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Rudy Giuliani, the attorney to President Donald Trump, is interviewed. Panelists include Jonah Goldberg National Review ; reporter Gillian Turner Fox News ;. President has a concern. But he absolutely respects the independence of the fed. The market expects Interest Rates to keep going up, the only question is how far and for how long we think the fed will be very careful in managing the economy. Chris in fact, isnt it responsible as the Economy Heats up. When weve had these artificially low Interest Rates when the economy was chugging along at 12 percent. Isnt it responsible for the fed to increase Interest Rates . I think it is in the market expects it. Its been targeting two Percent Inflation and with two Percent Inflation, we have to have slightly higher Interest Rates to manage through that. Chris i want to ask you about another potential drag on the economy and that is the drop in some tech stocks. Facebook dropped 19 percent on thursday. Twitter fell 20 percent friday. Intel and apple fell also. Well. Chris lets turn to trade. President trump announced what he called a quote, Breakthrough Agreement on trade with the European Union this week but sir, Isnt He Exaggerating a bit . There were no tariffs removed in his discussions with the European Commission. There were few specific commitments. There was one on soybeans and there was no timetable. In fact mr. Secretary, all that the president and the president of the European Commission agreed on is to start talking. Thats actually not the case but let me just step back for a second. These talks started with the president , the g7, singlets have no tariffs, no barriers and no subsidies. Those talks continued with the g7 but i was at the g 20, i met with my counterparts. And then when we had the president of the eu, we specifically went through a detailed discussion. We had several hours of negotiating that in fourth on an outline of an agreement and now we have the hard work. The first step will be to resolve the steel and aluminum tariffs. When we do that, the retaliatory tariffs will come off. This was an agreement to reduce tariffs significantly across the board and we have about 1 trillion of trade. This is a very big opportunity to do things. Chris mr. Secretary, let me give you one example of where the president and the administration makes it sound like theres a deal and the eu makes it sound like there isnt. Heres what the president said to farmers in iowa this week. We just opened up europe for you farmers. Youre not going to be too angry with trump, i can tell you. Chris as soon as he said that, the spokesperson for the European Commission gave this response. Quote, agriculture is out of the scope of these discussions. We are not negotiating about agricultural products. Mr. Secretary, you are at odds, the president is at odds with the European Union before the talks even start. Chris, i was in the room and we had specific conversations about agriculture. And the need to break down the barriers on our culture and have more opportunities for our farmers. We specifically talked about soybeans but we specifically agreed we would look at these other markets. It was very clear our objective as part of this whole agreement is the europeans have to open up more opportunities for our farmers and agriculture. I cant comment on their comments. This will be an important part of any agreement we reached. Chris let me just ask you directly because this was on the record. The spokesperson for the European Commission said, let me quote again, we are not negotiating about agricultural products. Are you right or is she right . Again, let me be clear. We had specific conversation about soybeans. That was step one. We discussed other areas and again, this is all part of a negotiation. We will have an agreement and it will be an encompassing agreement. We want to drop tariffs and barriers across the board, thats what were focused on doing. Chris forgive my skepticism and the skepticism of other people but i dont have to tell you, theres a big difference between trade talks in a trade deal. Here you were in may here on Fox News Sunday talking about trade with china. We are putting the trade war on hold. Right now, we have agreed to put the tariffs on hold while we try to execute the framework. Chris but within weeks of your making that declaration on this show, President Trump announced 50 billion in new tariffs or tariffs on 50 billion worth of chinese goods. So, what looked like a truth one minute can fall apart the next. You are right. These are complicated negotiations and these have to be turned into a real agreement thats literally hundreds and hundreds of pages. Were going part by part with euro. I was Down In Mexico last week. We had a terrific meeting with the new administration. The nafta talks are back on track. Thats our number one priority to get nafta done. We will negotiate these by peace with the eu and we continue to have conversations with china and we will see what we get. But you are right, these things have to be negotiated because the president is very clear. He doesnt just want to talk. We want our counterparts to follow through and deliver on breaking down barriers and creating better opportunities so we can reduce our giant trade deficit. Chris in response to farmers concern about getting hit by tariffs, the administration announced this week a 12 billion package in emergency aid. I looked back through the record and have spoken out several times against corporate welfare. When did handouts to farmers become strong, good, solid, Conservative Policy . I dont think these are handouts. It would be one thing if we were just subsidizing markets. Thats not what we are doing here. This is a Short Form Program to deal with retaliatory tariffs where you have people who put tariffs. Which by the way, are against wto rules and are targeting our farmers. We are sticking up for our farmers so that they dont get hurt in these trade discussions. These are not longterm subsidies for the industry. Chris what do you say to some republican senators who blocked this idea and said they need trade, not aid . We agree with that. The focus is trade, not aid and thats why were focused on negotiating these agreements. But the president is not willing to live with the status quo where other countries have taken advantage of the rules and have had to retreat here in our companies and workers cant compete fairly. Its just not fair. China has complete open access to our markets and we have virtually limited access to their markets and ventures. We are focused on, free and fair trade. Lets take down the barriers. Chris secretary steve mnuchin, always good to talk with you. Up next, we will bring in our sunday group to discuss what the good Economic News will mean for Republicancontrolled Congress come november. Plus, Rudy Giuliani thinks turner. How big a deal is this gdp growth and is enough for republicans to hang their hats on as they try to hold on to control of the house in november . Normally you would think it would be and it is a big number. The problem is is that where the republicans are suffering most are among essentially why collegeeducated women in suburban districts. They seem to be immune to the boom in the economy and the gender gap is unprecedented for congressional candidates. So the idea of the economy he alone is what these women will vote for when they are the ones providing the margin of difference, i think its unlikely and probably very worrisome. Chris theres been a lot of talk about a blue wave this november. A big democratic ticket. Maybe control of the house and even the senate. I think youd agree on where the absence of where the economy is always the top issue. When you have historically low unemployment numbers, isnt that a pretty strong record for republicans to run on . First of all, we should all be celebrating 4. 1 economic growth. It would have been the fifth strongest number of the Obama Administration. The obama administers, this is a continuation of the recovery that began in 2009 and 2010. That Strong Economy wasnt enough to help democrats last time. It wasnt enough to say i think it cannot be overstated that for a lot of these voters, particularly suburban voters were gas prices are going up. Where theres more uncertainty around healthcare. After that, some of these workingclass voters getting hit by the results of the tariffs on steel and aluminum. Were getting hit by agricultural theres enough economic uncertainty that even with this strong number, the republicans are facing a strong head wind. Chris lets turn to the socalled trade truce between the administration and the president and the head of the commission talked about this. Here they are. This was a very big day for free and fair trade. Very big day indeed. I have the intention to make a deal today. And we made a deal today. Chris you heard my conversation just before in the last segment with secretary of treasury steve mnuchin. What are your resources telling you about real dialing down of tariffs . There is no dialing down. They all remain in place. The retaliatory tariffs and if what secretary Manojsteve Mnuch told you is true, it includes agricultural or they will have problems. Because every country has its pets political issues they dont want to touch. For germany, its cars. Thats why cars werent in that agreement. Agriculture, big issue in europe. Theyve got their protected industries. Chris particularly in france. They said we dont want to lower agricultural tariffs. If the demand is we want zero tariffs on anything which was the the predecessor to the Obama Administration negotiating with europe for a free trade deal. That was the objective. Zero tariffs on all industries. This is basically a narrower version. Its going to be really hard like any massive trade negotiation. I dont have any indication they will withdraw the steel and aluminum tariffs but i do know the republicans are putting immense pressure on the administration quietly because they are worried. Your whole first conversation about the economy, republicans see the trade agenda as the biggest risk for the midterms. Chris lets take a bigger look at the trade policy. There is no deal with the European Union. The talks havent even started. Theres no deal on nafta with mexico and canada although theres a report of some progress. And theres certainly no deal, relations are tense and have gotten worse with china. How do you see the president trade policy and has specifically, his policy on tariffs. How do you see that playing out . As everyone has pointed out, not a lot of specifics in the deal with younger. That doesnt mean it wasnt a valuable exercise. Doing this joint press conference, sometimes conflict resolution 101 tells you when you have these contentious negotiations when two sides are really far apart and not agreeing on anything. Just battled reaching the tipping point. The best thing to do is to just agree to agree later on and to a certain extent, thats what they achieved coming out of this. I dont think it was a worthless thing. Theres a problem with that. This entire crisis, donald trump created it. Hes like a fireman that goes to set the fires so he can be a hero. He creates this trade crisis and then he backs off from it and get back to the status quo that we had with a crisis in the first place. I dont know that theres been anything legitimately productive thats come out of this whole chapter. To be fair, they did agree to hit pauls and not institute an escalation. Im not saying this solves all the problems but it is something worthwhile. Chris the president has been on a twitter role and he just tweeted, he says, he would be willing to quote, shut down the government if he doesnt get everything he wants on immigration. He wants a wall, and end to the visa lottery. An end to the chain migration. Is he really willing to see a shutdown which would be september 30, one month before the midterm elections. That too kind of shocks me. And not much shocks me from this president. The conversations ive had with his senior advisers as recently as a few weeks ago on this very subject is favor of the impression that they convinced the president it was not in his political interest to shut down the federal government six weeks before an election. I dont know if this is just bluster, that he feels dissatisfied with the negotiations hes had with members of the senate that they havent even had more of what he wants. We all know how angry he was with the last bill that didnt given his wall funding. Chris we will take a break and the later in the program. When we come back, michael, one once boasted he would take a bullet for his boss. Now President Trumps former attorney and picture president s denial that he know anything about that 2016 trump tower meeting. Joining me now, Rudy Giuliani be a welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Thank you chris, good to be with you. Chris i want to start with Michael Cohen. Mr. Trumps them her lawyer and fixer. Heres what you said about cohen a couple months ago and the possibility he might talk to robert mueller. I expect he will cooperate. I dont think they will be happy because he doesnt have any terminating evidence about the president or himself. The man is an honest, honorable lawyer. Chris but now you say Michael Cohen is cooled, a pathological liar whos been fighting for years. So what happened . Heres what happened. I found out that he was recording his clients which is a disposable offense. If i do that, i would never have said hes a reputable lawyer. I would have said hes a scoundrel. I found out he not only tape lawyers but he had a conversation with one of your colleagues, Chris Cuomo In which he made a big show of Putting Hisphone in a draw. He then proceeded to record two hours of that conversation. Makes him a total liar. I didnt know that. Now ive listened unfortunately too many hours of tapes and the man is a pathological, manipulative, liar. I didnt know that. I knew nothing bad about Michael Cohen until all this started to happen in the last couple weeks. Chris how angry is President Trump about being betrayed by a man he worked so closely with and what does it mean this talk now that their joint Defense Agreement is over, what is the practical effect of that . The president feels disappointed. I think the anger is over. Weve assured him this is a very Good Development equals we do have all of these tapes and they are completely demonstrate the president did nothing wrong. It would be hard to contradict that now. And hes done so many despicable things, his credibility is not an issue. The joint Defense Agreement is in effect over because hes making it clear that he will try to hurt the president and he obviously isnt going to give us information. Chris Michael Cohens latest socalled revelation is that he reportedly is prepared to tell the special Counsel Robert Mueller that he was witness to a conversation in which President Trump knew in advance about the trump tower meeting. That don junior, jared kushner and Paul Manafort are going to meet with the russian lawyer. That contradicts what President Trump told the New York Times last december. Did you know about the meeting . I didnt know anything about the meeting. It must have been very unimportant because i never heard about it. Chris the president repeated this week he did not know in advance of the trump tower meeting. Lets explore this for a moment. If he did know and did lie to the New York Times last summer, when he said he didnt know. Is there anything wrong with that . I guess theres something wrong with you on an ethical moral basis. If you got prosecuted for lying to the newspapers in the press, Michael Cohen should go to jail for 1000 years. His tapes are filled with lies. But no, he didnt lie to them. This is a leak so he may change it. Michael cohen have to pick a day to determine the story. Michael cohen said he was present at different meetings. With don junior, jared and a group of other people in which they talked about the meeting two days later. Then he said he was present the day of the meeting in the president ial office in which a few people came in and told the president. Every other participant say, it is not true. There was no such meeting in advance. There was no such interruption. If he taped everything else, why didnt he tape this . Its not on tape and hes capable i think of doctoring tapes. Its just flatout untrue. Surprised hes lying . I would have been surprised back then but now that i know all of this, seems to me his default position is to live. Hes a bad liar because he lives in contradiction to tapes and in contradiction to what i just said is supported by 25 witnesses. Chris is it fair to say, that you are at war with Michael Cohen . I dont know. I dont think we are at war with him. I think the test is the investigators, the Justice Department and the american public. He doesnt get to decide this case. I should say, i feel sorry for him but no one would believe me. Hes destroyed himself as a witness. Ive prosecuted 5000 cases. Ivei would never prosecute a case on this guys behalf. Hes contradicted himself so many times. You begin your crossexamination with which set of lies will you tell today. Chris there was another Big Development this week and there was the tape that Michael Cohen secretly recorded a conversation in 2016 that he had with donald trump before the election in which there was a discussion of paying money to buy the rights to the story of Karen Mcdougall claims she had a relationship with donald trump. Heres a portion of that tape. Ive spoken to alan about how to set the whole thing up. Yes. All the stuff because the [indiscernible]. Correct. Chris you say he violated attorneyclient privilege by secretly recording it and making it public but Michael Cohens lawyer said, youve been talking about the tape and since you talked about thetape, you have waived any attorneyclient privilege. [laughter] youve got to get the cart before the horse. The reality is they leaked the tape and then we quite clearly responded which we are allowed to do. The New York Times reporters have confirmed that which is unusual for them to do that. Maggie haberman and mike schmidt. The court allows us to respond without waiving any privilege. If we have to defend him, thats what we have to do. Its been very helpful because now weve been able to put out the whole transcript which contradicts several things that lenny davis says but hes almost as bad as cohen. He said he didnt intend to deceive when he did these recordings. What is it to take a phone, put it in a tour and say youre recording them. These are lies that can be contradicted by tape recordings. Chris i want to ask you something that may seem offtopic but it will become of relevance. About brett kavanaugh, he said the case that ordered nixon to turn over the tate, maybe nixon versus u. S. Case was wrongly decided. In a 2009 article, he wrote this, like civil suits, criminal investigations take the president to focus away from his or her responsibilities to the people. A president concerned about an ongoing criminal investigation is almost inevitably going to do a worse job as president. Question, is judge cavanaugh right on the law . Ive looked at the law and i really just think those are opinions. The constitution is clear that the president cannot be subpoenaed or if he is, he is a right to challenge it on the grounds that they havent exhausted all other possibilities and other ways to get the information. Theres the case closest one you can find was a Cabinet Officer and they said he can only be subpoenaed, taken away from his duties if there was no other way to get the information. So the president has at least that privilege. If he has a complete privilege and can be investigated at all, i would have to do more research. Although Law Review Articles have said, it does exist as the law in most countries. The Head Of State has immunity until hes out of office. So, that requires more analysis. Chris given the fact that that is judge cavanaughs opinion and given the fact that a legal dispute between President Trump and the Special Counsel might end up before the Supreme Court, would it be useful to have judge cavanaugh be Justice Cavanaugh . I dont know brett very well. I know he was a person of high integrity. I know these offthecuff opinions like this, when somebody sits down and set the law. He may very well go the other direction. I wouldnt count on his vote on this. This is a question of first impression. And the tramp situation is very different than nixon. I dont think we get an edge one way or the other. I think the Supreme Court is as straight as you will get in our country. It will be a case they will have to decide in the first instance. It doesnt happen if they dont subpoena him no president has submitted to a subpoena. Even clinton who was subpoenaed,they withdraw it before he testified. Chris thank you. Please come back. Up next, Michael Cohen gives increasing signs hes ready to cut a deal with a Special Counsel. What would you like to ask th come see how were making things simple, easy and awesome. Plus, come in today and ask about xfinity mobile. A new kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Visit your local xfinity store today. When it comes time for the financing. What finance . We will have to pay. Cash. No, no, ive got it. Chris a portion of the conversation that Michael Cohen secretly recorded about payment for a playboy story. Is the story part shakespeare, part soap opera. From what you hear, how angry is the president about Michael Cohen apparently flipping and how worried is the president . I cant speak to his level of worry because its not something he would project to people i talk to. He might have that conversation with melania or someone like that. His anger level is probably 12 out of 10. If you take Rudy Giuliani as a vessel, going out and calling Michael Cohen a pathological liar. Thats pretty good proxy. As far as regard is how much exposure he has, the one thing i will say if people misconceived Michael Cohens role in trump world. He was this as the books kind of lawyer as you can see from the tape recording. But its not like he had full visibility over everything. I always see it stated as fact that he knows where everybody is buried. Actually, he doesnt. He knows where 20 bodies are buried probably. However many more. Its really the lawyer thats been with trump for decades and started working for trumps father whos just been subpoenaed. Hes the guy really has visibility. On the hierarchy of consent, he should be much higher. Chris we asked you for questions for the panel pickup is on facebook writes, if Michael Cohen is telling the truth, how bad can this be for President Trump . It depend what the this is and what hes saying. Whether or not as you said, whether or not you lie to the New York Times but thats not a crime. But, when Michael Cohen says President Trump knew about the meeting in trump tower. What that does and also when we have this stuff about the payments, this wipes away a vast swap of the defense at the white house and its biggest supporters have been making for a long time. They cant keep saying things are fake news when the media is not even part of it. When its a taped interview or a taped Phone Conversation and it shrinks the circle of plausible deniability over a vast array of things. At the end of the day, it still depends what mother actually finds but i dont know that Michael Cohen is the Silver Bullet that a lot of antitrump people want him to be. Chris lets turn to the continued fallout to the trump putin summit. I think its fair to say got hammered about not confronting putin for meddling in the 2016 election. And his conversation with putin, i hope thepresident laid out the consequences of interfering in the 20 2010 election. But i know you cant tell me. I can tell you because the president has disclosed that. Chris and it went downhill from there. While the trump team is still trying to clean up from what happened in helsinki, Russian Foreign minister was asked about it this week but i dont know how you say it in russian but he described the summit as quote, better than super. [laughter] dont think thats particularly helpful for President Trump when the russians seem so happy about how it went. Its not a good sign. Particularly on the topic of Election Meddling, that is still the administrations weakest spot. Whenever youve got the Secretary Of State and the president disagreeing on a policy issue, it creates a major problem. Referring specifically to President Trump saying he wasnt sure if he was going to take the intelligence communitys assessment at face value that the russians interfered in the election. Mike pompeo said a few minutes after that exchange that the president did take the assessment at face value. Thats a major sticking point. And the bigger issue of the helsinki summit, the president is almost having a barack obama moment. Remember in 20112012, nobody wanted President Obama to be talking to the in iran. And he wanted a deal and said im going to do this anyway. I think thats what President Trump is doing now admits all of this blowback. Think i want to deal with putin. Chris there was a Curious Development and the whole putin, trump relationship because the white house that had invited him to come to a summit in november which seems surprisingly quick, john bolton announced that no, they will put it over until the next year until as he put it, the witchhunt by which he meant the robert Mueller Probe is over. But then putin announced on friday or saturday in south africa that they have invited President Trump to come to moscow and have a summit at the kremlin. I dont know if that would be before or after a Washington Summit but that makes it as clear as mud. The russians from response was, dont know. May not be the best timing. The president reasons the invitation and in the russians it, you can always come to us. Its like putin is sitting there like a cat playing with a toy. Hes having the time of his life with this president of the united states. When the president is out there singing he doesnt necessarily accept the intelligence communitys assessment. Forced then to backpedal and say no, i do. But then too within days that its a hoax. Putin is getting everything he wants out of this relationship and thats not a good thing for the united states. Chris does the president still think after all of the blowback from helsinki, does he still think he can make progress with putin . My understanding is yes. Thats what im told by senior officials is that he continues to believe that. He thinks he can get a deal in syria. I dont know what that deal looks like. The official u. S. Position is they want iran as far away from syria as possible. The one country thats quite happy with trumps conversations with putin is israel. They are happy with them having these conversations and they want to push the iranians away from the border as far as possible. Benjamin netanyahu has a pretty good relationship with putin. I think it will be hard because of Domestic Politics but also capitol hill. These members are getting pretty aggressive on russia and wanting to sanction them further so i think President Trump will be having trouble. Chris there was an announcement of the meeting i think it was friday that the president had with the National Security council and we were told this was a meeting about Election Meddling in 2018. What surprised me, this is the first one that they had announced. One would think they would have done this some time ago. You would. I think that might be to provide political cover because they need more Talking Points to push back on it. From the mike pompeo Testimony On Down is there committed people in the administration who wants to say the real policy is what were doing and not what the president is saying. [laughter] chris interesting times. Up next, our power player of the week. Sudan, somalia. Chris why . There are great injustices that go on in war zones and its fundamental for someone to document that. Chris door for 2004. People screaming for their lives. We witness villages burned to the ground. Chris u. S. Troops in afghanistans in 2007. I woke up put on my night vision much of the picture and went back to sleep. Chris with the taliban in 2009, a story that won the pulitzer prize. If they invite you to their home, they will not kill you. They will protect you with their lives. We knew we hoped once we got there, because we had been invited. They would not kill us. The New York Times says four of its journalists are now missing. Chris but her luck almost ran out when she and three colleagues were taken prisoner by cutoff these forces in 2011. They were about to execute us. I said each one of my colleagues begging for their lives. I remember i could barely speak and i just please. At that moment a commander came over and said you cant kill them, they are american. Chris they were beaten and held for six days but then later released. Two months later, she went back to work. Noton the front lines but still in gaza and afghanistan. And by now, she was pregnant. Did your family, did your friends, did you question what you were doing . The fact is, i was surrounded by pregnant women. Chris her son lucas is now six. When she comes home, he sits on her lap while she edits pictures. Sometimes of war refugees. I said sometimes people get killed. He said mommy, can you get killed . I cant like him and i just say, i will be fine. Chris so why does she do it . Why does she risk life and keep risking her life with lucas waiting for back home . I dont need to take pretty pictures anymore. Its not about just being there to travel and take a picture. Its really about the storytelling. About journalism. About. About telling peoples stories, making people care about things they wouldnt necessarily care about. I just keep working. I think for me this is my calling and my mission and thats what i believe in. Chris this fall, she will release her first book of

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