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Plus the president s embrace of the global trade war since the market reeling. Josh bolten head of the Business Roundtable to adjust to sound the alarm. Then, Vladimir Putin boasts about russian weapons. He says can penetrate u. S. Missile defenses. We will ask our sunday panel if were headed for a new cold war. In our power player of the week, Country Music legend, dolly parton. On giving books to millions of children. There are many things i do. This is one thats nearest and dearest to my heart. All right now on fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. Even in donald trump white house, this has been quite a week. Sudden changes on gun control. A surprise announcement to impose deep tariffs. And a staff in turmoil. This hour we will talk about the new tariffs on the potential for trade war with white house advisor, Peter Navarro and josh bolten point had of the Business Roundtable. A coalition of top ceos. But first peter doocy with the latest from the white house. Some of President Trumps most loyal allies are dismayed regarding steve new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. The commerce secretary is trying to quiet complaints. Theres about three cents worth of template steel and this can. If it goes up 25 , thats a tiny fraction of one penny. Reporter the president has also been hearing it from governors demanding action on gun control. I just need less tweeting, a little more listening. Reporter as Republican Leaders inched toward control measures, the president had a warning for his own party. Some of you people are petrified of the nra. Reporter he said he had a good meeting with the nra andse back up some proposals. In the west wing, policy debates continue as staffers struggle struggle to hold their ground. Hope hicks is leaving. And attorney general Jeff Sessions was picture dining with rod rosenstein. If you want to work in a Trump Administration, know your blood type because you will be thrown under the bus. Reporter this weeks real storm in dc was the noreaster. I left preschoolers with a flashlight. It was certainly chaotic this morning. Reporter the president took in my office with his food from the Mainstream Media at the gridiron dinner to joke with reporters about the weeks unflattering headlines. For example, one president ial punchline and the delayed arrival at the dinner on Jared Kushner not being able to get through security. Chris peter doocy wereportin from the white house the biggest policy announcement is the president announcing hes imposing a 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 percent on aluminum. Tuning is now, one of the architects of the controversial plan, white house advisor Peter Navarro. Welcome to fox news sunday. Good to be here. Chris the blowback to the new tariff policy is intense especially from conservatives. Here are two leading republican senators. I hope the president doesnt really do this because if he does, its going to be a huge tax on american citizens. If you own a steel mill, today was great for you. If you consume steel, and every American Family bought something that has steel in it, todays a bad day for you. Chris was the chair of the Senate Finance committee, are they wrong . Of course they are wrong. In terms of the Republican Party, lets number this. Doctor branigan 16 republicans. None of those republicans supported Donald Trumps positions on trade. He be every one of them. The doctor went on with the democratic opponent who didnt support his positions on trade and he beat them too. What donald trump wants to do is fulfill his Campaign Promises to the American People and defend american workers. When we hear about huge effects, lets do some of the numbers here. First of all, the reason why the president is doing this is because if he doesnt, we will lose aluminum, Steel Industry very quickly. If you look at the aluminum industry for example, we are down now for less than 10 percent sign of fulfilling our demand. We lost six smelters since 2013. We are down to five smelters. Only two are fully operational. Operating at 43 percent find capacity. Only one makes the high aluminum. Chris one of the things that both of those answers raise is this will raise prices for American Consumers and the fact is, it will. Secretary ross estimates if you take the imported steel that goes into an american built car, it will increase the price of that car 175. An analyst at the Cato Institute we do this, so, a new 175 per vehicle tax times 17 million vehicles. Sold in the usa in 2017, equals almost 3 billion in new annual consumer taxes just for steel and autos. If i may serve, if you talk about not just cars but all the products that use imported steel or imported aluminum, we are talking about attacks on American Consumers in the billions of dollars. Calexico terry ross is math a lot better. Lets do it for aluminum. If you get a 10 percent sign tariff on aluminum. Can of coke or beer, thats a sentandahalf. The other end the spectrum, boeing 70 777, we are talking about an increase in cost at the worst, 25,000. We talk about these massive costs, there are no downstream price affects on our industries that are significant. Lets be very clear about the mission. Even if its 175 a car under 17 million cars. That is a 3 billion tax. I guess we disagree on how to do the math. 175 on a 33,000 car is a small fraction of one percent. Chris if you added up, we are talking billions of dollars in cost. Theres not enough zeros the one i know youre a good economist but the fact is were talking billions of dollars. Correct . On a 19 trillion economy. But i agree is the downstream effects of steel and aluminum tariffs are insignificant and the mission here is to preserve our steel and Aluminum Industries for National Security and Economic Security. Chris i want to pick up on exactly that point because the president is imposing these new tariffs under section 232 of the trade expansion act. Which says all of this imported steel and aluminum, it threatens our National Security. I want to ask you about that though. Here are the countries that we importsteel from. Canada is number one with 60 percent of the market. South korea is number three. Russia is never number five. China iswe way down at 11. How can canadian imports be a threat to our National Security went for the last quarter century under law, canadian imports, the canadian Industrial Base is considered part of our defense. The American Defense Industrial Base . Lets tackle this in two ways. Lets talk about232. When its national and Economic Security broadly defined. Its country agnostic. Doesnt matter who is sending us this product. The fact is if we keep receiving it the way we are, were not wanted to have an aluminum industry, we are not going to have a Steel Industry. Make no mistake, the aluminum industry is on life support. It will be gone in a year or two if the president doesnt take the courageous actions he has proposed. Chris will the president im asking a question. Will the president exempt allies like canada and europe . On thursday, which was a great meeting with the ceos. There was uniform consensus that what the president needed to do is tariffs, not quotas and needed to be acrosstheboard. That was the president s announcement that day. Thats the direction its headed. My expectation is that the direction its headed. Chris so in answer to my direct question, will he exempt canada and the European Union . Thats not his decision. Chris it is his decision but youre saying hes not going to do it. As soon as he starts exempting countries, he has to raise the tariff on everyone else. As for the exams one country, his phone started ringing from the heads of state of other countries to say why not me. Chris its a global imposition. Asked and answered. As it should be. Lets think about the mission here. The mission is to defend our steel and Aluminum Industries so that they survive. As the president said clearly and correctly, we can have a country without a steel and aluminum industry. Would you grant me this, that we are down now to less than 10 percent of aluminum production. Chris im just asking the question. So let me ask another question. The other concern is prices will not just go up but other countries will retaliate and slap tariffs on there exports to their countries. President trump tweeted this on friday about responding to u. S. Trade deficits with countries. Trade wars are good and easy to win. Heres what you said. I dont believe any country in the world will retaliate for the simple reason where the most lucrative and biggest market in the world. Chris mr. Navarro, do you really believe that . Yes i do and lets give it perspective. With the lowest tariffs in the world. We are the free trading nation of the world. When we get for that . We get half trillion dollar trade deficit that transfers our wealth to other countries and basically offshores our jobs and factories. All we are asking for is fate and reciprocal trade. In this particular case we are defending National Security but more broadly, these countries we are trading with, they understand they had a very good deal for many years. All the president is doing, hes been saying this for two years now. Actually for 20. America first. We want a fair deal. We want reciprocal trade. Chris if i may ask the question now. That may be your argument but the European Union for instance doesnt believe it. They say theyve already assembled a package of tariffs. 25 percent tariffs on three and have billion dollars of u. S. Exports. The head of the European Commission said this, we will put tariffs on harleydavidson. On bourbon and on blue jeans. Levis. Question, is he bluffing . They already have tariffs on them. If you go to india, theres been hundred percent tariff on our harleys. Chris im asking about the European Union. Do you believe hes bluffing . We need to keep the rhetoric down. It would be helpful if the media did have crazy headlines about trade wars. Just look at the facts. Where the biggest market in the world. Chris no, wait a minute. Sir, excuse me. Trade wars are good. Its not a media invention but its a tweet from the president. Mr. Navarro, would you agree that trade wars are good . It was a tweet by the president. I will finish this point. All of the countries in europe that we trade with one very large trade surpluses with us. We run trade deficits with them. Who gets hurt if it goes in the direction we you are suggesting . Chris i am not suggesting anything. I am asking you questions. I take exception to the idea the talk of trade wars is an invention of themedia when the president weeded out, trade wars are good and easy to win. We have limited time. You guys are fanning the flames here. Chris i didnt write the president s tweet. What im trying to say in a measured way, from the rest of the worlds perspective they are getting a really good deal from America Running big trade surpluses with us. All we are asking for is fair and reciprocal trade. In this case, i hope our allies understand chris to call you a trade hardliner is an understatement. In 2011 you wrote a book called, death by china that you then made into a documentary. Heres a trailer for that documentary that shows a knife representing china going into the heart of the United States. Some white house senior staff accusing you of guerrilla warfare. Saying you sneak around the west wing go into the oval office and runaround policy meetings personally lobby the president but frankly, a number of senior staff were surprised when the president made this announcement on thursday. How do you plead . I would say sitting here on a sunday, thats a bit of a cheap shot. There is no fact and evidence to support that. If ive learned anything in the 14 months in washington in the white house, is that there is all sorts of luscious leaks to try to hurt us. The culture in the white house is if they go after one of us, they go after all of us. The president s doing a great job. I stand on my writings. I can tell you that the china issue is when we have as a country will have to address because its a serious matter. Chris mr. Navarro, thank you. Thank you for your time and a spirited discussion. Next, reaction from the head of the Business Roundtable what these tariffs will mean for american jobs in the u. S. Economy. It takes a lot of work to run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i dont eat the way i should. So, i drink boost to get the nutrition im missing. Boost high protein nutritional drink has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d. All with a great taste. Boost gives me everything i need. To be up for doing what i love. Boost high protein be up for it even before the new trump tariffs are officially announced, there is fierce perspective the policy. Some of the loudest alarms coming from the Business Roundtable, the leading ceos of u. S. Companies. Josh bolten, welcome back. You were listening to mr. Navarro, what do you think of his defense of the president s new tariffs . I think its a huge mistake. I am sad that President Trump has been led by that kind of advice. Chris President Trump. Thank you. President trump is coming at thiswith the best of instincts. Hes trying to fulfill his Campaign Promises. Trying to help some workers in the United States , specifically in the steel and Aluminum Industries. What he needs to understand what the overwhelming majority of the businesses in our organization are trying to say is, this will cause huge damage across broad sectors of the economy. You may be able to give help to the steel and Aluminum Industries, you will cause damage across any number of downstream industries in any number of industries that export countries that are likely to retaliate. Chris but theres no question, i think you would agree, that the chinese overproduction of steel and their imported to the u. S. , sometimes not only directly but through other countries has to medically heard the Steel Industry crossed american jobs. You saying the president should just stand there and let it happen . Absolutely not. The problem is the one you identified which is state subsidized overcapacity in china. Especially in steel. Thats the issue that ought to be addressed. Ironically, the announcement that President Trump made this past week hits steel importing from all kinds of countries. Most of them are friends and allies. Many of them are Free Trade Agreement partners. Hits china only minimally. China accounts for only 2 of the u. S. Steel imports at this point. So the remedy that in a is pushing the president to impose doesnt address the real problem which is chinese overcapacity. How do you address that . Its really hard. Youve got to get together with our friends and allies who are faced the same problem. Put pressure on the chinese jointly. Because you cant do this individually. Forced the chinese to reform their practices. Its not an easy task. Not as easy as waving her hand and putting tariffs on a bunch of countries that are not the problem. Chris lets talk about what you say are the downsides of this. Mr. Navarro says talk of this will increase prices for American Consumers is overstated. He talks about a penny on a beer can or 50 on an american car. He also says the threat of retaliation is overstated. Dead wrong on both counts. First of all, it may be a penny on a beverage can but lets be clear, in the United States, we make 8888 billion beverage can per year. That comes out to a tax of 180 million just on beverage cans. We are talking about all types of products. When you get to cars, tractors, airplanes. The cost is really high. Making our products uncompetitive against their foreign competitors. Thats number one. Number two on the retaliation point, Peter Navarro seems to be very comfortable that we wont get retaliated against. I hope hes right. But the history is completely against him on that. The statements of some of our trading partners already is against that. Now, i dont know if Peter Navarro would be willing to bet his job that hes right that there wont be retaliation. But he ought to be willing to make that bet because hes betting that jobs of tens of thousands of americans who depend on these export markets that there wont be retaliation and theres a lot of risk that he is wrong. Chris what are the chances this escalates into a global trade war and if so, what would the impact the. Not just in the u. S. Economy but the Global Economy . If escalation into a trade war is with the businesses in my organization are really worried about. Its bad enough in the steel and aluminum case. But the tweets by the president including a tweet about responding on german autos on friday suggests he thinks a trade war is easy. That its winnable. It isnt. Nobody wins a trade war. Especially in these globalized days. The United States when we are so dependent on goods coming and going out. For our competitiveness. Every modern president has faced some trade skirmishes during their time. But theyve all been wise enough not to let it descend into outright trade war. Chris let me ask you about that because you do have experience with this. With the deputy chief of staff first in the bush white house. In 2002, president bush, bush 43 imposed steel tariffs of 30 percent on foreign steel imports. He did exempt some countries like canada which this president according to Peter Navarro is not going to do. There was retaliation from the European Union for less than two years later, you rescinded. He looked at the tariffs. What lesson did you take from the experience in 20022003 . All of the economic studied after that showed we lost more jobs in the downstream industries that we saved in steel. Steel wouldnt be in the problem it is today if those measures had been effective. It is a very important difference between what president bush did what President Trump is proposing to do. Its a little bit detailed but bear with me because i do think its important. President bush and most trade remedy measures of this kind have been done under section 201, which is a legal procedure accepted in the wto which requires going to an independent body to make a showing of injury. If you succeed in making a showing of a serious kind of injury, the products get pared back as they did for president bush. Then internationally, thats generally accepted as a way to proceed. The europeans in that case took us to the wto, when they won the case president bush immediately removed the tariffs and there was no retaliation in that case. This is completely different. President trump is proposing to proceed under a statute called section 232. National security. Eight that shoot thats only been used twice in this countrys history to restrain imports from iran and libya of oil. Thats real National Security. In this case, even his secretary of defense doesnt think the National Security is implicated. What that does is freeze up our trading partners to retaliate willynilly which i think they will feel justified in doing. Chris i asked mr. Navarro about the policy process inside the white house. The fact that a number of senior staff people were surprised when the president actually announced the plan on thursday. They thought they were still discussing it. As chief of staff in the bush 43 white house, what you make of the way this white house operates . Its a very different kind of place. Every white house has its own style. Ours was a particularly disciplined style. The Current White House is much less disciplined. I think john kelly has brought a substantial amount of coherence to the policy process. Chris do you find in this issue and others, where a major decision is made of some of the senior staff apparently didnt know it was going to happen. Thats a serious problem. I dont think in this case the problem here is really the process. The problem here is the instincts of the president that he brought with him from the campaign. We have to respect that. Have to respect what the president is doing here. Hes had really strong policies on taxes, on regulation. But the third stole of International Trade on which he campaigned is weak. Sometimes a president , you need to stick to your principles but you also need to recognize in cases where stuff you said in the campaign isnt right and ought to be drawn back. Needs to have the courage to do that. Chris josh, thank you. We will follow what the president formally announces this week. Up next, we bring in our sunday group to discuss the president s evolving position on guns in school safety. And whether he can strike a deal with congress to get anything done. Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 4. 95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. 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Then he meets with the nra and he appears to be backing off some of those things he said in the sessions. What happened . I think you have a president that wants to get something done. Like all of us wants to address school safety. Some of what the president said was unfair. You get his criticism of senator toomey. I disagree with what he said about senator toomey. What makes this issue so hard, its one of the flashpoints in a cultural civic breaking apart. That really does risk tearing our country. One half, probably less than one half that doesnt understand why somebody would want to have a gun. Why would someone want to use a gun. Then you have another part of the country that looks at it as every opportunity. They tried to take away the rights of lawabiding citizens. Until we can get to a point where different parts of the country want to talk to each other. Want to understand each other can start finding policies that will actually make a difference, were never going to be able to have a country chris but to respond to that by bashing the nra. Dont think thats the answer. Hes trying to get to policies that will get something done. In an area that is as big a flashpoint in the civic breaking apart. One of the real threats to our democracy and that needs to be addressed. Chris in his session with the members of congress, President Trump seemed determined to take guns away from mentally unstable people like the parkland shooter. Here the president is. It takes so long to go to court. To get the due process. I like taking the guns early. You can do exactly what youre saying but take the guns first, go through due process second. Chris congresswoman, jane harman. Take the guns first was kind of extreme even for the fiercest guncontrol advocates among democrats. What are the chances that for all of the emotions when this is said and done, nothing meaningful will get passed by congress . I think they are significant. And its heartbreaking. A significant chance Congress Wont be able to do anything. I would say is not a debate between guns were no guns. Its a debate about what level of protection, give kids in school. How can we take guns away from mentally unstable people, especially assault weapons. I was in congress in 1994. Diane feinstein had a bill to take away assault weapons which past. 10 years later it expired. I do think Something Like that, more focused on mental health. Chris so why do you think nothing will happen . Because there is no fundamental agreement about what should happen. Even this tiny bill about registration is stuck because some democrats want more than that and they think chris not about registration. About filing, fixing the criminal background system. The point is, even that is stuck because one side once more, one side once less. Can we get it that our kids will go to fortresses from now on. Where my grandkids are and thats the wrong message for kids. Chris i dont think its fair to say one side once less with regards to that. If democrats want it to pass. Senator rubio gave a great speech where he was talking about specific pieces of legislation that have bipartisan support that actually could have prevented this attack. From Something Like restraining orders. Making it easier for School Officials to take people who are known problems and sending them to the cops. We need to get those things done. I think the question is, does the Democratic Party wants to work with the Republican Party to get things done what do they want the issue. Chris i want to bring other members of the panel and. Democrats want to get something done. Piecemeal reform is okay. But i think we should do more. Governors fortunately and the private sector of these gun stores are moving into the vacuum and i applaud them for doing it. Chris this has always been an unruly white house but it really did seem to be out of control this week. Lets put this on the screen. There were a series of leaks that seemed designed to weaken Jared Kushner. The president called the decision by attorney general sessions disgraceful. Gary cohen is said to be on the verge of resigning over the issue of tariffs. The president according to some reports once his National Security adviser, general mcmaster out. What is going on . So other than that, it was a great week. I think theres a reality about this white house. Ive talked to people that work in the white house about it which is you are not going to change the way President Trump operates. This is the way he is. I think its a mistake to have a structure that is designed to change him. I think you have to have a staff structure that works around the way he operates. It seems to be in place for a while but, rob porter who was the staff secretary who helped control things is gone. General kelly who seem to have instilled some order is now finding himself feuding with Jared Kushner. That created its own set of chaos. And i think you have the reality that some of the top issues that were bubbling along have now come to the surface. Trade for example which you have very interesting conversation on was always going to split the white house staff. That was below the surface. Carrie cohen is here, Peter Navarro is there. Is no getting around that when you get to the point where you want to act. This decision by the president to announce on his own on the fly that hes going to impose tariffs on trade aluminum and steel imports point the staff have been telling people an hour earlier, its not going to happen. When you bring that sort of question to the surface, youre going to see the splits. Cant keep them hidden any longer. Chris how much concern among Top Republicans in this town, mostly in the building behind me about staff disarray and policy disarray in the white house . I think the second piece is most important. Largely, the intrigue is something the media has been obsessed with since day one. This administration is no different. It seems to be more of a central thesis with this administration. In terms of congress, the only time they care about this is when it affects the policy. I think this week is the first week in many months, going back to probably july of last year that it did. We saw that with the rollout of these trade proposals. A lot of misunderstanding about what they actually were and a lack of consensus internally. That is a problem because Congress Reacts only and exclusively to consistency from the administration. There are 535 different opinions, at least want to wake up every morning and see the president of the United States. They all have their own individual opinions so they need consistency from the administration to guide their view. Chris we have to take a break butwhen we come back, we will discuss bladder putins announcement, russia has no invinciblemissiles that can penetrate u. S. Defenses. What would you like to ask the panel about prospects for new cold war . Go to facebook or twitter , foxnewssunday e . We may use your question on the air. Money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Lets team up to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks yaaay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Always be you. But their nutritional needs remain instinctual. Thats why theres purina one true instinct. Real meat 1. A different breed of natural nutrition. Purina one true instinct. Now, try new purina one true instinct treats. Russia was and remains a bigger state. But no one listens to us. Listen to us now. Chris russian president Vladimir Putin with ominous warning. We are back with the panel. Congresswoman jane harman, how important do you think this announcement is. Does he really have these weapons and how does it change our relations with russia . Are we headed for a new cold war . Lets focus on the fact theres a new election in russia in two weeks. He is essentially unopposed but it wont hurt to put out a big Campaign Speech which he did effectively. The weapons itself, some of it is new and some of it isnt new. The footage he used was from a 2007 russian documentary which has been on youtube since 2011. So thats clearly not new. Talking about his ability to be invincible, not so much. Cruise missiles are much harder to defend against then missiles to have a that goes up and comes down. Chris on the real issue, the animation actually showed the missile headed towardnorth amer. Was does what does that say about american russian relations . It says my button is bigger than your button. We should worry about russia transferring technology to other countries. We just learned russias been wandering coal from north korea to other places. Not so good. But what i wanted to say was, theres a Missile Defense review underway. We should do more with our Missile Defenses point they will never be perfect. Russia could overwhelm us but we could overwhelm them. As to a new cold war, i dont think so. Its a very different world now. What happened to the vision Ronald Reagan had about a shiny city on a hill and not just being tough on defense . Wheres the vision for america and our role in the world . That we conduce the one we ask you questions for the panel begot this from alex at four. Wouldnt it imposing the sanctions that Congress Approves of nearly unanimously be a good deterrent without further escalation . Josh, how do you answer alex . Great question. The irony of this administration and howtheyve dealt with sanctions is has a few greater speculation about the elections of 2016 and all of the investigations into it. Have they implement to the sanctions without any question, they would be in a much different situation with respect to the investigations. What we are doing currently is clearly not working. You have the dni director coats. Pompeo sang for not doing enough to deter russia with respect to our elections and midterms coming up. Ive talked to a number of members of congress. They all think weve spent far too much time talking about 2016 election and not nearly enough time about 2018 and its time we turned the page and address that. Chris that brings us to a hearing on capitol hill this week were senator Elizabeth Warren was questioning the head of the National Security agency, admiral rogers. Mike rogers about given what happen in 2016, with russian meddling, what about the dangers to 2018 . Here he is. My concern is i believe president clinton has come to the conclusion there is little price to pay and i can continue this activity. Chris has President Trump been tough enough. Forget 2016. Lets put that in a box for a minute. Has he been tough enough and saying to Vladimir Putin and the kremlin hands off this country and the 2018 elections . He should be very clear about that we need to protect our critical infrastructure. He should never miss an opportunity to make it clear. I think at large, American Foreign policy toward russia for a long time has been nacve and i think the trumpet ministration at large has been bringing it together into a very coherent National Security strategy they put out there. The need to be more aggressive in looking at how we are dealing with russia and recognizing that Vladimir Putin is not backing down. Its going to take a unified National Response from our Nuclear Posture review. Our relationship with ukraine. With the sanctions you brought up. I think the trumpet demonstration has a good job of taking our foreign policy. Backing up our allies. Being more aggressive toward russia but clearly it is more we need to do. Chris you are shaking your head congresswoman. The Trump Administration has no coherent world strategy and i dont think the obama admin station did either. But now is the time. Our election is very vulnerable in 2018 and so are europes elections. Targeted sanctions that hit individuals to prevent them from traveling and using International Banks would make a huge difference in russia. I think trump missed an opportunity by putting out the fortune 500 list and not doing anything. I think that was a strategic blunder. I think this is something democrats and republicans are going to have to come together. To say on this one, we have to be unified. What do President Trump put out in 2018 is very different from what president obama put out in 2010. But not really that different from what he was doing at the end of his administration but i think theres more bipartisan consensus. Chris let me bring you in because theres been almost silence from this administration after a very provocative speech by Vladimir Putin. The president said nothing, the white house has said nothing. No response from this administration. I think theres an unfortunate reality which is the debate about the 2016 election which has consumed this conversation about russia. If you could do what you just suggested, put in abox and get to the broader realities. Thats not happening. In part because both ends of pennsylvania avenue are obsessed with what happened in 2016. The deeper reality is the democracy is under attack. Not just from russia and not just in 2016. It happened in europe. Its probably happening here now. Both the russians and president xi jinping in china have models and other countries ought to follow. Theres a sustained attack on institutions of democracy and its role as a model for the world. Thats a broader issue here. Its now being basically lost as a question that ought to be discussed because of this obsession with 2016. I dont know how you break out of that. Chris lets and on that because it is an in a box it is on the front pages of papers today again. Ithink the information we hear is significant. Robert mueller is asking about everything. What is the price, the opportunity cost, it obviously has to be investigated. This continuing. Now a year and a third into this administration . I think its obvious. The broader issues dont get discussed. But at some point the Robert Mueller thing comes to an end. At some point later this year i assume, it will be reached and every one of the answer to some questions. Maybe then we will move on to the broader questions. You ask what the price is, imagine for a moment. Elections in the state of ohio or florida cant trust the integrity of its ballots cast. That is the fundamental undermining of american democracy. Thats what the price is. Which is huge. Sadly, congress could act on a bipartisan basin on many areas. Immigration, this issue about meddling. Securing our election infrastructure. And on a more sustained basis point it doesnt do it. Chris thank you panel. See you next sunday. Up next, our power player of the week. Dolly parton on why kids around the world call her, the book lady. Looks great, honey. Right . Sometimes you need an expert. I got it. And sometimes those experts need experts. On it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed Needs Insurance expertise. Its all good. Steve, youre covered for general liability. And, paul, we got your back with workers comp. Wow, its like a party in here. Where are the hors doeuvres, right . [ clanking ] tartlets . We cover commercial vehicles, too. I think theres something wrong with your sink. Most of us know her as a legendary singer and songwriter. For millions of kids, shes the one that helped them start reading early. Heres our power player of the week. I always felt there was magic in books because it takes you to other places. Anywhere you want to go, you can find it in a book. It says dolly parton. Chris the library of congress is not the first place you would expect to see dolly parton. But there she was celebrating her love of books. [singing] chris its a story that begins when she was growing up. One of 12 children in the Smoky Mountains of east tennessee. The daughter of robert lee parton. Daddy couldnt go to school. He couldnt read nor write. But he was really a smart person and i wondered what he might have done had he and education. Chris fast forward to 1995 when the Country Music star deciding to start the Imagination Library. To give free books to children in her hometown. Over the years, the program has spread across the country and overseas. A book every month to kids who sign up from birth until they turned five and go to kindergarten. What does it mean to a child to get their own book mailed to them in their own name . And make them feel important. Makes them feel special. Of course it makes them want to do with the book is all about. Learn to read it. Chris local communities pay for the books but dollys group pays for sending out more than 1 million a month which she helps cover for her companies and concerts and even a childrens album. Millions of dollars. Chris its not important to you . Its very important because its my charity. There are many things that i do. This one is nearest and dearest to my heart. Chris dolly has been performing for more than 60 years point shes won eight grammys and is in the Country Music hall of fame. But she shows no sign at all of slowing down. My music is everything to me. Its my gift. My joy. My job. Its something i love to do and i never think about that i should quit it. Chris which brings us back to the Imagination Library. I understand youve gotten a nickname from this program. I am the book lady. [laughter] who knew . We are so honored that the hundred million book. Chris there was dolly with the librarian of congress donating the 100 millionth boo. Unveiling a coat of many colors. Based on the coat mother made for her out of scraps of cloth. Maybe we will be back for 1 billionth book. Chris what does it mean to you, library of congress . I know. Here i am a little old country girl from the Smoky Mountains of tennessee. Now a story of my mom and dad will be here forever in the library of congress. Chris dolly even gave us a little concert about the coat and her family and what led her to share her dream with so many children. [singing] because she made it just for me. Chris that was a treat dollies Imagination Library will now came up with the library of congress for a special tour story time for kids. Streaming online to learn more, go to www. Foxnews. Com. This program note, be sure to tune into your local fox station at 7 00 p. M. Eastern for billy graham, an extraordinary journey. The story of americas preacher who was laid to rest on friday. Thats it for today. Have a great week. We will see you next fox news sunday. We have to act. We cant wait and play games and nothing gets done. What surprises me more than anything else is that nothings been done for all these years because i really see a lot of Common Ground whether its democrat, republican, i dont understand why this hasnt happened for the last 20 years. Nothings happened. Were going to get it done. Welcome to the journal editorial report. Im paul gigot. That was President Trump wednesday telling lawmakers that the time to act on guns is now. The president surprising members of congress from both sides in a bipartisan white house meeting voicing support for tougher

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