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Just left a stayathome order to keep the celebration on. Shopping surprise for thousands of seniors braving the Grocery Store. The celebrity benefactor behind the heartwarming gesture. Fox and friends first starts right now. And good morning to you. You are watching fox and friends first on thursday morning. Rob we start the fox news alert. Isis wanting a rocket attack on us troops overnight. 5 rockets were fired at Bagram Airbase in afghanistan pajamas ares largest base in the country. We will bring you more details as we get them. To other breaking news, the federal stockpile of protective equipment is nearly depleted in the fight against covid19. 90 of supplies into areas most in need including new york, the state reporting its deadliest day yet, 779 does. Todd pyro joins us live with you is taking its first step in reopening the government. That 90 number is a critical item like masks, face shield and protective clothing. The other 10 save for federal healthcare workers. Supplies are so desperately needed in hotspots like new york which saw another daily high for deaths from the virus. The new york governor emphasizing despite the grim number, social distancing measures are working, the curve is flattening when it comes to hospitalization. Other positive news out of the cdc which says some essential workers like those in healthcare and food supply who have been exposed to covid19 but are not showing symptoms can return to work. The cdc adding these workers should shake their chum picture before work, where facemasks at all times and practice social distancing as well as not sure objects like headsets or gather in crowded places but the Biggest Development of the day was the drop in projected death toll. A figure once in the hundreds of thousands, thank you large parts what we are doing every day, staying home and being as safe as we can. Many of you are watching the models. They have consistently decreased the mortality from almost 90,000, or 86,000, down to 81,000 and now down to 61,000. That is modeled on what america is doing. That is what is happening. Meantime we love to show you these scenes. Check it out, in nyu langone hospital. Members of the fdny cheering for medical workers, a scene that has been repeated for a fourth night we cant get enough of it. It is beautiful, 24,000 people have recovered from the virus in the us. Shannon a sailor on the hospital ship mercy tests positive for covid19. The crewmembers isolated on board but will soon be transferred off the vessel. The navy says the case will not affect the mercys mission. The ship is treating noncoronavirus patients from Los Angeles Area hospitals. The pandemic is sitting Va Medical Centers hard. At least 167 patients of died, 3200 have tested positive. Covid19 is killed 7 hospital employees in five states. 1100 workers nationwide tested positive. A Union Representing workers has the va is not protecting enough protective medical gear. The Department Denies the claims. The body of Robert F Kennedys greatgrandson has been recovered. Gideon mckean and his mother may went missing after a canoe accident in Chesapeake Bay last week. Her body was found on monday, divers discovered little gideons body 2000 feet away. The family thanked searchers for bringing them some closure. A key figure in the bill clinton impeachment has died. Pentagon worker secretary recorded conversations with former white house intern Monica Lewinsky during her affair with president clinton. Trip had been battling cancer, she is survived by her husband and two kids. Linda trip was 70 years old. Joe biden now the Presumptive Democratic nominee to challenge donald trump. The former Vice President clinching a clear path as Bernie Sanders suspends his campaign. Richardson joins us as bernie bows out but takes his delegates with him. Thats right. Good morning to you. Bernie sanders is putting his campaign to a end but says his movement is not finished. He is going to try to influence the democratic platform. He wants medicare for all, Green New Deal and Free Public College tuition. The future of this country is with our ideas. While we are winning the ideological battle and the support of so many young people and working people throughout the country, i have concluded this battle for the democratic nomination will not be successful. That leaves for Vice President joe biden is the Presumptive Democratic challenger to donald trump in the general election. Biden says the two spoke briefly, he will be reaching out to sanders and he hears sanders supporters and understands what has to be done. With primaries still scheduled in the general election month away governors and Health Officials are calling to expand mail in voting because of coronavirus concerns. Donald trump has been fighting that effort even though he last voted by mail, absentee ballots are great way to vote for many Senior Citizens, military and others who cant get to the polls on election day, these ballots are different from 100 mail in voting which is right for friday and shouldnt be allowed. Democrats say he wants a political advantage. Some states pushed back there primaries, next up in the primary season alaska will vote and they will do so exclusively by mail in ballot. Jillian muchneeded relief for millions of americans ahead of schedule. Fox business told the Internal Revenue service sped up the process, targeting early next week for direct deposit checks. Steve mnuchin predicted direct deposits will begin late next week. The first paper checks will be mailed april 20th. Rob costco pushing americas medical workers and First Responders to the front of the line, the warehouse chain announcing it will begin giving them priority access. This is the latest in a series of temporary policy changes costco has made like special shopping times for Senior Citizens and putting limits on certain items like toilet paper and bottled water. A miracle moment in the fight against covid19. Jillian doctors and nurses line the halls to cheer as one of their coronavirus patients, once close to death, goes home. [applause] rob alfred is in his 60s. He had Underlying Health conditions, we tested positive at the end of march, the hospital says he was once one of their most critically ill patients but now is fully recovered. Great story. We love to hear that, a great happy ending. 8 minutes after the are, donald trump pushing back on mail in voting. We should have voter id. When you vote theres a lot of fraudulent voting going on in this country. How begin impact would that have on the november elections . Deputy Communications Director aaron many says states should have the final word she joins us live to explain. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. A Senior Community showing its patriotism during the pandemic. A new tradition that will make you proud. Announcer there are everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. Wash your hands. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Stay home when you are sick. Cover your cough or sneeze. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects with household cleaning spray. For more information, visit cdc. Gov covid19. This message brought to you by the National Association of broadcasters and this station. Shannon donald trump pushing back on mail in voting for the upcoming primaries democrats ramp of the National Battle over going to the polls during a pandemic. Deputy Communications Director eric greeny joins us to discuss how this could impact the november election. Thanks for coming on. What is the problem with the mail in vote . 100 mail in voting is ripe for fraud. States should maintain the responsibility for their voting laws and make changes where necessary and utilize the current structures they have to allow for flexibility. Mail in voting is great for those at high risk during the pandemic and conservative purpose but that is not what democrats want. They are aiming for a complete overhaul of the election system in the United States to try to put 100 mail in voting into law. Nancy pelosi tried to push that through in the first pandemic bill when the focus should have been putting muchneeded relief in the hands of americans and businesses struggling. Voter fraud is an issue. We want to make sure those who can legally vote do so. Shannon listen to what the president had to say. If youre a Senior Citizen and someone who needs it, they have to be very careful. When you vote, theres a lot of fraudulent voting going on in this country. Fraudulent voting is one thing but fresh on the minds of a lot of people is what we saw in wisconsin, people in lines, there is two sides of the story to be told. The problem is wisconsin, waited until the last minute, tried to change, how people are voting and it is too little too late to help people out when it was clear they had social distancing measures and tried to have the election, you cant try to change at the last minute. You need a process to secure their right to vote. The Heritage Foundation found these examples, cases from past elections including some in rio grande, troy, new york and pennsylvania people voting multiple times, republicans and democrats are trying to invite this kind of activity on the other side, democrats say republicans are trying to suppress the vote, how do you respond to that . Democrats trying to fearmonger. Democrats want to make sure the laws and rights of americans are protected. It is what this president does day in and day out protecting the constitution, the legal rights of american citizens, make sure those legally allowed to vote can do so. Democrats tried to cram a wish list of liberal policies into a relief package to try to change it to 100 mail in voting in this country. Unless they are willing to put in other measures, it is not going to vote because it is ripe for fraud. There should be voter id, you should be who you say you are when you shop to vote because the signup, you have to be able to identify your self. An important step along the way, make sure you are legally allowed to vote. Bernie sanders dropped out of the 2020 race making joe biden the presumptive nominee for the democratic party. Lets look at this poll, biden leading donald trump in the polls 49 percent41 , there is still a lot of time between now and november. What do you make of that paul and joe biden being the guy right now . The dc democrat establishment got the candidate they wanted. They wanted joe biden so they could have the candidate they thought could win in november. Unfortunately for them the Bernie Sanders policies are the policies of the democrats, this is something the campaign has been saying for months. Bernie sanders and joe biden want to raise taxes on the middle class, want to illuminate the oil and gas industry, destroying jobs, they want to allow free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Not only do you have the worst of the dc establishment in joe biden but pair that with a disastrous policy platform donald trump is going to be well on his way to victory in november. 17 minutes after the are. 18yearold recovering after a brutal fight with this virus, he felt he was hit by a truck. The teenager joins us with a warning for young people around the country. We apologize for the inconvenience. This park is currently closed. Social distancing getting a hightech upgrade, Police Department using drones to keep the public apart. Awesome internet. Its more than just fast. It keeps all your devices running smoothly. With builtin security that protects your kids. No matter what theyre up to. It protects your info. And gives you 24 7 peace of mind. That if its connected, its protected. Even that that petcamera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its. Simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] welcome back. He was here everyday American College student, healthy and playing sports but after his brutal fight with covid19 the now recovering 18yearold has a warning for young people across the country. Joining me with that message is Dimitri Mitchell and his mother irina. You look great. Im glad to hear you are doing better. Tell me your story, tell me when this all began. Not sure where i got it but i work at the Grocery Store and i am a cashier dealing with hundreds of guests tonight. I was working on the eleventh of march, started getting my first symptoms on st. Patricks day, started as a cough, started with a mild cough and it progressively got worse over a few days and on the fourth day the bad symptoms started coming, started getting warmer, breaking out into sweats. My eyes started watering and my cough got really bad and i started experiencing the worst headaches i ever felt. Did you think that was covid19 . I wasnt sure at first. I just thought it was a cold and so did my mom. Thats what we talked about but i had thought to the back of my mind that like everybody who would get sick during this time are scared that it could be covid19. When you look at these pictures of you in the hospital, what goes through your mind when you see yourself like that . I couldnt believe it affected me like that because i have no Health Conditions or medications or anything like that. I couldnt believe it hit me so bad. I thought if i ever did get it that it would just be like a normal cold or something and i would get over it but i was really surprised. What is it like to see your son in that condition and feel so helpless . It was a very upsetting experience. I didnt know what to do. I tried to stay positive and fighting to the last minute. I had to care for him, didnt show him my tears every 15 minutes all those days and nights. Wanted to make sure he was drinking, i wanted to keep conversation going for weeks and weeks. I tried to ask him how are you doing, tried to keep conversation going. I know that you had some symptoms as well. You havent been tested but had symptoms and quarantined yourself. What is your message to the younger folks in the country because this is hitting people, 25 of people hospitalized are under the age of 50. No matter what your age is you should be paying attention to the news and everything, make sure you are informed because this is a real problem. If you dont have any Health Conditions as you see with my case, i want everybody to make sure they are following social distancing guidelines, and responsible and not treating it as a joke because it is serious and needs to be taken care of properly. Im so glad you are joining us under better conditions right now. You look great. Icr packers fan. Lets hope you can watch some football this fall. Have a good day. Good to see him on the other side. 25 after the hour, the virus sparking debate over Easter Sunday celebrations. In a church there will be people who would test positive, youre playing with the lives of your congregation. One state just overturned the governors order banning large religious gatherings and we are live with a new battle in the heartland. Millions of americans filed for unemployment last month with the economy set to take another brutal below today but dozens of companies are hiring. Our next guests website post 60,000 jobs a week and she will tell us where the opportunities lie coming up. When we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. Just like that. Shipstation. The 1 choice of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get 2 months free. Coronavirus cases on the rise in the american heartland and resources going to the kochs. The midwest is taking action. Social distancing rules are threatening easter celebrations. Reporter the majority of resources have been sent to the coastlines but now the middle of the country is starting to feel the effects. A new study by the Harvard Global Health Institute projects nearly 290,000 people in kansas and missouri could be put in the hospital from the virus and there are not enough beds for that many people. The study is if people in kansas dont follow social distancing and stay at home guidelines. As of right now missouri has seen 3300 cases, around 1000 cases and isnt Easter Sunday approaches, theres a promise celebrations. The Ohio Governor canceling his limited gatherings of no more than ten people, but religious institutions will be exempt from this band. He suggested religious leaders exercise different avenues of worship. We can guarantee you in a church, even not a very large church there will be people who would test positive, who are the habit. They may not know it. You are playing with the lives of your congregation. Republican lawmakers revoked the executive order limiting gatherings to fewer than ten people. Republicans ruled this an unconstitutional infringement on religious liberty. Take a listen to what the kansas governor had to say in response. What it does have is the ability to undermine and inject chaos into our statewide Emergency Response system. What it does have is the ability to confuse and frustrate local Emergency Management officials who are already stretched too thin. Mike pence added to the conversation saying he will be attending Easter Sunday service the same place he has been attending in his past which is in his living room. Donald from defending criticisms of the World Health Organization leadership as the administration continues pooling funding but the who chief says he doesnt care about the president s comments and is urging countries to unify a risk worsening the pandemic. In tel aviv, more on the ongoing feud. Reporter the World Health Organization has come under fire over the past several weeks regarding attorney response to the spread of covid19. The Trump Administration is joining in the attack. During a News Conference yesterday at the white house donald trump said the United States is looking into American Financial contributions, the president added the who seems to be very china center, the organization releasing early information that downplays the seriousness of coronavirus, many of the sources came from china that has been accused of releasing data that was misleading to the general public. Life in china appears to be returning to the following the other allowing more time to look into where it first began. Clicks of donald trump said he is making the who a target for political purposes was a headline in the guardian red trump scapegoating of who secures a key role in tackling the pandemic. Take a look at with the director general of the World Health Organization had to say in response to donald trump amid this ongoing feud. If you dont want many more body bags then you refrain from politicizing it. My short message is please quarantine politicizing covid19. Is the world approaches 1. 5 million total cases the race to find a vaccine does continue, many citizens around the world wants to put politics aside. They are simply looking at the humanitarian issue looking for a cure. Covid19 thank you. We appreciate it. Todays jobless report could show an additional 7 million americans filing for unemployment just this week on top of the nearly 10 million claims filed over the last couple weeks and it is bad news but there are some industries actively hiring to fulfill pandemic needs. He with the information you are looking for is president and ceo of upwork, hayden brown. Thank you for coming on today, we appreciate it. Tell us about your platform and what you do. Our platform is built around the idea that talent is evenly distributed around the world and opportunity is not. We put the Worlds Largest platform to connect independent professionals with clients of all sizes. Client in our platform include 30 of the fortune 500 Companies Like microsoft, nasdaq, netflix. They all use our platform to find skilled independent professionals they can work with and pay on our platform. Rob you find jobs remotely on this platform and the jobs are remote jobs for the most part . That is right so our Platform Supports clients and freelancers in 180 countries around the world and it is not only that they find each other remotely using our platform but all the work is conducted using remote Collaboration Tools whether it is skype or homegrown tools we offer customers a platform, all the work is done remotely, over a computer. That is beneficial right now absolutely. Lets look the industries that are hiring, software and it, healthcare makes sense, customer service, ecommerce, the Top Companies that are hiring remote employees amazon, aetna, citizens bank, anthem, bell, united health. Tell us about the jobs you are seeing. What are the ones that are really coming out in the midst of this pandemic. People are getting all kinds of work done right now especially focusing on business continuity. We are seeing work around Digital Skills which is a big part of our platform. People are looking for web and mobile developers, writers to help with updating copy and messaging for customers. It really does run the gamut as customers are trying to figure out how do i get my mobile work done in a new context in this new environment and they are looking to leverage a full range of skill sets to that. Rob you have tips, if you need a job and you are hurting, what are your tips to let people know how to get this done, how to find these remote jobs . The first thing is to make sure our skills are up to date. Ensuring that you know how to use the most current Collaboration Tools to do remote work is important as well as making sure your foundational skills for your professional area are up to snuff. The second thing is make sure you are putting together a profile that showcases the best work you can do and may include clients testimonials or a portfolio showing deliverables you have created in the final thing, if youre approaching prospective clients, make sure your approach is tailored because clients want to know youre paying attention to their specific requirements and asking Smart Questions or making suggestions to enhance the outcome they will get because you saw through specific things they are looking for and that will help you. Remote could be the thing of the future this could push us in that direction. Thank you for your time, we appreciate it. Over to you. The coronavirus pandemic sparking a patriotic ritual in a Retirement Community west of orlando. Jessica albert shows us their pledge. They are the new ritual in claremont. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. Reporter neighbors from 2000 homes in the retirement Golf Course Community in their driveways to say the pledge of allegiance together. We are looking at a composite, it is us a nominee it is scary. I hope everybody is being respectful. They are doing it every wednesday at 10 30 in the morning to thank those fighting against the coronavirus. Police officers, we have friends who are Police Officers, they are on the very front line. Coleman leads the charge on his story. Didnt support people in the first line fighting is a bit. Saying that. Gives him a chance to check in with neighbors while social distancing. 6 feet away, we know what is happening. This is the second week neighbors gathered for the pledge. One neighbor recites this after she finishes. We will survive this. The Community Members will be saying the pledge of allegiance every wednesday until the pandemic is over which they hope is soon. As we all do. Rob is a partner in the works for the tiger king . One of the biggest shows called tiger king, a man who is asking you for a pardon. I will take a look. Snuck into the press conference yesterday, justice for joe exotic, offthecuff remarks about the netflix phenomenon setting off a social media firestorm. A mission to make sure no First Responder goes hungry. The cofounder of a group is recruiting getting meals restaurants to Frontline Workers, joins us live. Welcome back. Build applause you getting heckled while visiting our hospital. Hold on. Im coming to you. He wants some test. The residents hoping to get tested at the bronx hospital, bill diblasio thinking medical workers and air force members hoping to treat patients. New York Hospitals getting help from across the country. California shipping 500 ventilators to the empire state new jersey and illinois. The Army National guard making the delivery. Film review tweeting this Photo Foreign shipping with the words prayers from the west coast written on the side. Americans coming together to support those fighting covid19 on both fronts including a group of new jersey moms helping local businesses stay afloat by providing meals for First Responders. The group is called flag. Joining us with claims incredible effort is cofounder barbara santoro. We did another story out of pennsylvania similar to this last week and i love this idea because it is a 2pronged approach. You are helping the restaurants and helping First Responders. Why did you decide to do this . I think our cofounders, ava martin and i, we all have healthcare workers but we know. Our friends and family are healthcare workers and we know they literally have no time to go to the cafeteria and get some things to eat. They are so busy. We want to find a way to help them and at the same time our Community Restaurants are the heart and soul of our town and we wanted to help them too. They are struggling so this is just a winwin all around. That is fantastic. We love it and here is the progress that you have made, bernie met official, 600 meals provided for healthcare workers and First Responders, you raised 34, 000 to do that. In a time like this it is such a bummer, everybody is in a mood. Does this help people get through . Does doing something good bring you through this . I think absolutely. We are amazed and are inspired by how the community has come together. Weve gotten people on our Facebook Page to not only donate because they are so generous but they are organizing, everybody wants to help, they are organizing girl scout cookie drives, thank you card drives so workers hear from everyone, theres appreciated and valued and bringing the Community Together is a way to get through a dark and challenging time. Shannon whats the reaction from healthcare workers when you make these deliveries . That is the most amazing part. Weve asked our delivery people when they bring the food to the workers to sign a picture, workers are getting the food and smiles on their faces, they are so thankful, helping three different local area hospitals and they are appreciative. It feels so small in comparison to how appreciative we feel of them. Rob how big do you want to grow this . We want to keep going. We were able to triple the amount of meals this week that we provided last week. There is a lot of strain on the healthcare system. We want to hopefully keep getting donations so we can continue, these are terrible times and we heard from companies, a local Brewing Company donated cases of beer to the healthcare workers to bring home with their families, companies, a company in california donated 10 cases of water. Keep growing with the donations but other donations help as well like beverages and things like that for the healthcare worker. Jillian thank you for bringing the story to us. Of people want to help out they can visit flag2020. Org. We appreciate you sharing the story. Have a good day. I love stories like that. It helped so many people in the community and we will be right back. [ one more time by daft punk ] woo [ laughing ] woo play pop music no way dude, play rock music yeah woah no matter what music you like, stream it now on pandora with xfinity. And dont forget to catch Trolls World Tour in theaters and at home on demand friday. Rated pg. Lets party people one more time we apologize for the inconvenience. This park is currently closed. Look at that. Talking drones, a huge part of social distance policing in new jersey and florida. A look at the future. Carley shimkus with serious xm 115 with mixed reaction on social media from the bird talking to you. The future is now. Police department in elizabeth, new jersey and daytona are using drones to tell people to stop gathering and go home. The goal is to prevent Police Officers from having to physically enter crowds and deliver the message themselves. This is causing a lot of buzz on social media and reaction is mixed magellan on Facebook Says this is a good tool for the Police Department, just a shame that many still think this is a big joke and do not stay home. Joe also supported, thanks for the added protection from the ignorant and selfish among us. It is appreciated but karen writes i get it but that is too big brother for me. It feels very scifi but this is definitely not the time to be gathering, new jersey putting 1,000 fine in place for those who do. The president has done some pretty interesting pardons so far, check this out. One of the biggest ratings hits is a show called tiger king. The man is asking you for a pardon. I will take a look. That is joe exotic. What a moment, the president said he would look into a pardon of joe exotic, the start the wildly popular netflix theory serving 22 years in prison for orchestrating a murder for hire plot. This one different we got folks on twitter talking. Maybe lost the bet. Rachel says he will vote for the president if he pardons joe exotic, claire says make america exotic a good story of the day, tyler perry picks up the tab for a lot of grocery shoppers. This is so cool. Tyler perry surprised elderly shoppers in atlanta and new orleans by paying for their groceries. Anyone who went into one of 73 stores didnt have to pay a time. Look at that picture right there. He says he wanted to do something that would provide immediate relief and hes a generous guy because he also recently gave 21, 000 in tips to workers at an atlanta restaurant where he was picking up a takeout order so he is definitely doing his part. That woman almost looks like shes in tears. 55 after the hour. In the next hour of fox and friends first, new guidelines, some employees sidelined by covid19, green light to head back to work. Doctor debbie joins us to weigh the risks of the cdcs new plan and answer some of your questions. Notes of encouragement and thanks to doctors, nurses and men texas, live with a Frontline Worker in new orleans who says messages give her a lift when she needs it most. Good morning, it is thursday april 9th and this is a fox news alert, new york morning and unprecedented losses state leaders mark the deadliest day with a silver lining, that the big apple is slightly curved. Americas pandemic hotspots getting helping hands, massive protective Equipment Hall that is on the way to those who need it most. Just okay not to worry about your neighbor. Your playing with the lives of your congregation. In americas heartland the battle over how to celebrate Easter Sunday. Some states crackdown, one just lifted their stayathome order to keep the celebration on. And night in turns into anything but. Youve got to see the video everyone is whining about. Fox and friends first continues right now

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