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Good evening. Great to see you. Democrats left off these allegations about fisa abuse but there may be some people in the obama inner circle tonight that are starting to sweat, not to mention former top fbi officials who were supposed to be nonpolitical, like james comey and andrew mccabe, who will now be facing even more scrutiny from the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Remember attorney general Jeff Sessions weeks ago said he wanted horwitz to handle this and got more heat from supporters of President Trump who said, well, the Inspector General is going to bury this. Sessions had passed the buck once again. This, tonight, is a sign maybe horowitz moving full speed ahead on what republican devin nunes first brought to the nations attention with that republican memo laying out how top fbi and Justice Department officials in the Obama Administration got a warrant in 2016 from a secretive fisa courts to spy on former trump advisor carter page. Most importantly, comey, mccabe used information from former british spy Christopher Steele sent a trump dossier to get that warrant without disclosing to the judge that in fact the dnc and Hillary Clintons campaign had paid for that. Horowitz declaring in a statement tonight, as part of this examination, the office of Inspector General world will review information that was known to the doj and fbi at thes filed from or about an alleged fbi confidential source, additionally, the Inspector General will review the doj and fbi relationship, communications with the alleged source as it relates to fisa. If circumstances warrant, the Inspector General will consider, including other issues that may arise during the course of the review. It could go into a whole bunch of issues. Devin nunes tonight was on with hannity and he called out democrats. This is effectively boomer ringing on them. Half of the american know that the other party, the democrats, appear that they weaponize, to some degree, the intelligence services. House Judiciary Committee Bob Goodlatte is also probing the fisa abuse. He is issuing a subpoena for more documents on the fbis handling of the clinton probe. That is a problem. It seems that the subpoena is intended to speed up that production of documents to pivot the discussion back to Hillary Clinton and divert attention from the chaos surrounding the Trump Administration and allegations involving the Trump Campaign. There were no allegations today in the New York Times that former trump personal attorney john dowd discussed the possibility of pardons with lawyers for Paul Manafort and michael flynn. Ty cobb, another attorney for the president inside the white house, put out a statement saying, i have only been asked about pardons by the press and i were to be responded on the record that no pardons are under discussion or under consideration at the white house. Either way the president s power to pardon is broad. Discussions were not necessarily improper. The question is if it becomes a part of Robert Muellers probe into potential obstruction of justice. Shannon ed henry with the very latest. Thank you so much. Well talk about it with the panel. In the meantime, President Trump making big news as his doctor and navy admiral was nominated to take over at the v. A. Party they worked at close prospects of many, firing david shulkin. Lewis, Lucas Tomlinson has a story tonight. For the second time in two weeks, President Trump fired a member of his cabinet, this time acting v. A. Secretary dr. David shaw can, and obama home over, after class for his removal boiled over. Last year, shulkin improperly got wimbledon tickets. Inspector general is investigating whether their security deal detail was made to deliver furniture to his home. President trump has nominated white house dr. Ronny jackson to replace the shulkin, a navy rear admiral, a surprise choice to lead this sick government second largest department. He has served as white house physician over the past three administrations. Recently jackson has been criticized by some after giving a glowing report on the president s health. Some people have great genes, i would tell the president that he could love to be 200 years old. The president has heart disease. Those numbers qualify him to have heart disease. It clearly needs a planted dry and prevent heart problems down the road. In a statement, President Trump said admiral jackson is highly trained and qualified. One of the first g. O. P. Lawmakers to call for shulkins ouster applauded the move. Dr. Shulkin came from within the v. A. And did nothing to clean up the culture of bureaucratic incompetence that is to find a leadership at the v. A. I am convinced that only someone from outside the v. A. Can clean up the v. A. The president named robert wilkie, the pentagons undersecretary of defense for personal and readiness, to serve as the acting v. A. Secretary until admiral jackson is confirmed. Expect Senate Democrats to put up a fight. Shannon . Shannon Lucas Tomlinson from the pentagon. Thank you. Kim jong uns secretive meeting with chinese president has left many in the u. S. Wondering what will happen next. What it could mean for a future meeting with President Trump. Leland vittert joins us live with more on that. Hey. Good evening, shannon. Lots of news but very few answers to the core questions here. When and where does the trump, summit take place, one with the ground rules, and what does the north koreans really want for their nukes . One thing is sure. The chinese made it clear with this visit that they play a front and center wall when it comes to dealing with the kim regime. The president paid respect to his chinese counterpart to that effect today tweeting, received a message last night from xi jingping of china that he had a meeting with him drunk on and it went very well and kim looks forward to his meeting with me. In the meantime, and unfortunately, maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all costs. Despite their freeze on my cell a nuclear custom of the north koreans appear to be moving forward at all costs and a breakneck speed with her Nuclear Program. No photo show another reactor, the north claims that is for peaceful electric generation. Intelligence reports it is also capable of throwing off plutonium for more bombs. If the white house or u. S. Intelligence community knew about the chinese summit, they didnt say anything, nor did they seem particularly surprised. The chinese official state media it reiterated the offer by kim jong un of facetoface with President Trump. Certainly, we are going to be cautiously optimistic, but we feel like things are moving in the right direction, and that the meeting yesterday was a good indication that the maximum Pressure Campaign has been working. You saw him leave for the First Time Since becoming the leader of north korea, leaving his country for the first time for that meeting. Thinking of leaving, kim jong un used his private luxury trained to make the journey to beijing, a fight that normally takes two hours, evidently kim doesnt like to fly and showed off the train come as you can see to the chinese media. We were turned to when and where meeting could take place, if the president is going to show up. It is highly unlikely it will be a surprise and if kim will only travel by a train that moves at a report to 40 miles per hour, fair to say, shannon, it greatly limits the options for locations. Shannon it does much of one concert and it looks like. All right, thank you very much. Kim summit this week was the first time he traveled outside of his country since he assumed power in 2011. That is according to his own state media. Beijing is just the start. Next is a meeting just south of the dmz with south korean president to moon jaein. Then potentially with President Trump and as yet undisclosed location. He is also rumored to be considering a sit down with russians Vladimir Putin, while one of its doctors critics, japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe says he is ready for a meeting too. What is drawing him out of hermit kingdom all of a set on . Lets talk about it with a republican senator from South Carolina lindsey graham, a member of the senate armed committee. That is a stunning overview. If you told me a year ago that the north Korean Leader would be meeting with President Trump, potentially there russians and the japanese, i wouldnt believe it, and hats off to President Trump and his team for making this a reality. Maximum pressure has worked. Shannon lets talk about china. I read an account today that said for six years, hes been pushing china to have an official meeting with him. They werent interested, and never happen, they held him at arms length. As soon as its becoming apparent that he will meet with President Trump, china says, hey, come for a visit. They obviously have different interests in the region that we do. There are some similar but there are differences. A piece says that beijing is concerned with any concessions that north korea might make toward the u. S. In exchange for u. S. Security guarantee or a settlement that could lead to the unification of the Korean Peninsula by absorption and the emergence of a unified korea as an American Military ally on chinas border i think thats a pretty good analysis of what they fear. Here was with a hope. They hope that north korea will stop being a pain in the rear for them. The north Korean Nuclear program destabilizes the entire world. I hope that kim jong un was told by the chinese president , we stand with america. You need to give up your nukes. I would tell her chinese, our goal is not to reunify south korea and north korea. I would tell them that north korea needs to give up their Nuclear Weapons to protect the world at large. Help us there. Shannon do you think it will . The messages were relayed after their meetings that they are open to denuclearizing the peninsula, plenty of skeptics who arent buying math or wonder what kind of agreement we can gr as rigorous, legitimate inspection. We have seen this movie before. In 1994, they gave up their Nuclear Program for food. They took the food and kept their nukes. The one thing i would tell china and north korea, the worst mistake you can make is meet with President Trump personally, have a discussion about what to do, and try to play him. If that happens, thats the end of north korea. I met with the president today. He doesnt want a wife. He is hopeful that this can resolve in ending the north Korea Nuclear threat, stabilizing that part of the world. I think he is ready to go big. The korean war is still its never been ended been ended. Shannon technically. But i would like to see happen as a peace treaty between south korea, north korea, china, the United States. North korea would give up their weapons. Japan and south korea doesnt have them. Well give them insurance that we wont need north korea, well tell the chinese we are not trying to unify the Korean Peninsula, but we are insisting that kim jong un give up his Nuclear Program. There is a chance for a deal. This is the last, best chance to avoid a war. The worst thing that can happen is that the north korea tries to play donald trump. Shannon you said that the damage from a war with north korea would be worth it in terms of longterm stability and national security. That scares a lot of people. I dont want to minimize the damage would be great. Worth it. Its all about bad choices. If there is a war between north korea and us, south korea and japan will get hit, hit hard. Thousands of people could die. That is not lost upon me. But if we allow them to get an icbm, they can hit america with a nuclear tipped missile. The names of americans are at risk and he will sell anything he develops. He sold to syria, tried to help iraq. So north korea proliferates nuclear materials. So you got to go bad choices. To me, it is worth it to stop him from getting a big Nuclear Arsenal because he will give it our selected people who would use it if he would not to. Shannon lets talk about russia. Interesting because the president took the steps obviously in tandem with a number of european allies to expel a number of russian personality, intelligence officers, and response to this poisoning on british soil that russians are now saying the u. K. Did had made it look like the russians did it. I am no security expert or professional envoys and so i wont comment on that. A couple of people stepping up in the Mainstream Media to praise the president , david singer from the New York Times saying , its getting harder to make the argument that the president has not gotten tough with putin. The daily beast income of this is big, it deserves credit. 50 diplomats plus spies. The best thing that they can do is unite the world against russias aggression, not just be the United States versus russia come but the entire world. Look at what happened when we decided to expel Russian Diplomats and spies sprayed the entire world followed President Trump. The best thing he can do in my view at home and abroad is to tell putin, i dont want to be your enemy but you are making me be your enemy and if you continue to disrupt the world, invade your neighbor, assassinate people, in foreign countries, then you were going to pay a price. If china excuse me, in france and germany would get behind trumps efforts to change Business Practices and trying to come i guess what, china would stop cheating if they had to pay a price. Putin would stop us dropping the world if he paid a price. I can tell you this. Putin will respond to weakness, aggression, he will respond to strength by backing off on President Trump ive got a moment in time here to really make putin pay a price. His economy is the size of italy. Shannon 15 seconds. He spent 90 minutes with the president. How did he seem . Theres a lot of new swirling around him, much of it not positive. Very, very focused, very upbeat. It feels like hes doing a good job. We have some historic moments coming in may when north korea and iran, tax cuts are working, the president was very upbeat and quite frankly, i think hes done a very good job as commander in chief. Shannon senator graham, always good to have you with us. Thanks. The polish government signing off on a huge deal to buy the u. S. Patriot to Missile Defense system. For nearly 5 billion. It is the largest arms procurement deal and polands history and is also a major step in modernizing their forces, which analysts they do not sit well with the kremlin. The u. S. Economy looks to be on stable footing. In the final quarter of 2017, marked the Third Quarter in a row with gdp close to or exceeding 3 . The pace that the Drop Administration set as a target. Gross domestic product measures the value of every item produced in every service rendered in the u. S. President trump will buzz at northeast toast ohio tomorrow afternoon to present his proposed 1. 5 trillion program to rebuild the countrys aging infrastructure. Economists argue that it wont add to the u. S. Economy. The White House Council of economic advisors says the plan will give a significant boost to the gdp over the next ten years, adding up to 400,000 new jobs. They are calling it a boomerang effect. What began as surveillance of a Trump Campaign turning into an investigation of the alleged fisa abuse by the fbi under the Obama Administration. What it all means for the special counsel probe next. Plus no developments tonight on a breaking story. A new Trump Administration proposal aimed at making sure immigrants dont become dependent on government benefits if they want to attain legal status. Also on tap, marching for our lives to marching for life. Another group of students is trying to organize a nationwide school walkout. We look at the same kind of support . Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Shannon after being criticized by conservatives for signing a 1. 5 trillion spending package last week, a just small fraction of the border wall. The president tweeting photos a portion of the ball being built, adding, great briefing this afternoon on the start of our southern border wall. It becomes following are part of the Drop Administration seeking to her restrictive legal status for immigrants who rely on tax credits and government welfare programs. Lets talk about with tonights panel. Radio host ethan berman. Fox news contributor lisa boothe. The federalists mollie hemingway, also a fox news contributor. Good to see you all tonight. Hi, shannon. Shannon tell me more about this. This is what the dhs spokeswoman said. This is their proposal, apparently they say nothing is finalized yet. Once it is approved, it will be released, have a comment. Matt, the whole 9 yards. This is what she said. The administration is committed to enforcing existing Immigration Law which is clearly intended to protect the the amn taxpayer. Mollie, they say this is a tackn attack on people who are trying to gain legal status. Because this gets at the heart of the debate about kind of immigration should have. Some people say should be random and lottery based on some people are pushing for a move to the more australian or canadian style where its selfsufficiency playing a role. It doesnt play a role for people who have special needs or our Refugee Status or particular persecution. At in general, a lot of immigrants are coming to this country, american citizens are looking for people who can be selfsufficient and can contribute to the economy. A lot of immigrants do. This is a test to make sure that this is working out for current american citizens. Shannon reacting to this, the statement from dnc chair tom perez, its another heartless attack on immigrants. Donald trump should spend less time finding ways to punish hardworking families and more time standing up to the values of inclusion of opportunity that make america great. Your response, lisa . I think mollie is right. This is consistent with what we have seen from the sweat has, a illegal immigration, that looks at what mollie discussed, and meritbased immigration approach, and something that President Trump pushed for as well when he laid out what he would ideally like to see congress and address on the daca issue. Also, i think this is very consistent with what we have seen from President Trump wanting to bring people into this country that would benefit more economically, maybe not take as much public assistance. It would bring some sort of skill set to the workforce. Shannon ethan, the dhs says its about making sure that u. S. Tax to taxpayers are treated treated fairly. Of course we want u. S. Taxpayers to be treated fairly. The 1996 offer act and the immigration act of 1996 already addressed this issue. This is a very marginal number of people come Illegal Immigrants already over abundantly contribute to our economy. There are greater number of Small Business owners that need a foreign spy they work at a higher percentage than nativeborns. They are Higher Education levels, they actually earn more than nativeborn americans. This is just meat to the base because it is such a tiny percentage of people that we are talking about. It is not billions of dollars that are being abused or wasted right now. Shannon okay. I want to make sure that this next topic, i get all three of you in. Keep your interest relatively brief. Ethan, ill start with you. Today the Inspector General said he will look into these allegations about whether the fisa warrants were abused, whether the doj and fbi under the Obama Administration was fair and complied with the law. I think any time that there is an objective investigation by an Inspector General, that is something we all need. We need to know that the process works. However, it sure seems to be a rightwing move that seems to think of the deep state is so embedded that the fbi is not able to function. We have a couple of bad apples who were caught redhanded and were removed from the process. But really, we have the new Paul Manafort connection to the russian intelligence and that is not what we are talking about. Shannon lisa . There are also bad actors that were helping to lead these investigations, that is where the concern boils down to. I do think to ethans point, Michael Horowitz will be deemed as a more objective investigator. However he doesnt have the prosecutorial authority, which is why people like chairman county, members of the senate, calling for a Second Special counsel. Shannon mollie come as a top democrat on the Judiciary Committee saying its a Conspiracy Theory thats been deprived and its a waste of time and money. In the last year, you had committees on both sides of the senate and house looking into russian meddling, the Inspector General looking into Hillary Clinton email probe. What everybody sits down, its a violation of processes and Serious Problems of the department of justice and fbi. Youve had at least six, seven, eight people who were fired, demoted, moved around because of these problems. You have very serious issues with fisa abuse. These are secret courts, you can its incumbent upon our government to make sure we are handling the Surveillance Authority well. We do need to restore the credibility of our federal Law Enforcement. This ig is a good step, a small step, though, because they cant compel testimony from people who have left fbi or doj. It also doesnt deal with the problems that we found that state, cia, and other places. Well need a special prosecutor just so everyone can trust the fbi and doj. Shannon the calls for those continue. Panel, what you were fabulous. Stick around, we have more hot topics for you and just a minute. Thank you. In the meantime, amazon founder jeff bezos is reportedly the richest man in the world but his network took a serious tumble today all because hes reportedly made one very powerful enemy. Plus the news stories are so unbelievable, we have to remind you they are legit. The real news roundup coming shannon in the wake of antigun student walkout, the California Teacher was suspended for asking whether prolife protesters could do the same thing. She wound up suspended. One of her students is fighting back. Trace gallagher has all the details from the west coast. Hey. I might come as we prepare the nationwide prolife walkout is specifically meant to imitate protest except the goal this time is too shy to a bright light on the lives destroyed by. The event will also test if theres a double standard when it comes to allowing students to protest things that take lives. The walkout is being organized by 17yearold brandon gillespie. A junior at Rockland High School outside of sacramento. Gillespie says he wants to honor the lives of aborted babies, raise awareness of what he calls the injustices of planned parenthood, and to protest the suspension of his history teacher, who was placed on leave when she brought up the double standard. Heres the teacher. I open up the discussion for if schools, not only just our school and administration, but across the country, are going to allow one group of students to get up during class and walkout to protest one issue, would they still give the same courtesy to another group of students who wanted to get up and walk out to protest . I use the example of abortion. Shes back teaching now and says the upcoming prolife walkout will literally answer the double standard question. The event is now set for april 11th, and the students are asking for the very same 17 minutes given to students who protested gun violence. It remains unclear how schools across the country will respond. In the meantime, were getting a better idea of who participated in the march for our lives against gun violence. Apparently, it wasnt mostly young people. A sociology professor at the university of maryland at her six Person Research team randomly surveyed hundreds of people who joined in the march and found 70 were women and quoting all the about 10 of the participants were under 18. The average age of the adults of the crowd was just under 49 years old. She also says 27 of the participants had never protested before and most of the new protesters were not motivated by guncontrol but rather, by issues of peace. And of President Trump. Shannon. Shannon all right, trace. Very interesting. Thank you. Tonight, the aclu is urging greyhounds not to let i. C. E. Agents searches buses for Illegal Immigrants without a warrant. Meanwhile, the acl use efforts against Law Enforcement and may have had unintended consequences. Researchers are blaming tougher rules on Police Officers for chicagos huge spike in homicides. They are calling it the aclu effect. The aclu calling it junk science. Senior correspondent mike tobin takes a look at the evidence from chicago tonight. The aclu is to blame for chicagos 2016 increase in violent crimes, that according to a new study from the university of utah. We have a collection of data that come together to make it clear that causation exists here. The Study Concludes that burdens placed on the citys police force have taken their toll. Protest erupted in 2015 in response to a video of black teenager look Juan Mcdonald bank shot to 16 times by a Chicago Police officer. In the aftermath, the aide dont mock the aclu Chicago Police reach an agreement to address accusations of racial profiling. Police officers were required to fill out elaborate cards after stop and frisk spray to take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. As a result, stops dropped by 82 in 2016. Homicides jumped by 58 . Chicago endured an additional 1100 gun crimes. The study examined other factors, from anger on the streets, to the opioid epidemic. It concluded that the aclu effect of the anomaly and cops are discouraged from checking suspicious people for weapons. Criminals on the streets of chicago became emboldened to carry guns. The deterrent effect decreased. When there were more guns on the street, being carried by criminals, the predictable result is an increase in gun related crimes. The spike in blood shed is is undeniable. That and enhanced scrutiny of the police frequently gets attention from the president to. What the hell is going on in chicago . And aclu lawyer says you cant just look at the chronology and blame the contact cards. It make to makes claims thate thing caused another. The aclu claims that most of the entries on my contact cards are required by the chicago pd, not their organization. Representatives challenge the objectivity of the researchers, who also authored a study in 2017 reaching the conclusion that miranda requirements for police effectiveness. Shannon, back to you. Shannon time for a quick round up the of the real news out there. That was often derided by the Mainstream Media for being weak on russia or even colluding with president Vladimir Putin to influence the 2016 election, the New York Times is crediting President Trump with getting tough on russia after expelling 60 Russian Diplomats earlier this week. David sanger is the chief washington correspondent. He is getting harder to makee argument that the president has not got in touch with putin. This is certainly a tougher move, for example, then president obama took when he expelled 30 some odd diplomats after the election issue. Shannon President Trump getting tough on portraits of government officials. 1 of 3 bills signed into law yesterday, eliminating governmentfunded Oil Painting Act bars the use of taxpayer funds for partners of federal workers, like former epa administrator lisa jackson, former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld, and more. Some of these portraits cost taxpayers 40,000 each. Pennsylvania high school has a rifle team with equipment more than 40 years old. That is not the only problem facing the mountaineers. The school board if they are voted monday night to reject a 5,000 grant from the National Rifle association meant to help them buy new gear and guns. The team put together a gofundme site with an appeal for help that says, lets put our political ideology aside and come together as a community in support of our rifle team. The night they nearly doubled their original goal after abouta dozen local businesses got together and decided to help fund the team. Classic 90s tv show made its most anticipated return. As roseanne really representing trump voters . Presenting trump voters . Shannon its a scene thats all too familiar too Many American families, the divider for the 2016 election. Abc showed us by reviving roseanne after a 20 year hiatus. How could you have voted for him, roseanne . He talked about jobs, jackie. He said hed shake things up. This might come as a shock to you but we almost lost our house the way things are going. Have you looked at the news . Now things are worse. Not on the real news. Police shannon roseannes debut scoring massive ratings in cities like new york and middle america, dominating states are President Trump won like ohio. There is a debate about why. Lets talk about it with the panel. I thought it was interesting, guys, it had monster ratings but not everybody agreed it was necessarily a good thing for conservatives because roseannes character supports trump. Ben shapiro writing, there is Something Else going on in roseanne that should disturb conservatives. The redefinition of Trump Supporters as bluecollar leftists rather than conservatives. The implication is that shes a good person because of easeofuse but the real difference between trump voters and hillary voters are economic in nature, not cultural. Lisa, what you make of that . I dont want to get into an argument with venture. Because hes a smart guy. I also think that if you look at the trump coalition, it is sort of a hodgepodge of individuals in this country. I think that he certainly have people like roseanne barr, a trump supporter in real life, also an executive producer of this show that may be a little bit more socially liberal but voted on him for the economic issues. I also think you additionally have people that went for President Trump because of these cultural wars. Again, President Trump sort of has this broad, hodgepodge of a coalition. I see a point, i think its a smart point, but i dont 100 agree with the point hes making. Shannon ethan, what you make the monster ratings last night . I say congratulations to the show, the cast, i think they did a great job. Im not the biggest fan but i will tell you something, ben shapiro is totally wrong on this one. Its about love, its not about hate. That is what roseanne is preaching and what shes been doing for many, many years. She led the way both the advocate and have come out in support of roseanne, not just the show but 24 years ago, but it was a groundbreaker in terms of the first kiss between two women on tv. That is a big deal for a lot of people because especially in light of for the president has been doing with some of the antilgbt moves, roseanne shows that you can love and support trump at the same time. Shannon i think that is bens concern. It portrays trump voters as being ones who care about the economy but not the cultural issues. He doesnt think thats the case. Well see. We love having been on. We want to make sure we get to our second topic. Well start with you, mollie. A young student in california said he will do a prolife walkout april 11th is the time mandate for that. He wants to test a couple of things. He says, along with being a movement commemorating the millions of children who are victims to abortion, the Movement Stands for all students rights to freedom of speech and assembly. He wants to test this theory about whether it will get the same kind of support that the antigun rally dead. Its interesting that the study came out showing that the people at this weekends barge, the average age was 50 and there werent many children there. If you go to the march for life, held annually in d. C. , also in the state capitals and other cities throughout the country, you are blown away by how many young people are there. High School Students and younger. Its an issue, and he destruction of human life in the womb and violence in the womb and how that hurts women and their children is an issue that young people care deeply about and it is something that maybe have not done a very good job covering. Its a really interesting question to ask, whether schools will be supportive of this as they wear, actively colluding and trying to push this antigun rights march that they did. Shannon ethan, the student directly was a student of the teacher got suspended in california for asking this and having this conversation in her class. Do you think that the two topics will be treated the same . What do you of this plan . I always support people to exercise their First Amendment rights. There is a significant difference between an already existing march for life and antiabortion rally that goes on. Into reaction by a lot of people by the way, i was at the march for our lives with my two children, while under the age of 50, i think we saw a lot of young people there. I dont think that study was somewhat nonscientific in d. C. Only. But the point is, the kids in parkland at around the country are worried about the violence that took place at Marjory Stoneman douglas high school. Abortions are not happening in high school classrooms. These are different topics and there are separate marches for that. Shannon we got to leave it there. We are out of time. Thank you all. Well see what happens. Thanks, guys. Facebook under fire. Amazon stocks plummeting as a third News Technology raises eyebrows with a controversial equipment. Equipment. Br you ok there, kurt . Were about to move. Karate helps. Relieve some of the housebuying. Stress. At least you dont have to worry about homeowners insurance. Call geico. Geico. Helps with. Homeowners insurance . Been doing it for years. Im calling geico right now. Good idea get to know geico. And see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. Shannon amazon chair slumping after xes reported that President Trump released to be ecommerce giant is making life harder for Small Businesses andg legal means to change that. Jordy mina from los angeles, the host of the next revolution on sunday nights right here on fox. Also, the cofounder and ceo of a text company. And her partner alayna treene. Great to have both of you with us tonight. Great to have be here. Shannon a lot of hostility against the Tech Companies. Is it a broader backlash . Its a broader backlash, shannon. In many ways, it is helpful that its happening because its shining a spotlight on something that is really important, which is that these Tech Companies have got too big and too powerful. It mirrors is something that is happening in the economy in general, where you have a concentration of power, and that is always bad news. Its bad news when it happens in government, when you get a concentration of power in washington. That is why i believe indent might be centralizing power from the federal government to the states and communities. The same thing needs to be happening in the economy. We need to topping up the antitrust laws. Breaking up these companies, not just tech, throughout the economy, to get more competition into the marketplace. Shannon alayna, to that point, the president apparently, they are reporting, from your outlet, he would like to take steps against amazon, thinking its hurting brickandmortar stores, retailers, shopping malls, people in real estate, a business where he has a lot of friends, he wants to go after amazon according to sources who discusses with him. He is obsessed with amazon a source said, obsessed. Alayna . Its definitely interesting to see, thats exactly what the reporting shows. Really, the president , he is a 1950s man. Hes a businessman before he was president. He kind of was nostalgic for the days that it used to be. And he is starting to see talking to steves point, he thinks theres a lot of power in the hands of these text companies, and amazon in particular for its ecommerce aspect and what its doing to momandpop stores and other retailers that he sees it as a big threat to some of those smaller businesses. Hes looking at perhaps taking some action. Press secretary Sarah Sanders said there is nothing in the works right now but from what the sources have told axios is that he really is looking at antitrust regulations and some other tax treatment that they might be abusing. Shannon another tech company that has revolutionized the way we get entertainment, netflix has announced susan rice, former ambassador, former nsa under the Obama Administration, will join their board. A Quick Reaction for both of you. Steve, first to you. I think there is nothing to be upset about except the fact that it is so typical, isnt it . People who serve in government and then basically cash in on their Public Service and get who burned up by these big companies. As happened forever, it is part of the swamp. That is the real story here rather than the politics of netflix. Its all about the swamp. This is how they work. Shannon alayna, theres been backlash and threats of a boycott because of the ambassadors role in the benghazi fiasco. How do you feel that plays out . A lot of people, on twitter and other forms of social media, say they will boycott netflix for putting susan rice on the board. We saw similar things happen when there was buzz that barack obama and Michelle Obama might also have a Netflix Series on netflix. So a lot of people believed, just like steves point, it is the swamp coming to these big media outlets. A lot of people dont like that cross over from the political world in washington into some of the more Tech Companies and Media Companies that they see as their entertainment and ways of escaping all of that. Shannon a tough day for many in the text companies. A tough week in the markets. Well see how they fare tomorrow with the next news cycle. Stephen alayna, great to have both of you with us tonight. Thank you. Thanks, shannon. Shannon so many of you have reached out in the last few days after i put out a twitter plea for a young boy he was very ill and had one last wish. Weve got an its 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. And at our factory in boston, more than a thousand workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. Putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. Shannon i want to close tonight by updating you about young emilio who is dying wish was to get a message of one of the adventures. I lost a Twitter Campaign after getting the request from emilios uncle. Thanks to your tens of thousands of retweets, videos personalized for emilio poured in. Today one of them was set to call him at the hospital but the 11yearold cancer fighter did not make it. Emilios family started a foundation to help others. Emilio wrote a book last year, and all the proceeds will help fund the foundation. If you want to help go to genesfoundation. Com. Emilio proved that social media can be an enormous force for good. Strangers will often care and have compassion even when it will benefit them in no way. We have seen that happen over and over again since sunday. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spend the evening with us. Good night from washington. I am Inspector General Michael Horowitz will open an investigation into fisa abuses. The more they did the worse it gets for them. It is going to be about the conditions. Another shuffle at the white house the president tweeting Ronnie Jackson is the new secretary of the department of veterans affairs. We had 172 criminal aliens on the streets. This is totally

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