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Right now. And trump tonight, coming off a surprise endorsement from a bitter rival in the republican primaries, senator ted cruz. Peter doocey is live inro anoke. And this is a surprise to many and a big one, peter . Reporter right. Donald trump walked down the catwalk to a very large venue. And the crowd starting to it file out. And he didnt mention the most interesting thing that happened on the campaign trail. It involved something that we may or may not see. Hes teasing the woman who had an affair with bill clinton for more than ten years. That may be awkward for Hillary Clinton. And trump is interested in having jennifer flowers on his guest list and doing that because the Clinton Campaign gave one of their tickets to mark cuban. And trump talking about things that could be happening off stage. And hes talking about the debate and accusations for are pay for play byes his opponent mrs. Clinton. She put her Public Office up for sale and then bleached her email and destroyed her iphoneses with a hammer. And to try to cover up her tracks following a congressional subpoena. Figure that one out. Reporter so that could be a look at what we are going to see monday night. That is a condensed version of the attacks with newer ones and keeping in with the head line and going with the flow. Trump used saturday night to rally here instead of studying in trump tower in manhattan which is a signal from the campaign that they think he is ready for lester holt and Hillary Clinton the democrat. Peter, what did we hear from ted carouse about his endorsement of trump . As we know. They traded job jab and some getting personal about each others Family Members. Ted cruz came out and said hes forgiven endorsing donald trump he says a lot about his support of him being the next president of the united states. What did we hear about that from ted cruz . Reporter julie, cruz is explaining what changed between his dramatic Rnc Convention remarks where he told republicans to vote their conscience instead of donald trump and yesterday, he said trump would have his vote. What i was attempting to do in cleveland to lay out a vision and unite republican and come together and win. And in my vow it is it not a personality contest and a battle of celebrities. It is about substance and i tried to lay out in cleveland, that for us to win, we need to unite behind shared principles and in particular defending freedom and the constitution. The Trump Campaign released 21 people they will consider as the next Supreme Court justice if he becomes president. And ted cruz is so fond of everyone on the list. That was the main driver for his surprise endorsement yesterday. But it is interesting peven though he votes for trump. He was asked many times to say whether or not donald trump is fit for president and the fact that he would not go there is going to fuel speculation among some in the media and on capitol hill that ted cruz doesnt want to be on tape saying that in case he wants to it stage a primary challenge in 2020. Absolutely. You have to dig deep in the strategy behind this. And ted cruz coming out obviously. The strategy is now and november 8th to win over the millienial and ultraconservative votes. Much like Hillary Clinton is bringing in Elizabeth Waren and Bernie Sanders and now donald trump has to pull out the big gun and how much of a big gun could ted cruz be that were die hard cruz fans . Reporter it is huge. You think about at this point in a general election, the Major Party Candidates are sprinting to the center and they have dealt with the hard liner and the far right and left, and then they try to get all of the people in the middle, but trump is doing that and now showing that hes able to get the very conservative republicans who have been skeptical about him, because ted cruz never said that it was okay to vote for trump. You could see a lot of people watching this debate on monday. Not as skeptical for the first time. Republicans that are doing what ted cruz are telling them to do and now ted cruz telling them it is okay to vote for trump and looking at him with a less skeptical eye. When you watch trump deliver the speech. You wonder how much is scripted and how much is off of the cuff. Sometimes it becomes personal. But tonight it sounded president ial to me. I watched the speech and listened carefully. My question is how much all is scripted or off of the cuff. Reporter it seemed like the entire speech was close to script. The event was short by trump standards and the only time he was not reading for a teleprompter he came out and announced the score of the Virginia Tech game and they had had won and people in orange and black and white shirts trying to come in and the crowd went crazy. That is something we see in all of the swing states. It is swing state specific and presoys. A lot of talk about virginia and the problems here. And a couple of knocks on tim kaine. He thinks that tim kaine was a bad choice for Hillary Clintons running mate. And it seemed like it was as planned and he came in and got out and people p are leaving now and thinking about who they will vote for in november. I think they know who they will vote for. And peter, thank you to you. Well playback some of Donald Trumps speech that ended moments ago, specifically when he talks about what he plans on doing in his first day and week in office compareded to Hillary Clinton. Interesting noteses he made there. Hillary clinton is reportedly getting final debate practice in a holtz in her home in chappaqua, new york. And rich, what are you learning about her prep today . She is staying out of the publicie unlike donald trump to get herself geared up for monday . Reporter she has, julie. Her last public appearance was wednesday and returned to chappaquan on wednesday evening and this morning she left at 11 30 and returned before 5 00 p. M. Clinton campaign refused to tell us where she is holding that democratic prep. A source close felipe rhines is playing donald trump in the mock debates and since he is a combative guy, normally, he has no problem going after her weaknesses and getting under her skin as donald trump might do. And her running mate, clinton and trump, clinton will explain the policy differences between the two and hes predicting a good performance from her. If you watched Hillary Clinton over the years, when the spotlights are brightest and pressure at the most intense, thats when she brings the a plus game. The Clinton Campaign director said clinton is going to focus on making the closing arguments to voters and said that clinton will not be focused on how donald trump might behave, in her words, jowly. Shes scheduled a planned trip to North Carolina tomorrow, obviously an important state. What is her plan there . Reporter she delayed those plans. The mayor asked both president ial candidates not to visit quite yet. Hillary is grateful for and intends to honor the leaders of charlotte. We have decided to postpone sundays trip as to not impact the citys resources. And the statement goes on to say that clinton hopes to travel down there next sunday only if circumstanceses allow. After the debate on monday, clinton and Family Member and first lady and vicepresident will fan out across the country to continue to make the case for her presidency. Julie. Thank you very much from chappaqua, new york. I dont need to tell you. This is the place to prepare for the monday president ial debate. We will have expanded coverage all day tomorrow. You dont want to miss it. Charlotte officials just released the very first footage from a Police Involved shooting in an effort to calm public outrage. We are working on editing those for air. And well show you still shots, grabbed from the video from the scene showing a gun. An ankle holster and a blunt earlier today, that would be marijuana. Now the char the lot police chief commented on the video and warning that it does not show everything. There is no definitive visual evidence that he had a gun in his hand. He was in possession of a handgun. This as we await a News Conference from the families of Keith Lamont Scotts attorneys. I wanted to know where my family came from. I did my ancestrydna. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Marcopolo marco. polo marco. polo marco. polo marco. si . Polo marco. polo scusa . Ma io sono marco polo, ma. Marco. playing marco polo with marco polo . Surprising. Ragazzini, io sono marco polo. Si, sono qui. Whats not surprising . How much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. Ahhh. Polo. Marco. polo fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Polo lets just get a sandwich peoplor something. You dont just learn how to drive. Or solve the worlds problems. Be a dad. Or something and we dont just make sandwiches or something we handslice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom. Theres nothing or something about it. Panera. Food as it should be. My friends know me so well. S they can tell what im thinking, just by looking in my eyes. They can tell when im really excited and thrilled. And they know when im not so excited and thrilled. But what they didnt know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. But i knew. So i finally decided to show my eyes some love. Some eyelove. When is it chronic dry eye . To find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to myeyelove. Com. Its all about eyelove, my friends. More now on the break news out of charlotte, North Carolina. Police releasing some of the footage from a deadly involved shooting. We are working on those tapes to make them appropriate for you at home and bring them to you as soon as possible p. Steve is in charlotte tonight. Steve, tell us about p the video and how much does it show and not show . Reporter it is graphic video and has to be shown with caution. There is two pieces of the shooting that occurred on tuesday afternoon. One from a body cam of a officer on the scene and the other is a dash cam video. You can see shots fired from it a police officer, hitting 43yearold keith scott and scott going down. At the time it appears that his hands are at his side. But what is not clear is whether he had had a gun in his hand or not. Whether he was holding a gun. That is a key question and the police chief said the video is inconclusive. And you will not be able to draw a conclusion one way orth other. He maintains the officer did nothing wrong. The question is what affect is it going to have . We saw the video released by the widow and that did not inflame protest. Will the new police video get more people on the street or will the demonstrations subside. Once we get it editeded is the body cam and dash cam video. It shows the majority of the evident that will be be needed to answer questions of how this all went down. Steve, let me ask you, in the first Police Report. It was reported by the Police Department and i read it from their report. The subject exited the vehicle armed with a fire arm. You say his harms were by his side. Did it appear that he was armed . Reporter it is inconclusive from the video we witnessed. People will have to decide whether he was holding a gun or not. He certainly gets out of the vehicle and we heard it several times Police Officers shouting put the gun down. There is competing versions of the videos. It hasnt sparked a major protest with the wife catch canning her husband get shot and do i. The police video is more generic and it is questionable if there will be more people out. The main demand and the suspicion that the police were hiding something that claim went away and the police came out and gave protestors what they want. The video out tho now. Well show it momentarily. And well talk with vincent hill host of beyond the badge. Thank you for talking to us. This Police Report said he was armed. Steve mentioned something important. You do hear Police Officers saying put your weapon down. Right, that is what is important. Imminent threat. Whether they were to the side is debatable. As an officer that is been there it takes less than a second for someone to pull the gun on target to me. You will get people saying he was not a threat. And that is questionable. For those who dont understand what a real threat means. It doesnt matter if it is pulled or pointing it at somebody. People have to assume that gun will be used on them. Absolutely. Did they make the right move regarding the imminent threat. The use of force continuium talks about deadly force. You respond to deadly force with deadly force. You dont deescalate deadly force. You would get killed i dont think the officers did anything wrong. Officers have to face the race factor. No matter how imminent the threat is, if that victim is black and this is the conversation and protest well continue to see. Is there any way to reverse that tide . You cant take a 30 second incident and make it racial. I was in the black community and i dealt with black suspect. Was it racial in no, this is where i was called for a crime. We do that and diminish the work of policing in our country. Vincent hill, thank you very much. Well air that for you. Right now a massive manhunt for a killer who gunned down five people in a mall in washington state. It happened again, sadly and why do we put so much effort into engineering the canam defender . Because a job worth doing is worth doing right. Canam defender. Tough. Capable. Clever. Get a 3year brp limited warranty plus a 1,500 rebate. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. 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Botox® cosmetic. Its time to take a closer look. We are warning you the video is graphic. We edited so it is appropriate for television. We blurred out the victim. Well show you the involvement go ahead and roll the tape. This was released by the charlotte Police Department involved in the shooting and the officers name was released. Officer vincent and reports that the vehicle in this. Coating lamont scott was armed with a deadly weapon. And police told him to drop the gun. Listen. Handcuffs. Handcuffs. He has a gun in his hands. Back up. Back up. [inaudible] hey. Hey. I am going to get my bag and start getting equipment. It is in the back of the truck. I am good and hold the wound. Now when he said we want to hold the wound. They immediately called medics there and performed cpr. The victim died later in the hospital. And here is the victims family talking after the video was released. The attorneys addressing the people in North Carolina. He doesnt appear to be acting aggressive to the Law Enforcement officers on the scone. He doesnt a pore to make gestures or motions as though he is arguing and he doesnt lunge at the officers and it appears he has his hands by his side. There is no definitive evident in the video if there is an object in his hands and if there is what that object is. And that question remains. We know that the moment mr. Scott is shot, it appears hes passively stepping back. Theres another question question that i think needs to be looked into and we are going to look into it and that is this. Given the statement that was released and cnpds position that the officer saw things going on and they left and suited up and came back and proceeded to move in on mr. Scott, is this talk of body cameras. We need to know whether or not the policies and procedures of this department is for officers who are now as they say identifying themselves as Police Officers with this department. Are they required to wear body cameras. We know one responding officer was. And at the moment they put the vest on, it a pores they say police or indicate they are Law Enforcement, do they need to have their cameras on and if they do and dont have them on, that is a problem. And the issue of body cameras, we have no perspective from the alleged shooter and what he saw. These are are things that has to be looked at and so with that said, well pass on to good evening. Can you identify. I am ray dods. And i am scott cans brother. I am rachel scott. We are certainly delighted as a family that the videos were released. Our goal has from the beginning been to get the unfiltered truth and the only way to get that is for the police to release the videos that we had released today. Unfortunately we are left with far more questions than we have answers. And it does not make sense to us. How is it this incident resulted in the loss of life . It does not make sense and not clear in the videos that were released. Additionally many of you, the media, of which i am a part, have requested information about mr. Scott. What kind of person he s. Was he a good father and husband . Those issues that surrounded his character. Of course, he was a wonderful person and we loved him dearly. That shouldnt be the issue. We shouldnt have to humanize him in order for him to be treated fairly. What we know and what you should know about him, he was an american citizen who deserved better. That is our position. And it should be yours. Can you identify yourself one more time . My name is a dodge. I am ra qia scotts brother. Coating scotts brotherinlaw. I am charles monet. I am the local charlotte person here and i love this city. I love our state. And i respect our Police Department and understand the difficultiy of the job they have to do. But quite frankly im shocked less than two years after the conclusion of the johnathon farrell case we are standing back before you again to talk about whether the shooting of another black man was justified. We shouldnt be here. Weve got to learn and change our Police Approach and one of the of the things that disturbs me about what i see, on the video, is the failure of the police to use all of the resources that they had at their disposal to avoid killing keith. You know, we are a state with a huge number of veteran and many of those veterans are coming back with traumatic brain injuries. This is not going to be the last time police face one of our citizens that suffer from a brain injury. His wife is there, trying to tell them, he is a man with a brain injury. Why didnt they use that resource . And get his wife in and get her assistance to deescalate this situation . We hear that that is supposed to be emphasized in Police Departments all over the country. Deescalate and dont escalate. And that did not happen here and we have to ask yourselves why . The standards that the charlotte Police Department adopted for use of deadly force are aggravateded active aggression. Before a fire arm can be discharged by a officer and to be in compliance of their policy, the subject that they are about to shoot has to be engaged in aggravated active aggression that they define serious Bodily Injury or death on an officer or another innocent bystander. Their police talks about the discharge of a weapon and not the presence of a weapon. So are there training problems here . From what we see, that policy is not being followed. So we hope that this is the last time that media has to gather in charlotte and talk about whether the shooting of one of our citizens is justified. And we hope that the city and the police will learn from this account and encounter. At this time, well entertain a few questions. [inaudible] at this time the family will not take questions. Well take the questions. Can you [inaudible] and her children and what if any message they have to the city of charlotte . They are doing as you probably expect them to be doing. They are in a time of mourning. Of course, funeral preparations are under way and again, its hard to flip through the Television Without seeing talk of what happened to mr. Scott and individuals like him. And i can tell you, that the family is strong and they are sticking together and supporting one another. And their message is as has been from the beginning. Its okay to express your voice. Its okay to let your frustrations with the system and the justice and injusts of society, but you have to do that in the appropriate way. They maintain they do not want violence or innocent individuals injured or killed. He had a gun in his hand . Absolutely not. There is nothing in any video i have seen miss scotts or the dash cam or body cam, you cant clearly identify what if anything is in his hand and that has not changed. Was he armed. [inaudible] we are still into looking into all of the facts of course, with regard to who pulled the trigger. We dont have the access to the testing on the firearms. We are looking in to all facets of this. We are not here to hurl allegations, we are here to find out what happened and why it happened and more importantly we are here to make sure the best we can that this does not happen in the future. [inaudible] i have a question about the police. They are saying part of the reason why he had had marijuana and a gun. You can say that. But i am interested in the idea. Even if he had marijuana and a gun. You take them at their word. [inaudible] how does the combipination of marijuana and gun constitute aggravated aggression that put the officers in danger. This is our first time seeing a photograph of not just that gun, but the holster and everything else. We are investigating and into, looking into the facts and we hope to continue to dig and find out the truth in the end of the day. [inaudible] what will happen . Come again . [inaudible] what will happen . We have the federal Justice System and criminal Justice System and thats the place it will be resolved. In our Justice System. We dont know the facts to know whether this officer should be charged or whether he was negligently discharged his weapon. We are trying to do an appropriate investigation and keep in mind thats what we urge everyone to do. Now, they have dna evident that that was the gun, how do you explain his dna on that weapon . I cant answer that question. Again, this is our very first opportunity to see what else is out there and thats what we asked for from the beginning and i think, and we have to go back to the most important question here, and that lies from the moments leading up to him stepping out of the vehicle and dying on the pavement. When i look at dash cam footage, i dont see anything there in my opinion that would lead to him losing his life. Does the family still believe he was unarmed . Yes, those who looked at it. Ie miss scott as she looked she doesnt see him having a gun. None of these things change. And everyone has to understand and we said it before. Every witness to this has different vantage point. We are attempting to grab here and there and piece together a picture, okay. When one piece of information comes out, that doesnt change someone elses position, because that is based on what they know upon. And we dont speak on speculation. We are here to find facts. We are not hurling aeldz. We want to know what happened and why . There is going to be reaction to this tonight. What is your message to those who may be planning protest this week. Just what we said over and over and over again and continue to say. We appreciate the support of the community. We want the support of the community. The community should express their opinions, but they should do it lawfully and peacefully. Thank you all, no more questions right now. Because just as. And there you have it, the lawyers representing Keith Lamont Scotts fam sdpam the keiths brotherinlaw talking about the video we just released for you. So far we managed to edit the body camera. And shown the moments in which scott was shot by police and you can afterward hear the sound of police calling the medics and trying to put pressure on the wound and later performing cpr. Scott later died in a nor by p hospital. The question is what will h hur and steve rejoins us from charlotte. And stove, we are working on the dash cam video that shows more. My producers are talking to me, do we have that voochlt steve stand by and well go and show our viewers at home the dash cam video of Police Officerses as they pulled up. Lets listen. Drop the gun. Drop the gun. He doesnt have a gun. Drop the gun. Drop the gun. [inaudible] we are freezing the video right here. We are listening to the video. And right now that paused video was our doing. And the original video on line can show you what happened here. But the officers from the metro crime unit were searching for a suspect with an outstanding warrant when they caught up with Keith Lamont Scott on that vehicle. You can see him get out of the vehicle and then he gets back in. And the officers upon stopped and turn himself in. He didnt listen and went back in the car. It is when he got out of the car, you saw the body cam video, where his hands are down by his son but you hear the officers, hes got a weapon. Put your weapon down. And in the dash cam video. They are trying to get him out of his car can. What happens once he gets back in the car. How did they get him out . Reporter they are shouting at him and unclear to know what caused him to get out. Key word is inconclusive. We heard it from the police chief and heard it from attorneys from the Family Members. The key question. Did 43 year old keith scott have a handgun in his position at the time he was shot. Both sides saying it is inconclusive. And how is the release going to affect the police protest. It had calmed down and will this video inflame things further or numbers continue to diminish in charlotte. So it leaves a lot of questions. What happened and how did they get him out of the car . That is all of the video they released and many people wanted to see how he got out of the car and did he have a hand gun and you hear the wife on the video saying stop. Dont do it and perhaps they heard her say keith, dont do it. And the officers said drop your weapon and in the original Police Report he was armed. Well continue with another big story. Massive manhunt underway for a killer who gunned down five people at the mall. People at the mall. We are there on the ground in im raph. My name is anne. Im one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. Dont let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because were here, were here, and weve got your back. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Legal help is here. Take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org its a very specific moment, the launch window. We have to be very precise. 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Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. The hunt is on for a man accused of shooting and killing five neme a mall in washington state. They are scouring to piece together what happened and who this it guy on your screen is. This man allegedly responsible for the deaths of four women and one man and they are all confirmed dead in the rampage and a witness describes the scene, listen. I heard one, and then two and thats when i turned around and then 3, 4, 5, 6. And it was not all at once. A shot and two seconds later another shot and crazy. Crazy. Another senseless shooting. Dan springer covering it for us in cascade mall in washington. What is the investigation. They dont have the suspect . The cascade mall is closed down and a crime scone. They removed all of the victims bodies and the police are pouring over the surveillance video. They found a bunch of pictures of the suspect and released those to the media and trying to generate tips. He was not carrying a weapon first. And then he came in with a hunting rifle. He wanted to make sure his intended target was in the room. A witness in the changing room said he heard a man screaming a womans name. And when it was over. Five people were dead. Police found the rifle but the suspect was gone haft seen walking toward interstate five toward the mall. I dont know what his motivations were. I dont know what his motivations were to do this or continue or to stop. But i certainly plan to find out through the investigation. The victims rank in age from a teen to a Senior Citizen all shot and killed in the make up section of macys. They cant find a link to terrorism domestic and foreign. They are conducting it as a homicide investigation. The fbi is involved and the lead investigators are the local authorities. Tragic. Dan, thank you. Monday night not the super bowl p of the election year. It has a huge playoff game. Hillary clinton and donald trump facing off facetoface for the very first time. And what do each need to do in the debate to pull voters to their side until november 8th. What if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes . crunch what if one situp could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . But there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease, pneumococcal pneumonia. 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Monday nights debate offers high risk and rewards for both candidates on stage with millions of people watching on tv and there is no place to hide. One wrong move or verbal ga ffe can break down a president ial campaign. Well break it down. An old pal of mine as we worked together in pennsylvania years ago. A debate doesnts inially win an election but can lose one. Al gore with the sign and it was a tight race toward the end. You are right. If you foul it up, it could make or break the race especially this race with so many unknowns having a donald trump. And a screw up could be catastrophic. Hillary first. What must she do. Tell more about her life. We need to upon learn more about Hillary Clinton. She did not wake up fro years old with a shock of blond hair and became Hillary Clinton. She wass young lawyer in arkansas and did work with the poor. We need to know more about p the earlier years. And the second one i listed her. She has to be be more transparent. It is it a huge problem and Robert Kennedy said hang a lantern on your problem. She needs to hang the lantern instead of the Harvard Law School debates. Hang a lantern on her emails. Dont back out of the gate. She has to be strong and thought hesitant. And she doesnt want to be too forceful and she needs to ratify and not nullify trump. She needs to be positive and give the country a vision. What does donald need to do on monday night. Talk more about his children. You have three children and they are a reflection of you. And certainly anybody republican or independent or democrat would say hes got a great family. Policy specifics. How many times does jose it will be great and huge and perfect and awesome. He cant do that. And he will not do that especially on Foreign Policy issues. He has to get specifics. Hillary is studying up and you know she will do that. And big dont for donald. One of the big donts, is not to patrionnize Hillary Clinton. I think he has to come across as being respectful and shes the former secretary of state. And one thing i will look for does he call her secretary or hillary. And dont criticize the moderators and never criticize it and it doesnt make you look good and lester holt is a quality moderator and straight down the middle shooter and if donald trump criticizes him it will not come across well. Oh, jim, i am not big in football but i am in this i work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. 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Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready back to the breaking charlotte, North Carolina. There on the right of your screen dash cam video and he closed it right before the shots were fired and the suspect gets out of the truck because it is too graphic for television. You do hear the shots fires. And the chief of police saying there was no visual evidence he was not armed but p he had a gun. It is good morning to you. It is sunday, at the present time 25th. The manhunt is over, but the motive still a mystery overnight. Police arresting this turkish immigrant who gunned down five people at a washington mall. What we know about his murderous ralei rampage. That is straight ahead. On the eve of a debate with Hillary Clinton and donald trump, a live report is coming up next. If you thought this president ial race couldnt get any better. Well, it just did, bill clinn

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