Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190709

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charges that could put him in prison for his life. investigative journalist covering this case for almost a decade joins us live and you will not believe what she has uncovered. new york's democratic governor signs a bill giving capitol hill lawmakers access to donald trump's tax returns. the president's team calls of harassment, democrats say it is their constitutional duty. later as kamala harris and joe biden, michelle obama makes an endorsement announcement, the latest from the campaign trail ahead. welcome to fox news at night. i'm shannon bream in washington. jeffrey epstein spending the night facing familiar targets of sex crimes. brian guinness has more. >> we want -- >> reporter: federal prosecutors urged anyone victimized by jeffrey epstein to come forward wearing prison garb, looking disheveled but a well-known financier to billionaires made his first appearance in new york federal court where he pled not guilty to two sex trafficking charges. according to the federal site with epstein is accused of running a sex trafficking network between 2002-2005. prosecutors say epstein paid dozens of underage girls as young as 1400s of dollars to massage or have sex with him in new york city and palm beach, florida. authorities coordinated appointment with girls, he is accused of having his victims recruit others. investigators also revealed they found a vast true. photographs of young looking women or girls in his manhattan mansion. inside the 7 $7 million townhouse photos were found with handwritten labels like miscellaneous news one and girl tips nude. he was accused of running the same sex trafficking operation when he cut a controversial plea deal with alexander acosta, district attorney florida. he was facing life in prison but plan to 13 months in jail was allowed to leave for work. epstein's social life with rich and famous and powerful including great britain's present, former president bill clinton and donald trump. a spokesman for clinton says the president took four ships on epstein's private plane in connection with work for the country foundation but added, quote, president clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein. guilty to a few years ago or those with which he has been recently charged in new york. he is not spoken to epstein over a decade and is the been to st. james island. epstein's ranch in new mexico or his residence in florida. prosecutors argue epstein is a, quote, extreme flight risk and should not be granted bail, they cite his enormous wealth including two private jets, 6 luxury properties worldwide including his own private island, epstein's bond hearing is scheduled for monday. >> thank you very much, the question that everyone's mind, there are many but the first, who else might get implicated in this case. investigative journalist conchita sarnoff has been covering this case since the beginning and is author of the book trafficking and executive director at alliance to rescue victims of trafficking, thank you for joining us. you raised an interesting point in your research that the then state attorney for palm beach county is the one that doesn't get as much attention but was a critical player here, so concerning to the then chief of police in palm beach county, did he put together this response and referred to the fbi saying we need the feds to get involved but there is so much pressure on the county state's attorney that we don't think this is going anywhere. >> my biggest question and i don't understand why no one is pointing fingers and explaining why kircher cut the deal that he cut. the onus fell on the state attorney's office. after the chief of police michael ritter i spoke to at length for many years since i started the investigation into thousand 9, ritter said to me many times i did not accept kircher's deal. he wanted to charge him with a misdemeanor, no jail time, no restitution and no registration as a sex offender, then he took the case to the fed, palm beach police chief, takes the case to the fed. that is what acosta comes in, not until 2006, so acosta and his team and others start to investigate, there is a 53 page indictment against epstein. we are getting close to the president of campaign in 2008, hillary clinton is the democratic shoe and at the time, president obama was not in the forefront and so i believe given the information i have and what i read that at the very top of the food chain they did not want to make as the attorney general said to me when i interviewed him, they did not want to make a political mess. so they basically tapped acosta again which is why they hired kenneth starr -- >> lots of hope i've -- high-profile names. >> they were the two attorneys who negotiated the plea deal meaning nonprosecution agreement handed epstein which was not an order, i have been speaking to acosta for many years since the original investigation and original arrest. >> tonight president clinton spoke out and said i want to make it clear there is always secret service, meetings, people trying to tie the 2 of them together just like there are people trying to tie epstein to donald trump that those are unfair leaps in logic. >> i have read too much information and spoken to too many people on the inside, i attended interview clinton that he did not agree to do so and i know from the pilot logs written by different pilots at different times clinton was a guest of epstein 27 times. many of those times clinton had the secret service with him and many times he did not. almost every time clinton's name is on the pilot logs there are underage curls, names of many girls. on that private plane. you have to ask yourself why would anyone, not only a former president, fly on a plane 27 times. >> the statement, he knows nothing about the terrible crimes epstein pleaded guilty to in florida some years ago. he goes on to talk about four trips with him, he once had a meeting with him in his office, security and staff members with him. are you saying the former president is not telling the truth? >> yes. i am saying, sadly, that he's not telling the truth. first of all one of epstein's attorneys during the original rest and investigation wrote a letter which has been made public and in that letter, he claims epstein was one of the original funders of clinton global initiative. jeffrey epstein gave president clinton $4 million according to a source who knows a story about that. >> the former president tonight saying he knows nothing about crimes. you've been digging on this for 10 years so we will continue to try to piece it together. that the statement tonight, your book is fascinating and people who want to know more about it can do in. >> fox news alert, iran break the obama era nuclear deal again, donald trump warns iranian leaders to be careful. kristin fisher is here with breaking news. >> this is the second time in less than a week that iran has violated the nuclear agreement and is threatening even more violations unless europe helps iran by police us sanctions. >> the remaining countries deal, and especially europeans do not do anything more than talk iran will be harder, more steadfast. >> reporter: the threat from iran's foreign minister comes as the country announced it is enriching uranium beyond what is allowed in the nuclear deal. it has been confirmed by the nuclear watchdog. benjamin netanyahu says there is no question iran is violating the deal it is time for the remaining signatories to pull out. >> iran is brazenly violating the deal so it is time for europe to do what they promised to do. >> reporter: speaking at the same event in washington is mike pence newborn iran that the us is prepared to protect its personnel and interests in the region. >> let me be clear, iran should not confuse american restraint with lack of american resolve. >> the chinese sadist that kind resolve that forced iran to violate the deal in the first place, quote, maximum pressure the us imposes on iran is the root cause of the crisis. it has been proven unilateral bullying has become a worsening tumor and is creating more problems and crises on a global scale. but john bolton says the us is just getting started with its campaign of maximum pressure. >> the president's goal is to get a new deal that would be negotiating the best interests of the united states. >> that goal is not possible according to iran after the us imposed sanctions on the supreme leader and foreign minister, the current deal with europe. >> reporter: no hope or trust in anyone or any country but the door of diplomacy is open. >> if europe does not help iran circumvent these us sanctions then iran says it will keep filing the deal's terms every single day. >> thank you so much. the attorney general says a legal path for adding a citizenship questions the 2020 census despite the supreme court temporarily blocking its inclusion. william barr did not go into detail, telling the associated press the administration will take action in the coming days. nancy pelosi says the administration is trying to suppress the hispanic vote? >> this is about keeping -- make america white again. they want to make sure certain people are counted. it is really disgraceful. >> reporter: the attorney general is weighing in on robert mueller's capitol hill testimony scheduled for next week, accusing democrats of playing games. >> i was disappointed to see him subpoenaed. the only reason to do that is to create a public spectacle and if bob decides he doesn't want to be subject to that. >>'s testimony will not go beyond the 448 page report. new york gives democrats a new tool, access to the president's state tax returns but will dc democrats use it? me the democratic state senator who authored the bill and rnc committeewoman in meet dylan. whoa. travis in it made it. it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? it's pretty cool, isn't it? there's two of them. they're multiplying. no, guys, its me. see, i'm real. i'm real! he thinks he's real. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. - [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at .. >> new pressure on democratic leadership from progressive freshmen congresswoman democratic socialist alexandria ocasio cortez taking her public feud with nancy pelosi to the next level. jonathan hunt as the story. good evening. >> it all started with an interview with nancy pelosi to the new york times. in that interview she was asked about the opposition to a border sending bill for four freshmen liberals including alexandria ocasio cortez and ilhan omar. nancy pelosi was critical of their opposition to the bill and said, quote, all these people have their public whatever and their twitter world but they didn't have any following, that is four people and that is how many votes they got. a as he responded via twitter saying that public whatever is called public sentiment and wielding the power to shift it is how we achieve meaningful change in this country. congresswoman omar use the spanish word for pathetic and apparent reference to pelosi's comments and adding, quote, you know there's something about who is willing power to shift public sentiment these days, sorry not sorry. and congresswoman rashida to the defendant her colleagues this week. >> all of us have these experiences have been missing in the halls of congress. honor that, put us at the table, let's come up with a solution together. >> ocasio cortez who has more than 4 to half million followers also clapped back at her dismissal twitter saying with emoji's prominent i find it strange when members act as though social media isn't important. they set millions of dollars on fire to run tv ads so people can see their message that i haven't i ever dollars once this year and have more time to do my actual job but we would rather campaign like it is 2008. after disagreements over impeachment and the green new deal a debate over the value of sweeting and it is preclear this is a generational divide among democrats. >> thank you very much. new york governor andrew cuomo signing new bill that you give democrats access to donald trump's state tax returns. jerry nadler describing it as a, quote, workaround to white house obstruction. the trump legal team calling it presidential harassment. let's go to the state senator who authored the bill and the republican national lawyers association to talk it out. welcome to both of you. it has been described by the you, i don't want to head into 2020 without americans and new yorkers knowing more about trump's secret business dealings. is this strictly political? >> know. this is a bill, now a law, that doesn't just apply to one individual in the white house but all public officials who filed taxes in the state of new york but an important principle we are supporting in new york which is separation of powers, checks and balances, tax, transparency and most importantly the oversight responsibilities of congress. congress can't get the taxes of donald trump through the mandated procedures that have existed since 1924 then new york has a special responsibility to step in the breach and help them do it and that is what we are doing with this new law that andrew cuomo signs today. >> the governor said the bill gives congress the ability to fulfill its constitutional responsibility and strengthen our democratic system to ensure that no one is above the law. >> this is a deeply cynical bill and a problem in search of a solution. the reality is even congress is not allowed to ask for an individual's tax returns without a proper legislative purpose. there is no proper legislative purpose for seeking these private citizens tax returns from before he became a politician, before he decided personally he wanted to offer them so the so-called workaround is making a mockery of our separation of powers and system of checks and balances. the problem for the state senator is the president is seeking to block this interference in his invasion of his privacy and so the state think they can help by doing this, quote, workaround. democrats should be careful. persecuting this particular president is going to result in escalation and more personal records. was next? we going to offer medical records of people you don't like to the senate if the opposing party asks for it? this is an opposing president and i'm sure it will end up failing the way the effort in the house is going to as well. >> there are those who say it won't stand up to legal scrutiny. in a piece in the new york times the bill was criticized by republicans as a bill of attainder. i had to think back to law school. it is an unconstitutional piece of legislation aimed at a person or group and you and many others so the president's name is not in the bill that you made clear what the bill is about. do you worry about the legal challenges? >> i don't worry about the legal challenges. it is not a bill of attainder. they are barking up the wrong tree. in addition to it not applying to one individual it applies to all public officials in the state of new york and doesn't have a punishment. unless you conclude that sharing your tax returns with congressional tax committees is some sort of punishment and that raises the question that all americans have at least at the back of their minds, what is donald trump hiding we have a responsibility as lawmakers, as new yorkers to help congress answer that question and we have the responsibility to understand how the new tax laws passed by this president is benefiting himself and his family personally. >> we are talking tax returns that predate his time in elected officer running for office. this thing has been passed but doesn't think democrats in washington are in a hurry to use it and get these returns. why wouldn't they. i would imagine is plenty of information that would give them some of what they are looking for. >> absolutely. there some transfer between one and the other but maybe democrats in the house are smarter than i'm giving them credit for because they realize it's going to be turned around for them but given the new standards of using the words of politicians against the military and approximate emotionality of statutes, what he said proves my point. he's out in a witch hunt for the president and this is specifically targeted at him, curiosity about what he did way back when and that is a fatal flaw. >> we will see if that is where it ends up. thank you for joining us. >> market and with one thing. donald trump broke 40 is a political tradition by not releasing his taxes. the american people have a right. >> we got to leave it there. >> privacy rights, this is america. biden goes into a policy mode and leans on all friend, his opponent, the media, they all smell blood. leslie figaro and chris wilson way in next. for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. i/p ú:]÷ug< ♪ applebee's all you can eat is back. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. can't see what it is what is that? that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it's got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy. look at the interior. this is nice. this is my sexy mom car. i would feel like a cool dad. it's just really chic. i love this thing. it's gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself. i don't know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. >> shannon: the candidate many have done the >> the candidate mini dump the biggest winner from the first round of the democratic primary debates is trying to capitalize on her momentum and even as joe biden issues a rare apology he is still not getting a key endorsement. david fund has the report. >> in the 2020 field full of those the two voices many craver staying silent for the near future. >> barack and i will support whoever wins the primary. >> the obamas will stay quite despite the former president's number 2 is now pulling at number one. but it hasn't been easy for joe biden. he and kamala harris continue a public disagreement over his stance on immigration busing. >> what would you like to say? he apologized today. do you have any thoughts about that? >> i do not. >> reporter: and criticize the former vice president for his comment about working with segregationist senators earlier in his career. today he was in south carolina. >> if any comments were taken away that i took offense from than i am truly sorry for that. that was not my intention. >> nubile has biden beating donald trump by 14 points if the election were held today. kamala harris is she's just as electable. >> i fully intend to win this election. >> as biden and harris charge on another candidate says he is done. california congressman eric swallow closed up shop 3 months to the day after announcing his focus is reelection to congress. >> we want to be honest with ourselves and our supporters. if there was a viable chance, i would not be standing here today. from day one i was running to win. >> reporter: but swalwell acceptance doesn't mean the field will get smaller. >> donald trump is a cancer at the heart of america. >> reporter: there are reports that tom's tire, the billionaire behind the impeach trump movement will soon jump aboard. that sound from tom's tire was earlier this year around the time he announced he would not run for the white house, he's changing his mind, he will enter the race as early as tomorrow. watch and see. >> never seen a field this big, keeps things interesting. biden question about repeatedly invoking former president obama's name on the campaign trail as he continues to defend his own record on civil rights. let's talk about with former bernie sanders staffer figaro and chris wilson. so in the washington post jennifer rubin has a opinion piece in title now biden apologizes, his attitude, part of an overall strategy to ignore his primary opponent and engage directly with donald trump and she could benefit by being yanked into the primary race for his premature general election campaign. that is how it felt from the beginning. >> i would define that very wrong. what biden is finding is he's having a warm welcome to democratic politics in 2020 and not like anything he experienced before. he has to own up to comments he made in the past which is genteel -- made comments about people that burn democrat primary voters in the worst part of this is as he goes on his apology tori expects people he feels he was therefore in the past to be there for him and they are not. not only did the former president failed to endorse him but his wife says -- he asked michelle obama not to endorse. they are probably a couple days from that but through this process she wouldn't stand up for him and take a side. her comment was no comment when asked if she had any comments about his apology and she could have said i know joe biden but she failed to do so and that is a real problem for him. >> under the headline obama's endorsement would help him. the article says obama remains a hugely popular figure with the democratic base. biden is going to have to be the lead car but can he get there without help from the obamas and you think at any point they would step to his defense? >> he should be able to get on his own. it is not michelle obama's are more barack obama's job to make sure he is elected. president obama had to be elected on his own but let's not forget this started with tom perez apologizing to black women, senator is apologizing for truancy law, senator fair harris apologize for believing her grandmother when she said she was native american and we had mayor beat apologize to black folks in the last week. is going to continue to be an apology to her. i look forward to sanders and biden to apologize for the crime bill but once we pass these apologies let's focus on the policies. apologies won't work without really providing a specific policy that can address a lot of these issues so it will fall on deaf ears, the poll numbers will continue to go down if we don't deal with the issues at hand and joe biden is realizing he can't just take advice and say never apologize for nothing. is numbers of fallen quite a bit behind that. >> you mentioned poll numbers, new numbers from abc news and the washington post put trump against a number of these candidates. is down 14 points left a head with biden and harris down, senator want, down 6 to standards. do you think there's a need for concern? we are a long way out and we've seen polls all over the place. when you put history, where people were 15 months out. >> if anything 2016 can teach it is don't pay attention to national polls. only a few states really matter. in 2016 he came down to 77,000, it made the difference between donald trump and hillary clinton being president. if you want to know where things stand today look at swing states. we need to focus on national polls. one number you didn't show is donald trump versus a socialist candidate. in that donald trump won and that's what we will get down to. of democrats nominate someone defined as socialist it plays right into the president's hands. if they make this a race between capitalism and socialism. >> bolstered by a strong economy donald trump reached the highest job approval rating of his career and 50% approval trump's handling of the economy. more than half of the first time in the presidency, the good news in that poll? >> i don't think democrats are running on the economy. they should mention but it is about they don't like trump, they don't like his morale and what you've done to the country. they will have a tough time getting -- first they have to in the primary and joe biden understands that. shannon: thank you both very much, good to see you. donald trump with iran on notice as it once again breaches a deal it made with president obama. david hunt on standby next. >> iran says it has breached another portion of the nuclear deal it made with president obama and his blaming the us. the former chief of staff to john bolton and fox news military analyst colonel david hunt, welcome to you both. okay, so the new york daily news admitted his policy is failing, for 5 years iran kept its nuclear program in check while it received sanctions relief. only after the trumpet ministration impose punishing sanctions the iran accelerated its nuclear enrichment. well? >> in my opinion we are trying to get a better deal for the us. i don't think you can tie iranian bad actions as a terrorist supporting state. they are doing it for 25 years, to what this administration did or didn't do. they. up 7 different ships, shot on one of our drones, they've been extremely aggressive, killed hundreds of americans in iraq directly and hundreds of americans indirectly. supplying weapons. it is a terrorist state, bad actors. the problem is this is a backdrop of 17 years of war and i don't think we ought to be thinking about military options for a long time. we got 17 years of our guys fighting and i think it is an economic option with iran, not military. >> former you ambassador john bolton said this today. >> now regime the chance death to america or death to israel will get a deal from this administration. >> as far as i know they are still chanting that. we talk about making a deal with them but is that possible given the position of the national security adviser? >> donald trump is open to deal with iran. i don't think iran wants to deal and considering whether we should have pulled out of the deal, there's a lot of evidence iran was violating the deal. it wouldn't allow inspections of military sites and allowing iran to enrich uranium which is easy to make and to weapons grade, a disastrous deal. pushing for a better deal with the right move by donald trump. >> what about experts who say iran has always been in compliance where they are telling us, we read statements from experts and people last week who said they have had no reason for the president to walk away from it. do you buy that? >> know. we -- talks about this. we haven't been able to get on the sites. what we are dealing with is a terrorist state but what do you do about it? very difficult for us and the rest of the world, taken north korea as an example, preventing countries from becoming a nuclear power. 6 or 7 nukes on the ground. the issue is we are strangling iran economically and they seem to be reacting. my issue is we have to be very very careful with iran is four times the size of iraq. we are in iraq and afghanistan 17 years, we've got to be very careful about military options. >> iran's deputy foreign minister said yesterday this is to protect the nuclear deal, not to nullify it. this is an opportunity for talks and if our partners fail to use this opportunity they should not doubt our determination to leave the deal. there's a lot of pressure on folks in europe, russia is a signatory to the deal too. to get both parties to stay there, help with the economic troubles that obviously has been a result of the sanctions, pressure all the parties are still out there to come to the deal, defend them and if not they have another 60 days and another breach. >> mining ships in the persian gulf, shooting down an unarmed drone, planning terrorism and increasing uranium enrichment, this is driving europeans away from iran towards donald trump. this is not going to work. we know donald trump isn't going to given to blackmail from iran but european states don't want to do so either. there are protests in europe against iran, they are wanting iran to stop this behavior. this approach is not going to work. >> you want to add a final word? >> not clear that we have anything close to help from any other country. i appreciate what he has to say the problem is we need a coalition and right now we don't see one happening. >> interesting to note french president macro talked today, there are a lot of conversations going on trying to head this thing off. we will see. thank you both. this is a fox news alert, fox confirming the full house is expected to vote on, contempt for william barr and commerce secretary will barrasso for failing to provide documents and information over that citizenship question on the census form that is still being hotly debated. a source familiar with the house democratic leadership indicates it will be a vote very soon. we don't know what that means. we will keep you updated. some on the left arguing air-conditioning is sexist. we will explain in the real news roundup. on the barbie, fries, and a draft beer or coca-cola - all for just $10.99. hurry in! wednesdays are for outback. outback steakhouse. aussie rules. wednesdays are for outback. i've done all sorts of research, read earnings reports, looked at chart patterns. i've even built my own historic trading model. and you're still not sure if you want to make the trade? exactly. sounds like a case of analysis paralysis. is there a cure? td ameritrade's trade desk. they can help gut check your strategies and answer all your toughest questions. sounds perfect. see, your stress level was here and i got you down to here, i've done my job. call for a strategy gut check with td ameritrade. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: >> the second democratic debate topping the real news roundup, the channel plans to unveil a debate matchup in a live drawing on july 18th fending criticism nbc faced. cbs this morning gail king catching flak for a softball interview. the former first lady michelle obama. critics point out they have a cozy relationship and vacationed years ago together. gail agree with the former first lady the obama administration was scandal free. according to a new york times opinion piece air-conditioning is sexist. in the title do americans need air-conditioning, it is an engine of patriarchy. the author argues temperatures are determined by men and that can lead to discomfort or even lower productivity for women. starbucks executives are meeting again with the tempe police department after one of its workers asked several officers to leave because of customer complaints on the fourth of july. national correspondent reports on the fallout tonight. >> their presence is making you unsafe that's a little ridiculous. >> at this starbucks a customer complained and he did not feel safe in the presence of 6 police officers sitting nearby. prompting the employee to ask the cops to either move out of the customer's line of sight or leave. >> unfortunate this occurred at starbucks but when behavior like this occurs it is our responsibility to bring it to attention. >> the officers left but rather than make a scene the union post on social media this dump starbucks better single-story 0 respect for cops. >> it was an insult not just to those officers but every single officer that risk their life and wants to be a part and needs to be part of the community. for one person to say i don't like you because of what you wear offends me. >> starbucks apologizing those officers should have been welcomed and treated with dignity and utmost respect by our employees. instead they were made to feel unwelcome and disrespected which is completely unacceptable. >> they get jittery around cops or nervous. >> it sparked debate online. the original dump starbucks post received 44,000 likes, 11,000 comments and 20,003 tweets. >> this is the benefit and the problem with social media, it can take one little event that otherwise the insignificance, wouldn't even be a blur in the newspaper and it hit at the right time. >> starbucks met with the union and police chiefs all the time for further comment. >> thank you very much. a price tag on the damage from the california earthquake topping the western roundup. the us geological society estimating a financial toll from the quake that rocked southern california over the weekend at roughly $1 billion, donald trump says he approved an emergency declaration and tweeting spoke to kevin mccarthy about the earthquakes in california and informed him that we will be working closely on emergency funding and also spoke to governor gavin newsom. all working together. new figures out of san francisco revealed double digit growth in homelessness. the new data find the homeless count has soared. the san francisco superior court has the controversial new law taxes the wealthiest openings to fund homeless services is legal. portland democratic mayor ted wheeler facing criticism for the bloodied antifa protest. we were calling the protests a black mark against the city's reputation. while not taking a position on calls from the city's police chief didn't been demonstrated from allowing masks and allowing law enforcement to film. our midnight hero is next. applebee's all you can eat is back. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. is eligibility for a va loan country give our veterans for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. from the international fellowship of christians and jews. - right now in the former soviet union, there are thousands of jewish holocaust survivors trapped in relentless poverty. there's no heat, no electricity, no running water, they're cold hungry and sick and they're suffering and dying needlessly. christians and jews together stand obedient to god to listen to his word. god gives us a special calling to help the orphan, the widow, the weakest, the survivors and he makes a promise that if we stand with them, so too will god stand with us. - [narrator] 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(somber music) >> it henry, familiar face on fox news at night is our midnight hero going into surgery soon donating part of his liver to his sister. he hopes by sharing his decision will bring awareness to those in need. they are on top of our prayer list. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. i am shannon bream. heather: is tuesday, july 9th and this is "fox and friends first". happening right now 4:00 am on the east coast lawmakers bracing for a class on capitol hill as the census citizenship question looms and the clock is ticking on a house though donald william barr and wilbur ross in contempt. we are live in washington with what it means for the president's census fight. >> everybody is with me. we don't want to go to the white house. >> soccer star snubbing the white house but sh

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