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President s response to Hurricane Maria and unsung success, might surprise you. Florence just downgraded to a still powerful category 2 hurricane. And leland is on the ground. The winds are down in the 110115 range but that doesnt make this storm any less dangerous especially for the storm surge. The area i seeing will certainly be underwater. This is a list of hurricanes they survived since 1996. They have been here since 1951, they have boarded up and taken all the merchandise out of the store but florence is different, the only thing to do is pray. The reason to shop is still here is it was blessed by the priest in 1951. Reporter the final sunrise before florence, captain wade is going to lose somewhere between two and three weeks of charter fishing. He can survive it. A bigger question for guys like this, the shrimp boat heading into drydock, florence not only has the ability to destroy the homes but all these fishing grounds, meaning he may lose his house and his ability to make a living. Everybody sticking together very well and helping each other out. Reporter you are going to need it. Reporter they havent seen a storm this strong in two decades. Even the Police Department is getting boarded. The Fire Department next door in Atlantic Beach is staging all their equipment. They will have to leave themselves before they can come back and try to rescue those who stayed. The apparatus cannot respond, risk the lives of our personnel. Reporter this is the last of the hurricane party, first time this bar is closed for a storm other than mandatory curfew. A big deal if you are closed. We are open 365 days a year from 10 00 until 2 00 every day but this is a huge deal. This is the third hurricane you have written out. This is the fourth one. Irene, sandy up in new york, matthew arriving in North Carolina and now florence. Reporter folks deciding to ride this out have 12 hours or so to leave. The surf has started to come up, the winds of started to come over the bridges at 150 miles an hour, evacuations farther south, the storm has started to turn to the left. They have a little longer to heed those evacuation warnings. Shannon we will honor some midnight heros a little earlier. The cajun navy, the texas captain of the cajun navy, he had hundreds of volunteers are making the trip to the carolinas, they will prepare for florence to make landfall. Another hundred gallons of fuel, the first 7 days is usually search and rescue. The last two it all depends on the storm. They 7 today 10. Many groups heading across the country, a Jewish Relief Organization is going to check in from burnsville, minnesota packing up to rebuild homes. Is big. Generators, gas cans, power tools to pumps that pump out on the east coast. Shannon orlando answer on the areas, First Responders stocking emergency vehicles with extra pillows, blankets, bandages, oxygen and other critical medical supplies, awaiting the call like many fellow americans, heading to the carolinas in this time of need. From the local response, claims that fema gave a bunch of money to ice. One democratic lawmaker, and good evening, kristin. The hurricane hasnt hit but fema is under fire, Democratic Senators accusing the Trump Administration of diverging 10 million in funds away from fema and to ice, immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency Responsible for influencing the president s 0tolerance policy at the border and it is likely no coincidence these accusations are coming out hours before the first big hurricane of the year hits. This is going to be one of the biggest ones to ever hit our country. Reporter the remote expense for Hurricane Florence but jeff merkley says the president shortchanged federal Recovery Efforts weeks ago just as Hurricane Season was starting. An evil partnership in which the funds are being taken away from preparation. After we knew the impact of the three massive hurricanes from last year and the money is directed towards a program that comes from a dark place in the heart of the administration. The development of Homeland Security says under no circumstances with any Disaster Relief transferred from fema to Immigration Enforcement efforts. Femas administrator is accusing the senator of playing politics. That money has nothing to do with what you see behind us, it does not pay for the response, does not come from the Disaster Relief fund fema was poorly prepared for Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and criticized after sandy in 2012. Last september it wasnt ready for Hurricane Maria to hit puerto rico according to the after action report but there are signs that this you could be different. People and listening, evacuating. They are moving tractortrailers full of people, there is urban search and rescue team meeting in. They are ready for the storm. First responders, Law Enforcement and fema are getting tremendous accolades from politicians and the people. We are ready. Reporter no matter how ready the federal government is theres only so much they can do for a storm this big. The Washington Post running an editorial declaring donald trump complicit with the storm because of his administrations regulatory policies on things like fossil fuels, quote, the president has cemented the gop legacy as one of reaction and reality denial. Sadly few in his party appear to care. Lindsay graham is a republican from South Carolina, welcome. Do you feel the president and the feds are giving you everything they can . He called at 5 00 and said do you have everything you need . Anything we are not doing for South Carolina he would like me to do . He told tim scott and the governor, im pleased with the Trump Administrations response to the impending hurricane. What im worried about his people being responsible for themselves. The government can only do so much. If you dont leave in the next 24 hours you are going to get caught with no power. If you get hurt no one will help you so leave the areas in question. I worried people misunderstand what is about to happen. Hugo. Estate away, strong winds. Matthew a couple years ago soaked the state. This is a 1two punch. You are going to have torrential rain and category 3 winds and it could stay around for a couple days. There is no place in South Carolina or North Carolina for water to go. We are waterlogged. Im worried about flooding and wind damage and if you dont leave now you could be trapped for weeks before anybody can get you. The Administration Made a real show up saying we are ready. Fema is ready, we are ready for state partners and local partners, and the response to what happened in the carolinas and georgia, this impact, is going to be so much better than what happened with maria in puerto rico hinting this president cares more about americans on the continental 48 states and the people of for rico. This is what Rush Limbaugh had to say about that today. Trump is more out of touch than bush was during katrina and Hurricane Florence hasnt even hit. There is almost like demonic possession that is come over these people. , president when. Of this is a good response there will be the comparison to last year. He is going to win with the people of South Carolina, North Carolina and georgia if he keeps doing what he is doing leaders to puerto rico it is an island nation, a very tragic things that happened. I have to focus on what is coming. The president is in the here and now, he is president of the united states. He called myself, governor tim scott. I cant think of anything that he has not offered that i wish he would offer. That is all i can say, to the people of South Carolina the president is on this, the National Emergency center in dc tomorrow to get an update, i will be home later in the day and we are as prepared as i know how to be but i want to stress this, you can do something about your own fate here. In the areas in question along the coast please leave. You are on the Senate Judiciary committee, questioning hearings for Brett Kavanaugh. In the next week or so that he will get around to voting but they he answered 1000 followup questions the primarily democrats had but tonight we are also hearing senator collins, a key gop vote in this says she has more questions, she wants to meet with him again. What do you think it is at this point . It is good. He couldnt have done a better job. The criticism against them is mostly manufactured. If you dont want to vote for conservative republican nominee just be honest about it. They are accusing him of things he did not do. He never talked to a lawyer in a 3person law firm about the mueller case, he had no idea he wasnt in on that. Miranda says he didnt, he accessed documents that were there for the taking and it might not have been the best way to deal with it. Here is the question. Nobody has said that Brett Kavanaugh knew anything about it. I want to read something from the New York Times talking about threats coming against senator collins and staff, a spokeswoman for ms. Collins provided the New York Times with copies of the letter and multiple voicemail messages addressed to the senator using folder language that we cant repeat on the air and outright threats. 25yearold female staff member at one of ms. Collinss main offices that he hoped she would be raped and impregnated. Where are we . How did we get to this point with this nomination . People crawling out from under rocks. Susan collins is a good thoughtful senator. She voted for senator alana kagan, i hope she does the same for Brett Kavanaugh. He is the best mind of this generation on the conservative side. The American Bar Association rated him wellqualified, the highest rated for integrity and competency and character, they dont have an act to grind. Notably was he mainstream but probably the brightest person of his generation on the conservative side. Do you meet with emergency folks tomorrow and had to South Carolina, all our best to the folks there and we will be updating you in washington. The people in North Carolina, no place for the water to go. I worry about the flooding more than anything else. Hopefully folks will heed all the warnings and be away from that area. We wish you the best. We will have much more on florence but first former secretary of state John Kerry Admits to meeting with top iranian officials in an effort to salvage the Iran Nuclear Deal in conflict with the current administrations decision to walk away from it and a damning report against bashar assad and his syrian regime, the Us Ambassador is not mincing words tonight. We warned you not to use chemical weapons, twice you have used in twice donald trump has acted. Dont test us again. Check canas here to weigh in on foreignpolicy right after the break. Your hair is so soft did you use head and shoulders two in one . I did mom. Wanna try it . Yes. It intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. Manolo . Look at my soft hair. I should be in the shot now too. Try head and shoulders two in one. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. 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Lets talk about it with retired 4star general and fox news senior strategic analyst general jack keane. This is the world you run in, it is common as the former secretary says for him to keep meeting with foreign leaders especially on issues of importance . Nothing wrong with meeting with foreign leaders. All former government officials do that but that is not what is happening here. What is reported is secretary carrie is not just criticizing the current us policy but undermining that policy with a foreign power. Not just a foreign power but an enemy of the united states, they have been killing us with their proxies so i never heard of anything like it. I think it is atrocious behavior. I think it qualifies an alltime new low for Us Government official in their behavior when they are out of office. This is what he says about the rest of the world and what hes hearing about how they view donald trump. I think everybody in the world is talking about waiting out donald trump. You have our allies, for people we worked with the closest over the years saying what is next . Waiting out the current administration. That sounds right to you . Sounds like something john kerry would say. I traveled to europe, the middle east, far east, southeast asia, and trump doesnt get perfect marks to be sure but gets better marks than his predecessor got. Why is that . Because he is standing up to aggression and malign behavior. Taking on russia in a consequential way. It pleases our allies in the far east and southeast asia. He is challenging radical islam and trying to get people to Work Together to undermine that ideology. He gets pretty decent marks. Iran is involved in proxy situations. One of their top officials, we want to contrast with nikki haley and what she has to say. He is on the losers side because of the logic of power and things he can continue for some time but i dont think he would benefit. Iran is feeling the pain and we are suffocating them, they have to address their support and terrorism. Shannon how is this playing out in the decision to walk away from these deals . Pretty positively, the noose is tightening around irans because we applied sanctions again, a lot more coming in november when the energy and Oil Sanctions kick in. Their economy is struggling, currency in freefall, inflation spiraling and food shortages, Power Outages are more the norm. Theres a struggling parliament, they gave almost a no vote of confidence to president rouhani. There are serious issues in iran and the pressure will get greater. It is possible iranians will pick up the phone and call and say lets talk about this. In other words what donald trump has said all along, we got a lousy deal, kill it and replace it with a better one. He may get a better deal as a result of the pressure. Heather got the north koreans to the table. Thank you. Harvey weinsteins accuser speaking out again, accusing the disgraced hollywood mogul of rape and she has a video she is taking public. Democrats submit 1000 followup questions for Brett Kavanaugh including if he has a gambling problem. His answers are justin, all 263 pages. Brandnew fox paul shedding light on Critical Senate races as we inch closer to the midterm elections, are the senate and house in play . Andrew mccarthy joins us live next. We have new stzrok page texts we have about leaking . What does he think . Flintstones meet the flintstones. Theyre the modern stone age family. From the town of bedrock. Meet george jetson. His boy elroy. With instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. Electric cars are here. Plug into the present. And as if that wasnt badur brand new enough, totals it. Now your insurance wont replace it outright because of depreciation. If your insurance wont replace your car, what good is it . 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[ loesch ] so do something good for your heart, your circulation, your Blood Pressure, and your energy. Youll love superbeets or your money back. [ male announcer ] call now and find out how to get a free canister with your first order. Plus free indicator strips that show how its working. And shipping is free, too. [ loesch ] this superbeets offer isnt available in stores. So call or go online right now. [ male announcer ] superbeets from humann. Order your superbeets today. Call. Or visit. Fox news alert cbs firing 60 minutess chief saying his firing is not directly related to reports he groped women and tolerated an abusive work place. He says they terminated my contract early because i sent a text message to one of our reporters demanding she be fair in covering the story. On the cbs evening news the network says he told a reporter, quote, there are people who lost their jobs trying to harm the. He is the third major figure it cbs to lose his job in the past year over misconduct allegations following charlie rose and ceo les moonves. Harvey weinstein is being sued, the victim is going public with a video, alleging he propositioned her hours before the alleged rate. Listen to her recount these moments. He was still touching me on the shoulder. How do i get myself here . I lost my train of thought, trying to gain back my own mental footing. At some point his whole effects changed and he looks like a predator. His eyes became dark. Reporter houston charged with assaulting 3 women and is pending trial. Senate judiciary democrats, written follow questions for Brett Kavanaugh and more than 1000 of them. That is a record for any nominee. Trace gallagher looking at what senators want to know and what the judge had to say. Despite Brett Kavanaugh answering 32 hours of questions before the Senate Judiciary committee it appears Committee Members are curious because they submitted an additional 1287 questions in writing, the most ever by a mile. Nest year neil gorsuch got 324 questions in writing, Clarence Thomas got 18. Of the 1287 written questions, 1278 were from democrats including Sheldon Whitehouse wanting to know if Brett Kavanaugh as a gambling problem. s 2016 Financial Disclosure showed more debt than positive investment in the white house attributed that to him buying baseball tickets for friends who have not reimbursed him. Senator white house went to the names of the friends and more detail. Brett cavanagh responded he buys season tickets every year for the washington nationals, dividing the tickets between old friends and they pay him back, face value, no more no less. The onslaught of questions prompted Chuck Grassley to release a statement reading, quote, submitting this many written questions appear to be just one more effort to gum up the process. It is unnecessary and dilatory especially when many already decided to vote against brett cavanagh. What more do they need to know to vote no . The white house released a statement calling the process the most comprehensive, thorough and transparent review of any nomination for the Supreme Court in us history. Senator cory booker released more Committee Confidential documents about Brett Kavanaughs time in the george w. Bush white house and conservative Group Judicial watch filed a complaint to the Senate Ethics committee saying booker violated senate rules and could be expelled, pressure is rising for undecided senators like Sonia Collins to vote no on Brett Kavanaugh which claims to have received 3000 coat hangers warning about selfinduced methods of abortion women may resort to if roe versus wade is overturned. Collins has got many angry voicemails like this. Vote no on Brett Kavanaugh. Dont be dumb. There were lots more bleeps on top of those. Collins said she is still undecided and going for documents and has a few more questions for Brett Kavanaugh. Thank you very much. Hoping to use Brett Kavanaugh for political leverage as we march toward the midterm elections and tonight brandnew fox news polls shed light on the potential to change the balance of power in the senate. By the numbers with senior capitol hill producer. Republicans were supposed to have an easier path to the majority but there two big opportunities for democrats in some states where it is close for republicans. Lets start with arizona. Perhaps the second best place for democratic pickup. Jeff flake is retiring. The battle between two house members, kristin cinema and martha mcnally. Cinema is leading 47 44 right on the margin of error. This could be the year of the woman. The senate performs better with female voters by 15 points. The most of. Issue is healthcare. Keep in mind the late republican senator john mccain killed the republican healthcare bill last year. A potential republican pickup, north dakota, democrat Heidi Heitkamp wasnt supposed to win in 2012. She did. The statewide congressman kevin kramer is leading her by for points. The president was just there. Kramer initially said no to the race for the president lured him in because they needed a topflight recruit. Another possible gop pickup missouri. So far claire mccaskill, visiting democrat is edging ahead of josh holly yet of democrats are going to win the senate they need to hold their own seats but there are so many democratic seats in play on republican turf. Another possible republican flip, the hoosier state, donald Trump Campaigned for mike braun who is just ahead of joe donnelly by two Percentage Points but 32 of voters said they could change their mind in this contest. Both mccaskill and donnelly won the election in 2012 because republicans felt they damaged candidates. A place that shouldnt be in play but is is tennessee, democrats have an outside shot at winning the senate. The former governor is striking marsha blackburn. Donald trumps Approval Rating in the state is a staggering 58 . That makes this a challenge for democrats. Thank you so much. Fox news exclusive. More Text Messages between peter stzrok and lisa page revealing others were leaking like mad. The exchange from 2016 indicates other government officials were leaking about the russia probe a month after the president ial election. One text said leaking like a mad, scorn and worried politicals kicking into overdrive, two former fbi agent someone who work directly with stzrok said the word sisters refers to the cia. We dont know. Alleged media leaks strategy to is trove of new Brett Kavanaugh document, much to discuss, chief assistant us attorney andrew mccarthy. Welcome to fox news at night. I want to start with these textss because this is a period where all this has been going on for months, the president has won the election, yet to be sworn in yet. What do you make of these conversations and possibility these folks are considering they may have to explain this at some point . It is very important that you put the conversations in context. In december 2016, the investigation of the president. If you look carter page affidavits and applications for the fisa warrants, we believe carter page and perhaps other members of the trump Code Campaign are coordinating with russia in cyberespionage operations so for months by the time you get to december they have taken the position and this includes going to the fisa court in october, they have taken the position and said the Trump Campaign is in cahoots with the kremlin in connection with operations against the election. We can talk about whether they had a good faith basis to believe that are adequate basis, the point is they did believe in and took a hard position that it was true. At the time they took that position they felt very safe and taking it because they were operating in counterintelligence which meant everything was going to be classified but more importantly Hillary Clinton was a shoe in. She was going to win the election. There was never going to be a question ever asked and when trump won the election suddenly they realized this guy is going to be in power and going to be in a position not only to know everything we have done but to put it out there and in these texts i hope people have given some thought to what we did and how they are going to explain themselves and im quite confident that is what he is talking about. They the president will or should be declassify this material . Will it happen . I do think it will happen and should happen. Obviously important to protect National Defense secrets and intelligence methods. We got intelligence information from foreign evidence, we have to honor that but from my scrutiny of this application, most of the stuff they gave the fisa court, in the first carter page applications, is the steel dossier, basically there are two parts of it, the steel dossier and when the russians tried to recruit page in 2013, an investigation in which he actually cooperated with the fbi and justice department. Everybody says there are mounds of stuff for that have been rejected. If you look closely at these the way you read these applications, the paragraphs actually match up with statute and very little has to do with the problems. Folks in washington and well beyond would like to see more of that. Good to see you tonight. Thanks. Back to tracking Hurricane Florence, the fox news extreme Weather Center, 10 Million People in the crosshairs of this catastrophic storm. I think it is going to be bad. We are leaving town, me and my family. Is as we finish up we are out. Story politics, many critics of the president jumping on his claim that relief efforts for Hurricane Maria in puerto rico were a success. Live in studio with me the Lieutenant Governor puerto rico. I will ask what he thinks next. Maybe not. Maybe you can trust that during your fantasy draft, the computer wont autodraft a kicker in the 7th round. Or. You could just trust duracell. Who would have guessed . An Energy Company helping cars emit less. Making cars lighter, its a good place to start, advanced oils for those hardworking parts. Fuels that go further so drivers pump less. Improving efficiency is what we do best. Energy lives here. Could help them save money on Car Insurance . Yea,that and homeowners, renters, motorcycle and boat insurance. Huh. Thats nice. What happens when you catch a fish . Gecko whoa. Geico. More than just Car Insurance. See how much you could save at geico. Com. 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Number 1 sleep doctor recommended remfresh your nightly sleep companion. Available in the Natural Sleep section at walmart. More than 10 Million People now on the potential track of a wellformed powerful hurricane you know as florence was the answer to your the past spring worry over a widening stretch of the east coast and we have some updates from the extreme Weather Center with the latest. Reporter this is been a tough storm to forecast a lot of ways but there are three things that are really dangerous in a storm, one is the strong winds, when is the storm surge and the other one is inland flooding, 75 of fatalities that happen in typical tropical systems come from the storm surge and the flooding. That is the biggest danger. The wind has come down to a category 2 storm which is big news in some ways. The wind is a little bit weaker. That said there is still some big uncertainties. The storm is still going to go over the gulfstream and that is deeper level warm water so it is a bigger pool of water it has to strengthen but it is running out of time to strengthen. It has we can throughout the day across the southern side. That is good news for the maximum sustained wind. The bad part of the wind field has expanded outward Hurricane Force windss extend 140 miles from the center, Tropical Storm force windss 400 miles from the center. Because of that they made no adjustments in the storm surge potential. Still thinking 9 to 13 feet at its worst point. The big problem is were looking at a Long Duration event with winds pulling on sure, the storm surge piling on and incredible rainfall totals. Some spots isolated as high as 40 inches of rain. We will probably see a foot as you go into interior sections around the mountains. All that water will want to go someplace and it will have a hard time. One good thing. Right now the thinking is it maybe moves on sure tomorrow evening and if it does that will lose its chance to maintain strength but hard to say with the storm, we know we have surge and rain and wind, probably the biggest obstacle we dont know yet. We know the team is working aroundtheclock, thank you very much. As he prepares reforms donald from doubling down on his claim his administrations response to Hurricane Maria in puerto rico was a success despite thousands of people dying in the month following the disaster. Lets bring in the Lieutenant Governor and secretary of state of puerto rico, thank you for joining us in studio. Great to be here. Our prayers with all of those brothers and sisters getting ready for the land all of this monster storm and especially First Responders many of whom were in puerto rico a few months ago. You told me they came to your aid. I want to play what the president had to say about what happened with maria and get your reaction. It was one of the best jobs but has ever been done with respect to what this is all about. The problem puerto rico is their electric grid and electric generating plants was dead before the storm ever hit. Theres been a lot made of what he had to say. What do you make of this federal response . Even before maria made landfall we had a federal presence of different agencies like dod, dhs, irma was our first hit. For the last year we had federal agencies shoulder to shoulder with puerto rico making sure we can recover. We cannot forget the days after the storm the president and Vice President mike pence were on the same week with many agency heads making sure puerto rico could recover. I can attest the largest Natural Disaster in the nations history certainly. There is a lot of work moving forward to recover and we just filed with the federal government our action plan so the relocation of thousands of families that deserve dignified housing. We have a lot of work and we are seeking support from federal agencies. Certainly some of the local leaders like the mayor of san juan that has been expressing we have a little of what she had to say so we will play that but you respond, this is the mayor of san juan. The president is all about political posturing, all about how good he is going to look and i hope for everybody at stake and north and South Carolina that fema has learned their lesson and the president learned their lesson. Is there a problem of coordination between the federal government and some of the state and local leaders . Is that part of the breakdown . There were Lessons Learned in this process, talking about a major event whereby we lost all telecommunications. Radars were lost, our ports were closed by the coast guard for safety reasons. Communications were an issue. Nevertheless we had all the support regarding alternative methods, cb radios, nontraditional ways we had to innovate in order to recover. Certainly there were Lessons Learned. There is bureaucracy and that is our governor is battling against bureaucracy and red tape. I was in a congress and all hearing with fema administrator brock long and he recognized fema has bureaucratic red tape which somehow doesnt allow proper response. Response from the local government and certainly there were Lessons Learned and that is part of the process. When i was doing some research to talk with you i found a video of you online. My spanish is not great but enough for me to find, going through supplies, food and water and things that had never gotten to people. It looked like they had been discarded from what i could interpret in my terrible spanish. What was that about . We need to make sure we delivered the food and water and do it in a timely manner and sometimes it is up to local governments to do that. I remember reading rick scott from florida, a champion to puerto rico helping in the recovery and he was giving me guidance and advice, how to use volunteers to deliver. In this case there was a major supply, talking about food rations, water, one of our local leaders just left. Shannon thank you for checking in with us tonight. More on florence next. So, i have this recurring dream. Im 85 years old in a job where i have to wear a giant hot dog suit. What . Wheres that coming from . I dont know. I started my 401k early, i diversified. Im not a big spender. Sounds like youre doing a lot. But i still feel like im not gonna have enough for retirement. Like theres Something Else i should be doing. With the right conversation, you might find youre doing okay. So, no hot dog suit . Not unless you want to. No. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today with td ameritrade®. A recap on Hurricane Florence she has been downgraded to a category 2 but is still considered a dangerous and lifethreatening storm. You see the latest on the track, florence is 280 miles east southeast of wilmington, North Carolina, maximum sustained winds have dropped to 110 miles an hour but the National Hurricane center says the hurricane is expected to bring lifethreatening storm surge and rainfall to the carolinas as it approaches the coast tomorrow evening. There are mandatory evacuations across the region come millions in the past for your cautioned to take the warnings seriously. We will have extended coverage beyond midnight as we track the storm. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington. I am shannon bream. Im ken jacobus, im the owner of good start packaging. We distribute environmentallyfriendly packaging for restaurants. And weve grown substantially. So i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Thats right, 36,000. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. My unlimited 2 cash back is more than just a perk, its our healthcare. Can i say it . Whats in your wallet . Thursday, september 13th, this is fox and friends first, happening right now a fox news alert, the calm before the storm, Hurricane Florence downgraded to category 2 but the threat is still very real with more than 10 Million People now in the crosshairs. Pforzheim cancer survivor, 4 times in remission. He is going to bring me through the hurricane. We are tracking this monster storms a brandnew path just hours ahead of landfall. Leaking like mad. Fox news exclusives caving new

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