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Night. Im Shannon Bream in washington. Democrats no longer hiding their plan. Announcing publicly no matter what Mueller Investigation concludes, theyre taking all necessary steps to get President Trumps tax returns. They want them as soon as possible. Tonight were learning they will sue to get those returns if necessary. Chief congressional correspondecolo correspondent reporting. Hes reached out to several house committees that are in charge of investigations. In a statement to fox news this evening, a spokeswoman for pelosi wrote, every day the American People in Congress Learn more about President Trumps improprieties, to conflicts of interest, tax evasion, and violation of the constitution, all roads leading back to President Trumps finances, end quote. It took center stage many times, but when trump got into office, the buzz went away. Now its back. Cohen, you see him there. His testimony on camera to congress this week where he alleged that trump deflated the value of propertys to lower his tax bill. He called the irs stupid for giving him a 10 million tax refund one year. And it doesnt end with taxes. Reported that democrats plan to call Trump Associates and family members to testify on other business dealings and may issue subpoenas if necessary. Longtime friend of the president , a russian who cohen claims he worked with on the trump tower moscow project, ivanka trump, her husband, and her brother regarding the trump tower moscow project. We reached out to the white house tonight for comment. The president tweeted that members of congress should not go after his business dealings and should not listen to cohen. He says, were not looking at a tencourse meal. Shannon welcome to all of you tonight. Okay. So, a little bit more from the spokesperson for Speaker Pelosi saying this, the i memproprietm the lack of transparency, well take all necessary steps, including litigation if necessary, to obtain them. Kevin, that sounds like theyre ready to rumble. They are. And frankly this is something that should have been done as soon as trump was sworn in. There was reason to question some of his financial dealing, some of his contacts with russia and some other improprieties i think that pelosis spokesperson laid it out perfectly, i think the democrats are doing what theyre supposed to do. They took an oath to the American People, not just the president. They just didnt look into this stuff. They sat on their hands. I think that cohens testimony, regardless of whether or not he is 100 credible, certainly raises a lot of questions that need to be looked into. All of the intelligence committees need to look into this because its very serious. Shannon theres several of them coordinating this request. Under law, the chairman of the house can put in a request to the irs, but then it looks like the secretary is going to be the one who makes the final determination on these tax returns being released. John. Yeah, its really interesting to see. I feel like im reading headlines from 2016. I think it would have been great if during the republican primaries donald trump had released his tax returns, but he didnt. The Republican Voters didnt really care, then the American People elected him president. Im not sure what democrats think theyre doing. I think theyre trying to find something that embarrasses him. I think theyre wasting their time. They might want to focus on 2020 rather than trying to relitigate the 2016 election. Shannon much of this will run into 2020. It will. And the Political Risk for democrats is that they keep making these grand promises about trump russia conclusion and now tax fraud. And yet were two years into the administration and theyve come up with nothing. I think this is yet another fishing expedition, another witchhunt. I think most americans would like to see democrats focus on legislating, not investigating. Shannon there are a number of folks in the house a little miff. Pelosi has said, behind closed doors, were either a team or were not. People arent sticking together. Ocasiocortez saying there is a list and she is keeping watch and there will possibly be primaries. John, what do you make of that . Well, its really interesting. The only reason the democrats have the house right now is because their ran very moderate candidates with a very moderate message in red states and purpleleaning districts. We know that happened coast to coast. And if that happens, i think pelosis going to lose her gavel the next time the election comes around. Different districts need different representation. Aoc doesnt realize that and its shocking she doesnt. Shannon the headline is pelosi hasnt learned her lesson from 2010. In 2009 they had these great majorities and theyre getting things done. Well, they say this time around, 29 House Democrats hold districts that trump won. Others hold seats that had long been republican but swung to Hillary Clinton in 2016. Members recognize their voters are different and dont want all of the Progressive Agenda forced down their throats. Kevin. I hear that narrative being pushed that theyre pushing things that the americans dont want, but thats not true. Most americans support things like universal background checks for gun purchases, most americans, even now, slightly over half, say they support some form of medicare for all. Shannon when they find out taxings taxes will go up, it falls apart. When people are told what it really means in reality. Most americans dont support getting rid of ice. And that is true. And i think that representative ocasiocortez was trying to light a fire under some members of her caucus. Shes been in congress a month and already been able to assume a strong leadership position. Truly, the things shes pushing, there is an appetite for. Shannon some in leadership are worried about how far shes pushing to the left and her challenge to them. Its a dual threat. They say, ocasiocortezs vow to be the bad cop for her democrats too moderate for her comes off as old socialist practices made new again. After that, the real socialism begins. Theres so much hypocrisy going on. When she wants to buff Party Leadership to put forth her green new deal, shes allowed to do that. Shes considered a hero for doing that. And yet, when moderate democrats want to vote for a measure as logical as requiring Illegal Immigrants who attempt to purchase a firearm to be reported to i. C. E. , she has a problem with the 26 democrats who voted in favor of that. Really this whole situation just shows how far left the Democrat Party has turned really on her behalf. Shannon and they want to keep everybody on the same message on the party, as both sides often try to do. Thank you very much. Cohen is facing a criminal referral to the Justice Department for lying under oath. Republicans jim jordan and mark meadows allege cohen made numerous false statements. But cohens personal attorney is pushing back on that assertion. In a statement tonight, early on, cohen speculated about a possible position in the white house, but after he consulted with his family and friends, he decided he preferred to stay at home in new york city and be personal attorney to the president. The president tweeting that cohen was pitching a book that would have heaped praise on the president before the fbi raided his office last april. The president says it proves cohen committed perjury. David, i understand, as youve been overseeing the reporting on this, your folks have had a look at the book proposal. What can you tell us about what it says . It was universally and incredibly positive about President Trump. This is a few weeks before the fbi bursted down his doors. But at that point in time, he was prepared to write a book and present it to the public that was just glowing. And editors who met with him told us that he had nothing but positive things to say. Shannon yeah, everything he wanted to say about trump was positive, thats from one executive who discussed this deal with cohen. Now, were told that he was shopping around a proposal out to a number of potential publishers, that one of them was offering him 750,000. The deal fell apart when he got into legal trouble. Correct. They offered him an advance for the book project. Of course, the book never happened. Whats most interesting about this is fastforward to this past wednesday, cohen has had a completely different view of the president. Remember, the things he was charged with could very well had landed him in prison. So i think the president s point somehow that he is lying to lower his jail sentence might hold some water. But more importantly for the president right now, i think hes got some good ammunition right now to say that cohen was either prepared to write a completely fraudulent memoir last year or he lied from beginning to end on wednesday. Shannon some of the things you wrote from this proposal and it doesnt sound like its gotten to the level of the manuscript. No, but i think congress if they wanted to could subpoena the proposal. Congress i dont think has it. And democrats on the House Oversight committee if they wanted to could vote a subpoena tomorrow. I dont think they will because i think it would indicate that cohen perjured himself on wednesday. They would force the democrats to go on record of either supporting the subpoena or saying we dont want to see it. Shannon it sounds that the proposal that he put together, he says no one understands trump like i do. Its part of the way that he negotiates and moves through the world. I think theres something to that. Ive interviewed the president a number of times. He does want to keep people off balance. A lot of his negotiating style is to make people wonder what this crazy guy is going to do next. I think whats most interesting is cohen laid out a bunch of things people say about the president. Hes crazy, hes a liar, hes in over his head. None of that is true at all. In the book proposal hes saying the president is not a liar. And now hes saying the president is a huge liar. Shannon all the things exact opposite of whats in this p propos proposal. The parents of a College Student blaming kim jongun. Trace is on the case with the very latest development. And coming up, a report from cpac where Michelle Shocked a lot of folks there by calling out republican all because she says theyve been way too soft on illegal immigration. Yes, im looking at you, bush family. And, yes, im looking at you, the ghost of john mccain. Symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. That were playing four on four with a barbershop quartet . [quartet singing] bum bum bum bum. Pass the ball. Pass the rock. Were open just pass the ball no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Yea. 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That news comes amid President Trump saying he believes kim jongun when kim says he didnt know what was happening to a Young American Otto Warmbier who died after month of captivity in north korea. Trace. We pulled up past transcripts from north korea staterun television run by the kim regime and they clearly indicate that kim jongun knew every detail about the imprisonment. And President Trump invited the warmbier family and blamed the north korea regime for his torture and ultimate death. Then after this weeks summit in vietnam, the president said this about kim. Watch. I dont believe that he would have allowed that to happen. It wasnt to his advantage to allow that to happen. Those prisons are rough. Theyre rough places. And bad things happened. But i really dont believe that he was he i dont believe he knew about it. That set off a flood of negative reaction, most importantly from the warmbier family, who wrote, quote, we have been respectful during this summit process. Now we must speak out. Kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son and unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuses or lavish praise can say that. Some gop lawmakers also called out the president , including senator portman from ohio who said, quote, we must remember otto and should never let north korea off the hook for what they did to him. Today the white house tried to walk back the president s comments and the president himself tweeted, quote, i never like being misinterpreted but especially when it comes to Otto Warmbier and his great family. Remember, i got otto out, along with three others. The Previous Administration did not and he was taken on their watch. Of course, i hold north korea responsible. Meantime, theres world the u. S. Military will announce the for with south korea every spring will no longer be held because the cost of the war games goes up white awhile the threat is going down. They say cancelling the drills has nothing to do with this weeks summit. Shannon thank you very much. Lets bring in analysts. Great to have both youve with us tonight. Thank you. Thanks, shannon. Shannon i want to start with you on the u. S. No longer having these large military exercises with south korea. What do you make of it and do you think its a good idea . I think we have to continue them. They are preparing for an invasion of south korea. And by the way, these exercises end this month when the ground conditions for an invasion for south korea are at their best. We have to continue largescale exercises to maintain readiness. And when readiness erodes, as it has been now for the last year because we havent been doing the big exercises, nothing good ever happens. Shannon all right. Brett, Administration Says this was already planned. Whats getting a lot of attention is obviously the president s decision to walk away without a deal. Going into it, most of the criticism was that he would agree to something and it would be terrible. When he walked away, he did get bipartisan support for doing that with some caveats. Heres joe biden. The president did the right thing. He did the right thing by walking away. Diplomacy matters. Preparation matters. The president treats everything like a real estate deal. I think the problem is the president has to make up now for decades of failed Foreign Policy as it relates to north korea, policy more designed to score political points and to claim false victories than to actually do anything meaningful. Right now the president has to navigate a very serious and dangerous relationship with kim jongun. In my opinion, as tragic as the situation that happened to Otto Warmbier, whats going on now is a lot larger than just one individual. Thousands of u. S. Military soldiers were killed by north koreans. I think theres got to be a larger strategy involved here that we are not privy to. When the president comes out and makes these public comments, as distasteful as they may sound, i believe theyre designed in a way to further the negotiations more privately. We need to trust that the president knows what hes doing here. Shannon what about that . A lot of people have said regardless of the Otto Warmbier situation, which nearly everyone agrees that kim knew about this and they would know about an american that was being held, its not just here. The president often is very friendly with other leaders who are less than palatable. But its part of his strategy. Yeah. And clearly, weve had generations of american president s who have tried to create these good working relationships with soviet, chinese, north korean, iranian leaders. Their friendship does not matter. Although they may like a particular american president , it isnt going to help us in any material respect. I think its important that we remember, these regimes are weak, they are very concerned about their human rights situations, theyre very sensitive to criticism. This gives awesome very important source of leverage and we dont use it and its our fault. Shannon the sanctions are the things the two sides seem to be stuck on. But, listen, when you have other players like china and russia who arent fully enforcing these sanctions, where do we go . Well, i think because the conversations absolutely have to be continued privately and i think thats whats happening. Hes setting the conditions for that. The problem is, a lot of his critics were trying to claim a victory before they sat across the table from each other. And the irony in that is not lost that weve had decades of failed Foreign Policy. Its a complicated situation. This is no doubt going to be the negotiation of President Trumps life. But the fact is, thats why we elected him is for his skills at negotiation. He understands the weight, the burden of having thousands of u. S. Troops that have been killed, individuals like warmbier that have been or tortured. But theres no doubt in my mind that anything that President Trump wants to win at is that. It is a negotiation. And hes going to do that to the best of his abilities. Shannon i think washington definitely doesnt understand him. Hes not a politician. Hes very unconventional. Hes going to do things his way. Thank you both very much. High school track Takes Center Stage this weekend in new england because male athletes transitioning to females are leaving others in the dust. Some are going public with their complaints. Its frustrating and in a way demoralizing when youre at the start line of a race and you know what the outcome of the race is before it even happens. Shannon brit is here live to weigh in next. Can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 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High School Runners are going toe to toe this weekend at the new england regional championships in boston, a chance to get in front of College Coaches and maybe even earn a scholarship. But a connecticut junior wont be competing in the 55meter dash of the she was edged out of the top 6 spot. Ter terry its frustrating and demoralizing when youre at the start line of a race and you know what the outcome of race is before it happens. Harper, whos also a transgender runner, says High School Athletes can face unfair competition from transgender girls. Before these athletes get on hormones, they have all of the athletic capabilities of men. But High School Athletics arent governed by a single set of rules, making it a gray area. Connecticut is one of 18 states that allow Transgender Athletes to compete. Part of the challenge is age. College students and olympians must undergo a year of hormone therapy to compete as athletes. But most dont begin until after puberty. Civil rights are also a concern. Any pathway that separates or divides or segregates is not fair. Shannon. Shannon thank you very much. Lets take a closer look at this tricky effort to balance inclusiveness and fairness. I want to play something from a couple of parents. One is the parent of a transgender female to male now competing athlete and the second youll hear from is one whos daughter lost to a trans athlete. My daughter is a trans female. That means she needs to compete on girls teams to be more comfortable. She wants to be part of a team. We all understand the benefits of that at this age. Camaraderie. Set up many, many, many decades ago, going back to olympi olympics, you didnt see females running against males. Shannon how in the world do they figure out how to handle it . Its interesting she mentioned the olympics because thats a proposed policy right now to make it a year that they go through hormone replacement. Look, i feel for these student athletes. I really do because i played competitive soccer all the way throughout college. It built my work ethic, my desire to be on this set right now. But physically there is a difference. And those girls, two girls, lost entrance to new england regionals where there would have been more College Coaches, more scouts, because of, in my opinion, an unfair advantage. Boys have larger lung capacity. You can look up the National Institute of health. The fast twitch muscle fibers that you can only maximize to a certain extent. And the list goes on, bone density. There are physical advantages that boys has, and that needs to be looked at scientifically before we get into the pc culture debate. Shannon no one is harmed by allowing transgender people to compete consistent with who they are. You brought up the idea of College Scholarships and that sort of thing. Is that oversimple oversimplifying it . I just go back to trying to get any sort of notice to College Coaches. What if youre benched and put on the sideline . Youre losing significant time to showcase yourself at tournament. Thats where all of these scouts go. You are being hurt. Your chances of succeeding are diminishing. And several fellow teammates of mine have reached out to me and said, please speak up about this because this would not have been fair to us and we dont want our young girls to not be able to fairly compete. Shannon states have the right to figure out their own framework, but theres such a patchwork across the country. So, well see where this goes. Great to have you. All right. You have seen the brutal video of a conservative on campus taking a powerful punch to the face. Tonight weve got breaking news. Thr theres an arrest. Latebreaking details next. Plus, weve got a report from cpac where they took center stage, but ocasiocortez was the talk of that convention. But when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. 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To get three times the cleaning power, try new clean freak from mr. Clean. Shannon this is a fox news alert ucberkeley police arresting a man wanting in connection in an alleged assault on an activist. You saw the punch there. Zachary greenberg has been identified as one of two men who set up a table in a university plaza. He was displaying signs that said, hate crime hoaxes hurt real victims. Uc police plan to submit the case to the attorneys office. Cpac 2019 making waves in washington this weekend. Leland. Vice president mike pence preach to the converted, calling socialism and democrats who support it the greatest threat to american democracy and prosperity. America will never be a socialist country. He used a friendly audience lately its actually become fashionable for media elites and liberals to mock religious beliefs. I couldnt be more proud of my wife. He didnt mention ocasiocortez, although she emerged as the new favorite foil. Especially from aoc, shes the gift that keeps on giving. We cant take her for granted. I dont want a green new deal. I want a black new deal. And the good news, ocasiocortez, is that that actually can be free. It doesnt cost 93 trillion. Many republicans privately worry about what a publicly released report by the special council could mean for trumps reelection bid. And the crowd got a preview of a new way to defend their leader. I want everything mueller made public for all of america to see. But a continuing division in the movement. Both parties are to blame. And, yes, im looking at you, retired paul ryan. And yes, im looking at you mitch mcconnell. And, yes, im looking at you, bush family. And yes, im looking at you, the ghost of john mccain. President trump maintains a complicated relationship with cpac. During the 2016 primary, thencandidate trump famously skipped it. In 2017 he returned for a victory lap at the gathering. He returns tomorrow as the undisputed hero of the group. Shannon. Shannon we will take folks there live. Leland, thank you very much. The Washington Post makes an admission tonight about its coverage of the controversy. That tops tonights real news roundup. Facing a defamation lawsuit, the post issuing an editors note the acknowledgement is too little too late. The Los Angeles Times reporting tonight that the California Department of justice settled Sexual Harassment claims. That includes a sixfigure settlement to a thenspecial agent who claims the agency harassed and retaliated against him. Harris has denied knowledge of the allegations. Massachusetts senator warren confronted on the campaign trail. Take a listen. What about the babies that survive abortion . How come they cant have healthcare . Its illegal everywhere in america. Shannon and just weeks after she sparked a firestorm over a tweet many deemed antisemitic, shes being rebuked over new controversial comments. At an event earlier this week, she the chair of the House Foreign Affairs committee calls her remarks a vile antisemitic slur. A counselor is suing her employer because the school put her on leave after learning she married a woman, after direct violation of her contract. Does she have a case . Our attorneys are here to argue. Youre the jury. Night court is next. I cant believe it. That were playing four on four with a barbershop quartet . [quartet singing] bum bum bum bum. Pass the ball. Pass the rock. Were open just pass the ball no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Yea. [quartet singing] shoot the j shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent guys do whatever it takes to deal with shave irritation. So, we reimagined the razor with the new gillette skinguard. It has a unique guard between the blades. 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And thats because nine here loses to one. Title 9 is what protects folks for sexual orientation. But here, the right to religious she signed a contract saying she would do that. In that particular case, i dont know if i would argue this if it was my case, but in this particular case, the Catholic School wins. Shannon the statement of the arch diocese, she is acknowledged she breached her contract. So, why does she have a claim if shes the one who violated her contract . She definitively has a claim. And its unfortunate that we have to have a lawsuit that employers should judge employees on the quality of their work and not who they choose to marry. And in this case, this High School Guidance counselor, who is in a completely secular position, is being put up against title 7, which in her state, indiana, in that federal circuit, shes interpreted in that law as being protected. Shes just being discriminated against, according to title 7, additionally because many states from looked at what is this religious exception as saying these entities can do what they want, they can hire and fire who they want. Unless she is teaching a bible study class or another religiously themed course. Shannon she was in a guidance counselor role. Maybe she is helping them through things that would involve biblical teaching. But exhibit b, this is what she says she was offered. Dissolve her major, resign, keep her job for the rest of the year if everything stayed quiet, but she could be terminated if things became too boisterous in the media. If you took this out of the religious school, i think we would agree with what would happen. Pilgrims came over here for religious freedom. This Catholic School wants folks to be taught a certain away. When you sign contracts, you want people to uphold them. Thats what this case is all about. Religious freedom and there was a contract. Shannon just a few seconds there. Why arent they looking at people that violate other religious laws, like couples that live together before getting married, sex outside of marriage . Theyre not looking fairly at them. Shannon maybe well find out more about whether they are enforcing them or not. Thank you very much for your expertise tonight. Well leave it to the folks at home to tell us what they think about this case. Well be back with our midnight hero. A breakfast turned into a life or death situation like that. Feel the clarity of nondrowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. With who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. I love the custom ink design lab because its really easy to use. 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He saw a man entered the diner pointing a gun at the young cashier. He said he didnt even have time to think about it, adrenaline took over, he tackled the gunman. Doug said he was only doing what every other father would do. For that, you are our midnight hero. By the way, they gave him a free mail. He earned it mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. Have a great weekend. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Here is a quick civics lesson. What is politics . I politics is a system that allows people who violently disagree with each other to reach compromise without shedding blood. Its worked well for a long time in this country. But when one side decides it is no longer willing to compromise, that system breaks down. Without compromise you no longer have politics. Instead have you an especially fanatical form of religious belief. Isis, for example, is not a political organization. Its leaders reject accommodation of any kind. Io its leaders assume that everything they do has the approval of a higher power. They are good people. Ow

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