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Voice on immigration, florida senator marco rubio. With the house bill going nowhere, will president obama defer millions of more deportations by executive action . Our sunday group weighs in. Plus, House Republicans vote to sue the president. Well ask two members of the House Judiciary Committee, steve king and Hakeem Jeffries whether the president has overstepped his authority. All right now on fox news sunday. Hello, again from fox news in washington. For the first time doctors are treating a case of the deadly ebola virus here in the u. S. An manner aide worker infected in liberia was flown to atlanta saturday and is now being treated at Emory University hospital there. Another american aide worker will be flown here in the next few days. Lk with the head of th centers for Disease Control in a moment. First we go outside of the hospital in atlanta. Jonathan . Reporter this is the first active case of ebola in north america. The disease has no known cure and kills up to 90 of those affected. But patient arrived hereunder highly controlled circumstances. Dr. Kent brantly arrived midday saturday wearing a protective suit but walking under his own power to had specialists allocation unit one of only four in the country. The reason were bringing these patients back to our facility is because we feel they deserve to have the highest level of care offered for their treatment. Reporter brantly is the first of two american ebola patients to arrive in atlanta aboard this air ambulance chartered by the Christian International Relief Charity samaritans purse. Ae he and nurse Nancy Writebol are medical missionaries working with liberia to treat ebola. She is expected to travel atlanta in a few days. Many organizations including the peace corps are pulling their people from west africa. Peace corps Officials Say they are committed to their work in the region and hope to return soon. This week president obama will host a summit of African Leaders, at least two have backed out to address ebola crisis back home. The administration say theres no need for concern in the u. S. As travelers from africa will be screened prior to departure and upon arrival. The centers for Disease Control located next to Emory University has helped develop many of the protocols in transporting and treating dr. Brantly including the biological containment unit used on the plane. Dr. Brantly got to speak with his wife who said her husband is glad to be in the u. S. Amber released a statement to reporters asking people to continue praying for her husband and also for the nurse, the people of liberia and the people who continue to serve them in that part of the world. Jonathan, thanks for that. Now lets bring in the director of the centers for Disease Control, dr. Tom frieden to talk about the outbreak and the decision to bring the ebola virus to the u. S. For the first time. I think a lot of us on the outside were surprised to see dr. Brantly walk into the hospital on his own steam. How is he doing . Whats his condition . Can you say at this point whether hell make it. I cant predict the future and i do hope dr. Brantly continues to improve. Its encouraging hes doing so well. Ebola is scary. Its a deadly disease. Its understandable to be scared of it the. The bottom line with ebola we know how to stop it. Infectioncontrol in the hospital and stopping the south in africa which is the most important thing we can do not just to steve lives but to protect ourselves. Can you characterize dr. Brantlys condition at this point . He appears to be improving. Thats encouraging. Its the case that people who are well nourished and healthy if they get a deadly disease do better than those who are in more tenuous patients dying from africa have weaker immune systems going in. Doctor, can you categorically say the risk of bringing these two highly infectious people across the atlantic and here to the u. S. Is worth the risk to the patients and the public . The decision to bring this doctor back home was a decision of the organization that sent him to africa. He was ill there. They wanted him to come here where they felt he could get the best Quality Health care. And thats their decision. What we do in Public Health is to make sure that the process of doing that doesnt put others at risk. We isolate the patient so that it doesnt spread during transit or when hes in the hospital. I want to pick up on that because while by all accounts the risk of transmission is low, Infectious Disease experts say the risk is not zero and as you know all too well at the cdc, your Organization Recently mishandled anthrax and the bird flu, exposing dozens of workers. I guess the point is mistakes do happen, dont they . We had problems in our labs. We had lapses. Fortunately we caught them and reported them before anyone was harmed and before there was anything released out of the laboratory. But it shows how important it is to have meticulous attention to detail. Ebola is a formidable enemy. If you make a lapse, the results are tragic because it can be fatal. This week dozens of African Leaders are coming to washington for a summit with u. S. Officials as well as u. S. Business leaders from a Public Health standpoint should that summit be cancelled . Absolutely not. You know, we are dependent and part of the world. There are 50 million travelers from around the world that dome the u. S. Each year that are essential to our economy, to our families, to our communities. Were not going to seal this country. What we can do is put in place sensible screening procedures but the single most important thing we can do to protect americans is to stop the spread of disease around the world. That may sound counter intuitive but the fact is what we do in Public Health is stop problems at the source. And the source here is in africa. Thats why were surging and putting 50 cdc Disease Control specialists on the ground in these three countries to help them find, respond to and stop the spread of the disease. Just summing up here, sir, you say that we cant let our irrational fears overwhelm our compassion. Obviously you can answer the questions that i and others in the media are asking. Theres a lot of fear. Do you think that were falling prey to some ebola hysteria. Ebola is a merciless virus. Im hoping our fears wont overwhelm our compassion. We care for our own. We bring people home if they need to come home and stop the outbreak in africa, but it wont be quick, it wont be easy and its quite possible well see it get worse before it gets better there. But we can turn it around. We know how to stop ebola. Its tried and true mechanisms of Public Health. Find the patients. Isolate them. Find their contacts. Track them. And make sure Infection Control is done meticulously. You do that this Ebola Outbreak will go away. But it will take time. Dr. Tom frieden, thank you so much for coming in. Thanks very much. Now, lets turn to the news here in washington. Late friday House Republicans passed a bill providing 694 million to address the influx of children across our border. But president obama and Senate Democrats made it clear the gop measure is going nowhere. Earlier i spoke with florida senator marco rubio a leading republican voice on Immigration Reform who is in iowa. Senator rubio, welcome back to fox news sunday. Thank you. Thanks for having me back. House republicans passed two measures on friday, one to make it easier to deport those unaccompanied minors on the border, the other to block the president from deferring any more deportations. The conservative editorial page of the wall street journal criticized what it called deportation republicans. The gop again gave the country the impression that its highest policy priority is to deport as many children as rapidly as possible back from wherever they came. Is that the message that republicans need to be sending hispanic voters, sir . I dont think thats an accurate assessment of whats happened. We have a serious situation on the border, unsustainable situation that cant continue. The only way to address that is to address the root causes of whats happening and the root causes are a combination of course of violence and instability and poverty in Central America. But its also according to the president of honduras ambiguities in our laws and those ambiguities began in 2008 with a very well intentioned law to prevent human tracking and it continued in 2012 with the president s Deferred Action Program and the combination of those two things have allowed trafficking groups to go into these communities in Central America and tell people that america has some special law thats going to allow them to come here and stay and thats serving as a lure thats driving this crisis. But, senator, after mitt romney lost the hispanic vote to barack obama in 2012 by 44 points, the rnc, the Republican National committee issued this post mortem. We must embrace and champion comprehensive Immigration Reform. If we do not our partys appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only. Hasnt your party doesnt exactly the opposite these last two years, havent you further alienated hispanic voters . Well i continue to believe we have to reform our Immigration Laws. I think thats good for the country. I wouldnt say that because of politics. This issue is related but separate from that. This issue involves a mass migration on the border happens to be many unaccompanied children and what we need to do is three things. We have to treat them the way americans treat them in the most compassionate way possible. Number two these children will have to return. Most of them anyways to their country. Because otherwise you are encouraging more people to undertake that very dangerous journey. And the third thing is you have to address these ambiguities in our law that are creating the circumstances that are allowing these trafficking groups to convince people to pay them 8,000 or 10,000 to bring them here. Senator, now the president is talking because nothing is going to get through congress, now the president is talking about acting on his own, taking further excuse me executive action not only to deal with the immediate crisis but also perhaps as the white house says consider deferring millions of more deportation the of Illegal Immigrants in this country. Heres what he had to say on friday. While they are out on vacation ill have to make some tough choice to meet the challenge. With or without congress. What can republicans do if the president decides to take action on his own, not on this immediate crisis but to further overhaul the entire immigration system. A couple of things. What the president is partially threatening to do is something ive been warning about for the better part of two years and thats an executive action that grants the equivalent of this deferred action that granted to people that arrived here as youngsters. I think in many respects for those like myself that support Immigration Reform is one step forward but three steps back. This president is not interested in enforcing our law which is the greatest single impediment to moving forward. As far as immigration ive been dealing with this issue for the better part of 18 months. I know now more than ever if youre in favor of Immigration Reform we have to reevaluate the process by which we achieve it. In my mind, the only way well make progress is to first deal with illegal integration, secure the border, win peoples confidence that in reality this problem is under control. Step two would be to modernize our Legal Immigration laws, geared more towards a merit based system like what canada has as opposed to the family based system. Step three after you do those two things address reasonable yet responsible way the fact that we have nine, ten, 11 Million People living in this country illegally. Senator, some people say youre taking a step back and they point out the fact that you were one of the leaders for comprehensive integration reform for pushing it through the Senate Last Year in which you, yes you dealt with border enforcement but at the same time you put in place a plan, an eventually over the course of 10 to 12 years path to citizenship. After that you took a hit in the polls. Ill put some up. In april of last year before the comprehensive plan you led possible republican contenders for president at 19 . Last october you dropped to 12 and now a poll out just the last couple of weeks youre down to 6 . Is that why you have now switched and said we have to do this in stages with enforcement first and any dealing with legality or citizenship for the immigrants way down the line and afterwards . When i got involved the issue i knew how difficult it would be. I believe i could make a difference in, i believe its one the country needs to confront and solve for the good of america. I dont know what it means politically for me or anybody else. Thats not my job. I didnt get elected to maintain good poll numbers. I got elected to serve problems. If its not political why have you slipped. If i may, sir, if its not political why have you slipped. Thats not accurate, chris youre saying it has to be done in stages. Before you want ad comprehensive plan. I think were talking about two separate things. Were talking about two separate things. Were not talking about what to do. I just outlined to you what we have to do. Security. Reform of modernize field goal legal system and address the people that are here. Were not debating what to do. Were debating how to do it. Im telling you well never have the votes necessary to pass one bill all of those things. It just wont happen. So our choices are we can either continue to beat our head against the wall and try a process for which well never have the support or try another way that perhaps we can make progress on. What im talking about here is trying to figure out a different way of doing it where we can achieve it but it has to be a process. Senator, you said recently that Hillary Clinton is a 20th century candidate. Some people saw that as a veiled reference to her age. How do you plead . I think you can be 40 years old and be a 20th century candidate. That has to do with the fact that our challenges have changed in the last decade. We have more global competition for investment, innovation and talent but our laws and regulations are making us less competitive. All of the better paying jobs of the 21st century require some form of Higher Education. We have an outdated Higher Education system thats too expensive and for working people too difficult to access. Those things have to be addressed. We are going through the equivalent of an Industrial Revolution every five years. And i dont think she or her party and quite frankly even some people in my party have answers to that. So our challenge for not just republicans but for the country is to apply the time tested principles of limited government and free enter fries our modern challenges. Shes incapable of doing that as is most of her party wedded to outdated and broken institutions. Thats my argument as it relates to her. Less than a minute left, sir, not say that they are right or wrong, but arent your solutions, the Republican Solutions whether its less spending or lower taxes, arent those 20th Century Solutions as well . My solutions are deeper than that. I want america to be a more competitive place. I want our tax code and regulations to be competitive in comparison to other countries. I want to reform Higher Education to people that have to work full time and raise a family can go back to school and get a degree that will help them make more money than what they are making now. You can do that and still be a limited government and Free Enterprise conservative and those are the kind of modern issues we face. I spent all year outlining these things and i look forward to continuing to do that. Senator rubio, thank you so much. Always a pleasure to talk to you. Please come back. Thank you, chris. Up next, now that congress has gone on vacation without dealing with the Immigration Crisis will president obama act on his own. Our sunday group weighs in. What would you like to ask the panel . Go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and we may use your question on the air. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. 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Now, go to xfinity on demand and select the peoples hotlist to see this summers top 100 shows and movies. I voted House Republicans as we speak are trying to pass the most extreme and unworkable versions of a bill that they already know is going nowhere. In my view, doing something is better than doing nothing. The crisis on the border will continue until the president acts. Hes not going to act. That Means Congress has to act. President obama and House Speaker john boehner taking shots at each other but doing very little about the flood of unaccompanied minors across our border. Its time for our sound group. Kimberley strassel of the wall street journal. Ron fournier from the national journey. Michael needham head of Heritage Action for america. And fox news political analyst Juan Williams. House republicans delayed their recess 24 hours and maybe you dont know washington thats a big deal delaying their recess. And ended up passing two bills that is the president accurately said are going nowhere. Kim, whats the point . What did House Republicans accomplish bypassing these two bills as the president called them message votes that wont become law. The irony is no bill was going reach the president s desk because the democrats cant agree on an immigration proposal Going Forward. They didnt even pass a bill either. What you saw here is this kind of republican act of selfmasochism. They had one job this week to pass a bill that would show their response to this issue down on the border and all they had to do was go put it out there. Instead they managed to completely, all the forces, the usual force, ted cruz, Jeff Sessions came running down. Said rather this be a bill about the immediate issue down there instead should be another fight over the president over his future immigration powers. They exposed all the wounds in the party. The story make a result of the Republican Party melting down on the floor on thursday and reminding the party until they can get their head around this issue it will dog them at crucial times. We asked you for questions for financial and we got this on facebook from brenda. She write this is a crisis brought on by the president and the congress and the senate that cant get along to solve the problems we face. Why are the American People being ignored by our, and you can see in all caps, our leaders. Ron, i understand the gridlock over the big issue of immigration but were talking about this very specific issue of the unaccompanied children coming from Central America. Everybody agreed on the problem. People basically agree on the solutions. Why did nothing get done. Once again did washington take a big swing and missed . If youre keeping score at home republicans had a disastrous week, destructive for the party and the country. Most americans like brenda arent keeping score. All they see is a very dysfunctional system where both parties are interested in appealing to their bases. They are winning more. Were in a position where the president is going to come forward with these executive actions. Even if you agree, as i do, that these 12 Million People need to come out of the shadow, the idea that the president is taking this step unilaterally cant be good for the system. It will further polarize the red from the blue and well have a president who was elected because he talked about there is no red america, theres no blue america, now going to be the president of blue america. We discussed the Immigration Crisis last week and i have to say as i predicted we got a lot of reaction to george will and his idea about how to deal with these tens of thousands unaccompanied minors crossing the border. Take a look. My view is we taught say to these children welcome to america youre going to go to school and get a job and become americans. We have 3,141 counties in this country. Thats 20 per county. The idea we cant assimilate these 8yearold criminals with their teddy bears is preposterous. Michael needham, is that the right response to this crisis, welcome to america . Look, i think georges heart was in his right place. He just got the policy wrong. Most compassionate thing we can do is the way for a child coming to america is legally holding the hand of a parent. The president s policy says the opposite. Thats why unaccompanied minors has gone to 90,000 people this year, 150,000 people next year. Im not sure why were so down on what washington did. The House Republicans passed two bills. Both of them had over 95 of republican support. It said lets address the cause of the problem and thats the president s lawlessness to our Immigration Laws and lets look at the solution. The only people attacking themselves win the Republican Party is this panel. The Republican Party did the right thing. Kim the Republican Party, again, they have been down there for two weeks, three weeks saying the biggest crisis is to deal something with this issue down at the border. Instead they had to go through again another act of selfemulation over immigration. Look their pros pieces are very good for this fall. One of the key questions that will be asked is whether or not they can govern and in a moment like this down there which is exposing all the wounds and the fact that the party cant get it. Republican party did a good job of governing here. President laid a trap. He tried to blame other people for his problems. The reason we have a crisis on the border is not of law passed by president bush in 2008. Not that theres not enough money. The president of the United States put up the beacon of amnesty. He did not. Of course he did. These kids are fleeing these kids are fleeing gangs and criminality. Their lives are in danger. That didnt exist a few years ago . Not to this degree. That doesnt mean we open up the border. The kids that are here this country has to bring them in. Lets find a way we dont have more kids coming in. Your party didnt work on that this week. I never thought i would say this, juan, come on, speak up. No. I just think it was a rough week for the Republican Party. I understand michaels point. You want to say that the republicans did something. And i think it speaks to the base in terms of the base being opposed to anything that might be construed as amnesty. But, you know, theres a crisis as ron says thats a unique crisis. Just the way that you laid it out, this is apart from comprehensive Immigration Reform. Theres a specific, immediate urgency with regard to these children and to say oh, they should come in holding a parents hand ideally but not when they are running away from people who are shooting at them in the most dangerous place in the world and so we understand refugee crises in terms of our immigration system. I think at the moment the question is now Going Forward what does the president do . We talk about the republicans problems and in fighting. Republicans who are so angry at the president said maybe the president should handle this. Thats what the Republican Leadership said. They invited him now postlabor day, posthis political agenda with conservative democrats who worry that any action he takes could affect them adversely hes going to do something with regard to stopping deportations and appealing to the Hispanic Community and thats going to hurt republicans even more. I want to pick up on precisely that point in the time we have left, michael, because as i discussed with senator rubio the republican playbook, the post mortem they wrote after 2012 and mitt romney lost by 44 points to barack obama was we got to reach out to hispanics. Isnt the sum total not only of this week but really of everything over the last year and a half exactly the opposite . I dont rely on the same Political Consultants that have run every Republican Campaign since 1992 watts best for the party. Whats best for the party is to focus on the issues that people care about. How do i get affordable housing. What do i do about gas prices. Those are issues all americans whether hispanic or otherwise care about and the Republican Party Needs Solutions for. Fastest growing block thanks to the Republican Party hates your party. Cant be the party beyond november if youre seen the party of white people. If you think the only thing hispanic americans think about is amnesty thats not true. How are you Party Presents the real problem is they diverted attention from the very things you talked about. They had a bill policy wise pretty good. Because of not being able to pass it they focus on itself which the president wants. The president is playing politics with this as well. The president came out this week and said he would veto this republican bill because it changes the 2008 law. This president a month ago asked congress to change the 2008 law. He doesnt want them to pass anything because he wants the issue to be republican division. Thats why this week was tough. The president had a chance to have Immigration Reform in 2010, 2009 his party passed on it. They wanted the issue. We have to take a break. Well see you back later in this program. Up next house votes to sue president obama for overstepping the powers of his office. It is a political stunt or a serious effort to protect the separation of powers . Well talk with two members of the House Judiciary Committee with very different views. Thats next. Dont miss a step. Nothings missed with tenatwist dont miss a beat. Nothings missed with tenatwist oooh discover the Fearless Protection of tena. So absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. Nothings missed with tenatwist House Republicans voted this week to sue president obama. They allege the president s repeated use of executive action to unilaterally change laws like obamacare violates the power granted him by the constitution. Joining us now two members of the House Judiciary Committee from Iowa Republican congressman steve king. And from new york, democratic congressman Hakeem Jeffries. President obama responded to the lawsuit this week saying that he has to act to help people because republicans wont do anything and then he had this advice for gop members. Take a look. Stop being mad all the time. Stop all this hating all the time. Come on. Lets get some work done together. Congressman king, the president says that you take these show votes, message votes as he called it instead of actually voting to help people. Well, you know, first of all, most of us personally like the president. Its not about mad, its not about hate, its about the constitution. The president has decided he can amend the law that his name on it and his signature on it, the law says that the employer mandate shall commence and each month after december of 2013. He announced that he was just going change it and change the date unilaterally when congress said, mr. President , please dont do this but well pass legislation that actually conforms to your allegation, and he said ill veto that legislation. He went so far to say im going to take your Constitutional Authority away and dont try to mimic what im doing. The president says that hes just doing his job when he helps people. Lets take a look at what the constitution says. Article one, section one says all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the United States. Article two, Section Three says the President Shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Congressman jeffries, if you read the constitution, theres no blank check there that the president can help people the way he wants to. Well, theres no blank check but thats not what the president has done. This lawsuit is clearly baseless in law or in fact. Under the take care clause of article two of the constitution as interpreted consistently by Supreme Court justices including chief justice rehnquist, the president has the clear discretion to administer, implement, and enforce the law and as it relates to the Affordable Care act thats clearly what hes done. Hes not amended the law, hes not abolished the law. What he has done is delay the implementation of the employer mandate in stages, consistent with what other president s have done throughout history including most recently president george w. Bush when he delayed penalties connected to Medicare Part d, and delayed the Enrollment Period in 2006 and then turned arou to the Small Business work opportunity act of 2007. Let me bring in congressman king. Your response to that. Well, the president didnt just simply do a little touch to this from an administrative standpoint. He went in and changed the required implementation date that was written by democrats, passed by democrats and signed by our president. He does not get to make up law out of thin air. He doesnt get to amend it. The constitution is very clear. Take care that laws are faithfully executed. If hakeem really thought this was right, why wouldnt the president accept congress offer to fix this law and delay the employer mandate . I dont know any reason for that for the president to simply give the back of the hand to congress. He stood before congress at the state of the Union Address and said i will enact laws, he said ill do it with my ink pen, stone ink pen compressed in the state of the union and republicans led a standing ovation to cheer the president for take away article i authority in the United States constitution. Although the lawsuit is just going to be about obamacare, the fact is that the president s executive actions have been a lot more than that. Lets put them up on the screen. He deferred deportation of half a Million People who came here illegally as children. He delayed the employer mandate in obamacare. He extended federal rights to same sex couples and a lot more than that. Congressman jeffries if the president wants to change the law, doesnt he just have to go to Congress According to article i because of all the legislative function resides in congress . Well, every president has the capacity to move forward with executive action and, in fact, this president has been less active in the use of the executive order than president george w. Bush, president clinton and president reagan all of whom used executive orders in much greater numbers than president obama. He has the capacity to take limited steps to improve lives of the American People consistent with the Public Policy constraints of the United States constitution. The only institution in terms of our separation of powers lay out here that is exceeding its authority are House Republicans in moving forward with a lawsuit that clearly has no basis. Has no congressional standing to sue another branch of government. You cant simply run into the federal court system whenever you have a disagreement with the executive branch. No less than authority on conservative issues and ideology than Justice Scalia has made that point. So it really is time to get back to doing the business of the American People. And stop the squabbling related to what seems to me hatred of the president of the United States coming from different quarters throughout the congress. We got a serious job situation we should address. Congressman king . Come on those are well practiced talking points. But they dont get to the heart of this matter. The president has effectively changed the law of obamacare. Its the clearest constitutional violation of the separation of powers. I litigate this in iowa when i brought a case versus tom vilsack when he thought he could write law. And the Immigration Law which is not as clear but almost as clear. The president s memos created four classes of people. Congressman king, were getting in the weed. Let me pick up on the immigration example. Its a good example. After the president deferred deportation for about half a million, the socalled dreamers, there was a demand he just change all of the Immigration Laws and last year heres what he had to say. If, in fact, i could solve all these problems without passing laws in congress, then i would do so. But were also a nation of laws. Thats part of our tradition. But white house officials now say and they really have been saying it looks now like the president will take some major executive action over the course of the summer or right after labor day and may even consider deferring the deportations of millions of more Illegal Immigrants. Congressman king, if he does that, goes ahead and unilaterally decide to defer deportations of millions of Illegal Immigrants, what your going to do about it . None of us want to do the thing thats left for us as an alternative but if the president has decided that he simply is not going to enforce any Immigration Law or at least not against anybody except the felons which he has done already this is Broader Group of people. Congress has to sit down and have a serious look at the rest of this constitution and that includes that i word we dont want to say. I want to encourage the president please dont put america into a constitutional crisis. Please dont do that. Theres too much at stake in this country to be decided that you can take over the constitution and write it at will. Youre saying if he were to do that then impeachment would be on the table . I think then we have to start, sit down and take a look at that. Where would we draw the line otherwise if thats not enough to bring that about then i dont know what would be. Weve never seen anything in this country like a president that says ill make up Immigration Law as i choose and drive this regardless the resistance of the congress. Thats why i tried to get the doca language out. Mr. President you cant do this. Its unconstitutional. You know it. We want to stop the funding for daca. Thats the message. We have a minute left and i want to bring in congressman jeffries. Back in 2008, some members of your party, democrats filed bills to impeach george w. Bush for his conduct of the iraq war. Is this any different than what democrats did to president bush . Of course its completely different. House republicans are clearly taking us on a march towards impeachment did democrats take the house on a march towards impeachment in 2008 . Not at all because then Speaker Nancy Pelosi clearly said impeachment is off the table. Congress has several other basically thats what john boehner said this week too, sir. John boehner did not say that. He not make an unequivocal statement. John boehner took position before he wont shut down the government but he moved forward and shut down the government for 16 days, costing the American People 24 million in lost economic activity. So theres no real credibility there. Were not clear who actually is running the house of representatives. Ted cruz the junior senator from texas seems to have outside influence. Thats why were concerned. But, chris, the focus really should be on doing whats right for the American People, dealing with the talking points issue important to the middle class and those who are striving to be part of the middle class. We have to leave it there. Obviously a conversation to continue here. But chairman conyers held impeachment hearings against president bush and dick cheney. Hakeem wasnt here to see that. Thats true. Congressman king, congressman jeffries, thank you. What do you think about impeaching the president. Join the conversation. When we come back our sunday group weighs in on the lawsuit and, yes, impeachment. Defiance is in our bones. Defiance never grows old. Citracal maximum. Easily absorbed calcium plus d. Beauty is bone deep. When i had my first migraine, i was lucky. That sounds crazy, i know. But my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. Excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. Plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. Excedrin migraine works. Then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . 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House Speaker John Boehner says impeachment is off the table but as his party moves forward with lance to sue president obama and were back now with the panel. Kim, has the president overstepped his powers with all of these executive actions . Has he violated, in your opinion, the constitution . Yes, he absolutely has. It comes down to ignoring laws. It comes down making up laws. It also comes down to not enforcing laws that are on the books like Immigration Laws. And this was a republican view the only way forward was, in fact, a lawsuit. They dont want to go down the impeachment road. I would point out too this is necessary because were in a new era of politics. Ron and i were just talking. Bush did signing statements which is sort of the same thing. Its not the same. Same in that what youve always had in the past is that when a president did something and took away article 1 powers, you saw a bipartisan pushback from congress, an outrage. I remember when bush fbi raided and office of a congressman and you had both the republicans and democrats jointly condemn that action, but we dont have that now. We have democrats in congress who are happy to allow the president to do this and as a result, republicans felt the lawsuit was the only way to focus on. Ron, let me ask you the same question. Where are you on this . Is the president within his rights when he takes these executive actions or has he crossed the line . Im going to be humble and say im not an attorney. I do know republicans were fine when president bush doing more executive orders and where i left it with the last segment, the public wants these parties to work together. Were going through the same thing with impeachment that we did in 2006, 2007. When democrats talk and republicans raise money off of that, we have the mirror image happening now and theres no coincidence that the turn out were having are record lows. We played the clip of Speaker Boehner basically saying impeachment is off the table, i have no plans, no future plans. Is that true or as someone whos in touch with the grass roots conservative movement around the country, is there some push for impeachment thats one and two, if as we pause it and it seems likely, the president takes on for not an action to defer deportations for millions of more people, what happens then in terms of impeachment . I think the speaker is largely right that the people primarily talking about impeachment are fundraisers. Its the same thing the rnc did six, eight years ago when democrats were talking about impeachinging president bush. The trouble with a lawless president , the its difficult to restrain them. Who is totally out of control is that really a phrase you want to cant get a carbon tax through the congress, so he decides to post to the epa. Obamacare is falling apart. Totally unworkable. The irs is totally out of control, targeting conservatives, using all sorts of expletives. This is a president that is totally out of control and trying to find a mechanism. Is it in fact one of the reasons that House Republicans are pushing this lawsuit is because theyre trying to have a pressure valve against the fact that a lot of grass roots folks that im sure youre in touch with want to go through with . I think they are trying to find a way to constrain a lawless president , so when you look at what jim jordan is doing with the investigation into the irs, which is fantastic, that is one mechanism they have. The power of the purse is one mechanism theyve had that trooir trying to use. Theyre filing a lawsuit because the president is is changing the law. This is a lawless administration and trying to find a tool within the rule of law to constrain it is a frustrating challenge. You listen to michael and understand why, there are lots of republicans who think this mans a demon. Awful. Weve got to get this guy out of here any way we can. Hes breaking the law. I dont agree with a lot of the points you were making, but i hear this on talk radio, conservative columns, that people are saying we think this guy is way over the line. And then we got to find a way to get him. Then you hear from sarah palin and Michele Bachmann and then you come on and say, oh, no, were not talking about impeachment. Thats the democrats. All theyre doing is taking advantage of the fact that you guys have demonized president obama to this extent. Not only does it help him with fund raising, lots of people in the Minority Community see it as an attack on the first black president , so its going to spur their turnout, which is going to be critical. I want to pick up on that point. Do you think that the Republican Opposition to this president , you heard Hakeem Jefferies talk about hatred. Is racial or do you think its baseded on principles and policies . If you look at the core constituency, the people in support of impeachment, theres no diversity. Its a white, older group of people. As to whether or not its racial. As president obama and others have said, there are some who dont like him because of his race, some who do. If you break it down as a matter of political analysis and say, who is this group, it reminds me that the Republican Party has become almost a completely white party. If you were to open up your dictionary to the word sh irony, you would find Juan Williams claiming i am demonizing people, which the Supreme Court agreed with. Any racial element youre the one demonizing people who are concerned about the fact we have a crisis of the institution with jonathan turley, a liberal law professor, thats testified, youre the one demonizing good people who are concerned about the president argument about president obamas actions and actions and authority, but if you call him lawless as if hes an outlaw as if you know, you have him riding the range, we got to go get that i think when the people who want him impeached are all older and are in the far right lane. Actually went into this lawsuit that has been brought, republicans did sit dossion wit legal scholars, has what the president done risen to the level of high crime and misdemeanor . You saw paul ryan and say of course it does not, but there have none the less been great violations in the law and theyve put together a lawsuit thats narrowly tailored. It was almost exactly ten years ago that barack obama made that speech at the Democratic National convention and said we dont have a red america, blue america, we have a United States. We are a long way from there now, arent we. And this discussion illustrates it. I know you guys dont mean this, but the way americans are hearing this, they hear you saying our president is a criminal and that republicans are racist. I know its not wh youre saying. What they want is solutions. I agree with jonathan turley. Its a counterbalance. You can file a footnote on this. A final note when we come back. For the latest on the Ebola Outbreak and the transfer of the american with the virus, heres the u. S. Stay tuned to this fox station and newscast. Thats it for today. Have a great week. This week on the journal, editorial report the kind of rises around the world, the u. S. Struggles to respond. Can america still influence events abroad . Plus, the house votes to sue president obama over executive action. But is the white house really hoping for an Impeachment Vote instead . And the battle over teacher tenure comes to new york city. Well talk to one of the forces behind the latest reform challenge. Welcome to the journal editorial report. Well, the tide of war continued to rise this week along with doubt about whether the u. S. Can still influence event

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