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Now in los angeles and if it may be connected to the manhunt for a suspect wanted in the shooting of two deputies. We have a live report from the latest details of our west coast newsroom. It forecasters are predicting historic lifethreatening flash flooding as Hurricane Sally inches towards landfall. Welcome to fox news night, im Shannon Bream in washington. We begin tonight with White House Correspondent kevin corke covering a landmark event in washington aimed at bringing peace to the middle east. Quite a day in the nations capital. Ironic that a man that Many Democrats has suggested would steer the u. S. Into war instead forged a pair of notable peace deals. The president will be banking on as a message to undecided voters when it comes to war and peace, he will steer the u. S. And the right direction. We are here this afternoon to change the course of history after decades of division and conflict, we marked the dawn of a new middle east. In becoming the first arab states in a quartercentury to break a longstanding taboo, the United Arab Emirates and bought rain today signed to establish former ties with israel, a diplomatic victory for the president facing political headwinds at home and an election less than two months away. Thanks to the great courage of the leaders of these great countries, we take a major stride towards a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity. They follow months of negotiations led by the president s son in law Jared Kushner and lays a framework for diplomatic, economic and other ties between the three nations. If the president s prediction comes true, many other nations consume near the the historic path. This will eventually expand to include other arab states and ultimately it can end the arabisraeli conflict once and for all. Comprehensive and enduring two state solution will be the foundation, the bedrock of such peace. Still, skeptics point out that the fact that the Abraham Accords are technically not peace deals. Indeed, hours after the pact was signed, protesters gathered in the west bank and gaza and burned pictures of the president and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared back in washington, a new day, a new hope for a brighter tomorrow. People in the middle east are seeing they dont want to have their futures held back by conflicts of the past. People want to pursue shared opportunities, they want better jobs and do business together and President Trump was able to take an unconventional approach to bring people together. Unconventional and very successful. The president also said today that he spoke to the king of saudi arabia and he said he is confident they could move toward normalizing relations with israel. We will all see together. Shannon kevin corke, thank you very much. At least two rockets were fired from gaza into israel today, timed to coincide with the Abraham Accords with the white house. Minor injuries, broken glass reported on the ground in isra israel. What it could mean for the future of the middle east with three people who witnessed history firsthand today. A former Senior Advisor to the secretary of state tyrone skinner, New York Times bestselling author joel rosenberg, and pastor robert jeffress, great to have you with us. Great to be here. This is an area where you lived and worked for years, what does this mean . These entities, bob ran and the uae were not at war with israel, they already had some training commerce, they are downplaying the president should get credit, what are you saying . If you cant get president for making the first arab israeli peace deals in 25 years, i dont know what you get credit for. For me, it was an emotional moment for several reasons. As you know, i was with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates two years ago for two hours, at his request and weve been praying for the peace of jerusalem for decades and we are looking for the next arab leader ready and willing to have the vision to make peace, will it be you . He said im ready and we were stunned. For the next two hours we discussed the pathway forward, that was an off the record conversation at the time. For me to sit there as a novelist and a middle east analyst starting this new website all israel news but also having two sons who served in the israeli army, i want this piece. And can see two arab leaders in the Prime Minister of israel and the president of the United States making these deals, it was deeply moving and personal. Shannon i want to play something from the Prime Minister that he said at the white house. The blessings of the peace we make today will be enormous. First because this piece will eventually expand to include other arab states and ultimately it can end the arabisraeli conflict once and for all. What would it mean to have other states in that region join in some kind of agreement with israel. A complete reordering of the middle east which is already taking place. I was shocked by the detractors who said these agreements mean nothing, that they arent real peace deals because these countries have not been technically at war with israel. The fact of the matter is they have had long ties in trade and commerce and technology and energy with israel but to codify the relations the way that we have i think puts the middle east in a very different place. It lets iran understand that the ultimate Counterterrorism Campaign has been lodged with the arab states now working with the United States and israel against irans behavior. It lets the palestinians know that their interests are tied to the arabic future. One in which israel has a place with the United States to serve as the key broker of peace in the middle east. This is a very different world tonight based on the hard work of President Trump, Jared Kushner, and ambassador david freeman. They did this against all odds, against enormous criticism, and we see a new middle east. And theres a lot more hope. Not surprising some of the critics tonight come allowed loudest among them would be those among the plo. I want to play something from the chief negotiator and top palestinian official, you may remember with fox news night we were over there in ramallah, he doesnt have a lot nice to say about israel or the u. S. And here is how he reacted today. The conflict is a palestinianisraeli conflict and thats whats need to be solved. If im right about this military alliance between israel and these countries, i think President Trump is preparing for the confrontation of the centu century. Shannon he doesnt think this is moving things towards peace, he thinks its moving it towards confrontation. Listening to a lot of critics today of the president trying to downplay what was done they are today. I believe if the president were able to walk on water across the potomac, his critics would accuse him of not being able to swim. The fact is this is a big deal, even the washington post, hardly a fan of the president called this a huge accomplishment. I remember so well i guess it was in january being in the east room with the president when he unveiled his vision for peace in the middle east and when he had finished, i looked around and i saw arab, muslim, jewish, evangelical leaders all standing in unison together giving a thundering novation to the president and i thought to myself, only President Trump could pull this off. All of us on this panel are christian and we know theres not going to be lasting peace in the middle east until the prince of peace jesus christ returns but that doesnt mean we ought to be fatalistic. We are supposed to pray for the peace of jerusalem. Said blessed are the peacemakers and i think President Trump ought to be congratulated for being a peacemaker and making the world a little safer place to live in tonight, that is what this agreement today means. Shannon which arab nations do you think might come to the table for a similar deal . In the short term, i think youre looking at the opening of oman, the Prime Minister netanyahu visited the sultan two years ago, a dramatic visit, he doesnt normally go to arab capitals that he doesnt have a peace treaty with. That the sultan passed away but the new one continues to be going in that direction. They are the climate change, as it were, not to use an al gore expression, but to watch how the arab region reacts mostly positively to bahrain and the uaes decision. I will note that twothirds of the saudi people are under the age of 35. They simply do not remember the wars of 1948, 56, 73, 82, 91, and i could go on. Its the onethird of saudi arabia that you have to keep warming up. This is a good thing, we want to go in this direction, there are benefits. I think thats where they are heading. Shannon great to have all of you with us tonight, thank you for your time. New video tonight of the moments after two los angeles deputies were wounded in an ambush shooting in compton on saturday, amid conflicting reports about a standoff for a chase and whether authorities are closer to nabbing a suspect. Rick leventhal is tracking the very latest in our west coast newsroom. A very reliable Law Enforcement source tells me the l. A. Sheriffs department has a guy they think is the shooter of those deputies pinned down in a house right now, even though the sheriff said he was a carjacking suspect and not connected to. Officers and federal agents are on the scene surrounding a home very close to where the deputies were shot on saturday, they are tracking the guy he bailed from a vehicle and ran into a nearby home and tossing a weapon along the way. My source says a s. W. A. T. Team on the scene had not yet made entry, we are keeping an eye on this. Surveillance video from moments shooting is tough to watch, both deputies bleeding, one 8 30 1yearold mother shot in the mouth it broke her jaw and the partner was wounded in the forehead, arm, and hand you can hear her struggling to speak the dispatch. More Surveillance Footage showed the gunman walked up to the vehicle fired multiple shots and ran down the block. After the deputies were taken to the hospital, protesters showed up chanting at the police. [bleep] speak of group that came out here and screamed we hope you die, that is pathetic. Maybe not as bad as the guy who pulled the trigger but its bad to. The events of this weekend have made it clear to me that the antiLaw Enforcement rhetoric expressed by many elected officials, community leaders, and others has created a toxic environment amid the time of civil unrest. Private donations have boosted the reward to nearly 300 grand for help catching the shooter and the sheriff is asking l. A. Lakers star lebron james to double it, suggesting he encouraged an anticop environment by saying after the Police Involved shooting in kenosha that we are scared as black people in america, black men, black women, black kids, we are terrified. We need to appreciate the respect for life goes across professions, across races and i would like to see lebron james step up to the plate and double that. James who along with most professional athletes routinely receives Police Protection at arenas and defense and has not commented. The standoff between police and the men who might be the prime suspect. Shannon please keep us updated. The city of louisville will pay 12 million to the mother of Breonna Taylor and institute Police Reforms as part of a settlement of the lawsuit by taylors family, said to be the largest settlement over the death of a black woman at the hands of police. Tamika palmer says its just the beginning. Its time to move forward with the criminal charges, because she deserves that and much more. Her beautiful spirit and personality is working through all of us on the ground. Please continue to say her name. Breonna taylor. Her Fatal Shooting by Police Serving a narcotics warrant at her home two months of protest. The lawsuit alleged the police used flaw information to get the no knock warrant to enter her apartment in march. An oregon man arrested for setting a brush fire in portland with a molotov cocktail was released sunday and arrested again monday for starting six more fires. Domingo lopez faces charges of reckless burning, we are told no one was injured in those places. The news comes as the smoke the massive west coast wildfires is seeping into homes and forcing some businesses to close because of poor air quality. Tonight President Trump approved a disaster declaration for the state of oregon. Slow moving Hurricane Sally expected to make landfall overnight somewhere near the mississippi alabama border on the gulf coast. The National Weather service is warning of historic lifethreatening flash flooding in rainfall in the impacted areas. Jonathan hunt brings us conditions o on the ground. Good evening, it is getting wilder. Hurricane sally, the eye of the storm is still some 65 miles southeast of us here but as you can see the wind gusts are picking up markedly. They are going to get worse and worse over the next 6 to 8 hours until the eye of the storm comes ashore probably around 7 00 a. M. Central time is the best guess right now. It has also been raining for hours, it is going to rain for hours more perhaps up to 24 hours. Beyond me here to the right is the mobile river, its filling up fast because of all this ra rain. All of that water wants to rush out into the gulf but its going to meet when it gets there the storm surge coming up from the gulf. That is when flooding happens and that is what Officials Say could be a lifethreatening, historically bad situation along the shores of alabama and into florida, along the gulf coast there. The governor of alabama said today nobody should take this lightly, listen here. Hurricane sally is not to be taken for granted. We are looking at record flooding perhaps breaking historic levels and with rising water comes a greater risk of loss of property and life. As you can see here, we have power but there are tens of thousands of customers across alabama and in the panhandle of florida currently without power and those Power Outages are only going to increase as Hurricane Sally comes ashore. Probably early wednesday morning, around 8 00 a. M. Eastern time. Everybody is hunkering down, completely deserted. We are the only ones crazy enough to be out right now. There are no mandatory evacuations here, but there are voluntary evacuations for what they call his own 1 and his own 2 here in mobile. Those are the most at risk zones of the city and clearly they are at great risk over the next 24 hours of some very serious flooding, as are the entire areas of coastal alabama going into the florida panhandle. Shannon you and your crew, please stay safe, thank you. This is just coming in minutes ago, the nypd bomb squad and the fbi are investigating suspected bomb making materials, authorities are saying potential explosives after a fire, the landlord reportedly stumbled on suspicious packages while surveying fire damage. Nypd is saying the materials raised some concerns including chemicals, packages, books, and manuals. Locals in portland finding the federal government over efforts to protect the court house there, until you hear the bill. Our panel on continued unrest is up next. Hi, this is margaret your Dell Technologies advisor theres an art to listening. Its the ability to hear more than whats being said. To understand the meaning in every pause. And to be able to offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. I understand, lets get started. Thats what you get when you talk to a Dell Technologies advisor. I appreciate what makes each person unique. Thats what you get thats why i like Liberty Mutual. 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But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. Shannon suspect is in custody in phoenix following a driveby shooting outside a federal courthouse this morning. A Court Security officer was shot and is in the hospital tonight. Alex hogan is on for protest watch all across the country tonight to. According to the associated press, but officer was struck in the protective vest and sustained nonlifethreatening injuries and is expected to recover. Police did tweet out a photo of the vehicle they were searching for, this was a silver sedan leaving the area. The fbi confirming one person is in custody and they are continuing their investigation. Amid calls for Police Reform in lancaster, pennsylvania, 13 protesters were arrested after another night of demonstrations, eight are accused of being instigators and tail for at least seven of them is set at 1 million. At some speaking out saying they want a conversation with cops, not violence. All we wanted was for our voices to be heard. We arent here to destroy things, we are here to protect the people from being killed by police, needlessly. Protesters there have been continuing after the death of ricardo muniz. He called to have them committed for Mental Health treatment, the 27yearold charged with a knife and the officer seen shooting and killing the man is on administrative leave. The lancaster mayor says Community Needs plans in place when responding to these types of 911 calls. I am clear beyond a doubt that we lack the tools, the resources, the expertise, and the capacity to do this on our own here in the city of lancaster. I need help. We need help. After a summer of protests in portland today, a grand jury indicted a man who pointed a high power laser into the eye of a sergeant during a rally, detectives tested that laser on cardboard which caught on fire. After more than 100 days, mayor ted wheeler on police using a type of toxic teargas is still in effect tonight. There are quieter protests as Health Experts are urging people to stay inside to avoid inhaling smoke or ash because of the western fires, they are now entering the area. Shannon thank you very much, three antipolice protesters facing charges tonight after being caught on video harassing and accosting outdoor diners at a pittsburgh restaurant over labor day weekend. Weve seen an uptick in these kinds of incidents, so lets talk about the state of unrest in the u. S. Spirit within its power panel, fox news contributors richard fowler, and jason chaffetz, welcome to all of you. We found out today that there has been a sensor on the federal courthouse at the feds have tried to protect portland, a new 20,000 a day fine on the federal courthouse offense, they say 20 grand a day for every day it stays up there. The Portland Bureau of transportation is put a 500 penalty every 15 minutes on the iron barricaded because it is illegally blocking the bike pa path. It originally tops 2. 3 million. That seems to be a priority there from some of the local agencies in portland, 2. 3 million in fines for trying to protect the courthouse. Its a shame they are willing to put such high fines and the federal government for trying to protect itself whereas the citizens in portland, they are there and being destroyed by those who are considered protesters. Lets be very clear, for those who are rioting and looting, these are not protesters that i think we need to be very clear for our audience, these are criminals and thugs. Theyre looking to take advantage of a moment in which our country is looking to heal. Its destructive to the local government there hasnt said for those who come in, they riot, they loot, they need to take note of what happened in lancaster. A high bail, make sure if these folks know if they do something that will be prosecuted and we cant allow this to continue in our country, we cannot. Even the mayor, the oregonian said they held a poll of some kind, oregon voters disapproval protests and feel police are not using enough force. It seems like a lot of folks were living with some of the daily realities of this essay they have had enough and they actually want tougher crackdow crackdowns. I think he brings up a good point, we have to delineate between those who are peacefully calling for justice and those who are creating violence and community. Something remarkable happened in louisville today. Breanna taylors family sat down at the table with the mayor, the Police Department, and beyond getting a historic settlement, they pushed forward some really important reform that every city should be looking at. One of those is an incentive for Police Officers to live in the community where they were, the second one which i think its really important is hiring more folks in Police Departments who are trained in Mental Health care. Youre dealing with mentally ill individuals and you need people who are acutely trained to deal with that over a police officer. This is how you deescalate situations and how you create actual real law order communities. We bring everybody to the table and have some conversation about how we come to real solution to solve realworld problems. Shannon what we continue here, from Law Enforcement officials, nobody hates a bad cop more than a good cop, it puts them in danger and gives them a bad name. I want to read something from senator ed markey, he said Portland Police routinely attack peaceful protest with brute force. We must disarm these officers and every other Police Department in america of weapons of war and enact a nationwide teargaban on teargas, rubber and plastic bullets. Hes absolutely nuts, im all for sitting down and having discussion, there is a difference between Peaceful Protesters which in portland in large part happens during the day and night fall and they are using lasers and they are armed and using fireworks and they are going after police with molotov cocktails, youve got to meet that force with more force. Youve got to be able to take those people down. Remember, it was senator harris who is now the Vice President ial nominee who was out there encouraging people to put up money so they could bail these people out as fast as possible to get them back out on the streets. That is not the way this thing is going to go down, its not through more violence and there is no bigger issue that is more defining and this president ial race than law order. Donald trump is on the right side and joe biden and senator harris on the wrong side, its going to be a big issue in this election. I agree with you on some of these points. Shannon make it quick. My only point is this, the only way we are going to get law and order is when the president and everybody acknowledges the fact that we also have to deal with uprooting bad Police Officers on a police forces. Brenda taylor would still be alive tonight if we had Police Officers doing good work. Shannon there is legislation against no knock warrants and there is legislation for Police Reform that the parties could not get together on. Democrats didnt get together on it. Fi shannon thanks. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. And when you save up to 60 , lets play youre always a winner. You got. 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Its him thats totally the guy. Safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Could have been me safe drihey mercedes . 40 . Shannon the spending the day in florida, courting voting block he has struggled to convince, an important part of the electorate in the sunshine state. As he stepped on the plane to florida today, joe biden said he is working like the devil to turn every hispanic and latino vote, hes doing it partially through cell phone data. 20 of floridas electorate is latinos and recent polling shows President Trumps leaving that demographic in part because of cubanamericans who welcomed trumps rollbacks of obama era friendliness with cuba and they are responding to Trump Campaign ads comparing joe biden to socialist dictators. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] but an influx of Puerto Ricans to florida following Hurricane Maria and 2017 could change the balance. Puerto ricans cant vote in president ial elections because its a territory but as residents of other states, they can. After President Trumps response, the Biden Campaign that started tracking maria refugees carefully. We want to cell phone vendors in pennsylvania and florida, we asked them, give us all the 787 area codes that have been picking on your cell phone towers for the last month. With that data, they dug in deeper targeting cubans, dominicans, mexicans, and more, they released their agenda for puerto rico. Im running to be president of all america, including 3 million american citizens living in puerto rico. Im not going to steal the money desperately needed to reconstruct the island in order to build a wall along the border that does nothing to keep americans safe, im not going to throw paper towels at people whose lives have just been devastated by hurricanes. Meanwhile, hes taking it attacks from fellow catholics. Joe biden would force american catholics to pay for abortions, sacrificing his Catholic Values to kneel before the leftist mob. The conservative group behind the ad is taking him to task on his shift for the Hyde Amendment now supporting federal funding for abortion under programs like medicaid. Tomorrow, he will meet with officials in wilmington before remarks on the coronavirus vaccine. Shannon thank you so much. As we stand by for word on the investigation into the investigators, Michael Flynns Attorney Sidney Powell joins is next but first a round up, scientists at the university of pittsburgh have discovered a tiny antibody that they say neutralizes the virus causing covid19. The antibody components is being used to create a drug called a. B. Eight, proven effective right now in treating covid infections in mice and hamsters and will apparently head into broader trials early next year. People in pennsylvania not Wearing Masks in public could soon face misdemeanor charges. Opponents say requiring masks and fridges on there. Florida overturning a 13 year ban on saggy pants after critics say the law target africanamericans, civil citations for both men and women if they wore pants that expose their undergarments. Not clear how often the ordinance was enforced. Putting up an electrical fence around his trump 2020yard sign after he says it was stolen six times. The navy veteran said he filed two Police Reports but decided to take matters into his own hands. A longtime democrat recently turned republicans as its a shame that i have to do this. So did the thompsons. That faulty wiring couldve cost them a lot more than the mudroom. Thankfully they bundled their motorcycle with their home and auto. Theyre protected 24 7. Mm. What do you say . One more game of backgammon . [ chuckles ] not on your life. [ laughs ] when the lights go down but today. We brought a little enticement. Devour buffalo chicken mac and cheese. There he is. What a magnificent beast. 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Sources tell the federal grand jury that they have subpoenaed sources from his publisher. Lets join and welcome in the attorney for the president s first National Security advisor general Michael Flynn. Quick comment on the bolton case, what do you make of it . His folks say he went through an approval process, and they are not worried. I think the problem was he didnt complete the approval process. In general flynn did that with the Obama Administration when he published his book after he left, but mr. Bolton did not. He was warned about publishing it without that approval process having been completed. There may be some issues there, the judge who dealt with the case previously certainly thought there might. I guess well find out. Shannon you are still dealing with judge sullivan in the case involving general flynn, you have a hearing later this week. In the meantime, the retired judge that he called into go over the issue of whether or not these charges can be dismissed as the government requested they would be, john gleason wrote in his filing friday, he said theres clear evidence that the governments motion to dismiss the case against defendant Michael Flynn rests on pure pretext, there is clear evidence that this motion reflects a corrupt and politically motivated favor unworthy of our justice system. How do you plan to rebut that in that hearing later this month . We dont have to rebut that. What he has ignored is more than 100 pages of exculpatory evidence that shows the governments case should never have been brought against a general flynn. In fact, the fbi broke all the rules in conducting a counterintelligence investigation or any investigation of him at all. The special counsel broke all the rules and hid the evidence that showed he was innocent among other infractions, and the courts have broken all the rules. Judge sullivan has proceeded as if he were the prosecutor in this case and appointed mr. Gleason who has no legitimate role in it whatsoever. All of this is going to come out in the wash at some point but in the meantime, the government has moved to dismiss on the basis of all the evidence that mr. Jensen uncovered after a multimonth independent review of the record in the case and the agents notes and the 302s and the documents that the government had hidden from general flynn. It determined that could not proceed with any case against general flynn and one should never have been brought to begin with. That is what the focus of the motion to dismiss is. Shannon before we let you go, we are now waiting on the durum investigation mulch will be similar to what mr. Jensen did. As we wait for that, Lindsey Graham said youll be really mad quick comment on what youre waiting on and what that could mean in your estimation. We never have gotten the original 302 that was drafted by the fbi in general flynns case and one later 302 also. Those documents were materially altered by peter strzok and lisa page, we have the later drafts that show major alterations to the point where they actually falsified the statements they alleged general flynn made that arent support supported. I suspect were going to find even more. Shannon now we wait to see. Thank you, well follow later this month. Thank you, its on the 29th. Shannon digging into the Critical Senate race in North Carolina, well do that next. Infidel. Rated r. Todays discussion will be around sliced meat. Moms want healthy. And affordable. Land o frost premium no added hormones either. Its the only protein ive really melted with. Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Small businesses that are already struggling prop 15 raises property taxes le 11 billion every year. D. Will be hit with higher rents and tax bills. That means higher prices for gas, food, utilities and healthcare. Increasing the cost of living for a family by 960. And supporters admit homeowners are next, changing prop 13 and raising property taxes on peoples homes. Its the wrong time to raise taxes on californians. Vote no on prop 15. Shannon election day is seven weeks from today, democrats are feeling bullish about their chances of retaking the majority in the senate, one of the top seats on their flip list is North Carolina. Correspondent Jonathan Serrie takes a look tonight. In the first of three televised debates republican senator thom tillis and democratic challenger kal cunningham sparred over many issues including whether they would trust a covid19 vaccine approved before the end of the year. I would be hesitant but im going to ask a lot of questions. We just heard a candidate for the u. S. Senate look into the camera and tell 10 million north carolinians he would be hesitant to take a vaccine. North carolina is staging the most Expensive Senate race in the country with political advertising approaching 150 million. Democrats are spending roughly 20 million more than republicans at the moment. With control of the you and o senate in play, democrats see an opportunity in a state that elected a democratic governor and donald trump in 2016. It will be a good year if the democrats end up winning North Carolina but we see a lot of generational change in voters. Energizing new ranks of young voters may be a challenge in a race targeting swing voters in n the suburbs. I dont think it plays to younger voters. I think part of the strategy with both cunningham and biden is that they are more centrist. I believe that President Trumps influence on this race and how much people like President Trump is really going to determine whether or not people are going to come out to vote for thom tillis. Tillis describes himself as a fiscal conservative. People in North Carolina want balanced leaders, they dont want a radical left leader. In campaign ads, he ties his opponent to National Democrats while cunningham talks about country before party. Im going to go places that democrats dont always go. The Cunningham Campaign initially agreed to an interview but later backed out and refused multiple requests in writing and in person. North carolinas general election has already begun to mail absentee ballots to voters before any other state, shannon . Shannon thank you for trying. Good news before we say tonight. It was a reunion like no other for pat and ron strasburg, they have been kept apart for six months as his assisted care facility banned visitors for covid19, thats after they spent 54 years by each others side. Ron who suffers from alzheimers recognize pat right away and said its really you, he guided her into a dance. After advocating for florida senior care facilities to be open, she will be visiting as frequently as possible. It for us tonight in washington, well be back here tomorrow. Ur look. With fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one. Fda approved. To temporarily make frown lines. Crows feet. And forehead lines. Look better. The effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. 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