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Welcome to fox news at night. First up continuing coverage of the coronavirus outbreak. A couple hours ago the governor of oregon revealed that states first possible case of coronavirus saying a worker at an Elementary School tested positive for the virus but still has to go through confirmation from the cdc. Of confirmed it will raise more questions about how the virus may spread. Trace gallagher has details on another case in california. Reporter Northern California has another case of coronavirus in santa clara county. There are Chronic Health issues suffering respiratory illness, her physician contacted Health Officials tested. And the lowest case of Community Spread meeting it is unknown how she might have contracted that. Investigating how another Northern California woman contracted coronavirus. She did not travel outside the country and had no known contact with infected people. She wasnt tested for several days after doctors suspected she might have the virus, the cdc is not considering changing the testing standard. A rally in South Carolina donald trump talked about the politics of coronavirus. The virus starts in china, bleeds its way into various countries all around the world, doesnt spread widely at all in the United States because of the early actions myself and my administration against a lot of other wishes and the democrats single talking point is it is Donald Trumps fault. Reporter when the Administration Health official held a quote closeddoor briefing for house members several House Republicans walked out of the democratic connecticut congresswoman rosa delauro blasted the administrations handling of the response was a Senior Administration official tells fox news the white house is seen Good Progress on the emergency funding bill to deal with the coronavirus. The bill could move forward next week. If necessary the Trump Administration is prepared to use the defense production act to wrap up Production Equipment and other needed items. Health and Human Services secretary alex azar ordered an investigation to the whistleblower complaint alleging hhs workers were sent to greet evacuees from wuhan without proper training or protective gear. There are 83,000 cases in 54 countries, 2800 people have died. Fears of that pandemic met another rough rider the market, down 100 points but the index gained much of that loss amid a new reassurance from the federal reserve. For the week, the dow down 12 and one third percentage point, the s p dropped 11. 5, nasdaq often. 5. After tomatoes week the president back in his element trolling his democratic rivals at a keep America Great rally after an all important primary. In charleston, South Carolina, just after the rally tonight. Reporter this is the eve of the democratic primary but you have this republican president packing this 14,000 seat auditorium you see behind me, the most charleston auditorium. The Republican Party decided not to hold a president ial primary so the timing of tonights rally was as much about stealing the spotlight from democrats who have been campaigning in the state all week as it was looking ahead to the november general election. Lindsey graham praising his work as chair of the Senate Judiciary committee. Senator graham has been leading the charge to help us confirm a Record Number of judges who uphold the constitution as well. And lindsay was amazing, you remember, for Justice Brett kavanaugh. Reporter donald trump weighed in on the democrats and suggested republicans take advantage of the open primary system because voters dont register by party in this state they are free to select a democrat or republican ballot when they show up at the polls and because there is no gop president ial primary for them to vote in this year donald trump suggested republicans vote in the democratic primary for the candidate most likely to lose. Who is easier to be . Crazy bernie . Or sleepy joe . They think bernie is easier. Reporter donald trump scheduled a rally in charlotte, North Carolina on monday, the day before both parties in that state hold their primaries on supertuesday. Jillian the global spread of coronavirus needs a worry, lawmakers were briefed by Health Officials on what the administration is doing in response to the virus. We are hearing mixed account of what went down. Gop lawmakers were there, North Carolina congressman mark meadows and mark walker, great to have you with us tonight. I understand there was at least one important person who was missing. Tell us how it went behind closed doors. It was a disaster on the speakers part, the senate trashing the administration, we were shoved in a Conference Room that held 36 seats and had 150 members show up for the coronavirus which is most americans know is an economic concern a, c security concern and health concern. Poor leadership on the part of the speakers office, we did get to some important points after we went down the hallway and found another room. Tough start, we got some information that is important for the American People as we pursue what is best. Heather the speaker did not show up for the briefing. We are on the eve of some calling it potential pandemic, you would think that would be important enough for nancy pelosi to attend, she was a no so. Shannon was helpful and added this. They dont inspire confidence because the president made so many false statements you cant rely on the white house. What did you get out of the briefing . Adam schiff is the only member of congress in the briefing who had twee 7 pinocchios for not giving the truth and when you talk about confidence, this president and his team were making sure we are prepared for this virus. This is not just happened in the last couple days. This was preparation by secretary azar, Decisive Action by the president , probably the most proactive plan to contain. Now we are looking at mitigation to make sure the health and safety, first and foremost, for the president of the United States that is his number one priority and he is fully engaged. Shannon many on the left saying they havent been prepared a ready for this, it is not working, jay inslee said mike pence, former governor himself, making rounds, thanking Washington State forever its to combat the coronavirus. I told him network would be more successful if the Trump Administration stick to the science and told the truth. That is in contrast to a tweet from senator durbin who said mike pence reached out to me who made an appeal for bipartisanship dealing with coronavirus. We agree we should put together to help the public health. Do you think there is room for bipartisanship . You would hope so but we are dealing with this kind of crisis but few and far between. Not only are they attacking the president , but they are going after the vice president. Lets keep this nonpolitical and the first sentence, mike pence doesnt believe in science how can he lead this effort . Mike pence believes we are part of gods creation, does not qualify him as a denier of science. Vice president pence proved to be a leader, respected by his peers to be putting leadership in congress as executor of his state as the governor. Im sick and tired of hearing it prefaced by saying we are not going to make this political but, then work in these comments. I hope they will get beyond this. Whether there is bipartisan support or not. If they want to go it alone to make sure the health and safety of the American People is protected they will go it alone and blame the democrats for trying to make this political. It the same time the fda is not lacking any funds for anything they need to implement. Talk to secretary azar. He is fully engaged to make sure not only Testing Facilities and the ability to identify this virus and potential patients, they have a task force fully engaged for many weeks. To suggest all of a sudden we need bipartisan support it would be welcome but i am not expecting it based on the last four years. The Editorial Board said the headline is the coronavirus isnt partisan. The headline is maybe we should corn time capitol hill until a crisis passes. Any fellow lawmakers across the aisle, thank you for making time with us tonight. Emails say senior members of the Trump Administration say Security Assistance to ukraine should, quote, continue as planned and the Group American oversight show one particular email from august 20 sixth of last year from a senior career pentagon official saying, and the Budget Office for withholding the need was released september 11th. For the second time donald trump is nominating republican congressman John Ratcliff to be director of national intelligence. Ratcliff was nominated in july of last year but withdrew his name. Lawmakers raised concern about the qualification. The president appointed his ambassador to germany as acting director earlier this month. Federal Appeals Court involved in the Trump Administration policy to make asylumseekers wait in mexico during the time their cases wind through immigration court. One that denies asylum to anyone who enters the us illegally from mexico. A Justice Department statement says the ruling ignores the Constitutional Authority of congress and the administration and appeal to the Supreme Court. Donald trump scoring a legal victory as a federal Appeals Court delivered a massive blow to House Democrats. We will explain next. Of sync, of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Hi with the worldse first invisible trailer. Invisible trailer . And its not the trailer right next to us . This guy . You dont believe me . Hop in. Good lookin pickup, i will say that. Oh wow. Silverado offers an Optional Technology package with up to 15 different views including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. Wow. Thats pretty sweet. Thats cool. Oooohh thats awesome. Whered the trailer go . I love it. Its magic. 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Reporter jerry nadler fighting back saying todays ruling is fundamentally hostile to reason and precedent. The federal Appeals Court ruled the House Judiciary Committee cannot force the former white House Counsel to testify. Don mcgann left the white house in october of 2018 during the Mueller Investigation but the House Judiciary Committee wanted him to testify among other things the president s conduct during the russia probe including whether the president asked him to fire mueller. Judge griffith wrote article 3 of the constitution for business federal courts from resolving this kind of interbranch information dispute during the impeachment probe, the same committee wanted john bolton and current acting chief of staff mick maldini to testify. The president claimed executive privilege and this ruling makes it harder for the house to bring them back in a potential round 2. It comes on the same day jerry nadler of the Judiciary Committee opens another line of attack against the president sending a 4page letter to william barr debating documents and testimony relating to the sentencing recommendations a former Trump Confidant Roger Stone and National Security adviser Michael Flynn writing you are charged with the Impartial Administration of our laws. Intern House Judiciary Committee is charged with holding you to that. William barr and other appointees overruled career prosecutors who wanted to for sentences. Doug collins of the Judiciary Committee wrote they care about one thing and one thing only, attempting to take down donald trump. It is too early to tell if today is court ruling will play a major part in this new demand by the Judiciary Committee. We have learned the Judiciary Committee will appeal the ruling and asking for a rehearing about the case about mcgann in front of the Dc Circuit Court of appeals. Shannon is yet another investigation into the Trump Administration headed up by jerry never going to bear fruit for democrats or alienate potential voters . We have Harmeet Dhillon in the studio from the west coast. So first of all let me explain to people here is what is part of judge griffiths position that letting political fights play out in political branches might seem messy or impractical but democracy can be a messy business in federal court, sprawling and evolving in arrange information. Politico boils down the ruling is a blue to House Democrats attempts to break the Trump Administrations stand can Block Congress from talking to witnesses. An appeal is coming. The judge got it correct. To critics of the opinion, but doj made a couple different arguments than the white house and the court rejected one of the witches there is absolute immunity. They looked at the pragmatic argument that coequal branches of government have different ways of resolving disputes rather than running to the third branch and having them play cop. This is a fundamental ruling of it shows article 2 of the impeachment articles was also the same thing. The president was impeached for saying i dont have to answer your request and it turns out the president was right. Shannon we heard so much about that. That second article was based on the administration refusing to turn over witnesses or documents say like any administration, democrat or republican, we have different privileges and immunities we can try to exert. How big of a blue sister House Democrats who said we have to have mcgann and these other people and for them to be turned over . This is a fatal blow. Despite their appeal, not going to be decided at least in their favor until past the november election. They are out of luck. The opinion came out after jerry never delivered his letter today. Feels like groundhog day the republicans. Every day the same type of requests, the same fruitless, the president does have an absolute duty to the constitution of the citizens to uphold the prerogatives of the office of the president. Shannon jerry never sent a letter to attorney general william barr, circumstances are troubling, your cooperation as it considers legislation related to political interference among other things, say i want to hear from all the people at the doj, the president got involved way he shouldnt have with roger stones sentencing. I want everyone who quits the doj to come before. You think that goes anywhere . One thing the members of congress to do is read the constitution. The constitution would preempt any legislation that would purport to impose some kind of congress override over the president s prerogative to do the executive application of the law which is what he has been doing. Regardless of the rhetoric that is used, nadler and others are frustrated with the president , hes the boss, has absolute authority in the attorney general is absolute authority to make these calls who to prosecute, recommendations, whether Paul Manafort is housing rikers or another facility they are complaining about and other issues. They dont like it they can elect a different president but they dont get to interfere. Shannon they are hoping to do that this fall. Good to have you with us, thanks for coming in. Breaking coronavirus news, officials canceling Public Events. But first, real news roundup, Hillary Clinton launching a new podcast, clinton was inspired by conan obrien after joining him as a guest on his own series, he is planning to address a variety of topics and conduct interviews with bigname guests of her own. A los angeles man was arrested after stealing a hearse with a body inside. The hearse was missing before being spot on the road where the driver led police on a wild chase across interstate 110 before crashing into three cars. No one was seriously injured in the crash and the body was returned to the family members. Public enemy lashing out at Bernie Sanders, issuing a ceaseanddesist letter to sanders for promoting the, quote, false narrative to the American People, touting his endorsement for public enemy while promoting the performance at his Campaign Event but he will not be performing. Only his partner justine. To rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder walmart offers score in more locations than any other performance enhancer. Unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score . Shannon secretary of shannon mike pompeo in his way to the middle east, he will sign a peace agreement, the beginning of the end of americas longest war. Kabul, afghanistan, busy as always but less tense, the last in a weeklong reduction of violence period involving the taliban and us and allied forces. Mike pompeo we have seen this last six days. The reduction of violence in afghanistan. Paving the way for an agreement between the us and the taliban and. A severing of ties in the taliban and other terror groups. Siding tomorrow with the taliban and. Afghanistan fighting a war for 18 years. The people of afghanistan have been living with more. Even the possibility, making some people hopeful. We hope to finish the war. That hope illustrated a Public Service announcement running on afghans total tv. The horror of war, progress made since the fall of the taliban and. It will lead to a comprehensive peace deal. Reporter comprehensive talk start 10 days after tomorrows signing. Can a proper ceasefire be established . How fast will us troops leave . When will taliban share power . It will be long and hard and there will be setbacks. Reporter a grim reminder for 2400 us servicemembers have died here, 20,000 have been injured and tens of thousands of afghan casualties. Shannon thank you. Supporting events, carnivals, officials worldwide up canceling Public Events in an effort to keep the risk of ncov 19 cases down. Richardson is tracking the latest tonight. Reporter raising its Assessment World Health Organization says coronavirus poses a very high Global Health risk but stresses containment is possible. Our greatest enemy is the virus itself. If fear, rumors and stigma. Reporter there are 80,000 reported cases across 50 countries. International criticism of lack of transparency during the initial stages of the coronavirus. The World Health Organization released in a report finding chinas bold quarantine strategy has changed the course of a rapidly escalating into the epidemic. Many cases outside china are in the region. The Us State Department raised its travel warning for south korea. Japan has canceled school nationwide for weeks as governments coordinate their response. Reporter as the people of both nations face the spread of coronavirus inspection are helping each other in communicating friendship between the two countries indicates the deep history of china japan friendship. Reporter the statement is warning americans to reconsider traveling to italy, approaching 900 cases it has the most outside asia. Iran a member of parliament accusing government officials of covering up the spread of coronavirus as the us offers iran assistance to cut the virus. In the Dominican Republic authorities have left the cruise ship them as braemar searching for new report after several passengers on board had flulike symptoms and australias Prime Minister says his countries operating as if there were a pandemic order hospitals to ensure enough medical supplies and staff. In the United States Health Officials have announced two new cases of coronavirus. The Trump Administration has just postponed a Major International summit scheduled for las vegas. That pushes back the annual meeting of the association of Southeast Asian nations. Shannon lets dig a little deeper into whether china is being transparent with information the rest of the world could use it needs to know to combat ncov 19. John you, great to have you with us tonight. This headline caught my eye, take on the coronavirus, go medieval on it, quarantines and restricted measures serve the purpose in the old days and they can now too, measures or if i civil libertarians but they save lives when imposed in the early days. The other talked through a number of things that have been used in the us. How would this work here . People should realize there have been epidemics in the past in American History and the government has full powers to prevent the spread of the disease by using things like wanting. Hopefully we wont have to get to that stage. People should realize theres a division of power between the federal government and the State Government, the federal government is responsible for preventing it from getting into the country, crossing state borders but the people have to run the frontline response will be State Government and there will be a lot of differences between how prepared some states are than others, hopefully the federal government will provide equipment, money and supplies and especially vaccines and testing kit so the states will play the ground function among the most number of people. Heather shannon they hope to get the measure passed by next week. That would be great news. I want to ask about this. The Carnegie Endowment rates this about beijing, lack of transparency has exacerbated the Global Health crisis and limited cooperation while washington is focused on competition fueled greater mistress. The coronavirus expose how difficult it is becoming for the two countries to cooperate on issues of mutual interest. Do you have faith that they will transparently Work Together on this . Know i dont. The reason the coronavirus has succeeded in getting out of china and spreading to other countries is because chinese authorities were not transparent with the rest of the world. This happened with the sars outbreak. The Chinese Government and its officials had this interest to downplay how severe this was because they didnt want to hurt the economy. It is not clear beijing knew what was going on the first few weeks. Compare that to the United States where we have an open democratic system, the press, lots of levels of government, public discussion, information about the epidemic is going to be made public record, the government will have the information faster so i dont have a lot of faith in the Chinese Government. We dont have good statistics how many people died, how many got the disease in the first place. Shannon our administration is promising radical and aggressive transparency so that as well. Great to see you. Coming up donald from sounding off on attacks from democrats and the media next. sensei a live bookkeeper is helping customize quickbooks for me. live bookkeeper okay, youre all set up. sensei thanks that was my business gi, this ones casual. vo get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. Wean air force veteran made of doing whats right,. Not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa the democrats are politizing the democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. The democrats single talking point if it is Donald Trumps fall. It is a Public Relations issue first and foremost, the way he sees everything. He needs to demonstrate some urgency. Shannon democrats went on the attack almost uniformly trashing the Trump Administrations response to the epidemic. Crisis management with somebody who has been there. The press secretary under george w. Bush, Fox News Contributor ari fleischer. The wall street general Editorial Board says in the headline the 5, the economy says us growth will take a hit but trump has a leadership opportunity, there could be good in his for him, democrats clearly see the disease is a cudgel to use against the president. If they ask about that donald trump should shut it off and say he is focused on reducing the risk from the virus. Voters will appreciate the show of leadership. How do you think the administration is doing so far . I think they are doing well. When Something Like this comes up the president s job is to reassure the country while being realistic and direct and honest in his assessment. The reassure part is a unique feature of the president. Thats what he has got to do because you know people will be spreading panic. Someone has to spread call. That is always the president s job. Realistic but called. Shannon the Christian Science monitor says anywhere youre dealing with this the antidote for the coronavirus is trusting in leaders, government must reduce partisanship, address problems at the Community Level and partner with the private sector, trump and leaders and their expertise in handling the health crisis, controlling public fears. It does not seem the two sides wants to help each other out in this. People would agree whether democrat or republican in the white house when you have a crisis of this magnitude, potential crisis, it is not a time for partisanship. Do you think both sides could be convinced . Now and that is a crying shame about this. I was there during the anthrax attacks, nobody was trying to gain political leverage over anybody. People were just cheering for experts to solve what was going on in the fbi to catch the culprit. That is absent now. What the president needs to do is have experts taking questions on a regular basis, that is how you build trust and to echo what experts are saying, needs to be the measure of called. Experts several levels deeper. People have questions. That is how the president can contrast with partisans. Shannon we have fox news pulling out, how confident are you the federal government is prepared to deal with the coronavirus . Extreme, very, somewhat, not at all. If you add up the somewhat, extremely and very so you give the government some credit, 74 of people say somewhat always extremely, they have confidence in the government. How can the president build on that message . You can build on that confidence by be a reassuring common voice but they realistically do have to alert the public to the downside could be. That is where when you read the media and some of these stories, some of the stories, they really do love to get clicks by scaring people. This is not a time for routine click bait. Time for the median in america to measure how the cover this illness. We dont want panic. People can be scared but they understand the flu is more prevalent and dangerous. This is just new and sounds scary. People get that. They need good reasons to believe it is not that hard for the government to do. Shannon the briefing the president had the other night. Was ineffective . He allowed scientists, doctors, to speak. Will that continue . Absolutely on a regular daily basis. They have to keep the experts front and center answering questions. Every day new questions will come up. The president on a regular basis experts at the centers for disease control, National Institutes for health, they need to be the point of the sword as well. I have seen criticism by some but mike pence is trying to manage their messages, that is under nonsense. The white houses job is to coordinate all messages so nobody is surprised one person said this and others said that but each agency has to be free to speak their mind and say what is going on and im sure the white house wants 2. You cant control this. Shannon that talking point has been debunked by everyone involved. Great to have your expertise, thanks for stopping in. Super tuesday crunch time for joe biden and give us an exclusive look, Martha Maccallum right after the break. Eartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Shannon voters this South Carolina head shannon voters head to the polls tomorrow and joe bidens campaign, the stakes cannot be any higher. In columbia tonight a preview on primary eve. Reporter joe biden is confident he will win the primary tomorrow. Tonight he held a rally with 750 people in spartanburg. Bidens Campaign Hopes a doubledigit victory will give him momentum which will translate to wins in the 14 states voting on super tuesday. A convincing win tomorrow would prove he can win over africanamerican voters, a necessary core constituency of the democratic party. North of 60 of democratic primary voters in South Carolina are black. The most we spoke to said they were for biden or undecided between him and tom steyer. I will vote for biden. He is for the African American female Supreme Court justice and that was an important statement he made. Tom looked good. Biden looked good. Those are the two. What about sanders . He is crazy. To think this country would ever turn itself around and become a socialist society it is just not going to happen. Reporter even though Bernie Sanders is the new frontrunner nationally, perhaps since the loss in South Carolina sanders left South Carolina after a few rallies for a rally in massachusetts tonight. His Campaign Says he can win the palmetto state. Shannon strong opinions, thank you. 54 delegates up for grabs, the most of any of the first four voting states that 1300 delegates at stake on super tuesday which could make or break the democratic primary candidates. One person who is following closely, the host of the story and author of a brandnew book, Martha Maccallum. Break neck speed, no stopping for anything, tomorrow is South Carolina. Lets look at the realtor politics average. Biden have a commanding lead with 36. 8 . He has a good lead ahead of sanders and the field falls off from there. Notable that tom steyer shows up. How convincingly do you think biden needs to win South Carolina to have a real case. I think he would feel good looking at the polls if they turn out to be accurate, he will feel he is the comeback kid in South Carolina but troops immediately into super tuesday and Michael Bloomberg in the mix as well. It is likely we will see a decisive win. Who knows what happens tomorrow . Is looking good for him right now. Shannon going into super tuesday, the first time there are 89 million eligible voters that day. It will be the most diverse. Years ago it was set up by white moderate conservative democrats, the whole idea of super tuesday, it will be the most diverse that we have. Though states have become more diverse over that time, texas and virginia and massachusetts and california. That will give us a good sense, 40 but still becomes difficult for any of them to get the delegates they need, 1991, to actually pull off a convincing lead unless Bernie Sanders is able to do that, we may be looking at a brokered convention. Heather shannon i want to play something from elizabeth warren, still in the race and how long she plans to stick around. Heres what she said the other night. Would you continue your fight for the democratic nomination even if another candidate arrived at the convention ahead of you and delegate count . Yes. Shannon this may go through the convention for her. I dont blame them. Especially given that you have a lot of superdelegates saying we dont care if it rips the party apart, we will do what we can to not let Bernie Sanders get this which would be a complete chaotic situation. I think a lot of folks will be in this for a long time. Say i dont know what will happen. I may turn out to be the best alternative. Shannon congratulations on your new book, it is historic but very personalized for you. For a lot of people it has more of an impact when they read personal stories about an important moment. I never would have written a book about world war ii and iwo jima if i hadnt been raised with my mother sharing the letters her first husband wrote to her. He died at the age of 18 years old. He had gone to his prom and graduated from high school, rarely left new england, finding himself in the middle of nowhere on an 8 mile Square Island of iwo jima. Digging into his story i met two men and through the research we found two men, one in pennsylvania and one in florida, in washington dc, iwo jima veterans, they fill in so many blanks about him and personality and what happened and how much they loved him and how great he was. Heather shannon there was a special on fox nation, people should check it out. An amazing book that makes this come alive to a lot of people who dont have memories of that generation. You can get it everywhere and you are going on the road to the bookstore too. We will be in florida sunday signing books at the villages and vero beach at the book center. You can see on instagram a whole book tour there. Shannon tell everyone in florida i will. Shannon that is it. Mostwatched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, got my from washington, i am shannon bream. Download robinhood now. Well now theres score , time. From force factor,enin. To rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder walmart offers score in more locations than any other performance enhancer. Unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score . Hey there im lonnie from lonnies lumber. If you need lumber wood, lonnies is better than good. We got oak, cherry, walnut, and more. And we also have the best selection of plywood clattering in the state. 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