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Spectrum. A large crowd has been gathering tonight. Reporter weve been joined by thousands, for several hours. Let me share chief Justice John Roberts who said this in part from our nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We had the Supreme Court lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn but with confidence future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her. A tireless and resolute champion of justice. Here is donald trump on her passing. I didnt know that. She led an amazing life. What else can you say . She was an amazing woman. Whether you agree or not she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life. I was sad to hear that. Thank you very much. Reporter she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life so said the president of the United States. Let me share a statement from Mitch Mcconnell. A lot of people wondering will they move forward, republicans, and put someone up as the new was nominee for the high court, he said this, Donald Trumps nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States senate. Chuck schumer responding in a tweet, the American People should have a voice on the next Supreme Court justice there for this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. Here is joe biden. We should focus on the loss of the justice and her enduring legacy but there is no doubt, let me be clear voters should pick the president and the president should pick the justice for the senate to consider. This was the position of the Republican Senate in 2016 when there were 10 months to go before the election. That is the position the United States senate must take. That is the position Many Democrats will take in the u. S. Senate. One negative information among many. One third of all us president s have appointed a high Court Justice in an Election Year and if the new nominee is confirmed it would be a third justice to the high court for donald trump. As we watch the crowd gather it is a different time but i remember when Justice Scalias family had him lie in repose. We were stunned who wrapped around the box and im sure the same will happen to Justice Ginsburg but we are waiting for how they will let us now. The United States senate is the body with the responsibility of vetting and voting on the Supreme Court nominees on both sides of the aisle, very quick to weigh in on that. Chad program, tell us what reaction youre getting in the senate. Which senators will be willing to forge ahead and try to confirm a nominee and i will start with the senators who face competitive reelection. Susan collins was silent in his statement about what could happen or what should happen. Martha mexicali from arizona said go ahead and fill the seat, rick scott from florida said not have a vacancy going on for a prolonged period of time and Lisa Murkowski from alaska, swing vote in the senate indicated they should wait until after the election. The most important statement came from Mitch Mcconnell who says they should go ahead and fill the seat that is in opposition to what happens when and tone and scalia died in 2016 when Merrick Garland was nominated by president obama and they held on, never got hearing in the senate. If you are asking me a hypothetical, a member of the Supreme Court, vacancy that created this year. We would fill it. Contrast that to what Mitch Mcconnell said four years ago. Listen. The next justice could alter the direction of the Supreme Court and have a profound impact on our country so of course the American People should have a say in the courts direction. A couple of hours after Antonin Scalia died in 2016 Mitch Mcconnell made the decision not to entertain any nominee barack obama put forth in this is why Diane Feinstein on the Judiciary Committee said under no circumstances, her term, should they consider a nominee under donald trump until past the inauguration. This might be the most important factor, the average from when someone is nominated when they get a hearing for Supreme Court nominee, 4045 days, we are on the cusp of that, in terms of confirmation that is 6770 days, that would put a confirmation vote in the senate sometime after the election with the most recent Supreme Court Justice Brett kavanaugh, his first confirmation hearing came up in 57 days, he was confirmed in 89 days. You know better than i do that Mitch Mcconnell is our master of parliamentary procedure, technicalities of getting things together in the senate and he talked about the fact that this year would be a different situation because the senate and the president are not of opposing parties, democrats jump on that distinction, as republican senators do, those willing to discuss the next step. There are other republican senators very worried, a tough reelection battle, will they stick together and get behind a vote of the president does nominate someone and mcconnell decides to take it to the floor. As we always say i have a favorite expression. It is about the math, it is about the math, it is about the math. 53 senate republicans, 47 senators who caucus with the democrats, they could lose two senators and it appears Lisa Murkowski sticks to her word they are down to 52, you could lose three if you were to have mike pence break the tie. He has broken 13 ties which is a pretty high number for a Vice President in his Vice President ial career serving as president of the senate at the First Executive branch nomination that was never confirmed by a Vice President breaking a tie, mike pence confirming betty divorce in 2017, if you lose one senator or two but you are right on the cusp, the turning radius isnt very far. I mentioned martha max sally, there is a special election in arizona early. If mark kelly, democratic nominee for senate were to defeat martha mexicali it is possible he could be sworn in and alter this calculus again. We talked about the Vice President as a tiebreaker, your experts, say you ended up with 5047 that is not a tie. Will the Vice President get involved . Will those republicans turn it into a real 50 50 tie . Went in the Vice President get involved . The Vice President can only vote if there is a tie if they need to bypass, keep in mind the Vice President doesnt have to vote because the tie vote by rules loses in the senate. The Vice President doesnt have to vote. Shannon in this age of pandemic everything is different on capitol hill. A lot of this has been done remotely. If we got to the position of the Senate Judiciary hearing happening you and i have covered many of these in person, they can get rockets, do you think this will be a remote situation, how would you see that playing out . They would have a nominee, weve had other nominees come in for other positions and one couldnt imagine not doing it for Supreme Court nominee. Consider the tension for the Brett Kavanaugh hearing or the tension for Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas in the fall of 1991, these are high drama situations, and we dont know about this confirmation hearing, keep in mind who would be chairing this hearing, lindsay republican of South Carolina, hes in a tight competitive reelection bid against democrat Jamie Harrison and kamala harris, the democratic Vice President ial nominee is a member of the committee. Here is another thing. We have to see how quickly the administration can put forth a nominee, a lifetime appointment, how do they do proper vetting and just because you pick someone and send the nomination doesnt mean it is smooth sailing, look what happened when christine was a ford came in and Harriet Miers in 2006, one of george w. Bushs nominees, had to withdraw, back in the 1980s so it isnt always smooth sailing so just because you have this opening even if they move expeditiously it is far from clear that this is done even during this term, into january or past inauguration day. Regardless who the president is. Shannon we will have a lot of question in the coming weeks and months, thank you so much. As we reflect on the life and legacy of Justice Ginsburg, good to have you with us. We are showing live the seat at the Supreme Court, a huge gathering of folks, flowers, singing, folks who are supporting each other in their grief over this loss. We spent many years in washington, had a chance to talk with Justice Ginsburg and Different Things around washington, you got to know her a little bit and she had a very funny personality and she was very spunky, she did not roll over and take the ribbing she often got from Justice Scalia. She was a very active participant. She was largerthanlife as the definitive first and she was but she was a giant not only in how she advocated on the court and how she asked questions but in washington and that relationship with Antonin Scalia caught people by surprise but it was really genuine. I asked Justice Scalia about it and he said she is really funny. If you just go back to those movies that came out over the past couple years, rpg, look at her life fighting gender inequality. Whether you agreed with her ideology or not something inspiring about her life story and that got her the notorious rpg following she had in recent years. Shannon we talked about the fact that just a handful of women graduating in her Law School Class in harvard and she talked about the fact that she had a hard time getting hired even as one of the top in her class because she was a woman and she had a family and that was so important to her but that fueled her, those kinds of things because she was trying to blaze a trail and i never heard her complain about that kind of thing and the fact she had to make her own path and she did that for a lot of women in the Legal Profession who wanted to try to balance family and career but she faced a lot of pressure to resign during the last president ial election from the left who wanted president obama to have a clear shot at filling her seat and she said nowhere, people need to stop telling me what to do. I dont think someone like me can get confirmed that way because she had done work for the aclu and had statements out there in her personal practice that in this divided time would have made it hard for her to be confirmed, she thought it was very important to stay and continue her work. She covered so many ofs and downs and Health Challenges and she was tough, continued to fight and show up. He did. Asking questions, she had hospital stays, questioning on the telephone, she battled throughout her and continued her schedule. We are talking life and legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg but it is impossible 46 days from the election to talk about how big a deal this is going to be. It is such a game changer for an election that was focused on a couple of Different Things. Now it is going to be solely focused on this decision and how it is going to play. You see all these senators putting out statements about what they said in 2016 as to what they are saying now. You are right to point out to chad the mcconnell is saying it is different because the parties are the same controlling the white house and the senate as opposed to when president obama was in the white house and republicans controlled the senate. You saying donald trump in essence was elected in 2016 to fill as many vacancies as he could and this is one of them so it is going to be starting next week the beginning of it you would see a nominee start to move and that is going to cause such a big uproar and a big ripple in how this election plays out. He leaves behind the grieving family of children and grandchildren and people who loved her deeply and colleagues morning tonight as well so we hope and pray they will have some days of grieving before the political. Thank you so much. Lets talk now with a woman who made history, one of the first republican female members of the senate Judiciary Committee, tennessee senator marsha blackburn, good to have you with us tonight. Talk if you could about the legacy of Justice Ginsburg and what she really meant to women who were out there pursuing a career and balancing family and serving in one of the most stress filled important positions in the country and doing it with a strength of the center that kept her going through all kinds of challenges. It did keep her going and i think she relied on her inner strength. One of the things i appreciated about Justice Ginsburg is that she had earned her spot. Nobody gave it to her and nobody made the way easy for her. Is usage she had to fight her way. It was difficult for her to get hired, she was trying to balance a marriage, family, career, and move up the ladder. Women have a much more circuit this route in their careers then men and certainly we see that in Justice Ginsburgs career but ultimately she got what she wanted to do which was to be a Supreme Court justice and how she thought back on cancer, how she pushed back on the left when they told her she should step aside and allow someone else to be named to her seat, i chuckled when she did that because women who have had to fight to make their way really appreciate when they had the opportunity to hold a place and to do a job they truly love and she loved this. Be the first republican women to join the senate Judiciary Committee which will now be a large focus of what happens next as we move along in the political process. Mitch mcconnell said tonight the president nominates someone they will get a vote on the floor. There is a lot of pressure on your colleagues especially the ones in tight races to say whether or not they would be for that plan. How much pressure are you feeling as a member of the senate Judiciary Committee the weight of history, the sense of the year that we are in . This is going to be an important decision for us to make. We know the confirmation can take up to 60 days, Justice Ginsburgs confirmation took 42 days. Leader mcconnell has said that the president s nominee will get a vote on the senate floor. I was in South Carolina today with senator graham who chairs the Judiciary Committee and said at that point we did not know that this would be something that would be placed before us. Sorry to interrupt, we are going to get cut off. If you could stay with us, thank you for your input, the president is a slanted, we will try to take any comments he makes but we have to take a quick break, thank you very much. It protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. The 1 toothpaste brand in america. Crest. Here . Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. 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Instead of going out Justice Ginsburg invited us to her chambers, her husband is the famous cooker made banana cake. To fix it and chat over tea and cake in her chambers so it is such a small woman, we were about the same size but such a powerful force on the court. Her halting wave speaking yet so powerful and everyone love her model of reaching across the aisle. There is no ireland the Supreme Court but her relationship with Justice Scalia and her colleagues transcended the very strong and deeply felt ideological jurisprudential differences but they were able to see each other as real human beings and that is something we all can appreciate and learn from. You spent time with her too and she has served as such a role model for young women going into the Legal Profession because there were not a lot of people that later trail before. She did a lot of the trailblazing. Absolutely. I think about how she was a hero of mine is a young woman before i went to law school and the work she did before she was a justice as a lawyer for the aclu filing for gender equality, fighting for the idea of the equal protection clause but women are equal citizens, justice much everywhere is men and when she got on the Supreme Court the way that she used her voice and her position on the bench to ensure the promises of the constitution were reality for all, women, men and in her personal life you look at the struggles she went through as a mother of Young Children when she was in law school and has a mother a young child in loss and trying to make her career and the support from her husband and she was a supporter of working moms and working dads, our gender does not define our possibilities were dreams in life, we all can dream equally and she was a really impressive goal model, the crowds reflect the fact the nation saw that in her and you think a woman in her 70s and 80s is an unlikely icon to young folks but she was. I am so honored that i got to meet her at legal events, shakespeare theater, a wonderful event we did in georgetown, talking about her legacy of gender equality just last year and we were fortunate is a country to have her, and for the many who were fortunate personally to have her in their lives im holding that in my heart tonight. She was known for some of her fiery dissents, when the justices hand their opinions out and they are coming out from the bench, the majority opinion the writer will read with a have written, usually not all opinion but summarize it. Not every day you have the dissent red that if one of the dissenting justices feel strongly that will read that from the bench and i remember the days she did that and how she wanted to make sure she got her words in and this is part of what she said about dissent in a 2002 interview, it is not simply to say my colleagues are wrong that i would do it this way but the greatest distance do become Court Opinions and gradually over time their views become the dominant views. That is at the centers hope, they are writing not for today but for tomorrow that was often the case in her legacy and what she was pushing towards the future. Thank you for joining us on this important night in our nations history. Much more to come as we remember Justice Ginsburgs legacy and her legal career, more on that next. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. 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She was following in the footsteps of the battle for racial equality. She wanted equal protection for women. Men and women are persons of equal dignity and they should count equally before the law. She captured the male members of the court what it was like to be a secondclass citizen. The discriminatory laws almost inevitably hurt women. I did see myself as kind of a Kindergarten Teacher in those days because the judges didnt think sex discrimination existed. I had the great good fortune to share alive with a partner, truly extraordinary for his generation. The first boy i ever knew who cared that i had a brain. A center of power on and off the court. Every time she wrote a distant the internet would explode. I would not be in this room today without the determined efforts of men and women who kept dreams alive. I heard she those 20 pushups free times a week or something, we cant even get off the floor or get down to the floor. Shannon she had some fun with the notorious rpg concept and persona that built up around her. Lets continue the conversation with Juan Williams and troy murdoch, good to see you. Good to be with you. Shannon bill clinton, the president who nominated her to the bench in 1993, her 27 years on the Supreme Court exceeded my highest expectations when i appointed her. The landmark opinions on gender equality, marriage equality, the rights of people with disability, rights of immigrants and so many more moved up to a more Perfect Union with your thoughts . I went to pick up on the idea of clinton acknowledging her passing. When he put her on the court, he said that he saw her in a way as the Thurgood Marshall of the Womens Movement in america and Thurgood Marshall was a colossus with regard to the Civil Rights Movement for black americans in the United States, the first black Supreme Court justice. From the start of her time from her nomination clinton put her in the context of being a historic figure for women. Sandra day oconnor, the first woman on the court, there will come a day you may have been there in 2011 when there were three women on the course, not only did you have ginsburg but soto mayor, the third woman and alayna kagan, three at the time. You have to really look back and if we look back on her judicial career specifically on the court you would have to say the Virginia Military Institute Case in which she let go i believe it was all the justices agreed except her friend scully is that the Virginia Military institute would have to allow women to enroll at the school and it was clearly historical moment for her, she went on from there to get involved with what later became the Lily Ledbetter case and clinton signed law about equal pay for women. These are the landmark moments of her time on the court. Remember her ruling, all those things that fit into these cases where she was so focused on equality and gender issues as she continued to fight but she even said herself it would be hard for her to get confirmed now because the state of changed, the atmosphere has changed, that is why she said dont try to push me to lead, you will not get another Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court and she is right. One of her great legacies quite frankly which is the one we should be focusing on in this hyperpartisan period we are in was her deep loving friendship with Antonin Scalia, the most liberal member of the court and the most conservative member of the court, truly loved each other, shared a love of opera, christopher scalia, his son tweeted out lovely story about how on her birthday, one of the clerks in the chamber, he had 2 dozen roses he had to deliver to ruth and the clerk asked all those roses, how many cases has that gotten to you and he said some things are more important than votes and they had this lovely relationship and it shows that we dont have to hate each other because we disagree. Even fundamental issues of religious liberty and the constitution, we can still be friends and appreciate each other. Shannon the president has landed from a visit in minnesota to a rally. If he has more to say he has spoken out tonight we will continue to monitor that is hes back in the area and will be heading to the white house. I will read his statement, he says renowned for her brilliant mind and powerful defense of the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg demonstrated one can disagree without being disagreeable towards ones colleagues and different points of view, may her memory be a great and magnificent blessing to the world. We will watch and if the president has any remarks we will go there. We want to bring you in for your comment. Let me express my condolences to Justice Ginsburgs family and friends and admirers. What struck me is how surprised i was when she passed away at age 87. I thought she was going to be immortal, her physical resilience and physical courage facing not one, 2 or 3 bouts of cancer and bouncing back and continuing to go on and remain on the court and work very hard, she had a few arguments by phone and remotely but she remained active and engaged despite her physical challenges and lived it 87 and also not Many Americans can name one member of the Supreme Court, people knew her name, watched the documentary about her, there is a hollywood feature film about her and for her to take on this role as a popular cultural figure was pretty unusual. Shannon thank you so much, we are watching as the president is boarding marine one to head back to the white house. We will continue to monitor any statements he and Vice President biden have spoken out tonight, great admiration and legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we will continue our coverage of her passing, her legacy is what comes next. 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She was an extraordinary woman and i feel unbelievably privileged to have had the opportunity to spend the moments that i did with her, the thing i remember most about her and admire most about her is the incredible stillness at her core. She was famous for never speaking unless she had something to say, never raising her voice, never being buffeted by the emotions of the moment or the passions of the moment or being angry. She was always focused on the facts at hand and that is really admirable, something i tried to live by myself. She said she hoped we could get to a place on capitol hill where i hope legislators will Work Together and do what is right for the country and find a peaceful place. Hard to imagine that, the country is so divided. Are you worried about her passing and how it comes at such a divisive time for the country . I really am. I think you touched on it in your analysis when you said it is not clear a Ruth Bader Ginsburg could be confirmed to the court today, some of the work that she did for groups like planned parenthood, the fact that she was a stalwart in terms of descending abortion rights in the country but i would go beyond that. She was a strong advocate of affirmative action, minority Voting Rights in this country. All things that are so controversial right now that you would worry that anybody who touched these items would be automatically viewed is too controversial to win confirmation from the senate and we would have lost out on someone was clearly a pioneer. She blazed past not just for women. I was mentioning to you earlier that bill clinton said that she was in the line of Thurgood Marshall, first africanamerican Supreme Court justice and that is exactly right. If you look at womens rights, we mentioned the bmi case, the Lily Ledbetter case, she laid down a marker that said whether you are conservative or a liberal women have equal rights and she will be forever remembered in American History for that. Shannon abortion is one of those touchstones for her. I am sorry to become off. Professor, if you could stick around, thank you very much, dont want to get cut off by the computer but you are looking live at this gathering to pay their respects, we will be back with more coverage. As you go. It cleans grease five times faster on easy messes, just spray, wipe, and rinse. On tough messes, the sprayactivated suds cut through grease on contact, without water. Just wipe, and rinse. Get dishes done faster dawn powerwash dish spray. Spray. Wipe. Rinse. Are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. 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You live it. Shannon as we forecast the political firestorm over when and how that Supreme Court vacancy will be filled created by the passing of ruth regensburg, the justice herself had an eye on her succession recently. Reporter good evening. Pretty remarkable, with the regensburg already had a full career at 60 years old when president clinton nominated her to the Supreme Court but in her 27 years on the court she understood her role as a cultural icon among those who shared her liberal ideology, she understood her importance on the court, signs around her neighborhood said wear a mask, Ruth Bader Ginsburg lives within a mile of her. And pr put in this quote from the late justice saying my most fervent wish is that i will not be replaced until a new president is installed speaking to her legacy and the political fight we are seeing coming up. Donald trump decides to make a nomination and a lot of indications that he would. This is the short list of Supreme Court nominees from 2017 the president talked about. He also talked before the election, putting on a list of Supreme Court justices and we knew the scalia seat would be so important and september 9th of this year he made some additions to the list that included a couple household names including a number of us senators he said he would add to his short list for potential Supreme Court nominations and now we are seeing at least a couple of the faces on that list commenting how they would potentially vote for a few things looking forward if there was a nomination. Shannon much more at as we go to extended coverage remembering Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Another hour kicking off in a few minutes, stay with us. Still your best friend. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. 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Become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. Thats less than a dollar a day. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. That they so desperately pray for to survive. We begin breaking news as we contin shannon we begin breaking news as we continue extended coverage as the nation mourns the passing of the regensburg, she lost her long battle after number of bouts of cancer at the age of 87. We will spotlight a remarkable life and legacy as we continue. Are passing sparks political conversations that leave the vacancy in the nations highest court in a very divided president ial Election Year. We will talk about a political storm that is already brewing tonight. Welcome to special coverage of fox news at night. We will honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg for her time, the woman

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