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Lastminute preps. You see downtown hanoi. The president has a ride of 15 or 20 minutes or so. Depending on how quickly the motorcade gets across town in order to go to the historic metro pol hotel. French colonial style. A place whereas you mentioned he will be doing handshakes and greetings in about 20 minutes or so with kim jong un. Their first meetings since last june in singapore. This, of course, being round two. But then they are going to have a working dinner in just about one hour from now going to be a small group, the president , secretary of state, mike pompeo, his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, chairman kim will have a couple of his top advisors. A real opportunity to get together. Whats on the table . Certainly bringing an end as you spoke to a moment ago to the korean war finally after decades. There was an armistice but never an official end. President trump wants to see denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. That was signed as an agreement back in the singapore but the u. S. Intelligence Community Says basically north korea has been cheating they havent been following up and following through with all of that what chairman kim wants is a relaxation of tough u. S. Sanctions that have devastated his economy. Let me tell you about the atmosphere, the tone, the feeling on the streets of hanoi. I was reporting yesterday and there were people lined up, hundreds of them outside the president s hotel where you saw that motorcade leave a moment or two ago. Some of them spoke english. And i went up and i said whats going on . Why are you so excited . One young man in his 20s said i want to get a glimpse of President Trump and went on to say i want to see peace. Obviously, vietnam, a country racked for so long by war. And they have now turned around their economy, maybe a signal for chairman kim about the way forward in north korea. It struck me that here we are in vietnam, where the people the actual locals are saying we want to see peace. Democrats, folks in the media back home in the states talking down this summit. Talking about how its likely to fail. How the president may give away the store in order to help his political standing. Instead of that perform, there is pessimismthere is a lom on the streets of hanoi. Steve night is falling its 6 o 03 p. M. We are 12 hours behind. Jason chaffetz, former u. S. Congressman and oversight and Government Committee and also the author of the deep state joins you live. Good morning to you. Good morning. Steve ed, before you go, one final question for you, apparently mr. Kim is going to be joined at the social dinner by apparently a general and a Senior Advisor and this is the same guy who delivered by hand a letter from the chairman to the president of the United States. Do we have any idea what was in the letter . No. But we know the tone of the letter because the president has spoken of that and he has tweeted of it and he has said that it was very positive. He has called it beautiful letters that have gone back and forth. The president got some derision from critics saying it was essentially they fell in love between the letters and back and forth in singapore. Maybe thats a little syrupy. The president is saying this a much different tone, folks. Year and a half ago these same critics talking down the summit before it officially started, we are saying the president by talking about fire and fury and little rocket man was going to lead us into nuclear war. I got news for you, folks, just the opposite has happened. Now you have kim jong un at the peace table. The significance is if there is a military official there at the dinner table, they may be taking a hard line to make sure kim jong un doesnt give too much to the president. If one of these officials is the one who has delivered those more positive optimistic letters to President Trump, to say lets try to work out a deal, that suggests a new tone from the North Koreans over recent months. And, you know, frankly, who would have thunk that we would be saying its donald j. Trump saying folks, give peace a chance. Brian well, yeah. Thats his attitude. He was handed a live grenade from president obama. And its his job to put the pin back in. Stick around, because as the motorcade moves, we want you to give us a sense of what is happening on the ground. Ed absolutely. Brian former chairman of Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz on the couch. Congressman, your thoughts right now as we head into this. So many times this stuff is scripted ahead of time. I get the sense nothing is scripted ahead of time. Im proud of our president for being there and making this happen. I remember that when barack obama when he was leaving office the story telling donald trump this is the most serious, difficult equation and problem that we have in the country. For the United States and the president is making some Real Progress here. Ainsley whats the big headline here . The president could actually get north korea to denuclearize . They are actually making progress. I dont think anybody expects after meeting number two that everything is solved. But we are moving towards peace. We have got to make sure that that Nuclear Issue is dealt with we havent seen any testing. The world is a safer place since donald trump has become the president of the United States. And that headline continues to move forward and i think if you feel that energy that ed henry is talking about on the ground, thats really important to the emotions of the two World Leaders coming together. Steve different kind of energy in washington, d. C. Happening exactly while the president is in vietnam talking about this second summit and that is Michael Cohen his former attorney is going to show in. Today will be on camera. Today is one of the big days for the summit and the day he will actually be seen being questioned by House Oversight. Used to be that. Steve exactly. Why do you think the democrats specifically targeted this week . Im terribly disappointed of all the days on the calendar. They could have picked any day. They have to pick this exact day. Donald trump introduced this meeting with kim jong un. Put it on the calendar, then the democrats came forward and said were going to hear from Michael Cohen. You have other networks out there doing a countdown to the meeting with cohen. Brian not to north korea. A meeting with cohen. This is sensationalism. It is so fundamentally and totally wrong what theyre doing at the Oversight Committee. Im disappointed as the former chairman. You are supposed to have some legislative purpose. They dont have one. Brian what do you mean . Its a Factfinding Mission they say. No. There is a Supreme Court case called watkins that actually limits what congress can do. You cant just go and do this. It has to serve a legislative purpose. Ainsley American People are smart enough to see whats happening, right . Yes. Ainsley you have this major news story happening on the other side of the world in d. C. They are trying to put this guy who already lied to that very committee, this which is a felony. He has already lied to them and he is going to prison for lying and for cheating. He has already been convicted and they are putting him on the stand the very day that our president is talking to kim jong un. The public is not stupid. It is a business o bit of a n what they are doing. If you hear chairman cummings the world and our democracy, this is the pivot point, the tipping point. The reality is this is a mellow drama. Its a soap opera. Its a tabloid all wrapped into one featuring a person who lied to congress. He is on his way to jail. Ainsley which Michael Cohen do we believe . Again, look, its sensationalism. Michael cohen didnt serve in the government. He wasnt part of the executive branch. Everything they are talking about happened before donald trump became president there will be no questions about russia or anything like that. Brian one statement about russia. He is going to say that wikileaks, roger stone was fully informing the president about his interaction with Julian Assange. Okay. So, where is the collusion . Steve with the russian government. Brian roger stone has never admitted he each contacted. I dont believe it because, a, the guy has been a liar. Look, if mr. Mueller, who has spent so much time with cohen investigating everything that he had about him raiding his home and whatnot, if there was something sensational there, mueller would have charged him with it. Mueller charged him with, you know, the tax evasion issue. Then the prosecutors went after him for all these issues. But had nothing to do with collusion and russia. Ainsley the president had declared a National Emergency on the border and the house just passed their resolution. 13 republicans who voted to block it. Why is the republican party. Why arent they united the way the democrats are . Look, its true because you have some, i think, republicans that are actually kind of secret democrats but dont have very Many Democrats that are actually republicans. Brian they are worried about the constitutional separation of powers. They are worried about president harris decides on something that republicans dont want. They are worried about the press denting. I like what mark meadows is saying hey, look, if you want to work in a bipartisan way to take away of the ability of a president to declare the president , great. The current law on the books right now allows the president to declare such an emergency. Thats why we have had dozens of them. They dont want to do that they are trying to flog the president. I do think it will pass in the senate. Structure you had as a privilege resolution the senate actually has to vote on it. If the president then vetoes it. They dont have the super majority to override the president. Brian need 20 for that four to have the president to get to the president s desk. Basically a resolution of unhappiness. Called a resolution of disapproval. Structured as a privileged resolution which means you have to vote it Mitch Mcconnell cant just go out and block that it might pass. It might pass. But the president can veto it. Steve then you have got the president s base outer there watching. And they are going, you know, i cannot believe the house did that. And now i cant believe whatever the senate did. Because, obviously, they dont care how the president does it, as long as he keeps that Campaign Promise to do something about security. I dont think i will ever complain about the house and Senate Voting more. Hold your individual member or congress or senator accountable for those votes. And, you know, at election time there is a political solution to this. Is he likely to vote him in. If they dont like it kick him out. Brian jason, some of them are in purple states there are people legitimately split like tillis in north carolina. Legitimately split on what would be the right thing to do for them. A lot of them take these votes. Senator manchin always does in west virginia. He will take a vote with the republicans because he is in a conservative state. This is what Congress Gets paid to do. Members of congress are supposed to take tough and difficult votes. The problem that i have had in the past is that they just dont vote enough on issues. This cohen situation. Is such a distraction from what is going on that its actually going to matter in the world. This will be sensational today in washington, d. C. But whats going on, what we are seeing a live view right now. What we are actually seeing happening on the other end of the world matters to the world. And thats why im so disappointed with whats happening. Brian problem is, too its not a matter of political gain. North koreans whatever you want to say about ar archaic way. Very tapped into culture. How much power the president has and how much power he has at home. As are the chinese. In tough negotiations with them right now. Do they wait out the president who maybe perceived as coming apart because of his former lawyer testifying . Does this help to strength the president s hand . No it doesnt strengthen the president s hand in trade or in the summit. This is really hurting our country, not a party or a person, i think those intelligence agencie agencies in those other countries are smart enough to understand that the democrats really really dont like donald trump. But the reality is he has the strong support of the nation behind him. This is something that matters. The president has the full weight of the United States behind him as he goes into these negotiations. Steve the president now that he is a politician, he knows that there is an election for him in 2020 u and he knows that he has got to get something out of this deal. He has got to go back with something. They have probably already bake you had something into the cake. We dont know what it is. It could be Something Like okay, officially the korean war that ended like over 50 years ago has officially ended or Something Like that. Ultimately, it comes down to pulling the plug on the nukes. And both sides still seem to be at logger heads over what that means. No, absolutely. And, look, they are going to make progress on this issue. No doubt the president didnt go over there just to meet with him again and shake his hand. I do think you will see progress made on these issues. I would like to seat official end to the war. Thats ultimately. Brian you know the problem with that then we lose the rationalization according to some of the 28,000 troops. The u. N. With their sanctions, along with us. They all of a sudden lose some International Law backing because there is a reason for these sanctions because the warner ended. And there is a worry about that. And all of this ties in with china. You will not make progress chinas involvement as well. Something like 90 of the economy for north korea is engaged with china. And as we are in the trade negotiations with china. It all does wrap into one. Brian lets go out to ed henry for a second. Ed, i dont know if you are still out there, just looking at this stage is taking place, the room is getting ready the people are standing in to make sure the lighting is correct. But as these two take the stage, is your sense that somebody has already been agreed upon or are they still going to stare each other down and come up with something . It still seems like they have a long way to go to get some kind of agreement, brian. I can tell you just saw some of the sort of white house advance staffers who were standing in front of the american and north korean flags. How this is going to play out once the motorcade from President Trump arrives there at the month hotel in metn hotel there is going to be a staged hand shake between the two leaders. Its only going to last a minute or two. The flash bulbs. We are not expecting remarks. Look, in singapore, all kinds of things kept changing on the fly where they might speak briefly. So we shall see. And then they will actually go and sit down for some sort of a oneonone conversation that will last, yo,you know, sort of in the 15 to 30 minute range. We will be able to go in there for another quick, as they say, spray. Quick photo of President Trump, chairman kim oneonone. The first one being standing up if fronts of the flags. Second one being more of a meeting with their translators. And then, of course, there will eventually be the dinner we will get some kind of a picture of. The question is, to brians point. Is there something thats precooked that they can at least agree to at dinner and get the ball rolling and then come out after dinner and give us some of the details . You can see right in front of that camera, of course, is going to be the president of the United States in that motorcade. There it is. Ainsley the president of the United States going to meet kim jong un. You mentioned this oneonone conversation. Its only going to be 20 minutes. Is this more of we heard yesterday. This is probably a 12step process and this might be number two along that journey. Is this just more of a social hey, lets be friends try to negotiate . Is 20 minutes enough time to do that . Ed you make a good point, ainsley, of course, which 20 minutes is not going to solve a conflict that has, you know, caused so much trouble around the world for decades now. Trying to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and finally bring an end to the korean war. I think 20 minutes. Their officials, to brians point about precooking things, officials on both sides have been talking for some time now. Secretary of state pompeo between new york and pyongyang has had extensive meetings before all of this. So, you are right. You dont solve everything in 20 minutes. They have done some of the ground work before hand. After that 20 minute or so meeting that you spoke about, ainsley, we are expecting some sort of a round table meeting with the president and chairman kim that, of course, could then include more people like, say, john bolton, this National Security officials on both sides. And then that working dinner where, again, the working dinner is expected to go about 90 minutes. All of this is being rewritten on the fly it could go for two hours. If it goes well it could be a shorter dinner if things dont go well. Obviously, as i mentioned, people here in hanoi are saying they are optimistic, they wants to see peace. I think thats a much different picture. Steve i think we are all optimistic about that ed. You are absolutely right. Jason chaffetz, we dont know whether or not they have already worked something out. You would think the president would be out of his mind to fly halfway around the world to potentially go home with nothing. Because he is a realistic guy and he needs to get reelected. One of the things we do know for sure is that the relationship so far between the two men has resulted in north korea not test ago weapon in more than 400 days. Thats a step in the right direction. President trump is background. I dont think he is interested in reelection. Steve steve i do i think he thinks about it allot. He wants to go down in history as the president who created peace in that part of the world and for the globe. I really do think that the is number one thing on his mind. And i think he is has the ability on the fly with mike pompeo and Mick Mulvaney and the others to actually create a deal right there on the spot. Brian they say denuclearization. Break it up bomb fuel, delivery systems. There is sense that the bomb inventory has not expanded since talks ban in 2017. They also have not expanded their site since 2017. There are signs of them continuing to work. We know there havent been testing and know there has been some decrease. It has not been widely reported. Of all places the Washington Post wrote that on friday. Yeah. Think about what Daniel Hoffman was telling you earlier which is that one of several Nuclear Facilities is the i don yong pee piong. Several hundred miles. Talk to former intelligence officials they say in terms of verifying that even that one facility is shutdown could take years. Not months. Ed four miles. Ed thats something that could outlive the Trump Administration no matter what happens here. With all the people talking down the potential for an agreement, its remarkable to me because if the president can continue as he did in singapore, now here in vietnam, move the ball forward, how could that possibly be a negative . Brian also what i think it is and to you, jason, a lot of people spent their lives on diplomacy and studying weapons system resentful of a guy coming from the outside and walking and going instincts and making progress. They are saying this has been my job. Thats why the president , i think, was so successful and why he was elected. He was known as disruptive unconventional president. He has going to tackle this head on and done something dozens of other president s have tried. About a dozen of other president s have tried. We seem to be making more progress at least we are in the arena to create opportunity to have some success. Steve what you are looking at right there is a security tent just outside of the legend hanoi hotel. We understanding that apparently the limousine carrying chairman kim has arrived and its in there. Keep in mind, this is a very busy public street. And so, when somebody arrives at a hotel, they dont just pull up to the curb and hop out because there are all sorts of security concerns. We believe that chairman is at the hotel right now and the president of the United States will arrive very, very shortly. They actually do these tents after president reagan was shot. And thats when they created these tents and the president and leaders can get out without exposure. Brian yeah. Absolutely. They dont have to worry about the valet. They have already made the decision they will park right in front and get out when they want. To say big game in town. Ainsley think about how far we have come. This was a president that was calling kim jong un little rocket man and now calling him his friend on twitter. And sitting down for the second time since elected. Steve we will pause for a second to let our fox affiliates join us. Steve this is a fox news special welcome to the fox affiliates. This is the fox friends crew live from new york city. We are looking live at hanoi, vietnam, where it is 21 minutes after 6 00 p. M. We understand just outside the hanoi hotel chairman kim jong un has just arrived. Essentially the summit is going to start 8 minutes from right now. On the agenda the president will arrive and then they are going to have a oneonone conversation with the chairman. And a social dinner with the secretary of state, mr. Pompeo. And the chief of staff, mr. Mulvaney. Kim is bringing along a general and he is also bringing along a Senior Advisor. The same man who delivered a letter to the president in person in advance. And whatever was in that letter is the reason they are gathering today in hanoi. Ainsley you are looking live at the flags against that wall. Thats where the two leaders will greet each other. Will shake hands and stand there for their photo opportunity. Brian one thing the president understands is where the cameras are and what this means. He understands these moments from the walks to the greetings on down. Before they get to the nitty gritty. The 20 minutes get to know you and sit down with featured octopus and stuffed cucumber. How many times have you joined us former chairman and oversight. Knows where the cameras are. Knows this moment is going to be played over and over again whether its his library or the news tonight. These type of meetings are the things that change the world. The second meeting is pivotal in creating peace. You havent seen the testing of weapons out of north korea for months now. But the personal relationship between the chairman, between the president of the United States is pivotal to coming up with a deal. And thats why its so important for these people to get together. And its moments away from starting. Ainsley jason, if you think about this how historic it is. The president went from calling little rocket man to now meeting whim, calling him his friend. No other president has been able to do this before, this is his second meeting with him since he has been elected. North korea has not fired off any Nuclear Weapons or tested them in the last 15 months since our president has been elected. What does this mean for our country . What does it mean for americans . Its not just america it really have for the globe. We have to understand the proximity and the billions of people that live within such a short range of that area. We obviously have great allies in the area. And the region. But i think what were going to see here with the president and the chairman getting together is critical. Brian people are citing the lack of substantial progress since that first meeting. Did we give kim jong un too much world credit and prestige with the prison camps and lack of human rights in that country and oppressive way in which they live or giving him the opening to join the family of nations. Thats what we are on the cutting edge of deciding. The president tweeted an hour ago. Reporting on my intentions with respect to north korea and kim jong un and i are very hard to work. We are going to work very hard to work something out on denuclearization and making north korea an economic power house. I believe china, russia, japan and south korea will be very helpful. Steve ed henry is still with us. Is he live in hanoi where he has been covering the president s summit. When the president arrived and he sent out a message yesterday that vietnam is thriving, he said. And essentially what he is trying to convince chairman kim jong un of is wouldnt north korea like to be like vietnam . Ed yeah. Steve think about how far vietnam has come. So you have a choice. Would you like Economic Growth or would you prefer global isolation . So that essentially is the choice. And you are absolutely right, steve. And you have a direct analogy here. A country in vietnam racked by war just like north korea, a country thats communist just like north korea. A country that on the vietnam side is now has a roaring economy, thanks to market reforms. Thats where it breaks away from pyongyang. North korea has not instituted those market reforms. And largely because of tough u. S. Sanctions. Their economy is in tough, tough shape. A, you are right, picking vietnam as a site for this summit sends that clear message to kim jong un. And you know how the president underlined it . In the hours before this summit meeting and we are inside a twominute warning now. We believe the president and chairman kim will be walking out in the next moment or so in front of those flags there at the hotel here in hanoi. Bottom line is the president underlined that message to kim jong un a couple hours ago when he signed new trade deals with vietnamese officials. He is saying look, chairman kim, vietnam is open for business. Companies like boein bowing want to do business here. Give up your Nuclear Weapons. The vietnamese and north vietnamese were the first to recognize north korea as a country. They had a fractured relationship. They have not been getting along like south korea and japan hasnt. On the surface, communists they must have a synergy. They havent. They suddenly move to more of a market economy. Guess what . Kim jong un has been known to walk through the town and even on a small level start to build small private markets and back them up because he knows somehow he has got to stand his economy up while making sure he is not overthrown. So the they are all in a difficult spot. Its wrong to look at it only from our perspective. Ed brian, you make such great points. You have kim jong un who is probably sleeping most nights with one eye open, worried about his you know, soft grip on power. He has had to kill a brother. He has had to kill. Brian he chose to kill a brother. Ed right. Im saying he has had in his mind, in order to keep power, yes. He chose to do those awful things. He has burned political opponents alive just awful, awful deaths that he has ordered his henchmen to go forward with. He also, by the way, took a train ride that took a few days to get here in vietnam from north korea in part because the jet he has soviet Era Technology from the 1970s, 1980s, inexperienced pilots. Not clear how far they can fly safely. This is a guy who runs a country. He has this kind of infrastructure in shambles. President trump as a businessman is saying hey, wake up. There is a better way for you and your country. Ainsley kim jong un is walking a fine line because he has to please his people and stay in power. At the same time he wants to be wellrespected globally and wants these sanctions lifted. The president has been able to convince him send hostages home, not fire any missiles or test them over japan or to the u. S. Remains of the heroes has been returned. So we have come a long way. What does the president need to do to convince him to allow us to inspect and make sure that they are not building or firing off any Nuclear Weapons . This is the pivot point for the North Koreans and the chairman. Their decision is to enter the 21st century to actually make progress and be in the world of nations or be the isolationists that are. Steve hold on a second. Lets listen. Mr. President what are you hoping to achieve from outcome talkings with chairman. I think it will be successful. Great relationship. I think it will be very successful. We look forward to it. [speaking foreign language] have you walked back at all the denuclearization in north korea . No. Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. President are you going to declare an end to the korean war, sir . We will see. Thank you very much. [inaudible] here we go. Brian seemed to be a little confusion on the exit strategy there. But then the interpreters hopped back up after the president took a fewer rant questions. Steve no confusion, they just kicked the camera guy out. Because their oneonone meeting will get started. Brian they looked like they were looking for an exit and the translators hopped up. Language barriers. Ainsley both smiling, our president and kim jong un touching each others arms. He said the president was asked a few questions. He said this is going to be very successful. Steve he was also asked whether or not was walking back the denuking and he said no. And then they turned off the camera. What is going to happen next is the president is going to have a oneonone conversation with the chairman for probably 20 minutes, maybe a little longer. Then at 7 00 eastern time, which is also 7 00 p. M. Vietnam time, they are going to have a social dinner. The president , chairman kim, the chief of staff, mic mulvaney, secretary pompeo and then they will each have ichairman kim will also have a general with him and a Senior Advisor as well to round out things. Jason chaffetz, you are still with us right now, you know, so many people are looking to this thinking well, you know, there is a possibility of something happening. But, realistically, how big does it have to be for the president to say i think it was successful . They are making progress. They are together. You saw at the end when they were trying to figure out how to exit the stage, this is somewhat impromptu. That creates a world of possibilities when you actually have the two leaders sitting down together. Thats what we asked. Thats what we want. Thats what we expected our president to do and now he is actually doing it. Brian just remember, this in the past with past leaders, his dad in particular, we thought we had a deal with bill clinton at the end of his term. One of the biggest regrets he had i couldnt finish off the north korean deal it will be easy for bush 43 to do that it wasnt. Condoleezza rice tough talks 6 plus one thought had something. She is hardly somebody easily duped. They stopped at the macau bank where they were alan derinlaunderingmoney. Put them off the terror list and turns out they did not live up to what they promised to live up to. The question is with this leader and with this president , can they break 80 years of frustration and distrust and begin to do something historic . This is where you come back to that reagan adage trust but verify. Get people on the ground to actually verify. Ainsley jason can we interrupt you in just a minute. We are looking at the two leaders sitting down live and talking. Lets listen in. Great meeting we are having today [inaudible] [speaking foreign language] since that meeting there has been some [inaudible] situation and from the outside, however we have been able to overcome all the obstacles and here we are today, after [inaudible] [speaking foreign language] i truly believe those 251 days were the days which were and during which a lot of painstaking efforts were necessary. Also a lot of patience were needed. [speaking foreign language] but here we are today in front of each other and have a hope that we will be successful this time and make certain that happens. Thank you. I want to just say its an honor to be with chairman kim. Its an honor to be together and really a country vietnam where they have really rolled out the red carpet and they have already offered to have us and its great to be with you. We had a very successful first summit. I felt it was very successful. And some people would like to see it go quicker. Im satisfied you are satisfied want to be happy with what were doing. But i felt the first summit was a Great Success. I think this one, hopefully, will be equal or greater than the first. And we have made a lot of progress. I think the biggest progress was our relationship is really a good one. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] and as i have said many times and i say it to the press and say it to anybody that wants to listen, i think that your country has tremendous economic potential, unbelievable, unlimited. And i think that you will have a tremendous future for your country a great leader. And i look forward to watching it happen and helping it to happen and well help it to happen. [speaking foreign language] thank you all very much. We appreciate it we have dinner and then we have big meetings scheduled for tomorrow and we will see you at the News Conference at some point during the day. Thank you very much. Mr. President , Michael Cohen and his testimony . [inaudible] ainsley you see the bars there, the president said basically we are finished with the oneonone. Now we will sit down and have dinner. He did remind us they are meeting tomorrow. Even though that oneonone was short. And this dinner is supposed to be a social additional. This is just step one of this longer summit. Steve we apologize it was so hard to hear what they were saying because you had all the world press and the motor drives and you have the simultaneous translation but nonetheless, Jason Chaffetz, former chairman of the house Oversight Committee is still with us. Jason, the president said its an honor to be together, vietnam has really rolled out the red carpet. The very first summit he hopes that this one will be as good or greater than, he said Real Progress has been made with our relationship. He did emphasize the relationship. Because, ultimately, if these two men are going to come to some sort of agreement. Its going to have to in part be based upon trust. I think kim jong un, the chairman, is worried about his longterm longevity. Because we have shown the military might of the United States. The troops that are there in south korea, that has been the posture of the United States. And i believe in peace through strength. But ultimately this relationship between these two men has got to be forged. It is the strength. And its what donald trump led with in reminding the chairman of the strength of his relationship. Brian history has been made throughout this show. We will continue to break. In time for our affiliates to go back to regular programming. Thanks for joining us. When news becomes International Like this. Wee will come back, we promise. Steve all right. Welcome back. The summit 2. 0, Jason Chaffetz has officially started. Yes, now the private time that the president is going to get with the chairman i think is going to be pivotal. When you bring in mike pompeo and chairman kim gets to bring in his leaders thats also important. There has been some negotiation thats happened in the beginning. They have somewhat of an outline to start with. Ainsley did he notice when he said your country has tremendous economic potential. We look forward to watching that happen. We plan to help you. That was just the beginning stages of saying were here for you. Lets continue to have a relationship. We see you can have potential. I will help you get there. We have had sanctions in place that do have an economic effect. China does play a role. We cannot dismiss or ignore the idea that if china also gets on board with this they are a pivotal partner. Although they are not sitting there chairman kim is not going to make much of a move without backing up china as well. Brian couple of things going on. Maralago summit expect to have a big trade agreement between our two nations. We also know the trade negotiations in washington. You know this has come up before. We also watch kim go to visit china before a big business. Up close and personal. We hear these things about chief negotiators, they have created working groups. These guys are doing the hard work together. Right. Brian a lot of people said they were not happy with the results of these of the prenegotiations up to the summit. That could be that could be big challenges for the or it could mean there is a lot more responsibility on these leaders to do an Old Fashioned deal rather than the old rather than the 1970s style missile deal with the soviets. I still think they are making that sort of progress. The fact they are having that dialogue was not something that was happening over the last decade or two. They were getting close but always pulled back. Ultimately it ends up being the two leaders coming together. Steve it was great to have you come together with us. Thank you. Steve thank you, Jason Chaffetz. So the summit 2. 0, the sequel underway. Its 6 41 p. M. In hanoi. And the president and the chairman are sitting down for sur supper. 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So far we dont know what they talked about. It was kind of low when it came to the translation. But, fred, in particular, are you happy the way this thing started off . They didnt seem to have an exit strategy after they shook hands. Im delighted. The symbolism of having this summit in vietnam to show north korea that a former enemy that embraces capitalism can make this country so prosperous. It was a brilliant stroke im very optimistic about the summit. Brian don, in particular, they had that back and forth Mutual Respect for each other. Now they go to inform mall session and they will have lunch right now. What do you think has been decided already . I think a few things. They have already divided that they are going to create a set of steps towards denuclearization. Whether its going to be we are going to take that first step where north korea allow us us or at least shows us their plan for disclosing a Nuclear Sites and their process and then what are we going to do next to counters that to support their fears . Brian david, the other leaders have had a chance to have this oneonone but they didnt think north korea deserves it. Do they deserve this moment. They deserve this moment if something concrete comes out of it. Brian give us an example. Whats concrete . If they give up the Nuclear Enrichment facility at pyongyang. If they allow inspectors its being given up that would be a huge concrete step that would be worthwhile. It doesnt have to be full denuclearization but there has to be a time line and concrete steps north korea follows. Brian liaison offices between the two. Talking about getting them back into nonproliferation agreement kim jong un had left in 2003. They talked about about beginning to dismantle that 4mile Nuclear Plant that Nuclear Plants right by the border. Is that enough . I mean, i dont think they should put the cart before the horse here. Its a positive step that they have had this summit. I thought it was positive back last june when they did. This we havent seen any steps in north korea since they enhanced production facilities continue to produce fissile material since then. I agree with david, if you have what the administration has said, meaning they agree on what denuclearization means. They have a road map for that and the North Koreans freeze current capabilities, i think thats successful. I think it will take it a step further and be great if you get dismantling of i donyoudestroy missile testing sites. Brian do we know what they have and looking for honesty by confirming what they know . Is there a sense in the Intelligence Community that we really dont know everything they have or most of what they have . We get a new report by think tank almost every month of a new undeclared north korean nuke already missile facility. That doesnt mateen cia doesnt know about these facilities. We know a lot about what is in north korea. We are simply not showing our cards. North korea has to provide an accounting of its Nuclear Missile and wd programs that is accurate. We know the first draft of this is going to be inaccurate. The administration is going to work with the North Koreans to try to get an accurate declaration. Brian sounds like im making this up. Earlier today pakistan shot down two indian planes over cashmere. David, this has been a tinderbox for decades. Im going to look for a swift india response. Are you . Probably. This is an example of how dangerous it can be when two Nuclear Powers are potentially going to get in a fight with each other. Thats why this is so scary for the world and completely unexpected. Brian its unbelievable. We will have you guys back in a little while. Thank you so much. We will continue to follow the news as it comes out. Meanwhile President Trump is minutes away from having dinner with kim jong un. Octopus and stuffed cucumber. Helped negotiate Otto Warmbiers release. Two things he needs to walk away from and with next. [yeah ] in hotels. [maybe, like tilt] resorts. Homes and more. [you got it . ] [oh thats good, yeah] bookers always find what theyre looking for. Be a booker at booking. Com its our confident forever plan. Welcome to our complete freedom plan. Its all possible with a cfp professional. Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. The sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999, intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts. So you wake up rested and ready for anything. Save 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. [ ding ] show me just add magic. Hey toothless. [ ding ] [ gurgling ] [ ding ] show me cartoons on netflix. 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Not that dissimilar to what the president is doing can chairman kim is key to negotiate. Ainsley what did he do to negotiate. He was the special envoy by the there was an opportunity for him after i was in pyongyang several months before that negotiating the framework for it but he saw an opportunity when he got a piece of intelligence about ottos condition that helped him take advantage of it and pull him back. What does the president need to walk away with today . Two things. One very important he has framework for negotiating process and number two, he needs to have a pathway to bring back the remains of american servicemen on the negotiating on the negotiations what im talking about is time lines. Its terms its the mechanism of how negotiations will work and i know this sounds very unconventional but if i would advise the president i would say schedule routine summits between you and chairman kim because obviously you are his preferred negotiator. Ainsley thank you micky for being with us. Thank you. woman what should we do with it first . man road trip. woman yes. woman offroad trip. couple [laughter] couple vo whoa man how hot is the diablo chili . waitress well. Youve got to sign a waiver. [laughter] ranger you folks need bear repellent . woman ah, were good. man yes. vo its a big world. Our new forester just made it even bigger. woman so what should we do second . vo the 2019 subaru forester. The most adventurous forester ever. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Were finally going on the trip ive been promising. Because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. So even when she outgrows her costume, well never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. Unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. Only when you book with expedia. With tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. Fixodent ultramax hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. So now you can eat tough food without worry. Fixodent and forget it. Brian we will get right to a fox news alert. Here we go. President trump and kim jong un are meeting in hanoi right now. What you are seeing just took place a short time ago. Ainsley the two World Leaders kicking off a second round of high stakes talks in vietnam. Steve thats right. Trump met with kim with a handshake and a laugh. Ed henry is live in hanoi with the very latest. Ed, the summit 2. 0 is on. And very shortly we should see them about to sit down for dinner, right . Thats right, guys. Game on indeed for summit 2. 0. We were there on the ground in singapore as well. That was the beginning, the ice breaker if you will there was an agreement that was signed suggesting that kim jong un was going to start moving towards denuclearization. The Intel Community suggesting he has not followed through on that. The key here in hanoi is in these meetings ahead, to get some specificity from the north korean dictator. You see the smiles, the hand shakes, that was the first part of all of this. Then the second one where they sat down and they are expected to sit after this handshake for about 20 minutes or so. Its interesting that as i saw the body language, kim jong un as he listened to his own translator explain what President Trump was saying looked in that shot there early on listening to what President Trump was saying. He was looking intently as if he wanted to listen to every word and then started smiling a lot. And laughing about the fact that they have a strong relationship as if he was agreeing with the president that they have a very warm relationship thats come together in a short time. Heres what the president said that led kim to smile. I think that your country has tremendous economic potential, unbelievable, unlimited. And i think that you will have a tremendous future with your country and great leader. And i look forward to watching it happen and helping it to happen. And we will help it to happen. So, praising kim as a tremendous leader and also what we have been talking about all morning and really for the last couple of days, guys, the idea that, look, Flint Firefighters Union a chance here. An open door, chairman kim to walk through and find a new way forward for your country economically if you will give up your Nuclear Weapons. One quick point, it was hard for all of us to hear between the cameras clicking and soft voice of chairman kims translator to hear exactly what he was saying in that sitdown. We have now confirmed one piece of it. Chairman kim said to the president he wanted to praise his quote, unquote, courageous decision to begin this dialogue. So, i know it was hard for all of us to hear with the cameras clicking. We have to get a further readout on what was said and see if they speak at this dinner to the media as well. Chairman kim praised the president for what he called a courageous decision to start this dialogue. This dialogue is now very much moving forward. About to sit down to dinner. We will see where all this goes, guys. Brian he also knows if he wants to continue, the president has got to show some gains or there is not going to be a number three. Thanks so much, ed. Brian leds bring in dan bongino former secret Service Agent and author of spy gate. Dan, you have seen a lot of these steve were going to pause for just a second. Ainsley they have to switch over the satellites. The president in addition to what ed just played for us about the tremendous economic potential that north korea had, the president did say he was honored to be with the chairman and he said the biggest progress that we have made so far is our relationship, our relationship is a good one now. He said i hope a lot of people say we want quicker progress, he says i hope this one goes equally or greater than the first summit did. Steve right. The key is on the relationship once again. Yesterday he was talking about, you know, the friendship and everything else. Today he said Real Progress on a relationship. As ed just said, the president said north korea has unlimited potential. What he is trying to do is draw the choice. Do you want to have Economic Growth for north korea or do you want global isolation . The chairman also said that he has high hopes for their talks, which is kicking off on the right foot. Brian he looked kind of nervous when he first walked out there and even sitting down. Dan bongino as i tried to say before now we are ready, have you seen a lot of these major events and how this area has been secured. Does this remind you of your days in the secret service . How is vietnam doing to this point . The security here is locked down pretty tight. It was kind of odd going through the magnetometer as joe civilian secret service. I know most of the guys here its not that big of an outfit the secret service. They laughed as i was putting my metal items on magnetometer. They are doing a great job. Its about tack that particular call mitigation, motorcade control and mid call emergencies. What i have seen out there it looks like a good effort between us and the vietnamese security forces. Ainsley what do you make of kim jong uns comments saying its courageous of our president to make the decision to have this dialogue . Well, you know, there is a lot in that. Obviously he is trying to invent advise trump to keep these talks going. It works for him. The country is starving. They need hard currency. Their currency is worthless on the world market. Roughly 90 of activity with china they have to export their coal and miners to stay alive. Its not just that they cant feed their people, ainsley. I will be candid with you. I dont think that bothers the north korean regime. Its that they cant feed their military. If their military cant be fed and paid, then they have a serious problem. Economic growth. We have a lot of leverage here. And trump knows that. Thats why he keeps do you notice he keeping emphasizing the economic angle in this. Thats for a reason. Not just a business guy but tactical reason, too. Steve sure, at the first summit they put together video where it showed what it would be like if kim were a world leader and joined the league of nations, essentially, and was less of a Nuclear Threat and more of just another guy who runs a country. And then this time its just like just imagine if your country had unlimited resources a as vietnam does these days. But you have got at the core of mr. Kim, dan bongino, is he in his head, he thinks he is different than everybody else in his family. He thinks he is a leader for the ages. But the question is whether or not he is sincere about pulling the plug on the nukes. Well, sincerity obviously is tough to measure. For years we have been wondering if he is even a rational actor. He has given speeches in his home country, steve. I believe there is one on new years. Right around the new years hollywood where he emphasized to his people Economic Growth and statements about how he doesnt want to pass on this Nuclear Weapon burden on to his kids. Again, its tough to get in their heads. Obviously when you are dealing with someone like kim. But measured by public statements, it seems like at least there is some impetus for him to go forward. Obviously the selection here of vietnam matters, too. Remember, guys, this works for both ends. Trump wants to el emphasize whan happen having him here in vietnam. For kim it matters, too. Think about the two models, the german model of reunion if i where capitalism wins or vawmedz at the time the communist went out. Kim wants to retain power. This has message for both sides. Brian if you can gradually constituency convince him that his security is not a threat. Lets say he sincerely believes we were going to invade all those times and years we hear about that. So, china could provide the back stop and the defense like we provided for canada and all our nato allies so they can honestly say america is prevented from invading because china will officially become their Defense Force and they can still keep their military. The nukes leave. They have chinas support. And then you have the economic revitalization of the potential of the north korean people. Because this dont have to look to vietnam. All they have to look is to south korea to see what their potential is. Yeah. You know, thats a really good point, brian. The security guarantees you led with and elaborated on. There has been some talk of one of the angles out of this being china taking control of their icbms there would have to be embedded in that some kind of security guarantee as well. One of the lessons. Steve dan, hold on just a second. One of the lessons for iraq war is dont go to war. Steve dan, right now we are inside the dining room and this is the now dinner. Its about to listen. One of the great [inaudible] of the world. Make us look very good. I will work on that. One of the great photographers. [speaking foreign language] very interesting dialogue in 30 minutes. Boy, if you could have heard that dialogue, what he would pay for that dialogue. [laughter] so we are going to have a very busy day tomorrow and we will probably have a pretty quick dinner. And a lot of things are going to be solved, i hope. And i think it will lead to wonderful it will lead to really a wonderful situation long term. And our relationship is a very special relationship. [speaking foreign language] thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. See you tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Lets go ahead and go, press. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. Lets go. Lets go, guys. The lights dim and that is it. Some brief remarks. And the president said i will see you tomorrow. So at 7 00 p. M. Their time, of course. Its 12 hours difference. They are going to have a lunch and then there is going to be a lot of progress. They hope, tomorrow. My sense is if its only going to be one day and today is going to be informal. Something written up already. Steve of course. Donald trump would not have gone without knowing that something was going to happen. Is it going to be the opening you have offices in washington in pyongyang . You see mike pompeo there right part of the table. Have you Mick Mulvaney there as well. Will it be the official end of the korea war . We dont know. But, nonetheless, dan bongino is still with us. Is he in hanoi right now. It was really interesting, dan, that the president said were going to have a quick dinner, busy day tomorrow, and he said this will lead to a wonderful situation dot dot dot long term. So whatever is going to be announced tomorrow is a step in the direction of what the president regards as a wonderful situation. Yeah. Steve, President Trump does things differently, but is he clear. The way these summits typically happened in the past. You know, i remember doing the advance for the stark treaty signing of the czech public. Bottom up will agreed on by lower level diplomats before the president steps in the room. President trump believes differently he believes in personal diplomacy right away to break the ice and then he lets the people who work underneath him at that level handle the rest of the details. Listen, its worked so far. We have had some progress. Ainsley dan, he keeps saying that we have a special relationship. Earlier when they were sitting down together he said our biggest progress is our relationship. We have a good one. How did they get there . Its interesting. He keeps emphasizing the personal side of this and i know, you know, some in the other three Letter Network media that are antitrump all the time. See this as a turnoff. President trump is fully clear on what kim is capable of and what he has done. This is a smart man in contrast to what they want you to believe. He understands that there has got to be. He is still a human being. Should be obvious. He sees some kind of from his business experience, he needs to break through personally. Kim has to make some personal commitment to move away from the threats, from this Nuclear Threat he keeps, you know, leveraging over the United States. And trump sees that. Thats why he keeps emphasizing his personal relationship with him. Its smart on his behalf. We will see where it goes. Russia is breaking the angsts. China is breaking the sanctions. He is getting a little bit of economic revitalization. Lets talk about the other show going on beginning at 10 00 this morning fike calicoen is going to read some prepared remarks at which time he will label the president a racist and a con man and a cheat. He is going to go into detail along with producing a check that he says is 130,000 that he got from the president in reimbursement for paying off stormy daniels. How damaging is this going to be . I dont think its damaging at all, brian. Listen, i have spoken out about this topic before. This has all been baked into the cake. There is no news here. Can i just say that doing this now by the democrats, calling this hearing while the president is in this incredibly important denuclearization summit is really one of the more disgraceful episodes in a litany of disgraceful episodes we have seen from this radical far left democrat party. This isnt a time for this. You know, brian, i get it you won. You won the house of representatives, the democrats. You can call whoever you want in front of your committees. You run the chair spots now. To do this now is such a kneecap effort to the United States in general u its really a disgrace. There is a time and place for this. It certainly isnt right now. Ainsley we were just watching video of him standing next to his attorney lanny davis who worked for Hillary Clinton. So the democrats and the media now they are loving Michael Cohen. But, a year ago when he was in the camp with the president and going on all the press and all the shows saying he was a wonderful man. He is going to make america better. They hated him. Similar with comey. We saw the media hated comey when he had that press conference about hillary and then a few days before the election and hillary blamed him for losing and now they love him. Ainsley, im so glad you brought that up. Do you ever notice how they accuse the right about what bism . They do this all the time. What about 10 minutes ago when you said Michael Cohen is a snake and now he is a hero . What aboutism, of course they see people as they measure everything through the how badly can this person hurt trump lens. And if they tri cohen can steve the reason we arew. Hearing from this week he is going to be in prison shortly. He began by apologizing to the senators. I know im here to give truthful testimony and i feel really bad about lie talking the last time. One other nugget he is going to say he has no direct evidence of the president colluding with russia. But he has some suspicion. Because you live down in florida throughout the year, i have a question for you. Congressman matt gaetz had a tweeted yesterday suggesting well i wonder if Michael Cohen has talked about his girlfriends . Does his wife know about stuff . Kind of a very tabloidy kind of tweet. What did you make. Ainsley and then he apologized and took it down. Well, there is a rumor about some apartment complex that was used by cohen to, lets say, keep some people in he probably shouldnt have been dealing with i guess is the best way. Thats whats out there. Thats what circulating around twitter. I think thats what he was alluding. To say convenient as the democrats throw him in public testimony when they want to talk about personal things that will donald trump President Trump. The private behind the doors russia stuff where cohen has no evidence and could debunk this entire thing by saying he wasnt in prague. Which is the key to the entire dossier. They wont put that in public. Brian i believe he has said that that he wasnt. One thing i would say he adds this. In 2016, days before the democratic convention, he was in mr. Trumps office when the secretary announced roger stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put stone on speaker phone they had just got often the phone with Julian Assange. Assange told stone within a couple days there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clintons campaign. Listen to your podcast and talk to you all the time about this. What changes after that . Nothing. I mean, theres nothing there. There is no there there. Remember, at the time even in stones own allegations in muellers allegations against stone, brian, is he Crystal Clear that stone had a tough time getting through to anybody in the white house about anything and that they wouldnt return his call. The fact he called the president and told him he was working on some things about Julian Assange or something or even had a conversation with assange. You dont even know thats true. There is no there there. Brian if one of the president s written question he said i never talked to roger stone about Julian Assange. Does that cause a problem now if this is taken as this somehow is verified . Well, clearly its going to be one of those he said, he said sen scenarios right there. None of this is great politically. The question is it criminally damaging . The answer is no. Everybody and their uncle was speculating at the time about what assange said. What he had and what he said. This was all in the public space at the time. Ainsley all right. Dan, plus when Michael Cohen talks you tune him out now because you dont know what to believe. You dont know what Michael Cohen you are getting. Thank you, dan for being with us. You got it. Good to see you. Steve time now for news. Jillian joins us. 7 18 eastern time. Jillian believe it or not there is more news. We start with a fox news alert. A Tennessee Police officer shot in the line of duty has died. Sergeant steve hinkle spent 27 years with the sullivant county sheriffs office. First responders saluting hinkle as his body passed by. The sergeant was responding to a welfare check saturday when he was shot. The suspect shot and killed himself. Now to another alert. Pakistan shoots down two indian warplanes and captures the pilots. One of them was hurt and taken to a Military Hospital the attack happened in a disputed territory after pakistan say the planes crossed into airspace. The comes after pakistan said indian troops fired mortar shells killing six people. Some commercial flights are suspended. The Prime Minister of pakistan is calling for a sitdown with the indian president. Today the house will vote on the most high profile Gun Legislation in years. Democrats are pushing two bills. One to require background checks for private transitions. The other extends the time a gun dealer must wait to hear back from a background check before making a sale. The house is expected to pass the bills. They likely wont be considered by the senate. Today the Supreme Court will consider if a giant cross statue is religious or not. The 40foot worl world war i memorial has stood 100 years in maryland. Credits particulars say the cross is religious and shouldnt be on public land. Kelly shackleford says it deserves to be protected. If they start tearing down veterans memorials and monuments because there is religious imagery attached to it, this is just the beginning of a religious cleansing that i dont think anybody in this country can imagine. A decision on the cross is expected by the summer. Send it back to you. Steve all right. Thank you very much. Coming up, this american is back with his family after being held captive overseas for more than a year. His son joins us live to thank President Trump for bringing him home and he is next. Brian plus House Democrats just voted to block the ptzs Emergency Declaration at the border thats in the house. Congressman tim ryan is one of those who voted yes. Is there something he would support . We will ask him live about the border and more and maybe running for president when we come back. Epilepsy, mental health, hiv. Patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. New government restrictions would allow Insurance Companies to come between doctor and patient. And deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. Call the white house today. Help stop cuts to part d drug coverage that put medicare patients at risk. Help stop cuts to part d drug coverage want a performance car that actually fits your life . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge st. Capability meets power. In the first suv from the Ford Performance team. The new 2019 ford edge st burke at fso we know how ton almost evercover almost anything. Even rooftop parking. Strange forces at work . Only if youre referring to gravityand we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum danny burch home. The texas call oil worker that man right there was living in yemen and married to a Yemeni National when he was reportedly kidnapped by rebel fighters back in 2017. His son, Army Sergeant burch joins us now live from fort bragg. Sergeant major, good morning to you. Thanks for having me on. It must have been such a welcome phone call to get the news that your dad has been rescued. Absolutely. It was indeed. Tell us a little bit, sergeant major, about how your dad was kidnapped 18 months ago. Well, its my understanding that he was taking his sons to a Sports Center and he was boxed in by armed men and was taken captive. Steve thats right. Your father is an american engineer at yemeni oil company, i understand. He has lived there for a number of years. You know, we have heard stories that yemen is tough place to live if you are an american. Is nowadays. He has been working there 25 years off and on. Up until about five years ago, it was relatively safe until Houthi Rebels took over the government and most of the moved out and he was one of the few who stayed behind. Indeed. So, it was 18 months ago your dad was grabbed off the street in broad daylight. And then, after that happened. What sort of efforts did you, your family, and the u. S. Government launch to try to get him back . Well, i was officially notified by the fbi. They came by my office and we spoke. They have been wonderful. They have been keeping us informed the whole time. Any time they had information, they were everybodableto provide it to us. Two days ago i got a call from the fbi and let me know that my father had been released the next day it came out in the news. We were overjoyed. Absolutely. Have you spoken to your father yet . I have not. Its my understanding he is intensive reintegrate program. So he is giving him time to get back with his immediate family and we hope to hear from him soon. Steve absolutely. Just out of curiosity, whats the first thing you are going to tell your dad . That we love him. We miss him. And we are glad he is alive. Steve what would you like to say to the president and the administration because they worked with the uae to bring your dad home. We would just like to thanks the administration and the whole of government for bringing my father home. I know that there has been a lot of effort put behind it. And we are just very grateful. Steve and we are grateful for your service. Sergeant major cale burch. Give your family our best when you talk to him. Thank you, sir. Thank you for the opportunity to get my fathers story out there. Steve absolutely. Thank you, sir. About 7 30 in new york city. Senator Kamala Harris doubling down saying the cost of free stuff, like healthcare, cost doesnt matter. When people start saying cost, cost, cost, my response is no. Its not about cost. Its about investment. Steve its about investment. Democratic congressman from ohio tim ryan here to react to that coming up live. And President Trump having dinner at this moment with kim jong un in vietnam. Were going to check back in with ed henry live on the ground coming up next. A lot of things are going to be solved, i hope. And i think it will lead to wonderful it will lead to really a wonderful situation long term. And our relationship is a very special relationship. Yo ok ill admit. 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We will have a very busy day tomorrow and probably have a pretty quick dinner and a lot of things will be solved, hope. And i think it will lead to wonderful it will lead to really a wonderful situation long term. Brian historic. Here we are a fox news alert. In case you missed it, you just heard it President Trump and kim jong un trying to work out that longterm situation in hanoi vietnam and its happening right now. They are speaking. Ainsley two World Leaders kicking off a second round of high stakes talks in vietnam. Steve happened about an hour ago. It happened in hanoi. Ed, it started with a handshake and laugh. And then the president said he thought it would lead to Something Wonderful. A wonderful situation dot, dot, dot longterm. Ed you are right. Yes, steve. That could be raising expectations about saying great things coming. But when you add the phrase long term maybe you ratchet expectations ever so slightly downward to say not all today or tomorrow long term but i do think in that clip you just played the president was saying we expect this to be a quick dinner. On the schedule its 90 minutes. Thats not so quick instead is he suggesting they are going to shrink it down tonight and very busy tomorrow. Maybe a lot of the hard work will actually be done in day two. Either way, you can certainly see there is a warm relationship developing and thats something the president highlighted, listen. I thought the first time it was a Great Success. I think this one hopefully will be equal or greater than the first. We made a lot of progress. I think the biggest progress was our relationship is really a good one. Ed so we will be watching to see how long this dinner goes. They have been dining about a half an hour now. Again originally scheduled for 90 minutes. The president says maybe it will be quicker and they will get a lot more done tomorrow, guys. Steve ed henry live in hanoi, thank you. Brian lets bring in ohio congressman tim ryan. Congressman, you have been watching all this take place overseas, i imagine. They are 12 hours ahead of us. What is your practical hope for the result of kim jong un trump 2 . Well, im very cautious when i see whats happening. This is a regime that does not want to give up their Nuclear Program because they feel thats key to their own survival, thats the only way they think they survive in that region is have Nuclear Weapons. So im very, very conscious with anything thats going to come out of there. We will see how it goes today and tomorrow. Ainsley congressman, the house passed a resolution to block the president s Emergency Declaration. You were a part of that you have said that the constitution mandates that congress not the executive branch has the power of the purse. Why do you think that the wall would be ineffective and expensive . Well, first and foremost, the congress appropriated money to go to projects like in northeast ohio and in ohio we are going to potentially lose about 80 million of military Construction Projects at camp garfield, youngstown money president and congress signed into law to go there. So now he is going to take it and put it on the border. Im for Border Security big time. We need to use technology and barriers where they can be helpful. There are areas that it cant be helpful. You cant put the wall in the middle of the rio grande river. You are not going to go down and seize property from farmers and ranchers in south texas. And even republicans down there dont want that to happen. I just want to see the money spent where the problem is. 90 of drugs are coming through ports of entry. We need it there. Fentanyl is coming from china through the United States postal office. We need more technology there its a disagreement on how to do it. Not that we need to make sure drugs dont come into the country. Steve well, congressman, apparently mike pence, the Vice President met with senators yesterday and addressed that very issue that you were talking about. If they take some of the money and reprogram it for the wall from a military and you were just talking about that the Vice President said that a military Construction Projects would not be jeopardized because the money would be replaced. And so that would be good news. But, it sounds like, you know, so many people in your party, in the Democratic Party, congressman, just dont want to give the president a win. And suddenly a wall, which is a National Security issue is a political thing. Yeah. Well, no question. The president had about 1. 7 billion already. He had only spent about 300 million on the wall from the last budget and previous budgets. So he needs to spend that money. But the reality of it is, look, he is the president. But the house is democratic and . In the senate you need 60 votes for a lot of this stuff. He has to compromise. We all have to compromise to make this happen. I hope we can get this issue off the table and Start Talking about jobs, the economy and future of work. Our competition with china. We have got to solve this problem because china is coming at us and we are not prepared right now. Brian absolutely. And, tim, it just sounds like, congressman, it just sounds like you understand that a barrier works. You wanted him off the wall. He has done the barrier and the fence. It seems like not only does nancy pelosi not think it works. But you have beto orourke who said if im elected president or whatever, im pulling up the fence. Are you one of those guys take out the fence . No. Well, we spent a lot of money putting barriers on that southern border and its been helpful in some areas. Im not for taking those down. I am for upgrading. We have lots of technology now. Its 2019. We dont drive model t cars and use rotary dial phones. The same applies to Border Security and National Security. Its a lot of money to go back and say we will take down these walls. Im saying lets be smart. Lets just get together and do the smartest thing we possibly can on this. Brian for a change. For a change. Ainsley there are some rumors out there that you might be running for president. I am very strongly considering it. I think this country is divided. I think we are not focused on the issues that people are really concerned about, how they are going to have retirement, security, how they are going to have enough to make their house payment. Those are issues that we are going to educate our kids. Im really concerned about our competition with china. Divided country is a weak country. And china is coming at us and the American People have got to recognize we have got to get prepared for this competition and im not hearing a lot about it. And so, you know, im strongly considering it. And i think, you know, those working class people, people who take a shower after work, their voices still arent being heard in washington. Ainsley when will you make the announcement . Probably in the next few weeks i will make a decision. We are having those conversations. Im listening to a lot of people. I was in New Hampshire this past week and had some really good meetings out there. We will make a decision pretty soon. Steve right. Congressman, there are so many people already running i think we are close to 10 or 12 so far on your side. Yeah. Steve whats unique about you is you are a moderate. Meanwhile during of the primaries so much people are rushing so far to the left where, you know, it doesnt matter how much healthcare costs or the Green New Deal thats going to cost so much money for so many people. Why are you going to take that lane, being the moderate democrat . Well, i think its the lane of unification. Its the lane of making sure that everybody is at the table. I mean, when we are talking about growing the economy, of course, we need workers and of course we have got to address income inequality and greed and some of these things that are really eroding the economic system. But we also have to work with business. Were not going to compete with china. Were not going to redevelop the workforce development. We are not going to invest into Artificial Intelligence anded aive manufacturing and dominate those industries around the world if would are not at the table. That includes the business community. We have the magic of the Free Enterprise system. We have got to use that in order to green the economy, decarbonize the economy. You cant do it without business. You cant do it without the profit motive. You can fight against greed, but you cant fight against that. Thats our comparative advantage to china in the long term. Brian exactly. So i want to make sure that we are using every asset we have in the United States and that includes the innovation that comes from Free Enterprise. Brian yeah. You dont hear Free Enterprise and democrats linked. You are one of the first i have heard say that in a long time. Congressman, i hope you come back here and make your announcement. All right. Thank you. Ainsley thanks, congressman. You have seen the shocking video a conservative activist assaulted at recruiting drive at uc berkeley. Watch this. [bleep], [bleep]. Steve ouch. Ainsley that activist that was attacked joins us live with an update coming up next. Steve plus, we have congressman mark meadows joining us. Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway. Dan crenshaw the congressman from texas and bill hemmer a busy final hour starts in 17 minutes. And home to three bp wind farms. In the offchance the wind ever stops blowing here. The lights can keep on shining. Thanks to our natural gas. A smart partner to renewable energy. Its always ready when needed. Or. Not. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto with ultra coating. What mahearthealthyle salad the california walnuts. Ver . The best simple pasta ever . California walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun . Not this. Oh, what am i into . Mostly progressives name your price tool. Helps people find Coverage Options based on their budget. Flo has it, i want it, its a whole thing, and shes right there. Yeah, shes my ride. This dates lame. He has pics of you on his phone. Theyre very tasteful. Ainsley a potential suspect has been identified in this brutal attack we showed you last week. A conservative activist allegedly assaulted for promoting his conservative beliefs on the uc berkeley campus. The incident was caught on camera clearly as you can see. His name is Hayden Williams the guy who was attacked in that video. Is he a field representative for the Leadership Institute and helps train conservative students on College Campuses across california. Hayden, thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me. Ainsley tell us what happened. How you got that black eye. So, as you said, im a field representative for the leadership field institute. We help conservative students organize events and recruit members for their clubs on campuses across the country. And my state is california. So, on tuesday, i was invited by some students at uc berkeley from their turning point chapter to help them recruit and so we set up a table. And we were demonstrating regarding the this hate crime hoax incident that was in the news. And we had a sign that read hate crime hoaxes hurt real victims. And i think this was the sign that these guys really took offense to and started taking out their aggression on us and our table. Ainsley is it worth it to you . We hear all these stories about uc berkeley and california and how liberal so many people can be and the anger we see all the anger now. If you are a conservative, you are just hated. Is it worth it to you . Why do you go on these campuses and do this . This campus in particular has had a track record for violating, you know, conservative rights on campus. Its welldocumented with campus reform. Org and fox news. And every time ive gone to help students at berkeley for various clubs, they there is always a student or a member of the Campus Community that will rip up our signs or flip over our table but this is the first time that its really escalated to this level of violence. Ainsley so much aggression and violence like you said. What happened to the guy . We have him on film. We have him on tape. Do we know who he is . He has a backpack. I assume he is a student there. I dont know all the details. You know, its still under investigation. But what i do know is that there is a culture at berkeley that sort of harbors this mentality. Its embedded at the university and you know, some people of the Campus Community were even hagel this guy as a hero for what he did. And encouraging members of the community not to snitch on this individual. Ainsley what do you want to happen to him . Well, i respect due process and, you know, im confident that he will be found. The police are doing good work on this case. And my main critique is with the administration for allowing it to get to this point where this sort of violence is accepted and even encouraged by some. Ainsley all right. Hayden, keep us posted on this. I hope they find the guy. Thank you so much. Me too. Thank you. Ainsley outrage growing after Senate Democrats block a bill to help babies coming up next. That botched abortion should be put down like a dog or a cat. Meghan let her tell her side on this. This is why i need to push back. Emphasize. Cal we saved our money and now, we get to spend it our way. Valerie but we worry if we have enough to last. Cal ellen, our certified financial planner™ professional, helps us manage our cash flow and plan for the unexpected. Valerie her experience and training gave us the courage to go for it. Its our confident forever plan. Cal . 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And if the doctor did not attempt to save the baby, then he would face jail time. Democrats overwhelmingly voted against it, including everybody running for president. Ainsley look at that list. Senator Kamala Harris, senator amy klobuchar, senator cory booker and senator sherrod brown, senator Kristen Gillibrand and senator Elizabeth Warren and senator Bernie Sanders. Brian Meghan Mccain was outraged by this failure to pass. She took it out on the rest of her staff and told america how she stood. Sunny had the other side. Listen to this semi debate. I thought you were prolife like me. I am thats why i need to push back on it. You think a baby born from a botched abortion should be put down like a dog or a cat . Meghan, let her tell her side, please. Its disgusting. Its infanticide. This is why i need to push back the bill that the senate dems blocked yesterday was to provide medical care for infants who provide failed abortions. Yes. Those babies should be left to i do on the table . Is she going to be able to tell her story. The Democratic Party wants to be the party of infanticide. We got it, we got it. Steve Meghan Mccain said its disgusting. Steve more on that later. President trump wrapping up dinner with kim jong un day one of about to wrap up. Kellyanne is coming up next. Of trelegy 123 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 123, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. Open airways,. Keep them open. Problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Think your copd medicine is doing enough . Maybe you should think again. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy and the power of 123. Trelegy 123 save at trelegy. Com. Think only Specialty Stores have whats new . Olay has this seasons hottest debut. Like new clay stick masks. All mask, no mess. Olay hydrating facial mist. For hydration on the go. And our breakthrough brightening eye cream. Boosted with vitamin c. Get your new beauty fix. Only by olay. [music playing] jerry has a membership to this gym, but hes not using it. And he has subscriptions to a Music Service he doesnt listen to and five streaming Video Services he doesnt watch. This is jerry learning that hes still paying for this stuff hes not using. Hes seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. This is jerry canceling a few things. Booyah. This is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. Oh look, there they are. team member this is wells fargo. To take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Brian President Trump and kim jongun coming facetoface again. I think your country has tremendous economic potential, unlimited. I look forward to watching it happen. Helping it to happen. Chairman kim said to the president he wanted to praise the quote, unquote, courageous decision to begin this dialogue. President trump does things differently. I believes personal diplomacy right away. He breaks the ice. It worked so far. Symbolism of the summit in vietnam, to show north korea a former enemy can make the country so prosperous, it was a brilliant spoke. The president as john bolton said he opened the door. Whether kim jongun wants to walk through it or not. Ainsley President Trump and kim jongun meeting in hanoi right now. Brian two World Leaders working toward as breakthrough they hope in the second is round of highstakes talks in vietnam. Steve he had ed henley is live in hanoi. Are they still having dinner . Reporter they have been having dinner about an hour. They call it a working dinner if they want to get some business done. This is a interesting, crackling start if you will to do days of summit. They took a quick photoop. Tried to project a quick image of coming together and real optimism for the potential of an agreement to denuclearization the Korean Peninsula. Then the two of them sat down for what they call a bilateral meeting for about 20 minutes or so and then you saw that picture of them actually sitting down for dinner, a small group that included secretary of state mike pompeo, the president s staff Mick Mulvaney and president exuded optimism, watch. Well have a big stay tomorrow. Have a quick dinner. A lot of things will be resolved i hope. I think it will lead to wonderful, it will lead to a really wonderful situation longter. Reporter now something to keep an eye on, i mentioned there were a series of meetings. One of the meetings when they were shaking hand as reporter i believe from the associated press, asked the president about Michael Cohens testimony that will begin back in two hours in washington. Whether he wanted to comment on that. The president shook his head. There were other questions raised about north korea. After that, before the dinner were told some of the print reporters were told they would not be allowed into the dinner to potentially ask the president questions. When the photographers heard about that, we wont go in take pictures, if you dont let journalists reporters in there, the Sarah Sanders put out a statement, due the sensitive nature of the meetings we have limited the pool of reporters around the president to a Smaller Group but insured there was representation of both photographers, im told they had one print reporter in this to potentially asked questions. I raised that because we dont know what they mean, Sarah Sanders about sensitive nature. Were there questions that the president and chairman kim did not like aboutnegotiations and they wanted to limit about the journalists or was the president limited about question about Michael Cohen . I raise that, there will be split screen as you talk about all morning to the coverage what is happening here in hanoi as well as in washington. That is something clearly on the white houses radar, guys. Ainsley thank you so much. Those are the first two topics we want to talk to Kellyanne Conway about, counselor to the president. Good morning. Ainsley what did you make of kim jongun, his translator said, it is very courageous, a courageous decision, mr. President , to begin talking with our president to begin this dialogue . That is positive sign that the second meeting between the two men may bear fruit. The president is cautiously optimistic but the goal here is to denuclearization the Korean Peninsula, something other president s failed to do, put an end to 70 years of war in korea and try to thaw relations so were all safer. It was president obama who told president elect trump his number one challenge would be north korea. Rather than ignore it and naively look the other way, this president is engaging chairman kim. Look, the sanctions remain in place. That hasnt changed. Were watching but this president , as you know, is willing to engage with leaders around the world to greater ends. The denuclearization, the verifiable, complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula benefits everyone. Look how transparent they are. Dozen, dozens of press from around the world, in this country. The city seems cleaned out of press. Theyre watching it and covering it. I only hope on issues at hand and didnt fly halfway around the world to ask questions they could have asked here. Steve ed mentioned 10 00 this morning Michael Cohen will appear before the house Oversight Committee. He is doing that now, because shortly he will be going to prison for lying to congress but he does, kellyanne, make all sorts of allegations about the president. Hushmoney, that he told us to lie, break the rules, everything else, we dont know what to believe. I think the president is on the verge of historic talks and negotiations about denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula i dont know how the two are put on same plain and gravity of weight. Many people will split the screen, show two scenes. One is president of the United States, commanderinchief trying to continue conversation about denuclearization. The other is someone who the president spoke very strongly about yesterday, very negatively in a statement through his press secretary Sarah Sanders. I will let that speak for itself. These hearings, nobody is being crossexamined. It is not a court of law. I would note the last time that this person was before congress he admitted that he lied. I think people will see that. But again i dont know that, i do know, this should not be given the same weight. I think what happened here in washington this week that was truly rackable is you had 44 democrats in the senate, 44 United States Senate Democrats, vote for infanticide. I dont want to hear womens health, that they are saying voice for voiceless, standing up for the vulnerable. Well be there to haunt them with this vote every time they talk about womens health. The baby is already born. It has nothing to do with it. They are for infanticide. They are for lateterm abortion, taxpayerfunded abortion, sex selection abortion, dont want another daughter, fine, find out the sex of the baby, terminate it. Guess what, theyre now for postbirth abortion. That is biggest thing that rocked capitol hill this week. The president is absolutely right. That will go down as one of the worse votes in the history of congress. Well be there to remind them of it. Brian Michael Cohen released a 20 page statement he will read. That he knew roger stone was talking with Julian Assange about a wikileak drops of Democratic National committee emails. He listened to it on the speaker phone while roger stone talked about this and warned the president. What is your reaction to that. I was a Campaign Manager never participated in a phone call like that. That is very curious isnt it. The campaign was on entirely different floor. Donald trump, the candidate was flying around the country most days, you saw it. You covered it. Other networks gave him a ton of coverage, covered it. Always curious that the Campaign Manager for success part of the campaign is not privy to any of these conversation, yet people who were not part of the campaign are out there puffing around saying i was doing this, i was doing that i want to make another point i made to the president privately, that is this there were two kinds of people around him particularly the last part of the campaign, and those pretending to be around him last part of the campaign. One were people who knew he could win, said so publicly, cg and me panned few others. Were going to wisconsin, were going to minnesota. Were going to do seven stops. Here are mrs. Trump is going to. Is going to. On and on. People who knew that. Donald trump and mike pence could win the election fairly and squarely without cheating, without cutting corners around people who saw, people who thought i guess that they had to puff around make themselves seem more important no names mentioned. So i think everybody should look at that for what it is. Because brian so interesting, in his remarks he said the president never thought he would win and he told Michael Cohen this is going to be the greatest informercial for my brand and my company. Could imagine. Does that is the candidate you knew . No. Not the candidate i know. Not the president i worked for since day one. And further, Michael Cohen was on tv. Famously in a clip with cnns keeler pushing back when she basically said all the polls show donald trump is not going to win, and he pushed back saying he will win. What polls . He is ahead. He is doing a great job. Mr. Cohen was with the president on the campaign trail a couple of times, one time in cleveland for an africanamerican event actually that gets a lot of coverage in the clips because there are not a lot of other clips from the campaign trail i suppose. So this is somebody who believed, i suppose, believed that President Trump could win. President trump certainly believed he could win. President trump as dealmaker, i will tell you last one on Election Night to see it coming together because he knows you can walk away from the table and egg can fall apart at the last minute. He is cautiously optimistic. He is saw steve kellyanne why is Michael Cohens story so different at this point. You have to ask him that. Tough ask him that. Steve you have to ask him that. Were not in court of law. There is no crossexamination. Brian there are republicans, there are republicans just as upset with him as you are. They will ask the questions. I didnt say i was upset with him one way or the other. I can be confounded, consternation short of frustration, but again i just dont see why this gets the same weight as what the president is trying to do halfway around the world as the president of the United States. That aside i think that we should really reflect on the people who are out there saying i knew this or i knew that or i was part of this, i was part of that. Two of them are facing criminal charges. This was already been convicted. He has been sentenced. Another one facing criminal charges. Remember the president had around him then as he does now people who believed in him as the candidate, as the president. Who dont need, dont need to be, didnt need to be there, dont need to be here but its a shrinking, its a shrinking group that either has survived to this point, has thrived or couldnt, or could get through the door in the first place. We can reflect more on that. But look, remember too that i think the president s statement yesterday is instructive. If the last time youve been before this body you admitted that you lied, then people are going, people are going to know that and see that. Look, i think its a human tragedy whenever somebody goes to jail, i get that in these circumstances but at the same time, folks, dont lie to congress. Mr. Muellers investigation brian kellyanne, he is trying to take the president with him. Guess what . He cant. He cant. Brian a cheat and a con man. He cant. Meet yaw try to do it every single day, ladies and gentlemen, where are they . This president continues to thrive. The 2020 field looks absolutely ridiculous. Theyre for infanticide, for medicare for all, means less medicare for seniors, socialized medicine. Bernie sanders wont tell maduro to go. And our Vice President went down to the lima group, said maduro has got to go. Wee support mr. Guide dough as president. The Opposition Party, this gentleman is part of it now, the Opposition Party is failing and flailing because they cant beat this president on the issues. He will not be able to take down the president with him. I know hose who were skeptical of him before will give him a heros welcome today. It is besides the point. How is it relevant . How is it relevant to what the president is trying to do in north korea. Steve to larger point whatever he is going to say today, he already told mr. Mueller. Let me Say Something about the Mueller Investigation just quickly. Oh, he has got this, he has got that, folks dont lie to congress. If you lie to congress, lie to investigators ainsley we dont know which Michael Cohen to believe. Not just him, ainsley, in fairness to the Mueller Investigation, other people lied, theyre getting ensnared. Folks, mom, grandma, were right. Dont lie. Ainsley we want to talk about the National Emergency declaration. The house voted yes, no surprise, the democrats are not for this, they dont want the president to get the money, what shocked me 13 republicans voted to block the National Emergency, 13 decided with the democrats. What are your thoughts . Fine. It is still vetoproof, are there are not enough votes to actually overcome president ial veto. Ainsley why would the republican party, why are they not united like the democrats. 13 defections . Doesnt mean theyre not united. Look what unites the democrats. Theyre united on infanticide. Is that what unity compels, im not sure we want toe to be unified on every issue such as that. On this one number are concerned about the precedent. They should not lose sight of the fact why the president did this. One, the president s first solemn duty to keep us safe and secure on that border. It has not been done over any number of years. He is listening to the Border Patrol agents and dhs around i. C. E. Folks that tell him what to do. President is waiting for congress to do its job. It failed to do its job to secure the border and fade to do its job for decades. Brian that includes a Republican House. That include as Republican House. Brian, no question the Republican House failed, and they failed, they failed us in securing border and failed on promise to him he would get the money for the wall. They completely lied about that. Steve exit question, joe biden at the biden center of university of delaware, sounds like he is really close deciding whether or not he gets in. Ainsley his family wants it. Steve what do you think . Did he get round of applause at biden center in his home state, wow. 50 state strategy must be close by. I cant blame Vice President biden for wanting to run, he will have to be held to account for the obamabiden economy. The obamabiden Foreign Policy, National Security failures. The obamabiden appropriation of our Nations Health care where nine years after obamacare bide care was passed, 28 million americans stilt dont have care. He will have to be held account while he is Vice President and be asked about that im sure he looks at field, unimpressive large field, albeit large field of 2020 candidates thinks i should jump in there. You saw Bernie Sanders raised over 6 million in the first day after he announced. I guess there is market for septgenarians who want to run for president. Are you sure president obama and clintons are going to endorse you . Are you sure youre going in there with a strong hand, distinction against the rest of field . This is part looking for fresh and knew as they did in 2008 when they denied Hillary Clinton the nomination. She looked even less fresh and less new. Brian that is good point, the Obama Administration told biden not to run. We also know that the obama team met with beto orourke. The central question for joe biden is, do you have the president you served endorsement to run for president . I think that is the essential question he should be asked. Looks like he wants to run against trump the way everybody es does, his tone, his tweets, not going to work, folks. Media tried every day. There he is sitting pretty for reelection. Brian gotcha. Kellyanne conway. Thanks so much. Thank you. Ainsley jillian has headlines. Jillian good morning to you, start off with a fox news alert. A Police Officer shot in the line of duty has died. Sergeant steve hinge gel, sent 27 years with the Sullivan County sheriffs office. The sergeant was responding to a welfare check saturday when he was shot. The suspect shot and killed himself. Sergeant hinkle is the ninth officer shot and killed in the line of duty this year. Pakistan shot down two indian warplanes and captures the two pilots. It happened in disputed territory after pakistan said the planes cross into their airspace. Escalation comes after pakistan says indian troops fired more tar shells killing six people. Some commercial flights are suspended. The Prime Minister of pakistan is calling for a sitdown with the indian president. A zookeeper is rushed to the hospital after being hit by a rhinos horn. Officials say it happened during a Training Exercise at the Jacksonville Zoo and gardens in florida. Archie the rhino somehow made contact with the zookeeper but her injuries are unknown. The zoo is says the worker doing well and an investigation is underway. In case youre wondering there is only one kim jongun in vietnam today. A man who impersonates the north korean dictator was deported from hanoi. He reportedly had invalid visa from native hong kong. The impersonator and fake President Trump were questioned by Police Last Week after staging a fake summit. He does look pretty similar though. Brian you know youre in a communist country when they throw you out of the country because you look like somebody. Ainsley they dont want to make kim jongun mad. We know what happens when he gets mad see steve he didnt have papers. Always something. Jillian, thank you. Brian 19 minutes after the hour. Our next guest voted to President Trumps National Emergency in place. Congressman dan crenshaw a former navy seal, says the situation at the border will only get bores. He joins us live. Steve a democratic donor facing Big Questions after two people were found dead in his apartment a new lawsuit from a victims family coming up. Well, you have to start planning as early as possible. We all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. I dont have a whole lot saved up, but im working on it now. I will do whatever i need to do. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. Choosing a Health Care Provider doesnt have to be. Molly thats why i choose a Nurse Practitioner for my familys primary care. David my np is accessible and takes the time to listen. I love my np. Molly our np orders tests, makes the correct diagnoses and prescribes the medications we need. 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There are two new leaders willing to talk and sit down to discuss the future that hasnt happened before. It is usually done by professional negotiators. Right now it is being done by heads of so that a good move. Were seeing talks between the north and south on their own. President trump is doing the second summit with kim jongun. Were hopeful where it goes. We can be cautiously optimistic but hopeful as well. Steve what do you make of it, congressman that the democrats in House Oversight judiciary, and i believe tomorrow scheduled Michael Cohen hearings in public, behind closed doors exactly when president is there where the president is trying to do something about the Nuclear Threat of north korea . It shouldnt be a surprise that democrats will do whatever it takes to undermine the credibility of the president. I would urge them to understand this is not the time to do it. As americans, we should all be happy there is some movement on the north korean issue. That is an existential threat to our allies and our own shores as we know. The North Koreans have been developing missiles that can reach american shorelines. So this should be a good thing. And i wish they wouldnt be playing politics right now. Ainsley dan, being from texas we talk to but the numbers of apprehensions down at the border and if you read some media outlets, some newspapers, some television stations theyre using the full numbers from 2017 because those are the last numbers that we got for a full year. But, we have some other, theyre saying apprehensions are down, way down, because theyre looking at those numbers. If you look at these numbers, update from october 2017 to 2018, and look at october 2018 to january 2019, apprehensions doubled. The media is going back to 2017, using those numbers because it works for their narrative. Even then it really doesnt work for their narrative. Lets use 300,000 as a number for 2017. As you know it is about 400,000 for 2018. Last couple months, 60,000 a month, up 85 from this time last year. For the sake of argument, lets use their numbers, 300,000 is that a low number . I dont think anyone would agree that is low number. That is an enormous number. 300,000 people coming across unimpeded. If there are places with border fencing those numbers dropped significantly. We know one, we have enormous problem and two, walls work. So lets support the president s Emergency Declaration. Steve i havent seen beto orourke for a couple days. Is he at the southern border taking down the wall . He said that a week or so ago. He doesnt have the legal authority. I am glad i was able to get at that question across to him, see what the truth is what a lot of democrats believe, which is an open border agenda. Steve you used 300,000 number it is not a crisis. The National Emergency yesterday, the house passed that resolution of disapproval trying to undo what the president is doing. Yes, they did. You know, i voted against that and heres why, this vote was effectively about whether or not this is an emergency. That was essentially the question being asked during this vote. Okay, i was just down at the border the last couple weeks. It is definitely an emergency. When i was there, there was at least 1000 apprehensions in one day. A lot of these are children being dragged across the border. So that absolutely constitutes a crisis, and an emergency. Has it been an emergency for a long time . Yes. That was effectively the question. The other question was legality of it. I think the president is actually on pretty good legal footing here not just because of statute, given to him about it National Emergency act also what the constitution says. The constitution says youre supposed to faithfully execute the law. According to u. S. Code 1325 it is illegal to cross the border. It is up to the executive branch to enforce that law. Ainsley congressman crenshaw, thank you so much for being on with husband. Thank you for having me. Steve another busy day. Ainsley a College Professor sparking outrage after saying police need to be killed. The response from the school next. Steve we are awaiting President Trumps departure in vietnam as he wraps up his dinner with kim jongun. We got reaction from bill hemmer, live in hanoi coming up next. I work hard to protect this tookus. To take care of any messy situations. And put irritation in its place. And if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Itin 30,000 precision parts. Or it isnt. Its inspected by mercedesbenz factorytrained technicians. Or it isnt. Its backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned, or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event. 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They had some light dinner. Ainsley the schedule, they were supposed to leave at 8 35 the motorcade is to depart. Steve which is right now. Ainsley the president is very optimist i can about the second round of highstakes talks, says hopes to make a lot of progress. Steve the north Korean Leader calling the president s decision to have a second summit, quote, a courageous political discussion. Lets bring in bill hemmer. He is the host of americas newsroom. You will see him from hanoi in 25 minutes. He is here now. Hi, guys. Steve we dont know what progress theyre making behind closed doors. Nonetheless the president did say, he sounded if he was very optimistic about getting Something Wonderful long term. So maybe by the end of business tomorrow, we wont quite be there . Yeah, i think you guys know by this time tomorrow clearly what has been achieved here, what has not been achieved. There is a lot of speculation and possibility as you mentioned, steve, well have to wait and see on this. That is a bit cautionary, we do not know what comes of this. So our viewers know, you mentioned the dinner is wrapping up, that is what we believe is happening. After that the preside returns to the hotel here just across town. They will bed down for the night, maybe they watch this cohen testimony, maybe he does not. There are speculation whether he might pull allnighter here in hanoi. Well wait on that as well. One side note i think is critical, part of the reason why he is here in hanoi, the vietnamese want to show chairman kim what his country could be and President Trump wants to show chairman kim what his country could be economically. This place is booming. Chairman kim was supposed to go on the industrial sites, one of the Economic Zones in vietnam, where you see a ton of foreign money come in here, helping fuel this economy, he stayed back in his hotel. I dont know what that means but something i took note of a bit earlier today. Brian that does tell a lot. Lets go to the other big story youre going to be covering with sandra smith at the top of the hour. That is Michael Cohens testimony at 10 00. He will get five minutes per lawmaker. We have his opening statement. Here is a quick excerpt. He is saying it this, i lied to mr. Congress about when mr. Trump stopped negotiating with the moscow tower project in russia. I stated we stopped negotiating in january 2016. That was false. Our negotiations continued for months later during the campaign. Mr. Trump did not directly tell me to lie to congress. That is how he operates. He talks about looks an nods. He always said, also wept on to say the campaign for president , he never thought he was going to win. It was supposed to be a big infomercial for his company. Yeah. I read through it, brian, as you have as well. It is highly defamatory. It is 20 pages in length. I think republicans hang on to the following paragraph on page 16. It reads, questions have been raised whether i have direct evidence mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with russia, Michael Cohen is prepared to say. I do not. I want to be clear but i have my suspicions, end quote. Highly defamatory. We can debate whats legal and illegal throughout the coming days but thats part of what cohen is about to ask here. Democrats however, they have set this up in a way, and i, wasnt too long ago, guys, you know the commanderinchief out of the country, stops at waters edge. We are far removed from those days. Rokan a democrat from california, what he expects to get from this. Why dont you hold off for seven days, two days, wait for the weekend . Steve bill hemmer will be here on the channel. Brian see you then, guys. Kind of amazing too, another network has a countdown clock, not to kim jonguns dinner and negotiations with world peace at stake but to Michael Cohens testimony. Ainsley the care about Michael Cohens suspicions . This is a convicted liar . Do they care about suspicions or proof . Steve excellent questions. Stay tuned for that. You will see it live on the channel 10 00 eastern time. Jillian joins from us the mezzanine level with some fox news alerts. Jillian following a number of stories. Lots happening today. Three people are dead after a truck is hit by two con on coming trains going opposite directions. Passengers left in shock on long island, new york. I knew something was wrong. We were in a panic. I felt a jerk. The train car shook very hard. I felt another jerk. A really big. Saw fire on the track. Ainsley investigators think the driver was trying to beat the trains as the crossing gates came down. One train derailed and crashed. No passengers on the train were seriously hurt. Everyone inside of the truck was killed. A democratic megadonor is sued after two men died inside of his home. The family of jamil moore filing a wrongful death lawsuit against ed buck and l. A. County district attorney. His death was ruled accidental overdose in 2016. Bucks lawyers are vowing to fight the allegations. A second man, timothy dean, died from an overdose at bucks home last month. Activists are calling for his arrest. Ucdavis is condemning a prophotographer for slamming police. Joshua clovers quotes and tweets, recently published in studentrun newspaper, one, people think cops need to be reformed. They need to be killed. Ucdavis says quote, it does not reflect our institutional values, we find it unconscionable anyone would condone or much less appear to advocate murder. A High School Student rip as trump 2020 flag from a classmate. Hits the maga hat off his head. School leaders in oklahoma acknowledged the video say the aggressor violated School Policy he is facing an assault and battery summons. Two students will start a meditation process. Those are headlines. Ainsley looks like he might be a hall monitor. Brian an 80yearold got hit in a store for wearing that hat. Unbelievable. Ainsley President Trump about to leave the first day of meetings with kim jongun in vietnam. Our panel is back with her thoughts on the summit day one coming up. Brian reaction from congressman mark meadows. He is on the Oversight Committee. He will get a chance to question Michael Cohen today. What will he say . Well find out. By over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. The best simple salad ever . D great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. We see two travelers so at a comfort innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com brian youre looking at video of Michael Cohen not yesterday because he was on capitol hill yesterday but today. He will be out in public from 10 00 on in front of the house Oversight Committee. Tomorrow he is in front of another house committee. That closes out three intense days where he is says he is cleansing his soul, my words, essentially because he worked for President Trump for the last 10 years. In 20page statement has been released to media, we know his chief complaint about the president and what he shays happens behind the scenes. Joining us now to discuss that and more, a man on the Oversight Committee who will have five minutes to question Michael Cohen, mark meadows. Among the things they said, congressman, the president reimbursed Michael Cohen for paying off stormy daniels. He talked about the president being a racist, a con man and a cheat. Youre reaction. Well i think you will see today that the only person without credibility that will be on capitol hill will be Michael Cohen. A lot of this information that he has put in his opening statement, honestly is not borne out with the real evidence to support it. Now he claims he has got evidence of a check and all that, in terms of payments, but, those are actually payments, part of a retainer that the president didnt have foreknowledge of. We already knew about that from the Southern District of new york, yet, here we are, hearing these unbelievable claims by Michael Cohen about the president being racist. Now listen, i can tell you, i have talked to the president over 300 times on the phone, in person. Not one time has there ever been a racist comment. Well have evidence today to contradict those claims as well. Brian you also says he was there when he put on speaker phone roger stone. When he said i just talked to Julian Assange from wikileaks. There will be a major dump in matter of days and there was, document dump. Your reaction . Well that is laughable. Zoo were going to go on the word of Michael Cohen, who not only has lied to congress, but lied to financial institutions, lied to the irs, lied to the list Business Associates and continues to lie to this day but more importantly than that, our intelligencegathering information, do you think Julian Assange was not actually monitored on every single phone call he makes . We know all about what he has done or hasnt done. We dont have to rely on Michael Cohen. All of this is political theater i dont put much stock in. Brian do you believe that the president did not want to win, did not think he was going to win and was using the campaign as a big infomercial for his brand . That is also alleged by Michael Cohen . I can tell you i was on the plane with President Trump who was then candidate trump, i can tell you this is not a man who wants to ever lose. It was not an infomercial. He spent, morning, noon, night, campaigning harder than anybody else. To suggest he didnt want to win is just not credible. Brian lastly, he said don, jr. , the president said to the Michael Cohen has worst judgment of anyone he knows but would never make a decision having trump tower meeting without President Trump knowing. Mark, you know the president , does he ever complain about his older son . No. He is very proud of his children and he has every right to be. I have talked to the president a number of times. When no cameras are around, no one else is listening, and private comes from this president about his family is remarkable, certainly not consistent with what i have heard coming out of this testimony from Michael Cohen. Brian mark, will be a big day. Big five minutes. People will be watching, he should Pay Attention to what is happening in north korea. That will be splitting the screen today. Definitely intention of democrats to do that. Without a doubt. Brian thanks for being flexible. A lot of breaking news. Thank you, good to be with you. Brian as we finish up in the last 12 minutes, President Trump about to leave from his first day of meetings with kim jongun after having octopus and stuffed cucumber. Our panel is back with their thoughts on summit 2. 0, day one. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. Having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. Learn more at retire your risk dot org. Wed love some help with laundry. Heres how you do it. Spray and scrub anything with a stain. Soak your nasty jersey. It stinks wash the really dirty clothes separately. Remember hard work builds character new tide pods with upgraded 4in1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step. Aww, you did the laundry but you didnt fold it. Oh, that wasnt in the note. Should have sent a text. 1 stain and odor fighter, 1 trusted. Its got to be tide. Its got to be tide. Ythen you turn 40 ande everything goes. 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I think, you know the administration has said that theyre aiming for an agreed definition of denuclearization. They want a road map to get to go that. And hopefully a freeze on north korean efforts to continue enhancing their Proliferation Program they have done since the summit. Those are small, realistic goals. Would be a good step. Steve david, we heard chairman kim say he has high hopes for the talks, a little bit of video we saw but you thought that he looked a little nervous. I thought he seemed a bit overwhelmed by the moment. He looked much more nervous than he did at the first summit. I thought the video of the dinner looked a little awkward, like a bunch of people got stuck at one table at a wedding because they didnt have dates. Steve maybe it is awkward because wait a minute this, is octopus again . Theyre just exchanging niceties right now. They havent got into the details of real negotiation. Well see what happens. I think President Trump, the real goal for him has to be to get beyond the niceties. We know they like each other. We know they can say nice things about each other. That set is the table for real discussions. Can he get some concrete concessions from north korea about denuclearization, perhaps getting rid of the Nuclear Enrichment facility is. Will he let in inspectors to make sure that is happening . That would be huge success. Morgan before the president even showed up they had already figured out some things at the end they would be able to say, look what we did, we did, we did that. Do you think there could be something beyond that just based on their personal relationship . The things were watching in the Foreign Policy community, is there any sort of sanctions relief . Right now the president said he will keep sanctions but is there loosening of sanctions so that the South Koreans and North Koreans can do more economic projects together . The South Koreans are certainly for that. The other big thing were watching for, is there going to be a peace deal . Is there going to be an official end to this war . Something that kim jongun would like. Those would be, if we have any headline news, i think it would come out of those two things. The status quo that the president inherited as it relates to north korea was untenable. You cant have two Nuclear Powers threatening each other the way we did in 2017. So this is the art of diplomacy. Takes time. Steve no kidding. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks. Steve well the president is still there. Will leave in the next four minutes . Stay tuned. We can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. With pronamel repair, more minerals are able to enter deep into the enamel surface. The fact that you have an opportunity to repair whats already been damaged, its amazing. I think my goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. In the after the show, show, youll see more of the panel and the president has left the building. Hes heading for the hotel. We start at 5 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning. See you then. Bill great show, guys. Good morning everybody. Fox news alert two breaking stories at the hour. The world is watching as were watching in explosive day of testimony from Michael Cohen. 9 00 in the evening in hanoi, vietnam. Good morning to you in new york. Sandra im sandra smith. Cohen is expected to call his former boss a racist and conman and cheat

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