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A recap of the days headlines and a look at whats in store for tomorrow. But i had said earlier today that if its 2 or less, republicans are going to be talking in a back room and theyre worried. Byron said theyre worried. They know this is a tough midterm coming up, and i agree with him. And it absolutely is for the president in power. Theres no question about that. Very few acceptation. As we wait to see balderson take the stage, i want to ask you quickly, todd, about this, the rnc said it would have made a big difference to have a president on the ballot. They say the special elections are different. Heres rnc chair. I think these special elections are called special elections for a reason. Theres only two candidates on the ballot. Turnout is a huge issue in august in ohio, the week before school starts. Turning out that vote is going to be critical. And i will tell you, President Trump would win this district today and he would win it in november. What do you think, todd . This is another case of President Trump pulling a republican candidate out of the fire. The president won this race for mr. Balderson, no doubt about that. Look, there is an issue though. Theres been a lot of concern about this enthusiasm gap. And weve seen the polling on that. The lrepublicans need to understand its not a given theyll keep those numbers moving into the midterm elections. Democrats have real trouble on their hands. I imagine ocasiocortez is going to be crying into her pillow tonight. Oconnor ran not as a progressive, a socialist. Thats a big problem for the democrats. Its interesting he did because he ran as somebody who was much more to the center. Troy balderson now the gop nominee and presumed front runner at this point, is getting ready to take to the mic there in ohio 12 district where the knocking, all of it. Its been phenomenal and its a great honor for me. I would like to thank President Trump. [cheers applause] mr. President coming to town. I would also like to take the time to thank Vice President pence for coming. [applause] and the big shoes that ill be filling. I wouldnt have got through a lot without him through this process. Congressman pat teaberry. [applause] i would also like to take this opportunity and time to also thank chairman steve who has been a great asset to me and has been helping me all through this process. Chairman, thank you. Theres many others. I could just keep going on and on. But tonight im going to promise to you that im going to work relentless relentlessly, relentlessly for this 12th congressional district. [cheers applause] america is on the right path and were going to keep it going that way. [cheers applause] its time to get to work. Over the next three months, im going to do everything i can to keep America Great again, so that when we when we come back here in november get ready. Weve got to come back here in november. [cheers applause] i have earned your vote for a second time. Danny oconnor ran a hard race. And i look forward to campaigning against him again this fall. Thank you all so much for all your support. God bless you and god bless america. [cheers applause] you can see the enthusiasm there. It appears it has been a squeaker of a win. Still too close to call. Were told theres some provisional ballots that need to come in. Hes claiming victory, though. Hey, ed. Shannon, good to see you. The rnc has just put out a statement basically declaring victory. The Republican National committee saying, this is proof that the socalled blue wave is just a ripple. They need to make sure that everything is counted and theyve got all the provisional ballots. In terms of the ballots 100 in, balderson, the republican you just saw, is winning by 1,754 votes. That is a wider margin than we had seen just an hour or so ago. At one point these two candidates, danny oconnor, the democrat, and Troy Balderson the republican, were separated by 155 votes. So a 1754vote lead is sort of massive for balderson right now in the context of how close this race is. One quick note that hasnt been noted a lot tonight. The green party got 1,127 votes. So not enough to tip the ballots, but without the Green Party Candidates and those votes on the left, the democrat candidate oconnor would have been even closer. So there might be some frustration on the democratic side as well when you talk about socialists and others pulling the party to the left. The Green Party Candidate ended up making this kind of more interesting. Without the green party candidate, this would have been even, even tighter, shannon. And it may have even put it within the mandatory recount margin, which is. 5. If its inside the margin, the state pays for it. But outside of that, the loser would have to pay. Unless it turns out they win, then their money is refunded. By our calculation, that puts balderson the republican up by. 9 Percentage Points. So it would be a bigger margin than the smaller. 5 percentage of points, meaning that if the Green Party Candidate had not been in here, this likely would have been within the. 5 percentage needing a recount. Right now, barring whatever votes we have, well see what else happens. Right now its outside of that threshold and the republican is leading and likely to win. Whats the lesson tonight for republicans . Work really hard. If President Trump is popular in your district, see if you can get him to come campaign for you. He said hes going to be doing it pretty much 24 7, as we head toward the midterm elections. But for more republicans who are in the suburban areas, areas that are really close. Maybe, Hillary Clinton won by a little bit. Those are very difficult Balancing Acts to work with the president , support the president and kind of distant yourself in other ways. Its a tough act to pull off. I quickly want to ask you, the author of this new book, and you talk about the resistance and the left and the frustration and anger. Those folks showed up tonight, i have a feeling, in a big way. There is an enthusiasm. Make no mistake about it. This is an august election. A lot of people showed up. I think donald trump made the difference coming in in the last minute. But he cant be everywhere. He plans on campaigning five to six days a week, but he still cant be everywhere all the time. Candidates are going to have to find a reason to inspire voters on their own, not just through President Trump. There is a Silver Lining for republicans tonight. Three candidates endorsed by ocasiocortez and sanders all lost their primaries. So the wins might be coming a little bit out of the sails of the Democratic Socialist Movement at the time. Yeah, leslie, what do you make of that, because shes been heralded as such a rising star. Theyve been saying dont pin all your hopes on her. The entire party is not going to work going that far left, just like President Trump is not going to work in all districts. Absolutely. I said before, what works in the bronx isnt going to work in certain areas like ohios 12th district, for example. Thats why you see candidates like this. And you have to. And you see that on the right as well. There are people that are more moderate, people that are more evangelical in the Republican Party. Im not surprised that some of these far leftleaning socialists are working in some of these flyover states, if you will, and arent more successful. Just when you look at the demographics, they do work better in a more Diverse Community like the bronx. Also millennials. In a state like i am in in california, those two will play much better. Were going to check in on other states as well. I think the lesson here is for the establishment republican to get on board, stop trying to sabotage President Trump. He is the president. Its time to get on board. As far as these democrats go and the socialists, you had ocasiocortez and Bernie Sanders out in kansas. You would have a better shot of converting them to vegetarianism out there than socialism. Its just not going to work. Well try to give you upd e updates on those other states as well. Thank you very much. Stick around. There are other primaries tonight. Kansas and others. The president did endorse controversial secretary of state. Were going to touch on those. Lets check in with dan. Good evening, dan. Yeah, good evening, shannon. It could be a long night here in topeka. The race for the republican nomination for governor has been very close all night long. That late endorsement from President Trump could be an important factor. Lets go to the latest numbers we have. We have the governor at 40. 8 , with about 1,000 votes separating them. He was trailing by as much as 5 . All of those votes cast before the trump endorsement. When those votes started coming in, he surged ahead for a short time there. He is trailing by about 1,000 votes. Hes extremely antiillegal immigrati immigration. Hes made some wild unsubstantiated claims about voters voting illegally. In the meantime, the governor right now its at a razorthin margin. The sitting governor has the lead. And of course well hear from the winner at some point tonight and well report back. Yeah, if we can figure out who it is tonight. Dan, well check back in with you. Thank you. Over now to michigan to check in on john james, a u. S. Army combat veteran who also got a president ial endorsement in his battle to unseat a democratic senator. Mike tobin is live. John james, who you just mentioned, an Iraq War Veteran and michigan businessman. As soon as the votes started being counted, it was clear he was running away with it. He now faces his biggest fight. Shes got a Comfortable Lead in the polls and more money. James wasted no time going after her, saying she has failed the people of michigan, that her time is up. She, he says, faces the fight of her life. She has turned her back on all of michigan. And whether youre talking about suburbs or rural or all of michigan, shes failed all of us. The Progressive Agenda pits whites against blacks, haves against the have notes. Left against right. We are all americans. And the president s pick on the republican side ran away with it as well. Shannon, back to you. Thank you very much. We will check back in on all of these races right after this break. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of My Favorite Things are you in good hands . Door Bell Rings its ohey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. 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Now hes submitting he also stole money from manafort and maybe even from the trump inaugural committee. Can they sway the jury in a damaged witness . And even when muellers prosecutors tried to bring the trump camp and the inaugural committee in the court today for the first time, it seemed to fizzle out. Gates admitted he had an extra marital affair. He insisted it was not used to pay for what was called his secret life. He also admitted to create fake invoices to try and cover up some of the shady transactions for manafort. After all these lies and the fraud you committed, you expect this jury to believe you. He said, yes, im here to tell the truth and take responsibility for my actions. He said he may have submitted improper expenses. He testified while he was working for that committee, he asked manafort to consider a nomination for a chicago banker who just so happened to give manafort a big loan as he faced a cash crunch. President ial advisor said theres still no evidence that the president did anything wrong. This is not a great case. Its not a tidy case. But i dont think either of these men did anything that could implicate the president. Now, i mentioned gates saying he submitted improper expenses. He did not go into more detail in that. Were getting more news too about the president s former attorney. Its about alleged bank fraud and tax evasion from before the campaign. Now theyre reporting that Michael Cohen is also being in the president tweeted last month that he was making up stories to get out of tax trouble that had nothing to do with the president. All right, ed. Thanks for doing double duty. All right. More Breaking News from Ohio District 12. Crashing a policemans wedding to senator Elizabeth Warren calling the Justice System racist. And texas leaving a multistate lawsuit to stop daca in its tracks. But first, he joins us live next. Napoleon is duping us all around louisiana. 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For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty it is all about Ohio District 12 tonight. So lets check in on that race. Troy balderson, the republican, with 50. 2 at this point. Danny oconnor, the democrat nominee, 49. 3 . Were told there could be provisional ballots. So a ways before this is anywhere near being certified. Lets check in be kristin fisher. He sounded pretty optimistic tonight. Is he claiming victory . Absolutely. If you ask any balderson supporters who won this race, theyll say balderson has won it outright. Technically, youre right. The associated press, which is what fox news goes by, technically has not called this race. But you heard balderson himself claim victory. And then President Trump went ahead on twitter shortly before balderson spoke and said, yes, Troy Balderson has won this race. And he took credit for it. President trump came here on saturday to rally his supporters around troy balanced balderson. If he had lost this race, it would have been just an epic upset for republicans heading into the midterms. Theyve held onto this seat for nearly four decades, but in the end, Troy Balderson it appears is going to be able to squeak out a win. This is really a sign that when the republican establishment and really the entire Republican Party comes together, they are able to hold back this blue wave that many are predicting heading into the midterms. You also had House Speaker paul ryan and republican governor all come here and back balderson. And they dont exactly see eye to eye or like each other all that much. So this is a sign that when Republican Party coalesces, theyre able to get a big win when they need it. If this formally becomes a win for the gop, these two will have to keep campaigning because theyre facing off again in the november election. Isnt that a wild thing . Its a threemonth term. And he even said that in his speech tonight. Balderson said, over the next three months im going to do everything i can to make America Great again. But, yeah, theyre going to have to face off again in november. Its pretty wild. Maybe back out to ohio as this kicks up again in the fall. Thank you very much. New tonight, democrat darling senator Elizabeth Warren is taking another step to the left and now appears to be attacking americas entire criminal Justice System. Hi, shannon. At the time Elizabeth Warren was participating in a q a session in new orleans. The massachusetts senator talked about what she says are disproportionate arrests of africanamericans for petty drug possession. Watch her. Its racism. [applause] i mean, front to back. Political analysts say warren is pressing for a potential president ial run and is trying to forge ties beyond her largely white Political Base in massachusetts. But the National Reviews call warren out for what he says are lies about the Justice System, quoting the contention that u. S. Law enforcement is a product of racial hatred is a paranoid line, from top to bottom, beginning to end, front to back. Also cited numbers, saying blacks also account for 50 of homicides and police are not just making up these crimes. Meantime, the republican running for her seat wants her to apologize for her comments, quoting again, words like this are polarizing and divisive without regard for how they sound for people who are tasked with criminals keeping us safe and administering justice. And amid this debate over race and justice, a group of black lives matter activists filmed themselves crashing the wedding of one of the Sacramento Police officers accused of fatally Shooting Clark back in march. I just wonder how youve been sleeping since march 18th. Clark was allegedly vandalizing cars when he was confronted by police who thought he was carrying a weapon. He was not. The shooting is under investigation and black lives matter has vowed to approach the accused officers where they are vulnerable. Up next weve got texas ag ken paxton on his challenge to daca. Plus iranian sanctions in place. Citizens protests, unrest, and anger, but the regime needs to stand its ground. Whats next . Stay with us. Who would have guessed . An Energy Company helping cars emit less. Making cars lighter, its a good place to start, advanced oils for those hardworking parts. Fuels that go further so drivers pump less. Improving efficiency is what we do best. Energy lives here. Improving efficiency is what we do best. I wok Harmonica Interrupts ld. And told people about geico. Harmonica Interrupts how they could save 15 or more by. Harmonica Interrupts . By just calling or going online to geico. Com. 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That is higher than the percent who crossed the border illegally in 2017. These will the facts being reported. A mother so desperate for a job in the u. S. That she turned her daughter to an alleged sexual predator. They were processed and released and expected to attend immigration in the future. Not only was she not related to pedro, but police say theres evidence she had been sexual assaulted. Hes facing multiple charges, including rape. Daca is in a state of legal limbo. Tomorrow, the Texas Attorney general will take a multistate case to a federal courtroom and a fight to try to end the obamaera program to grant amnesty. Paxton is here live tonight. Youre staying up late with us ahead of this big case tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me on. I want to read something from a federal judge who on friday night we reported here ruled against the administrations attempt to get rid of daca. He said, the court simply holds that if dhs wants to take more action, it must give a rational explanation for a decision. Theyre saying president obama didnt have the authority. A hodgepodge of illogical assumptions will not do. He says they havent done a good job of explaining why daca should go way. This is unconstitutional. President obama had no authority to change the law. He admitteded that he didnt have that authority. We had a similar case like this a couple of years ago that we took all the way to the Supreme Court and we won. This is an unconstitutional action by president obama and should be vacated and set aside. Aclu says this very simply. Daca is constitutional. Deal with it. Well, obviously we definitely are saying that it is unconstitutional. They need to set this aside. And something needs to be done, this definitely needs to be done by congress. Thats our argument. These are Policy Decisions that need to be vetted with all of our representatives. This needs to be a decision by the entire congress, not one person. Why do you think we have three federal judges who have said that daca must continue . Why three federal judges so far . And tomorrow youll argue to a fourth, have come down on that side . Well, were actually arguing different cases. I dont agree with their reasoning. It doesnt make sense that President Trump cannot undo an Executive Order done by a predecessor. Were not talking about President Trumps rescinsion of it. Were actually going back to an original order and arguing it was unconstitutional. If we can set that aside, none of these other decisions will matter because itll be gone. Okay. I want to read something the Communications Director of americas voice. He says this, as far as the Attorney General Sessions pushing back. He can claim hes up holding rule of law all he wants, but it works when it aligns with justice. But no one can convince the vast majority of americans that doing so is just. Just or legal . How does this decision get made . Look, if we start making exceptions and we start allowing a president to make law, then those exceptions will continue. To people want President Trump to make law . They distrusted power in the hands of one person. It is up to congress, not a federal judges, not any of these federal judges should have the authority though change the law, nor should president obama have the authority. This is about spreading power around and letting the peoples representatives make the decisions, not one decision. Are you asking for a nationwide injunction against daca if you win this case . Not initially. Were asking in that the whole order be set aside, so that it be viewed as null and void, that it no longer exists. We now have eight justices there and a 44 decision leaves nobody be any resolution. So well see. Keep us updated tomorrow. We will. And thanks for having us on. It is still too close to call in ohio. Weve got Breaking News. By the way, iran says its nowhere close on take President Trump on his offer. Weve got a new report. Plus the latest gut check from Ohio District 12. Stick around. By how long steak lobster is back at outback. Back by popular demand, steak lobster starting at 15. 99 and time. Is limited, so hurry in today. Outback steakhouse. Aussie rules. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. This is a fox news alert. We want to take you back to ohio. All eyes are on this Ohio Special Election for house seat district 12. Democrats were hoping tonights election would be a precursor to a Progressive Wave in november. The race is too close to call. But we are getting Breaking News. Now you see there the spread is about 1700plus votes. They say 100 of districts are in but theyre telling us this additional information. 3,435 provisional ballots were cast. There were 5,048 outstanding absentee votes. None of those ballots can start to be counted until august 18th. Now then we understand it has to go through every potential county. Theyve got bipartisan groups to count and tally them up. Thats got to be done by august 24th and only then will there be an official certification. Were told at that point if there is less than. 5 Percentage Points separating the candidates, that would trigger an automatic recount. Weve got a long way to go on this race. Tonight balderson up by 1700 plus. But again thousands of votes still outstanding. This is going to be a long process it sounds like, at least a couple more weeks. Lets check in on foreign policy. So far iran is not backing down. Hall has the very latest. Protests against iran continued this week after months of unrest, as anger against the regimes corruption grew. Now the situation is near breaking. But the iranian leadership has been defiant and rejected all outreach just hours before the sanctions yet, president rejected sanctions with the u. S. In my opinion what americans are seeking is to make the iranian people hesitant about their country. Since President Trump withdrew from the iran deal, the economy has been in free fall. And he said that iran would now rely on china and russia. He also said negotiations while sanctions were in place were meaningless,. He said the u. S. Would first have to apologize. If you stab something with a knife and then say you want to talk, the first thing you have to do is remove the knife. Opinion is torn. Some are defiant. I believe America Cannot do a damn thing. It cant do anything because the iranians are backing each other. While others are hoping the government will talk to the u. S. U. S. Sanctions are very effective. As you can see, our government should find a solution. They should first solve domestic problems because people are drowning in poverty and misery. But iran does have allies. Just days after meetings with mike pompeo. The protests in iran are driven by the dire economic situation. The question now is if the protests will turn into something more and whether the iranian decide enough is enough. Shannon. Benjamin hall, thank you very much. Well be right back with an election update. The louisiana purchase, is complete instant Purchase Notifications from capital one. Technology this helpful. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . With Proskin Technology intimates overnight for two times faster absorption so you can have worry free nights, and wake up feeling fresh and free for a free sample visit tena. Us were inspired by color, driven by clarity and dedicated to improving your view, no matter your vision. 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