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Julie another headline from the summit, north korea. The president reportedly told the chinese president , something has to be done about the nation. He tweeted leaving hamburg to washington, d. C. The white house just left chinas president where we had a next line meeting on trade and north korea. John roberts has more. John, there is some discrepancy over exactly what was said about election meddling during the trump, putin meeting. Its a bit confusing. Maybe you can clear that force. Were so confused here. White house officials havent fully cleared it up. During the to our 15 minute meeting between President Trump and president putin, President Trump pressed putin on intelligence allegations that russia meddled in the u. S. Election last year. Putin said, no i didnt do it and neither did the russian government. The secretary of state said that the president press this point several times until they finally agreed to disagree and they dont want the meeting to become an argument about it. So they moved on. Following the moving the Russian Foreign minister said the president accepted Vladimir Putins assurances that he didnt meddle in the election. White house officials said no, thats not the way it happened. So, today we heard from Vladimir Putin himself who said that he believes the president accepted at least in some way when he was saying. He asked questions, he was genuinely interested in details. As for as i could i answered him in detail. He asked me questions, i answered. I clarified. And i think you satisfied with my answers. He said i think he was satisfied but hes also going to have to say you you need asked the president to know what his true thoughts are. We havent had a chance. We thought he was going to hold a press conference this afternoon. Time got away from him so the first opportunity we have back in the United States. Or maybe in france next week to us the president the question. We will and well hear from the horses mouth. Julie i wonder if there were reporters in the room we could get the story one way or the other. But, lets move on. The leaders discuss climate change. Was there any disagreement there . First of all, not likely that theyre going to let it reporters into a bilateral meeting. Julie it would be nice if we had a journalist in there to give us a real report. You can always wish julie. To your point, about climate change, we remember back in the beginning of june the president announced the united flight states would withdraw from the paris climate record. That was a matter of disagreement between the United States and the rest of the members of the g20. By minister, theresa may try to convince President Trump to stay in, he declined. She was dismayed by that. Then, the u. S. Pulling out of the climate accord in the final communique and an exercise of pointing fingers. Its as we take note of the decision of the usa to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. The leaders of the other g20 member state that the parasitic agreement is irreversible. We reaffirm our strong commitment to the Paris Agreement moving swiftly toward its full implementation. So, heres an area on which looks like the United States and the other 19 member nations of the g20 have agreed to disagree. The other 19 members are letting the white house know, theyre not happy with what the president did. Julie theres also controversy over ivanka trump sitting in for the president during one of the g20 meetings. Journalists are not allowed in there, and certainly certain members of his own cabinet are not, but his daughter was. She was there during a couple of sessions. One of them was a session about african migration and health. This is something she had a keen interest in because she had announced just hours before the with the president of the world bank, 50 milliondollar contribution from the United States to facility for womens entrepreneurship in africa. This was in her wheelhouse. The president had to leave to go to one of his bilateral meetings. So, ivanka trump had been sitting at a table behind her father moved into his position. Remember, the russian delegation stepped a picture and put it on twitter. The picture in the tweet were later deleted. But you can see she was sitting between the theresa may and the president of china. People are leaping to her defense, the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, nikki haley saying in a statement or interview with cbss face the nation which will air tomorrow, she has are certain issues that she focuses on. When those things come up than that is where she is. That is what she likes to focus on. Merkel whose host of the g20 g20 summit said the delegation themselves decide to the president not be present for meeting who will then take over and sit in the chair. That is something other delegations do also. Its very well know she works at the white house and is engaged in certain issues. So, it seems people at a problem with this for the people who saw the on twitter decided to make a comment about it. Donald trump junior, her big brother got into a twitter were with a republican strategist on twitter, ill leave it to folks at home to look up the tweets. It was a matter of controversy. Again, the woman who put on this said, not a problem with her. And she does tend to complain a lot about trump. I think shell find any reason to go to fight with someone. Dont forget, this is not the first time ivanka trump has been at a event. The to do have a relationship. s are not complaining about a perhaps american political strategist should be. Ill leave it to them to figure it out. Julie Leslie Mitchell world leaders. Thank you john. White house chief of staff, Reince Priebus will be weighing in on the g20 summit on fox news sunday. Check your listings for times. Please are spat spraying watr cannons is new violence breaks out in germany after the g20 summit. Theyre taking you there lie. When the g20 summit first commence her violent protests are up to. Things seem to be going more peaceful but riders have been taking it up a notch throwing items that police tried to use the cannons shooting out of the Police Vehicles into the crowd and trying to disperse them. This comes after days of riots. More than 140 people have been arrested, some to 200 officers have been injured. Heres the latest from germany. The g20 summit in germany is over. But it doesnt look like the violence is over. New report that clashes between protesters and police and yet another neighborhood of the city. Their skirmishes late this afternoon as well. Take a look at what we saw. This is a sign of how tense things are. A peaceful protest in hamburg has turned dangerous and violent. Were looking at police confronting the protesters. Bottles being thrown, Water Cannons being shot, the people here are very angry. People have been taken away, were hearing people leave and were here in the protesters. It will get uglier now. The clashes happen at the end of a largely peaceful march. 50000 were out on the street. They had some angry words to say about g20 politics, but capitalism, and about President Trump. Overnight we saw the worst violence we have seen. 1500 and archivists ransacking the neighborhood. Stores were looted, cocktails were thrown, they storm buildings and 213 police and dozens of protesters were injured. 114 people were arrested despite 20000 police out on the streets, the city was reduced to mob rule. Now, President Trump of the german counselor praise the Security Forces and what might have been an impossible task. Securing this second biggest german city for a global summit being held in the middle. Julie as a summit wraps up, the protests continue. This going for days now. Hamburg, germany where you can see Police Vehicles spraying. They have posit the moment. There spraying Water Cannons in the crowd. That is meant to break up crowds to prevent any violence from breaking up. At this point there have been moments of violence over 200 officials have been injured. A lot of angry protesters getting out of control. For now it seems like things are remaining peaceful quiet. We will continue to monitor. Right now, over learning the pentagon sent it to bombers to the Korean Peninsula as a show of force to the north. The u. S. Aircraft joined south korean and japanese fighter jets on a test bombing run. The pentagon confirming the exercise was in response to the regimes recent Missile Launch. More on this coming up at the bottom of the hour. Still ahead, federal courts are refusing to clarify President Trumps travel ban as hawaii continues to lead the charge against controversy order. Coming up, how one federal judges passing the buck all the way to the Supreme Court. Plus, republican senators setting to return to washington on monday. Ready to debate possible changes to the Health Care Bill and make the case that will drive costs down. We have the responsibility to actually dismantle, repeal it and then actually introduce something that will help drive down the premiums. Share the joy. Yet up 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day 50 a complete multivitamin with 100 daily value of more than 15 key nutrients. One a day 50 . A trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home. With Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. 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Oh, thats nice, dear. But could you compare camping trips . Because this one would win. All i want to do is enjoy nature and peace and quiet its not about winning. Its about helping people find a great rate even if its not with progressive. Ugh. Insurance. When i said peace and quiet, did you hear, talk more and disappoint me . Do do do do skiddly do do camping with the family [ flame whooshes ] will julie a federal Appeals Court refusing to weigh in on the travel ban of six predominantly muslim nations. Hawaii state lawyers have challenged the executive order for a second day. Federal judge derek watson denied a similar motion from hawaii. Ruling the Supreme Court should clarify who can and cannot enter the country. You might remember the confusions around the initial travel ban. It sparked massive protests at airports. Its back to business in washington, lawmakers will returning from their july 4 recess on monday. Republicans will be busy. There gearing up for a final push to repeal and replace obama care. Now trying up some possible lastminute changes. Jason chat but says it will create competition in the marketplace. If you get rid of the original mandate and some of the owners taxes that allow Insurance Companies to go across state lines and youll have competition. Its frustrating to americans when you have legislation that they dont actually vote on it. If it gets voted down it does. Theyll go back to the drawing board. Of the senate will pass something, i think the house will be very open to endorsing that in voting for. Julie democrats are not as optimistic. They say the proposals will only drive it premiums up. The republican wrote a healthcare reform has been covered in potholes. Its far from a smooth ride today. According to analysis this is the most unpopular major piece of legislation in the past 30 years. Senate majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell says its complicated. Were in a big discussion among ourselves and the Senate Republicans are talking about a way forward. I dont have the answer yet. I think every republican the problem is whether not it can be included in the parliamentary point of view of what were trying to do is very complicated. Republicans initially said they expected to pass healthcare legislation by july 4. Instead, the received opposition from democrats and members of their own party. At one point President Trump said if they can pass something they should repeal now replace later. A new proposal from senator ted cruz that would allow insurers to sell strippeddown cheaper plans. Am active in helping lead the effort and for republicans to honor our promise to repeal obama care and pass patient centered reform. We support the efforts. They transpired in the house so we think its perfectly appropriate his amendment. We hope is part of the process to bring people together. Chuck schumer called cruises amendment a hoax saying it makes health care more expensive and deductibles and copayments would be so onerous that Many Americans will pay more out of their pockets and they pay today. It could be a difficult sell to moderate republicans as well. Chuck grassley told i will public radio that hes concerned the proposal is centrifuged and could annihilate the preexisting condition requirement in the existing bill. Thank you. Healthcare is on the minds of Many Americans. The topic is dominated town halls held by lawmakers including this one with democratic senator, Elizabeth Warren. This one cohosted by ted cruz, it was meant to talk about better in his shoes but angry constituents gave the senator and fearful at multiple events. Let me give you a real world example. s arm happy to answer your question but im not going to engage in a yelling back and forth. If you want an answer all answer. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. 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And provided by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. Apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan any time you want. So dont wait. Call unitedhealthcare now to request your free decision guide. Julie republican texassenata light on the issue with veterans in the country. Were hosting at town hall today in houston. The amount focusing on reforming the veteran affairs department. Crew said those who serve should have a choice whether they should receive healthcare. If you want to go to the virginia, if you think the virginias where youre going to get the best service, thats your right, your blood for it and earned it. We need to protect that. If on the other hand you want to see the local dr. Down the street, the local cardiologists, you are to be able to have that right to. You should have the option to say where do i think i can get the best care. Heres more from houston. Long wait times at the virginia in patients falling through the cracks of the system are among some of the main concerns that we heard today at the town hall meeting hosted by ted cruz in a group called concerned veterans for america. This was the final stop in texas. Crews held similar events this past week in the dallas area in austin and near the border. These have been open to veterans and their families to sound off about reallife experiences theyve had. And how to better improve the system. Today, the senator speaking about accountability within the Current System and introducing more competition to the marketplace which would give veterans more options to address all of their needs. If you want to see the local dr. Down the street, the local cardiologists, you ought to be able to have that right to. You should have the option to save where do i think i can get the best care. Each of the events brought out protesters. About 50 showed up in houston today. They were here primarily to have their voices heard about the repeal of obama care. Thats a much Veterans Issues but they saw it as an opportunity to reach their senator while he was in the home state. And urge him to do the right thing. I think its okay to critique and fix laws but its scary if they try to pass legislation because people will fight and lose their insurance coverage. The senator says one of the most common grievances hes heard from people that hes been meeting with people is that healthcare insurance premiums are too expensive and so many people cannot afford them altogether. Its why he says hes pressing Senate Republicans to get the cost down for everyone. Thank you. Julie Elizabeth Warren also fielding questions from her constituents. She was speaking to a crowd and healthcare was the main focus. No one undergoing treatment should worry about whether or not shes going to bankrupt your family. No one should worry about whether not shes going to have to make a choice between prescription drugs and putting food on the table. No one should have to lose a job because otherwise they wont be able to pay for the healthcare. This is not who we are. This is not the way we want to deliver healthcare in america. Julie worn urge the crowd to reach out to republican states to oppose the senate Health Care Bill. More details on how the u. S. And its allies conducted bombing run over the Korean Peninsula. What other options the pentagon might be considering. Plus, the Trump Administration is having bipartisan disagreement. It might not be the kind the white house was hoping for. I appreciate the bipartisan participation in this conference because, secretary we know that you bipartisan support and stand together thats how we get things done. At work, at home. Even on the escalator. That can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. 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All day, and all night. Now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. New clearminis from nexium 24hr. See heartburn differently. If youve got a life, you gotta swiffer julie this is the fox report at the bottom of the hour. Time for top of the knees. President trump is on his way home from the g20 summit. Air force one expected to land at every sanders in the next hour. This is a Vladimir Putin makes claims about his first facetoface meeting with President Trump. The russian leader saying he did nine interfering in the 2016 election and he thinks President Trump believed him. Putin also had this to say. As her personal relations, think we have establish them with trump. I dont know how this sounds, but the way see trump on tv is very different from the real person. He straightforward, he perceives things in an adequate manner, analyzes and answers questions quite quickly. Present trump talking about the threats from north korea with the leaders from japan and china. The president recently called on beijing to do more to reign in the regime. A call for todays meeting was excellent. U. S. Officials describing it as a show of force. Two american bombers flying by the korean dmv in response to north korea launching its first intercontinental ballistic missile. Its important for folks to remember every time north korea conducts a Missile Launch its one step toward their goal of hitting the United States. This morning, the u. S. And its allies wanted to send a message that we are ready to fight back. Two usb one bombers flew from Andrews Air Force base and want to just outside the korean demilitarized zone. Check companies and fighter jets escorted the bombers which conducted a precision strike Training Exercise and was a simulated attack on north korea. The bombers which can carry 85 of the 500pound bombs practice making attack runs but dropping in active weapons on targets at a testing range in south korea. Following the mission, the commander released a statement saying, north korea section our threat to our allies, partners and homeland. Let me be clear, if called upon we are trained, equipped, and ready to unleash the full lethal capability of our allied forces. While the u. S. Is prepared to take military action, James Madison also made it clear that diplomatic efforts are still the focus of both u. S. And world leaders. This is a diplomatically Led International effort to stop a worldwide threat they are bringing to bear. It is led by diplomacy right now. There United Nations efforts underway. Surly the secretary of state and we see economic aspects to the diplomatic effort to divert them from this wrong path. Those efforts continue as President Trump met with the chinese president. Julie weve also heard that north korea is one of the leading topics in that meeting. To enough any progress was made . Officials havent shared many details about the discussions but they characterize the conversation as direct a very substantial. President trump to waste time bringing up north korea. He had this to say before the meeting began. I appreciate the things that you have done an effort to the very pissed substantial problem we face in north korea. Something has to be done. As far as north korea is concerned success may take longer than i like. Maybe longer than you would li like. China is the focal point of the diplomatic effort. Beijing accounts for about 90 of the tradein u. S. Officials have openly criticize the chinese this week for not using the overwhelming influence to determine the nuclear ambition. Well have to see if that changes after todays meeting. Thank you. Julie at home state officials are meeting in indianapolis to tackle Election Security. This is President Trump tries to gather the personal information of every american voter. A request several states are refusing. Come in someone who is concerned about why the information is being pulled together a central place. I think its not time to be performing a National Database of some kind when were concerned about security. Julie how are secretaries of state reacting to this voter Fraud Investigation . This is part of a summer conference, 37 are participating. Secretaries of state oversee their own elections. The sheer the Election Security is on everyones mind. Voter fraud is pertinent because the white house created a federal commission on voter integrity which is demanding the secretaries of state turnover the following information as part of their investigation into voter fraud. Dates of birth, partial Social Security numbers, dresses, voting history, military service, and other information. The white house is information will be used to look for potential voter and irregularities. According to accounts, 16 states and the district of columbia have denied the request, some citing privacy laws. Thirty states say they will give some data but not all. Four states are undecided. They deny there is widespread voter fraud last fall. I would say personally that i would be stunned to see the number near the close. Ive also said sunshine is the best we take a look at it dont find anything that answers the question. Others are providing some voter data. Everyones goal would be to increase the competence of the American People and the security of our elections. Missing from the meeting as secretary of state of kansas, he is one of the men leading the voter fraud commission. Julie we are going to stick around i would never push you. Now you talk to me about trumps reaction to this. Theres a lot of voter fraud be done. People were voting in two different states. There has to be a tracking system. Theres never been proof of widespread voter fraud and not to the number that President Trump has been same. Always been repeating that Illegal Immigrants voted last week you said numerous states are refusing to give information to the distinguished voter fraud panel. What are they trying to high. Again i reiterate there has been no proof. Thats why the White House Commission was set up to find the proof over claim which the president has been making since he took office. Julie okay. Never a dull moment. I feel like were still in the election. Julie violate crashes of voting a kkk rally is hundreds of black lives matter and anti fascists demonstrators crash the planned event. Please and right gear arresting several people. This comes after the confederate statue of robert e lee was vandalized. Some relief from wildfires. Some residents are returning to their home. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. 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But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjectionâ„¢. It was love at first touch met and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection thats why only pampers swaddlers is the 1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanketlike softness and premium protection mom oh hi baby so all they feel is love wishing you love, sleep and play. Pampers if youve got a life, you gotta swiffer julie firefighters are stilo near the ski town of breckenridge. Evacuation orders have been looking for now. Officials say firefighters are still facing danger. That slowing the progress of putting out the fire. Will is why from the west coast newsroom. How many fires are burning now . Good evening. Theyre almost 40 wildfires burning in every western state. Take a look at the map and you can see fire spread out across 11 states. We got an update on the alamo fire which is burning an hour north of santa barbara. It has tripled in size and has charred 19000 acres and is only 10 complian contain. Residents are under a mandatory evacuation. Take a look at the pictures. A skyline with a blood red full moon rising over the claims. More than 1000 firefighters are battling on both the ground and from the air. Unfortunately their strong winds and hot temperature. Good news in colorado, evacuations have been lifted for fire burning 2 miles north of the ski area in breckenridge. Firefighters have run into favorable conditions that have allowed them to increase containment to 25 . Take a listen to a resident. My friends have been calling me and asking if things are okay. My mom called me worried about me. She said dont go hiking instead of the woods. Okay. A fire near linda ski has been nearly 40 square miles and is 40 contained. Its good when you see containment numbers picking up. Thank you very much. A category for hurricane that destroyed Galveston Texas still holds as the deadliest Natural Disaster in history. Would now talk about how survivors rebuild the city. The idyllic beaches of Galveston Texas. More than 6 million vacationers come here each up here frolicking on the shores of the gulf of mexico. Its hard to believe seeing it that this Peaceful Place was the epicenter of the greatest Natural Disaster in the history of the United States. It was 1900 and galveston was thriving. The largest city in texas, booming population building fortunes from galvestons busy commercial ports, shipping content and receiving goods from your. Galveston was on an incredible growth pattern. Was without a doubt the queen city of the gulf. It was quite clear. September 8, 1900 began as a day like this one. With clear skies and calm seas. The skies turned black, the weather took a terrifying turn. The good people of galveston had virtually no defense against the great storms sweeping from the sea. A category four hurricane lash the community. It carried no name as is the practice at the time. Winds up to hundred 40 miles an hour and worse, a storm surge of seawater 15 feet high overwhelmed the unprotected city, leveling buildings and homes. The storm on september 8 and across the island push back and pushed winds across destroyed most of the houses. In an instant, half a galveston was gone. Homes ripped off their foundations, the storms smashing them to kindling. One of the heartbreaking stories took place at st. Marys orphanage, the catholic home for children built on the shoreline. Dunst terrified by the residencies tethered themselves to their children determined to bring protect the little ones from being swept away. The nonce decided it be safer to tie the Children Together in groups of ten. Their attempt to save lives to be in vain. By the time the wind subsided in the ocean returned, an estimated 12000 americans were dead, 6000 and galveston. It is still to this day the deadliest Natural Disaster in u. S. History. This event commemorated by the statute on the seawall. The storm passed, survivors emerged to a galveston they did not recognize. City streets filled with mounds of rubble. The debris from the houses and properties that accumulated during the course of the storm became a wall of debris that protected the northern part of the island from the rest of the storm. We know that extended for about 2 miles in some places as much is two stories in height. They dug through the rubble searching for survivors but locating virtually none. Only bodies. Among them, ten catholic nuns and 90 or friends still tied together. Only three of the orphans survived. I often think about what they wouldve experienced walking out the door the next day and looking at what happened in those around them. This community would not be beaten. Neighbors pitched in helping each other and finding solace were possible. It became a lisa priority for the city. It was nonreligious, nonpolitical, it was a place where people came together. The Grand Opera House those severely damaged became a source of comfort and hope for the residents of a once grand city. They could sleep together or the horrible loss of life and devastation of the storm. Or they might come in left for a moment and forget about their problems. Though the great storm of 1900 brought the city to its knees, this people of galveston rebuild. Constructing the seawall with granite boulders 17 feet high and 6 miles long to face the gulf and protects from future storms. They pump sand on top of sections of the city racing the island as much is 18 feet near the seawall. Any surviving buildings could be jacked up were lifted to the new grade. Some were too large. The ceiling were standing under is very low. It wasnt built that way. It wouldve been 13 feet. The floor is higher than it wouldve been in the structure. They filled in the island as much is 18 feet. So feels like the ceilings come down on the floor has gone up. It was a phenomenal project. In those days they did not have caterpillar tractors and excavators. Its amazing what they did. They used sources of manpower and pulleys and wagons. Somehow they raised so many buildings in the city. And protected them from future storms. The great storm took the lives out of one of every six galveston students. Some who survived moved away. Galveston would never again be the biggest city in texas. But after the determination and ingenuity of those who stayed breathe life into a community that Mother Nature that. The spirit of the people of galveston is whats important to remember. As the spirit of for not going to give up, will make this our home, we will handle the storm if it happens but will come back and be a great city. Julie thats john from galveston, texas. By of higher american. Its a sentiment echoed by President Trump. Now, growing to bait over what made in the usa really means. Should congress get involved . Thats up next. Usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. The process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like youre a part of the family. I love that i can pass the membership to my children. Were the williams family, and were usaa members for life. Julie made in the usa is a proud designation for any american company. A technicality is keeping one true blue u. S. Manufacturer from using it. This, creating a heated new debate that is now making its way to capitol hill. Born here, die here. Just like me i am not going to china, not going out of the country. They started maglite out of the garage in 1960, today its a multimillion dollar business. Its struggling because of cheap imports in a California Law that limits the ability to label his flashlights, made in america. People who know say why dont you mark made in the usa. And i said i cant. He fabricates everything except for this microchip and rubber under California Law single river dirt cre screw cane too much. They say its so inflexible that title lowers consumer trivial components. A tool manufacturer got sued for a knife play, a do they avoid the made in america label because they cant risk losing milliondollar judgments. If its a question of increasing profits which is often really the case then it shouldnt bear label that is not honest and truthful. Consumer Group Support the statute. If it says made in the usa should be generally made here. The Attorney Says its impractical since the u. S. No longer makes everything. If you insist on that rigid and that high a domestic content percentage you will kill your own market. You will be of the field the product that the quality you need at a price point that the public will accept. Getting into a stores is half the battle since workers make more in a day the mexican and Chinese Workers make in a week. Cheaper imports sell for lawyer price. Make night argues it needs the label. Another central made in china like everything else. They said it would set a larger mostly large content standard that would override state statutes that they say are hurting not helping the u. S. Worker. This looks like a lot of fun. An underwater concert, but this is about more than just music. Details are next when the fox report returns flourish spray flourish spray noise flourish spray noise flourish spray noise the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. Enough said. Reddiwip. flourish spray noise share the joy. A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. 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Watters world starts right n now. Jesse watters world is on. President putin and i have been discussing various things. I think it has gone well. Its an honor to be with you. Jesse the heavyweight showdown. President trump and Vladimir Putin go oneonone. Kellyanne conway and eric bowling here with reaction. One professor calling for a College Course to understand white people

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