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Lawmakers arguing the democratic lawmaker Gretchen Whitmer has succeeded her authority. It is the governors broad effort and application, that is where the constitutional crisis. Shannon we will debate that in night court, and the house passes the most expensive bill in congressional history. The 3 trillion measure still contains 120 1200 stimulus placements for people in the u. S. Illegally, with the division where it heads to the senate where it looks like it will be dead on arrival. But first, we begin with White House Correspondent kevin corke on a dust up between adam schiff and the acting dni ric grenell. Evening, shannon. Simply said, schiff is suspicious about the Counterterrorism Office and took specific exception to the way the acting director carried out those changes. In a bold move designed by white house officials to streamline and enhance intelligence capabilities. Ric grenell today announced a major reorganization of the National Counterterrorism center, and reducing the size of the office overseeing the nati nations spy agencies. Democrats were unsurprisingly upset that they were not consulted before the changes were made. The House Intel Committee chair adam schiff expressing concerns, saying our committee did not authorize the latest changes announced once again late on a friday by a temporary and unqualified acting director of national intelligence. Grenell shot back on twitter. Only in washington, d. C. , would one be appointed to a job but not expected to do the job. I just want to make something clear, its very important. Vaccine or no vaccine, we are back. And we are starting the process. Speak of the process of reopening the economy and finding a vaccine to keep americans safe in the process. That was the headline from the president s operation warp speed announcement. White houses latest effort to speed the search for a lifesaving coronavirus we think we will have a vaccine and the pretty near future, and if we do, we are going to really be a big step ahead. And if we dont, we are going to be like so many other cases where you had a problem come in and it will go away at some point. It will go away. The backdrop against that optimism is a sobering one with the presumed u. S. Deaths from the virus approaching 90,000. Very big numbers indeed. We have also learned exclusively on fox news that the Trump Administration is considering, shannon, resuming u. S. Funding of the world health organization. Sources telling fox that the u. S. Will reduce future funding to match the level of chinas contribution which is 40 million. That would be down significantly from the u. S. s previous investment which was about 400 million annually. Shannon. Shannon it looks like there might be a zero. All right, kevin, thank you very much. Its good to see you. Also breaking tonight, another shakeup in the Trump Administration. A Senior State Department official confirmed. Inspector stev steve linick hasn removed. And a new officer replacing him, he did play a role during the impeachment of the president over ukraine. Requesting a meeting with democrats and handing over documents related to the state department and ukraine. Also breaking tonight, house of representatives passing the biggest bill in congressional history. A 3 trillion Coronavirus Relief package. So now what . Well, Congressional Correspondent chad pergram working late. He explains, good evening, chad. Good evening, shannon. They pass the bill 208 199. The liberals did not think that it went far enough. Republican said that the bill was wasteful. Heres tim ryan, a democrat from ohio who took issue with republicans. The Republican Party says we dont have any money to help you are you kidding me . Where do you guys live . Food lines around the blocks for the United States of america. There was one republican ea, 14 democratic natives, mostly moderate to democrats who flipped in 2018 and faced competitive races this fall. Kendrick orme of oklahoma, maine, and Joe Cunningham of south carolina. Republicans will try to weaponize this vote against democrats, but democrats who voted no can show that they revolted against nancy pelosi. She said she was thrilled with the votes this evening, shannon. Shannon okay, chad. So where does the debate go from here . It would go to the senate, but the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has said that he does not think it is important to do another bill right now. He has hit the pause button. That is him sending a message to Senate Republicans who did not want to move too quickly. And nancy pelosi was sending a message saying it is time to act. Keep in mind that Mitch Mcconnell has not ruled out another bill, but wants to do something the limit liability post coronavirus, shannon. Shannon chad pergram, working around the clock, thank you so much. Its good to see you. Thank you, shannon. Likewise. Shannon how much of the 3 trillion dollar heroes act might pop up again later this year, say on joe bidens democratic president ial platform . Lets set that scenario and the fisa Reform Efforts with the Senate Judiciary committee, republican from utah mike gleason, welcome back. Thank you very much, shannon. Shannon i want to put up on the screen what is in the heroes act, and the support from marijuanarelated businesses, people who are in the u. S. Illegally qualify for checks. 50 million between pollution and exposure in the spread of covid. At 20 million for arts and humanities funding. But the wall street journal has this morning about this. It says Nancy Pelosis president ial platform, this is Speaker Pelosis agenda for 2020, what she expects that democrats will run the entire government, and she will be the de facto president. If republicans want to stop this, they better start educating voters that these are the election stakes if democrats win in november. How worried are you about that, senator . Obviously we are very worried about what they pass, but its not going to become law. We have to remember, shannon, this is a stimulus bill of 3 trillion wishlist. Progressive priorities, one that has no chance of passing in the senate. Keep in mind, the word cannabis appears more times in this build on the word jobs. Containing a trillion dollar bailout and a huge tax cut, a huge series of tax cuts for rich liberals and big spending democratic states. It contains amnesty for Illegal Immigrants and gives them stimulus checks. So this is a complete nonstart nonstarter. Shannon thats what we have been hearing. Something you did get this week and something you have been championing which is fisa were torn, the allowing of the government to spy on the citizens. To tell us about the amendment that you passed, because it is strange to see, some people are angry that the reform did not go far enough and others are angry that it went too far. Im just happy that it passed. This was a historic week for the senate. For the first time this year they debated and voted on and passed a amendment on the floor. Thats a big victory itself. We secured a bipartisan 77 vote to win for american privacy and for American Civil Liberties union the constitution. The amendment requires the four intelligencer surveillance judges to appoint a mutual third party to hold the fbi accountable. So no longer will peter strzok be able to lie to the fisa court with impunity. Now the applications to the courts will have to go to a check by a third party and make sure that is complete and accurate. If the law had been in effect in 2016, the fbi would not likely have been able to investigate president Trumps Campaign the way that they did. This is a big win. 77 votes in the senate is not bad. Shannon getting that together on anything as an accomplishment of bipartisan fashion. I remember the very first time as a young lawyer that i learned how the fisa thing worked on the fact that they go in there, the government regardless of who is running the white house or the fbi can going to make the argument without an opposing counsel, and it went against everything i learned in law school i think regardless of where you are, you should be happy that protections are built and for every american. In the meantime, because it has gotten so much attention because of Michael Flynn and all the things that we have learned, the unmasking come of the transcripts. Mollie hemingway saying that republicans in the senate need to do more she said memo to Mitch Mcconnell, you will not get judges if you dont hold the resistance accountable for russian hoax. If he does not start demanding more be done told the resistance responsible for the damaging and dangerous russia collusion hoax, his party will lose and they wont confirm another judge in his lifetime. What do you make of criticism from the right that there has been a lot of promises on the hill and they think not enough action. Look, it is a fair point. But in order to continue confirming judges and in order to have republican nominees to confirm, whether at the courts or otherwise, you have to have a majority. And if you want to hold onto the majority, then you have to make sure that we show the American People we are following up on these devastating blows to the republican form of Constitutional Government that we have. We have people inside the administration. Inside the government who want to oppose the Trump Administration from day one and were threatening to take it down. Threatening to invoke their insurance policy or whatever it was. We have to hold hearings to make sure that these people are held accountable and that we expose what has happen here and more importantly make sure that it does not happen again. Shannon as a lawyer yourself, what do you make of judge sullivan . He is the judge in the Michael Flynn case where they are trying to withdraw the guilty plea. The doj recommending that it is dismissed. What do you make of his decision to call on an outside judge to argue against the dojs dismissal, and then he says he will be able to make an informed decision. First of all, it is strange given that judge sullivan in particular has dozens of previous occasions rejecting participation by amicus qa, or friend of the court submissions. So it is strange that he would be seeking one out here. Secondly, i have never. I say this as a lawyer informal for a federal prosecutor. Ive never seen a case that can proceed without a prosecutor. So when they have said, we need to dismiss it. I dont know how it moves forward . It baffles reason to suggest in this case that he thinks somehow he can resurrect the case when it is deader than a doornail. Shannon well, we are standing by to see how it plays out. Good to see you. Have a great weekend. Thank you, same to you. Shannon breaking tonight, the federal judge in los angeles ordering the city to relocate thousands of homeless, People Living near freeways and underpasses and exit ramps. Fighting health and safety concerns. The legal action may be enforced starting may 22nd unless the party comes up with an alternative plan and is approved before then. Ellie Officials Say that order will basically mean that they have to move 67000 people number else. The protest video from florida tonight following weeks of demonstrations by the folks to open up america again. The grim reaper and body bag showing up at the state capital in tallahassee. Protesting the reopening plan there. Statebystate at the reopening debate tonight. Also getting a little bit of a look about what reopened america will look like. And life as we know it will change in ways we know and in ways we are you have to find out. Your i. D. , your shoes coming your laptop, add to your temperature, starting this week, the wall street journal reports those coming to a dozen american airports will face the thermometer. And once at your destination, things will look different. Just look at casinos open with coronavirus prevention measures. We have to wait an hour, but if we wear this. Im loving it. I am loving it. Ive been waiting and waiting. Things look different in the restaurants that are open from paper menus, empty tables, or in the case of washington, mannequins filling in where real diners cant. You are not going to have crowd sitting around at the bar, so it makes it very tough Restaurant Business even tougher. Steve hafner running opentable. Com and kayak, he says demand is coming back in the cities that are open. You may order from your app and pay for your food from your app, you dont have to touch a dirty menu or a dirty credit card. Shopping malls look different. Even open malls are deserted. Names like jcpenney and Neiman Marcus may not survive. Already declaring bankruptcy. Even the most primal of activities, working out, it is different. They are offering a 20 capacity, have a regimented cleaning protocol, and still the owner must get patrons a scary warning. I tell them the police have told me that they will arrest people who come in here. And the members, some members shy away from that. And some say, you know, if they are going to take me away in handcuffs were working out, than they can do it. There is one gym owner in st. Louis facing a dilemma of trying to open during a closed order, but the county executive in st. Louis has a solution to the possible p. R. Disaster of hauling folks out of the gym and off to jail. He wants the gym owner to keep a record of all who come for Contact Tracing by the health department. And shannon, he plans to send the bill for the Contact Tracing to the gym owner. Shannon oh, boy. In l. A. They are talking about cutting off all electricity and water. So im sure that they will get creative. All right, leland, thank you. Covid19 sniffer dogs could be to the front line of the pandemic. Clinical trials in u. K. On cocker spaniels to see if they can detect coronavirus in humans before they get symptoms. Dogs have been trained to detect certain cancers. Spending more than a half Million Dollars for the resear research. Tugofwar between lives and livelihood hitting the courtroom, in the lawsuit michigan governor between geo state lawmaker. Robert pattillo and alex boyer ready to make the case next. So, draw the line. Roundup for lawns is formulated to kill lawn weeds to the root without harming your grass. Roundup brand. Trusted for over 40 years. Stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill. Can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for somerinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive immune system. Attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred. As have certain cancers, including lymphoma, tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections. And if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. Take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. Rinvoq. Make it your mission. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Shannon a large part of virginia is back in business as the commonwealth enters phase 1 every opening. Saying that places of worship, nonessential retail are permitted at operating 50 percent in most of the state. In restaurants can offer outdoor seating. But how exactly are the looser restrictions going to be enforced . Do you see a role for Law Enforcement and the enforcement of this . Is that going to be an important part of phase 1 . Absolutely. Shannon on that note, it is time for a night court. We passed no judgment, but present them to you, the jury for your consideration. We will talk about virginia, but republican lawmakers in michigan are challenging Gretchen Whitmers authority to keep the states shut down during the pandemic. It was argued in state court. There is nothing in the tax at all about to the governors inability to continue responding if the disaster exists. And i think thats part of the absurdity, your honor, there is no dispute that a disaster and an emergency exists. This is not an argument about the existence or nonexistence, this case is about the question of whether a governor, this governor or any governor in the future can exercise effectively limitless you to routable ten parental temporarily unbounded authority. Shannon here with Robert Pattillo coming in Washington Times Legal Affairs reporter and attorney, alecs lawyer, welcome back to both of you. Thanks, shannon. Shannon lets start there, the attorney for the governor says, listen, there is clearly a disaster, she has expansive powers. Yes, and at issue there seems to be two state laws that they are battling with. And the first one, it is vague about how long that emergency power that she can exercise exists. You have to think a year later testifying that she has authority for 28 days. And then after that it must be cleared by lawmakers. I think that there is some evidence that she did understand this, because she did go to the state congress and ask them for permission for the extension, but they said no. So she decided to act on her own. I would also say that there seems to be two interesting facts about to the level of crisis currently in her state. One is that local reports actually suggest that hospitalizations are down 65 . And she has canceled plan for more sealed hospitals suggesting the number of hospital beds that she originally anticipated ended the crisis that they expected have not surfaced. Which is a good thing. Shannon we hope that is all true and good, but to the point that the attorney for the legislature was arguing, she cant just have these powers forever, you have to put a limit on them when there are signs of improvement ended danger has passed, how long does she get . I think that if you look at the Emergency Powers act that was passed in 1976, it articulates the power of the governor in situations like this. There is a an emergency when you look at what the estimates were when it initially started, they said by august we would be around 140000200000 dead. There is no evidence that the situation has risen in any way, shape, or form. There is no treatment that has come on board. And no new vaccine. So social distancing is working. It is the shoot yourself in the foot argument saying lets stop doing what is working because it has not been bad yet. Youre basically saying what has been working, we need to stop doing because it is working . It is an argument that does not hold water. Shannon i think what people are frustrated about was flatten the curve, they feel like they did and now we have to get a cure or something else. We just need to know what is going on. Thats half of the problem. I want to quickly hit virginia. This is the governor saying, what are you trying to do at keeping something close . Im sure the decisions that i have made are difficult for some individuals to understand. We have tried to be consistent and fair, and most importantly, we have concentrated on public safety. Shannon okay, so that takes us to exhibit b. This is Culpeper County where he is saying, my response to the request is that we will not trample the constitution. The constitutional freedoms of the citizens to enforce an edict of the governor. I dont speak for any other jurisdictions. There are Law Enforcement officials sticking up to say that they will not continue doing what they think is an overreach. Quick comment from you both. Alex, lets start with you. We have seen this in other states too. Speaking of michigan, there were some officers that did not want to enforce the governors original order. So maybe we will see that change here. If they want to challenge it, they can take it to court with local officials. They are some options for Health Officials to monitor at restaurants. So we will see if they exercise that authority. Shannon robert, final word to you. We dont tell people because the government will makes you wear pants that is tyranny. We do have a Governmental Authority to comport to the scientific information available. Going by the way, they are people who are challenging that in court, so we just know that anything can go to court. Thats why we are glad that you are with us every week to debate these things. Roberts, alex, thank you so mu much. Thanks, shannon. Shannon americans anxious to get back to work, church, and their lives. As governor say that they may have an overriding obligation to keep them safe. Brian kilmeade is itching to tpitch in. He is live next. Its gentle on her skin, and dermatologist recommended. New tide pods plus downy free. Safe for sensitive skin with eczema and psoriasis. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. For people with Heart Failure taking entresto, it may lead to a world of possibilities. Entresto helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. 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Campaign officials said friday they are trying to expand the map there and in texas and georgia while their candidate for a mayans remains quarantined in delaware. With predictions that underestimate job loss by millions. In the middle of a pandemic that cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. And over mess overestimating lives lost. Lives of billions of people. Millions of jobs. If he succeeds trump, and he is charged with a crime, he is on his own. Would you be willing to commit not pulling a president forward and giving donald trump a pardon under the pretense of healing the nation . Absolutely, yes. I commit. A clear sign of deep state is heating up. Appearing alongside stacy abrams who endorsed herself as a running mate. And new Public Interest from former Obama National security adviser susan rice. Would you say yes if he asked you to be the vp . Joe biden admits that he does not remember working with the woman accusing hymn of raping her. And he does not want to continue convincing people that that is false. I would not vote for me if i believed tara reade. No changes to the plan to try to round up votes from his rec room, the campaign pulled us today that they will physically hit the trail when the time is t and when experts sign off on it. Until then, a lot more zoom, shannon. Shannon we are all getting used to it. Peter doocy, thank you. The ongoing debate of how and when to reopen the country and the economy is continuing to get more heated. You have a lot of people saying that the country needs to reopen because people are going to die no matter what. Im asking since you are suggesting that i sacrifice, who are you sacrificing . Thats what people dont understand what is going on want to say. We have 36. 5 Million People unemployed. We have in several different states now the suicide rates going up. Shannon lets talk about opening up of america again, with fox friends cohost and author out on paperback, brian kilmeade, welcome back to the show. Thank you for having me. I believe with chris christie. Right on the money. And saw it to being devastated by sandy and others. And understands compassion, but there is such a detrimental waiting. What your last guest had wrong is that if it is working, you are bending the curve, thats fine. That was two or three weeks in. Now youre trying to finish it off and wait for a vaccine. And that is not all right, because every day that goes by our economy craters, Small Businesses going down forever. Remember the stat. They gave it a stat, 100,000 businesses have already said, i am done. If you wait two or three more weeks, the ppp money is out and then what are you going to do . Let alone the businesses that are just getting by at this time. Nothing, this economy cant survive any more weeks. And especially with these governors that dont see in any massive rush to get things back on track. Shannon it seems like their people on both sides that want her presented as a binary choice. You are killing people or the economy. The truth has to be in the the middle if we are adults having this conversation. Think about police officers. Now they will give people tickets for sunbathing. If they are caught cutting hair in their house, they can arrest that person or people who are manicurists who decide im going to treat my clients and maybe stay in business. If you start your car wash this weekend, you could end up in jail in certain states. And cops have to reinforce these ridiculous orders. What i dont think people understand is the human cost. And we are all smart enough to know this. Im not going to that restaurant if they dont show me a runner with food and may be gloves on. And they are able to show me separate tables to give me some distance. It is a deal that we are all willing to do and capitalism and the free market will decide where we are going to go. Dont tell me i cant get out of my house anymore. Dont tell me i am allowed to go in the park for two or three hours. I can only go in my vote with one person. I dont have a vote. But only with one other person. This is farcical. We are going to look back and say, how do we ever go along with this in michigan, and parts of pennsylvania, and we see what is happening, even in new york where Governor Cuomo has long island under lock and key, because its just a few Percentage Points off of three beds in hospitals. This cant happen anymore. Shannon i know you have a lot of pentup energy always. You need to get outside. So im hoping that that works out for you in your neighborhood. Meanwhile, lets go back to what you were cohost, soninlaw. With peter doocy. Talking about Vice President , former Vice President joe biden and doing his he is out there and campaigning from delaware. I want to play again when he said about, you just should not vote for him if you believe tara reade. This is what he said. I think they should vote their heart. And if they believed tara reade, they probably should not vote for me. I would not vote for me if i believed to. Shannon the writer says, i cant stand trump, so i am voting for biden no matter what. She was not thrilled the way you put it. Well then just dont vote for me, but this is what she writes, under that halfhearted hope, go with a heart, move on, just stopped agonizing. Pretty much nothing he ever says is going to make me vote for him with my heart. A lot of folks on the left feel that he is not really into it. But he is their guy. They are worried. Reports are that they are worried. You have a situation where the president and is in the middle of a pandemic that we hope we will never see in our lifetime. And he cant get a word in edge wise, and he is not really trying. There are plenty of things that he could do. He could visit manufacturing plants. They were the necessary jobs where people have to work. What about the problems we have on the food chain. He cant go to a meat packing area and sit with a scientist to talk about how to fix this place to make it more worker friendly . These are things that any other candidate would be doing, but for some reason his handlers were mediocre at best to say we are better off doing virtual rope line interviews with wouldbe voters from his basement, which they dont let him out of. One, if he is doing the typical 23 events a day, you are not going to have enough tape in your vcr to get enough in at the end of the week. The other thing is, you just become more and more irrelevant if you dont go out to a live event and make something happen. So its really, i sense, donald trump will win or lose this election on how he acts through the pandemic. The passion that typically goes along with a candidate for a party, just is not there that ive seen so far. Its more with his wife than it is with him. Shannon i told you i was at an event in New Hampshire where he was given at one of his rallies and they said, i wish his wife was running. And listen, before you go, your book is out now on paperback, but there is new juicy stuff that was not in the original, tell us about that. Just going back in history, why do people go to texas . They want freedom. And they want to go did in the the new area where they can have a shot at liberty. They just showed up with a gun and a rake and work the land. We have to get back to the attitude. What i added was just how lincoln reached out to houston after he heard that they were trying to keep them out of the competitive story confederacy and how they Work Together to send troops down and keep texas out of there. But houston could not convince the texans not to fight. And lincoln said i will send 50,000 troops, he threw that into the furnace and that was it. And he had watch his country be torn apart. And i just thought that there would be a cool thing to put in the epilogue. In the paperback, which as you know is bendable. Shannon yes, it is. It is a very easy beach read to take with you if you travel. Brian kilmeade. But you cant sit on the beach. Shannon you cant sit on the beach, but if you read it while you are walking and moving. I see people do that with books. They will do it with the paperback. Brian, thanks. Okay. Shannon big news from the Newest Branch of the military, enforce, joining us live next. And right now, is a time for action. So, for a second time were giving members a credit on their auto insurance. Because its the right thing to do. Were also giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Right now is the time to take care of what matters most. Like weve done together, so many times before. Discover all the ways were helping members at usaa. Com coronavirus they use stamps. Com all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Shannon it is official tonight, the space force is of the Newest Branch of the u. S. Military, during the flag announcement, the president revealed that the pentagon is working on revealing a superduper missal in cow hypersonic threats. Lets discuss all things space now, with coordinator, great to have you back. I want to start with some critics and give you a chance to respond in a piece on the hill, they say this. If enacted, it will add an organizational overhead expense for the separation and will create countless fistfights over what goes into which part of the new department of the air force enterprise. So, how do you answer the concern . I think that that is silly. The challenge that we have right now in space is immense, this kind of activity is something that i was working on when i was a member of congress. We needed to create a space for us back then. Its only because President Trump got elected and forced it through that it actually happened. But i can tell you this, nasa is adversely affected by activities from the various actors in space even right now, and the space force is the element that will keep our assets safe. I will tell you nasa does not do National Security or defense. We do diplomacy and economic development. But we will benefit greatly from the spaceports. Shannon the president talked about that today that there were some countries that we dont always get along with the best who got kind of a head start on us. Heres what he said today. China, russia, others started off a lot sooner. Perhaps we should have started this a long time ago. But we made up for it in spades. Shannon so where do we need to play catch up. What are the threats and what have they done that we have not gotten to yet or have we caught up . So, shannon. I will let the department of defense talk about defense activities. What i will tell you is that ten years ago we canceled the moon program and ten years ago we returned the space shuttles at the same time. We have been without a human space flight capability in this nation now for nine years in a row. But because of the activities that are underway right now and just a matter of two weeks, we will launch american astronauts on american rockets from american soil for the first time now in nine years. President trump gets a lot of credit for that. If you look at the budgets for nasa, they are going up. He understands that this is all about making America Great again, and nasa is a big part of american leadership. Shannon let me ask you quickly because you mention the budgets, a lot of people are concerned that the United States is going to be strapped for cash on a lot of things coming out of covid. Do we have the money for this . I will tell you as we look at the budget going forward, what we are seeing now is that there is broad bipartisan interest in doing some kind of infrastructure package, which the country has needed for a long period of time. Of course we have seen the stimulus packages, in these challenging times when america is hurting in the private sector retracting, what we are seeing is bipartisan efforts and support from the president to increase spending to make sure that the economy stays strong and we limit the amount of Companies Going into bankruptcy. So i dont see this as being detrimental to nasas budget in the long run. In fact if we do have some infrastructure bill, i would imagine that the president moon program which has gotten bipartisan support. We are calling the program are program artemis, Speaker Pelosi has embraced it herself. So i would imagine that we would be at the table as part of the infrastructure package, because we are in fact building the capability to go to the moon. Shannon nasa administrator jim brian stein, great to have you back with us. Thank you. The new rules of the road for nascar debuting this weekend. But first the reopen round up, the white house preparing an executive order for some essential drugs must be made in the u. S. Trying to limit our dependence on china. 90 of drugs in the u. S. Are imported. And the vast majority do come from china. Cruise lines experiencing a spike in reservations. A lot of folks who canceled their plans because of the pandemic apparently are rebooking for 2021, still unknown when the ships will actually be cleared to set sail. And more casinos considering cashless gambling to help prevent the spread of germs. With apple pay and venmo on the rise, experts suggest it may be the future of slot machines and table games. In a virginia restaurant with a creative idea and the age of social distancing. Little washington is going to use mannequins to help make their space feel more full. Check it out. [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. With one protein feels like. What getting fueled with three energy packed proteins feels like. Meat cheese and nuts p3. Because 3 is better than 1 welcome back everybody, fox news night, i will pick up the show for now. The Major League Sports event to take place in the u. S. During the pandemic will be held sunday in south carolina. Correspondent mike meredith, set to return for nascar, albeit with plenty of caution flags. When drivers return to the Darlington Raceway sunday, they wont find fans in the stands or anything else that requires a typical nascar experience. The cars will be spaced out greater. The haulers will be spaced out greater. There will be a sanitizing of stations in the garage. Sunday mark and the return of racing after a coronavirus hiatus. Drivers and crews will be screened before entering the track and nascars president says will be in force. We have a protocol and policy in place. We work with local, federal state officials to make sure that our competitors are safe. Nascar is consolidating the weekly schedule, canceling runs and practices, teams limiting their members from 21 people down to 16 including the drivers. It will only be people who are absolutely necessary and even those groups will be completely compartmentalized from each other at the racetrack so that there will not be a lot of interaction from team to te team. Journalists are impacted too, calling the race not from darlington, but from studios in charlotte. There is a hunger for sports to come back. People want to see sports. Jordan bianchi covering nascar for the athletic says that sundays race will appeal to more people than ever. Even for a casual nascar fan, this is an opportunity to turn on and say im going to escape what is going on. Other sports will study how sundays race goes as they drop their own plans to restart operations in a pandemicera for sports. Dedicating the race to Americas Health care workers. Each of the cars racing will feature a name of a Frontline Worker helping the country battled a coronavirus. Shannon. Shannon thank you, mark. Thank you, kevin. Thats it for us tonight. See you monday. 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Administration will announce a major change in americas posture towardser w. H. We will have details for you, sorting through them right now and just a moment. Butt. First, the country appears heto be splitting into two hemispheres even as we watch. Places where i Public Officials are allowing the science to guide their decisions, states like that are cautiously beginning to relax theirir lockdown and finding no spike in illness as they do it. Then there is the other half of the country, places you are glad you

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