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Thanksgiving weekend. Check out our facebook page. Go to our home page as well. We are back here next sunday 11 00 and 5 0 im chris wallace. Fallout from ferguson. Officer Darren Wilson resigns. But the grand jurys decision to bring no charges in the shooting death of Michael Brown leaves a community and a country divided. Well discuss the facts of the case and whether an indictment was warranted with attorneys on both sides. From Police Officer Darren Wilsons legal team, Neil Bruntrager and from the family of Michael Brown, daryl parker. President obama appeals for calm while the streets of ferguson erupt. That wont be done by throwing bottles or smashing car windows and certainly wont be done by hurting anybody. How does the country ease the tension between race and Law Enforcement . Well ask Rudy Giuliani and head of the National Urban league, marc morial. Plus, what role has the media played surrounding ferguson. The 24hour news cycle. Our sunday panel weighs in on all right now on a special fox news sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. Police officer Darren Wilson announced late saturday, he has resigned from the Ferguson Police force. But the decision not to indict him has left ferguson and the nation in turmoil. Today we want to examine the fallout from several angles. Well discuss the facts in the shooting death of Michael Brown with attorneys from both sudz. What does the case say about Racial Discrimination in our Police Forces . Well ask two leaders about the problem and possible reforms. But first fox news correspondent mike tobin with the latest from ferguson. Mike . Reporter Darren Wilson explained in his resignation later that he wanted to continue with police work, but the department was receiving threats if he remained on the force. He didnt want to put citizens or other Police Officers at risk. He now hopes his resignation will allow this community to heal. News of the resignation renewed vigor in the ferguson demonstrations. Hands up dont shoot reporter supporters of the naacp set off on a 120mile march they call march for justice. Were seeking federal, state and even municipal legislation to bring an end to racial profiling. Reporter demonstrators are staging dieins where they lay on the ground at clayton, missouri, and a missouri mall intended to disrupt holiday shopping. They did it in seattle as well. That was also the faktic in portland, where Police Ultimately made arrests and where reverend Jesse Jackson encouraged the crowd. Weve seen a meanspirited backlash in our country that does not represent the best in us. We must fight it in the face of Michael Brown. Reporter portland also produced a warm moment from the demonstrations. A photograph of a white Police Officer hugging a young, black protester. In ferguson volunteers pitch in and the people who made their living in the burned out stores wonder how theyll get by. Being without a job around thanksgiving, then you dont have a job to buy your kids any christmas presents or even to provide food. Thats sad. Reporter the state of missouri has already spent 4 million for National Guard troops. 3. 4 million on state trooper and governor nixons office says its not enough. Hes calling for a special session of the General Assembly to fund all this. Mike tobin reporting from ferguson, thanks. Now, lets bring in members of the legal teams on both sides for a sense of the trial that wont happen. Neil bruntrager, whos an attorney for Darren Wilson. One of the lawyers for Michael Browns family, daryl parks. Mr. Bruntrager, before we get to the shooting i want to talk about breaking news. Why did Darren Wilson decide to resign from Ferguson Police department and does he still fear for his life . He decided to rye sign because we got information yesterday directly from the chief in ferguson that they had some information that suggested they were going to be acts taken against either members of the department or the department itself related to his continued employment. When he was told that, he said that was enough so he submitted an oral resignation followed by a written Resignation Letter shortly thereafter. He he still feel a a marked man in the st. Louis area . He does, chris. Its a a shame and thats something he has to liv with for quite some time. Mr. Parks, lets get to the evidence in this case. What do you think is the single biggest hole in officer wilsons testimony . What do you think is the strongest reason that that grand jury should have indicted him . Well, chris, i believe the strongest reason is the reasonableness of his socalled fear as michael approached him. For what i can tell thus far, and in my investigation of this case, almost one of the gunshots michael received he could have lived from except for the head shot. And so the head shot, the kill shot, was to the apex of his head. It is my opinion that given the fact where his head was positioned at the time of that shot, that this officer had other reasonable means that he could have subdued michael and failed to do so. Mr. Bruntrager, let me pick occupy that because there seems little question that Michael Brown from the forensic evidence that Michael Brown attacked officer wilson in his car, grabbed for his gun, but here i think is the question that a lot of people ask. Why did wilson get out of the car and follow Michael Brown . Why not just stay in his car, follow him if need be in the car and wait for backup when there would be more people and they could subdue him without a shooting death . The information that we have is that Michael Brown immediately after the shots are fired in the car, immediately after the scuffle in the car, Michael Brown takes off. Michael browns running away. Darren wilsons job is to keep his eyes on Michael Brown. He has said both in his statements on august 9th, august 10th, in front of the grand jury, in his statement to the feds, he has said, listen, the reason i got out of the car was not to arrest Michael Brown. I couldnt. He didnt believe for a minute that he could subdue Michael Brown by himself. His job, getting out of the car, was to keep eyes on him. Wherever he went, he had to see where he went because he believed but why not just follow him in his car and wait for the backup . Well, because what if he gets off the road . What if he gets into the neighborhood, which is exactly where he was going . You cant follow everywhere in the car itself. Mr. Parks, your reaction . His job is to keep eyes on him. A couple problems, chris. One, when the officer got out of the car, witnesses have testified that he continued to shoot at michael as michael was running away. And there wait, wait, wait. He wasnt wait. Mr. Parks he wasnt shot in the back, he was shot in the front. Just because youre shooting at him doesnt mean you have to hit him. Youre confusing things. Just because i shoot at you its clear a few of the shots the officer shot missed him. Its possible one of the shots to his arm could have possibly come from the back. I dont think we need to confuse the two things. Yes, witnesses say he shot at him. He may have missed him. At some point michael turned around and the officer testified as if his body jerked, as if he hit. Other people glance over the fact of what made michael turn around. He didnt turn around by happenstance. He turned around because he was hit. And witnesses say, why are you shooting . Quit shooting and trying was he turning around to give up or turning around to attack officer wilson . He was turning around to attack officer wilson. Everybody has a right to their opinions. They dont have a right to their own set of facts. What we know, in my mind the inc. Spgle most important evidence is the blood spot about 25 to 30 feet away from his body. We know he went to a farthest point north because hi blood is there. Thats irrefutable. He has come back towards officer wilson. Thats when he is shot. When he is shot, hes about eight to ten feet in the final shot mr. Parks referenced, hes about eight to ten feet from officer wilson. We call that the kill zone. At eight to ten feet, he can reach officer wilson. And officer wilson has indicated to everyone that will listen that he believed that Michael Brown intended to kill him. Now, let me look at the shell casings on the ground, too. Let me just pick up on this. Because, mr. Parks, missouri law is pretty clear. What it basically says is that a Police Officer is entitled to take deadly force if he, quote, reasonably believes his life or someone elses life is in imminent danger. Here is what Darren Wilson told abc news. At that time, i gave myself another mental check, i can shoot this guy . You know, legally can i . The question i answered myself, i have to. If i dont, he will kill me if he gets to me. Mr. Parks, doesnt what you just heard from officer wilson, doesnt that meet the legal threshold for an officer being allowed to use deadly force . Well, chris, lets not confuse two things. Number one, and i know were going to deal with the issue of the grand jurys actions later in the show. However, thats a defense. Whether or not his belief is reasonable. We believe, number one, there should be an indictment. Theres enough evidence here that this officer should have been indicted. If you have issue or have that defense, which is fine, have that defense before a jury so the evidence can be properly presented by both sides in the case. We do not believe that the manner in which this was handled, where you have a prosecutors office, both, one, putting on the evidence to indict, but also putting on other evidence that puts forth the possible defenses or actions or justifications in the case. Thats not how this process woshgs. Mr. Parks, you have called the decision not to indict, in your words, a travesty. And this prosecutor did something unusual but not unprecedented which is he simply presented all the evidence to the 12 grand jurors and let them make up their mind. Why does the prosecutor have to seek an indictment . Why cant he just leave it up to the grand jurors . Well, without question, i mean, i think given the fact that you have this process where he goes in, if he goes in and, one, gives them all the evidence. Its not as if hes putting in a posture to get an indictment. From his action, it appears he does not want an indictment. Thus, they dont indict. When a prosecutor wants an indictment, a prosecutor puts forth the evidence that is that will line up to give an indictment from the grand jury. And the prosecutor by his actions, whether verbal or nonverbal, indicates to the grand jury that i want an indictment in this case. It is rather clear in this case that that was not the case. In this case. Thus, thats why we should not be surprised by the fact there was no indictment in this case. Let me bring in mr. Bruntrager, because the fact is that the Legal Standard in grand juries, which is probable cause, is a pretty low standard. Generally speaking, grand juries are instructed to indict if there is, quote, some evidence of guilt. Didnt they reach that standard . Obviously, the jurors didnt think so. Look. When you look at grand juries, theyre formed for one reason. One is investigation. They can be called to do just what they did here, and thats look at all this information and decide. I find it astonishing that we have criticism of this grand jury because people say they were given way too much information. They were given way too much to think about. Now, these grand juries operate in an entirely different way than a trial jury. Theyre given the opportunity to look at information. They can then leave. They have sometimes a week between sessions. They can ask questions if they want, unlike regular juries. This grand jury clearly looked at everything. They asked questions, they were engaged. Dont know how mr. Parks says we get in the head of the prosecutor by, perhaps, some means so sort of figure out that impliedly they dont want an indictment. Dont see that. Ive read the transcripts. I see a prosecutor who put all the information in front of a grand jury is says, you decide. I have time for one more issue. Mr. Parks chris, if i may though, chris, one important issue. Real quickly. Were not indicting the grand jury. Dont blame the grand jury. I think the process of flawed as laid out by the prosecutor. Mr. Parks, is the brown family which you represent, are they going to file a civil lawsuit against officer wilson . If so, on what grounds . Well, chris, obviously they have the option of a civil lawsuit. One, upon civil rights basis against officer wilson. Two, against the Police Department and the city of ferguson when the time comes. Those are not issues we discuss publicly upon our team. Well certainly give the parties a chance to work that out, among the parties f they choose so, if and when we need to make a public issue, we will. But as of now, its not. When you say give the parties to work it out, are you suggesting a possible settlement . No. I mean, i think the chance to resolve whatever differences we may have that could be a settlement. It could be some form of litigation if needed. It just depends. Theyll have a chance to do whatever they deem proper in the situation and well react. Finally, mr. Bruntrager, reacting to that, what do you think of the merits of a civil lawsuit by the brown family against your client . Also, what do you think of the merits of a federal lawsuit, if they decide so bring it, which would have to prove that officer wilson intended to violate Michael Browns civil rights . Let me start with the latter. We know theres an ongoing federal investigation. If the feds decide theyre going to bring an action against Darren Wilson, it would have to be some sort of allegation that he violated the civil rights of Michael Brown. In order to do that you have to show he intended to violate his civil right. Its not just that you intend to pull the trigger, its that you intend to actually vie late his civil rights. Thats a pretty high bar. Thats a difficult thing for them to do. What about the civil lawsuit . Well, thats an entirely different question. In most instances its not directeded to the individual. Its directed to the Police Department itself for a variety of reasons. Again, i think that theyre going to have a difficult road to hoe. Every american has a right to seek redress in the courts. Of course, i would never begrudge that to anyone. Mr. Bruntrager, mr. Park, we want to thank you for joining us today. Thank you, chris. Up next, well examine the big picture. Tension between police and black communities when is he we sit down with former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani and the president of the National Urban league. Whats the lesson from the events in ferguson if let me know on facebook or twitt twitter foxnewssunday and use the fns. Im angela, and i quit smoking with chantix. People who know me, they say i never thought you would quit. but chantix helped me do it. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. 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They have deep roots in many communities of color who have a sense that our laws are not always being enforced uniformly or fairly. Mayor, do you see any basis for either investigation by attorney general holder and his Justice Department . Having read the transcripts now the grand jury, fbi interviews and all of that, and having been a prosecutor for 13 years, i dont see how this case normally would have even been brought to a grand jury. This case doesnt have the racial overtones that a prosecutor would come to the conclusion that theres not enough evidence to present to a grand jury. There are seven witnesses who support the officers testimony. When i was listening to the attorneys, a key witness, africanamerican witness, who says the officer was charged aggressively at the very end. But if i how fast if i may, sir, the question, though, is what do you think now of it going to the federal level and attorney general holder investigating . Its the same testimony. Its the same witness, the same testimony. In other words, the attorney general holder will have to take a case in which a jury couldnt find probable cause to indict and hes going to have to try to find probable cause in front of a federal grand jury when there are seven africanamerican witnesses supporting the Police Officers testimony. And the witnesses on the other side, not all, but almost all of them have impeachable testimony. In fact, a couple of them committed perjury saying he was shot in the back, when he clearly wasnt. Its a very its an impossible case to present to a grand jury. A federal grand jury in my experience, having been in front of hundreds of them, would find no true bill here, just like this grand jury did. Mayor, i want just leave mayor, if i can nobody wants to read these transcripts. Mayor, let me move you on to the bigger issue. I want you to look at a poll. 70 of blacks say people in their community are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with the police. Only 37 of whites make the same complaint. Question, do you think that blacks have a legitimate complaint about Racial Discrimination by police in their communities . Yes, i do. I do believe there is more interreaction and more unfair interreaction among Police Officers, white and black, in the black community than in the White Community. And i think some of that responsibility is on the Police Department. And on Police Departments to train their Police Officers better and to make their Police Departments much more diversified. But i think just as much, if not more, responsibility is on the black community to reduce the reason why the Police Officers are assigned in such large numbers to the black community. Its because blacks commit murder eight times more per capita than any other group in our society. And and i assign Police Officers with commissioner bratton, we did it based on sat statistics. We didnt do it on race. If there were a lot of murder in communities, we put a lot of Police Officers there. If i put all of my Police Officers on new york than harlem, seven times more mayor, were running out of time. I want to ask you about a specific case in cleveland this week. Well put the video up. Im sure youre familiar with the case. In was a 12yearold boy who was walking around, waving what turned out to be an air pistol. Police respond to a call and an officer comes up and shoots him dead in two seconds. Mayor, i know its one case. But does this give a sense of what the blacks black communitys complaint about is that police are on a hair trigger in their communities . I mean, theres no question that individual cases have situations that are unjustified. But you have to put it in proper context. Why is it happening . Why is it happening more often in the black community . And doesnt it actually logically make sense its going to happen more often in the community where there is five, six, seven, eight, nine times more violence than in another community . So, if you want to work on the problem, have you to work on both sides. When the president talked about training, he talked about training the police. Im all with him. Train the police and make them better. I tried hard. We have a diverse Police Department in new york, but youve got to work on the other side of it, too. This is not a onesided story and it is presented always as i onesided story. Thats why tear you canning to you. I have one minute left. Im going to ask you to confine it to that. There are several reforms, critics of the police are talking about now. I want to get your reaction to them. Putting body cameras on police. Having a police force that reflects the racial makeup of the community. And the broken window. Are those good ideas . Yes, yes, and no. Simple. I have changed my mind on body cameras. At one time i thought they were a mistake. Now i believe they are a very good idea because 90 , 95 of these situations, the Police Officers turn out to be justified. And had this Police Officer had a body camera, we would not be having this discussion. Very briefly in the if i can, sir, whats wrong with the one you said no to, the aggressive policing . Aggressive policing, stop and terrific means searching for guns. Its the reason why new york city reduced crime by 65 , 70 . If youre talking about massive stop and frisk, thats wrong. But stop and frisk is based on reasonable cause to believe someone is committing a crime. Its in the constitution. Every Police Department does it. If you overdo it and some Police Departments have, then it is wrong. So, maybe the answer to that is yes and no. First two questions, the answer is yes. Mayor giuliani, we want to thank you for coming in and talking to us. Wish we had more time. Now lets bring in former mayor of new orleans, marc morial. I want to start with this question of black crime, mr. Morial. Mayor giuliani likes to point out 93 of blacks in america are killed by other blacks. So, the point hes making, and i think a lot of people are making, is when the protesters, when civil rights leaders are focusing on the problem with the police, arent they ignoring the real problem in the black community . Lets add another fact, and that is, about 84 of all whites are murdered by other whites. And the concern about violence in the black community is pervasive, the advocacy, the ral lis, the events that take place. Should be no mistake that blackonblack violence is not tolerated in the black community. The protests are directed at the response of the system, to the killings of unarmed black men, and in the case of cleveland, a child. And the lack of accountability when those events take place. Its also the fact that weve had five high proceed fife incidents in this country, and now the young boy down in out in cleveland. And combined with the fact that the number of killings of silt zens by police is at a two decade high. All of this is a perfect storm of events, which means that theres this response across the nation, peaceful protests for the most part, that says that this must change. Well, lets talk about possible reforms. The urban league is calling for a number of reforms in the wake of ferguson, including federal reviews. Federal reviews of every police killing. Why is that necessary . Why cant the why cant the local community handle that, sir . I think the history has been i heard mayor giuliani talk about this, in the rodney king case, in the case in new orleans, those are all cases where local prosecutors failed to either seek or secure an indictment or conviction where the federal government stepped in after the fact and secured justice for the victims. The history is simply not good, the procedure prosecutors and local Police Departments policing their own. This is why its a time for us to change how we handle these instances. And i think in the first instance, i support body cameras. I think every should should review their deadly force policy. I think cities should also completely revise how they train. They have to reevaluate how they hire Police Officers. This is a time when we have to promote positive change. I led a city, new orleans, at the same time that rudy led new york. We reduced crime by 60 . We did it with community policing. We also had a significant reduction in civil rights complaints against Police Departments. So, this is a false, if you will, narrative that youve got to be out there doing stop and frisk. Youve got to be theres a tradeoff between what i would call safety and violations of civil rights. You can do both. Thats the future we have to embrace in this nation. Lets talk about that because you just heard mayor giuliani, and i put a list of what he he agreed with the body cameras, he agreed with a police force that makes up the racial makeup of the city, which wasnt the case of ferguson, where he disagreed with you, at least partially, on the question of Aggressive Police forcing. You have called for an end to the broken window kind of policing and stop and frisk. But dont those doesnt the crime rate actually go down . It certainly did in new york when they did stop and frisk . You know, stop and frisk used selectively and in a targeted way is absolutely permissible and a valid police tool. Using it comprehensively, all the way across the city. One of the experiences that caught my eye in new york was that many of these stops and these frisks did not yield the recovery of a gun or a prosecution or a conviction for weapons charges. Its an inefficient way. I think its better. If you will to embrace a proactive, this is the term, proactive policing system where Police Officers are out on the beat, where theyre building relationships with people in the community. The way we bring down crime in a community is not arrests, its preventing arrests. My experience in new orleans in the 1990s is that you could combine an accountable police force with public safety. Bring down crime and reduce friction between Police Officers and the community. Those are the kinds of things the urban league embraces. Mr. Morial, we want to thank you for coming in today. Thank you. Up next, we take a closer look at president obamas response this week. There are ways of channelling your concerns constructively and there are ways of channelling your concerns destructively. The image that said so much this week. The president appealing for calm while ferguson burns. Our sunday group joins the conversation. Productive ways of responding and there are destructive ways of responding. Burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property, putting people at risk, thats destructive. And theres no excuse for it. President obama trying repeatedly this week to put a lid on the anger that erupted across the country after the grand jury decided not to bring charges against the ferguson Police Officer. Its time now for our sunday group. Kimberly strassel from the wall street journal, julie pace who covers the white house for the associated press, the Washington Post robert costa and bob woodward also from the Washington Post. Lets start with that infamous split screen from the night of the nonindictment and the picture on the one side of president obama urging calm and on the other side of the streets of ferguson erupting. How much handwringing was there at the white house after the fact about putting the president out so that split screen, that juxtaposition could be seen . I think the response you saw from them was to have him employ out and speak again on tuesday, the clip you just played. It was interesting on the day the indictment came down or the nonindictment came down. The white house really wanted the president to be out there. They kept reporters at the white house late. Its very unusual for him to speak that late into the evening. They wanted him to have a presence on this. And yet it created these awkward optics where you had the president calling for calm at the same time youre seeing unrest, and they felt he needed to go back out the next day. I felt his remarks on tuesday were much stronger because you knew how the situation played out. It was difficult moments after what happened for him to Say Something that really meant something because we just didnt know yet how this was going to play out. It wasnt just the president ho came up for some criticism. We asked you for questions from the panel and we got a lot of questions about Media Coverage. Take a look at this one. Ellen asked on facebook, did walltowall coverage help encourage outrageous behavior . Matthew thursday matthew sent this on twitter, i know it is news, but some of the coverage soomed to be rooting for the worst. Good questions. Bob costa, how do you answer elen and matthew . I think the media criticism is somewhat fair. Perhaps it was a bit heavy. I think when you look at people like the st. Louis postdispatch, the Washington Post coverage, its been solid throughout. When it comes to timing, the timing of the announcement of the grand jury at night. That seemed to provoke a lot of interest and questions about timing. I think the Media Coverage has been pretty deep, looking at th only within the town but nationally, politically. I think part of the question is you put on tv lights, you put on the cameras, theyre there. And youre going to attract a crowd. You are. We saw that one burning car certainly got a lot of coverage on that one evening. But this is a major issue, a tragedy what happened to mr. Brown. And i think this is causing a lot of discussion around the country about race, about politics, about even the media and i think the media has been subject to some unfair criticism for going overboard. I want to talk about that, the bigger picture, popp bob, because weve seen this before. We saw it, for instance, in los angeles the first verdict exonerating the Police Officer in the rodney king beating and then terrible riots there. What do you take assist the lesson here about tensions not just in ferguson but generally between the Police Departments and the black communities where they enforce the law . And theres always going to be criticism, but the media always has to cover it. And i im not talking about the media. Im talking about tensions between the black community and the police. Then you need to do it and do stories about that. I think whats really interesting here is the prosecutor put out all the grand jury testimony. When you look at it, it is hopelessly contradictory. And he let people hey, look, this is what we base our decision on. Some people said he was giving up, some said he was charging like a bull. I mean, it is a classic case of, you know, how do you find out what happened . And they didnt and so were seeing this all play out. But i think thats fine. I think actually what obama had to say was sensible and reasonable and the issue here is the Racial Division in this country, which still exists, which Everyone Needs to address a case like this enflames it, but you cant wake away from that. The Racial Divisions do exist and persist. One of the things, kim, that was so striking is the tremendously different reactions in the White Community and the black community to this. I mean, the forensic evidence, at least in terms of what went on inside that car, all back officer wilsons story. Clearly, wilsons dna was on the body, on the gun. Seems there was clearly a strug that will went on inside there. One can argue if wilson should have gotten other. I found out this week that the number one cause of homicide in the black community between young blacks ages 15 to 34, is homicide. Right. Homicide. But yet it all goes out the window when one of these cases happens. I think this is where there is some culpability on the white house, i agree with bob, the president has said all the right things this week once the grand jury decision was handed down. One of the questions leading up to it, in particular eric holders decision to launch his own investigation into the wilson action and on a civil rights potential case, which is a very high bar, as you heard. To do a separate probe into whether the actions of the entire Ferguson Police department, to run their own autopsy. All of that led to the impression from the start that there was something not fair or right or suspect about what was going on in the Justice System in ferguson. That has allowed a lot of people, a lot of the protesters to come out and say, and you get these varied reactions, like you were saying. A lot of people thought this was a sham from the beginning. No matter what the evidence says, that is not breaking through. I do think that was a problem. The president ought to be talking about those issues you mentioned. The blackonblack crimes is a huge issue out there. When we come back, there was other news this week. Chuck hagel is out at secretary of defense but no one seems to want to replace it. What it means for our war against isis next. And ah, so you can see like right here i can just. You know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a claim. You know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. Oh, thats so cool. Well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. No dude, youre on the jumbotron whoa. Ah. Yeah, pretty much walked into that one. Geico anywhere anytime. Just a tap away on the geico app. Im just looking over the company bills. Up . Is that what we pay for internet . Yup. Dsl is about 90 bucks a month. Thats funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. Wow thats fast. Personally, i prefer a slow internet. There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. Last month chuck came to me and determined that having guided the department through the transition it is an appropriate time for him to complete his service. President obama putting the best face on what from all accounts was the forced resignation of defense secretary chuck hagel. We are back with the panel. Bob, you have reported in depth about president obama and his National Security teach. Aside from the personal stuff, hagel did not talk up in National Security meetings, what does his ouster tell us about obama . It tells us that the world has changed. Hagel was brought in as a soul mate for president obama who wanted to get out of iraq, out of afghanistan and no new war. And to shrink the military and not be one of the cabinet ministers. Now we have the isis problem and the new wars that the president has declared and people keep saying, no, and this is a tough one for obama the he has to find another Authority Figure. He has to find someone who immediately people will say, that is a leader. Wait, wait, wait. Some people say, we have seen a couple of the top choices like jack re. D saying no, but there are a lot of people who, say, he wants to run it from the white house and his National Security council and no Authority Figure would want to take that job. That is what he has to do. He has to find one name that has been floated around is colin powell. He is 77 years old. There is an Authority Figure, someone who served as the chief military advisor in the first gulf war as chairman of the joint chiefs. Secretary of state. Someone who has been the National Security advisor. Someone who could get up there and he is friends with obama. 77, that is the old 67. That is what we keep telling ourselves. You wrote a column calling obama a lousy boss and said everyone who doesnt want to an dormant, would be crazy to take this job. Explain. Look how hagel was ousted. The trash talking behindthescenes anonymously blaming the obama Foreign Policy failures on him. If you look at the history of the Obama Administration this is not an an betterration. This is how the president rolls when they micromanage from the top. It goes paid they say they dont know and they blame subordinates. Look at obamacare and veterans affairs. The president was asked, why you so slow to recognize isis he blamed identity were the director of the National Intelligence agency. Why would anyone want to come in and serve as a doormat . That is why a lot of people are, in fact, saying no. Viewly, one, is that fair . And, two, what about colin powell . Is that serious possibility . Kim is on to something, you look at a top choice after hagel was pushed out, there are two reasons that people said the female did not want the job the she did not want it if she was restrained in the same way that hagel was. Two, some looked at the point and said, maybe i will waitandsee if i can get this job under, hick hillary clinton. You talk about candidates, c positions name has been out there and people say that is probably not where they are going on this and an interesting name that was floated and the Officials Say they are looking at this person, is the current Homeland Security secretary, well respected at the pentagon and the white house. The obvious downside of nominating him is you risk obvie nominating him is that you risk having his confirmation hearingt turn intoin a debate at immigration which hes been deeply involved in. Inv why is it, you have had had gates, you have had hagel and now panetta, why is it that the secretaries of defense have had such bad experiences. Obama views the military ver septemberically. He just doesnt takeeo theirba , recommendations with maybe the same weight the a at some of hi predecessors, as bob has written about this exten sily. Not just the military. His whole defense leadership but hes skeptical of military options that arewh put before h. Obama doesnt like war and i thats reasonable, but he has n declared one essentiallyt now,o hes in the a tight spot. Big there was one other big they had a deadline of last friday, they decided to extend the take foror another seven months. Here is what secretary of stat john kerry had to say about that. We would be fools to walk away from a situation where the breakout time has already been expanded rather than narrowed and the world is safer because w this program is ined place. Er they have already been they talkingve for a year, is there y reason another seven months could break the logjam . Sident republicans are very criticai of this, its going to be hard t to win a lot of widespread s o support in a loti of elongated talks. I think its coming back to an Authority Figure on defense. Youre going to have to work with a Republican Congress if fi youre the new secretary of rel defense. Or youre going to have to get authorization for war. New im not sure colin powell is everyones favorite republican after he endorsed fav barack ob i want to ask you about another aspect of this, how ugh worried is the white house abour the fact thatri next year, when republicans take over the house and senate on this iran issue, n that they may decide to impose new sanctions to try to ratcheti up themp pressure on iran. Its a big concern for the white house, because even though the president could veto a depe sanctionsnd bill, no matter how many votes it got. They feel like even the act of t Congress Passing new sanctions, even if they never were seeing implemented. They do feel like thew. Respons from capitol hill is okay. Res you havepo had some republicans calling for new sanctions, but e you have had people like bob corker call for immediate they o skangations. So maybe theyre going to keep a lid ononon t this in the next months. What about of the we have iran at the table, lets put newew sanctions on thp keep up the pressure and then h theyll be more likely to make a deal. Up ikely next, your power pl. The week, once again, i dance with a turkey. Y. Tu heres a holiday riddle for thanksgiving. A here is our power player of the week. Farm with the land, farm with the season, know your soil, know your rainfall, know your weather, know your animals. Sandy learner is talking about sustainable farming, raising livestock and growing vegetables without the chemicals that are so common in what she calls factory farming. She took me out to see and, yes, to dance with her 1300 turkeys, heritage breeds that date back to the indians, learner is mistress of arrister farms. She grew up on a farm in california, making enough from raising cattle to send herself to college. What i learned was to love work. Im really happiest when im engaged and working and thinking and striving. She got into computers. In 1984, she and her then husband started cisco systems. They found a way to Link Networks of computers, the foundation of the internet. But six years later, Venture Capital people were running cisco. How do you get fired from a company that you fire . We just basically got taken to the cleaners and part of that was if you dont have an employment contract. I got fired by the same guy who fired steve jobs. Learner had a second act. She started a Cosmetics Company called urban decay with edgy colors for women like her. And in 1996, she bought ayershire farms. Its supposed to be people who have disposable incomes that can farm. She raises shyers, war horses that go back centuries, scotch highland cattle and those turkeys which she says taste better because of the lives they lead. Our turkeys are expensive. Theyre running this year about 160 to 200. At those prices there are questions about how to make this kind of farming profitable. But while learner is determined to run a sound business, its not just about the bottom line. Theres a 40room mansion on the farm. Whats it like living there . I dont know. I live in a log cabin and i love it. So just days before thanksgiving, sandy learner and i danced with the turkeys. She grew up on a family farm and she wants to see those values live on. Im a cowgirl, i can tell what cows are thinking. Its very much my success as a farmer, which was what George Washington was, he wanted to be a really good farmer. And i have become a good farmer. Sandy learner sold over 1,000 turkeys this thanksgiving, and she donated almost 12,000 pounds of turkey to local charities

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