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G. O. P. Fights to keep texas bread. Plus native americans claiming senator Elizabeth Warren over dna tests, Trace Gallagher taking a new development in tonights power panel weighs in. Welcome to fox news at night. , i am Shannon Bream in washingto washington. We begin with christian fisher, the latest on getting answers and what really happened to Jamal Khashoggi as the president urges caution. A Bipartisan Group saying it is time to act. He just gave an interview to the Associated Press were he said that he hopes that the saudis investigation will be concluded in less than a week. Until that and until all the other investigations are complete, President Trump is continuing to refuse to take sides. In fact in this interview he compared the saudis in this murder journalist case against Justice Brett kavanaugh. He said, here we go again, guilty until proven innocent. I dont like that, we just went through that with kavanaugh. He was innocent as far as im concerned. We have to find out what happened. To that end, mike pompeo is in saudi arabia. Today he met with king salman pretty described the conversation as direct and candid, he said ivan says the importance of conducting a thorough transparent and tell investigation and the saudi leadership pledges to deliver precisely on that. He also added that during each of these meetings with the saudi leadership, they strongly denied any knowledge of what took place in the consulate in istanbul. A high level two fishes to make the official said today that police urgently consulates have found evidence that he was killed inside. Authorities are also ready to search the nearby residents of the saudi consulate general after the diplomat left the country. President trump says his secretary is sent to mike going out week and it is still on. He reserves the right to cancel pending the outcome of this investigation. We are all looking at it together. Turkey and saudi arabia are looking at it very strongly. It depends whether or not the king or the crowned prince knew about it. It would be bad for both of them. The saudis, they have threatened to Push Oil Prices from 100, 2200 a barrel at the u. S. Were to do Something Like impose sanctions. Many u. S. Jobs could be on the lawn because of that 100 billion deal. This could also be bad business for President Trump, he has a long history of financial dealings with saudis including yacht and real estate sales. Even more than the quarter Million Dollars that the lobbyists dropped at the trump hotel in d. C. In 2017. President trump said that any suggestion that he has any financial interest in saudi arabia, he is calling that fake news. Shannon will talk more about that with her power panel coming up. Thank you so much. Lee defenders are calling for a tough response by america, the crown prince is found to be connected to the murder. Reports are that there is a wedge between President Trump in the g. O. P. Its bringing lindsey graham, senator of the Armed Service committee. Welcome. Youve talked pretty tough about this. They are a lot of factfinding to do. What is your gut tell you . We know what some of your fellow lawmakers had . The crowned prince is 33 years old. There is a reason you cant run to president until you are 35. Shannon in this country. He has been a breaking ball. He put the Prime Minister of lebanon under house arrest. One minute he is a visionary leader in the next minute he is putting women in jail who protest. The man killed in turkey. Shannon are you convinced that he was murdered . Absolutely. You dont have to beat sherlock holmes, he goes into the consulate and never comes out. He was annoyed with this guy. They lured him. Where did these 15 people come from that landed in turkey . Somebody is an autopsy expert, what does that at the do with it . I would not have my intelligence consulted or minor support disrespected. I was a leading advocate for saudi arabia, their strategic ally. President trump has been tremendous to the country of saudi arabia. This is the most disrespectful thing ive ever seen towards the president. He has done everything he could to help saudi arabia and this is the way you are repaying him . He is a strong man. This will not go unanswered. Shannon want to play something that marco rubios had something to us last night. Speak of the bigger issue here becomes the role they play in our middle eastern strategy. Wisely, they had built them as a key ally against iran and their ambitions and their expansion in the region. That is endangered now. It makes us impossible for us to work with them closely. Shannon all kind of interconnections, on oil on their military meeting us to help sustain them on the issues with iran. Yemen, what is going on there . What we need the most is to be good americans. These are allies. This shows tremendous disrespect for me and President Trump. To put us in this box. You can take criticism at all, to send an assassination squad to turkey to kill a man on foreign soil in a consulate and turkey violates every norm known to mankind. Freedom of the press, this all originated from the crown prince, im convinced of that. The president needs to be measured, i get that. The world is watching us. Theyre not going to join iran and saudi arabia. There are plenty of people in saudi arabia that we could have a Good Relationship with. If the crowned prince stays in power it will be almost impossible to reconstruct this relationship at a time when both of us need it. Shannon the investigation continues. We will continue to watch and see if we get new information. I want to get you to respond to something. Heres something you said earlier today and talking about taking a dna test. Come back and a couple of weeks. Okay, you mean the leader is not the people. That offended a lot of folks. Jamaal opti said this, if you dread the notion of a rainy and ancestry and believe they are all liars you are hopelessly bigoted and unfit to serve in the u. S. Senate. If you know anything about me, name one person who has been a bigger defender of the iranian people to fight back against their press. It was a joke. The iranian people are brave and culture. To my liberal friends were offended by my statement, at least i didnt vote for an agreement to give 150 billion to the man who kills iranians and the street their demanding freedom and a fair election. I have stood with the iranian people. I will continue to do so. I have nothing but contempt for the murderous regime. It was a joke. If you know a thing about me, im on your side. Shannon let us know about the results . I cant wait to tell you. Ive been told that my grandmother was part cherokee. Shannon are you being facetious . No, but told that but now im going to find out. Ill have to do is be onetenth of 1 and then i will win the prize between me and Elizabeth Warren. Shannon will see these results on fox news at night. New backlash against democratic senator Elizabeth Warren following her release of the dna testing saying she has some native american ancestry. The Associated Press reported that her dna claims that it inflames some native americans. They are saying it cheapens the identity of actual travel members. Trace gallagher is on the case. Good evening. For context Elizabeth Warren was born in oklahoma were 7 of the population, one of the highest proportions identify as head of american. She is not a member of the tribe but she did claim to have a connection to the Cherokee Nation on the tribe is issued a statement accusing her of undermining tribal interest with her continued claims tribal heritage. That prompted the president to quickly wagon, thank you for the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren sometimes referred to as pocahontas is a complete and total fraud. She then pushed back writing, millions of people watched you as you fumbled and lied on your 1 million pledge. He took a day for your handlers to tee up there is recycled racist name calling. Youve lost a step at a 21 days you will lose congress. It wasnt until 2012 senate race and it was revealed that she listed yourself as a racial minority in an academic legal directory. She was also reportedly listed as a native american and federal forms filed by both harvard and the university of Pennsylvania Law School where she worked. Now there is proof that senator warren does have native american ancestry, the problem as it is possible that she is only one tom mack 1 1000 which is a same as any american. Shannon on another front, President Trump has had his legal battle with Stormy Daniels. What is happening there. The president made a derogatory comment on her looks. She tried to body shame the president. It all started back in april and Stormy Daniels claimed that five years after her alleged affair with donald trump, an identified man approached her in a parking lot and threatened her to stay quiet. The president calls her story a con job and that is when she sued for defamation. Yesterday a judge throughout the lawsuit saying that the president s comment is protected speech. He then tweeted crate now that i can go after horse face and her lawyer and the great state of texas. She does nothing about me. Her and return wrote ladies and gentlemen, may present your president in addition to his shortcomings has demonstrated his incompetence, hatred of women and lack of selfcontrol on twitter. Perhaps some beast theology, game on. On cnn, michael talked about her response to the tweet. Watch this she couldnt believe it. She thought that his account had been hacked. A separate lawsuit, she filed against the president regarding the 2016 nonclosure disagreements. Shannon Trace Gallagher, thank you so much. In the hot take today. The Justice Department investigation following President Trump candidate and his 2016 campaign. Today, fusion gps founder refuses to answer questions on capitol hill. Catherine has details. The Committee Subpoena he founder of fusion gps because law makers say that he is uniquely positioned to answer questions about the antitrump dossier and how it was used to secure a surveillance warrant for Trump Campaign aide two weeks before the election. On capitol hill, fox news caught up with him as he headed into the closed door. Why are you taking defense are you facing legal or criminal exposure . Why is there a discrepancy between your earlier testimony . Since the turn he called out republicans were forcing him to testify today, they knew he would not answer questions about the dossier. This committee would make senator Joseph Mccarthy proud. Like senator mccarthy, this committee is largely conducted its business for a secret confidential and depositions. Binding witnesses and their councils to silence while the members walk out side to all of you. The media. Selectively they leak those interviews to tell you what they want you to hear. Bruce ohr was on capitol hill in august for a similar deposition about how we passed the dnc and clintons dossier. On twitter the president questioned why bruce ohr whose wife nellie was questioned is still working at the Justice Department. After the deposition, republicans said they are studying the legal position. If indeed he has a reasonable apprehension of criminal prosecution, certainly it would be a proper assertion in his constitutional rights. If not, you can just invoke the fifth to avoid answering congressional questions. Two more witnesses are expected to testify this week. Former top lawyer at the fbi, james baker as well as bruce ohrs wife, natalie. Shannon thank you very much. House republicans investigated the investigators this weekend, there is the Robert Mueller investigation. As he noted, he is everywhere except the midterms. They are not talking about that. Lets bring in former senior advisor, author of the deep state, jason. Great to have both of you. Before go to molar. I want to touch about catherine was talking about. The fact that Glenn Simpson will not testify on the hill. Jason, if the democrats retake the house after all these investigations come are they going away anyway . Potentially these investigations could go away. I think that is why congress has continued to work through this race has leading up election. Remember, Glenn Simpson has previously testified some 25 hours then cut that in half, half of the republicans and have the democrats. For him plead the fifth. After his early testified, it doesnt go well. Near turn he walks out and starts parading the house members and trying to compare them to mccarthyism. You know your case isnt going well. I think hes in deep trouble. I think is contradicted himself and i think people like John Radcliffe and meadows, some of these others i think theyre onto the charade. Shannon as he said, you cant just take the fifth because he dont want to answer questions. You have to have a legitimate worry that you will be an potential criminal jeopardy. They said this isnt over. Will they succeed before midterms . That is their right. I think jason hit the nail on the head. He made my point for me. Mr. Simpson has early testified before three committees including the house committee, the House Intelligence Committee for more than 25 hours. This has nothing to do with stiff arming congress. This has to do with, this is not on the up and up. Chairman is just doing President Trumps business for him yet again. This is one big smoke street. In terms of his legal analysis, i dont know if he is any more velour than i am. The letter that was sent to him to congressman goodlatte stated two Different Cases that stem from the mccarthy hearings where someone had their conviction overturned because they were allowed to invoke the fifth. If not answering questions is a design of guilt, poise donald trump guilty. 264 days ago he said he would love to talk to bob mueller, here we are. He is hiding under a rock. Shannon if you are the president you have legal teams around you. Im not holding my breath. Shannon he is going to answer some questions. We are following that. He is not quite to my getting a lot of attention out there on the campaign trail. Senator cory gardner is heading up the g. O. P. Efforts for the senate and says red state democrats are actually running ads about how closely they work with President Trump. It is difficult to talk about an investigation of the same time. After nearly two years, there is no evidence. There is no evidence that the democrats can point to. Theyve been floating about this, i dont think dr. Muller is going to release anything. If there is internal guidance within the Justice Department, something that by the way director, he didnt abide by. Im sure he will jump all over that. They will not release something and nor will the Inspector General until the midterms or after. Shannon some people say theyre worried if he goes after the president or not and it will be used for impeachment. People need to be or to vote for republicans. As usual he is the only person politicizing it. Shannon are you saying that with a straight face . I am. For two years theyve been doing that. Are you kidding me . No im not. Try indicting and pleading. Shannon again, to my people it is not of anything connected to russian collusion. These are about financial crimes. It is about lying to investigators. I dont have that same crystal ball. The point about letting investigation go ahead is that democrats are not prejudging it like republicans. Shannon philippe, we will leave it there. We are out of time. Come back soon. We will work on your parents fees. Thank you gentlemen. Our democrats to feeling confident about a blue wave . Which party really has the upper hand . Caution all readers to be wary of polls. At five followed the poles i would have been my prediction of a donald trump win. Shannon also tonight, senator ted cruz fighting to keep texas red. He goes headtohead against beta orourke. A fiery debate, stick around. Well bring you highlights. [ doorbell rings ] janice, mom told me you bought a house. Okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. 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Ricard fowler, Global Affairs analyst, morgan ortagus, thiago, welcome to all of you. Any chance that texas will turn blue on this race . The polls have been tighter than people have expected. Cruise is ahead but not too far ahead from the margin of error. President trump won texas about 52 in 2016, ted cruz is about eight points up according to the New York Times poll. I find it difficult to believe that texas is going to let it go blue, people would probably not agree with that. Especially considering congressman beta orourke has been making this largely by president tom. President trump. He said he would vote to impeach him slight is not something that i think many texans would like to hear. Shannon a ton of outofstate multimillions of dollars have poured in the democrats seem to look at beta orourke and think that he is potentially a really good shortlist her. They say he is charismatic, hes young, a lot of great ideas. He has to get to the next 20 days. Heres whats interesting. The Population Centers in houston and dallas, and often where there are vulnerable congressional seats. He is going to be a big help to the ticket. He will spur democratic support which would be very big as we look towards taking over the United States house representatives. While he win . That is the big question. We have seen some polls that say a heads up one point. Some said that he is down. This will be down to the election night. The real poll be the voters of the state of texas. Shannon that is what matters. Morgan, this is north dakota. Heidi heitkamp, the democrat here in a bit of trouble because she has put out a campaign add, an open letter to her opponents. It listed the names of a number of women who allegedly were connected to potentially assault in some way. It turns out a lot of those names, they hadnt been assaulted or they didnt get permission give permission for their names to be used. She personally apologize to each of the people impacted by this and taking the necessary steps to ensure that this never happens again. That is a tough mistake to make. She says she is responsible. The politics of this, this is an air of Epic Proportions to be this close to a very tough reelection where she has been done consistently in the polls. To have this sort of error by her staff is sort of unconscionable, political malpractice. The larger issue come as a woman, im really disturbed by the pluralization of the me too movement. Just post to be about all woman about their ignoring the political affiliation. About standing up to men as women try to climb the career ladder, that is with the me too movement was about. By overly politicizing it you see these sorts of things happen where you clearly invited the privacy of many women in that state were frustrated and upset. I think the senator had a good response. She clearly seems contrite. I think she generally feels bad about what happened. This is what happens when you politicize me to proven political gain. Shannon this is what one of the women said. She told the press, i am furious. Ive only shared my story with a couple of people in confidence. I didnt want to be blasted. The article goes on to say that she had intended to vote for heidi in november but will definitely not now. Martin luther king said and just as anywhere as a threat to injustice anywhere. What we see with these women, it seems to be that there is a justice of the privacy being invaded by democrats in the senate. It is disappointing because it seems like he is women are being used as political pawns when they have real trauma that they are dealing with. I find that to be an area that the democrats are going to have to address. Either they will say they are a party with women or against them. That is disturbing. Shannon richard, pick up our final topic. Senator Elizabeth Warren and the dna tests, a bunch of groups standing up to say that they dont appreciate her comments about the travel relationships. Howie carr of the Boston Herald says this, it is breathtaking. She is resurrecting the one rule from the moments. What you make of this . She said she wants to get it out of the way, she will run in 2020. Im not sure i agree with that. It is poorly timed for sure. I think she should drop the innate results and kept it moving. Heres the thing. The larger conversation that democrats are having is how we maintain the house. How we would make the house on the United States senate. With all the indications, we will do that because we have a better message than republicans do. What message . We can talk about this message all day. There is no message. There is a very clear messag message. Shannon let me bring morgan in here. I think listen, it will come down to just a few weeks of polls here on election days. When it comes to senator warren, it is amazing how President Trump really gets in peoples heads. We saw this in the primary. I was in the opposite and it is amazing how he can just get to these candidates heads. To have such an air pipe Elizabeth Warren because the president spooks them. I wouldnt have released those dna results. Shannon we have to leave it there. Those two will not let it die, it lives on. Richard, morgan, thank you all. Indiana, the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of the states ban on abortions that are based on gender, race or disability. With the do justice on the benc bench, more detail over abortion rights and will the kavanaugh vote to be factor . When we come back. What . hes gonna slap some clips in your hair, give you a bob and then hes gonna move to boca raton. But youre gonna look amazing. Ok. There are multiples on the table one is cash, three are fha, one is va. So what can you do . Shes saying a whole lotta people want to buy this house. 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Shannon and three weeks voters had to the polls, are democrats still feeling confident that they will recapture the house . Are some doubts setting in . And rally after rally this campaign season, trumps crowds have been huge. At each stop each candidate is equally to share the spotlight. I have a six page speech here. I decided the morgue you get, the last President Trump youre going to get some neck and to give this speech. God bless you all and god bless President Trump on monday President Trump tweeted something is happening, watch. As a blue wave of the midterms is now less certain, its too early to predict any outcome. In the age of trump, things change very quickly. Professor Alan Lichtman is one of the few who predicted his victory. I would caution all readers to be wary of polls. If i had followed the polls i would have been wrong in my prediction of a donald trump wi win. That caution might be even more warranted in midterm elections because turnout tests are lower. That might give republicans an advantage. The Republican Base tends to be older, more opulent, more white and those are more reliable voters. That an term be negated by a democratic advantage, the power to make party out of power. What might tip the scales of the remaining 22 days before the election, a molar bombshell seems unlikely. The window for the special counsel office. The pace of recovery from Hurricane Michael may have severe local political consequences in florida had george up and it fairly narrow a potential scandal seems to be at bay. Stormy daniels lost her suit against the president and ordered to pay his legal fees. Senator Elizabeth Warrens dna test might be a distraction but not a game changer. In the end, controlled the house may turn on a patchwork of suburban districts where clinton wanted 2016 but were republicans would be house seats. Places like virginias tenth district, Hillary Clinton won here by ten points but harbor comstock prevailed in the house race. Today she is struggling. Polls leading to her democratic opponents. I did that and impressed i did 39 g. O. P. Congressional retirements this season. That has negated the National Advantage of incumbency delays democrats are positioned to capture the house. Shannon thank you. New video showing fbi agents rating the building in puerto rico, and fbi spokesman told the Washington Examiner the agents were looking for evidence of corruption involving city officials. The mayor has been accused of allowing corruptions on the island is not based on that bowler that was rated. Tweeted that if anyone has said anything wrong, subject to due process they must face the consequences. The Supreme Court is being asked to take up an indiana law that would ban abortions on gender, race or disability. How can the newest member of the bench, Justice Brett kavanaugh figure into the controversy. Its great to be here. This was largely in response to prenatal genetic testing where parents can learn of her unborn children either have or are likely to have a genetic disorder such as down syndrome. In 2016, and animated illegal for women to have an abortion solely on the fetuses race, gender or potential disability. Last year a federal judge ruled unconstitutional in april a court upheld the decision. Indians attorney curtis hale disagrees and said in a statement this week, the right to abortion and declared where Supreme Court protects only the decision not to bear a child at all. Not a right to decide which child to bear. He argued its important for the high court to review this course now before the u. S. Goes the way some European Countries are going. Nearly 100 of women terminate their pregnancies after testing shows an increased risk of down syndrome. At the Supreme Court decides to hear the case will likely be the first abortion related case since a of Justice Brett kavanaugh. Youre seeing what people think that this is a good time to test the Supreme Court has to say about abortion and about any rights that children might have before they are born. This is a very interesting time to see what happens, when a case comes to the court. We dont know how the court will vote on this case. If you decide to hear it but it does illustrate why many on the left are so concerned about a conservative majority on the courts. In fact a group of prominent liberal professors are launching a new campaign to help democrats fight back by expanding the federal court system and flooding it with liberal judges. The socalled, 12121 project saying to expect all the courts and add four justices. As the name suggests, it will unfold in 2,021. Another of those are a sure thing. It certainly is an indication that despite over Justice Kavanaughs confirmation, it is a long way from being over. Shannon the last time it was tried, we will see if they actually do it again. There is a lot of talk. Itll be a part of the party platform. Thank you. It is a case that has the potential to go all the way to the Supreme Court. A couple from minnesota fighting a state law they say would force them to go against their religious beliefs or go to jail. Carl and angel larson are here to tell their story. Stick around. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty my love has come along, applebees new neighborhood pastas. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Applebees new neighborhood pastas. King being king midas, i expectyou should too. Erything. And weve got all the top brands of tires. King yes indeed. Take these michelin tires, for example. King or these goodyear tires over here. I like this guy. Always a touch better means great brands at great prices. Now get up to 200 off select goodyear and cooper tires with the midas credit card. Request your appointment today. We distributeus, im the owner environmentallyfriendly packaging for restaurants. And weve grown substantially. So i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Thats right, 36,000. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. My unlimited 2 cash back is more than just a perk, its our healthcare. Can i say it . Whats in your wallet . Shannon a minnesota couple in a case that could go all the way to the u. S. Supreme court. The case of carl and angel larson, their christian owners of a video and Film Production company. It is seen as a potential answer to the big question left over by the Supreme Court masterpiece ruling, can Business Owners refused to create custom products for ceremonies that violate their religious beliefs . The lawsons joined me now along with their attorney from the office. Welcome all of you. Thank you. I want to ask you all, you are storytellers. You do Film Production. You would like to get into the wedding business but a state law that would require you to do all ceremonies he decided to challenge that law. Tell us why me that decision . We are storytellers. We are attracted to telling stories that align with our beliefs. We have said from the very first day on a website that our company exist to glorify god through the projects that it creates. That gives us a natural attraction to telling wedding stories because the bible teaches that weddings and marriage are a symbolic relationship between christ and his church. We are passionate about marriag marriage. We invite College Students and couples then. It was a natural segue for us. Shannon unit arguments before the disorder today, that is one step away from the Supreme Court. This could be the case. I want to play what one of the commissioners and minnesota human rights had to say today following the case about why theyre proposing this. The states position in this case is that conduct matters not when you are selling goods and services you should sell goods and services to all people of the state of minnesota. Shannon how do you take on that argument . This is in the sale of goods and services, this is the sale of speech. They have the power to do, to threaten them with fine stupid 90 days in jail and to force them to express passages it violates their deepest convictions. The government doesnt have that kind of power. The First Amendment doesnt allow them to have that power. If it did they could force an atheist market to create a billboard for christians that they believe in god. That fight to be free from compelled speeds is something that we all benefit from. Shannon were talking about significant fines and jail time if you violated this. The lower court, the district judge dismissed the case. One of the things he said was that if you were to say, to do these videos but we want to samesex ceremonies, he said it was conduct a can a white applicant only sign. How did that make you feel when he equivocated your behavior or your plans with Something Like that . It was absolutely absurd. I was deeply hurt and offended. We invite the world into our home regularly. We have two children adopted from ethiopias would have someone say that to us a deeply hurt. We work with everyone. This is always about the message. We work with everyone. Shannon your headline is that antilgb q hate group orchestrates client business practices. Telling what the Alliance Defending freedom, u. S. Have been very successful to the Supreme Court. What you make their characterization of your work . We had nine wins in the Supreme Court in the last seven years. We were just listed as the top law firm by empirical scope for the 2013, 2014 period. Progress really just hasnt ideological act. The thing they miss because of the ideological act that they have, minnesota has barred the door. They gave them two options. You can either pay fines or go to jail or you can stop your speech. Those arent satisfactory options. They had to file this lawsuit. Shannon we have to go, you have a decision in the next couple of months. Carl, angel, jeremy, keep us updated. Thank you. Shannon another Migrant Caravan headed to the u. S. And looking to cross the border illegally, denied President Trump has a story. This place isnt for me. That last place was pretty nice. I dont like this whole thing. I think we can do better. Change is hard. Try to keep an open mind. Come on, dad. This is for me, son . Principal. We can help you plan for that. And you know what goes greateak with that shrimp . Shrimp. You guessed it. More shrimp. Steak and unlimited shrimp, starting at 15. 99. Only at outback. They work togetherf doing important stuff. The hitch . 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Shannon an update on a story we brought you last week. Rutgers has we invited a Foreign Policy analyst. She was a scheduled to speak today with the university canceled after students started the dish and labeling her and islamaphobia she has been an advocate for women. Tonight she says she doesnt intend to speak at rutgers, explaining they only proposed to reschedule the talk in an insincere lastminute p. R. Attempt to vindicate the appearance of bias. Google under fire for reportedly aiding chinese censorship. That story tops tonights western round up. Following months of speculation, google officially confirming its plans to launch a version of its platform in china called dragonfly. Critics say the platform would blacklist certain phrases like human rights. New emails obtained by the Associated Press reveal californias Transportation Agency coordinated frequently with the Public Affairs firm that worked against repealing the states gas tax increase. That firm represents unions and construction companies. More than 200,000 and migrants making their way across the guatemalan border hoping to seek asylum when they get to the u. S. President trump tweeting tonight anybody entering the u. S. Illegally will be arrested and detained prior to being sent back to their country, also tweeting we have informed the countries of hundreds, guatemala, el salvador that if they allow their citizens or others to journey through their borders and up to the United States with the intention of entering our country illegally, all payments made to them will stop. Dramatic images out of texas were heavy rain is caused major flooding in the central part of the state. The high water causing a bridge to collapse on a river, prompting evacuation orders. Well, National Guardsmen luis ocampo spent ten days away from his Charlotte Home helping with Hurricane Florence relief efforts. When he returned home, he found his home had been ransacked so a gofundme page with a goal of 5,000 was set up to help him come his girlfriend and child replace what was stolen. The response was overwhelming. They wanted 5,000. Almost 15,000 has been raised so he decided to pay it forward by donating the extra money to the soldiers and airmen assistance fund. Luis ocampo. Tonights midnight hero. We will see you back here tomorrow. These people, they speak a language we cannot understand. [ telephone ringing ] whoa. [ indistinct talking ] deductible . Definitely speaking insurance. Additional interest on umbrella policy . Can you translate . Damage minimization of civil commotion. When insurance needs translating, get answers in plain english at progressiveanswers. Com. He wants you to sign karens birthday card. Its a high honor. Tucker carlson us up next. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Political campaigns are all about how you finish. You can be moree popular than your opponent is for months, even for years, forever. But if youre less popular on election day, you lose. Its all that matters. Its a simple truth, but its easy to forget. Democrats may relearn that the hard way very soon. Rs up until a few weeks ago, virtually every democrat in america considered the upcoming midterm elections a certain win. Why . Well, they looked at the numbers. The majority of voters remained unsettled about donald trump and if an election as a pure referendum on him, they believed the republican

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