I guarantee you things will stop. Just pick up and leave. Chris well discuss what it means with the president s relations with minorities. Well talk with bill gates about his Foundation Spending billions on Global Health. A child in africa is 100 times more likely too die than a child in the u. S. Or europe. Chris they are finding ways to deliver lifesaving vaccines to the worlds poorest children. Hello again from fox news in washington. Well get to President Trumps confrontation with black pro athletes in a few minutes. But first the clock is ticking on Republican Leaders deadline to dismantle obamacare and keep their promise to conservative voters. The bill needs 50 votes plus a tie breaker from Vice President pence. The slim majority took a big hit when senator john mccain announced hes a no. Joining me to discuss where things stand is mark short. Welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Is this latest toast replace obamacare dead . No, its not dead. We are days away from the final vote and we are trying to win over the last couple senators to get to it. As you know there is no democratic support. All 48 democrats oppose. We need to make sure the last couple republicans we win over, john mccain, lisa murkowski, Susan Collins and rand paul. Chris john mccain is a no. Are you suggesting rand paul is not a no. We hope we can win his support. When else will he get a chance to vote on a bill that has real entitlement reform. And gets rid of the individual mandate, the employer mandate and Something Else i know thats important to rand paul. Life. This administration stood for life and this bill protected the sanctity of life by not providing federal gallon dollarl p federal dollars to abortion. Chris rand paul says he wants to repeal obamacare. It leaves a lot of obamacare taxes in place. He calls it obamacare light. I think the support rand has given in previous efforts we support as well. There was a vote on a simple repeal measure that failed 4555. The president said he would have supported that. But our choices are continued obamacare, higher premiums with less coverage. And something that hasnt been told to the American People. In arizona the rate increases 190 . In alaska. 203 . What isnt covered the next year new taxes go into place. Everyone who had a Healthcare Plan gets another thanks added on. Chris lets assume they mean what they say and mccain and paul are firm nos. There are a number that are uncommitted or leaning no like Susan Collins. Here is what President Trump said at his rally friday. The most of well be is one or two votes short. You cant quit when you have one or two votes. Those people will not be liked by the communities they come from. Chris you have got until next saturday. Are you going to change the bill to try to persuade some of the uncommitted to come back and if so how will the bill be changed in these last days. I dont think there will be changes. What we are doing is taking dollars out of washington, d. C. And sending it to the states. How each state gets those resources is continued to perfect that formula. We learned its a utopian notion washington, d. C. Knows best how its handling healthcare has proven to be a disaster. We think he state is a winner including maine and alaska because their governments will have the ability chris 34 states get less money than they are currently getting and 14 or 15 get more. Latenight tv Host Jimmy Kimmel has become a big part of this debate after he talked about the fact this son needed major heart surgery. He says one of the bills responsible sears called at Graham Cassidy bill, senator cassidy is misleading people about whats in the bill. He said he wants coverage for all. No discrimination based on preexisting conditions, no lifetime caps the. The new bill does none of those things. Chris isnt kimmel right . Grahamcassidy does none of those things. No. Bill cassidy is a doctor, his wife is a doctor. Bill cassidy is exactly right. But i want to go back to the point you made about winners and losers. 30 of obamacare dollars go to california and new york. Florida and texas get less than 10 . Chris thats because some states refused to expand medicaid. When you equitably distribute the dollars. There are States Obamacare already made winners and losers. We are leveling out the playing field. Chris they get less money than they would have under baltimore care and the reason they will get less it wasnt that the obamacare law chose winners and losers. The states chose. I want to press on this point. Preexisting conditions. The republican bill says states can get a waiver. Lets put this up on the screen. States can get a waiver from obamacare protections if they explain to federal bureaucrats how the state intends to maintain access to adequate and Affordable Health Insurance Coverage for individuals with preexisting conditions without explaining what adequate and affordable coverage is. On the very next page it says yes states can increase premiums for people with preexisting conditions. Thats a loophole big enough to drive a tank through. Do you want washington, d. C. Choosing the rates all across the nation . Thats a different question than guaranteed preexisting conditions. The bill guarantees preexisting conditions. Chris it says all they have to do is get a federal waiver that they have adequate and affordable coverage without explaining what adequate and affordable coverage is. Thats not a guarantee. Whats the definition of adequate and affordable and what does it mean when states can raise premiums. Do you want washington, d. C. Dictating across the country what those rates are for everybody . What good is understand coverage if you cant afford to buy it . You are providing Additional Support to those states so they can make sure the rates stay low for all different classes including preexisting conditions. There is no statement how much thats going to be. It says states can raise people jumps for preexisting conditions without any guidelines. There is no question it will be higher in some states than others under obamacare. Puff preexisting conditions in a state where its higher, you are out of luck. The vast majority of americans will benefit from lower costs. It doesnt mean every single individual will have a lower premium. Chris i want to switch to another subject. The white house and Congressional Republicans are rolling out your tax reform plan this week. I want to ask you about two specific items. Senate republicans have agreed to a tax cut that would amount to 1. 5 trillion dollars in lost revenue the next 10 years. What happened to the party balanced budgets . This administration continues to making sure we are being fiscally responsible. Chris with a tax cut that adds 1. 5 trillion to the National Debt . Well bring in growth that we think will bring in income to the economy. In many cases the dynamic scoring will show much more significant growth. But you have to allow for that in the short term. We are seeing 9 economy grow. The economy has been struggling for way too long. The growth in this country for 10 years has been does mall. We lower taxes, you will see tour economy grow at significant rates. Chris the president said he wants to cut taxes on the middle class, not necessarily for the wealthy. But a new report says this plan will cut the top rate from 35 . Are they cutting the tax rate . Hes eliminating all the deductions that most of often the wealthy take advantage of. Our tax codes picks winners and losers. X getting rid of those deductions the people at the top level will pay higher taxes. Chris officially it will still be 35 . No, im not saying that. Chris i want to ask you about the racial controversy the president has gotten into. The president went after players like Colin Kaepernick who take a knee during National Anthem to protest the state of Race Relations. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a bitch off the field. Hes fired. Chris then saturday the president pulled back an invitation to the Golden State Warriors and steph curry to come to the white house as they do when they win a championship. Le bron james tweeted this to the president. Does the president regret reopening 9 racial wounds started after charlottesville . All across america shls coaches are getting punished for leading their flairs prayer. Yet in the nfl players who take a knee over a flag thats of our generations have died to protect the freedoms there, they somehow get honored at martyrs by the media. The president is pointing out that shouldnt be accepted. They have a First Amendment right to do that. But the owners have a right to fire those players. The president hosted the patriots, the cubs, the clemson tigers. Steph curry is a if he novel mall basketball player. In many case hes a role model for kids. My son wears his jersey all the time. But hes the one that injected politics into the invitation to come to the white house. Thats what the president is reacting to. Other National Championship teams have come to the white house honorably. The president said fine, dont come. Chris this obviously has a racial component. These are black players talking about the state of Race Relations in the country. They are not burning flags, they are not chanting. They are simply taking a knee. You can argue about whether or now its the right or wrong thing to do. I think there are ways to show your social activist without dishonoring the flag. They are the ones who chose to make a political issue out of this. Chris this is a tweet from the president in 2013. Lets put it up on the screen. This was during the controversy with the Washington Redskins and president obama. This is a trump wheat. The president should not be telling the Washington Redskins to change their name. Our country has far bigger problems. Focus on them, not nonsense. At a time when you are trying desperately to get votes for healthcare, when you are rolling out your tax reform, does the president need to get into a fight with steph curry and le bron james. We have a lot of priorities we are dealing with. The president is focused on those issues. Chris should the president take his own advice he gave to barack obama . I will let the president decide what hes tweeting. They have proved very effective so far. Chris well focus on what happens in the the senate this week. Well bring in our sunday group to discuss the fate of repeal and replace. More on the controversy the president stirred up over players kneeling for the National Anthem. H breath. Crest prohealth mouthwash provides all. Of these benefits to help you get better dental checkups. Go pro with crest mouthwash. Checkup . Nailed it i am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Steve chooses to walk over the26. 2 miles,9 days. Thats a marathon. And he does it with dr. Scholls. Only dr. Scholls has massaging gel insoles that provide allday comfort to keep him feeling more energized. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. They save us from gettingones . Lost, getting hungry, and getting tired of places like this. 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If nfl fans would refuse to go to games until the players start respect our country you will see change take place. Juan i wouldnt be surprised if there will be an expression from players and fans. You saw in boston somebody hung a banner that said racism is as american as baseball. This created sports as a platform for a discussion of race in the country. The owners have the right to fire or not hire in the caves capper pick or in the case of kaepernick or whoever they choose. But to speak up about firing nfl players. Hes injecting himself into politics in a way we havent seen. The gesture being made by kaepernick. Trump can be effective in terms of speaking to a base of people who think kaepernick is wrong. I think kaepernick is disrespecting the flag. Its not something i would do. But his right and the fact that hes speak out in terms of substance of police, the black community, and the black lives matter movement. That strikes a chord. But trump is playing politics in way thats hurtful, especially after charlotte. Chris trump has gotten some of his lowest ratings on his handling of Race Relations when he needs to get a win on healthcare. When hes going to roll out his new tax plan. Dose need to have this fight . Kimberly he has been out there doing this push for tax reform in particular. Keeping the country focused on this and getting behind the Republican Congress in doing it. That being said, i dont necessarily think this is President Trump talking about race. This is actually an issue its a 7030 issue. Americans do not like to see americans kneeling and disrespecting the flag. Chris we are talking about black players making a statement about Race Relations in the this country. Many more people view it as disrespecting the flag. I getss a racial issue. But as mark short said earlier. Are there other ways you could voice your disapproval with the racial situation in this country without making it about the flag . Chris i have problems, too, but the people in power dont get to tell the people protesting whats the right way to protest. Kimberly im not saying they dont have the right to do it. But the fans are not obliged to like it or go to the game or watch tv. Chris karl . Karl the president has two valuable assets. His time and voice. He wastes it when we even gauges in things like this. We had an argument over whether meryl streep was a good actress or not. Hes in the middle of two big fights, and this distracts from it. There are better ways for the president i was struck by a line at the u. N. He said we aspire to the approval of history. How about instead of swearing at them he said i understand they have a right to do this. But we stand and respect our flag not because. Americas imperfections because we are constantly aspiring to the approval of history. We salute the flag because of the sacrifices of generations of americans to make this a better country and he could have come away a winner. But hes walking away from this a loser in the minds of the American People for the reasons you point out. He was against the federal government telling the redskins what their name ought to be. He ought s an aspirational figure, he should not be a condemnstory condemnatory figure. Chris here is what the president said about john mccain saying hes not going to vote for it. John mccain, his last campaign was about repeal and replace. So he decided to do something different. And thats fine. I say we still have a chance. Chris do they have a chance . Its interesting to me that you had mark short, the man in charge of counting votes at the white house somehow thinking he will be able to change rand palms mind. And what about potential changes . Julie there are three senators on the table, murkowski, collins and rand paul. And they think rand paul is the senator they could flip. Hes been a hard no while collins and her could you ski said they are learning towards no. They are leaning towards no. I think its hard to see what they could insert in the bill to get rand paul to flip. His whole point is he doesnt think this bill fully repeals obamacare. He wants that bill wiped away. Murkowski i think is possibly on the table for flipping collins. This morning looking like she is going to be a strong no. They have a slim window, but its tiny and i think they have a lot of work to do the next few days. Chris kim, i know you think this will be a big mistake for the Republican Party if after 7 years they dont repeal and replace obamacare. Kimberly they will have another defeat head right into this tax reform debate. They will be disunified and it does not bode well for their other priorities. Chris we have to take a break. Things get personal between 39 and the leader between President Trump and the leader of north korea. Go to facebook or twitter Fox News Sunday and we may use your question on the air. See how invisalign® treatment can shape your smile up to 50 faster today at invisalign. Com tha. Oh, burnton gravy . Ie. Gotta rinse that. Nope. No way. Nada. Really . Dish issues . Throw it all in. New cascade platinum powers through. Even burnton gravy. Nice. Cascade. Stay with me, mr. Parker. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. Parker. The at t network is helping First Responders connect with medical teams in near real time. Stay with me, mr. Parker. Saving time when it matters most. Stay with me, mrs. Parker. Thats the power of and. Even if youre trying your best. Be a daily struggle, along with diet and exercise, oncedaily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. Get into a daily groove. Lets groove tonight. 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Chris and President Trump tweeted in response, if he, the foreign minister echos thochts little rock theman he wont be around much longer. Is there a strategy here . Julie within the president s circle of political advisors at the white house they are willing to let him take this road. They think it shows hes not going to be cowed by north korea. He will give it right back to them. Hes not going to back down. Does it solve the actual Nuclear Program . No. We are seeing north koreas Nuclear Program moving in one direction. We see pyongyang is not going to back down because of new sanctions from the u. N. And the United States. And it leaves the Trump Administration in the same place the Obama Administration was, looking to china. And basically administration is suffering now. Chris kim, what do you think . The handling of the diplomatic and Economic Situation to get china to tighten the noose around north korea. Kimberly lets remember what the points of that United Nations speech was, which was to get the attention of china and russia. A lot of attention has been on the insults. But the goal of the administration was to say there is a new shaffer in town, this is not the Obama Administration and well act if you dont go in and police your own area, well do it for you. I think that message got across. Combined with the new sanctions that were put in this week. I think the people to watch are china to see if they get a lot more serious. Thats the weak link in terms of bringing down north korea. Julie when you talk to officials at the pentagon or the state department. They dont see military action as where this is headed right now. Chris we found out how aggressively special Counsel Robert Mueller is pursuing his investigation into russian interest force in the investigation. We learned fbi agents picked the lock when they stormed into the office of paul manafort, the former campaign chairman, for donald trump, while manafort was asleep in his home and prosecutors told manafort they plan to indict him. We asked you for questions from the panel. Here is what we got on facebook. I know investigations like this can start with one thing and often lead to others. But what kinds of controls are in place to make sure that its not a witch hunt . Chris karl, as someone who was a subject of a probe in the Valerie Plame case. How would you answer this. Karkarl the fbi had to have specific permission to pick the lock. They had to go before a judge and get approval for that action. They had to prove there was an expectation that man for the if they knocked on the door would be destroying evidence. Chris are you okay with it . Karl i assume a judge had to be convinced. I dont think the president has much exposure or any exposure on collusion. I find it hard to believe mueller would try to make the case that it was obstruction to fire jimcomb im. He can fire anybody. Manafort has to do with his work on behalf of ukrainian and russian influencers and flynn took money from foreign governments. But man tort is clearly in the manafort is clearly in the crosshairs. I finds it hard to believe there is anything to flip on. Donald trumdonald trump, jr. Has problem. But no i dont think the president does. Chris here is how President Trump dealt with the russia controversy during the rally in alabama. Did not help me, that i can tell you. Any russians in the audience . Any rugs in the audience any russians in the audience . Chris he does know how to make a speech. Juan one of the things he said in that speech is the nfl is having trouble because people are watching me instead of the nfl. Chris we found out how acressive the Mueller Investigation is. Juan you had increased demands for documents from the mueller team. It seems to relate directly to manafort and potential for obstruction of justice in how the meeting in june of 2016 was handled. They are concerned because they have been attacking james comeys credibility suggesting because of those leaked documents he violated confidentiality. Maybe the Justice Department should go after him. Chris up next our exclusive interview with microsofts cofounder bill gates. And well find out what kind of smart phone he uses. Americans, 83 try to eat healthy, yet up to 90 fall short on getting key nutrients. Lets do more. Oneaday 50 plus. Complete with 100 daily value of more than 15 key nutrients. Oneaday 50 plus. For 100 years, heritage and innovation have made gillette the 1 shave in america. Now get gillette quality at lower prices every day. Brought to you by 1200 workers in boston were proud of giving you our best. Gillette. The best a man can get. Chris the bill and melinda Gates Foundation is the Worlds Largest charitable fund. The foundation has given 41 billion in grants for Public Health and development in more than 100 countries, including the u. S. Its no overstatement to say they saved millions of lives. This week while the u. N. General assembly was meeting in new york, the Gates Foundation held its first goalkeepers summit to track what it has accomplished so far. I sat down with the microsoft cofounder to discuss what the Gates Foundation has done and the challenges it still faces. Welcome to Fox News Sunday. One of the keys to the Gates Foundation is you push a business model. Measurable goals. Return on investment. Return in this case lives saved. I have been lucky enough through my success and the unbelievable generosity of warren buffet to be in a foundation with my wife melinda. So we have a lot of resources. We have a responsibility to make sure this money has an impact. We partner with governments take on h. I. V. , tuberculosis, malaria, all the things that explain the inequity a child in africa is 100 times more likely to die than a child in the u. S. Or europe. Chris in your goalkeepers report you have this chart that shows over the 1990 the number of children understood the age of 5 who died has gone from 11 million to 5 mill. 5 to 5 million. Then you project out to 2030 and have three different scenarios. Explain the difference in terms of lives lost or saved. This is the first time we have been able to take our progress and track where we are and look at the possibilities for where well be 15 years ahead. So we said all the countries adopted the best practices and the donors remain generous in their giving and innovation is going full speed. Then we take business as usual. Then we take a case where people pull back, they are saying they dont care as much about other countries and there is less money, less r d, and we show it many quite a range. Chris its more tha than a million young people in 2030 who live or die in terms of the different scenarios. What is it that wouldnt be getting there if people dont continue to contribute. Vaccines. They are about 10 per child to get a vaccinated. Its donor money, the United States and the u. K. Ing about the most of generous. That buys those vaccines at the lowest possible price and gets them out to all the worlds children. The coverage keeps going up. If we can get a few new vaccines into that knicks and get the coverage from 80 up to 90 . Then we achieved the best days. Where less kids will be dying by 2030. Chris that brings us to Government Funds which President Trump is promising to cut by almost a quarter. What would that mean in terms of lives saved or lives lost . We took h. I. V. And modeled what even a 10 cut would mean. Its earn additional 5 Million Deaths between now and 2030. 5 million total deaths over that time period. What happens with an infectious disease, you are either winger or you are losing. In fact the age cohort 1625, there is twice as many kids in that population range as there was back when h. I. V. First hit. So the miracle of getting those drugs out, if thats not fully funded until we get a break through like a vaccine, then the death rate will go back up and reach new records. Chris in his speech to congress in february President Trump said this. America must put its own citizens first, because only then can we truly make America Great again. Chris in his budget message the president add its time to prioritize the security and well being americans and ask the rest of the world to step up and pay its fair share. Given thawvment s. Taxpayers at given that u. S. Taxpayers are putting up a third of funding around the world for global Public Health, doesnt President Trump have a point and isnt there a case to be made the u. S. Should cut back and other countries step up . The United States isnt giving percentage wise as much as the european countries. They give three times as much as a percentage of their economy. Chris not in total dollars. Which is viewed as the metrics. The u. S. Has a huge economy. What we have given is phenomenal. We also funds a lot of the research thats very important in creating these new tools. If we back off from the commitments that were made under president bush. Then it would be tragic for these countries, for their stability, for having their Health Systems be able to stop and demmics early on. Secretary mattis says if you cut the Development Budget you will have to spend more on bullets because you are not averting these problems of instability. You met with President Trump in december and again in far after he put out his budget. How did those conversations go . I had an opportunity in the two meetings i had november and march to share with him my optimism that innovation in many areas, particularly in the Global Health issues, also on energy and education, that the u. S. Can benefit itself and the world if the innovation agenda was something that resonated with him because i think its such a good deal domestically and for all of humanity. We talked about vaccines and we talked about different programs. So im hopeful that was enlightening to him. Chris but it didnt have the impact you hoped. In terms of the first budget that was a disappointment for us it was taking the Nih Medical Research program down and the aids programs including the ongoing h. I. V. Commitments. I was disanointed that. Chris did he explain it to you . I havent seen him since it came out. There were rumblings it would happen. He even couraged me to meet with the office of management and budget. I think the administration was new. I dont think they understood how difficult h. I. V. Is and what it means if you cut it back. So well have to see both in terms of the acceptance of what congress does and their next budget. I hope its much more generous in these areas. Chris you are pushing congress to put the money back into the budget. You admit you and other folks like you have not done as good a job as you could in making the case for foreign aid. Perhaps in a moral sense you have. But not necessarily in a practical sense. So explain why you think this is so important in terms of what you call solvable human misery. Its always a challenge where a problem is far away that people dont get to see it. If you saw malaria and h. I. V. In your neighborhood people would volunteer and the resources would come out. Thats why it was so phenomenal when president bush said the drugs cost 100 a year. The United States will try to make sure no one dies because they lack those drugs. Whether its migration. Central america not being stable. That creates huge problems for our borders. Or africa where the population will more than double. Stability in the world needs to be done militarily or done by food and health and education. All of these countries want to be selfsufficient. Countries like india are rich enough that they are not a significant aid recipient. Brazil, mexico. Many countries have graduated. So now we need to take the tougher pieces. A lot of them are in africa, and continue to uplift them until they get out of the poverty track. Chris we dont get to talk to you very often so ill do a lightning round quick questions and quick answers. You are the leader of the giving pledge. Getting billionaire to the donate at least half their wealth to charity to causes like this. How many people have you gotten to sign on . Its 170 people its amazing. We never expected to get thats. The vast majority are from america where we spent more time talking to people. They are giving to a huge number of causes, education, scientific research. We meet, we share experiences. We learn from each other. The goal is to have the quality and amount of charity. Many countries are envious of how strong that relationship is in the United States. Chris what do you think of the new iphone and what kind of phone do you have . The relationship i had with steve had every aspect you could manage. Particularly in the last two years. Our friendship which had always been there was greatly strengthened. He was dealing with cancer. He had done such wonderfulr wonderful work at pixar and apple. We have a lot in common. We were different in some ways. Steve was a genius. Its great that apple is continuing to do good work. I happen to use all windows based p krrkss. The phone i have, i did switch to a phone with a lot of microsoft software. The competition in the software and i. T. Space is phenomenal. Microsoft is a big part of that. Its a miraculous industry he and i got to work in. Chris so no iphone. No, no iphone. Up next our power players of the week its one thing to say you want to save millions of children. But how do you get lifesaving medicine to some of the most of remote places on earth . If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased. Risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have. A history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts,. 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This color will keep vaccines at the right temperature for a long period of time with absolutely no ice, no batteries and no electricity needed during cooling. No infrastructure at all. Its easy to use. When you want to make the cooling start, he open a mechanical valve like this in the cooling starts. When you dont want cooling, pulled out. We start with a thermos that limits the amount of heat that comes into the unit. Instead of adding ice we havent internally built layer of water on the inside that we keep at a low pressure which makes the water evaporate at a low temperature. She is a nurse and vaccinate or in the democratic republic of the congo were eight of the 21 posts in the region have any form of refrigeration. Before we started the field test the vaccinate ors reached about 20 remote vaccination sites in a month. September they expect to reach 120 sites due to the capability of the cooler. Our goal is that soon they will all have access to these coolers in order to vaccinate all kids. If you want to learn more about the Gates Foundation and its extraordinary work, go to our website. Thats it for today. Have a great week. We will see you next Fox News Sunday. The objects People Choose to keep in their home to find who they are. This is objective five with oak hogan. St hulk hogan. He put an entire industry on the map, but not without paying a heavy price. The knees are fake. The hips are fake. The back is full of metal. He became one of the most recognizable and beloved figures in the world. Behind the scenes, his wife was harvey an illicit sex tape would bring ,

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