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Washington. New tonight, giuliani is reportedly calling on attorney general Jeff Sessions to step in on the cohen investigation. Chief National Correspondent ed henry just attended an event with the newest member of the president s legal team. I was just with Rudy Giuliani a few moments ago at a 9 11 charity event. The tunnel to a towers foundation. He was very up front about saying that he had another conversation with the president a few hours ago and that the president , despite all the Media Chatter about giuliani having disastrous interviews, that the president is very happy with the pugnacious tone that giuliani is pushing. In fact, giuliani confided to me that the president joked he is so pleased with giulianis performance hes thinking about sending him to the talks with kim jong un to try to work out the peace talks with north korea because he likes the tough line that giuliani is taking. Remember, last night we talked about the president moving quickly from cooperation to confrontation with special Counsel Robert Mueller and all of other investigations. The Michael Cohen probe. His lead pitbull basically is attorney Rudy Giuliani. Tonight hes demanding. He mentioned it to me again, that attorney general Jeff Sessions finally step up to the plate and shut down the Michael Cohen investigation. Perhaps as a precursor to reining in Robert Mueller as well. All of this kicked off today by nbc news report that was basically wrong, they jumped the gun based on Anonymous Sources claiming that cohens phone was tapped by federal investigators in the weeks prior to those extra ordinary fbi raids of his office and homes. That there may have been at least one call, nbc claimed, was someone at the white house that was listened in on by investigators. Giuliani had already shaken things up last night by revealing right here on fox that the president has reimbursed cohen for the 103,000 payment to porn star. Giuliani earlier telling the hill newspaper it was a blatant disregard for attorney point privilege. I am waiting for the attorney general to step in this role as the defender of justice and put these people under investigation. He added that when the president learns the extent of all these tools come hes going to say to me, isnt there an attorneyclient privilege. Im going to tell them no. The department of justice seems to want to travel all over the constitution of the United States. Furious debate about whether the reimbursement was an Illegal Campaign contribution. Giuliani told me its not a problem. Early on on fox friends, he noted that cohen was helping his client deal with what they still maintain the president did not have, that he did not have this affair with Stormy Daniels and did not even know about the allegations during the campaign, the basically giuliani says, cohen acted on his own to make with a claim to be a false allegation go away. Watch. Imagine if that came out on october 15, 2016. The middle of the last to beat. To make it go away, cohen made it go away. He did his job. How does Sarah Huckabee sanders go to work every day of she was sent to mislead the american people. I believe she said what she was told to say. Somebody obviously wasnt telling the truth. Sarah sanders defended yourself at the podium by saying she only learned of the president s payment last night from the fox news channel. She told reporters she give the best information she has at the time. I want to tell you one other thing. Nbc news issued an editors note saying three u. S. Officials no dispute that cohens phones were tapped. As you noted at the top of fox news learning independently that cohen was under surveillance but his calls werent listened to. Rudy giuliani said it feels a little bit like when the access Hollywood Tate came out in the heat of the campaign. The president a lot of hot water, had to apologize. A lot of his surrogates run away, accept Rudy Giuliani who took the heat and went on television, was the pitbull and defended the president again and again. Rudy giuliani tells me tonight it feels a little bit like that moment, the access hollywood moment. A lot of people criticizing the president , Rudy Giuliani said we are fighting back and fighting back hard. Shannon just as he was then, seems to be quite a confidant of the president , something that he has wanted or needed with respect his legal team. Ed, thank you very much for all the inside scoop. What does it mean that investigators were tracking calls to and from Michael Cohen . Tom dupree, former Deputy Assistant attorney general under president george w. Bush joins us. Lets talk about this. There was, early in the day, a report that was where to happen, they were listening to a small cause maybe even phone calls with the president. Concerns about attorneyclient privilege. Now they are saying they just look at the log phone calls. Who wouldve had to prove that . Is it to go different tracks . It has to go down a similar track. To get some thing like this, you need approval within the department of justice, in this case a highlevel, and also a federal judge to sign off on it. What strikes me about this, even though we are finding out apparently that his actual conversations were not listened to, the fact that they are tracking who hes calling, who hes receiving calls from, is very anomalous in this context. These are investor investigatory tactics. Extremely unusual to do it for a lawyer. A unique to do it for the president s foyer. Stu and i talked to judge Andrew Napolitano earlier that he thinks they may have done mo. Heres what he said. Do you think the justice firm is going to admit they listen to phone calls when the president . They may not have recorded it but i assure you they were listening. If they were listening, they cant use anything they hear as a basis for an affidavit of probable cause or in a prosecution. But it can send them seeking other means to obtained evidence to support that. Shannon we talked about the idea that parallel construction worry if you find something you are not supposed to have access to, you try to go find a legal way to get back to that same information. He thinks its just to the opinion, that they may have happened here. We are going to find out in the months ahead. They are walking a fine line. If people were listening in and they found things out, i think the Justice Department is going to have to do a lot of work in order to effectively erase the tape of acting on information that arguably they shouldnt have access to the. Shannon okay, last night we had Rudy Giuliani, the newest member of the legal team, talking about this payment to Stormy Daniels and reimbursement to Michael Cohen. Theres been a lot of debate about whether or not that was the plan last night or if it became the plan in the middle of the interview. The president weeded out three various specific tweets, carefully worded, legal definitions and things years this morning. What part of one of those tweets come he said despite already having signed a detailed letter admitting that there was no affair. Prior to its violation by ms. Clifford and her attorney, this was a private agreement. Money from the campaign, or campaign contributions, played no roll in this transaction. He is trying to say there was no Campaign Money here. If it wasnt one to campaign, it was one to you, meaning the president. Its a crime under 18 usc 1,001 and we have filed a criminal complaint with doj. Norm eisen. What do you make of this . People are saying giuliani did this to get them out of trouble with the potential Campaign Violation but it could create another problem. Yeah, first of all, i dont profess to know what the communication strategy here is. I think we have seen over the last few months, things going in different directions. With regard to Campaign Violations, number one, proving intent in these types of cases is extremely difficult. You basically have to show that the defendant not only did the act but knew exactly what he was doing. Really an attempt to circumvent federal election law. I think in this case, if there are certainly evidence that it may have been carelessness as distinct from an effort to circumvent federal election law. In this area, there is so much thats great, that has not been determined by the courts. The panda punishments can rang. We havent heard the last of this, bringing prosecution based on the facts in my opinion will be a real challenge. Shannon this is separate and apart. Michael Southern District of new york federal case, its different than that meal or investigation. We have word that mueller has requested 35 blank subpoenas, 35 sets of 70 total blank subpoenas. Dealing with the Paul Manafort case. There are folks who say its standard procedure. They would do that anyway. They say the way hes gone after street 24 and zero for cohen, they are being very heavyhande. They are targeted making sure they find something. I agree the subpoenas, i would be too much into that. Its fairly standard present to real tactic of getting these blank subpoenas. I wouldnt read too much into that. I will say i think what weve seen with mueller as to manafort and the referral on the cohen side, its an extremely aggressive prosecutor whos not afraid to play hardball. We talked earlier about how they are treating Michael Cohen, examples would a drug lord. Same thing with speed 24. Euler is determined to prosecute this aggressively, take no prisoners. I think people defending these clients need to appreciate that mueller is serious and he is playing hardball. Shannon certainly looks like it. Tom, always great to have your legal insight. As the special counsel designation continues, michael cavuto, former Campaign Aide to President Trump about the mueller team yesterday set special counsel investigators know more about what was happening in the Trump Campaign than just about anybody. He says mueller is still focused on russia collision, and he believes his team has a specific objective. This is a punishment strategy. I think they want to destroy the president. They want to destroy his family. They want to destroy his businesses. They want to destroy his friends so that no billionaire, lets say 15 years, wakes up and tells his wife the country is broken and only i can fix it. His wife will say are you crazy. Did you see what happened to donald trump and everybody around him . Shannon lets discuss with our political panel. Fox news conservator Jessica Tarlov whos the senior director of research at. And Fox News Contributor jason chaffetz. Welcome to you both. Lets talk about this. With tom, we talked about the legal aspect. Lets talk with you about the political. There are a lot of folks who say it doesnt look good on a number of fronts. Michael cavuto says without using the words which arent, thats kind of how he pertained what he went through having this conversation with mueller. Jessica, would you make of it . I am surprised there are so many people out there in terms worded that would make him seem like a complete victim. The idea that bob mueller is on this now one year plus wild goose hunt for no apparent reason except to make sure no billionaires in the future wake up and say i am going to save america is completely ludicrous. Listening to michael cavuto, listening to Rudy Giuliani last night and this morning, its not believable that there is nothing going on here when you consider that there are three separate categories here that mueller is looking at. Obstruction of justice, russia collision, and financial crimes as well. I think it does a disservice to the president actually and really eliminates any said they first case besides the core base who loves those tweets that say witch hunts. Shannon lets play more of what Rudy Giuliani had to say last night. This is what he said about mueller. Patriot, and extra ordinarily good man, served his country. Did a good job with the fbi. I dont think he would be affected by malice or prejudice. However, i dont have an explanation for the people he hired. Shannon good things to say about mueller but lets look at this team is put together. This is why what we publicly know about the attorneys have been added to the team, none of the 16 lawyers dont work for special counsel bob mueller are registered republicans. 13 registered democrats on the investigation. Three lawyers with no Party Affiliation and Campaign Finance records reveal 11 of the lawyers have been democratic donors. Jason. It does not seem fair. It doesnt seem balanced. I think of all people in the world that could go out and picked, they couldnt find one that would either a republican donor. It doesnt look right, shannon. The other thing, responding to jessica, you are supposed to be pursuing something based on the probable cause. You look at the list of questions that came out earlier this week, its everything under the sun. This is donald trump. This is your life. We are going to investigate everybody whos everywhere. Thats how they are supposed to be doing. I do think they are off the rails. They are out to destroy donald trump instead of pursuing a crime and then trying to figure out where the case leads them. Many of these things have absolutely nothing to do with donald trump. They should be pursuing his constitutional the president should be pursuing his constitutional roles and responsibilities. He has the right to do these things instead of being questioned about his intent on why he would be doing his job and firing director comey. Shannon let me ask you, based on the legal team we have thats coming together. Quickly, do either of you think the president sits down for a facetoface with mueller or his team . Jessica and then to jason. I dont think so. I think it would be a massive mistake if he did that. Donald trump doesnt necessarily listen to counsel. I think he does because he likes the optics. Its got to be narrow and focused but he will sit down at some point for a limited set and he will answer those questions. Thats a prediction, not necessarily what i would recommend. Shannon come back and we will see if it happens. Jessica and jason, thank you both very much. Breaking news on north korea just ahead. Tracking the three americans held hostage by the rogue regime and the president making major news tonight about American Forces stationed in the dmz. We have a libra report. Why is china threatening American Military pilots . There could be long term consequences. We will take a look at that. Major boston california. Almost 100 arrests. Drugs and illegal weapons seized. The suspects cross the border from mexico. The Mexican Mafia is currently on the loose and teleported. We will have the facts when we. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. The brand more doctors recommend for minor arthritis pain. vo have to happen . 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Amid significant moves by the Trump Administration involving u. S. Forces in that region. This is all i have been anticipated summit with the north korean leader. Trace gallagher is tracking it and he has the latest. Good evening. Good evening, shannon. Its kind of two steps forward, one step back process. The president tweeted the past administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a north korean labor camp, but to no avail. Stay tuned this morning on fox friends, Rudy Giuliani seemed to confirm the release was happening. Watch. The president of the United States, hes getting ready to negotiate probably one of our most historic agreements. We got kim jong un releasing three prisoners today. Later, the white house, Senior Administration officials, state department walked back the statement saying there is no confirmation of the released and there was to work to do. Relatives of one of the detained men say they are counting on a quick resolution, and south korean media reports the three americans have been moved from a labor camp to a hotel on the outskirts of pyongyang. 59yearold tony kim was detained in april of last year as he was about to leave the country. Kim worked at Pyongyang University of science and technology and was accused of hostile acts against the regime. Kim haksong also worked at Pyongyang University and he was accused of hostile acts. In april of 2016, 62yearold Kim Dong Chul was sentenced to ten years in prison for spying on behalf of south korea. Meantime, there are other encouraging signs leading up to the meeting between President Trump and kim jong un. Today south koreas Top National Security advisor made another secret visit to the u. S. To meet with his counterpart, john bolton. This is the very same south korean official who came back to the u. S. In march to convey the news that kim jong un wanted to meet facetoface with President Trump. Details of todays meeting have not yet been released. President trump has reportedly ordered the pentagon to draw up plans for drawing down u. S. Troops in south korea. Reducing troop levels is not a bargaining chip for the summit, but Officials Say if there is a peace treaty, it would diminish the need for some 24,000 u. S. Soldiers to stay on the korean peninsula. Shannon. Shannon all right, Trace Gallagher live in los angeles. Thank you. U. S. Officials are calling out the chinese for harassing american flight crews in the skies over the african nation of djibouti. The incidents involved high powered lasers. Jennifer griffin reports from the pentagon on the incidence. The pentagon says there have been more than two but fewer than ten incidents recently involving Chinese Military personnel pointing highpowered lasers into the cockpits of u. S. Military planes flying missions in africa. They are very serious incidents. There have been two minor injuries. This activity poses a true threat to our airmen. We have raised concerns the chinese and there will be nearterm and longterm consequences. We have formally requested the chinese investigate these incidents. The chinese opened their First Overseas Military base in djibouti last summer, just next to the u. S. Airbase which is home to a fleet of drones and u. S. Warplanes. The problem is not limited to this chinese base in africa. On wednesday, marine commandant general Robert Naylor said marine pilots in japan are facing laser attacks as well. It would be helpful if the people that lived around there didnt point lasers at our airplanes. Or fly kites, balloons into flight paths. Because we would have a better assurance that they would be safe. We want everybody to be safe. Adding to the diplomatic tension between the u. S. And china, within the past 30 days, u. S. Officials say there Chinese Military has positioned antiship cruise missiles and surfacetoair missiles on three of their fortified outpost in the disputed spratly islands. Islands are claimed by six pacific nations. China also added radar jamming equipment to the spratlys as well. We have been very vocal about our concerns of them militarizing in these artificial islands. 3. 4 trillion in trade passes through the South China Sea every year. Now china can strike any ship passing within 300 nautical miles of the spratlys with these newly installed cruise missiles. Shannon. Shannon Jennifer Griffin at the pentagon. Thank you very much. This is a fox news alert. Video video just in from beijinf the u. S. Trade delegation during the second and likely final day of trade talks in china. Treasury secretary steven mnuchin, commerce secretary wilbur ross and trade advisors Peter Navarro and Robert Lighthizer are there, a highlevel meeting. Facetoface with the chinese over a technology dispute that is taken the u. S. And china the closest theyve ever come to a full on trade war. Back here at home, a texas teenager has been arrested and accused of planning and isis inspired mass shooting at a shopping mall. 17yearold was charged with making a terrorist threat. Officials say he planned to release a message to america explaining the attack and allegedly spent more than 1400 buying weapons and tactical gear. Well, a major drug ring cracked down targeting the socalled Mexican Mafia and their operations right here in the u. S. The culmination of a threemonth investigation taking guns and drugs and dangerous criminals, 85 of them come off the streets. Casey stegall has the details tonight. It was the largest crackdown on Gang Activity in the state of california. So far this year. Take a look at these pictures, a huge cache of narcotics also sees. 14 pounds of methamphetamine, to be exact. 3 pounds of heroin, it happened in orange county. That is south of los angeles. Deputies say they also found 36 firearms, two of which happen to be stolen. In all, 85 were arrested in this bust. Investigators say out of those 85 individuals, all are considered to be middle management leaders of the infamous criminal gang, the Mexican Mafia. A stark reminder, says orange counties undersheriff, of how powerful the organization is here in the u. S. These arrests and seizures are significant. They are a drop in the bucket compared to the widespread control that the Mexican Mafia has for Gang Activity throughout southern california. As you saw from the pictures, a large amount of cash also seized. Sizable dent they are in california and here in the homeland. Shannon. Shannon casey stegall, thank you. Stick around for a closer look at impeachment and how upstart Democratic Candidates are trying to capitalize on leftwing fervor for the i work. Plus, a warning from a top democrat strategist that the highly anticipated giant blue wave could be hitting a wall. Chris stirewalt is here for the latest midterm power play. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by asking about your treatment options. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a lifethreatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. 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It can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. Ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. Shannon spew on top democras discouraging talk about impeachment of President Trump. Many upstart challengers are not sticking with that party line. Doug mckelway takes a look. What was our Founding Fathers want us to do about this president . I am toms tire. San francisco Billionaire Tom Steyer lays out the case for impeachment of President Donald Trump in a 40 million ad campaign. He has garnered over 5 million signatures claiming trump has brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice, and take money from governments. In washington the impeachment drumbeat resonating among some of the democratic caucus. Resolved that donald john trump, president of the United States, is unfit to be president. 66 house members voted on the resolution, eat more than voted for impeachment the previous month. With midterms lurking next november, the impeachment clamor is mostly quieting in d. C. Party hierarchy urging calm. Mueller brings forth the clear evidence there was collusion between the Term Campaign and the russians, i think you have grounds for impeachment. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was more direct impeachment is not the place i think we should go. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer you might blow your shot when it has a better chance of happening. That thinking is exposing a rift in the party. A poll found 70 of democratic voters would definitely vote for congressional candidate who would move to impeach the president. Richard painter hears the message loud and clear. I think President Trump has demonstrated through his conduct and his rhetoric that he is unfit for office. California Senate Candidate Kevin De Leon running against senator dianne feinstein, also pushing for impeachment. Also is beto orourke. So is florida democrat running for the open house seat of retiring republican ileana roslehtinen. Republicans hope to benefit from the impeachment talk. Committee telling fox news that extreme rhetoric is going to have dire consequences for 2018 Senate Democrats up for reelection in states President Trump won. Why they believe the midterm momentum lies with democrats but the last thing they want to do is reinspire the Republican Base with impeachment attacks that many see as premature and unfair. Shannon. Shannon all right, thank you very much. Republicans have been bracing for the socalled blue wave in this falls midterm elections but there are no new warnings tonight for democrats. Lets talk about with fox News Politics editor chris stirewalt, fresh back from West Virginia. Fresh as a daisy. Im sorry i gave away my pepperoni roles. Shannon you have to feed your children. Its a priority. Lets talk about the report. Saying that democratic momentum has stalled in recent months because the party has failed to focus on economics and Health Care Battles most engaged antitrump voters and because Republican Base voters especially white workingclass men could finally point to a signature conservative policy achievement in the new tax cut law. Does this mean the blue wave is slowing down . No. First of all, we should remember the democratic pollsters and strategist making this argument are saying that because thats the message they think they, a more moderate stripes, they think thats the right answer for them. Obviously liberal democrats think other things. There is a debate going on within the party. I would say this. Its not so much the democratic momentum has stalled. Its that it wasnt ever quite as high, really, as it was reputed to be. This is a climate, im sure if the elections for the house of representatives was held today, it would be close. It would be very close. But it has not been so far the kind of enormous blue wave thats 100 seats or 85 seats, a giant reversal. What matters here, and i think this is a good take away for both parties from the advice of those pollsters, which is the policies you pursue, the things you do will matter. The people who do vote in midterm elections pay close attention to whats going on. If you are bringing forward policies that people like, if you are doing things voters think are a good idea, then its a good thing. But to doug mckelways point, the voters democrats most need to win the election are moderate suburbanites, College Educated folks, former republicans are people who are republican leanings. Democrats need to convince them that all they want to be as a check on President Trump, not crusaders. See what i want to take you through a couple things that cod be beneficial to the base. Lets talk about guns. Were going to talk about Eric Swalwell who says, its time to take away guns. Who does that turn out to the polls . 20 and 20 on either side. We have seen the money thats been raised by the nra. We see all of the organization taking place on the left side. It sort of like with tom steyer. He is not selling impeachment. He is selling please sign my list so on my run for president in 2020, i have a readymade organization. Something like guns helps organize on both sides. Shannon senecal. Never. Shannon this idea that nancy pelosi says we will win. I will run for speaker. I feel confident in my members do too. The g. O. P. Has to love that. There are a number of people running. Democrats think im not going to vote for her. I have to think the g. O. P. Likes it because then immediately the next step is hey you, if she wins, you have speaker pelosi, u of impeachment. There been no sanction so far for democrats who say they wont support her. Groups on the left of said we dont care if you are in voting for nancy pelosi or not. The reality in washington is nancy pelosi is not going to be the democratic leader anymore, whether shes going to fail and be the minority again or whether the democrats are going to retake the majority. I think its highly unlikely shes going to do it. The question is can enough Democrats Use that to their advantage and say im standing up against her . Im going to vote against nancy pelosi and that gives them something they can stand on. They can say i am an independent minded democrat and i am tough and im not going to be a rubberstamp. Shannon if they retake the house, the talk of the i word is out there. Either side can use that to their advantage. And they will. Shannon if you go to West Virginia this weekend. Pepperoni roles. I promise. Shannon on this national day of prayer, drama in the house has a house chaplain withdraws his resignation. What Speaker Paul Ryan is saying about the controversy. The twists and turns. A prominent democrat says its time to get serious about taking away your guns. Dramatic proposal. We will be live from dallas on the eve of the Nra Convention, with emily miller. She has answers next. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Woman i stay active by staying in rhythm. And to keep up this pace, i drink boost optimum. Boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. Boost optimum. Be up for life. Boost optimum. This scientist doesnt believe in luck. She believes in research. It can take more than 10 years to develop a single medication. And only 1 in 10,000 ever make it to market. But what if ai could find connections faster. To help this researcher discover new treatments. Thats why shes working with watson. Its a smart way to find new hope, which really cant wait. Claritin and relief from of nondrowsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity and live claritin clear. Shannon this is a fox news alert. The embattled chaplain of the house of representatives is withdrawing his resignation. In a twopage letter to house Speaker Paul Ryan, Reverend Patrick Conroy accuses ryans staff of forcing him out. Ellison barber has been following the story and she has more. We will get all of this, the good and the redemptive. We will start with father pat conroy pretty unresigned in a letter to house Speaker Paul Ryan. He said he wants to finish his term as house chaplain, writing in part i have never been disciplined nor reprimanded, nor have i ever heard a complaint about my ministry during my time as house chaplain. He goes august 8 ryan never spoke with him about resigning. The chief of staff delivered the message. Conroy writes i inquired as to whether or not it was for cause in mr. Brooks mentioned dismissively Something Like maybe its time we had a chaplain that wasnt catholic. He also mentioned the prayer he is referring to, some saw it was critical of tax reform. Ryan says hes excepted the letter and decided that father conroy will stay as house chaplain. Ryan claims his initial decision was based on my duty to ensure that the house has the kind of Pastoral Services that it deserves. Democratic congressman joe crowley calling for a select committee to look into the events leading up to conroys initial dismissal. As many across the United States pause to observe the national day of prayer as is tradition. The president issued a national proclamation. President trump wasnt alone in the rose garden and there was one person who thinks we should know about. At events like this, its normal for people to pay more attention to clout. The president , Vice President , leaders of the free world. The person who perhaps deserved the most attention doesnt control the nuclear codes. John ponder from las vegas. Get out here, john. John ponder from las vegas, nevada,. In las vegas, many know him. Convicted felon released from prison. They often return to the same communities or activities that took them there in the first place. Changing those pattern takes work and it takes for us. Thats where a nonprofit comes in. Ponder spent years in and out of jail, landing in federal present before he was 40. Charges related to bank robbery. In jail, he found faith. There is a peace and fulfillment. He heard the late billy graham. Today he stood next to the rose garden. The leader of a rehabilitation nonprofit called hope for prisoners. We provide services. A man who has taught over 1500x of fenders that are necessary to successfully reenter the workforce, society, and their lives at home. John ponder from las vegas, nevada. Shannon great part of the ceremony. We all need redemption and forgiveness. Great to see he is doing so much to help others. Thank you very much. Congressman Eric Swalwell, democrat from San Francisco bay, has a solution for gun violence. He says we should ban possession of military style semiautomatic assault weapons. We should buy back such weapons. And we should criminally prosecute any who choose to d fired by keeping their weapons. The band would not apply to Law Enforcement agencies or shooting clubs. We are joined by emily miller. She is in dallas at the Nra Convention where President Trump is scheduled to address the event tomorrow. Emily, great to have you with us. What do you make of that plan . Sounds like confiscation. It is exactly. I hope that congressman goes personally to check everybodys house in america to see if they have an ar15. That will go over real well. You know im kidding. Obviously its ridiculous. We dont have a national registry. This is not hitler. Its not cuba. We dont have a national registry. We dont know who owns these guns. I can promise you as a gun owner and coming here speaking to tens of thousands of other proud gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment, they are not going to turn in their ar15s. Shannon let me talk to you i want to talk about some polling we have. We saw spike and those who thought we need tougher gun control laws in this country. Of course after the parkland event. It was tragic. There were young people lost. Young people are advocating. They have gotten a lot of attention. That has dropped off, like it always does after the events. 56 of people say they support tougher gun laws. 39 say they oppose. What do you make of those numbers . Obviously these rare Mass Shootings like what happened in parkland and what happened at sandy hook years ago as well, what happened in Sutherland Springs church here in texas, they are rare. Its generally on average and government figures, Congressional Research service, less than 50 people a year on average. The last year has been bad. Weve had las vegas, parkland, really terrible tragedies. They were lone wolves. They are not terrorists. This is not intercity crime. Of the ten or 11,000 people a year killed by guns, homicide by gun, about 300 total are by rifles. The issue on gun violence is intercity gun violence and handguns. Shannon why dont you think that gets talked about . Do you think the president will address it tomorrow . I dont know if hes going to get into the details. He is a big picture guy. It doesnt get talked about because the left gets energized, and you heard chris talk about this a minute to go, the left is energized by the idea of getting all our guns. They love the idea. They bring up gun violence. You will hear australia to the point where i had to new to the word australia in my twitter feed because i couldnt stand to listen to it. We are not going to confiscate all the guns in america. Its never going to have been. We have a Second Amendment in the constitution that says we have the individual right from god to defend ourselves which the Supreme Court has interpreted, as you know better than i do, the Supreme Court decision in heller who i saw tonight in dallas. The individual has the right to own a gun and keep it at home. Shannon part of what he had to say is that they have been too nice when it comes to the Second Amendment. He believes its time to control guns more. We know thats not whats happening where you are in dallas at the Nra Convention. Thank you for the preview. This is one twitter feed youve got to see to believe. Senator marco rubio and former white house intern, the most famous one, Monica Lewinsky, battling it out on social media. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. 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Join me and lets make california great again. We need to help more tocalifornians get ahead. D, thats why Antonio Villaraigosa brought republicans and democrats together to balance the state budget with a budget reserve, while investing in local schools and career training. As mayor of la, he put more police on the streets and reduced Violent Crime by nearly fifty percent. Thats Antonio Villaraigosa. A governor for all of california. Leading conservative the opposition john cox. To jerry browns sanctuary state. And chairman of the Initiative Campaign to repeal the gas tax. Join me and lets make california great again. Shannon this is a fox news alert. Hawaiis kilauea volcano red lava into residential district. Days of earthquakes rocked the big island. The crater floor vent collapsed earlier this week. Magma was pushed more than 10 miles down toward the coastline. We will continue tracking a period of time for the real news roundup. The United Nations stands accused of censorship on World Press Freedom day. At the same time, the u. N. Secretary general was pounding the invaluable touting the invaluable role of a free press. One of the participants says that pennell was postponed because a presenter was planning to name countries that jail journalists. Saw the is auctioning master works. On behalf of the Baltimore Museum of art. The museum is selling pieces by white male artists to make room for black and female artists even if some of them are lesserknown or revered. Bill clintons intern Monica Lewinsky joining the fray again senator marco rubio. He criticized a piece mischaracterizing what he said about the tax cut bill. Tweeted although written by an intern, this article is reminder of how difficult it can be to discuss Public Policy in the press. I double down and added detail. Lubinski jumped in, tweeting blaming the intern is so 1990s. We expect more news tomorrow, watching the developments in north korea as we are awaiting word on three american citizens. Werent they are being released or in the process of being released out of the conversation the president will be having with kim jong un. We will track it. As soon as we know more about the potential release of those three americans, we will bring you that. In the meantime, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. Good night from washington. I am shannon bream. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. The brand more doctors recommend for minor arthritis pain. Same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. They all got a story about what happened to em. Man 2 it was raining, there was only one way out. I could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. 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Last night as you know, new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani revealed on the sean hannity rud show that President Trump did in fact reimburse michael calling for payments that he made to Stormy Daniels. That seemed like a major story at the time, but nbc news reported that federal Law Enforcement had wiretapped Michael Cohens phone and reported one conversation that he

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