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Continues right now. You are looking live at new york city, it is a little overcast. Carley my hair is an example of that. Todd i will go right to this. It looks lovely. You are watching fox and friends first on thursday morning. Carley thanks for starting the day with us. Donald trump explaining why he did not want to create panic over covid19 after the release of recordings of his interview with journalist bob woodward. Todd the reaction this morning. Reporter the conversations recorded with the president s permission getting a lot of attention full of shocking revelations chief among them the president acknowledging he knew early on how deadly the virus was but downplayed it for the public. To be honest with you. I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down because i dont want to create a panic. The president is defending his Coronavirus Response telling hannity the public face was for the countrys second is blasting joe bidens response. What i want to show is calm. Im the leader of the country, i cant be jumping up and down and scaring people, i dont want to scare people, i want people not to panic and that is what i did. If you look at the representatives of joe biden you see what they were saying, no problem, this wont be a problem, he didnt think it would be a problem until months later, he was way late. In michigan biden hammer the president accusing him of knowingly and willingly lying to the American People saying this warrants serious consequences. Wrong, totally irresponsible, totally irresponsible. Take him out of office. The book claims the president ignored repeated warnings about the virus but doctor Anthony Fauci is coming to his defense. I didnt see a discrepancy between what he told us and what we told him and what came out publicly. It comes the book due out next tuesday as woodward himself is under scrutiny with many asking why wait so long to come forward with this story. Todd yesterday became quite a newsday quickly. We appreciate it. Carley you heard the president downplayed the coronavirus. Molly hemingway says the president said the same thing all along. We already knew donald trump thought this was serious, he closed the border, created a task force, declare Public Health emergency, we knew in march, why use optimistic, why are you downplaying it, i dont want to cause panic. If there were criticism to be had against donald trump, he didnt do enough to stop those people who tried to panic everything into shutdown. The biggest Democratic Leaders downplayed the coronavirus for months. I understand the fear. Weve gone through this before, zeke of virus, etc. But lets have some connection to the reality of the situation. Come to chinatown, we think it is safe to be in chinatown and hope others will come. I want to take a moment to say it is not a time to panic about coronavirus but coronavirus is a serious Public Health challenge. Those comments just days after donald trump gave his interview to bob woodward. Unrest in rochester, protesters for the eighth straight day over the police death of daniel prove it. Carley local leaders pointing fingers over who is responsible. 200 protesters hitting streets in rochester, new york overnight, police say crowds breached several layers of barriers, this is the eighth straight night of protests over the Police Shooting of daniel prove, protesters chanting in the street, one organizer calling in the king of killers. A war of words heating up between the citys mayor and the police union. Michael maggio called on the mayor to redesign after the entire command staff announced their retirement. I have concerns but i am also a realist. There are enough good people in this community that will come forward, that we have a job to do and we will get that job done. I will tell my membership we serve the people, we dont serve a politician. We are more committed to that. The mayor firing back saying he should redesign. In a statement says, quote, for 30 years the problem with police and rochester, watch the video daniel proveds death and see nothing wrong. Protests of gotten increasingly violent, two men are facing federal charges after police say they attacked officers saturday night. Adam green and dallas williamss mother both charged with civil disorder. This all comes as acting dhs secretary chad will addressed the state of the homeland, with doubling down on his departments mission to protect americans even from rioters. Secretary of Homeland Security shall protect buildings, grounds and property, owned, occupied and secured by the federal government and the people in that property. Ive made it clear time and again we will never abrogate this moral and legal duty. Rochesters Police Chiefs sister resides up to the 20 ninth, no word on who will take over. As unrest continues, joe grimaldi with the fraternal order of police joined us on how dangerous these changes in Police Leadership can be. Is coordinated vicious attack on Law Enforcement, driving the best and brightest out the door, creating an experience vacuum and what it is really doing is killing the next generation of Police Officers, Law Enforcement applications already down 63 last year and in a recent poll 10,000 Police Officers, only 7 said they would recommend someone becoming a police officer. Always comes as the president takes up a new Law Enforcement endorsement from the Chicago Police union. Josh holly with a bill to raise salaries for Police Officers across the country, the bill would increase officer hiring and retention by allowing attorney general william barr to disperse 15 billion to department in need but heres the catch, cities that have chosen to defund Law Enforcement will not be eligible. The act was named for david doran who was shot and killed while trying to protect the st. Louis business from leaders during protests in june. His wife gave an emotional speech during the rnc calling for the country to come together. Senator josh holly is one of 20 people donald trump says would consider nominating to the supreme court. Speaking from the white house the president read a list of names including Kentucky Attorney general Daniel Cameron recently spoke at the rnc. The list included texas senator ted cruz. The president taking aim at joe biden for not releasing his potential pics. Joe biden has refused to release his list perhaps because he knows the names are so extremely far left that they could never withstand public scrutiny. The 20 new names are being added to the president s previous list of 25 judges. Donald trump says hes honored to be nominated for the nobel peace prize, speaking about his nomination during an interview with fox news radio White House Correspondent john decker. A great thing for our country, shows that we are trying to make peace, not war all the time, a lot of wars and we are pulling our soldiers, a great military people out of a lot of areas. A Norwegian Parliament member nominated the president for the award. We will not find out who wins until october of 2021. Time is 9 minutes after the hour. Joe biden taking the president to task. Donald trump is broken every promise he ever made to the American Worker and has failed our economy and our country. What about the factory closures and job losses during his term as vice president. The National Taxpayer union says bidens rhetoric is a political gimmick and joined us next. Todd love this next story. Sailor to citizen, this years patriots here is long journey to realizing or American Dream when fox and friends first rolls along. On kings hawaiian bread yum kings hawaiian. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Trump is broken every promise he ever made to the American Worker, companies the cut jobs and failed to invest here at home with billions in tax breaks. We will impose a tax penalty on companies that avoid paying us taxes by offshoreing jobs and manufacturing. Im not looking to punish American Business but there is a better way. Heather joe biden trashing Donald Trumps economy on the trailing must when michigan. Reporter he didnt mention the millions of american jobs that disappeared as a result of his policies. Senior fellow at the National Taxpayer union joins us live, good morning. I want to get into a little bit of joe bidens tax plan he discussed yesterday. He plans on taxing companies at a higher rate that move jobs overseas in an effort to create more jobs at home. Is that a good idea . This demonstrates joe biden hasnt learned anything for the eight years he and president obama were in office, this is right out of the obama biden playbook where you had a president who continued to threaten American Companies with multinational operations and that was because under the Obama Biden Administration you had the highest Corporate Tax rate in the world, that drove investments to other countries outside the United States borders, this is something biden should be looking at donald trump for guidance on, donald trump cut the Corporate Tax rate down to 21 . As a result, this is crucial, not only did that drive investment back to the United States but ended up in the pockets of workers as a result of higher wages, because they had jobs here rather than elsewhere because it was too expensive to bring them home. Credits will argue biden is prounion and as a result is proworker. How do you respond to that . You cant be proworker if youre proincreasing barriers for the American Worker, new taxes on the American Corporation trying to force American Companies to have all their factors in the United States not only raises cost for hiring workers but raises cost on workers who are also consumers, their listings here americans can afford to buy, creates an environment we saw over eight years of the Obama Biden Administration where wages stayed under 2 , in states like michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania who hadnt seen a pay raise and ten years and that led to the election of donald trump who said he saw those workers and wanted to deliver them. The Auto Industry is important to michigans economy, michigan being a very critical swing state. How has Donald Trumps policies benefited or hurt michigans Auto Industry and what will joe bidens policies due to that region . When it comes to trade politicians are trying to get quick hits rather than the policy rate. Donald trump should look at what hes done on tax and trade to create more responsive and robust environment for Industries Like the Auto Industry. Look at things like the us mca, good example of where he looks to reduce barriers, to increase our relationships with our trading partners, that is the approach you want from a president deliver for workers, increasing the environment, increasing the number of countries we trade with. As a result more things we can produce and more jobs for American Workers. Can trump when michigan and if so why . You always put me in a timeslot of course he can when michigan, he did it in 2016, he keeps talking about what he can do to deliver workers and if he keeps talking about how he has already delivered for workers by reducing barriers, reducing taxes and making it more positive for American Business to invest at home. Put you on the clock always deliver, perfectly times great answers, that is why we love having you on the program. Carley the president will be in michigan to deliver that message im sure. The time is 18 after the hour. The Surgeon General assuring lawmakers any covid19 vaccine will be safe. There will be no shortcuts. The vaccine will be safe, it will be effective or it wont get moved along. Our next guest says hes confident in the scientists and doctors working around the clock. Pharmacist and congressman buddy carter joins us next. There will be no shortcuts. The vaccine will be safe or effective or it wont get moved along and when the vaccine is approved by the fda i and my family will be in line to get it. Todd Surgeon General jerome adams on when we could see a safe Coronavirus Vaccine after criticism that american hope agencies are pressured to hurry the process. Georgia congressman buddy carter, thanks for being h here. Will you take a vaccine if it is rolled out by the end of the year . Absolutely. A number of us have committed to being the first to take the vaccine so we are willing to do that. Todd someone who is not willing to do that is Kamala Harris. Here is what she said a few days ago. Say there is a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election. When you get it . That is going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that i would not trust donald trump. Todd at a time we are trying to get as many people as possible to take a possible vaccine how dangerous are words like that . Very dangerous. Nothing but simple politics and the shame someone would put politics over people. This is important and making sure people understand we are not going to have a vaccine that will be available unless it is safe and effective. You have to trust the process. It is all about the process. It is not about a president saying you will approve this or not. I can assure you if the fda does not find these to be safe and effective they will not approve them. Ive been doing this my whole professional career and ive seen the process. Ive seen drugs go all the way to the fourth stage and then get pulled because they werent safe. Ive seen drugs that have been approved and shortly thereafter they were pulled from the market. I can rattle off drugs, a lot of drugs that were approved that had to be pulled from the market. Ive seen drugs that have been on the market for years that had to be pulled and i say all that to say the fda does an excellent job in making sure we have safe and effective medications out there and we are not going to put the public at risk. What happened with astrazeneca pooling this drug, that is a good thing. That shows that the process works, that shows you they are being careful. Todd the process is working when the astrazeneca situation does that. The senate could hold an opening vote on a 300 billion coronavirus stimulus bill as soon as today. Lets pop up on screen things the gop senate once. That said do you think we need another stimulus . We need Liability Protection for businesses, no question. That is going to be essential. We have to have that. Whether there are more funds available, there is still a lot of money in the first 3 and a half packages that havent gone out yet so i would submit before we go adding more to our National Debt perhaps we should redirect those funds weve already appropriated and maybe we could use those as opposed to using new funds. Thank for getting up with us. Carley 25 after the air. Promises made promises kept as the president faust withdraw more troops from iraq. When i took over, isis was all over syria, all over iraq but i want to get out of there now. Weve done it. Let them protect themselves. Joey jones served in iraq, his reaction to the latest move coming up. Plus wild video of a gator racing a fisherman. The Close Encounter coming up next. Instantly clear every day congestion with vicks sinex saline nasal mist. For drug free relief that works fast. Vicks sinex. Instantly clear everyday congestion. Heather fox news alert, seven People Killed in massive wildfires on the west coast. The bear fire killing three people in california, 12 people missing and three people did in oregon. The governor saying this could be the worst loss of life and property in state history. You recite across the west coast as heavy smoke turned day in tonight with dark orange skies. Meteorologist janice dean is tracking it all and joins us with the latest. Janice we will not get a lot of moisture in this area which they really need. We are going to see potential for dry conditions for the foreseeable future and warm temperatures starting to ramp up. We got a bit of a cool off yesterday but we will see those temperatures rise again. If theres any good news the gusty winds have let up but still dealing with high fire danger in the northwest so seattle, portland, red flag warnings, california will take a break today but the fire outlook for the northwest, parts of california towards arizona, a quieter day in terms of wind. The smoke is a big deal and not only for the west coast, but spreading into the central us. The midwest we will see the potential for smoke in those areas so this is a widespread story, not just the wildfires across the west about potential for that smoke into areas across the plate in states and drive forecast for the foreseeable future. Not good news. I wish i had better news for the west coast. In terms of the rest of the country we will deal with showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast as well as up towards the northeast. New york getting some rain, 77 the daytime high, cooler temperatures for the Northern Plains and central us courtesy of that trough and snow has stopped, letting up for parts of colorado which was a big story this week and we will update you on the west, the fires, a dire situation no matter how you slice it. Carley your husband is a firefighter, they are so important, thank you for that. Todd very dangerous. Attorney general william barr weighing in on when the durham probe is expected to wrap up. These things take time. Some people think this is going to drop in a few weeks but that is not the case. I see this reaching an important watershed in late spring or summer. Reporter also telling nbc news there could be more criminal charges in the investigation of the russia probes origins. Joe biden criticized for overstating cases of covid19 during a Campaign Stop in michigan. Military covid19 deaths, 6114. Todd the department of defense is only 7 people have died. Biden also said this. Military covid19 infected, 118,984. Todd the pentagon says 40,000 members tested positive. The Biden Campaign says he misspoke and read the numbers for michigan instead of for the military. Carley she becomes a sicilian citizen during her last month of service, she dreams of living in the us since she was 9 years old. She moved to the us in 2013 after receiving a green card from the lottery system and joined the navy four years ago. She plans to get her masters degree and become a federal agent after retiring from the navy at the end of this month. That is the American Dream right there. Todd a piece of advice, stay out of the water and australia. Look at this. A fisherman capturing the massive alligator racing alongside his fishing boat. That looks fake. The fisherman recorded the video and australia. We always warn people about sharks, they need to expand this to crocodiles. Carley a great proposal, oscar meyer, relishing the moment, proposing to his girlfriend in front of the iconic ride, she looks happy as she should be. The moving moment inside Yellowstone National park. You can have todd they went to too far. Carley oscar meyer says they will be your deal, whoever wrote these puns i dont even get them. I think it was haley. I love her. Just submit a request online. I am so sorry for butchering that. Todd it was almost worth it. Werent you just over a . Carley the time is 35 after the hour. Democratic congressman set up with the lack of leadership in new york city. Bill diblasio is the worst mayor in the history of new york city. That is all i have. Todd the campaign ad making big waves this morning. Fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory. Focus. Accuracy. Learning and concentration. Try it today with our moneyback guarantee rock this way rock this way rock this way jillian looks like it is raining outside that we are currently inside. Todd the serious shock, great photography by our steady cam. Carley a lot of songs becoming popular exclusively on ticktock. We have an update on that apps as the deadline text closer for it to close in the us. The Parent Company hopes to avoid selling off its american operations. Reporter basically ticktock is talking to Us Government officials about selling only part of its us operations. The structure of the deal, the Chinese Government took steps to make a sale of ticktock to microsoft. As the deadline set by the president is fast approaching, reset repeatedly ticktock will be a Security Threat to americans, microsoft is the lead name in the us operation. Todd we like to do these luncheons where we have a grand old time. We can do that indoor but only carly can go because of the 25 limit. We sit inside. Announced restaurants in the city. 25 persons capacity. Besides the occupancy limit, temperature checks, contact information, masks have to be worn and his partner in crime later said get near 2 , to reassess. On fox and friends first. As you know, i think it was time to do that. Reporter restaurants in the rest of the night 50 capacity. Carley you are fund time when we go out on occasion. North carolina, walmart . Drone delivery and smaller items, they will test it out in North Carolina in an area walmart doubled, amazon, target saw their online system. Amazon working on drone delivery. Come up with a better name than fly trap. Amazon has one that is cool. Carley it sounds more awesome than fly trap. Todd if they dont drop anything on my head i am good. Donald trump issuing another denial to the atlantic claiming he called followed american troops losers and suckers. They made up a story about two discussing word they say i said and i didnt. We have 21 witnesses, they only have sources, sources say. There were no sources, they made it up. Todd several Trump Officials denied the report. Carley Russian Hackers tried targeting the Biden Campaign, the hackers were trying to get data from washingtonbased strategy and communication firms, the group works with biden and other prominent democrats, microsoft caught them before data was compromised. Carley todd a whistleblower complaint that the trumpet ministrations oppressed intelligence reports related to russian interference. Adam schiff tweeting the committee would investigate the complaint, White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders blasted democratic congressman for pushing fake news. At schiff lost his credibility after he spent more than two years pushing false claims guaranteeing he had the smoking gun he never produced, adam schiff cannot continue pushing this ridiculous fake news but the American People, they tuned him out because they know he has no credibility. Todd it was at the center of the president s impeachment case. The San Francisco salon owner at the center of the nancy pelosi controversy says shes closing out of fear. Afraid to go back because of the messages and emails i have been getting. Todd the attacks she has received. Todd lets check in with Brian Kilmeade for what is coming up on fox and friends. Brian we need you on that seat in far right for the 3hour show, on fox and friends, Facebook Says Morgan Ortagus will be here on fox news, weighs in on the president s plans to withdraw troops from iraq. What does that say . How does james staffridas, and john kennedy, i believe 1 billion. An issue that ultimatum to bigcity mayors. Rioters destroying lives and businesses, that from herschel walker. A combat veteran turned business owner. Calling out joe bidens, quote, made an american plan, you owe donald trump, asking why biden didnt unveil his plan 48 years earlier, dont miss a minute. Give you my world how can i, when you wont take it from me you can go your own way go your own way your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. They are against guns, oil and religion, texas or pennsylvania or North Carolina, they pretend nothing ever happened. They say i am okay with fracking, he said it the other day, grandfather it and he just ran for months and months where he is fighting fracking. Todd calling out joe biden for flip flapping his stance on fracking, and Kamala Harris for not having a clear stance. Jillian a San Francisco salon owner who called out Nancy Pelosis hypocrisy sitting down for good. I started to get phone calls, text messages, email, all my yelp reviews saying that i failed. I am done in San Francisco and closing my doors unfortunately. Carley she received threats after sharing video of nancy pelosi getting her hair done, shes inside the salon without properly wearing a facemask, defined coronavirus orders. A petition calling to prosecute pelosi for violating orders, 17,000 people have signed that petition. A new york city democrat slamming bill diblasio in less then a new york minute. Bill diblasio is the worst mayor in the history of new york city. That is all. Carley congressman max rose releasing the out on twitter, he has been critical of the mayor despite being in the same party, he is fighting to keep his seat in november after flipping it in 2018. Todd protesters who lead lives of wealth and privilege busted for rioting, the nypd tweeting mugshots, 17 people from privileged backgrounds, lucrative deals with high end brands, those folks arrested for smashing storefront windows, spray painting buildings during a protest in new york city. Carley the legendary coach k is on board for march madness to include all 357 division i teams in the ncaa tournament, normally there are only 68. Coach reading in a statement, quote, this is not a regularseason. Is any regularseason that will require something different. Our sport needs to be agile and creative. Todd it will take a while. Carley from basketball to football the nfl season kicks off as patrick m aholmes takes on texas. Todd jack brewer says only a different kind of season. The player card on the left, he will join us live next. Look how the shirt on the left attracts pet hair like a magnet pet hair is no match for bounce. With bounce, you can love your pets, and lint roll less. Carley the nfl on fox kicks off, thursday night football kicks off with Kansas City Chiefs taking on the houston texans. Todd concern about the health and safety of the athletes but why is it important for we need it. I think everyone is ready for sports to get back to some normalcy. I think a lot of people are also hoping that things dont get politicized and unfortunately when you see everything going on politically, folks are ready to get back to normalcy. Battle it out. Lead the politics at home. And give americans some more of its sports. My husband was filling out its fantasy football draft is that the right word . Thats close. Jillian is he excited. When i think of football, i think of food. So im excited what do you think is going to happen at tonights game . This is the greatest quarterback that we have seen in a long time. At least the most exciting. So i think the Kansas City Chiefs will come out and you will see a lot of what you saw last year with another dynamic offense. So much time they have been practicing and being able to kind of get ready for this day to ready to play some ball. Todd both of those quarterbacks Deshaun Watson and holmes are so exciting to watch they are the face of the nfl right now. As far as im concerned the nfl is in good hands. With that, we have a big slate of games coming up on sunday here on fox. The 1 00 p. M. Starts and, of course, the 4 00 p. M. Starts. Look, jack, everybody is looking at that buccaneer saints games. Game brady vs. Broo brees. Was there any game in that 1 00 slate that you are like, oh, lets Pay Attention to that one, too . Its hard to say that because if you get ready for this game at that 1 00 slot. I think everyone, i dont care what fan you are, Everyone Wants to see tom brady. Its really hard. There are several good games. But right now. Tom brady being able to leave and come out and everyone is cheering for him, man. You had ratings of polls like the election everyone is ready for tom brady. Someone this old play quarterback go to another team put in his offense and new players. This is going to be like when joe montana and left and went to the Kansas City Chiefs. I think going to have a lot to watch this season. Carley the nfl just tested only of its players and only one person tested positive in this last round which is pretty good news. Are you confident that they will be able to finish the season . I think so. I mean, its just like, you know, my son goes to private school. When you do a thing at a high level, can you keep people safe. I think america should be paying attention to the National Football league to really learn from the top sport in the world the Top Organization that we have from a sports perspective in the country and how they are doing things. I mean, they are keeping these players separate. They are taking this very seriously. And are really they have eliminated a lot of risk for these players and they should be applauded to that look at so many people who do it wrong. Like the nfl who do it right. Todd jack, quick question, did the giants call you up to see if you could help with the secondary lost a lot of players. You know, this is a big season for the new york giants. Everything going on in new york city. You really never seen, you know, so many people leaving. Carley you still look fit i bet you could do it. We have a lot of confidence in you, jack. Thanks for coming on this morning. We appreciate it . God bless. God bless you. Todd set your dvr 4 00 a. M. Every morning. Fox and friends begins. Carley right now. President trump explaining why he did not want to create panic over covid19. I want to show a calmness im the leader of the country. I cant be jumping up and down and scaring people. He lied to the American People. I really didnt see any discrepancies between what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said. President trump revealed the name that he would consider nominating to the supreme court. Our cherished rights are at risk and the recent past many of our most treasured freemans have been saved by a single vote. I will sign a series of executive actions to make sure we buy american. The gull of joe biden to promise that he is going to return jobs back from china . That is like an arsonist who burned down a village and

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