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Was tom cotton in our country lied under oath to the American People is grounds for him to resign. The president calls it a witch hunt. We will discuss what is next with senator tom cotton of arkansas who says democrats are distorting the facts. Senator chris kunz of delaware who want sessions to testify before congress and set the record straight. Plus. Everything broken in our country can be fixed. Every of problem can be solved. Chris we will ask our sunday panel whether this will get in the way of passing the trump agenda. Our power player of the week, a political outsider and former navy seal takes charge in missouri. We have leaders willing to go to the frontline. That is way too many politicians have failed to do. Chris all right now on fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. President trump has been radically escalate the battle over his alleged collusion with the russians come accusing president obama of tapping his phones at trump tower during the campaign. Any tweaks, President Trump wrote how low has pr obama gone to tap my phone through the sacred election process . This is nixon, watergate. Not surprisingly, this has unleashed a storm of reaction in washington about President Trumps charge of the broader investigation. In a few minutes, we will talk with tom cotton of the Senate Intelligence committee and chris kearns is on the Foreign Relations and judiciary committee. First, lets get the latest from washington correspondent james rosen. White house aide in mark levin radio segment thursday evening as a source for the president start of an allegation he was wiretapped by president obama. In the summer, they were surveilling and eavesdropping on potentially donald trump, clearly his senior transition out and campaign folks are an article on the website right part brand by chief strategist steve van alleging about an administration thats the Surveillance Court in june for permission to monitor communications involving donald trump and several advisers but was rebuffed. By october the administration was back before the fisa court looking to monitor a trump tower server. Friday, fox news bread dare ask the house House Speaker about the reports. The Obama Administration was pretty aggressive. I hear your point. Id say nothing of that. Its a nothing come of that. Traded at 6 35 saturday morning, terrible, just on that obama had my wiretapped in trump tower but for the victory. Nothing found. Is that legal mr. Trump aspartame in it later for a sitting president to be wiretapping a race for a president prior election . Turned on the court earlier, a new low. I would be the biggest scandal of watergate. And the president obama or white house official orders surveillance on in the u. S. A. To think that kevin lewis comes in for the former president. John favreau, a former speech writer one day be careful about reporting obama said there was no wiretapping. The statement said neither he nor the white house ordered it. Chris just a few months ago, sean spicer, the White House Press secretary engaged in a twitter storm of the sound posted four consecutive messages to the general thrust was the Trump White House wants as congressional committees investigating the russia connections or allegations of russian connection to investigate this allegation as well. Mr. Spicer closed with neither the white house or the president will comment further until such oversight is conducted. Chris james, thank you. Republican senator tom cotton of arkansas. Welcome to fox news sunday. You are a member of the Senate Intelligence committee, the one the white house is not calling on now calling on to investigate whether the Obama Administration abusive executive role. Are you going to do that . Chris, we party begun an inquiry on the committee and to russias efforts to undermine the political system last year and interest all around the world. That inquiry is going to be thorough and will follow the facts wherever they lead us. Im sure this matter will be a part of the inquiry. This matter this allegation we are going to review allegations of any improper contacts between russian officials and Campaign Officials are other americans that his sins. Im sure we will be reviewing any allegations such as this. Let me ask you specifically as a member of the Senate Intelligence committee, have you seen any evidence at all now that the Obama Administration wiretap donald trump or anyone else during the campaign . I see no evidence of the allegations be seen in the media, chris, whether thats a potential fisa Court Application or denial of the application or are we submission of an application for that matter. That doesnt mean that these things happen. It simply means i havent seen this yet. As speaker ryan said into the leadin of our conversation. I would not speculate on media reports on anonymous sources. Idea what the facts. Chris i want to ask you to deal in facts. The government would need a court order to engage in these wiretapping and they would need to show probable cause that a crime had been committed or somebody was acting as a foreign agent. Do you know whether or not theres been a court order to stop you try to find out . On these matters will be a part of our inquiry. Chris i know youre being careful and im putting you in a tough spot, but i do have rescued because this is on the minds of americans than they are trying to understand what is going on in this country. You have the lowest number of the Senate Intelligence committee and senator and later in this country and people are pretty confused right now. When you see this tweet that we saw this weekend from President Trump that former president obama tapped his phones. He compares it to watergate and cause mr. Obama a bat or sick guy. Im not asking members of the Senate Intelligence committee. Im asking you as a leader. What is your reaction . I try not to parse and review every one of president ial bonus President Trumps tweets. I focus on things that his speech to congress where he laid out a very careful plan of action. I think that a better guide to what hes thinking and where he wants to take the country that his appointments to his cabinet. And policies hes pursuing. Chris this is a pretty serious charge. What would you say about an allegation by one president at a former president wiretapped him during the campaign. Chris, where the town hall with 450 kansans. Almost an hour and half we got a lot of questions. We got one question about this yet almost all the questions were about health care and the harms obamacare costs and immigration the failure to enforce immigration laws under president obamas tenure for facing the challenges we face to include from russia. This kind of topic is not going to do much to bring those people convert that will fix their Health Care System or enforce immigration laws. Townhall is a good indication of where most americans are right now. Chris so you dont pay a lot of attention to Donald Trumps tweets. Why not . Is an important medium politicians can use to communicate that fdr started using radio addresses and president obama change the radio address to the weekly youtube address. Ultimately, a better guy for elected official actions are the prepared deliver a speech at the president gave to congress the other night, wellcrafted and well delivered and the policies. For six weeks now, president obama has appointed members to his cabinet. President trump has appointed members to his cabinet. They may deliver a statement stuff from russia than anything president obama ever did. If you want to know a prorussia policy would look like come here elements of it. Slash defense spending, so the nuclear modernization. Rollback Missile Defense systems. You would enter a onesided Nuclear Arms Control agreement and you try to do everything you could not war and gas production. That was Barack Obamas policy for eight years. That is not Donald Trumps policy. None of those gutter for russia to roll back some of the policies. Chris im sure some people are saying enough already, but i want to follow up on that time. There is a possibility you investigated. That is true. Theres also the possibility it isnt true in the president just flew off the handle. That would be pretty troubling, would not comment the idea of president would make a charge this explosive about another president without any evidence. All president s are human, chris. If the allegations in the media are false, i can tell you based on things i know that the remaining accurate reports in the media over the last several months. Its understandable donald trump would be frustrated at the leaks of inaccurate information which has the potential revealed capabilities that the United States that we dont want adversaries to know. Chris lets step back and look at the big picture. The Senate Intelligence committee has been investigating this whole issue for sun. At time. Im only asking you what you know. Have you seen any evidence so far this investigation, hard evidence of collusion between what i will call trump world and russia are russian agents to interfere with the election . Chris, i see no evidence. I would say media report said cotton pretty far but their skis on this. The explosive story came from the New York Times three weeks ago claiming several Trump Associates were being investigated for repeated and expensive contacts with intelligence officials. As i cautioned her kansans this weekend, and i would say you should not trust Media Services reports based on anonymous sources. The one thing you can trust as the caveats that undermined the headlines and in the very New York Times story, the third paragraph said there was no evidence of any such cooperation. Chris u. S. Member of the Senate Intelligence committee have been briefed by fbi director and other members of the Intelligence Community. You have seen no evidence so far of collusion . Thus far have not. Now, we are still in the early stages of inquiry and it will be euro and wide ranging up all the facts wherever they take us. I would caution viewers again do not credit media reports based on nonsources. Dont discard them, does that mean theyre false. We will review allegations but in encouraging your viewers to take them at face value. Chris senator chris coons who is our next guest after the break said this on friday. Transcripts provide helpful insight into whether or not russian intelligence and senior russian political leaders including Vladimir Putin were cooperating, where colluding with the Trump Campaign at the highest levels to influence the outcome of our election. Chris is a member of the Intelligence Committee, sir, is that true . I prefer not to discuss what transcripts may or may not be available because that would reveal what we do and do not know. I would just leave it at that. Chris but you stand by your statement you see no evidence of collusion. You know, this is a complicated subject. I wanted to talk to about a lot of other things. Nextline because heres the point. President trump is living under a cloud and his agenda is being diatribe by continued leaks from inside the government. The New York Times reported this, one of his media stories that the Obama Administration disseminated intelligence widely about russia and mr. Trump to assure it wasnt destroyed. Do you believe there was an effort inside this government to undercut President Trump and to derail his agenda . Chris, that New York Times story just doesnt make sense on its face. The Intelligence Community does a willynilly destroy intelligence collected. I would point out to your viewers that the fbi is not just a lawenforcement leave. It does counterintelligence. Fbi reports to the department of justice by political appointees until january 20th those political appointees for Barack Obamas appointees, just like members of his National Security council was. Theres obviously a lot of leaks coming up from current or former Administration Officials did i suspect much of that information comes from former obama officials who have not been able to come to grips with the fact donald trump on the selection in the story right there doesnt make sense on its face. The information is preserved, almost always shared with congress. Any effort to destroy it would not be effective. Finally, as part of our inquiry on the Senate Intelligence committee, weve been given access to highly sensitive foundational documents that were the basis of the Intelligence Community for the bush assessment that didnt happen in the obama. That happened in the trump administration. Chris we had another development this week attorney general sessions recused himself from involvement in this investigation. Do you trust the Justice Department now the session saturday to investigate itself were given the fact that if President Trump is right, he has supposed information he shouldnt but a wiretap of this investigation. Do you think theres a need for a special counsel to handle this matter Going Forward . I see no reason for that at this point. I would like to see politically accountable officials make these decisions, which means the senate move probably took him from the Deputy Attorney general an associate attorney general. The American People deserve the accountable officials make in his decisions at this point, i see no reason why that would be necessary. I also see no reason why we would appoint some special committee in part because it will delay our conclusions. The work is underway. We have a staff with appropriate clearances. We have the space, infrastructure, decisions or agreements to review the documents. The new committee would take months. Its in the best interest of the American People to conduct a review as quickly as possible and make as much as our conclusions as public as possible. Chris senator cotton, a promise next time you are here well talk about your immigration bill. Is, chris. Appreciate it. Chris chris coons on the astonishing twist of the investigation of whether theres want longer lasting heartburn relief . Try. Duo fusion duo fusion goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours. Tums only lasts up to 3. For longer lasting relief. In one chewable tablet try duo fusion from the makers of zantac chris now we continue our coverage of the latest developments in the trump russia story but the president accusing former president obama of tapping his sons in trump tower before the election. Joining us now, democratic senator chris coons. I want to begin where i began with senator cotton. Your reaction to president alles phones were tapped by president obama. Well, Chris Committee is a remarkable allegations. Another attempt by President Trump to change the subject. This deserves sole investigation. The larger point i will agree with senator cotton is up in the best interest of our country for us to move forward promptly and get to the bottom of all of this. I believe that no president should ever directly order an interceptor wiretap. Thats not what our system provides. You have to go in front of a judge and get a warrant to conduct a wiretap. One of two things have happened. Either President Trump has inappropriately released classified information and was himself the subject of a Court Ordered wiretap or i think a very remote possibility there was an inappropriate actions by the Previous Administration. In either case, it doesnt help our country for this to all be worked out on twitter. It ought to be worked out in a full, fair, prompt and thorough investigation whether by the Senate Intelligence committee faking it to the bottom of this or by a special prosecutor. Chris there is another possibility that its just not true. Thats right, of course. Its quite possible its just not true in the president offered no evidence or backing for his outlandish claim. Chris why would you suggest in that clip that i just played for senator cotton that they are fbi transcripts that show, and i want to get your words, to provide very critical insights into collusion by the Trump Campaigns and russians. What i was trying to make clear i appreciate a chance to restate as is that i dont have and i dont know of any conclusive proof one way or the other about whether there was collusion between senior levels of the Trump Campaign and russian officials. But i believe our Intelligence Community, the most sophisticated in the world has intercept, raw intelligence and import the Senate Intelligence committee which is conducting an investigation be given access to those intercepts, to transcripts of intercepts to get to the bottom of this. The American People want us to move forward. They want to Work Together in washington and its important to remember that the russians are adversaries. Republicans and democrats have different political agendas and political views but we can and should Work Together to make sure what intelligence there is has gotten access to by the Intelligence Committee and if they are stonewalled or blocked there is a special prosecutor. Chris senator, i dont think anyone would object to that. That isnt quite what you said on friday. I will replay the clip of what you said on friday which is different. There are transcripts that provide very helpful, critical insights into whether or not russian intelligence and senior russian political leaders including Vladimir Putin were cooperating, were colluding with the Trump Campaign at the highest levels to influence the outcome of our election. Chris senator, we are talking here about the president of the United States. Isnt there more than a whiff of mccarthyism for you as a u. S. Senator to say they were transcripts out there that provide insight into whether there was collusion, but you dont even know whether they test. To be clear, chris, what i was trying to encourage with the Intelligence Community be given access to provide intelligence. Ive been told now that will happen this coming week and that is positive and productive. Last week on the floor of the senate, i joined marco rubio eventually speech to talk about russian interference, russia as our ad or say in the importance of us working together. At the end of the speech, senator rubio said i wont be part of a witch hunt only cover it. Those comments you just replayed night in some way be misinterpreted as leading to sort of hyperventilating attitude in the senate about this. I apologize for that. But i was trying to do and i think its important for us to draw the American People to what joins us in common which is the need to get to the bottom of this, to get access to what intelligence areas. Im confident intelligence exists it is relevant to the question, not that says there is collusion and proof of that. Not what i was trying to say. Chris, last week there were Senior Republicans in President Trump in previous week saying there was nothing here. Theres nothing to look at. This was just after senator sessions was revealed to have either misspoke and are misrepresented his meetings with the Russian Ambassador. I think its in all of our interest to investigate fully, fairly promptly and for what intelligence exists and im confident such intelligence exists. If i made, i want to talk about the broader story here. Do you have any evidence at this point . This investigation has been going on for a long period of time. We know that the fbi intelligence sources were looking at this and that sober when they all came out and said the russians were interfering. Do you know of any hard evidence of collusion between what i call trump world and the russians to interfere in this president ial campaign . Not suspicious. Not contacts, but evidence of collusion . Chris, i have no hard evidence of collusion. I think what hard evidence they are obese will be discovered through a full release of President Trumps financial interests and concerns for the intercepts that i believe our Intelligence Community and the ei have a conversation between and among russian officials. That is why i think it is important for us to get to the bottom of this so we are not still talking about this is an unresolved issue where we dont know the there months from now. Chris do you worry this continued talk about this when we are not into this and there is no evidence of collusion, no evidence that any crime or anything untoward was committed. Do you worry this continues to put this president under a cloud, continues to derail his agenda or frankly, is that precisely the point . To be clear, chris, i am not the person who forced or coerced in any way senator sessions to answer incorrectly or falsely in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. But is the point here to keep this white house from being able to do what its trying to do by continuing at this point at the doonesbury debate about collusion with the russians. That is not my goal, chris. I recently met with the commerce secretary on thursday. I sat down with him to say among the relatives of the many dead regulates the i think we can do things to get back to focusing on growing our economy and manufacturing jobs. You know me and i think youd recognize and someone to work across the aisle. My goal is to make sure we defend our need. We shouldnt investigate thoroughly and fully what are credible allegations of russian interference in our election. I dont think anybody suggesting we shouldnt investigate it. When theres talk about collusion without any evidence, is that helpful or simply blocking the government and donald trump from being able to do what he was selected by millions of americans to do. You wanted to talk about sessions. I was the other part of the story. Attorney general sessions in his confirmation hearing on january january 10th was asked by senator franken. There has been breaking news of the dossier that showed there was compromising information about donald trump and also continuous contacts between the Trump Campaign in the kremlin. Within the context of breaking information that senator sessions didnt know he was asked the following questions. Take a look. If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump Campaign communicated with the russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do . Senator franken, im not aware of any of those that cavities. I have been called a surrogate a time or two in that campaign and i do not have communications with the russians. Im unable to comment on it. Chris i only have a little over a minute left here do believe senator sessions lead to that committee that you are a member of . Senator sessions certainly would misspoke when he said i did not have communications with the russians. Whether or not but as a willful misrepresentation is something that anguished investigate. The attorney general ought to come back and answer questions we can clear the air and get to the bottom of this. That the only way we can move forward with confidence in our system. I do think a distraction from governing, but important distraction that deserves our attention in a measured and bipartisan way because russia did interfere with our election and why they interfered with the consequences are what matter to the defense of our democracy Going Forward. Chris senator coons, thanks for joining us. Always good to talk with you, sir. We will bring in our sunday group to address the sharply escalating battle over alleged ties between President Trump in the kremlin. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about the controversy . Go to facebook or twitter at theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. All we have seen from the Previous Administration is they did spend time listening to conversations between senator Jeff Sessions and the Russian Ambassador while in his senate office. If that took place, what other conversations did they listen in on. Chris Corey Lewandowski supporting allegations that the barack Obama Administration evils dropped on Jeff Sessions. Joining us, bob woodward, peter baker, Laura Ingraham and dana perino. Im sure you have been work your white house sources feverishly ever since President Trumps tweet starts appearing saturday morning. Do they have any evidence to support that president obama ordered the wiretapping of trump tower . No, there isnt an evidence chain that would support such a sweeping assertion. We have reporting about an investigation of people around trump. Its conceivable people around trump the f. B. I. There is a lot of russian communications. Chris he was saying they wiretapped his phones in trump tower. And if the president of the United States barack obama ordered it, there is no evidence that we know about to that effect. Chris laura, there is the question whether this is true. It would be very dramatic if president obama ordered the tapping of phones in trump tower. Why does donald trump want to keep breathing life into this story about the russiatrump connection at the precise moment hes trying to unveil and push his agenda. Perhaps one of the reasons is, i dont know, i am just speculating the reporting on the russiatrump collusion on the campaign has been never i shallly overblown. The sound bite that you played to coons about Jeff Sessions. The entire sound bite where al franken is asking that question webs just rasm belling, cnn is reporting, i dont know if you have ever seen it. The question was did you speak with russians in your capacity as a surrogate for the campaign, ban was that about the campaign machinations sphwh i dont think Jeff Sessions need to recuse himself. If Jeff Sessions told the truth and i believe he did in that question and the followup question submitted by leahy. I think donald trump is frustrated about that. There was a lot of pressure put on sessions. The idea that russia threw the election for donald trump and people in michigan, ohio, and pennsylvania chris they are not saying they threw the election, they are saying there was collusion. Carter page who was a onetime Foreign Policy onetime foreign advisor to trump and paul manafort, and those people were at conferences connected to russia in europe. You scratched the surface of it in your interview with coons, and he said we dont have evidence of collusion. This is a typical washington feeding frenzy based on little to no evidence. People watching are thinking are we going to talk about jobs, the economy and the border . Chris it was President Trump who fed that with his tweets. Let me bring in dana. We asked you for questions for the panel. And we asked you what your questions about this whole issue of collusion with the russians. Janice gibson said this on facebook. I honestly think the dems are using this as a diversion of all the issues facing america, they focus on this. Its tiresome. But John Ferguson seize it differently. The republicans would not let benghazi and email scandal go, why should dems let russians go. Hypocrisy on both sides. Will it never end . Chris is this just a continuing cycle of political hardball . You had several issues with this reported collusion. They are going to ask congressional committees to add in this question of whether president obama asked for a wiretap of President Trump. I believe there are people in america who believe that happened whether its true. The democrats say there is no evidence they have seen about but tomorrow i believe you will have a new executive order from the on the immigration issue. You will have the obamacare plan put out by the house team and they have lots of things they want to do with members of the cabinet having to go up and defend the cuts donald trump want. And in the meantime we havent had anything go bang in the world . As we all know, that can happen at any moment. Chris i promise folks well talk about real issues and the agenda in the next segment. As someone who has seen a few washington scandals, though. It was donald trump who created this storm this weekend. What do you make of this . What do you make of the allegation of collusion, what do you make of the story that came out of the New York Times that the Obama Administration spread the intelligence like bread crumbs so it would be out there and people would continue to talk about it and perhaps these leaks would happen, and what do you make of Donald Trumps tweets this weekend . You have got to understand as President Trump has this vast espionage establishment at his disposal, 50 billion a year plus, even in the cia they call him the first customer. So he can get the information he wants. Hes the only one in the government. The question is, did he just spontaneously because he read something or heard something put out this tweet which is quite serious . We dont know. You are absolutely right. No evidence on that. On the russian collusion. There is a lot of smoke, no evidence. The other thing is the mechanisms for investigating this are weak. Sessions the attorney general, has recused himself. Okay, how is the Justice Department, the f. B. I. Going to really examine this . There is no independent council law. Special prosecutors dont work. Congress also is not very well equipped to do this. They have had some flops in recent investigation. So the quality of information of evidence we are liable to get is weak. Watergate went on for two years and two months to get some sort of closure and clarity. I wonder how long this will take, months or years. Chris you know the other difference . Watergate, there was a breakin. There was a clearly established crime, and in this case you dont have it. There is a lot of suggestion that people have not come clean about what they did. Trump is the one, because he is the president , who can actually say, lets examine this and put out internal report. It was a breakin the email accounts in the United States by russian sources. Chris im talking about whether there was collusion. We didnt know necessarily who was responsible at first and thats where the investigation led. We dont think thats necessarily where this is going to go. You are right, a lot of smoke without a lot of light. Its hard to imagine that a president ial candidate collude in an explicit way with a foreign power. Chris i want to talk about issues. I want to talk about what going to affect somebodys life. Despite your best efforts we are going to talk about that. Well take a break. When we come back. Donald trump laid out an ambitious agenda to congress this week. Chris President Trump appealing for unity this week. President trump gave what most people think was an effective speech. But we hear there are serious splits among republicans in congress on the issue of Obamacare Repeal and replace and tax reform. What kind of shape is the trump agenda in . I think its in better shape than it looks on paper. You have the collaboration with President Trump and mcconnell on capitol hill. President trump will have to find time in his schedule to provide explanation in the way only he can. It explains how he thinks it will work. Then you have other planes circling above the airport. Thats the Supreme Court novel nation. And you will have a debt kreel deeg bait in a couple of weeks. You have to figure out how to sequence these things. Chris there is chris there is talk that House Speaker ryan will be putting a bill on the floor that some conservatives in his own caucus thinks is too soft and uses refundable tax credits to pay for it. If you want to repeal obamacare, its on you. If you put people on truth serum and say do you understand obamacare, everyone will agree they are not sure that they do. They are split in the Republican Party in the house and senate. There are splits in the white house. It will be interesting to see if this comes together at all in a reasonable period of time. Chris do you think ryan might do that, not know that he has the votes and put it out there and play chic within his house conservatives . Ryan says privately he thinks his Good Relationship with trump on domestic issues, he can kinds of call the shots. Well see. This could take a long time. And there is this sense of oh, you can push a button and take a complex troubled law and fix it is a fantasy. Chris limits draw down on political differences on obamacare. One is how to help lowerincome people pay for insurance, people who arent covered by medicaid. There is an idea of refundable tax credits. Some conservative people say its just another name for subjects does. There is also the question about the 11 Million People who gain coverage under the expansion medicaid. What happens to them . Those are size and issues. Its always hard when you pull back on entitlements. When obama came in 2008 he passed obamacare without a single republican vote. Now its such a mess of legislation. You pull one stick out and it all falls apart. A lot of conservatives are calling into my radio show. They believe donald trump ran on a serious reform agenda. You werent going to just be tinkering with these program. You were going to be tackling them. Cost of prescription drugs, the cost of healthcare needs to be busted under and dealt with by removing the antitrust protections a lot of Healthcare Providers get. That would bring healthcare costs down by 60 to 70 . The but we are going to tinker with the mandate and do a little bit of this and that. On the for wise well leave the death familiar still in the legislation which could lead to huge cuts in coverage down the road for all americans. Dana is right. The president needs to use his Political Capital in his election victory and go to capitol hill and be confident in what he wants and make his case to the American People. I dont think it will all be on paul ryans shoulders. It has to be a broadbased pitch for reform. Chris there is a huge political debate even after 7 years, there is a huge debate about how to replace the. And you have got tax reform and this huge fight. But the one that has ris to the surface has listen to the surface is about the border adjustment tax. Do you get the sense that the Trump White House has a Clear Strategy in terms of political and legislative strategy and in terms of substance on how to get these through. Trumps team, they are not on the same page with each other. On the border adjustment taxes you have got bannon wing of the white house. You have got the gary cohen saying no, that not the way we want to go. And they are having fights out in a public way which i think is different than some other white house. Chris how do you push tough legislation through congress if you dont have a Clear Strategy coming from the top for the president . Thats the key. Does the president makeup his minds . He has to sit down and say this is the way we are going. But at the moment when he hasnt made his decision there will be is a freeforall. And people feel emboldened to have this debate. Chris i think it would be fair to say the president is good on the Broad Strokes but not so good on the fine detail. There is a lot of fine detail. Whats going to happen on the death familiar board . Is this president going to get engaged on that . Last week he said this so complicated to do healthcare. He is discovering it. Hes a new president , hes not experienced in politics. Well see how he learns. Chris thanks, panel. I didnt know where i was from ethnically. So we sent that sample off to ancestry. My ancestry dna results are that i am 26 nigerian. I am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. I put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. Because its a hat, but its like the most important hat ive ever owned. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Chris President Trump ran as an outsider in 2016, but he wasnt the only one. One candidate took a road to office with even more twists and turns. Here is our power player of the week. Ive come as conservative, as an outside were, as a navy seal, and we are take on politics as usual you. Meet missouris new governor. But what sets him apart is his path to public office. Back in 2000 he was a Rhodes Scholar who worked humanitarian groups in wartorn countries like rwanda and bosnia. If they hadnt made that decision, i wouldnt be standing here. I realize at that moment wanted to serve. Chris he did four tours as a navy seal, serving in iraq and afghanistan. You know at every moment there is somebody to your left and somebody to your right and they are counting on you. I can stay strong for 10 more seconds or one or minute, if i can make it for one more minute i can make it 10 minutes. Chris he started a mission to help vets live as contributing citizens here at home. Chris the ferguson riots in 2014 were the turning point that let greitens into politics. Ferguson was a tremendous failure. If we had a leader who showed up with calm and clarity, we could have had peace by the second night. Chris he ran as an outside were, what he wasnt subtle about it. Im no career politician. Im a navy seal and ill take dead aim at politics as usual. Chris you talk about Ethics Reform before issues. We have to have people who trust their leaders. People want leaders they can have confidence in. Chris his first act was to ban gifts from lobbyists to people in the executive branch. And he signed a right to work law to boost missouris economy and on Public Safety he worked out with local police and has gone into poor neighborhoods to hand out sandwiches. We need leaders willing to go to the front lines. Chris when he and his wife held their first event in the governors residence, they were told its usually a Cocktail Party for political insiders. Instead they invited three foster families to dinner. As governor we can make a difference and keep our promises to the people. Missouri and make their lives better. Chris he says he was raised democrat after being taught thats the party that cares about people. But after watching how government bureaucracy works he became a conservative not by birth, but by conviction. Have a great week and well see howie on buzzfeed President Trump launching a new tweet storm accusing president obama of mccarthyism. This could be over a Trump Company server thought to be communicating with russia. The attorney general recusing himself from any investigation involving russia and the campaign. Even though the press does want to destroy President Trump

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