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Has sued the Trump Administration over the policy. Democratic congressman brad sherman and republican, shawn nelson of the Orange County board of supervisors. Plus, north koreas leader takes a surprise trip to china. As the world look for the summit between kim jongun and President Trump. Its no good, we are walking. If its good, we will embrace it. Chris we will ask our panel what are the chances kim jongun will give up his Nuclear Weapons. All right now on Fox News Sunday. Hello again, happy easter. Happy passover from fox news in washington. Its been a turbulent week for President Trumps foreign policy. Russia tested a powerful new missile and responded to the u. S. Expelling 60 of their diplomats by kicking out 60 of hours. Kim jongunmade his first to china while appearing to set new conditions with for talks with President Trump. If the president announced he wants to pull all of American Forces out of syria and is freezing recovering aid for that country. We want to discuss all of this with senator lindsey graham, a key memorable the Senate Armed Services committee. Senator, welcome back to Fox News Sunday and happy easter. Happy easter. A lot to talk about. Chris lets start with the situation in russia. The launch of a powerful new missile. Those expulsions. Here is how the Russian Ambassador to the u. S. Describe the situation. It seems the atmosphere in washington is poison. Its poisoned. Its a toxic atmosphere. Chris how serious is the split between moscow and washington . I think its pretty ironic he used the word poison. One of the reasons we are expelling diplomats is because the Russian Intelligence Services most likely with Vladimir Putins blessing poisoned a british citizen and his daughter. A former russian agent in the united kingdom. So this is the 80s to me all over. I can tell you what Ronald Reagan did. Every time the russians try to advance their military technology, we won up to them every time the russians started running while throughout the world, reagan pushed back. If i were trump, i would look at the reagan playbook and economically isolate russia. I would study every major recipient of russian oil and gas and see if we can find ways to supply those countries with oil and gas. From a source outside of russia. Chris i want to pick up on the president s action because while the Trump Administration has taken some actions imposing sanctions the week before last, President Trump himself has been reluctant to call out Vladimir Putin. In fact, heres how we talked about his call to congratulate Vladimir Putin after he won his reelection victory. We had a very good call and i suspect we will be meeting in the nottoodistant future to discuss the arms race. Chris senator, do we need a trump Vladimir Putin summit meeting or do we need President Trump to take stronger actions against russia . Lets go back to the reagan playbook. Do you stand up in front of the berlin wall and a tear this wall down and on the other side is an evil empire. Then he wound up meeting with gorbachev to reduce the amount of Nuclear Weapons. I think pressure is running wild. Whatever we are doing is not working in the president for some reason has a hard time pushing back against Vladimir Putin directly. Again, economic isolation of russia. They are an oil and gas economy, they couldnt survive long without customers. If i were President Trump, germany and europe, i would try to cut off all of their customers and provide alternatives to their customers for oil and gas outside of russia. Thats what i would do. Chris speaking of summits, kim jongun made a surprise visit to beijing this week to meet with the chinese president as kim jongun prepares for a summit meeting with President Trump next month. According to the chinese, kim jongun is calling for phased synchronized moves todelete two Nuclear Rights his country. Does that concern you that according to what the chinese said after the meeting, that north Korean Leader kim jongun now wants concessions from both sides and longer negotiations . It could but let me highlight one thing. The reason with korea is at the table, its this maximum pressure against north korea launched by the Trump Administration where the world is beginning to follow has paid off. Theyre coming to the table because it has hurt so much. The president has called out kim jongun by name for being the tyrant he is. Now weve got an opportunity historic in nature to sit down and maybe not only get him to give up his Nuclear Weapons but in the korean war which is still going on. I would be very cautious about the terms and conditions of thismeeting. This is why i like john bolton as National Security advisor. He is a has a healthy skepticism of north korea but i do hope that President Trump will meet with north korea. Chris you say want to be careful about the terms of the meeting. If what kim jongun has in mind with longer negotiations, concessions on both sides, it sounds like the negotiations that prior president s have had with the north korean regime with kims father. Do we still want to have the summit . We dont want to give him nine months to build a missile and talk at the same time. I had dinner with bolton a couple nights ago point his big fear is they are just buying time. They are nine monthsone year away from having a missile that can hit america. He sees this negotiation as a way of buying time. Thats what theyve done in the past. I would cut them off. I would make sure the negotiations were very focused and get quick action. Heres the goal in negotiations, to make sure north korea gives up their nuclear program. Japan and, dont have nukes. Theres no reason for them to have a nuclear program. They will sell anything they build. Maybe get a peace treaty with north, south and china. But not let this drag on a long time. Chris meanwhile President Trump has started talking about pulling all of our 2000 troops out of syria were there supporting the effort against isis. We learned yesterday he has frozen 200 million in sons Recovery Efforts there. We will be coming out of syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Chris is President Trump making a mistake talking about getting out of syria while isis is still alive. Diminished but still in the field and while iiran is still pushing . When it comes to russia, read the Ronald Reagan playbook. When it comes to syria, do not read the obama playbook. This is the obama playbook. One foot in and one foot out. This is a disaster in the making. All of his military advisers have said we need to leave troops in syria to work with the kurds. Make sure rocker does not fall back in the hands of isis. There are over 3000 fighters roaming around syria. Weve got troops there to protect us and to protect the region. If we withdrew our troops anytime soon, isis would come back. The war between turkey and the kurds would get out of hand and you would be giving damascus to the iranians without a presence in russia and iran would dominate syria. It would be the single worst decision he could make. I have seen this movie before when obama did the same thing in iraq and quite frankly gave assad a pass. We have isis on the ropes. He wants to let them off the ropes, remove american soldiers. Chris we also want to talk about domestic issues. You have called for a Second Special counsel to investigate the fbi and the Justice Department how they conducted both the clinton investigation and the trump investigation. But the Inspector General says hes looking into that. This week the attorney general, Jeff Sessions named john huber the u. S. Attorney from utah to conduct his own investigation into those matters. Does that move satisfied you or do you still want a Second Special counsel . Some people say its a good start. Some people say its an insufficient process. I dont know yet. The jury is still out regarding mr. Huber. I do know this. If you try this when it came to the term campaign, not appoint a special counsel but take some u. S. Attorney outside of washington and let them look at the trump russia connection. The left would have went crazy saying this deserves a special counsel. My belief is it should be a special counsel. Heres the question. I want a special counsel with the same determination and resources to look at the abuses of the fisa process with the clinton email investigation. Further conflict of interest in the Justice Department . I want a special counsel to be appointed with the same resources and determination to look at those issues as is mueller looking at the term campaign. I dont see that yet. Chris finally, we have a lot to cover. This week, the president fired the secretary of Veterans Affairs and he named the white house doctor, admiral Ronny Jackson to take that job. Jackson who famously gave President Trump a clean bill of health. Take a look. To answer your question he has included good genes and its the way god made him. Chris you call so theres a home run for veterans and theres no question that admiral jackson is a brilliant, great combat surgeon. The question everyone is raising is whether or not hes equipped. Has the experience to run an agency with 360,000 employees and an annual budget of 186 billion. Why doesnt that concern you and how much trouble do you think admiral jackson will have been confirmed . I think you will get confirmed because hes made lifeanddeath decisions on the battlefield. Hes committed medical personnel in the battlefield. Hes been in the middle of this work. I was with him a week ago, i guess two weeks ago now. At an event in charleston. He had no idea this was coming. I had no idea it was coming but we started talking about the Veterans Administration and he said to me something that was very satisfying. Somebody needs to take that place and turn it upside down. The body needs to make sure no veteran has to wait too long or drive too far to get basic healthcare. I want competition. For the Veterans Health care. I want the va to stay in existence but the veteran waits too long or lives too far away from a facility, the private sector to fill in that gap and admiral jackson has that same mentality. You need somebody to go into the va was willing to fight the bureaucracy and i think admiral jackson is good pick because hes been on the battlefield and knows what the fight is all about. Chris senator graham. Thank you. Thank you for your time this holiday weekend. A busy set of questions and we got it all and always great to talk with you. Happy easter. Chris up next, the president announces he wants to pull american troops out of syria. We will bring in our sunday we will bring in our sunday group to discuss whether hes woman where are we taking him . I have no clue. Were just tv doctors. If this was a real emergency, id be freaking out. We are the tv doctors of america. Together with cigna reminding you to go, know, and take control of your health. Schedule your annual checkup today. To go, know, and take control of your health. Directv now gives you more for your thing. Your letting go thing. Your sorry not sorry thing. Your out with the old in with the new, onto bigger and better thing. Get the live tv you love. No bulky hardware. No satellite. No annual contract. Try directv now for 10 mo for 3 months. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Visit directvnow dot com a farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Russia should not be acting like a victim. The only victims are the two victims in the hospital in the uk right now. Chris Russian Ambassador and the state Department Spokeswoman heather now word continuing the two countries war of forwards this week. Its time now for our sunday group. Former republican congressman, transvaal. Fox news analyst, marie harf. Catherine lucey the covers the white house for the associated press. And fox news correspondent, gillian turner. Where are we headed in relations with the kremlin after this week and you heard from senator graham, what should President Trump do next . Well, to lay it out right now. This investigation phase into the nerve agent attack is in full swing. Reporting this week is the United States is hand in glove with the brits on this investigation every step of the way. Some horrifying developmentscom. Just in the last 24 hours, the brits confirmed they believe president clinton at some president Vladimir Putin personally authorized this attack. As part of a largescale assassination plan for russian defectors around the world. Theyve gone so far as to warn partner nations they should amp up security for russian defectors living inside their borders. Its a horrifying chris why would they do that . Whats to be gained . I still dont like these people but why is killing a person was living as a private citizen in england worth the blowback you get internationally . I think because according to the Vladimir Putin and kgb playbook, these are some of the worst people on us. People who defected from the former soviet union and now from russia or people dont deserve to live. They are enemies of the state in the truest form. Not to play pop psychology but i think thats what motivates this. Chris we asked you for questions for the panel. On this issue of relations with russia and the mass expulsion of diplomats, lambert bowman tweeted this, the only question, does this not put to bed any and all allegations of true collusion . They put in an office the kremlin allegedly helping mr. Trump to expel people . How do you answer lambert the argument that the Trump Administration is taking action shows he is not playing ball with Vladimir Putin . Certainly the actions taken this week were very aggressive actions but there is a disconnect between the administrations actions and the president s public rhetoric. We havent heard him directly challenging Vladimir Putin. The critics are still pointing to that as a cause for concern. In terms of collusion specifically, thats just not going to be put to rest until this investigation concludes. We dont know where thats going and the people looking closely are still waiting to see what mueller finds. Chris i want to turn to a different subject and thats the surprise announcement that President Trump is eager to pull all u. S. Troops backing up syrian rebels, wants to pull them out of syria and also he has decided to freeze 200 million in u. S. Recovery aid for people in that country. It was mr. Trump this week. We are going to be coming out of the real thing. Going to get back to our country where we belong and where we want to be. Chris i want to pick up on what senator graham said. He said that the president , if he follows through on this is making exactly the same mistake barack obama made in iraq which was to pull out forces before the battle is won. Is he right . He is like it why do you telegraph in advance what youre going to do to your enemies and the local people youre engaging with two signal, a couple weeks now we may not be here. Thats not a good message. I do think its right to look at the aid portion and how were going to distribute that but i also dont think were that close, inches away from getting rid of the caliphate and reclaiming all of the land. I just see that. Chris there doesnt seem to be any pressure. There wasnt a huge call to pull u. S. Troops out. How do you explain the president suddenly announcing this, he was in ohio for an infrastructure speech and suddenly he says this. Theres no way i can answer that into tally but look, i think his heart is in the right place. I think you want to get the job done and get your troops home and thats a good message. To go in with overwhelming force, do what you need to do and come back home. But i dont think you telegraph that in advance. The timeline is iffy but i think senator graham is right in this case. Chris is a dont telegraph and that was one of the major points President Trump made in the campaign. I said that every week. I was critical of the president , president obama, dont do it like this. Chris so President Trump was saying, be unpredictable. Dont tell people an offense whats going to happen. Marie, your thought about the president s apparent eagerness to get out of syria. I think it would be a huge strategic mistake. Not because of the telegraphing issue although i agree with jason chaffetz. Will fill that void if the United States is not there. Russia and iran. We have seen them both within increasingly with airbases and troops. If the United States pulls back and leaves the reconstruction to someone else, we are handing that country over to two countries we dont want to have more power in the middle east. Were hearing from commanders on the ground. We are hearing from diplomats that President Trump need to take a step back and stay in this for the long haul, whatever that means. Whether its months or years. I think republicans like senator graham will keep standing up and pushed the president in a different way. Chris did you feel the same way about barack obama when he pulled our troops out of iraq in 2012 . I think was completely different strategic situation at the time. Chris why . The conditions on the ground were different. He pulled them out on a time i set by the bush administration. Chris thats not quite true. [indiscernible]. Chris you want to take this one on or shall i . Theres a tension between going to the American People rightly so and saying our men and women will not fight indefinitely overseas. Policing other countries civil wars. Theres a tension between that and advocating american leadership. The balance is not always easy to find going to infrastructure events in ohio and they were getting out of syria sends a bad signal to the commanders. Chris i will make an audible here. We could relitigate that. The fact is although there was an agreement there was always the presumption that the u. S. And iraq would negotiate for troops to stay in that president obama didnt push very hard. I want to move on to north korea, after kim jonguns surprise visit with the chinese. The chinese said that kim, want to talk about a quick dismantlement. Likely began tolike libya and q. I think were still waiting to hear how the president processes this. He said earlier this week he was still looking forward to talks. He made references to this in ohio this week. We havent heard indication that hes not going to do this. Some of this i think is part of public posturing that will keep going on up until this meeting potentially happens. Chris does that concern you when you hear kim talk . It sounds a bit like the North Koreans have done in the past. We will give you this, you give us that. We will play along and that we will go back on our word. This is all moving in the right direction. Its one of the strongest points for President Trump and what hes done. He put the pressure on both militarily and economically. You see that china is going to pay a key role in ultimately what happens there. And us with the japanese and the south koreans, got to hold the line. Its important to present meet with the leader of north korea. I think that will be productive. I dont think he should let off the gas at all and certainly the appointment of john bolton will not send any signals that we will be soft there. Chris quick final thought. I think the president changed tracks. He shifted to a maximum Pressure Campaign against south korea which was really interesting and threatening to tie our bilateral trade deal to the denuclearization issue he is an south korea, we are demanding they deliver results before he sits down at the table for this negotiation with kim jongun. That was remarkable because it shows how little leverage we actually have against this crazy rogue regime, north korea. The president triangulating, as much as i hate that word. Looking at the levers and saying im not going to get what i want from this i might as well push this lever as he what i can extract from south korea. Chris since they are meeting first, at the end of this month. He is saying before we sign this trade deal what you guys want, lets see how much you push the North Koreans. We dont want you breaking away from us. Yes, he said it better than i did. Chris thank you panel. Youll get more time in the next panel for buttering me up. We will take a break and see you later. When we come back, the decision to include a question on citizenship in the 20 20 census raises an uproar. 20 20 census raises an uproar. We will talk with two theret for a single dad. And back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. That i served. Of the fact i was a c130 mechanic in the corps, so im not happy unless my hands are dirty. Between running a business and four kids, were busy. Auto insurance, homeowners insurance, Life Insurance policies. Knowing that usaa will always have my back. Thats just one less thing you have to worry about. I couldnt imagine going anywhere else. Theyre like a friend of the family. We are the cochran family, and well be usaa members for life. Save by bundling usaa home and auto insurance. Get a quote today. 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That has started a fierce debate in california which has voted to become a sanctuary state. Joining me now from california, democratic congressman brad sherman. And the pfister of the Orange County board of supervisors, shawn nelson. Californias attorney general announced he is suing the federal government for deciding to add that question to the senses. It was his reasoning. And undercount resulting from thisdecision whichever jeopardize services for all californians. It would also jeopardize our representation in government. Chris mr. Nelson, is congressman wrong or in fact would you like to see california lose some seats in congress and some federal money that is based on the large number of people in your state illegally . Attorney general i just think is incorrect because the federal government has a right to conduct the senses and theresnothing that says they can ask any particular question. I dont want california to miss out on anything but i think the hysteria of the answering questions is somehow going to force people away from a senses , i dont buy it. The government is precluded from sharing that information for 72 years after a person answers the census. Chris let me ask you about the effect of it. Do you think people in this country illegally should be counted when its decided how you will apportion congressional seats and how you will divvy up federal money . Thats a great question. If in the end we essentially import a few million citizens of other countries to gain the system to get extra congressional seats, i suppose that presents a big question for power in washington d. C. We always assume the count is for california where ive lived has a different issue and that poses a big problem. Chris congressman sherman, let me ask you the same question. Why should california or any state with a sizable of Illegal Immigrants in its population benefit from that to get more federal money or more seats in congress . We are often shortchanged when it comes to federal money in congress and allocate money however it chooses. The enumeration for the census is for house seats in the season the electoral college. The constitution is clear, you count all persons. Except indians on tax. Those are the words of the constitution. If people want to change the constitution, theres a process for doing that. Instead they seem to want to thwart the constitution to achieve the results without an amendment. By deliberately under counting all immigrants, legal and illegal is a threestep program for doing that. Create massive fear. Starting by calling immigrants rapists and murderers. Deportations. The fear in latino and asian communities is palpable. Then, you add this question. Which the census under the Trump Administration says will lead to an undercount. Then you add insult to injury by saying the reason youre doing it is to enforce the Voting Rights act. That is part of the trumpet program for latino that is absolutely absurd. Chris let me bring mr. Nelson and if i can because we have limited time. This will be the first time this question has been asked as a general question. In the census since 1950. What about the argument this is an effort by the Trump Administration to depress the count by frightening Illegal Immigrants . Listen, i think any question has the potential to be avoided. The point is to reach out to communities and encourage them to participate. Theres no repercussions. This information cannot be shared and theres no reason people shouldnt participate unless folks go out and scare them and i would say whats happening on this very show by congressman sherman might have more to do with scaring them than anything i am saying from my end of the spectrum. Tell people they are protected and encourage them to participate. My county has more poor people than most counties have people. Many of them are immigrants. We need federal money. Chris i want to ask you congressman sherman, mr. Nelson is exactly right that the law expressly prohibits sharing any information from the census with any government, with any court. Why should anybody be afraid and perhaps arent you by talking as you are, arent you creating that fear . Im certainly not create any fear but the fact is immigrants come from countries with oppressive governments in many cases. To convince them that a man stands there and since these are rapist and murderers and should be pushed out should get information about losing your family with the immigration status is. And that a congress that includes people that say they are rapists and murderers isnt going to change the statute and use that as a deportation list to convince someone whos lived for the terrible situations in guatemala and honduras that they should go ahead and answer the senses is going to be difficult. To say youre doing it to enforce the Voting Rights act is absolutely absurd. Chris i want to switch to the other side because while california is suing the federal government including this question on the census, the federal government is doing california about its decision to enact laws that in effect make it a century state. And in fact the Orange County supervisors voted this week to join the federal lawsuit against the state of california here was President Trump this week. Sanctuary cities where they are protecting criminals. They protect murderers. They protect people that you dont on the streets. Other places in california said we dont want that. First time they are speaking up. Chris mr. Nelson, you were one of the board of supervisors members that voted to join the lawsuit against allstate. Why . It was my idea because we are put in an untenable position where our deputies are precluded from speaking to authorities because they want to pick someone up because they are here illegally, charged with a crime. Our people can talk to the federal government unless there are exceptions that are met but there are prior convictions. We have people getting out everything that we dont want released without the federal government at least having an opportunity to make their own decision whether these people ought to be released inthe stre. We have 240 hundred 44 people that were released [indiscernible] chris congressman sherman, you said washington is violating the constitution by putting this Citizenship Question and is in california violating the constitution by interfering with the federal government which has supremacy when it comes to matters of immigration . Chris, we need comprehensive immigration reform. Until we get it, we will be pulling our society apart. Chris youre not answering my question. California is absolutely within its rights. California has sued the Trump Administration 29 times and we havent lost once. Chris youre not answering my question. I will. Chris lets get to it because we are almost done. The states and the federal government share sovereignty in our federal system. Thats why obamacare couldnt force the states to expand medicaid. Chris when arizona went further than president obama did, they said they had overstepped their bounds under the supremacy clause. Arent you violating that . The federal government establishes immigration policy but whether california employees are going to spend california money and resources to help enforce that policy is a california decision. We will win that in court. If the federal, cant compel state to participate in medicaid, it cant compel states to become Law Enforcement authorities on immigration. Chris of course the constitution didnt say anything about medicaid which didnt happen until the 1960s. It says something specifically about immigration. Mr. Nelson, 30 seconds for a final thought. Unfortunately, that is completely misleading. Dont want our people doing the federal governments job nor do they have the time. What California Law is requiring is our service not cooperating which is resulting in people that have committed crimes ending up on the streets of every county. Certainly Orange County. We got involved because we dont think thats right. We are tired of the states want to use these arguments to prevent us from keeping the citizens safe. Chris all right. We will have to leave it there. Didnt think we would settle this and we didnt. Congressman sherman, mr. Nelson, thank you both for joining us today to discuss the continuing debate over immigration. Next, we will bring back the panel what they think about the senses asking think about the senses asking citizens whether they hey, sir losealot thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Livin in this crazy world so caught up in the confusion nothin is makin sense for me and you maybe we can find a way theres got to be solutions how to make a brighter day what do we do . Weve got to give a little love have a little hope make this world a little better try a little more harder than before every person who uses our highways or Mass Transit System counts. Everyone who relies on our government, federal state and local to be there when i Natural Disaster strikes, count. They like to think people are entitled to government carveouts and benefits and citizens are. Chris californias attorney general and Orange County supervisor shawn nelson with sharply different views on whether the census should ask people if they are citizens. Why do you think the Trump Administration has decided to ask this as a general question on the census for the First Time Since 1950 . Its hard to know their motivation behind what they have said. I think this decision in the context of the divisive rhetoric about immigration in the context of more hardline policies and deportation. And thats how most importantly, americans and People Living in the country are seeing it. The point of the census is to take account of everyone not just citizens. And there are many people on both sides of the aisle thatfir believe this question will depress turnout and we will got not get an accurate count because people are afraid of what the Trump Administration will do with that information. Chris do you think this will depress voter response from people to the census with the express effort of trying to lower the amount of money spent on federal benefits. The apportionment of congressional seats. That is certainly the argument to be made about this issue. There is in fact in addition to this, a much larger context at stake. It gets more to the fundamentals of american democracy and how our representatives in congress and elsewhere represent us. This is something the Supreme Court took up as recently as 2016. Should congressional representatives represent equal numbers of voters in different districts or should they represent equal number of people . The case was called and they decided folks were not citizens have as much equity and should have as much say in these policy decisions as people who are american citizens. Chris i am just learning about that this morning. Apparently that was a decision that was to the states and localities than it was to congress. The question is whether congressional seat should be apportioned. I was shocked to learn it might be people and not citizens. The same. Considering american members of ours are supposed to represent the american electorate. I saw thought. This up your argument to be made they should also represent the interests of noncitizens. Thats a bigger question is the one theres one member of Congress Sitting at this table. Thats ridiculous to think nonamericans are going to influence of the vote. Chris thats how its worked until now. I think is a fundamental principle, i think its one. The census will count everyone. Were having a debate about doctor and immigration reform, should we know who is here illegally . The biggest problem with the census is on this question. And it will be on the. The biggest problem with the census is if they were trying to do this over the internet and with electronic machines. What could possibly go wrong . Chris the debate inside the white house about this that seem to come out of nowhere with secretary of commerce loss announcing it. Secretary ross pointed to concerns with the Voting Rights act. Thats the argument being made in the administration as to why this is important. I think we know these legal challenges are already happening. A number of states will challenge this and its not clear how quickly this will be resolved. If possible this question may not end up on the census if it gets tied up in court to. Chris meanwhile President Trump has been on a tear this week about amazon. Here is one of his tweets to give you a sense of what hes been talking about. Amazon paid little or no taxes to state and local governments, use our postal system as their delivery boy causing tremendous loss to the u. S. And are putting many retailers out of business. Congressman jason chaffetz, as former chair of the oversight committee, youve dealt with these issues. Is President Trump right or wrong . Is fundamentally wrong on this issue and i think he knows hes wrong on this issue. The problem is with the post office are rooted in the decline of firstclass mail. There are pension issues and how they account for their medical costs. The fact they have more customers in amazon is a blessing and a good thing to the postal service. You look at ups, fedex, amazon, they all use the postal service. You need them to boost up the numbers that are coming in to the post office. I know that they, theres a personal conflict between the president and mr. Bezos. Thats rooted in his acquisition of the washington post. You need more customers at the post office, not less. Chris i know it was true in the past that a lot of the big box brickandmortar retailers were upset that sales over the internet, they didnt collect sales tax but amazon i think is collecting sales tax in 45 states. Its rooted into your do not have physical presence in the states. Quite contrary to what the president has said, amazon has been helping to lead the charge because its in their best Economic Future to have sales tax collected in these states. The act which i helped sponsor has brought about bipartisan support and that says the state would get to make the determination. So amazon is paying quite a bit of taxes, more than they paid before and they want each of the states to make these types of decisions. A very conservative viewpoint. Chris catherine, why is the president so focused on amazon right now and is it just tweets or is there talk in the white house of really taking action to move against amazon . The white house said there were no specific policies on the table at this time. With the obvious caveats the president makes policy without telling anyone, as of right now they dont appear to be signaling anything. He does as the congressman said, this is rooted in policy and politics but also personal. He does find the fact that jeff bezos owns the post, deeply frustrating. He is not involved in journalistic decisions but he seems to lash out if hes frustrated by news coverage. Chris marie, let me ask you because this is part of a bigger story that theres a backlash against big and we see it with facebook and the wall they played with russian ads. Cambridge analytical and turning over information. What are your thoughts about why the president is targeting not tech asan industry but targ amazon and just based. Catherines right, this is personal for the president. He uses his twitter feed to hash out personal issues he has. This is his inner monologue being made public. I think he has and or his administration hasnt really looked at these bigger issues of tech. There could be good work if they stepped back, personal and said should we and how should we regulate . Facebook, twitter, amazon, google. All of these different platforms, theres a huge conversation about tech on the president is playing a personal game on twitter which is frustrating to a lot of people. Chris while there is certainly between President Trump and jeff bezos, there is a policy question and that the sex of the companiessuccess of hurts retailers. To the tech sector and the rest of america, this is about the future of brickandmortar and retail. And what happens if a player like amazon is forced to bear out some of the consequences that the president would like to see happen. You cant put the cat back in the box and you cant move america away from the future of online retail. Chris all right. We will discuss more of this i am sure. Thank you panel, see you next sunday. 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Chris Richard Olson is talking about the birth of two baby bald eaglets. Events that attracted 22 million hits on evil cam. Also as director of in washington, he took us to watch the nest from a distance where the eagle family was still living. You are seeing the mom or the dad. Mr. President or first lady. Chris the interest and the baby eaglets has brought attention to the arboretum. Is this a garden or a 400 acre laboratory . Its both. Its not mutually exclusive. Science occurs here everyday. Chris these beautiful failures that used to grow only in the south until scientist at the arboretum developed hybrids that could thrive farther north. The bumblebee move pollen from the mail to the female. The find the best one that has the traits we are looking for. Chris is a collection of 60,000 tried pressed plans to keep a permanent record. If theres any confusion as to what scientifically rosemary is we can go back to the original specimen to see this is how the plant was described. Chris theres a museum of many trees japan gave to this country in 1976 to mark our bicentennial point including this piece of tree that had quite a life since 1625. The street did survivesurvive hiroshima. Chris 400 years and one nuclear blast. Amazing to think about. This is my office and i get out when i want. Chris Richard Nelson grew up loving the outdoors. I was always the kid helping the parents in the tomato garden, vegetable garden. Planting rhubarb in wisconsin and in north carolina. Chris there was a time he consider a different line of work. I thought i wanted to become an analyst for the cia. Chris by the end of college, he treated spy craft for seeds and hes never looked back. Our mission at the arboretum is to enhance the american landscape. When you see these trees, my job is to get people to love trees as much as i do. Thats pretty noble. Chris more good news at the arboretum this week, two new bald eagle eggs were spotted in the nest. Thats it for today. Have a happy easter and passover and a great week and we will see you next fox news [ dog barking ] [ wind howling ] previously on legends and lies. I will burn the town and have blood. [ dogs barking ] its this way. The negro is my equal. He is the equal of every living man. [ bell tolling ] lets go. She is determined to make all who oppose her feel southern steel. This guilty land will be purged with blood. 85 years ago, this country was born. Is this the year that it dies . If war with the federal government is the result, then so be it

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