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To the southern border thursday to continue to make his case, whatever it takes me include the commanderinchief declaring a National Emergency to go around congress and get the money for the wall. We will talk to a constitutional law expert tonight who declares the president does in fact have that power. Breaking tonight, the president segment and hes trying to put together a bigger immigration deal they could get the Government Back open and fund his wall. Hello, welcome to fox news night. Im ed henry in for shannon bream. We start with Kristin Fisher on the latest from the y republican Lindsey Graham has been huddling with Top White House aides and some democrats trying to get a deal all the way to the white house where its interesting, kristen, the president was handing out m ms and butter fingers and then it took a turn. Todays meeting started out pretty sweet in the situation room. President trump actually passed out candy to everyone in the room. Things turned sour fast, ending with President Trump walking out on Democratic Leaders. Unfortunately the president just got up and walked out. He asked Speaker Pelosi, will you agree to my wall . She said no. And he just got up and said then we have nothing to discuss and he does walked out. It wasnt even a highstakes negotiation. It was a petulant president of the United States. A person who would say ill keep Government Shutdown for for a month, or years unless i get my way. Sticker democrats are describing it as a temper tantrum. He sort of slammed the table. Root republicans in the room sas a gross miscarriage ration five democrats. The behavior is embarrassing to me on the way to come out to this floor and talk about a meeting in a manner they did not take place. Its disturbing to me. I thought the president was very calm and trying to continue to put different options on the table. Nobody slammed their hand on the table. He left the room today because Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that even if he gave her what she wanted, she would never agree to the Border Security priorities. Today the two sides couldnt even agree on what happened inside that meeting, much less a deal to end the Government Shutdown. President trump called it a total waste of time. Earlier in the day, at a bill signing to fight human trafficking, President Trump again threatened to go around democrats and declare a National Emergency at the border. I have the absolute right to do National Emergency if i want. If i cant make a deal with people that are unreasonable. Some republicans question if he has the Legal Authority to do that. I think it would be a very dubious move from a constitutional perspective. With a Nuclear Option in his back pocket, President Trump headed to capitol hill today to try to convince havent republicans to stand firm and not defect. I would say that we have a very, very unified party. Encourage them to make a deal. I would love to see a big immigration bill where we really take care of the situation. I know you want to. Everybody wants to. Who wouldnt want to . His soninlaw white house Senior Advisor Jared Kushner met with a handful of moderate Senate Republicans today and senator Lindsey Grahams office. Graham has been working on a deal that would give the president funding for small and democrats something that they want, like protections for dreamers. Its in its infant stages. No commitment by anybody. But im somewhat hopeful that maybe theres a way to get what the president wants in a fashion that would do the least amount of damage to the country as possible. Tomorrow President Trump is heading to mcallen, texas, to tour the border. He will be joined by the secretary of Homeland Security and the new white house counsel, who is an expert in constitutional law. That is only fueling the speculation that President Trump may really be on the verge of declaring a National Emergency. Ed we will see what kind of candy he hands out the border. Kristin fisher, appreciate it. As the shutdown lingers on, president s critics pushing a narrative there is disunity inside the republican party. Some claiming theres cracks in the g. O. P. Ranks with those headlines, the ap describing the g. O. P. Is jittery. Later today the president himself told reporters that talk of g. O. P. Infighting was made up nonsense. Our senior capitol hill producer chad pergram has been all over the corridors all day. He joins us live from capitol hill. To go over all this. There was a lot of people trying to fan the flames by claiming that republican Lisa Murkowski may be confronted the president behind closed doors but she came out later and sort of said no, i support him on Border Security. Once the truth about where the g. O. P. Stands tonight . Stick a President Trump came out of that meeting with Senate Republicans and the term used is that there was solidarity. We are told that inside the Senate Republican lunch at the capitol here, there deafly were questions but no one really challenged him. So far, we are not releasing any cracks. Theres not dissension. Heres a factor. We are starting to hear that the phone lines are lighting up here in capitol hill. Members of congress both sides of the aisle, both sides of the body, they are hearing from constituents concerned about this Government Shutdown. And that might be where you see some people breaking. I talked earlier today with jerry moran, hes a republican senator from kansas and he pointed out that they just passed a big farm bill in december and they cant even implemented because of the department of agriculture is closed. One of the big issues is dairy. Dairy farmers cant sign up for new programs under that farm bill because they cant get a hold of the agriculture department. President trump as you know has a lot of support among farmers, so i went to Peterson Comey hes the chairman of the house agriculture committee, and i said does the president still have supportive farmers . From what i can tell. They are still hanging with the president. Today we got 67 calls for building the wall and five against. So it sounds to me like he is still pretty popular. Calling peterson collin peterson. Tomorrow they are going to move on the agriculture appropriations bill. What they did today was try to reopen part of the government. They passed the House Financial Services appropriations bill that deals with the treasury and the irs. The vote was 140 to 187. We talk about cracks in the dam, the King Jeffries who chairs the House Democratic caucus and democrat from brooklyn, he indicated that he thought the number republican defections on the bill would be in the double digits. It didnt happen. There were eight republican defections on the bill, mostly moderates like fred upton from michigan, Jamie Herrera butler from oregon, greg walden from oregon among some of them. They will work shy to move to lees appreciation bills but were not seeing many republican. That starts to happen, you might know the president has a problem. Ed separating fact from fiction, we appreciate it. The debate over Border Security close to home for the family of Slain California Police officer ronil singh. I feel like we shouldnt be giving people Second Chances. We shouldnt be giving people a Second Chance them. If he would have been deported, my brother would be alive right now. I would not be doing this interview. Ed that is reggie singh, his brother. An exclusive with martha mcallen. Lets bring in a former obama aide luis miranda and the Vice President of the National Border patrol council, ardell cueto. Generally, i you coming in. Louise, i want to start with you. Thank you to answer directly the brother of the scene California Police officer. But for an illegal immigrant, my brother would be alive today. I feel tremendous compassion for mistress singh and what theyre going through. Its a tragedy. An officer loses their life, its a tragedy. Its a tragedy when anyone commits murder and they should be held accountable. I can lately agree with him that some of you commits a crime, particularly a sameness and heinous crime, needs to be held accountable, needs to see prison time. Ed lewis, on that point, why are democrats trying to push this narrative that the at present has manufactured a criss question asked to go the reason is the administrations own statistics. They have shown that over the last year, they actually had record low levels of people trying to cross the border. There is not an imminent emergency. What there is is an actual problem with the fact that we have a broken immigration system thats constantly drawing people in for work and that needs that refreshment of work but doesnt give them a way to do that. Isnt able to process asylum request weekly. One of the things we definitely need is more resources to be able to handle asylum request properly and quickly so that we can actually expedited. Ed lets bring in art. He probably has a better sense and you and i to whats happening at the border. The last three months, the numbers have gone up more than theyve ever been before. I understand people are staying within the last year, but they are not taking into account the last three months. The last three months, those numbers of illegal entries have gone up astronomically. Record numbers going back to six, seven years ago. Thats a reality. You hear people say this is what we need. You hear chuck and nancy say this is what the government needs but lets face it, President Trump has reached out to the boots on the ground on numerous times. Hes reached out to the National Border patrol counsel numerous times. I have yet to hear from chuck and nancy. They still havent reached out. I havent seen the mother on the border to see whats actually going down here. Its been a limited amount of politicians that have actually taken the time to go out there. He will go and speak to the mems they will go and speak to mal see the dog and pony show. Now we have President Trump going to mcallen. I hope hes given the opportunity to talk to the boots on the ground out there and that the trip is not hijacked, how its been before my some of these managers. Ed you mentioned chuck and nancy. I dont have sound from nancy pelosi. Chuck schumer and other democrats have said a lot about the border and a barrier. Listen to this, luis. Its wrong and ultimately selfdefeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked. We do not want to do anything to encourage more illegal immigration into this country. The American People are fundamentally probally glib pro illegal immigration and antiillegal immigration. Will only pass copperheads of reform only recognizes fundamental concept. Ed luis why were democrats, including barack obama saying there was an illegal immigration crisis. There is definitely a broken immigration system that needs to be fixed and addressed in it something we tried to do in the Obama Administration not just with democrats. We have a gang of eight billing 2013 that passed through the senate. The house wouldnt bring it up for a vote. It wouldve done a lot to address a lot of these issues, whether its everify, greater resources for the border. Democrats arent against resources for the border. What we are against his wasting money on something is not going to work. Give you a perfect example. Ed quick example in 30 seconds. There was a project for a while that was started in 2006 by 2011 2011 had spent a billin dollars for just 50 miles of fence. They discovered that boeing and the other contractors have been using technology they couldnt talk to each other and it just simply didnt work. Under janet napolitano, dhs secretary, a lot of it was reorganized. Ed one would assume the technology has gotten a lot better since then but art, i want to give you the final word. Thats right. The reality, whats going on as we have individuals. I care about myself and i care about the agents that i represent and then not getting a paycheck. Thats what it comes down to and we have individuals other, politicians that care more about hating the president , they care more about attacking the president and they do about american citizens and this is all a farce where they say oh, well, we care about the federal employee. No, they dont. If they cared about us and they cared about the wreck in public, they would find it. They would make sure that what President Trump needs and Border Security would be funded correctly. They dont care to do that. Speaker democrats are passing bills. Ed appreciate you both coming on. Thanks, gentleman. President trump heading to the southern border in texas tomorrow. Trace gallagher is here with what we can expect. Congressional democrats refusing to allocate money for a while, or steel fence along the border, President Trump has directed Top White House attorney katz abalone to explore legal ways to find the money without congress and it appears the explanations will not come with a field trip because he will reportedly travel with the president tomorrow. For now the options under consideration include using Disaster Relief funds to build a wall, invoking a legal statute that allows the department of defense to respond to Law Enforcement agencies need of help, or using president ial powers to declare a National Emergency. Allowing the president to access billions in military funds, although Court Challenges would quickly follow. Experts say texas trip is more s move, the visit might also serve as testimonial evidence of a crisis that the administration could use in court. The white house is also hoping the trip will illustrate for the American People exactly how bad the border problem really is. The president will be joined in mcallen, texas, by Homeland Security secretary kirstjen nielsen, acting chief of staff mick mulvaney, and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner. Meantime, several angel parents, the moms and dads of u. S. Citizens killed by illegal immigrants, say when Top Democrats accused the president of manufacturing a border crisis, it showed they are out of touch with regular america. Watch. It may seem manufactured to them because they are sitting safely behind walls, but for those of us out in regular america, we are victims. We are prone to the victimization of illegal aliens and crime. Comedian seth meyers is under fire for mocking those murdered by illegal immigrants. When President Trump mentioned California Police officer ronil singh who was shot and killed two weeks ago, allegedly by illegal immigrants, the late night with seth meyers Twitter Response quoted is this oval office as for you . Megyn kelly wrote up sure thats hysterical to the families of murder victims the president just discussed. Its possible seth meyers himself did not write the tweet because it was not his personal account, nonetheless, it did not go over well. Ed thanks, trace. The possibility of the president calling National Emergency is still there. Lets bring in john eastman, constitutional law professor and dont talk about the legality of the matter. Good to see you, professor. Thanks, very much for having me on. Ed please state your case. We heard from moderate republican Susan Collins earlier saying she has a real concern about this. Please state your case and i think the president has this executive power. Hes not relying on Inherent Authority from the constitution, although he probably could. He is relying on very specific statutes. The National Emergencies act gives him the power to declare a National Emergency. Every president since the act was passed has used it. President barack obama used it to declare a National Emergency over the swine flu. And then once that National Emergency is declared, and i think whats going on at the border clearly qualifies, theres a whole bunch of statutory authorities that are triggered for the president. Including title 33, section 2293 of the u. S. Code that specifically says the president can redeploy monies already authorized for military Construction Projects in furtherance of the National Emergency effort hes declared. The statute is very clear. Ed you wrote an oped today that says among other things even the liberal Brennan Center for justice and then during times have acknowledge those statutes give the president the authority he needs to direct existing appropriations toward construction of a Border Security wall once he has declared that National Emergency. David french in the conservative national review, as you know has said wait a second. This is just going to get tied up in the courts. The ninth circuit or somewhere else, the left is going to go shopping for a venue. To block the president and thise delayed for months. The Supreme Court has already sent a pretty strong signal that its getting tired of these lower courts being part of the Resistance Movement to the result of the last election. The 2016 election. And they have even sent a shot across the bow and the lower courts against issuing nationwide injunctions. So i have no doubt that there will be some hyperpartisan lower court that would move to strike this down. They are striking down anything the president does. The question is whats the right legal answer that will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court and i have no doubt that the president s own powers as commander in chief combined with the very clear statute to tory delegation of powers from congress, they are going to find these actions will be upheld. Ed professor, ive got 30 seconds. Bottom line, seems like it would be better for the president to go through congress but with them deadlocked no sign of progress, could this be his only route forward . Well, it may be his only route forward and the one thing i will correct there is hes already gone through congress. These statutes were passed by congress that gives him this authority. We are talking about the more recent authorities are the longstanding authority. Either way, he has authority from congress. Ed john eastman, we appreciate you coming in. Meanwhile, brought to america illegally. Yet this dreamer wants the wall, just like President Trump does. A daca recipient is here live to expand while hes backing the president. The number two at the Justice Department says hes gone. What does it mean for special counsel Robert Muellers investigation which makes our panels hear, hear lapped away and after the break. Leslie, matt, jason. Stick around. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . With who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. I love the custom ink design lab because its really easy to use. They have Customer Service that you can reach anytime. Tshirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. 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Leaving his home in washington, Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein had no comment to reporters after Justice Department officials confirmed rosensteins departure in coming weeks after a new attorney general is confirmed. The white house characterized the move as part of the smooth transition. I dont think theres any willingness by the president or the white house to push them out. My guess is that he is making room for the new attorney general to build a team. Sources close rosenstein said he saw the deputys job is into your position which is now or approaching but not without controversy. Last month House Republicans close their probe into fbi Justice Department actions during the 2016 campaign. Singled out rosenstein for failing to answer questions under oath. The fbis former top lawyer james baker backed up media accounts that rosensteins seriously discuss secretly recording the president and invoking the 25th amendment. A source close to rosenstein maintains his comments were sarcastic. Rosenstein also signed the final surveillance warrant renewal for Trump Campaign aide carter page for the new chairman of the powerful the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee Said he wants to hear from rosenstein oe allegations. Im going to do a deep dive into the fisa issue and i think hell be part of it. William barr, the president s choice to be attorney general, met with a handful of senators in advance of next weeks confirmation hearings. Bar was pressed on the special counsel report among other issues. Experience as attorney general under Previous Administration ought to make his nomination very easy. I asked mr. Barr directly, do you think mr. Mueller is on a witch hunt. He said no. Another indicator of the confirmation hearings may be highly charged, Senate Minority leader called on the president to with rob barrs nomination sending an unsolicited, barr sent rosenstein. He said any obstruction of justice investigation by the special counsel targeting the present was not legally sound. Edd. Ed an update on former Trump Campaign chair Paul Manafort, according to fox news john roberts, Paul Manafort gave polling data to a ukrainian oligarch to prove he had a winning candidate there is no contact with the russian intel officer has been previously reported. Its time for tonights power panel to dig into it. Fox news contributors leslie marshall, chairman of the American Conservative Union matt schlapp and Fox News Contributor and former utah congressman jason chaffetz. Good evening all. Congressman, i would like to start with you. What does Rod Rosensteins departure mean . It cant happen soon enough. Hes an obstructionist. He hasnt provided documents to congress. He refused to come testify in front of congress. I hope Lindsey Graham drags him up there soon as possible. He was conflicted from the very beginning in that he was involved in the fisa abuse, as i see it. He was also very much involved if there was obstruction of justice, i dont believe there was, making the recommendation of President Trump and fire director comey. He shouldnt be involved in this at all. You cant get a new attorney general fast enough. Ed leslie, how do you see it especially when you consider that this metaphor and story when it first broke yesterday, there were some of the left salivating again, this might lead to collusion. And yet now as you read a little more details, it sounds like there is still nothing there. I dont think theres nothing there, ed. I think it was clear manafort was like give me tons of money and i will do almost anything i can. Can the dots connect to any type of deal to say okay, were going to do with sanctions to russia . That to me is very premature right now. I was not one of those salivating. But i want to speak to what jason said about somebody who is obstructing. I think thats exactly what barr is doing and why you have Chuck Schumer saying look, youve got to youve got to remove this guy not nominate him although the president is going to obviously and the republicans have majority. Barr if you remember when he worked for george h. W. Bush, he wanted his own deputy ag. I think thats what he wanted now. I think thats why this is happening and i dont think it also signals that there may be an end or conclusion coming as rosenstein wanted with regard to the mueller investigation. Dingdong the witch is dead. Rod rosenstein has manipulated the department of justice and the Trump Administration for far too long. He was part of the biggest disgrace in our political history, using the Intelligence Services to actually try to stop a president ial candidate. I cant believe that happened in a great country like america. As far as leslies concern with bill barr, he passed by a voice vote the last time he was up for consideration. He has superlative credentials for this job and just say that he should already be pulled down just shows you how ridiculous Chuck Schumer has become. Ed when you talk about ridiculous, negotiations seem to have completely broken down in terms of trying to move forward and get the Government Back open. There is some hope maybe theres going to be a broader immigration deal. But take a listen to what senator john kennedy, republican of louisiana, said earlier about the speaker of the house. I dont know how you can negotiate with someone like Speaker Pelosi who hates her fellow negotiator more than she wants to solve the problem. Beauty fades. Dumb is forever. I dont know, i said three weeks ago that as long as Speaker Pelosi is in charge of these negotiations, we will never work it out. Ed congressman. Totally agree. You always love senator kennedy. Hes got a colorful way of saying it. Listen, donald trump has been willing to negotiate but when you have somebody who says im going to go from 0 to 0, youre not going to get anywhere. Its about Border Security. When youre dealing with the Border Patrol wants, what they need in terms of an impediment to slow down this massive flow of illegal immigration, the president is on the right side of the issue and ultimately ive got to believe thats what prevails. Ed leslie, i see you shaking your head. Democrats have repeatedly suggested they have the upper hand in these negotiations. We were struck little while ago, looking at twitter and share who normally supports democrats was tweeting out all caps democrats stop the shutdown before trump does. He will be the hero. Make you look like obstructionist swamp. He has no scruples. Hes playing it right and you are playing right into his hands. He will eat your lunch and steal your lunch. Whats happening on the left night . Ed, i think its funny youve decided that cher speaking from my side of the aisle in the party, even though shes lovely. Ed those on the left are a little nervous. Shes a great singer. Im not looking to her for political analysis or democratic strategy. Thats my job. The way i see it is President Trump im sorry, jason, President Trump. This is a campaign promise. Democrats have no reason to support and fulfill a promise of any republican, including the president. Thats what this is. This is not really about Border Security. We already had a bipartisan deal to increase Border Patrol agents and that would increase then tell that to the Border Patrol. You are indirect contradiction. To repair the fence that we already have. The problem here is if you want real Border Security, a wall does nothing and neither do drones. The tunnels that are dug currently underground at the border just south of b. Drug dealers that are putting speak of the American People walls work. Every time we build walls, illegal immigration, crossings go to the basement. Lets look at whats going on here with the shutdown. The fact that nancy pelosi will never be for any deal because she cant be for any deal because her caucus is so left its frightening, Chuck Schumer noticed that this is a loser for democrats in the end. Democrats up in 2020. I look for him to be the adult in the room. We will be out of it soon. Ed we will see if we get a deal. Leslie, matt, jason. Congress and, i was going to tease you about losing final exam on top or show. My therapist that i cant talk about it. Ed thanks. By the way ed ive got to go. New reform law up and running. One man has been freed from prison after this by the patterson bill was signed by the president. Well bring you his story. Disturbing video from a proabortion rights group intimates real news roundup. About buying our new house. Well, its a good thing we dont have to worry about Homeowners Insurance. Geico can help with that. 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The times for us to offer this correction tonight to its reporting is the former chair of sharing polling data with the oligarchs tied the kremlin. They say a previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a russian associate is ten polling data. Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two ukrainian oligarchs. Not to oleg deripaska, a Russian Oligarch close to the criminal. Abortion rights group teaming up with the website and a video series. In a video titled, the groups cofounder tells children about their own abortion experiences adding its all part of gods plan. New york giants wide receiver odell buckham jr. Coming under fire after posing this video of him playing tugofwar with the tiger at a myrtle beach zoo. The Group Released a statement saying the animal belongs with family and not thinned out as a prop. Peta seemed to take another jab saying beckham doesnt want another injury. As a giants fan, i can say easy. Take it easy. Its already been a pretty rough season. In florida, over a Million People with felony records are eligible to vote. The mastering franchising of felons who have completed their sentences does not include people convicted of murder or sex crimes. The change adds more unpredictably in the nations most unpredictable battleground state. A whole bunch of new voters in 2020. Meanwhile, the First Step Act was a major bipartisan victory for President Trump and the most substantial criminal Justice Reform done in a generation. That new law has already freed one man. Our correspondent david spun to face here tonight with Matthew Charles story. Its quite a story. Matthew charles has waited many years to get worries. Hes home with his family buddies walked quite a long road to get there. Hes the first person to benefit from this new law. He served more than 20 years in prison. He was expecting to serve another 15 but now hes free, thanks to this bipartisan act. I found out on january 1st and got out two days later. I was really surprised. For Matthew Charles, its a chance for a new beginning. In 1996, he was sentenced to three decades behind bars for selling cocaine. In 2016, he was released. Last year, he was forced to return to prison after an appeals charge reversed a prior ruling to release him. I remain hopeful and a lot of people were praying for me and doing what they could. I was on a roller coaster of emotions. I always believed this day would come. The day did come thanks to a bipartisan bill. Its called the first step. In a very long journey. The First Step Act is now law. I want to thank you all for being here. This is an incredible event, an incredible success for our country. President trump signed a bipartisan bill into law on december 21, the day the Government Shutdown. Its aimed at shortening harsh prison terms for drug offenders and other minor offenders. Last week, u. S. District judge ordered charles Immediate Release from prison, citing the new law. Charles, who now lives in tennessee, is the first beneficiary of the First Step Act. Its been wonderful. Ive been reaching out to family and friends. Via facebook and text messages. Charles wants to focus on the other inmates who are ready to make a serious change. For those who have changed in their heart they do want to be role models to their children and grandchildren, they do want to be able to come back out to society and say i made a mistake and i wont repeat that mistake. 2500 other inmates in similar situations will be eligible for sentence reductions. A bipartisan law coming out of washington ed appreciate that report. Tonight will be featuring another interesting report after a moment we hear from a dreamer, young immigrants. Deportation under the Obama Administration who now supports President Trumps border wall. Valerio yunus joins us live. He has a message for the president. 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There is an assumption out there wrongly but all the dreamers support the democrats. And would automatically be against the wall. But you booked that trend. Why . I have speak to hundreds and thousands of dreamers and honestly i think we agree we support anything that keeps our country safe or even safer. I believe that means a barrier, technology, Border Patrol, then i agree we all agree with the president and is well with the millions of americans. I think safety should be our number one priority. Ed its interesting because when you first came on fox about a year or so ago, people started attacking you. Including suzanne hamner. She wrote this oped. She said your attitude toward the republic is admirable but it does not negate the fact that mr. Hilario yanez is an illegal alien, to portray him as the norm of dreamers instead of the exception applies support for the law are nothing less than disgraceful and a slap in the face of constitutionalists and supporters of President Trumps campaign platform. How do you respond. The only thing i can say is the Dreamer Community along with the americans, our fellow americans, we are tired of whats going on with immigratio immigration. The issue has been always kicked down the can for many years and its time to do something. Its time to bring safety to the American People. Its time to bring permanent solution for daca and i think its a perfect time to have all parties come together. At the end of the day, the Dreamer Community wants to see the president succeed, wants to see this country succeed and want americans to be safe at the same time. Ed but you know that the president believes nancy pelosi and other Democratic Leaders dont want him to succeed and Chuck Schumer and other democrats, barack obama, used to support a barrier now that President Trump is for it, they seem to be against it. Whats your message to nancy pelosi in Chuck Schumer terms of trying to bring together broader deal . The president is living up to his moral duties. To protect this country and he has every right to ask Border Security. Every past president has done this. Its nothing new. This is the same thing. But i think the tables have turned a little bit. I think now the democrats control the house, so in order to give you have to get and fortunately theres opportunities to compromise and have both parties come together. So were going to have a huge win for the American People. Ed hilario, contrary to the pessimism in washington, you seem to be young and optimistic. You want to see the sides come together and fix the problem. We started the show with republican Lindsey Graham trying to pull together a deal along the lines of what you are saying. Give the democrats daca, keep folks like you who were brought here illegally, essentially put you on the path to citizenship, let you stay here in america. In exchange, the president should get border wall funding. Do you think a deal like that could come together . I agree. I am optimistic. I think the time is now. No more excuses. I think of both parties come together it will be huge win for the American People. It will be huge win for the president and also we can bring in certainty for the Dreamer Community. Ed Hilario Yanez who says theres no more excuses, we will see whether congress, democrats and republicans, hear your message tonight. We appreciate you coming in. Thank you. Ed up next, a tribute to american Law Enforcement any year when the police truly need it. They have been far too many Law Enforcement officers killed. We have a special message when we come back. Your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Over to you, logo. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. At first slice pizza lovers everywhere meet o, thats good frozen pizza one third of our classic crust is made with cauliflower but thats not stopping anyone o, thats good our so we reward a every purchasen. Ly. Lets see what kate sent. For you. For all of us. Thats for me. Navy federal credit union our members, are the mission. Ed lets get in a 2020 update. Progressive Billionaire Tom Steyer announcing hes not running for president. He will focus on impeaching President Trump instead. Thats what he said. Even though he also claimed he wants a positive path forward for america. Listen. Im going to spend 100 of my time working to impeach and remove this president. From my standpoint, what we really need to do is to get back on a positive path together. With an idea of what america stands for, how we relate to each other and a vision of how were going to move together as a country. Ed in another sign democratic senator Kamala Harris is seriously considering a 2020 bid, she released her new book today, a biography. It may have been rushed to the producers too soon because she praises the leadership of Larry Wallace who resigned after a Sexual Harassment settlement came to light. Progressive senator Elizabeth Warren fresh off the first visit to iowa. Now heading to New Hampshire this weekend. Warren has launched an Exploratory Committee for 2020 amid some controversy. Today is national Law Enforcement appreciation da day. The South Carolina Sheriffs Office marking the oneyear anniversary of the terrible ambush of one their own. Detective mike doty. I looked to my left. Weve got somebody down. Asap. We have two down. I shook his chest a little bit. Its heartbreaking. Law enforcement officers are being celebrated and honored and rightly so for the work they do each and every day and thats why tonight they are our midnight heroes. Seedings and buildings all across america tonight paying tribute, decked out in blue, including columbus, ohio, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, Municipal Building as well. The maryland governors mansion, among those marking the occasion by celebrating in blue. We salute each and every one of you. Thank you for all you do for our communities. Mostwatched, most trustful trickle trust and, most grateful you spent the evening with us. Good night from washington. Ill be back tomorrow night. I met henry ink the best companys succeed as a team and our shirts from custom ink help bring us together. We order custom ink to welcome new employees, personalize team shirts, and even for company events. The design lab is so easy to use. We just upload out logo and if we have any questions, Customer Service is there to help. 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Saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace well see you tomorrow. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. In a televised address to the country last night, as you know, the president made his case for why America Needs of all our southern border, and why that while it is so important and its worth shutting down the nafederal government to get it where democrats remain unmoved by the address. Leaders in congress and the democratic side, Chuck Schumer, nancy pelosi, deliver their partys initial response. Their words were then echoed with mechanical precision by democrats up and down theni cha, from sitting members of congress all the way down to the leftwing lady muttering in your local dog park. Talking points doesnt really do justice to the rhetorical discipline

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