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Team that they are tired of her stall in an attempt to turn it over. And now with a vote looming democrats at the new buzzword, temperaments. Claiming he is to combative. If he is can firmed, democrats are already living a impeachment process to retake the house. Professor generally truly examines the approach, more and that minutes. First, henry with latest. That his rights. We have something to tonight. Republican bob corker predicting that judge Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed. He says no later than saturday. Significance because remember, he hasnt always been on board with President Trump he is been quite critical sometimes. He told dtv tonight that after what he calls heartfelt conversation with several republican colleagues, he believes the president now has a vote. In his words, democrats overplayed their hand on this fbi probe and all the salacious allegations. This comes, as foxs learning, it could be delivered as early as tomorrow afternoon per day will be a couple days before fridays original deadline. Let me explain why senator mcconnell told colleagues today, expect the report soon and then you have a little time to review it and then he is moving right ahead with both by the end of the wee week. Also tonight, dr. Fords legal team or to the fbi demanding that she get a chance to speak. We are hearing from Law Enforcement sources that she and Brett Kavanaugh might not be interviewed by the fbi because the aide is seeking already on their many hours of sworn testimony. It would only reach out if there were some new cooperation. Mitch mcconnell is going for with the vote in a straight up or down vote on Brett Kavanaughs nomination. President trump stepped up his questioning of her memory at a political rally in mississippi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer lashed out about what he sees as a rush after republicans blocked the nomination. The gall of the man to complain about a oneweek delay delay for an fbi hearing, when he held up a nominee for the Supreme Court and kept the seat vacant for ten months is staggering. 36 years ago, this happens. I had one beer. Right . I had one peer. Well, it was one beer. How did you get home . I dont remember. Where was the place . I dont remember. How many years ago was it . I dont remember. When neighborhood was a ten . I dont know. Where is the house . I dont know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it . I dont know. But id one beer heidi heitkamp, democrat was undecided in north dakota now charles a republican appointed by ten points in a poll by the judiciary crisis, 56 of north dakotans want Brett Kavanaugh confirmed lacy joe manchin there on the right in West Virginia, he do with the fact that the poll found 58 of voters in his state wanting a gas put on Brett Kavanaugh. Were still keeping an eye on undecided republicans. Flick avenue yes but today indicated that his harsher exchanges with democrats may get him i know. We have to member there is moderate democrats that are very much on the griddle tonight. Shannon ed henry, thank you very much. With the seventh background check on Brett Kavanaugh potentially done as soon as tomorrow, i vote coming soon after, senator koerber says he does believe the democrats may have overplayed their hands. Lets begin her own political ask expert, the National Republican national committee, good to see both tonight. Kaylee, the president has been very disciplined about this. Tonight that seemed very unscripted and judge kavanaugh and the things that they are proceeding. With that off message for them tonight or that exactly what he wanted to say. I think it is exactly what you wanted to say. Her testimony, she could not recall the time, the place to him how she got to the house, but she did happen to remember two things, that she had one beer and that she was 100 certain that this person was Brett Kavanaugh after 30 years of not being able to identify him or not telling anyone that it was in fact him who was the assailants. I think is making that point which several others have made. Shannon lets talk now about the fact that there let people weighing in from all over the political spectrum on this. Even republicans now are seeming to want to hedge their bets. That includes senator jeff flake who led us to this one week delay and the fbi, heres what he said. I tell myself, you give a little leeway because of what he has been through. On the other hand, we cant have this on the court. We simply cannot. Shannon that is very much something we have said from your former boss, heres Hillary Clinton. For anyone who believes there is such thing as a judicial temperament and that we want judges particularly those on our highest court to approach issues, approach plaintiffs and defendants with a sense of fairness. That there is a lot to be concerned about. Shannon over the weekend, this is a new thing, temperaments. He is backed into a corner trying to fight his way out, he seemed way too emotional. I dont have that was emotional, think that was a meltdown. I understand if someone come ive been asked this, what would you do . Would you just sat there, no, i would be indignant, would be upset. You know i would do question work on call for an investigation. If im innocent that i will respect what she said and i cannot reconcile the two but i want the benefit of the doubt and i want you to add to the bottom of this and im not going anywhere until you do. That is not what he said. He should have just said i want an investigation because the next day everyone turned on him and called for an investigation. It was silly. I think he temperament part is legitimate. We want someone who has a maturity. Which of the sand . Slover like a judge. That man was not just over like a judge. He practically had anger management problems. I understand how frustrating this is but there is a way to be strong and deny it and explain and be compelling, without the guy who showed up. If you want to go with the boys will be boys defense, dont be the judge. That was not a meltdown, democrats cant have it both ways. Had he not showed any emotion they wouldve said he was cold, he didnt show any emotion, he was very calm i thought. I thought he showed emotion appropriately. If you would use it there for a week as he watched the mainstream medias smear your name with heinous allegations of gangrape, pretty sure that anyone would react or that he reacted. Shannon and the family as well, what is happening on both sides. Dr. Fords family, this is an incredibly stressful situation. I know people who know the Brett Kavanaugh family and they swear by them, they cant believe this. This woman came forward and she made a statement and i dont understand what the republican talking points are. The talking point is that there is no corroborate evidence. Issue lying . I think people think something happened. Senator that i remain very concerned we might not get the thorough investigation that the serious allegations werent on the senate and the American People deserve. He was part of the one making the deal. Now kaylee it sounds like you will not be good enough. To quote senator mcconnell, i can almost hear him moving the goal post. This was a predicable and point of democrats. They would offer the investigation, Amy Klobuchar such as when we come which is a problem with one week . No nothing is good not because nothing will ever satisfy democrats. It is about to lay until the midterms. That is a sad truth and in doing so they are smearing an innocent man. Shannon of the investigation is done by tomorrow or will they vote by the end of the week . I think i should be deadline. Shannon if the boat is n, should they vote . Sure. On friday judge kavanaugh will become just as kavanaugh. Your turn to think that republicans dont really like investigations go to court. Shannon okay, theyll agreed. Good to see both, thank you for coming in. Democrats are playing questions about his temperaments. Sampling reports, they claim to impeach him as soon as they regain control of the house. Lets check fact from fiction. Hey shannon, if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed the Supreme Court house leader nancy pelosi says it is not her plan to impeach him. Apparently Nancy Pelosis plate is already full saying i have enough people on my back to impeach the president. Shoot on to say that you will place and i will do the right thing and not confirm cabin on the first place. Her colleague, the top democrat on the Judiciary Committee who could assure the committee, should democrats when the house says that he would put Brett Kavanaughs feet to the fire we would have to investigate any credible allegations, certainly of perjury and other things that havent been properly looked into before. If they become the chair of the committee he would have subpoena power and the ability to drop articles of impeachment. Even if the house voted to impeach him it would still need twothirds of the senate to remove him from the bench. They can get 50 both from stopping it from being confirmed it is highly unlikely that he will get 67 votes. Which is why there is a major push to condemn Brett Kavanaughs judicial temperament. Even Arizona Republican senator jeff flake who clearly holds a pivotal g. O. P. Vote, talked about his responses during last weeks hearing. Watch this. The interaction with the members was sharp and partisan and that concerns me. I tell myself, give a little leeway because of what he has been through. On the other hand, we cant have this on the court. Although just yesterday he said that if he were wrongly accused he would be every bit as indignant as Brett Kavanaugh. Today Hillary Clinton was asked about Brett Kavanaughs behavior before at the hearing, watch this. The performance, the behavior was quite outofbounds. I dont ever remember anything like that. Course in this context later clinton is talking about judicial temperament, it is worth noting that during the benghazi hearings in 2015, she was highly criticized for laughing and shouting at members of congress done. Shannon and a leg, thank you very much constitutional law, he argues democrats are now what he calls a perjury trap for judge kavanaugh. An oped entitled . Is the mood bourque, he argues that cabinet should be denied confirmation or if confirm should actually impeach by later Democratic Congress on the basis of lying about drinking or terms. Lets bring a man, jonathan turley. Professor, great to have you with us. How worried are you that this is the path that we are going down . And on your pc is said that this isnt just about getting to him what kind of judge she would be, this is about putting up statements and potentially putting him in a place where he would have discrepancies or lies about things from his past. It was an otherworldly feeling about these hearings. When youve a u. S. Senator going literally through a yearbook and saying, what did you mean when you told your friends this or that . That really did have a feeling of a perjury trap. What is fascinating about the democratic questions is that they didnt really press that much on the actual allegations of sexual assault. They kept on trying to get him to define terms that would obviously be quite embarrassing. The idea being that he could either refuse and say that is just not a very dignified question, which frankly i think he probably should have considered doing. Or he might ally and which point you can say that all of this doesnt matter anymore because he has lied under oath. At that its going to be the new standard, one can only imagine what the future holds for us. Shannon and homely people are going to want to put themselves through that. He says, i cabin spent covering politics for that long but long enough, 11 years but i think entitled to play this card. The position that Brett Kavanaugh was being honest about his drinking is the worst to die upon that ive ever seen otherwise, smart people try to die upon. [laughs] we people from the beginning say, before you have a negative and we will do whatever it takes to stop this person. Whether it is about temperament, drinking, what he went on a calendar is anything too small to go after . No. What is being argued here is that come with her he lied in any subject. The scope of the subject matter has now expanded to the point where it defies definition. Anything can be asked. And think and be asked of a nominee. Any answer that is not openly and frankly embarrassing and disclosing of your past could be viewed as perjury. The question is, is this what we want from the confirmation hearing and if it is, what kind of people to be expect to get . If everything in your past can be brought up and you can get confronted and demanded that you answered. My greatest concern about all of this is that we are so far removed from the original obligations. Originally they were asking about drinking and these terms because there was a reference to his being a blackout drunk. And it became clear that that was sort of an artificial excuse. There were asking and details for him to become a holy drink with, how he drank and whether he was belligerent. Then you realize that this is really a perjury trap. Shannon at about the issue of impeachment . I want to play what a democrat come if they retake the house as many people think they welcome he would actually be heading up the House Committee and he has been talking about the i word, impeachment. Heres what he said. If he is on the Supreme Court and the senate hasnt investigated, then the house will have to. We would have to investigate, any allegation of perjury or things that have been properly looked into before. Shannon university of Alabama Law School professor and the New York Times had a piece said the House Democratic leader should pledged out that if they win a majority, they will conduct an impeachment investigation. We know only one Supreme Court justice who was impeached by the senate and kate come out. What are the odds they got on this path . You cant count anything out. I am really disappointed to hear these members take such a reckless task. I was the lead counsel in the last judicial committee. It is a terrible process. It is a long one. I have no question in my mind that they would not succeed. The president that they would lay with this type of move would be inherently destructive to our system. They created a type of protective persona for our justices. That is why they made impeachment so difficult, you can reduce the salaries. If you are impeached as something that youve done well in office, if he is confirmed that means the majority of senators found that they were satisfied with this record. You may disagree with that, but to say that you are going to do a do over would open up any justice to that type of treatment. Elena kagan was accused of it being either lying or misrepresenting facts and her background. Particularly in terms of work with the health care litigation. Whether or not that has a substance or not, it gives an example that anyone can claim to have a do over and the court would then become vulnerable to political pressure. The very thing that they want us to avoid. Shannon we will watch and wait. That would require Brett Kavanaugh to get confirmed and we have many steps to go. Professor, thank you for coming in. Good to see you. Ed alluded to this early, indicating a potentially strong kavanaugh affect heading into midterms. Some red states where the democrats are playing defense. President trump is hammering away at his rally. They want to get the power that they so desperately crave that was taken away from them. Shannon stick around, standing by as ed. Later the first lady visits africa, her first Solo International trip. We will tell you all about why she is going why this could be a telling moment for her in a spotlight. They work togetherf doing important stuff. The hitch . Like you, your cells get hungry. Feed them. With centrum micronutrients. Restoring your awesome, daily. Centrum. Feed your cells. A new america that is incredibly constricted. He talks to that america. He talks to them all the time. It is by no means the majority as we know. It is a very hardcore who are responding to him and supporting him for a variety of reasons. Shannon President Trump talking to that base in mississippi tonight. At a rally for cindy hydesmith and a top special election come a unique set up and it has republicans a little worried about putting the boat down there. 11 south haven at trumps valley to tell us more. Could evening shannon, the rally was packed with a spirited crowd. They cheered with President Trump talked about the achievements of his agenda including his Supreme Court nomination. The g. O. P. Is hoping to translate this enthusiasm into actual votes during the midterm election. The party tries to regain control the senate. Here in mississippi mr. Trump is going for the senator, she was appointed back in april. He resigned for Health Reasons earlier, november 6th she faced fellow republicans Chris Mcdaniel and two democrats, toby berkey and mark. Because this is a nonpartisan special election all four names to be on the same ballot force in the race into a november 27 runoff if nobody is able to get more than 50 of the votes. Opponents point out that used to be democrat seat before switching parties. Since wearing it as a republican senator she has been a staunch ally of President Trump and an early supporter of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Cindy has voted with me 100 of the time. [applause] she has always had my back. She is always had your back. A vote for zandi is a vote for me and make America Great again. Shannon, south haven mississippi is in a county that President Trump carried with nearly twothirds of the vote during the 2016 president ial election. Looking forward to his own reelection bid and 2,020, trump told the crowd that he predicts it will be a landslide. Back to you. Shannon jonathan, thank you very much. For reelection, this keeps getting trickier. How will the Brett Kavanaugh fight impact democrat splint defense this fall . We have a guy with the answers. Editor of the halftime report, brett geyer. How are you . Im quite well. Shannon will put up some of the toughest races for red state democrats. Heidi heitkamp, joe manson, two others in there as well. It is interesting because he said he doesnt know on friday but Brett Kavanaugh when they said they will do an investigation he is the bellwether. Joe manchin. Lets her with the basic assumption that we have talked about before, this nomination is a massive intensifier on the left. If you are public in any district or state with a lot of democrats this is bad news. If youre democrat in a state with a lot of republicans, like all three of those in Claire Mccaskill or is the fourth for the democrats there. If you were in one of those states that donald trump won by 15, 20 points, West Virginia likes to shoot to the top of the pack. If you are one of those states, this instrument is a difficult because it increases turnout among the broader electorate in those states is guess what . Dagon republicans. Shannon interest leading, there races. And you get only democrat, republican congressman who is giving up a seat. And then you have the tight senate race and governor rick scott. We have seen some interesting things. The polling has tightened up. Heres only we have from politico, he says there is a onepoint lead from now. That is well within the lead. That is up at 35 percentage point. Bread Company Chris lee difference between his pole and out other recent surveys is that has was taken from september 24th, through september 27th. The height of the confirmation hearings from Brett Kavanaugh he thinks that tightened the poll. Shannon is a bit is effect effect. Rick scott, he is running against bill nelson for the senate seat. We have talked about this weeks ago, the shift and the democrats favor for a variety of reasons. This poll is that a lot closer than before. I think Brett Kavanaugh is a big part of it but there is another factor, his administration as mayors but under federal investigation for some time. Politico who you were just quoted was a stable to establish that he himself was one of the investigator victims. Shannon this sounds like it is. In florida, everything is wide open. They were able to stand that politico was able to established him as a subject and that will complicate things for him dramatically and this will make them fall back in love with the fbi like he never has before. Everything is new again. Shannon who knows . I like that or two home states, florida and West Virginia are in the middle of this. All the time. Shannon to be joe manchin is very measured. If the fbi finds nothing more than what we know. The fbi comes back with a clean bill of health from Brett Kavanaugh. As we have talked about many times before, your cabinet will be withdrawn over a pass with 55 votes. I dont think that this is going to be a 50 plus situation. Shannon okay, chris thank you very much. Good to see you. Rachel mitchell, the prosecutor that republicans brought ten to testify against Christine Blasey ford is facing backlash guarding her testimony. A former colleague says, it is absurd and he is here to make a statement as to why. Putting a chomp on her first solo trip outside of the u. S. Some people in the media, they are loving it. Stick around. This is actually under your budget. Its great. Mmhmm. With renters insurance, too um. The walls seem a bit thin. Man 2 behind wall they are and craig practices the accordion every night says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. Im a very shy singer. Youre tone deaf ehh. Should we move on to the next one . Its a great building youll love it here we have mixers every thursday. Geico®. Its easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance. Shannon the republican hired to question Christine Blasey ford now finds her conclusion to be under scrutiny. In her memo, expert Rachel Mitchell says i do not think that a reasonable prosecutor would bring this tape based on the evidence before the committee. That is absurd based on what mitchell herself taught him as a prosecutor. He is part of tonights power panel, lets bring them in. Former fbi assistant, kevin brock. Fox news contributor, lisa boone and former colleague of Rachel Mitchell, matthew long. Welcome all of you. I want to read part of what you said publicly, her only analysis should buy the process that she is given media and it is insufficient. You say that rachel michelles failure to to include any accounts Brett Kavanaugh reveals her applicable bias. Matthew. I stand by that. Especially considering some questions that should be asked which is who is paying for mess mitchell . How much . Who paid for her to get there . The same criticism that she has posed to dr. Ford ought to be the same light shined on her as well. Especially given her history of demanding particularly stringent protocol and investigation integrity for the investigations that she seeks, but is not seeking those in this context. That is troubling and it is troubling given her role as the prosecutor and her position in the past including the positions that she takes on current cases active in her office. Shannon just to be clear, the Committee Says they did not take her, so at least that part of the puzzle we do have. Tonight we they say they paid a standard fees and what they would pay any other attorney that they hired from the outside. We can keep digging. That is all they are both so fa far. That is the bite of information we do have on that. Okay, i want to get to a letter coming from the chairman tonight. Senate judiciary chair, he sends a letter to fords legal team and they are specific things he wants, he wants Therapy Notes because again he said some of those that were provided to the washington post. He said he wants all reporting so the polygraph test and all communications with the media regarding kavanaugh allegations. Kevin comer let me go to you. What would a recording of the polygraph test tell them question rugby have the recording here on sat and he said he talked her for about an hour and a half to established a store and after two questions and that was standard to standard and a polygraph to have one or two operative questions that are asked. If somebody wants to look at the recordings and they want to see how the question was framed. If you want to see all the answers came out. In my experience, have dealt with pellagra for his from the fbi and those who were hired pry when you hire you get what you pay for. That is been my experience. It is a simple as that. Nobody should be surprised that an outcome of a polygraph from somebody that you hire largely contorts with the outcome you are looking for. Shannon he told us that he was hired for her legal team, that is how that scenario works. We will see whether those records regarding his examination are turned over to the committee. In the meantime, they have contacted the fbi numerous times and that nobody has gone back to them about one professor ford will get to talk to the fbi. Their reports out there that may be the fbi wont talk to her because they have hours of her testimony among other things. Her legal team says it is inconceivable that the fbi did conduct a thorough investigation of dr. Fords allegations without interviewing her, judge kavanaugh or the witnesses. Lisa, we are hearing that this might be wrapped up tomorrow. What you make of these concerns . Speak i hope they are. I think it is inconceivable for anyone to find are credible. You dont need to have gone to law school to see that, it is plainly obvious. Every witness she is named has denied what she is saying. The only thing that that is close to evidence her alleged therapist notes which you wont turn over and she testified under oath that Brett Kavanaughs name is nowhere to be found in them. Then you go to the inconsistencies in our story. She said that it happened in the mid1980s and then she somehow narrows it down to December December 1982, and her polygraph letter alone she gets two different versions of how many people were there at the party. She said four people on the cross it off and then wrote four boys and two girls, there are other stories. How would people were there and then even if you want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that to 36 years ago maybe she doesnt remember, it looks like blatant lies about what she is told about flying, she flies across the country every year. She is going to hawaii, costa rica and the now we know that your whole story about needing a second door in her house was a farce. They are modeling happened years prior and that the second door was used to rent out a room and her house other people including a couple marriage counseling business. There been so many inconsistencies in so many lies many of xplay for letters that we havent even gotten to testifying under penalty penalty that she has coached a friend about how to pass a polygraph test. Shannon potential that she has talked to her friend through. We are almost out of time but i want to give you guys all some time. Sunder bill cassidy said that the referral should be sent to the fbi doj regarding the false accusations and bite Julie Swetnick that was submitted to the senates. She is the third accuser of ford. Is that fair . Given the importance of this question, it is fair to investigate everyone that might have had a role in contributing to this whether that be democrats, whether that be republicans or anybody else. What is clear that the seat is worth lying over for everyone and everyone ought to be question. Shannon kevin to you. It can be referred, it would be unlikely that it would be acted upon. Shannon lisa, final word on Julie Swetnick. There is a new statement out tonight by someone who says that they did see some of these things happen. She says she does support her statement as far as spiking ponder those kind of things by Brett Kavanaugh. That doesnt mean it happened. Oh after each of these women until i can be proven that they lied because they have now ruined Brett Kavanaughs life for the rest of his life. He will be tainted with that. It was in your cooperation for any of these three stores, even deborah vermeer has reached out to several dozen people of the New York Times they can find out to go after them if it is proven. Shannon we will leave it there. It will be interesting to see with the fbi report, if anybody is happy. If the resolve is there for anyone. Kevin, lisa, matthew, thank you for your time. You are welcome. Shannon the New York Times get some financial records, that story pops tonight. President trump reached millions from a corporation in the 1990s to avoid taxes on gifts from his parents. The new York Attorney general is reviewing the report. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said this is a misleading attack on the president s family, adding that she said many decades ago the irs reviewed and signed off on these very transactions. The New York Times come under fire for giving a lucky opinion writer, an article alleging rowdy behavior on the part of judge Brett Kavanaugh and college. She had previously tweeted that he is a threat to democracy and society. The times reportedly said in retrospect the editor should have used a News Reporter for that assignment but to be clear this story is straightforward, fact based we stand behind it. Twitter is defending the professor tweeted about castrating senators with support of Brett Kavanaugh. Data set, american top diplomat american pompeo will be meeting with kim jong un even though critics have warned that he will has not taken any meaningful steps. What about china and russia . What role are they playing . A Trump Administration efforts. Daniel ways and live, after the break. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement he honking when your craving strikes, you need your wing nut. no one can totally satisfy a craving, quite like your wing nut. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during sleep numbers fall sale. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. And now, during sleep numbers fall sale, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Plus, 24month financing on all beds. 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Shannon also expected to discuss a second summit between him and President Trump and he will also visit japan, south korea and japan. Lets bring in a former cia station chief, great to have you with us. Okay, north koreas foreign minister is talking about potentially getting together pete on saturday, without any trust in the u. S. There will be no confidence in our National Security and under such circumstances there is no way we will unilaterally disarm ourselves. Okay, how do we make progress . President trump has presented secretary pompeo with the ultimate part of the deal, the diplomatic challenge. Kim jong un is a ruthless dictator and he wants to have maximum concessions, that was what the statement was about will giving up as little as possible on denuclearization because his Regime Security relies on those nuclear weapons. Shannon how tough are russia and try not making this process for the Trump Administration because obviously they have voted for tough sanctions of the u. N. It doesnt appear they are actually enforcing them . No, we lack a united front. I would add south korea to that mix. South korea is also interested in economic relationships with north korea. They not particularly helpful right now. China has about 90 of north koreas trade and they are just not using that leverage to induce kim jong un to negotiating table. Russia has openly stated that they favor reducing or eliminated to make eliminating sanctions. Both russia and china dont have her interest at heart, theyre like to reduce or illuminate our military president s the peninsula. Shannon he wants me with them as well . I think it was very talent that he met before the singapore summits. He has a summit coming up in december with president moon of south korea. Shannon the point of china which was involved in a lot of these Foreign Policy issues that we are working through, we know the Vice President is scheduled to make a big speech on thursday. Theres been a lot of back and forth with election meddling, heres what avril said. We have a five year plan and we are doing high fives come we figured out. In beijing they are sitting and thinking, which is a 200 year future of china . Shannon had we feel . China is the number one strategic threat i think to our National Security. They are very bold, both economically and militarily. Its bite of his pronouncement to the rose garden into an thousand 15 with president obama, china has proceeded to militarize. They have a military base in djibouti, they have massive espionage operations. They are stealing our intellectual property. We need is what the president has done, does not about trade. When he talks about chinas interference in our election he was expanding the dialogue. We need to do that with all of government, the whole of government. We deal with china, china doesnt want us to contain them but that is kind of that we need to do. Shannon any thoughts or ideas . I am looking forward to that. I am thinking that is exactly what we need, we need the commanders and tents. The Vice President will be speaking on behalf of him when he gives his speech. I think the world especially china will be listening. Shannon good to have you. That story tops tonight, where in the world . We are told that food, water and fuel and medicine have yet to reach hearted areas outside of the capital. One man said that he hasnt eaten in three days. He is not alone. Many roads and the earthquakes on are blocked, communication lines are down, dazed after a magnitude 7. 5 earthquake. The official death toll is over 1200, there are scores of unaccounted bodies and collapsed buildings as well. To italy now, the mayor of a small town in the south facing house arrest. He has allegedly been Holding Illegal immigrants as well as facilitating marriages to help female migrants day. The kremlin and build the 2019 vladimir putman calendar. He is always in season, shirtless with a fish come hugging a leopard and so on. Now moscow climbs the calendar is selling off the shelves, especially in the west. This weeks solo trip to the first lady giving her a chance to shine, claudia trump has her first trip in africa. Well take you there live after the break. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. Minutes can mean the difference between life and death. Y proposition 11 saves lives by ensuring medical care is not delayed in an emergency. Proposition 11 establishes into law the longstanding industry practice of paying emts and paramedics to remain oncall during breaks and requires they receive fema level training in active shooters and natural disasters. Vote yes on 11 to ensure 911 Emergency Care is there when you or your love one need it. Shannon with a wave and a smile and a baby in her arms, the first lady opened her First International solo trip and africa. The tour is set to focus on child wellbeing. What this we could mean for the first lady. The first lady diplomacy, melania trumpeter and the firsf ghana. She passes that teddy bears and blankets, written on them, be best. The first ladys initiative encouraging wellness, respective children. This is mrs. Trumps First International trip without the president and she has chosen africa. Each of us hails from a country with its own unique challenges but i know in my heart we are united by our commitment to raising the next generation to be happy, healthy and morally responsible adults. The historian writes this trip the minds or passion, this has been very important to other first ladies like pat nixon, nancy reagan and laura bush in the past. The first lady says nation has also been criticism against her husband and his administration. Earlier this year the president reportedly disparaged african and Central American countries. Drawing protests from diplomats. Im so proud of the world and what were doing three u. S. Aid. People of the turbo administration has also proposed substantial cuts usaid and assistance. The u. S. Government also is to take a look at where to spending its resources and the best use of taxpayer dollars. The continent of africa is one that is extremely important to this and administration. To the u. S. Government and i think that that is evident in the fact that the first lady is making her first solo foreign trip to the african continent. From, her trip continues this week, to kenya, egypt where she is expected to visit schools, hospitals and shelters. Shannon thank you very much. I midnight hero just gave his life for others, 28yearold, and air Traffic Controller may save the life of a hundred and 47 people as the 7. 5 magnitude earthquake is hitting indonesia. A large wave coming in the coastline. We saw that in the distance. He told his pilot to take off early so as the plane was attempting to leave the aircraft control decided it needed to stay there to guide the plane rather than to run for cover so the plane barely made its airborne before the disaster rolled in, everyone on that plane was safe but he died. We salute him for being so selfless and emits a very frightening moment and a tragic results. Most grateful we you spent your evening with us. Good night from washington, i am shannon bream. 44, 45, 46. How many of these did they order . Ooh, thats hot. You know, we could sell these. Nah. We dont bake. Opportunity. What we deliver by delivering. Janice, mom told me you bought a house. Okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. 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Well have more on that and what it means because it is revealing

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