Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180404

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Kremlin. Despite not having seen any direct evidence. The Washington Post reporting that the president is not a target of a criminal investigation by special Counsel Robert Mueller, the news comes as the president claims he is getting tough on russia. More on that later. He wants to send the military to our southern border. Our chief National Correspondent ed henry is here with the latest. This Washington Post story, what do we know . This is our first indication the president has solid reason to believe that despite all the media hype hyperventilation about the special counsel, the risk of criminal jeopardy is low. That is the signal that muellers team sent to the president s attorneys. According to the Washington Post they are saying that muellers team missing the president is not a criminal target at this point and instead is a subject investigation. It means the person is under investigation but there may not be enough evidence to bring charges. Which is why Alan Dershowitz and a bunch of other legal experts have been predicting for a long time. Extremely difficult to prove obstruction of justice. This helps shed more light on why theres been a split in trumps legal camp. John dowd wanted to avoid an interview with miller. Believing if your risk of criminal prosecution is low, why walk into it. Ty cobb has been counseling if the president doesnt interview, he and ty cobb are confident they can have no intent to obstruct justice and mueller can complete that portion of the probe. Then the cloud could perhaps be lifted. The fact that dowd resigned and cobb is still on board, gives us a clue. Do an interview and it could get the trump part closed. Shannon white house aides seem to be clarifying exactly what the president meant today when he declared that he wanted to send the military to the border. Democrats basically freaked out, suggesting the president is sending active duty military to the border. That is prohibited by law. They cant get involved in domestic Law Enforcement. Tonight officials are making clear the president is seemly talking about mobilizing the National Guard to scare the southern border which was done in smaller doses by barack obama and george w. Bush. What the president seem to be saying today is he may be looking at a more aggressive approach. Senior white house official is saying the number of National Guard troops will be substantial. That suggests a larger number than ever before. Listen to the president. I told mexico and i respect what they did, i said look, your laws are very powerful. Your laws are very strong. We have very bad laws for our border. And were going to be doing some things. Speaking with general mattis, we are going to be doing things militarily. Until we can have a wall and proper security, we are going to be guarding our board with the military. Speak of the Mexican Government requested clarification on the comment. An official of the white house tells us the president s Homeland Security has been touch with the Mexican Government. The president has made clear he wants to get tough on illegal immigration. Shannon we will see if it continues to play out. Thank you. Texas has its ready for what ever and whoever shows up at its border. Lets bring in Texas Attorney general ken paxton. Great to see you. Thank you. Shannon you have a large border. Along the south, and this is not something new to you. What do you have their and what are you expecting if any of this caravan of 1,000 plus migrants should show up in texas. We have been through this before. When president obama was in office, he almost invited people from Central America to come to our border. We have thousands of people here including children. We dealt with it. A put a strain on our resources but if it happens again, we will deal with that again. Shannon i want to redo something. Actually this is a sound bite from representative Francis Rooney out of florida. I dont feel comfortable deploying military troops in creating a possibility for an increased, increasing violence and escalation of conflict. These people should be stopped at the border and vetted, the normal process. We should have money of agents to do that. Shannon do you have the agents you need . What you think about the proposal from the white house . Any help we can get. We are not allowed to do a lot of things. This is a federal issue. If the president thinks National Guard will help us, given the situation in mexico the caravan people, certainly we are open to that. If it provides greater security and protects our citizens. Shannon lets talk about the wall. Theres been an endless debate for years going back to the president campaigning on building the wall and only getting a fraction of the spending he wanted in the omnibus bill he signed a few days ago. There has been talk, and the administration has openly admitted, potentially using defense funds from the department of defense in order to help build a wall a little bit. Now there are a couple democratic senators, senators durbin and senator reid, they sent a letter to general mattis saying based on a thorough review we conclude the department of defense has no Legal Authority with or without a reprogramming request. To use appropriate funds for the construction of a border wall. What would you like to see in texas . It is a large border. They are all kinds of different conditions. What would help . We know a wall or fence has worked in the border with el paso and juarez. There used to be no fence. During the bush administration, they built a large fence had been a major difference. El paso went from being one of the worst cities in america to be one of the safest cities. We know it works. Whatever takes to build a fence, a wall that provides more border agents, technology, whatever is most appropriate along a large border, we want to do it. Part of that is definitely a wall. Certainly southport above the president s efforts to get it done. Shannon dont have a lot of time i dont ask about the case. Texas been involved, you have been involved with a case of minors coming illegally across the border. They are pregnant in many cases and then they get here and seek an abortion. A federal judge ruled last week the government has to facilitate that process. The administration has asked for the judges order to be pummeled. It will force them to potentially use taxpayer money to help facilitate abortions. Essentially going against the law, as i understand it. What happens next . Hopefully that will be challenged by the justice department. It doesnt make a lot of sense to me to get Constitutional Rights to abortion to people here illegally. What they will do is incentivize people to come here for abortions. We will be a sanctuary state in texas for abortions. Certainly we dont want that. We have an interest in protecting the unborn. We certainly have we certainly dont want to create a new constitutional right and incentive reports are coming or get abortions. Shannon will watch the cases it winds its way through the system. A bee to the Supreme Court. Attorney general ken paxton, thank you for your time. This is a fox news alert. Local news stations identifying the shooter at the youtube headquarters today. Claudia cowan joins us live with news the. Good evening. Todays act of violence appears to be the result of a relationship gone very bad. Whether that relationship was with a specific person or with youtube, its unknown. The Associated Press is reporting that Law Enforcement officials are investigating today shooting as a domestic dispute. It was very chaotic here this afternoon. In san bruno, where youtube headquarters is located. Witnesses say of female shooters fired off rounds. Tonight a 36yearold man is fighting for his life, listed in Critical Condition at San Francisco general hospital. Three other regulars are being treated for less serious injuries. This all started right around 12 45 local time when the shooter, a woman, opened fire in a courtyard inside youtubes facility where employees were having lunch. Please arriving on scene and saw people running from the gunfire, seeking safety where they could. Officers evacuated the facility and came upon victims one at a time. The identified one victim at the front door, main entrance to the building. They checked on that person. Youtube employees helped us by standing by with that person so officers could enter to go search for the threat. Within minutes, its a very large building, we found what we found after that. Police have not released any names but according to local media reports, the female shooter is from southern california, has a youtube channel, and may have had a beef with the company. That has not been confirmed by police. In the hours following today shooting, the president and other politicians expressed their sympathies. Some have called for stronger gun control measures. Police say they have recovered a handgun, and they have completed their search here at the scene. Again, the nature of this domestic dispute still a big question mark tonight as the investigation continues. Shannon the details continue to pour in. Thank you very much. Republicans under fire for the 1. 3 trillion spending bill are looking for ways to backtrack, thats according to the white house excuse me the House Majority leader, republican Kevin Mccarthy says g. O. P. Leaders in the last looking at ways to cut some of the spending that was signed into law ten days ago. Also tonight, word that President Trumps introductory policy advisor is leaving his post as the administrations rebuilding plan has stalled. The Trump Administration announcing tonight and wants to slap a 25 tariff on 1300 chinese products. Focusing on hightech items like lithium batteries and semiconductors. China is expected to target u. S. Products in return. Chinas embassy in the u. S. Responding in a statement made morning, as the chinese saying goes, its only polite to reciprocate. More on the ongoing battle between the aclu and office of refugee resettlement. A federal judge ordered the government to assist legal immigrant minors in obtaining abortions. Today the trop administration aspirin emergency hold on the order while they fight it in court. They argue would force administration to violate numerous laws, possibly including a prohibition on using taxpayer dollars in connection with the abortions. We will keep you updated as that case unfolds. More details on the news out of the Mueller Investigation tonight. The report that the president is not currently a criminal target in the probe. Also as President Trump been tough on russia, he says not has been tougher. Adding that getting along with russia is actually good thing. 411 days and counting, thats the number media outlet say its been since President Trump held out formal news conference. He is constantly talking to the media. Does that count . Stirewalt will tally it up when we return. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. 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Standing alongside the leaders of the three Baltic States as they celebrate the 100th anniversary of their independence from the soviet union, President Trump pointed to his recent order expelling 60 Russian Diplomats as proof that his administration is willing to punish putin. Germany did four, france did four. We did 60. There is nobody been tougher on russia. Has a commitment to get other nato countries to spend more money on their defense against russia. Hes complained that the u. S. Pays the lions share of nato expenses but today he thanked the leaders from the Baltic States for meeting their obligations. Your commitment to burden sharing is an example. Some of them do not make the same commitment. Hopefully they soon will. President trump digital single out nato. Also criticized allies in the middle east like saudi arabia by hinting that he is seriously considering pulling u. S. Troops out of syria. Saudi arabia is very interested in our decision. And i said well, you know, you want us to stay. Maybe youre going to have to pay. The president s advisors that the u. S. Month stay in syria for now or risk a resurgence of isis. We are in syria to fight isis. Thats our mission. Our mission isnt over. We are going to complete that mission. The situation in syria will almost certainly come up when President Trump and prudent meet again. That next meeting they take at the white house. The press secretary said yesterday, that it is being considered. Shannon. Shannon Kristin Fisher at the white house. Thank you. Despite telling the president s legal teams at the commander in chief is not currently the target of a criminal investigation, special Counsel Robert Mueller still wants to interview him. Good idea. Or not . Chris stirewalt is fox news policy editor. Good to see you. Listen, the legal team for the president is spinning this is a positive thing. They say he is still under investigation in connection with the number of things. Hes not part of the criminal investigation but special counsel still wants to talk to them. There is debate about whether thats a good idea or not. Its a good idea if you want the investigation to come to a conclusion. Thats basically the question for this administration and for this president and for his lawyers. Are you ready to be done . If you are ready to be done and let the chips fall where they may and have this be overcome and then you do the interview. It is foolhardy to imagine that somehow this matter could conclude without the president providing some testimony. They are going to fight like the dickens over with the terms are and what those things are but this has to happen. Or we are not going to be finished. We all, no matter how you butter your bread politically, Everybody Needs this to come to some sort of clean conclusion. Shannon we will talk about tomorrow with the panel. Meanwhile, we have the president saying that he is super tough on russia. Not everyone believes in. Here are both sides. Theres nobody been tougher on russia, and with that being said, i think i could have a very Good Relationship with president putin. The idea that hes been tougher than other president s on Vladimir Putin is so laughable. Well, it would be laughable if it werent so serious. Because the last communication he had with Vladimir Putin was to congratulate him on his victory in a completely sham election. Shannon senator blumenthal, not a believer. Lets talk about things that happen. The president expelled the diplomats. Another round of sanctions. Hes close facilities. Sold arms to the ukraine. Publicly condemned the nerve attack in the u. K. Stood with the others. There are a number of officials and the Trump Administration including Ambassador Haley who have been tough on russia. What do you make of that . The one thing about those diplomats, it sounds like they can alternate in, sounds like the baloney may have been a little phony in the sense that the russians are going to be allowed to replace those individuals with people who we find less objectionable. Different spies. A fresh batch. The president is in a pickle here. He does not want to be, as weve seen with north korea, china, these other autocrats and authoritarians, the president believes he could charm them or that he can have some sort of a good personal relationship with these people. Even when his government and their governments are at absolute loggerheads. We are watching whats unfolding with china. This could all be very bad. This could, this is getting very serious very quickly with china. If you raise hogs or grow corn, this looks like a potentially very dangerous moment. The president of course wants to keep a friendly relationship with these people. Thats may be understandable. What makes it harder and rush of course, no matter what he does on russia, its going to be construed as wrong somehow by the people who are going to find him wrong about russia no matter what. Shannon lets talk about embattled epa administrator scott pruitt. Today Kimberley Strassel tweeted obama epa official spend as much or more on travel and career epa ethics Officials Say he paid reasonable market value for the condo. The lease or had no business the press might try to pretend it didnt have two standards. How much trouble he is or isnt in. I understand why partisans arent going to partisan. They are going to do their thing. Scott pruitt is in big trouble, thats what it looked like. There were grounds he did for paying the staff, having staff perform these duties that are perhaps outside of the lane of their professional response bellies. The apartment. All of the stuff adds up. You and i have known him and covered them for a long time. This is a guy who is a very serious minded, toughminded attorney general of oklahoma. Its hard to believe he wouldve made all these rookie mistakes on ethics stuff. Leasing from the wife of a lobbyist. The magic 50 condo from the wife of a lobbyist and doing these things. Seems like he should have known better. He needs to come if theres a good explanation here, he better make it. Shannon as we talked about earlier, hes been carrying out the president s agenda. For conservatives, this is a tragedy. He has been arguably one of the most Effective Members of the cabinet. Shannon Chris Stirewalt you have been a very Effective Member of our cabinet. Thank you for coming in. Many schools in a global close for a second day as teachers rally for higher pay. Teachers and students from two School Districts marched 11 miles to the capital today. Thousands of teachers took over every floor of the State Capitol building. Vowing not to leave until lawmakers increase their fundin funding. Colorados Republican Senate has voted against expelling a g. O. P. Senator accused of inappropriately touching a former aide. Senator randy baumgardner, he is still facing ongoing investigations about two additional complaints. As the white house trying to force california into submission . Are they sending a warning to the state that challenging the president might not be such a good idea . Localities challenging californias sanctuary policies. Stay with us. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things shannon californias agriculture industry is suffering Collateral Damage in the sanctuary states battle with the Trump Administration over immigration. Trace gallagher has more. The story in the Los Angeles Times is buzz because it involves farmworkers pulled over by immigrations and Customs Enforcement or i. C. E. Even though the workers were not criminal aliens and didnt fit the stated goals of immigration agents. I. C. E. Explained that one of the laborers match the idea of a criminal alien and thats why they were stopped. It goes without saying that california agriculture industry relies heavily on emigrant labor. Most of those who work in the fields are not legal residents. They do have permission to work here. The fear is even the perception of an ic crackdown will driveway labor when the pool of workers is already diminished. Farmers worry about losing trust in employees who returned to the fields year after year during harvest. The president of a group that represents farmworkers as his members fear the Trump Administration is targeting fieldworkers because of californias sanctuary law. Saying dont punish the businesses. We are not the ones that came up with this sanctuary state. I. C. E. Director says because local Law Enforcement refused to cooperate with federal agents, ic has no choice but to make arrests in neighborhoods. According this is a prime example of how sanctuary policies which have pushed i. C. E. Out of jails, force our officers to conduct more enforcement in the community. Deportations under President Trump are down across the board compared to president obama. Mostly because the number of Illegal Immigrants crossing the border into the u. S. Is down. All of this talk of labor shortages comes at a time when the california agriculture industry is also worried about the effects of the chinese imposing tariffs on egg products like citrus, wine, and pistachios. Even though experts say that chinese tariffs are relatively small and the fears are way overblown. That said, the San Diego Union Editorial Board is advising california leaders to quit picking fights with President Trump because they say the president s response is not well thought out and often it is detrimental. Shannon Trace Gallagher, thank you. Serve city, Huntington Beach voting to oppose laws. I message to sacramento is pretty clear. Sacramento is engaging in the usurpation of local control. Telling cities like Huntington Beach throughout california that you are to disobey federal law, disobey the constitution. Shannon joining us to discuss it, the mayor of escondido where the city council is voting tomorrow. Sam abed. And Kristin Gaspar the chairwoman of the board of supervisors of san diego county. Theyre going to have a closeddoor meeting april 17. Also looking into the same issues. Welcome to both. Grady had with us. Thanks for having me. Shannon mayor, i want to start by reading something from a democratic us and the says these laws keep emigrant communities safe. By ensuring people who witnessed crimes or who themselves are crime victims can call local police without fear of immigration and Customs Enforcement agents rating their homes or deporting their loved ones. Tomorrow you will vote about whether or not to file a friend of the court brief here in support of the u. S. Attorney general who is coming after california for the same to lost. How do you answer these family woman who says the laws are actually a positive thing . The assemblywoman is very wrong. My experience in escondido, shannon, since 2010 when i was elected mayor, we had cooperated with i. C. E. We have eight i. C. E. Agents in our police station, and we focus on criminals. We have deported over 2,000 illegal criminals from our city. After sp 54 was passed, now our i. C. E. Agents are in the neighborhood. Like Trace Gallagher indicated. They arrested 115 immigrants. Not all of them are criminals. I think the opposition to the sv 54, the sanctuary city is going to grow not only from governments but the people in the Hispanic Community we are trying to serve. They would have less protections under sb 54. Shannon one of your fellow supervisors says he agrees with the sheriff was as listen, we are going to follow the state laws. Were trying to make it work. Supervisor says on the subject of sb 54, one of these laws in california, i agree with our sheriff. Our Sheriff Deputies are not and should not be forced to carry out immigration duties. The problem lies not in sacramento but in d. C. Where congress and the administration have failed to fix a flawed immigration system. You later this month have a meeting coming up to discuss and decide how you all are or are not going to get involved. I know there are complaints that its a closed meeting. Can you tell us about why its closed and then what you think the policy will play out. First and foremost, i ask my colleagues to support me in joining this that or a lawsuit, pushing back against californias sanctuary laws. Closed session matter involves litigation. I havent asked for a resolution. I have asked for the board to explore engaging in that litigation, so its very appropriate for us to meet in closed session. Having said that, theres plenty of public opportunity as part of the public agenda to a place. Im sure there will be robust comments being placed during that time. I also applaud our sheriff for wanting to follow the laws. He is facing a disconnect between state and federal law. Local Law Enforcement is trying to do the best they can. The issue at hand is how to keep our communities safe. Its important for people to understand that there are between 30400 criminal illegal aliens in our jails today. Part of that process is for our sheriff to notify federal immigration authorities on release dates so that the federal immigration authorities to make a choice as to whether to come and intervene. We need not tie the hands of our local Law Enforcement. Shannon i want to ask you a yes or no question. You will have some kind of vote coming up. Mayor, its tomorrow for you. Chairwoman comay could be later for you. I will ask you, mayor, yes or no. Do you think your locality gets involved in pushing back against the state . I think so. Escondido would be one of the first cities to oppose the sanctuary state and i take a lot of other cities are going to follow our lead. I am very, very pleased that we are pushing back against this golden state that is no longer a golden state. Its just a sanctuary place for homeless. Illegal immigration. Sanctuary. Its not good direction that we are going in. Shannon chairwoman. It doesnt take much of a crystal ball. I know my colleagues have been out in the press sharing their opinions. My prediction would be yes, that the county of san diego will try to join in this lawsuit against sanctuary state in california. Shannon will watch both of those votes in the meetings as they unfold over the next few days. Thank you both for joining us tonight. Great to have you with us. Thank you. Shannon is amazon not paying prime postage . President trump attacking jeff bezos and amazon saying they are part of the reason the u. S. Postal service is falling apart. Our panel will check the facts and way in next. Does this story stink . Mark zuckerberg accuses of photographer of invading his privacy. The real news roundup is coming up. Shannon time for the real news roundup. California democrats introducing a solution to Police Shootings over the recent uproar over the death of stephan clark. He was killed last week after a foot chase. Officers were responding to a report of someone breaking into car windows. Democrats want to tighten use of force standards. The Supreme Court is given wide latitude. Kelly wanted democrats are proposing a new law that would make it almost always illegal for police to use deadly force unless its clearly needed to protect human life. Law Enforcement Group say officers are already trained to defuse situations. On a somewhat lighter note, photojournalist is accusing facebook ceo facebook seo Mark Zuckerberg of quote extraordinary hypocrisy. Reportedly escorted by security. Taking these pictures in 2011. Telling the dale mail that facebook dash facebook under fire for allegedly rejecting an ad from a Franciscan University because it showed jesus on the cross. The Ohio University said facebook rejected their content because it was shocking, sensational, and excessively violent. Reuters reporting that President Trumps feud with jeff bezos could go from personal to policy soon. Plans on the table to impact amazon, the white house has given the intensity of the president s feelings, that could change. The post office is losing billions of dollars. The taxpayers are paying for that money. Because it delivers packages for amazon at very low cost. Thats not fair to the united states. Not fair to the taxpayers. Amazon has the money to pay their fair rate at the post office would be more than they are paying operate shannon fox news contributors Richard Fowler and guy benson. And jamie weinstein. Thank you for coming in. Good to see you. Lets start with this piece thats in the wall street journal, an opinion piece that was published last year said an april analysis from citigroup estimates that if costs were fairly allocated, parcels will cost 1. 46 more. Its as if every box comes with a dollar or two stapled to packing slip. Jamie, there are people fact and disputing it. Its a study out there. Theres a commission degrees on this. They agreed on the rate amazon and others pay. This suggests not necessarily that amazon making the post office lose money. I picked is a statute says the post office perhaps they will be paying more. It is they are to discuss. Should they have a different deal . Its hard to ignore that the reason that this is in the discussion in the first places that we call it a feud but im not sure its viewed. Im not sure jeff bezos has any problem with donald trump. Comp is upset with the coverage in the Washington Post. This is one avenue he has developed an argument for. Its hard to ignore. Shannon there is not a business relationship between amazon and the Washington Post the Washington Post. Jeff bezos yes, he runs and oversees both of them but those entities arent connected. Business insider said if trump were to take action that caused amazon shipping cost to go up it would be a political nightmare for the president. Whatever democrat runs against him would run as the candidate who would bring back free shipping. I like my prime shipping. The reason amazon is so successful is because the American Consumer freaking loves amazon. You can get whatever you want delivered to your doorstep at a lower price than people are used to. Very quickly with a massive array to choose from. This is a new form of capitalism and the worm turning. This now Creative Destruction works. If trump wants to go and use the levers of government to use this backdoor shot at jeff bezos because of the Washington Post issue to get between americans and their savings, and their free shipping, thats not going to be a good look for him. It would also be an attack on a huge freemarket success which is not something any president ought to be doing. Shannon richard part of the reporting on the scenes. Sources say that president is hearing from his friends who have brickandmortar stores. They are upset about amazon. If brickandmortar stores are upset about amazon, they need to change their Business Practices and not tacked jeff bezos on twitter. I think guy is right. People love amazon. It took me three clicks. What amazon has been able to do, they courted a piece of the market that know the companys been able to corner. You cant punish them for that. Its not the job of any politician, democrat or republican, to pick winners and losers in the business sphere. I agree with richard for once. Its amazing. By the way, this is exactly right. I happen to like brickandmortar stores because i like to feel things and look at them before i buy them especially close. Especially colds. This is the wave of the future. This is what the American People appreciate and like about amazon. For the president to insert himself in this situation because of a petty issue related sort of do jeff bezos, its just a bad look. Shannon weve got to go. Stick around because we have other hot topics. You two are going to be singing kumbaya during the commercial. Stick around, panel. We have an update on the identity of the shooter at the youtube headquarters. Getting it in. When we return, we will have more on that. Candidates supporting President Trump and his agenda. Candidates deciding whether its their best strategy. The panel has voted. The results after the break. With lasting comfort. Only dr. Scholls stylish step has insoles that are clinically proven to provide allday comfort. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Money managers are pretty much the same. All but while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other money managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Its shannon this is a fox news alert. A woman found dead today at the mass shooting at youtube headquarters is thought to have died of a selfinflicted gunshot wound. Police believe she is likely the only suspect. A Law Enforcement source identify the possible female shooter to San Francisco fox affiliate ktvu as nasim aghdam. That reporting is in line with what we are hearing from local affiliates. The shooters motive is unclear but we are told that she produced several videos for youtube and her website. In one video, she says that nasim aghdam discriminated and filtered her content. She complains about free speech and says theres more in the air around then in the we will work with local authorities. Special Counsel Robert Mueller telling President Trumps lawyers that while he is under investigation, the president is not our criminal target. Back with us, richard, guy, and jamie. Let me read a little bit from the Washington Post. They say some advisors noted that the subject of investigations can become targets and express concerned that their special prosecutor was bating trump into an interview. Richard, we know the president wants to talk. If i were trumps lawyers, he shouldnt talk to robert mueller. We know that the president has a problem with telling the truth all the time. Fabricating or extending the truth. I think that is problematic when youre talking to a prosecutor. The story is interesting because if you know about the mueller team, you know that they rarely ever leaks. This is a leak coming from somebody else. Like i said, democrats and republicans, nobody knows who the target is until you see them walk into the courthouse. Shannon that same article quotes a lawyer saying my sense of it is the president , given that information come to have fair warning anything he is saying in a deposition would be legally consequential depending on what he says. It could wind up changing how the special counselors thinking about him. I think thats true the president could tangle himself up when he talks to mueller and his team. Its important to underscore this process has been underway for nine months. Thats when the special counsel is hired and appointed. Mueller steam has been very aggressive, turning the screws and a number of people related to the president and his team and as of now, if this Washington Post report is correct, based on the sources, the president is not a criminal target. That might change. That could go different directions. I think its significant after nine grueling months of this, this is what has emerged. I dont think we should downplay. I think its important to highlight what you said. A good scoop by the Washington Post. Perhaps we will see some tweets from the president. All of a sudden he likes jeff bezos and amazon. I think richard is right. We often are surprised by mueller. I dont think anyone should be claiming victory over the story. It kind of reminds me of the clinton team back in the day trying to say shes not under criminal investigation. The president is not yet a target. Hes a subject. Sometimes subjects do become targets. Many times they dont. Let the process play out. Robert mueller will eventually show his hand and we will find out whether there is anything that president will be charged with. I agree, let mueller finish his work. I think everything you said is well taken. I think its important to note that they have been underway for nine months. These are not dumb people. They have been digging very hard to try to get to the bottom of this and what they have discovered apparently thus far does not implicate the president criminally. That does have connotations. And consequences. Shannon that is something the left and right colonial lawmakers who have seen the evidence, when they are press, they admit we havent seen direct evidence of collusion. What has happened with the Mueller Investigation, people have gotten in trouble for other tangential issues, lying to investigators, financial issues. So far we havent seen what guy is talking about. The last time dash bill clinton committed perjury during a deposition which is why at the team is saying i think trump could get him in trouble. The one thing we have heard from trump and the leaks is the impossible obstruction of justice. What he says to the investigators if he sits down with them could prove that to be true or false. Which is why i say you got to let mueller do his job and not get in the way of it. The core of the investigation is russia. It ought to be. Thats the whole point. Shannon we will leave it there. Will watch for the amazon positive tweets. Thank you for doing double duty for us. 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