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Respect to the burned out st. Johns church just across the park from the white house. Plenty of critics including d. C. s democratic mayor, calling out Law Enforcement freezing tear gas to protesters out of the area some 25 minutes before the citys 7 00 p. M. Curfew. The mirror calling the action by Law Enforcement shameful. This is fox news night. I am Shannon Bream in washington. We are getting cooperation from the Buffalo Police department in new york that two officers have been injured. They say that a truck or some vehicle drove through a crowd. Take this check this out. St. Louis, missouri, a 7eleven set ablaze after being looted. New york city, bryan llenas has been an eyewitness to another night of looting and unrest. Right now the late night curfew was supposed to be kicking in. It is supposed to be in effect at 11 00 p. M. Is it working . It has not worked. Its 11 00 p. M. And the curfew has come and gone. We are at the macys in Herald Square and the looters even got here. This is the macys. They are about to bring somebody out, a looter, out of the building right now. This is a louver that was inside. Theyve been taking people out of the macys for the last 30 minutes. This is the third person weve seen. Incredibly, the looters broke down the door of the macys, went inside the Major Department store and got in. We bring you over here. Can i show people . Is that okay . Is that okay . You can see inside, they broke down the wood panel. This is whats inside the macys. You can see the shattered okay, all right. Well step back. You can see thats what they went through. Incredible. This is just some of what weve been seeing. You can see trash cans lit on fire. We have been on the air now since 6 00. 6 00 they were peaceful protests, legitimate peaceful protests in Washington Square park. We saw a nypd, the chief of the department, kneeling with protesters in a peaceful show of solidarity. This is not that. There has been criminality and right groups all throughout midtown manhattan now for hours. Mayor bill de blasio has just said that the curfew will be changed until 8 00 p. M. Starting tomorrow. It was at 11 00 p. M. Tonight. Now its going to be at 8 00 p. M. You can see over here. Over here. Theres a reporter, some other reporters got here. This is the type of looting we are seeing in the middle of Herald Square which is a huge tourist spot. We were on 54th and madison, there were shops all over 54th and madison. This is the sunglass hut. You can see some of the damage. This is a level of looting that is so brazen, shannon, because it wasnt just in soho or Lower Manhattan where there were other distractions like last night, this is in the middle of new york city. This is from 60th street down to 14th street, the Upper East Side to the upper west side, everywhere. Dozens of stores hit, all over the place. Groups traveling, dozens to hundreds. They are not protesters at all. They are monitoring where the police go. They hit one place. If you listen to the nypd and the fdny, the radio or Something Like ive never heard before. They are going from one spot to the next, trying to put out fires. Theres no indication it has slowed down as the curfew is still in effect. The nypd officers, you can see the vans, they are moving from one spot to the next. What happens is the spot where they come and take care of, they leave and then other people come in the spot they just left. Its a really. Its an awful situation to see new york city like this. We have seen a lot of damage. Showing macys is important because this is a store weve all seen. The thanksgiving day parade. They even came here in big groups. And the night is just beginning. Shannon youve been spot on follow it all over the place the last few days. For people to get a sense of where youre at, its a very much tourist area. The macys is the one where the thanksgiving parade, the Christmas Parade goes right in front of it. They do broadway numbers. I have shopped in that sunglass hut. Its the heart of new york city. A lot of tourist traffic. It is. This is the place where everybody makes the stop when you first come to new york city. You want to go to macys. This is Fourth Street and penn station. Its a major hub. Its light, its not a dark alleyway. Theres cameras. From what ive been seeing, these are large groups. Weve been in a situation where we have seen the nypd charge of them but frankly we have seen some arrests. There are so many more people that just keep going from spot to spot. It is sad to see. Im shocked that in the middle of midtown, it started hours before. This looting was beginning at 8 00 p. M. The sun is not set. 7 30, 8 00 at night. I think thats my mirrored bill de blasio decides to change to 8 00 p. M. I think theres going to be questions as to why the curfew is not set at 8 00 p. M. Initially and why it was set at 11 00 p. M. , which is late. Shannon it is. Youve been there watching this all play out and like you said, the midtown area, a lot of questions about why wasnt shut down earlier. Please stay safe. We are going to come back to you, bryan. Incredible video and pictures that people need to see. Youre watching these people, they are not protesters. They are not even pretending to be. Its people taking advantage of the situation. Where 7 minutes in to the curfew. Well check back and see if it gets any quieter there. Bryan thank you. Covering this last night in washington. It was supposed to be an 11 00 p. M. Curfew. The mayor moved it back to 7 00 p. M. Our cameras tonight have caught a police car being set on fire, causing a loud explosion, heavy smoke. This is downtown. Hours after protesters were moved away from the white house so the president could take a walk to the historic st. Johns church, the one we showed you live. Kevin corke was there when it was set on fire. That walk was minutes after the president had addressed the country. These are not acts of peaceful protests. These are acts of domestic terror. Thats why im taking immediate president ial action to stop the violence and restore security and safety in america. I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and to protect the rights of lawabiding americans, including your Second Amendment rights. Shannon White House Correspondent kevin corke is on the scene in the Nations Capital as he was last night. Kevin, the last night curfew was 11 00 p. M. Tonight it kicked in at 7 00 p. M. On the east coast. Is it working . Nothing is foolproof. You would expect yes, there should be fewer people out and indeed that has been the case instantly thats been my observation but you still see people out. There was a protest that happened a little more than an hour ago. We were not too terribly far from the white house, a mile away. Just beyond, right between logan and Dupont Circle and he mentioned the protest march, because for the most part, it was fine. They were walking throughout the streets, chanting like you would expect than right around the time they get down around seventh street, thats when things began to change. They started hurling rocks, literally pummeling a number of businesses along the way. That was a real concern. We have seen police everywhere, significantly more Law Enforcement and the way of a presence, and military for that matter here in the Nations Capital especially when compared to last night. I mention that to say weve heard helicopters almost nonstop, shannon, from about 7 00. Just about the time of the curfew and weve seen several arrests. There are still some rioters, protesters, demonstrators, whatever youd like to call them, still out on the streets but a demonstrative demonstratively smaller crowd. Shannon after you went through last night, we are so glad you are safe. You are back out there and we will check back with you. Kevin corke on the streets of d. C. Thank you. Also breaking, in los angeles, protesters clashing with Law Enforcement and reports that police are firing some kind of nonlethal substance in an effort to try to disperse the protesters. Jeff hall to show us whats happening in l. A. On the ground. Good evening, jeff. Shannon, for the most part, theres been protest throughout the city that have remained very peaceful. People marching through the streets. But then there comes a time when the police it seems like it hot enough and they are pushing people off the road and thats when it seems like the looting begins. There is a huge line of people have been arrested, according to the police, at least detained for various reasons. May be curfew, possibly looting. Thats under investigation. But you can see it wraps around the block, to the left theres even more people. It all out here with these white zip ties are on their wrist. It could be for different reasons. We have witnesses firsthand throughout the night, different situations of looting, people running from the police. Its just starting to get dark hear, hear in los angeles. In other parts of the city it doesnt seem to be quite as lively. The one thing that i should mention is when these big groups breakup, it seems like its smaller groups are starting to peel off and thats when the looting begins. It seems like they go to one spot, they go to one spot and then they end up looting this particular situation or particular store, and than they take off. Its been Police Officers running around from spot to spot moving around and trying to find the next situation that they have to get under control. Shannon. Shannon jeff, looks like a significant grouping of arrests. Stands in contrast to a lot of what we seen the last few nights where people have run amok and we have not seen it, at least in the process of being arrested. We know a lot of cities have reported theres been numerous arrests. This is quite a large group we are seeing. In los angeles. Where do they go from here . I know some places have staged buses or other ways to be able to transport people. Any hint of what happens next . Its really hard to tell. It depends on the offense. One of the officers i was talking to said if it something as simple as violating curfew, then they are basically i believe find and then released. If it something more serious, knows whats going to happen. We know they have these people who been put under arrest, the zip ties on them, they are taken to a bus they have set up and they are taken somewhere else to be processed. That seems like the constant throughout the city of los angeles. Thats the system, they line them up and arrest them. There is some language out here obviously. Pretty intense situation unfolding here in los angeles. Shannon all right, jeff paul, what appears to be dozens of people in that one location being arrested. We will check back with jeff as the sunsets in night falls. We will go back there. Earlier today in minneapolis, the brother of george floyd called out for peace after a week of protests. Correspondent mike tobin has been there on the ground for days. He is back there for us tonight. Good evening, mike. Good to see you again. Good evening. You can smell the remnants of smoke in the air, the husks of burnedout buildings all around me, Hearing Police sirens in the distance. Things are relatively calm, particularly here at the third precinct with the mayhem flashed in minneapolis. We saw a number of demonstrations today. There was a large gathering outside of Governors Mansion in st. Paul. A number of people demonstrated that the capital where the National Guard took a much different disposition. The commander of the National Guard came out and prayed with the protesters. We are minnesota. I want to make that clear. Pray for peace, understanding, and above everything else, brother, safety as we navigate through all of this. There were a couple of different autopsy reports that came out today. One conducted by dr. Michael baden and the other done by the Hennepin County medical examiner. They both agreed the death of george floyd was a homicide. The Hennepin County medical examiner going the extra step to say that he had hypertension, cardiac disease. There was methamphetamine in his system as well as fentanyl. Benjamin crump, the attorney for the family, since thats not important. Completely irrelevant. He wouldnt have died. Theres always going to be an attempt to try to assassinate the character of an individual who you have killed unjustifiably, unnecessarily, and senselessly. Here we are, the fourth night of a curfew in minneapolis, the third night its been enforced. Things are not without problems, not without arrests. But relatively calm. Shannon. Shannon all right, thats good news. Mike, we know youve been in the midst of it these last few nights. We will check back with you. Thank you so much. Philadelphia has been wracked by violence and looting the last couple nights. What about tonight . Lets check in with jacqui heinrich. Shes been on the ground for days. Good evening, jacqui. Good evening. I much different picture tonight. The National Guard is here which has allowed police to go out and patrol neighborhoods that saw a lot of looting and riots over the last couple of days. The National Guard is now holding down city hall and Police Headquarters and other City Properties they can go do some policing. However, there is some policing happening within these communities by these communities and looking at the businesses behind me, the group from this neighborhood in south philly, for blocks and blocks, people have come outside their homes, some armed with guns, some armed with baseball bats, and certainly in numbers, determined not to let any destruction come to their neighborhood. They were particularly concerned, they tell me, about rumors they heard that their neighborhood had been targeted by antifa. We had not heard anything like that from police. This is what motivated them to come out tonight in particular i can gather in force to ensure that nothing came to their homes. Now, down towards the center city where downtown is, there were some people who came out and it was a starkly different image than the last few nights. A group of parishioners from several different ministries came out. They marched from germantown all the way to city hall, and they were singing together and praying. Police allowed them past the barricade to prey on the steps of city hall for peace and for justice for george floyd and for understanding to come to the community. There was a pretty powerful moment where the people in that group hugged Police Officers on their way out. They allowed them in, love them past the barricade, and then they went on their way. Please tell me there have not been as many incidents of violence against officers tonight and also not as many incidents of looting in the community. However, it still relatively early in the evening and there is still plenty of cleanup to be done in those areas that were really decimated over the last couple days. We drove through a couple of them earlier today that were really hit pretty badly, and it looked like theyd done a lot of cleanup. Places were boarded up. We are waiting to see with the rest of the night brings, shannon. Shannon yeah, so much physical and emotional and spiritual work to be done in putting things back together. Great to see the piece that you included. Thank you, jacqui. This is the shot from portland, maine, im told. Youve got police there. Youve got protesters there. Its now 11 18 on the east coast. A bit of a standoff there. As the two sides meet in the police say they are committed to maintaining calm and allow people to exercise their First Amendment rights to stay in protest as they wish. We will keep an eye on the situation in portland, maine. Thats the live scene tonight, as authorities and protesters are now facetoface. The president has officially designated antifa a terrorist group. What does that mean for efforts to crack down on the riots . Our panel of Law Enforcement and legal experts are next. I thought i had my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. Under control. Turns out, it was controlling me. 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Once a member of the Fbis Joint Terrorism Task force, steve rogers, retired Police Detective. Attorney and former washington, d. C. , Police Detective ted williams. Jammin, good debut us tonight. Thank you for having us. Shannon tad, you and i were doing coverage last night when a curfew was set in d. C. At 11 00 p. M. You raise some real questions about whether that was a smart policy. Tonight the mayor moved up to 7 00 p. M. Plenty of folks on the street but not the scenes we were sing with fire and havoc from last night. Last night was a very terrible night here in the District Of Columbia because we had all the socalled protesters and even the rioters all converging on the area of the white house. I have always said that the darkness is the enemy of Law Enforcement. We called for 7 00 curfew. I dont know if the mayor hurt us but she moved to 7 00. I am deeply concerned about new york. New york has an 11 00 curfew, and we know what happened in soho last night. I wouldve thought they wouldve learned from that and moved it up earlier. Shannon we are looking live at pictures in new york, live shot showing some arrests. It different presence and posture there tonight. You can see officers talking to people on the streets where the curfew is already underway. People making passage. There is some conversation about why these people may be out past the curfew, as the officer continues to urge them to get home, it appears. There is another officer. We are looking live. It did appear we saw him raise his head, has been moving around. Appears to have some kind of distress as others are attending to that individual. We see moving. Moving around. Well continue to try to figure out whats going on. As we know in d. C. And many other localities, we have reports of love injuries to Law Enforcement officers. To varying degrees. Steve, let me bring you in here. Because it is been a lot of conversation about the president today saying that the military would be sent onto the streets. A lot of folks say absolutely cant do it. There also questions about him designating antifa as a terrorist organization. For one thing, they are neither terrorist nor an organization. The president cant do. Steve, what do you say . I can tell you the president has won overwhelming support from people all over this country. Ive talked to Police Officers, i have spoken to minorities. With regard to a couple things. One, his reading his the riot act to the governors across the country. The president talked about overwhelming force, dominate force. Not excessive use of force but the rioters have outnumber the police and everything the city. So when he talks about bringing military personnel and, yes, he can. He can mobilize and federalize the National Guard and place them directly under his command. Thats number one. With regard to antifa, im absolutely sure that he is making that move, attempting to classify them as terrorist organizations, as a terrorist organization based on intelligence and information that both police and perhaps other National Security agencies are receiving. The tactics and the strategy that some of these rioters are using have a common denominator. They way they dress and the weapons they are bringing to each city. So yes, he can do it. It may take an uphill battle but i believe you can. Shannon the doj has indicated theyve seen evidence that antifa is involved in a lot of these instigations of protests and riots, the more violent behavior. Well have to wait to see i what the doj comes to the table with. I want to play something from terrence floyd, George Floyds brother. Hes heartbroken over what hes seeing in minneapolis. George floyds girlfriends at the same thing, that he would be absolutely devastatin devastateg what this was happening in the city. If im not over here messing up my community then what are you all doing . What are you all doing . Yall doing nothing. Its not going to bring my brother back at all. My family is a peaceful family. My family is godfearing. Lets do it another way. I know. He would not want yall to be doing this. Shannon robert, is it your sense that that message will resonate with folks . We are seeing people, often it starts in the daylight is very peaceful. People have signs and messages, they are calmly walking the streets. They are chanting. They are trying to bring awareness, and that it seems to be when night falls, as brian llenas said, people out there not even pretending to be protesters anymore, they are going out and committing terminal activity, thinking police are not going to catch them and its not going to be enforced and theyre going to get away with it. What about that message from terrence . Hes absolutely correct. I think its important for national leadership. Addressing the needs of the protesters. People are tired of seeing Police Officers who were in this case able to murder unarmed individuals and face no justice. They get away scotfree. We need to have federal legislation that will protect individual citizens, a private right of action against Police Officers to weed out backups. Out bad cops. Antilynching legislation sitting in congress for 120 years. Instead of talking about how to militarize the streets, lets talk about how the legislate and find solutions to problems that will bring everybody together. Shannon we are going to talk more. If you stick around because theres a lot of legal questions to look at with regard to military and all kind of other things that are going out on the streets tonight. And actions taken by the ministrations well talk through all of those predominant, thank you. Please to ground. Again youre looking live in new york city where a curfew went into effect 30 minutes ago and intent was missouri where there is a fire underway. The looting in midtown manhattan, which is very much a tourist area, very heavily populated, a lot of Popular Stores there. Its been, as you can see, exceptionally damaged and looted tonight. Bryan llenas has been there on the scene, captured much of it on his own phone camera, watching people who seemed to have no fear of being apprehended carrying out these looting and attacks in new york. We are also seeing arrests, more than weve seen other nights. We will monitor the spots and the others across the country. Curfew is in a lot of places dont appear to be working tonight. Will check in on the ground with our partners or canals was happening. Dont bring that mess around here, evan whoo dont do it. Dont you dare. I dont think so [ sighs ] its okay, big fella. Were gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. 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You can well imagine how its going over not just among the folks who live in the area but also for Law Enforcement. Its one thing to be in the Central Business district where there are wide avenues and easy places to get in and out of. You start arching down residential streets, you have an entirely different circumstance. Have a presence here. Just beyond the flashing lights, its very bright, they are processing some of the folks who are being arrested and detained. Thats what we have here at this hour. We suspect there will be more that because its a pretty sizable crowd on either side. You also hear helicopters above and they are not just tracking whats happening where we are but they are making sure theyre keeping an eye on stragglers. If there are smaller bands, smaller groups of folks who decide to take their merging outside the city center. Shannon. Shannon kevin, i know you have described the scene, as weve seen in most cities where its peaceful during the day, people are making their voices heard, making points and asking for justice. But tonight ive got to say it looks very different than it did last night when it morphed into fires being set and project as being thrown at Law Enforcement. Tonight the amount of manpower thats on those streets is strikingly different in d. C. Are you seeing arrests . Are you still seeing bands of people going around causing trouble . What are you seeing . Its incredible. The difference is night and day compared to last night. It was almost as if the mindset in the city, firs first about 11 00 p. M. Curfew, its inexplicable when you think about was happening on the street. It had been happening in the previous day but that aside, there seems to be this idea that they were going to let them do what they would do and keep them mostly contained to the downtown space but it was a mess. Tonight by contrast, not saying his purvey but im that ive seen so many Law Enforcement, military. I have seen dea, border patrol, metropolitan police here in d. C. , the military as well, i mention the National Guard. Its an overwhelming show of force not just here on the ground but also in the sky. Weve seen helicopters, as i mentioned, low flying. I posted a video on twitter if youd like to take a look. Just an example of what is happening here. Im sure theres going to be some problems and may be some areas i havent seen but as far as what ive seen from the downtown area all the way up to u street, significantly less trouble than last night, shannon. Shannon yeah, i mean just the sheer numbers of folks out there on the streets and the Law Enforcement posture makes a big difference. Kevin, we will continue to check back in. Thank you. Monitoring the hot spots across the country from l. A. To new york. There is a curfew in place and there still a lot of people on the streets. 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Lets bring in former Hennepin County sheriff rich stanek to join our coverage tonight. Good to have you with us, sir. Nice to be here. Shannon i want to read something from the wall street journal under the headline justice and disorder. Saying many protests were peaceful but they say the rides in many places have the earmarks of planned chaos of those using floyd as an excuse for their criminality. How tough is it for deputies and officers and folks in the field to try to weave these different groups outcome up keeping the peace and allowing them to have their First Amendment rights but making sure cities are burned to the ground. Its pretty tough, we have known for number of years that 98 of the folks who come to these protests do so with great intentions to grieve, as theyve been doing here in the minneapolis temple area. Its the 2 thats come to cause havoc, mischief, start trouble. Others seem to follow that mob mentality. Thats what happened here in the minneapolis twin cities area. Shannon there has been a lot of discussion today about beefing up the National Guard potentially. The president talking reporting the military there. We have a professor and legal analyst who says its a tragic moment in americas history invoking the rarely deployed insurrection act. What a destructive step to take, this provocative president is become the terrorist in chief, the last thing a grieving nation needs. The president has said governors, mayors, if you cant get it done, i have federal power and authority and ill use it. Are you worried about the optics of having military either actual military officials, soldiers, or they are gear, that people think, it makes a pretty bold statement when its rolling through the streets of an american city. Yeah, thats a great question. I think much like a lot of lawenforcement chiefs and sheriffs out there in this country, we are concerned about the militarization of the poli police. I never thought i would see the day where soldiers would be patrolling the streets of the city that i was born in raised in and served proudly for 36 years. Its a different place. We are used to seeing the National Guard at the scene of fires and tornadoes, natural disasters. To have them respond to civil unrest, its just something i hoped i would never see but here it is. They are doing a great job for us here in minnesota. They have quelled the disturbances to a large degree. Tonight is fairly quiet compared to the first four or five nigh nights. Shannon yeah, do you think given your Law Enforcement experience, that it was necessary to take that step to mobilize the National Guard and so many spots across the country, or at least the availability of them . I do. Here in minneapolis, in the twin cities, it was clearly, clearly an epic failure of leadership and lack of Law Enforcement coordination and planning, the first three or four nights. Law enforcement was outnumbered, outmaneuvered. They just didnt have the numbers. So when the governor called in 500 National Guard troops, that wasnt enough. We need to do ten times that many. So when the days following it became 5,000 and or more National Guard troops that help us quell the disturbances. We are not out of the woods yet, so to speak, but its made a huge impact on huge difference as well as, you mentioned earlier, mr. Floyds brother and family speaking out and asking for peace, asking people to grieve for his brother but not to act out in violence and burning and looting. Thats not what his memory stands for. Shannon a lot of folks worried that this message of justice for him gets lost in all of the criminal activity. Former Hennepin County sheriff rich stanek, thanks for joining us, sir. Thank you. Peace. Shannon activity continues well past curfews all across the country. Well take you live on the ground nationwide. More next. So as you head back out on the road, well be doing what we do best. Providing some calm amidst the chaos. With virtual, realtime tours of our vehicles as well as remote purchasing. For a little help, on and off the road. Now when you buy or lease a new lincoln, well make up to 3 payments on your behalf. For people with Heart Failure taking entresto, it may lead to a world of possibilities. Entresto helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto. And right now, is a time for action. 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If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residence, then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. Shannon and in response, joe lockhart tweeting if the president tries to send the military into states to attack protesters, the hill should convene again and file articles for impeachment. If the president says hes trying to reestablish law and order in the cities. I have an extreme amount of confidence in americas Law Enforcement officers and in many places protests have been peaceful. And far too many places in america, those Police Officers are risking their lives to protect those protesters have come under attack. Weve seen Law Enforcement officers shot in milwaukee and cincinnati. Besides deputies stabbed in jacksonville, florida. We saw a federal Law Enforcement officer killed in oakland, california. The first thing we need to do is stop the violence and i have confidence that america is Law Enforcement can do that. What about this issue of the military being deployed to u. S. Streets . You spend time representing officers and being one yourself there on the front line, is that something that in some of the situations that they would welcome any partnership . I dont know what the future might hold for Something Like that. Ive never been in a situation where weve called the activeduty military but i will tell you that the National Guard has been called up and 26 states to provide essential backup to Law Enforcement officers so that they can focus on protecting their communities and quite frankly that partnership has extended well beyond these last few days of civil unrest. The partnership between the National Guard and Law Enforcement goes back decades and decades. They provide a viable resource to the communities. Like i said, i have an extreme amount of confidence and Law Enforcement backed up by the National Guard and i think they can restore order. Shannon i want to ask about the decision in new york where two people accused of throwing a bomb, quoteunquote, at the Police Vehicle had been approved for bond. That was appealed. It was shot down. It says prosecutors stringentl y objected. Its outrageous. We have the deadliest of consequences, throwing molotov cocktails and bombs at Police Officers and we need to take that extremely seriously. Those who commit crimes of violence like that need to be held accountable to a jury of their peers. I think that needs to happen in all cases violence all across the country where officers are being targeted with rocks and bottles. Denver, colorado, officers being run over by cars. There are agitators. Shannon we are going to leave it there. We have to leave it there. Thank you for your time. We are going to continue this coverage after a quick break through midnight. Re stay with us. Thank you. Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Moms love that land o frost premium sliced meats have no byproducts. [conference phone] baloney [conference phone] has joined the call. Hey baloney here. I thought this was a no byproducts call . Land o frost premium. A slice above. Shannon its 9 00 p. M. On the west coast, three hours until curfew in Los Angeles County but were getting reports once again of protesters clashing with Law Enforcement and once again tonight across the country. If its midnight here on the east coast and that means were one hour into a new curfew in new york city amid plenty of unrest and looting tonight and were monitoring the situation and we will take you live to those cities and more across the country in minutes. At 1019, in sending a message for law and order, although the white house and what across Lafayette Park filled with protesters and fire to visit the burned down st. Johns church this isfo

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