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Nose at the American People with his actions on immigration. If you shut down the government, you go too far, it becomes about us. The last time we did this, it didnt work out too well for us. Rush limbaugh, a Fox News Sunday exclusive. Then, a u. S. Hostage is killed by al qaeda during a failed rescue mission, but Hillary Clinton says smart power is showing respect for americas enemies. Trying to understand, and insofar as psychologically possible, empathize with their point of view. Our sunday Panel Discusses her controversial comments. Plus, republican president ial hopefuls begin to organize. Well talk with louisiana governor bobby jindal about his 2016 ations. All right now on Fox News Sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. First, some breaking news. Republicans picked up their ninth senate seat last night in louisiana where congressman bill cassidy swamped incumbent democrat Mary Landrieu in a runoff election, bringing the new gop Senate Majority to 54 seats. Heres how senator landrieu reacted. The people of our state have spoken, and while we were working and hoping and praying for a different outcome, im so proud that our campaign was open and accessible to the voters. Joining us now from baton rouge, the newest member of the republican wave, bill cassidy. Senatorelect, congratulations and and welcome to Fox News Sunday. Thank you, chris. Thank you for having me. Your big issue in this campaign was the fact that Mary Landrieu voted with barack obama 97 of the time. What do you think is the message that louisiana voters sent last night . It is the exclamation mark on the message the American People sent on november 4th. The American People do not like the agenda that barack obama has staked out for our country. Nor do they like the effects of these policies. For example, obamacare, which continues to punish particularly low wage workers. We were the exclamation mark on the message all of america sent. With your victory, and this is really an amazing turnabout, the Democratic Party will now not have a single senator, governor or state legislator in the deep south all the way from the carolinas to your state of louisiana. Not one. And i guess the question is, whats the Democratic Partys problem . If theres one party for the working person right now, its the Republican Party. Its the Republican Party thats pushing the use of u. S. Natural resources to create american jobs. It is the Democratic Party trying to kill those jobs. So, for example, in the coal industry, they clearly have a war on coal. In the oil and gas industry, barack obama continues to impede our jobs with regulations. We are a working family region. The Republican Party is the party of the working family. As i say, youre senatorelect. In january you become a senator. Whats your top priority, sir . Im a doc. Ive been working in the Public Health care system. Clearly obamacare is pounding the American People. As one woman said, a little bit of a tmi conversation at first, im 56 years old, speaking of herself, no womb, no children, and yet im paying for Obstetrical Services and pediatric dentistry with a 600 deductible. People are upset about this law. Can you do anything with barack obama still in the white house, sir . A couple things about that. Clearly, the Supreme Court is now considering a case as to whether or not the administration is breaking the law in terms of how they give subsidies. A plain reading of the law suggests that they are. If they rule that the Supreme Court that the Supreme Court rules that the administration is breaking the law, it crashes in 30 some odd states. Secondly, when you have democrats like harken and schumer, saying that passing the law was a mistake, you also realize theres a political dynamic building. The American People want something different. You strongly oppose a lot along with a lot of other republicans, the executive action that president obama took that will defer deportations of millions in this country. It looks like the plan in the house and senate is they will fund the entire government through next september, but only fund the department of homeland security, which handles immigration, till either february or march. Are you okay with that . Ive been focused on december 6th, on the face of it i am. We have to we have to consider this issue from a position of strength. Once republicans take the senate, well be in a position of strength. Allow me to look at it a little more carefully now that my election is over. Finally, where do you put yourself on the spectrum of republicans in the senate . If on one end youve got Mitch Mcconnell who talks about seeking compromise and at the other end youve got ted cruz who takes a much harder line. Whose who would you be closer to in your approach . I represent the people of louisiana. And it is their concern, which is uppermost. I take my lead from the interest of my state and the interest of our country. I dont necessarily align myself with anybody. It sounds Like Campaign rhetoric. It is from the heart. I am here to represent the people of louisiana not to align with another senator. Senatorelect cassidy, again, congratulations. Thank you for talking with us. Well see you here in washington. Thank you, chris. And well speak with the governor of louisiana, bobby jindal later in the program. But first, love him or hate him, hes the king of conservative talk radio. 20 Million People listen to him each week on close to 600 stations across the country. Rush limbaugh joins us from his ebi studios in florida. Rush, welcome back to Fox News Sunday. I think its been since 2009 when i was here. Its great to be back. Thank you for having me. Were delighted to have you. Lets start with the protests across the country in the wake of the grand jury decisions not to indict those police officers. Do you think that those demonstrators have a legitimate beef with police and prosecutors . I think that there is a grievance politics in this country thats tearing the country apart, chris. I think what happened in the grand jury in ferguson, missouri, and what happened here in Staten Island does not warrant this because the grand jury rendered a correct verdict in ferguson. New york is a little bit different, but this would have happened no matter what the grand jury in ferguson said. I think the real thing to note here is, that this is tearing the country apart. It is literally ripping our fabric apart. And the president of the united states, one thing about him, hes a great orator. You put the right words on teleprompter and he ask give you soaring rhetoric. Ask you to remember his 2000 campaign in front of the styrofoam columns in denver during the convention speech. If he wants to, he can inspire. I think its called for in this instance. This is not good whats happening for the country here. It isnt, i dont think, fullfledged legitimate. Its not based on real world grievance. Its grievance being amplified and made up. The president , if you ask me, could do a lot to stop this by telling people to respect the criminal Justice System. Theres nothing here thats designed as they would have you believe, to purposely get it wrong, to purposely screw people. Its not the case. And president s are supposed to be uplifting, inspiring. Rush, let me pick up on that because we have some sound both from president obama and new york city mayor de blasio describing this situation. Here they are. This is an american problem. When anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law, thats a problem. And its my job as president to help solve it. Our police are here to protect us. We honor that. At the same time theres a history we have to overcome because for so many of our young people theres a fear. For so many of our families theres a fear. I want you to react to that, rush, but i want to put into that and one of the things critics and demonstrators cite, for instance, that black drivers who are stopped at a for a traffic stop are three times as likely to be searched as white drivers. What do you think of them in this perception of fairness in the criminal Justice System . I dont think that things are rosy and perfect in america. But to say that theyre no better as the mayor of new york said, its absurd. Weve made all kinds of efforts to improve race rilgss in this country. The 1964 civil rights act, affirmative action. We bent over backwards. Theres no acknowledgment of the progress, chris. If you listen to these people, the president and mayor of new york, you would think its 200 years ago. You would think we havent even started working on these problems. Thats not true. And i think for the president to promote this division, as he just did in that clip that you said, and mischaracterize what happened here, hes talking in large part about ferguson and what he described did not happen in ferguson. And what most of the media is describing did not happen in ferguson, missouri. There was no hands up, dont shoot. It didnt happen. And thats tearing this country apart. We have people to whom the truth is relative. And theyre using whatever power they have to try to redefine the truth for the advancement of their own political agenda. And its just not productive. And the president taking sides in this in a way that further divides the country, i find, reprehensible and very unfortunate, too. Lets talk, though you talk about ferguson and, frankly, i agree with you. I think thats a case where there was plenty of reasonable doubt about what officer wilson did. But lets talk about the eric garner case, which a lot of people think is different. In fact, at the beginning you said that you were troubled by what happened in the eric garner case, the heavyset black man taken down in Staten Island. The but you now say he was not choked. It was not a chokehold. And i guess the question i have, and i ask this with all due respect, were friends, what are you talking about its not a chokehold . Im listening to experts in the Police Departments around the country that i know tell me its not a chokehold. Im listening to certain things ive read in the media quoting Police Officials and those who train police saying that this was not a chokehold. It might have been carotid restriction but it was not a chokehold. What was eric garner doing . He was selling cigarettes, loose cigarettes. The police in new york, because theyre so eager for tax collection, what is being done here with regard to taxes and the states desire to collect them no matter what, how many cops were descended on that situation . For cigarettes. How many people smoking marijuana did the cops pass by and ignore on the way to eric garner . Youve got 13 a carton 13 a pack in new york city over 6 is taxes. And the authorities are telling the cops, you go out and you stop that because theyre so intent on collecting tax revenue. I think the real outrage here is that an american died while the state is enforcing tax collection on cigarettes. This is just absurd. You know, people talk about the left, they want a big state, they want a powerful state. Well, here it is. Youve got to take all of it. If you want a powerful state, theres your Police Force Acting on demands of authorities to go out and make sure every dime of taxes collected, particularly from tobacco. Look how we stigmatize tobacco. To the point its so despised and reviled that a guy loses his life from selling single cigarettes in new york city. Its absurd. You talk about the role of the federal government. Attorney general holder has announced civil rights investigations in Staten Island of course. In ferguson and in a number of other cities. Of course. Here is he describing that. Mr. Garners death is one of several recent incidents across our great country that have tested the sense of trust that must exist between Law Enforcement and the communities they are charged to serve. But you have on your program compared holder to the Terror Group Hamas in israel when he says that the police should not be an occupying force. Do you well how do you thats how they talk. Let me ask my question. This will work better if i ask my question. Do you think there is a legitimate basis for federal civil rights investigations . Look, eric holder is the one who uses the word or the phrase occupying force. To describe the new york pd. Thats the way this regime talks about israel. Im not putting these words in their mouths. Im not the one saying them. But i do think we have to honestly interpret and analyze and honestly hear what they are saying. This the idea we need civil Rights Violations from the federal this is promoting the division. I hear all these civil rights leaders say, chris, we need to start the healing. Nobody is doing that. There are too many people profiting off this strife. There are too many people promoting it. Too many people making a living, making a living off this racial divide. Not doing a thing. We have the first black president elected. Do you know how many people voted for this guy hoping and thinking this kind of thing is over . Its gotten worse, chris. Its gotten worse. One of the reasons why, no criticism, legitimate criticism, of the president is permitted because hes africanamerican and its all chalked up to racism, which nullifies critics, shuts them down. Nobody wants to be called that. I want to talk about i want to switch subjects. I hate to move you along because i love listening to you, but i do want to move on to another subject. So do i. I do. One of the reasons we wanted to talk to you is because recently you have been going after talk about criticism, youve been criticizing fox news for some of the commentary here that says that the government daisht republicans in government should not shut down the government over their opposition to the executive action on immigration the president took. First of all, whats wrong with the republican plan not to shut down the government and what would you do . Because it isnt a Government Shutdown. They shut down, what, 10 , 15 of it . Its not a Government Shutdown. The government keeps running. Welfare checks keep going on. Say what it is. Its a diversion and a trick. I know time is short. Let me cut to the chase here. 2010, republican landslide win. Democrat landslide loss. Ditto, 2014. The democrats have been neglect in two recent elections and republicans are running around saying the American People are not going to like them if they shut down the government is absurd. Barack obamas approvals in the 30s. This isnt about a Government Shutdown. Its about two elections in which the people of this country are begging the Republican People to stop this man. But let me take it takes rush, let me counter that because i want to put up a poll which shows after the october shutdown, october last year over obamacare forgive me. Lets put it up on the screen. 53 blame the gop while 31 blame president obama. And i would argue right let me just finish. And i would argue that the republicans want one despite that, not because of the shutdown and because, as you say, obama had a series of disasters. Whether it was the obamacare wait. I did not say they won because of the shutdown. Im saying it didnt hurt them. They won a landslide election ten months after the socalled the only thing that happened in that shutdown is barack obama closed the Vietnam Veterans memorial, the world war ii memorial to vets who maybe for the only time in their lives would come and visit it and opened it to some proimmigration demonstrators. And shut down the white house tours. Put in the exit polls, and i know the republicans won, rush, but in the exit polls, and lets put them up does that not matter . Wait, wait. Can i youre talking polls to me. Ive got the essence of a poll is an election. Ive got two of them. And we would have won the white house in 2012 if 4 million republicans hadnt stayed home. Its not dont you think its possible my only point is isnt it possible you won in spite of the shutdown not because of the shutdown . What does it matter . They won. The point is, this is a trick. I think the shutdown heres what it really means, chris. The republicans want obama wants on immigration and they are using the Government Shutdown as an excuse to not stop him because the truth of the matter is, they agree with it. Romney agrees with it. Jeb bush agrees with it. Chamber of commerce agrees with it. Obviously, the republican establishment doesnt want to stop do you think john boehner this Government Shutdown, oh, we cant act because theyll blame us. Theyll really be mad at us for shutting down the government. I think its absurd. Its ridiculous. The American People are being let down. Theyre voting, expressing their dirz. They want this stuff stopped. And the Republican Partys not listening. We want to were going to do a lightning round with you in the time thats left. All right. We blew our entire budget, you didnt see but a very exciting lightning and thunder and all kinds of stuff. Weve blown our production budget for the end of the year on that. But quick questions, quick answers. Thats the idea of the lightning round. Hillary clinton, how worried should republicans be about Hillary Clinton as the democratic potential democratic nominee in 2016 . Not very. She cant sell a book. She cant fill an auditorium. The hype finally is over. Well, that was quick. In 2009 you called him a man child who doesnt care about the country. Do you to want take any of that back . No, i think everything i told you in 2009 has been validateded. All of this has been thats purpose. Its been his strategy, his agenda and if hes well into it, chris, i mean, theres nobody stopping him. Everything he wants is pretty much getting done. On the republican side, you have been quite critical of former Florida Governor jeb bush. Whats your problem with him why . Whats your problem with him and who do you like on the republican side . Well, now, thats a loaded question because i cant mention everybody. If i leave some people out, i would make them mad. Look, jeb daisht Republican Party is totally absorbed in this comprehensions ive immigration system. Jeb is claiming the only way he can get a nomination is somehow run against the base in the primaries. I think the republicans have demonstrated they know how to lose the white house and its time to change direction, change strategy. Theyve got that down pat. Theyre not going to win by continuing to do the same thing over and over again. Finally, you have just put out your daisht latest in your series of Childrens Book. Some people may not know you write Childrens Book. Its got a great cover. Its rush revere where rush goes back with his talking horse liberty. Thank you very much. You know, this is why are you doing this . Its a labor of love. Well, because i want young people who i dont reach on the radio to know the truth of the country. I want them to love america. I want them to know the truth of the founding, the incredible people that did it. And we want to take readers to these events. Not make it cut and dried memberization of history. A timetraveling horse, a smart alec horse, rush revere, me s a substitute teacher that takes students with him. Its a great vehicle because we can go to any point in history and read it, written for 8 to 12 year olds. The third book is out now. Its dedicated to the military and the problems that military people have with the children of families whose parents, moms and dads, are deployed. Kids dont understand it. We address that in this book. We have a devotion in awe of the american military. Its all about a mission, chris, of getting the truth of the founding of this country out. Why its great, white it is exceptional. Its just the truth. Its fun. The reader is taken right to these events and interacts. The kids from this substitute class are taken to these events and actually interact with these great americans. Its a fun thing to do. And the reaction were getting from readers is beyond our expectations. Not surprisingly, its number one on the New York Times Childrens Book list. Rush, thank you. Thank you for joining us. Its always good to talk with you. Please come back and lets make it sooner than five years, okay . Absolutely. Thank you for having me. And im i did my best to get it in 14 minutes. I promised id try. Listen, you cant clear your throat in 14 minutes. Thank you very much. Well, i know. Thats the truth. Up next, protests across the nation after the ferguson and Staten Island grand juries decide not to indict police officers. Now the Justice Department is conducting its own investigations, but should the feds get involved . Our sunday group joins the conversation. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel . 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Brit, do you think protesters have a legitimate complaint as they march across the country in arguing about Police Targeting minorities and about grand jurys prosecutors protecting the police. Yes. But i would take issue with the term targeting. I dont think thats been very well established. But look, i dont doubt that Police Departments across the country could learn to deal more skillfully with the minority communities they serve. I dont think theres any doubt about that. On the other hand, what strikes me about this whole controversy s you hear it in the remarks of the president and in the remarks of his attorney general, utter lack of sense of balance. They talk about Police Departments and the need for reform. Do they address at all the pathologies within these africanamerican communities where a amount of crime, disproportionate amount to the size of the population are committed . No. Do they talk about the failing schools, broken families and all the rest of it which contribute to these problems. It all on one side. They want to fix Police Departments, but they dont want to fix the deeper problems that exist in those communities. At least in their current discussions of the subject. And its way, way out of balance n my judgment. We asked you for questions for the panel. We got this on facebook from ron koch who writes, why is it always a racial issue when these kinds of cases unfold . Why does this administration stick their noses in state affairs . Congresswoman harman, how do you answer rohn . Specifically, is the Justice Department justified in launching civil rights investigations in the case of Staten Island, the case of ferguson and other cities around the country . First, let me give a shout out to special force who is tried heroically twice to rescue an american in yemen. Well talk about that next segment. Okay. Also to the nypd which kept us safe after 9 11. They were heroes along with the new york fire department. I think this person who just asked the question is wrong. I think in both of these recent cases there has been a black man who has died at the hands of white police, but i dont think we should exaggerate this. I want to go back to something brit says. It seems to me we should have a conversation about what the pathology of black families and other families in inner cities. I think president obama is perfectly suited to lead this conversation. But he never has, has he . Well, now he should. His administration should, too. You dont sense hes going in that direction do, you . I dont know where hes going. Hes given a couple of good statements about this. He sent eric holder out. I think we we can have this conversation in this country, also a conversation about income inequality, this could be obamas finest moment and i hope he reaches for this moment and does this. One of the things i learned this week is that a civil rights investigation doesnt necessarily have to do anything with race. That it is about, in this kind of case, its about an officer of the state using his or her powers to violate someones constitutional rights. In this case, unreasonable seizure of their person. George, does the garner case, the fellow who was choked, allegedly seems to me pretty clearly in Staten Island, does that meet that standard . Oh, absolutely. The viewer who suggested that the federal government is acting without warrant to intrude into a state business doesnt understand that the 14th amendment and laws passed pursuant to that, to protect emancipated africanamericans from arbitrary state power and the reconstruction of the south. Gives this the color of law. And the federal government is doing what the law the amendment and the laws are supposed to do, which is to, in this case, examine not whether Racial Discrimination was involved but whether, perhaps, for example, disproportionate force was involved. You have mr. Garner accused of an utterly offense, which shouldnt be an offense. He was not a flight risk. He wasnt being disrespectful. He was addressing each policeman as officer. But, juan, prosecutors ive become a law student this week have to meet a very High Standard in these civil rights cases which, again, dont necessarily have to do anything with law. They have to do with anybodys, white, black, civil rights. Have you to demonstrate willfulness that the officer intended to deny, to violate, in this case mr. Garners civil rights. Well, it has to be intentional in the federal case, is what youre saying. Yes. And in the federal case, again, coming back to what george will just explained to you, was clear deputy ra vags of your constitutional rights. The mans dead. I dont know that they can get a convictions, if thats your thinking, but i dont think thats the job of the prosecutor. And what weve seen in the local grand juries, i think, has been the effort by prosecutors to cover themselves, to avoid saying, i have no responsibility, although the prosecutors work so closely with the police. You know, the old saying, you can get a ham sandwich indicted by a grand jury. But in these cases what you see is prosecutors going before the grand jury, feeling they have to present exculpatory evidence for the defendant. They dont need to do that. They dont have to say a thing. They just have to show there is probable, thats all the standard is for a local grand jury, probable cause to present a case that would go forward to a trial and be transparent. What i would say about that is, when people say a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich, theyre not saying that to praise grand juries. Theyre saying that because they dont think grand juries are performing their historic role, which is to stand between willful prosecutors and unfair charges. So, what you seem to be saying is these prosecutors, by virtue of presenting a wide range of evidence, are violating their normal function. Well, that normal function is wait a second. Theyre straying from their normal function and and allowing them to perform their historic role. I have to because we just have its a tight show after the Rush Limbaugh interview. I will say this, though, scott walker, the governor of wisconsin i just learned today has actually in the case there has always been this question about prosecutors protecting police, is saying that an independent group, when its the case of a prosecutor and the police, an independent prosecutor who doesnt have to deal with the local police, should try those kinds of cases and there should be a report as to the action that was taken in a police case. In any case. Governor cuomo has called on called for changes in the grand jury process in new york. Well, a democrat as well as a republican. There we go. We have to take a break here. When we come back, well have the latest on an american hostage killed by al qaeda during a failed u. S. Rescue mission in yemen. And Hillary Clinton says the u. S. Should empathize with its enemies. Well find out what our sunday group thinks about that. And the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. And last but not least, the High Performance gti. Looks like were gonna need a bigger podium. The Volkswagen Golf family. Motor trends 2015 cars of the year. Were learning more about the murder of an american journalist and a South African teacher by al qaeda militants in yemen during a failed u. S. Rescue mission yesterday. Fox news chief intelligence reporter joins us now. Military and government sources say a team of u. S. Navy s. E. A. L. S walked in six miles of darkness when they came under fire. As the s. E. A. L. S confronted al qaeda militants in the darkness, one of the terrorists apparently broke away to where the hostages were held. American journalist luke somers and another hostage, now identified as south African School teacher pierre korkie, were found alive but wounded. Somers reached the uss macon island but died in surgery. The president and defense secretary approved the mission friday morning, based on new intelligence that somers life was in imminent danger. It was monitored in real time here in washington. Secretary hagel received regular updates on this flight to kabul, afghanistan, where he addressed reporters. Luke somers was murdered. He was taken hostage. His life was clearly in danger. Of course, have to take responsibility for any action or inaction, or inaction. That we didnt take. U. S. Government and military sources stress there was no way the hojz were wounded in the crossfire. They were shot by al qaeda in a last desperate act. Chris . Thanks for that. Now lets bring back our panel. Brit, as catherine noted, al qaeda had threatened to kill this american journalist, luke somers, some time this weekend. Any problem with president obama ordering this raid given the fact that both of the hostages died . Well, its regrettable that both of the hostages died. And theres some reports that have indicated the South African hostage was going to be released, so that makes that particularly tragic. But i give the president credit for tlig noon these instances. It was worth a try, regardless of the outcome. They had reason to believe somers was going to be killed anyway, so why not . It puts the terrorist on notice that the s. E. A. L. S may be coming. I say, good, worth a try. Juan, as brit just discussed, and catherine, this is complicated by the fact that there had been negotiations going on for the South African teacher. And the negotiators claim that he was supposed to be released today. Your thoughts. Well, you know, i dont think you could pay ransom to these people. That would simply encourage more kidnappings. Now, the critics can say, look, this is the third failed attempt at rescues weve had in the last six months. Dont forget the james foley situation. Isis in syria. Correct. But i think if you look at that and then you consider, for example, what happened with bowe bergdahl, we had a swap. When you try to rescue americans, were going to say that you are making a mistake. It has to be consistent. And i agree with brit hume, i think you have to say the president knew this mans life was in danger and made an attempt to save him and we should say, thats the right move for the american government. Before the raid Hillary Clinton was talking this week about the use of smart power in American Foreign policy. And here was part of her explanation of smart power. Showing respect even for ones enemies, trying to understand and insofar as psychologically possible empathize with their perspective and point of view, helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. Congresswoman harman, do we need to respect our enemies and empathize with their point of view . I think we need to respect those who live in the middle east who are devout muslims and think our policies are wrong. No i dont think we have to respect members of terror groups ever. I think we have to have harsh policies against them. I just want to add one more thing about the hostage effort, and that is the Yemeni Government cooperated with us in building a coalition of people who dont have identical views. Respecting people in that coalition is going to be the way we stop this horrible aggression on american i want to talk about Hillary Clinton, because were not when shes talking about our enemy, shes not talking about people who disagree with us. Shes talking about al qaeda. If i may, shes talking about isis. She said we need to respect them show respect, even for ones enemies, empathize with their perspective. Do we need to empathize with isis . I take issue with the word enemies. I think we have to respect people with different points of view. I didnt say it. She said. In order to win the argument with them. I dont exactly know what she was saying. Well, you know who the enemy, theres no doubt who that is. But, brit, everybody in the middle east and not everybody in this area is an enemy. Thats not what shes saying. Listen to what she said. I guess i dont understand what she meant by enemy. I do understand what she meant about respect. I think respect is a key to winning one assumes she meant what she said, that she meant, you know, groups like isis, groups like al qaeda, would slaughter americans, we need to empathize with them. Let me say from my point of view, these people are perspective enemies if we dont show respect and understanding for their points of view, i have to believe thats what she meant. George . Let me try to say this as politely as possible. The english language is not Hillary Clintons close friend. Shes not a fluent speaker. Well have a lot of experience with this. Well have a lot more going forward. She thinks she what she was saying was a crashing benality in the most unartful way possible. She said, we should understand the other guy, get inside his mind, understand his motivation. Fine, thats how you say it. Instead she talked about a gaseous new age rhetoric about respect and empathy and all the rest. She was saying nothing particularly controversial but she was saying it in an unfortunate way. She meant to Say Something noncontroversial and ended up saying something highly controversial just as she did a few weeks ago when she said, you know, dont let anyone tell you businesses and corporations create jobs. They had to rush the fire brigade out to put out the storm created by that inane comment. Palpably incorrect. You know, she does have a history, as george points out here, and shes been around a long time, you think she would be sharper than this as a candidate, but so far shes not. Shes not a candidate yet. Briefly, what were you going to say, congresswoman . I said she isnt a candidate yet. Its a tough line of work. Like this line of work, every word is analyzed. I think she could have stated that more artfully. I totally agree with george. The high level of scrutiny, though, is attached in part because she is such a titan right now on the mris political stage. I think the right doesnt have anybody who can compete with her. So every word that she says now is swatted and batted around. It really isnt that consequence shall. Do we need to empathize with our enemies . Enemies, no, but you need to understand the source she said empathize with the enemy. Why are we having this conversation . Because shes Hillary Clinton and in position to be the next president. Yeah, thats right. Thats exactly right. Well, fox news is not our enemy, right . Not mine. Hers. And youre here, so i assume its not yours either. Panel, thank you. Well see you next week. Up next, louisiana governor bobby jindal is here. Well ask him whether hell run for president in 2016. I had these very burning, needlelike sensations. I knew i needed to see a doctor. My doctor said, lets try lyrica. Lyrica has helped relieve my pain. 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There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. The gop president ial field for 2016 is wild open. There are now at least two dozen, count them, two dozen potential serious candidates who say theyre at least considering a campaign. Joining us now and clearly exploring his options, louisiana governor bobby jindal. Welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Thank you for having me. Good to have you here in d. C. You saw, we just put up that graphic of republican potential candidates. You have a strong record as a governor. You have cut the size of government. You have cut taxes. You have strong economic growth. But there are some governors who can say the same thing, whether its kasich of ohio, scott walker or christie of new jersey. I guess the question for you is how do you stand out from them . What makes you better than those other guys . Two things. One, i absolutely agree we have some great governors. I prefer governors. Governors have done governors have cut budgets and we have a senator in the white house that has never had any experience. If i run, this is about restoring the American Dream for our children and grandchildren. This president believed in bigger government, redistribution, fewer opportunities, more debt, more tax and more borrowing. Forgive me, walter, kasich can say the same thing, what makes you stand out . Like many governors, we have cut our budget by 26 . We have grown our private sector economy to be in the top five in the country. We reformed education. We have statewide School Choice. But its more than what we have done in louisiana. If i would decide to run, i think i have a unique perspective. My parents came over 40 years ago to start the American Dream. My brother and i lived the American Dream. We have taken on the entrenched interest. I think the American People are looking for big change in washington, d. C. , not small change but big change. After the republican defeat in 2012, you famously said this weve got to stop being the stupid party. And im serious, its time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults. You said that republicans cannot be seen as the you said that republicans cannot be seen as the party that protects the rich and that you have to fight for every vote. So, my question is, how have republicans in the last two years reached detail, but to hi and to single women and to young voters where you havent done so well . I say three quick examples. One, School Choice education reform. Kids growing up in poor neighborhoods are often trapped in failing schools. We are reaching out to say we are an aspirational party and country. It should determine your outcome as an adult. Secondly, we have to repeal and replace obamacare with a plan to bring down the cost of health care for middle and other working families. Third, energy. We believe in Energy Independence through the fracking revolution. We can create a million good paying jobs, the median household growth goes up 7 . No federal spending and borrowing. Blue collar jobs with benefits. Three examples for conservative policies to help working families in america. I want to put up the last clear politics of recent polls about republicans for 2016. It shows jeb bush leading the republican field at this point. Obviously very early with 14 . Paul ryan second. Christie third. Youre back in 11th place, forgive me, at 2. 8 . Realistically, how do you come from so far behind . Chris, if i were to decide to run, it wouldnt be about poll numbers. I was within a margin of error. The reality is we have taken on big generational changes and transformed our state for 25 years we were losing people six years in a row, now we have more people moving into the state. Ten charity hospitals, this is the third rail louisiana politics that turned into Public Private partnerships. We not only cut the Government Spending by 26 but grew in our economy. This is not making politicians popular by kissing babies and cutting ribbons, but this is about big ideas and big change. You mentioned louisiana, well look at the exit poll on election day in louisiana. Here was the question, do you think bobby jindal would make a good president . 27 said yes. 69 said no. Governor, these are louisiana voters. These are the people who know you best. Well, again, if we took on the entrenched interest like the teacher unions, and they tried to reform with over 38,000 Government Employees who balanced our budget without raising taxes. In the time you finished president , 69 of americans wouldnt think you made a good president . If you had a president that had grown the private sector economy, we would run our economy twice as fast as the national economy. Substantial improvements in the Public Education system. I think thats a record we need here. We need fewer politicians in d. C. That kiss babies and say, im just going to do what is politically popular. We need a president to make the big, tough choices. I want to talk to you about that because you say you dont follow the polls but your critics say thats what you have done in the case of common core. Your administration applied three times for a grant under president obamas race to the top. And when you finally got it. You bragged at being part of the progress. Take a look. We adopted the common core state standards to raise expectations for every child. Then this summer you tried to pull out of common core until you were blocked by your own state superintendent of education. I guess the question is, why the flip . Well, two things High Standards. Common core was never supposed to be a topdown governmentrun experience. I never went to making a critical information in baton rou rouge . The race to the top was never supposed to be about common core. Thats why were suing the federal government. This is a violence of the tenth amendment to the constitution. The federal government shouldnt make curriculum decisions. They have broken the law in the child waivers using federal dollars to force states into the common core. By the way, i still dont want a onesizefitsall part coming out of d. C. This was started by governors and is a set of standards, skills and knowledge that you have to have at the end of the school year. And critics say that your real abduction is that you are considering to turn for running for president and now you are concerned with them. Even the ceo admits what gets sixed my child has brought home the math homeon core. Two and two, now it is more complicated that a lot of people have changed their way to see what it has bandaecome this becoming a topdown approach just like obamacare. We were told you can keep your doctor and health plan, we were told this is a locally driven curriculum. Thats not what it is. This is a onesizefitsall policy from d. C. Thank you. Thank you for coming in today. Well possibly see more of you in 2015. Thank you for having me. A final note when we come back. It mayeem strange, but people re can love their laxative. Especially when its miralax. It hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. So you have peace of mind from start to finish. Ve your laxative. Miralax. 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But thats it for a packed show today. Have a great week. And well see you next Fox News Sunday. This week on the journal editorial report, president obama promising changes to policing in america in the wake of two controversial grand jury decisions. Will the reforms hes proposing make a difference on the streets in. Plus, Florida Governor jeb bush inching closer to a decision on 2016. But could he win the republican nomination . And falling pump prices are giving u. S. Consumers some extra green this holiday season. But could cheap oil undermind the u. S. Energy revolution . We are not going to let up until we see a

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