent at the fbi, one woman is dead, two adult men injured also a little girl injured, psychologically speaking, i mean, when you hear that this suspected gunman is 19 years old from the neighborhood, what kind of picture does that paint for you in your experience as fbi agent . It tells me that hes been really busy on social media and engaging in all type of propaganda that you can find online. Another another thing that im thinking as i look at the entire scenario is with the increase of attacks on places of worship youre also going to find increase in people carrying weapons to church which is exactly what you saw today, most people for many, many years, Law Enforcement officers may not have ever brought their weapons to their places of worship but youre seeing that change, the trend really has taken on life of its own at this point. Jon yeah, the southerland springs, texas shooting, 26 people were killed there, 20 wounded in a Little Country church and only because of a neighbor happened to hear the gunshots and came with a semiautomatic rifle of his own and was able to hit the shooter. Thats the only reason that that rampage wasnt far worse than it was. Is there any indication at this point the amount of ammunition that the person had on their person . Jon i have not heard anything. The investigation is still in infancy, but its interesting to me, so many guys put on body armor and carrying a gun and they think they are big, they think they are tough and all of a sudden somebody else has a gun and pointing at them and they turn around and run. Exactly, you see it time and time again and it happened twice in this particular instance. It happened initially when he came into the church and i heard the initial witnesses say that there was 6 rounds approximately 6 rounds fired and then a break and then additional 6 rounds fired and i bet when all said and done we will hear that those rounds were fired initially into the crowd and then the shooter was engaged by the Border Patrol agent and then he ran and when he ran the Border Patrol agent ran out there, got description of his vehicle and probably the tag number because that san diego Police Officer did a fantastic heroic job pulling that car over knowing full well that that person just conducted this horrific act and he did it alone. Jon Great Police Work after such a terrible event at is synagogue in poway, california. Marine oconnell, 25 years as special agent with the fbi, maureen, thank you. Thank you, sir. Jon the president reacted after the shooting, we will have more in just a moment limu emu doug what do all these people have in common, limu . 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Jon worshipers are celebrating the last day of passover at a synagogue in poway, california when a begunman walked in about 1130 pacific time this morning and opened fire, apparently someone in the building is offduty Border Patrol agent, had weapon and engaged the suspect who ran out, he was later caught by san diego police, gave himself up without a fight. For more we have former assistant secretary of state, he and his family are members to have tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh where deadly shooting took place exactly six months ago today. Joel, it must have brought back some terrible memories for you when you heard what happened, the Antidefamation League and fbi all shown that antisemitism is on the rise in the United States and its very troubling that six months after the tree of life shooting in my hometown of pittsburgh, that the lessons have not been learned and the political rhetoric, lone actors, gunman believe they have license to kill and they should be stopped. Jon why the rise in antisemitism . We have seen the spike quite frankly since the election of President Trump and we have seen that largely because there has been sort of a freedom to say what jews were not replaced in charlottesville in 2017, just the other day the president said that they were fair. Hey mercedes, how about letting your hair down a little . How about a car for people who dont play golf . Hey mercedes mix it up a little. How about something for a guy who doesnt want a Corner Office . Hey mercedes, i dont even own a tie. Do you think i need a mahogany dashboard . Hey mercedes, can you make it a little cooler in here . [ aclass ] i am setting the temperature [ aclass ] to 68 degrees. We hear you. We made a car that does, too. The allnew aclass. Allnew thinking starting at 32,500. At the mercedesbenz spring event. Going on now. Openturning 50 opens theuard. Door to a lot of new things. Like now your doctor may be talking to you about screening for colon cancer. Luckily theres me, cologuard. The noninvasive test you use at home. It all starts when your Doctor Orders me. Then its as easy as get, go, gone. You get me when im delivered. Right to your front door and in the privacy of your own home. Theres no prep or special diet needed. You just go to the bathroom, to collect your sample. After that, im gone, shipped to the lab for dna testing that finds colon cancer and precancer. Cologuard is not right for everyone. It is not for high risk individuals, including those with a history of colon cancer or precancer. Ibd, certain Hereditary Cancer syndromes, or a Family History of colon cancer. Maybe ill be at your door soon ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. Covered by medicare and most major insurers. Anthem] [national anthem]. We begin with a fox news alert an. A gunman opens fire on a california synagogue on the last day of passover. One woman died, three others hurt including a woman and a child. The 19 suspect is in custody and may be charged with a hate crime in addition to homicide. He surrendered to police shortly after fleeing from the scene. But this morning there are also stories of heroism coming out of the horrific act. 16yearold lori kaine died from the gun fire. A friend wrote on facebook

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