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To be great again and he its not a slogan or suggestion. From the hills of missouri to the big sky of montana, from the coal mines of West Virginia. Indiana, we are going to win, win, win, and not stop winning. Im top of the world im top of the world steve crossroads of the world, today, ladies and gentlemen, is the day you have been waiting for this for two years, november 6th, 2018. It is the Midterm Election day. And midterms that could go down as you approach the set here after the 48th and sixth avenue in history. Ainsley voters now making a choice that could reshape the future of our entire country. The balance of power is at stake. Brian we are tracking all the critical races live from fox square across america. This is where we will be getting our mail throughout the day. This is our new location. Steve this is a professional set. Brian its wonderful. Ainsley wonderful right here between 47th and 48th on sixth avenue. Reporting everything thats happening today as far as the election is concerned. Steve all across the country, we will be weighing in with people. We have pete hegseth this morning in fort worth, texas. We have Griff Jenkins in lakewood, florida. Todd piro is in lebanon, new jersey. We will be checking in with them throughout the morning to talk about Midterm Election day 2018 as they talk to the people. Forget about the polsters. We are going to talk to the people. Ainsley the voters are heading to the polls this morning. Some of the polls opening at 6 00 a. M. Live across the country like you said. We have been anticipating this for a long time. Democrats have been anticipating this for two years. Theyre getting out to vote. Record numbers shown up at the polls so far. Brian especially in florida and especially in texas. The polls are open in nine states, including vermont, indiana, kentucky, virginia, connecticut, new hampshire, new jersey, and new york. And a place like montana doesnt really matter, 80 of the people mail in their ballot. To see the. Steve president last night sprint to the finish. He left the stage at 11 45. Why was he out everywhere . Making his final pitch, the Closing Argument, why people should vote for the republicans today. We have accomplished more than anyone could have ever imagined. We have created 4. 5 million new jobs. Weve got to stop cryin Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. [crowd boos] from erasing everything that we have gained. If the radical democrats take power, they will take a wrecking ball to our economy. They have been on a shameless campaign to obstruct, resist, demolish, defame and destroy. But you can stop them with your votes. If you want more caravans. If you want more crime vote democrat. If you want strong borders and safe communities, no drugs no, caravans, vote republican. There is an electricity like people have not seen since a date, 2016, november. Were putting america first. Its very simple. Putting america first. America first. [chanting u. S. A. ] brian i watched the president last night and we have seen a lot of these rallies. Something happened about three weeks ago. The passion at these rallies is through the roof. We expected the big crowd size. The numbers are off the charts. But, when they come, they are so determined. And what i think, in my humble opinion, is when the attacks came up on the president , instead of the president losing support. His supporters doubled down. Its almost as if the unfair attacks, as they view it, on him, made them sty themselves now i believe in him even more. That explains the passion. Now, how will that translate down the ticket with people maybe not invited to those rallies and why josh hawley didnt stay last night for the missouri rally is beyond me. What could he have been doing that was so important . Steve i think the trump supporter has been energized all along, his administration there have been ebbs and flows in the Mainstream Media. But, his followers, for the most part. His core audience has been steadfast. And, you know, you have seen it all across the country. He said yesterday the midterms used to be boring. Now its the hottest thing around. Unbelievable when you look at those numbers how many people have voted. Down at the university of florida. He tracks that 45 of the eligible voters will vote this year. 5 is unbelievable. More than or about 16 million more have already voted. Than 2014. Brian i voted on saturday. Steve the cover of the New York Post said what, me worry about the blue wave . The dems predict blue wave but dones confident. Dems dream of a midterm miracle. Trump pushes divide and conquer according to the daily news. Both delivered right tout door today. Ainsley this is truly all about the issues. The republicans and democrats in some states are so close neck in neck. The issues they support are so different. Brian i agree with you. You have the charisma of Andrew Gillum and john james. Look what Andrew Gillum wants to do people of florida have been experiencing and john james purple orably to go red. What he has done on the stump so impressive. Can you win it by pure force . What about the governor of georgia race. Need over 50 or most likely looking at the runoff with just the two. Brian kemp and Stacey Abrams could not be more different in where they want to take georgia. The other thing is, if republicans are saying to themselves if they do suffer a loss in georgia or florida, its almost like, okay now go ahead and do it. See what happens in twos years. If your performance matches the performance we delivered for two years then you will receive reformation in 2020. Steve down in georgia they are predicting its going to go to a runoff because neither abrams or the challenger is going to get 50 . Meanwhile, if you were watching any of the Mainstream Media or reading the papers, does it sound like they have got a team they want to win . You be the judge. Watch. But the core of the president s Closing Argument is not hope. Its fear. Dark warnings about illegal immigration. Biggest Terror Threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right. This president has radicalized so many more people than isis. I think the president has far more supporters who espouse an equally hateful ideology. Stakes are huge, if democrats win the house they gain control of committees and subpoena power. The ability to investigate President Trump. Voters with a clear choice to either celebrate or reject the trump agenda. Steve so the big question is, as you look at the medias midterm message and you be the judge, let us know what you think, friends foxnews. Com or facebook or twitter. The polsters as of last night, cnn had a poll out, looked at the socalled generic ballot and showed that the democrats were 13 points ahead. That would suggest that the democrats will take the house and maybe the senate, some have suggested. But, in the final Politico Morning Consult poll the generic ballot is 3 points apart. Either 13 points apart or 3 points apart. Somebody is wrong here. Brian i think cnn came out with outlier. Also had the president s Approval Rating at 39 did. They just poll don lemon and chris cuomo. Im not sure who else they did. The cook report says the house could go between 20 and 40 seat difference. Ainsley statistic to prove everything. 70 of america knows that. Steve larry sabato predicted the democrats could pick up 23. This is the caveat. He said anything is possible. Brian make a prediction and hold to it. Ainsley always fun. Like reading your horoscope. You really dont believe it. Its kind of fun every now and then. Steve speaking of fun ainsley so cool to watch the rallies last night. The president ended in Cape Girardeau, missouri, thats the home of Rush Limbaugh. He is so loved by america. So many people listen to him on the radio and think is he phenomenal. When he went home, those were the people where he got his start. The crowd went crazy. He took the stage and spoke. He said to the audience, you know what . This president is in d. C. He has not forgotten middle america. And he had a message for the Mainstream Media. Dont dismiss the trump voter. Listen to what he said on stage yesterday. You realize there isnt a sings gel elected official in either party who could do what this is tonight. They are jealous. They are envious. This isnt supposed to happen. You people are supposed to love them, not trump. And the people in washington really havent taken the time understand why you voted for trump. They just think you are stupid for doing so. There is so much to learn about why you have. There is so much to learn about the potential greatness for america to learn why youre here. Why you support trump. Donald trump wants america to be great again and its not a slogan. Its an objective. Brian you know, its interesting. He came out and he said he first came down the escalator and listened to what he had to say thats over. The more i saw him and the crowds and the movement. Look out for this guy. Now obviously he is all on board. Ainsley you made a biggerrer a moment ago i would like to correct you. Home the david limbaugh, too. Steve the entire limbaugh family. Ainsley and kristin works here. Steve busy midterm 2018 election day. Thanks for joining us. Jillian mele is outside where its drizzle ling. Jillian yes, it is. Ainsley, how dare you make that error. My goodness. Ainsley i make mistakes constantly so it wont be the last time. Jillian dont we all. Headlines we are following. A fallen American Hero finally home, major Brent Taylors remains arriving in delaware an hour ago. Shot and killed in afghanistan while on leave from north ogden, utah. Reflecting on elections and importance of voting. Taylors seventh grade teacher said he always loved politics. I will miss him a great deal. I will never get over him. I will never forget him. When i do vote, its going to mean Something Special to me. Its like this one is for you, brent. Jillian major taylor leaves behind a wife and seven children a go fund me account for them has raised more than 362,000. You can help. You can head to foxandfriends. Com. Yesterday that number was about 211 when we started the show. The Justice Department wants the Supreme Court to rule on daca immediately. Its asking the justices to died this term whether or not the Trump Administration decision to end the program is legal. Be able to bypass Lower Appeals Court to take up the issue. Daca Obama Era Program children from being deported. How about this a touching moment at the president s rally in missouri. The crowd singing to support a woman after she collapsed on the floor. But now i am found. The president put the rally on hold as the crowd sang Amazing Grace and the lords prayer. The womans condition this morning is unclear. But a very touching moment for a lot of people were there. Brian they shut it down for about six minutes afterwards. Great job, jillian. President trump giving our next guest the boost as he tries to unseat joe donnelly. Republican Senate Candidate mike braun, the businessman, wants to become a senator u hes up next. I am titanium shoot me down but i wont fall i am titanium till here . Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. So, that means no breakfast . Voya. 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While deep cleaning carpets, the added soft brush roll picks up large particles, gives floors a polished look, and fearlessly devours piles. Duo clean technology, corded and cordfree. And fearlessly devours piles. There are so many toothpastes out there which one should i use . Choose one that takes care of your gums and enamel. Crest gum enamel repair cleans below the gum line and helps repair weakened enamel. Gum enamel repair, from crest. That grandpas nose i canis performing flight of the bumblebee . No, you goof. I cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Nice. I know, right . [nose plays a jazzy saxophone tune] believe it. Geico could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. Tomorrow the people of indiana are going to send mike braun to the u. S. Senate to keep americas economic boom surging full speed ahead. Steve there President Trump making a final push for Indiana Republican Senate Candidate mike braun who is locked in a tight race with democrat incumbent joe donnelly. Brian real tight. G. O. P. Senate candidate and indiana representative joe brawn joins us now. Mike, what are your thoughts today as you zero in on this is the day . You had the president come yesterday. What are your feelings about turnout is going to be . The turnout is going to be great. I have been doing this for almost 15 months and started very low in the whole scheme of things. The president has been in four times. Indiana is an important state. Everything i can feel out there from even some of the blue counties, the few that we have in this state, energized. We were up in lake county over the weekend. Standing room only crowds. And folks are still excited about what happened in 16 and with kavanaugh and the caravan and other things with democrats. Were going to have a big turnout. Steve it really comes down to the outsider, you, versus the insider, mr. Donnelly, who, as you know says that he votes with President Trump 62 of the time. All along my edge in this whole effort has been im from the real world. The fact that somebody like myself comes from that place here in indiana makes a big difference. I think they see the similarities with what trump did back in 2016. And joe donnelly votes lock step on the posh stuff with you Chuck Schumer and the liberals. Ainsley mike, for the folks on the fence that havent made a decision yet, what sets you apart from joe donnelly . The fact that im an independent thinker. I have done things in the real world. Joe, like many folks there, i signed a term limits pledge. I believe if we had that we would have a better quality individual that goes to the into the and the house. You are going to get action out of me. If you like the agenda of where we are trying to fix things, the President Trump started, im going to be there. So, get out and vote. Its going to be a tight race. We need your help. Brian indiana won by 20 points for the president. On almost every issue you are on the same page as the. We will see what happens. We reached out to Joe Donnellys house the sitting senator he declined the interview. Mike braun, thanks. Steve hoping to take back the house, Political Panel is here for a discussion coming up next. There they are. Good morning. electronic dance music i think it will fit. Want a performance car that actually fits your life . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge st. Capability meets power. In the first suv from the Ford Performance team. The new 2019 ford edge st. [ready forngs ] christmas . No, its way too early to be annoyed by christmas. You just need some holiday spirit thats it this feud just went mobile. With xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. And with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. Youre about to find out you dont even know where i live. Hello see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. Brian polls opening and opened moments ago in indiana vitally important to the outcome of this race. Voters there decide ago Key Senate Race today between mike braun who we just spoke to and joe donnelly. A four affiliate in indianapolis live at the polling place as voters start casting their ballots. Colby, do they realize out importance there in indiana. They certainly do. They are expecting large numbers out here in indiana today. We are at Election Service center in indianapolis where it is like game day. Volunteers started of pouring in before 3 30 this morning. A lot of them had little to no sleep. They expect those large numbers if its based on the early voting. Ballot numbers surpassed that of 2016. May be because of hotly senate race between incumbent joe donnelly, mike braun and of course lucy brenson. President trump himself has taken an interest in this race, visiting indiana twice in the last four days to rally support for brawn. And 2014 republican flipped nine seats in the senate. Joe donnelly continued his indiana centric message and voters have about 11 and a half hours or a little more to get out here to the polls because they wrap and end at 6 00 tonight. Brian thanks, kobe so much. The day to decide the balance of power is here and for democrats the stakes for this race and the future of their party could not be higher. Here to discuss it and break it all down is our power panel themselves. They have gotten to know each other and really bonded. Mollie hemingway to my right. Senior editor at the federalist and fox news contributor. Cant wait to get back to washington. Robert wolf ceo of 32 advisors and fox news contributor. And James Freeman assistant editorial page. Fox news contributor. Works in the building. I will not pay for your subway. So, first off, mollie, with you. Whats at stake for democrats if they dont come out with at least a chamber in this . Yeah. If you just go by history, what democrats should expect to get tonight is 28 seats. Which is more than enough to take control. Brian 23. Thats the baseline that they should expect. They could have a much better night than that or actually not even achieve that and we wont know until tonight. But thats what everyone should kind of expect because thats the average if you look at all races that have been held in the first midterm after world war ii. An average of 28 seat losses. There is already such a narrow divide there that democrats shouldnt have to do that much to take the chamber. Brian the controversy around this brand new president from the travel ban to amazing he has 46 approval and still battling for both chambers. Whats amazing is how the republicans are not talking about the economy which would have been their best policy to discuss instead of birth right and caravan. If we get 24 seats that will be a good day for the democrats. What were not speaking about are the governorships. I think thats going to be the surprise of the day. I think the dems could get somewhere between minimum 6 and possibly up to 12 governorships which will change, brian, 020 more than anything. Brian georgia, florida you think will both go to the dems, why . Those will be the toughest ones but have you wisconsin, illinois, michigan, ohio. Brian walker seems to always win. James, in particular, for the democrats, there is a reason why the republicans didnt talk about the economy. The theory is, if its bad, its an issue. If its good people take it for granted. There is a loft conventional wisdom about that. I think people do notice though how good this economy has been. We talked about Capital Spending boom. Wages going up. People notice that even though polls say people dont realize they got a tax cut. They also show people understand the economy is good and they give the president credit for it. Brian one thing that scares me as an american is a big push on the left to go more to socialist behavior. Mark warner one people labeled him a moderate. He came out and denounced capitalism. He says, Mollie Hemingway that its not working. Current form of american capitalism, not working for everybody, something actually kind of comfy about what he was saying. We have had capitalism that has been very good for wealthy people. Whats good about this economy is actually starting to trickle down to average workers. You are seeing a huge uptick in labor force participation. Wage increases. Actually mark warner remains a moderate in his party. Biggest concern all the people on the left who openly advocate capitalism and advocate socialism. Brian give everyone money for just being born and start medicaid slash medicare for all. I would not consider myself a populist left, im probably more center left. The truth is i think healthcare is a right. We need to fix the system. Im not sure that single pair will ever work in this country. But that being said, we need to make sure that preexisting conditions are taken care of. Its interesting that all of a sudden these people who voted against it on the republican side are now coming back towards the left and saying no, we support it. I dont think you can have a mulligan. Brian james, real quick, 20 seconds . Democrats need to update their talking points. There are more Jobs Available than ever. Capitalism is working under this president. This election is basically a referendum on that. Brian just the wages are going up can you no longer say its a tax cut for the rich when everyone seems to be coming up big time. I would like to thank my Prestigious Panel for coming here and wearing your coats. You work as well outdoors as indoors. One reporter talked trash about a war veteran and Senate Candidate john james. The only problem she forgot to hang up the phone. Man, if he beats her, jesus. [bleep] john james. Brian he was late for the interview so she left that on his interview. Pete pete hegseth is in texas without a blazer. I gave him one. Griff jenkins is in florida having breakfast with friends. We will not let griff go home. We will check with him next these are the days of america walking together to the promise land and i found out that ima from the big toe alian. Of that sexy italian boot so this Holiday Season its ancestrydna per tutti order your kit now at ancestry. Com at afor the financialts time world to stop acting the same old way. You need a partner that is willing to break free from conventional thinking. We are a different kind of financial company. 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We really pride ourselves ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace prototype brian thats what it looks like on the outside. We are basically on the outside. Loving every second of it. Ainsley we are underneath that square area. Were at fox square right here on sixth avenue. President trump rallying thousands in a lastminute push last night. Midterm push to control capitol hill in the its in the hands of the voters, yall. Steve more polls are opening here at 6 30 in ohio, north carolina, and West Virginia, bringing the total to a dozen coast to coast. We have live Fox Team Coverage getting reaction from voters. Griff jenkins is in lakeland, florida. First we kick things off with pancake pete hegseth with voters at the only south pancake house. Brian he does not like that nickname. Pete no, im okay with it. I embrace it. You guys give me that name with love and i appreciate it we are at the old south pancake house in fort worth, texas. We are talking to folks and voters. Because their Voice Matters more than anything else especially on election day. Jacob, you havent been to bed because you are a bartender. You were up all night and saw that we were at the diner. The cruz orourke race has gotten a lot of attention. Break it down as a texas voter for us. I think that cruz is, you know, i think he has done a really great job so far. I think those trying to get some voters with some, you know, not really great means by playing up his heritage in different ways. I think he i dont think he is going to win. I think texas is going to stay red. Pete you think it will stay red. I think it will stay red. Pete whats the issue thats an mating you and voter around the state. Immigration. The Migrant Caravan im very passionate about that. I think cruz is going to do good instead of beto because he supports open borders and i dont support that. Pete here in this state, even those issues, they are very prominent in texas like they are nationally. Sarah, a lot of people speculating is this race really as close as some in the National Media want to portray it . Its really not close. To be totally honest the media has joined together to make this National Campaign to essentially fool people and misrepresent the reality of the situation. They want to create a selffulfilling prophecy by making beto seem more popular than he is. Is he totally out of the mainstream of not only texas values but american values. We dont want an open border. We dont want, i mean all his policies are so wild and radical. The only Senate Candidate to come out in favor of impeachment. Pete we are hearing from a lot of voters you dont want texas to turn into california. People say going you vote for a guy like beto orourke you will get more of that sarah and jacob, thank you for your time. Now talk to roger. You are pouring concrete and saw our show. You run a small business. How is business in texas. Business is booming. We turn it away. You cant man all the jobs. Pete what do you credit it to . I think its donald trump. I think its donald trump and his policies. Its done great for texas. Texas has always been a pretty good state. Right now its really good. Pete you are supporting cruz . Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Pete all right. We will leave it right there. We have another gentleman, jim, we will get to him at the top of the hour there is a tease as you say in the television business. Back to you guys in new york. Steve all right. Pete. Thank you very much. Live from fort worth. Go to the Sunshine State in florida pick next governor and u. S. Senator. What are the people saying . Griff is talking to them live at the brunch box in lake land. Ainsley great name for a restaurant. Griff it is a great name and the food is great. I have already had too much of it they particularly like to give shoutouts to veterans. We have a lot here. Doug godfrey is a vietnam vet navy river rat. I want to get to him. I want to start with oh my goodness. I am rick came in with his make America Great hat and might have an idea how he feels. Rick, i want to ask you what drove your vote. Early vote more than 5 million floridians have already voted. What drive your vote . What matters most to you. Let me just say donald trump has given mainstream america a voice. I love it. Griff rick, your business, you were telling me, this economy and your vote this time really played a factor. No question about it. My business is up 40 . Griff what do you do . Wooden pallets. Anything Cardboard Box goes on top of a wooden pallet. If were buying stuff; market is going great. Are you. Griff do you think we have a surprise with the governor and senate races here . What do you think happens . I have been to four trump rallies. You wait in line for a long time and then you rally. I have never talked to someone who has been interviewed or been in a poll. There is tens of thousands of people in all these rallies that have never been asked by a polster who they are going to vote for. Griff all right, rick. Very quickly. I want to squeeze you in here. Thank you for your service. What drove your vote today . I just want to be free. And if the democrats get in, were down the toilet. [laughter] griff doug futures straightforward, guys. We have an entire group of folks here talk to throughout the morning. As the voting gets underway here in a matter minutes. The polls already. Most of these folks have already voted, guys. Brian caravan to the brunch box. Ainsley that was funny. His comment and all the guys started laughing around you two. Steve there is your choice go one way and the other way down the toilet. Brian he brings his own signage. Steve great headlines. Jillian nobody wants to be down the toilet. That sounds like a terrible place to be. Brian yes. Jillian good morning guys. Get you caught up on headlines starting with a fox news alert. A desperate search for a 13yearold girl kidnapped right outlines of her home. Police say hannah ago do you go layer was turning her aunts car on before school when a man forced her inside a vehicle and drove off. North carolina issuing an amber alert. We want to get this young lady back and get her back to her family and make sure she is safely. Police are looking for a green Ford Expedition like this one. If you see anything, call police. A combat veteran and michigan Senate Candidate is sounding off after a reporter is caught on tape trash talking him. Listen to what she says when she thinks she hangs up the phone on john james voice mail. Man, if he beats her, jesus [bleep] [bleep] john james. That would suck. I dont think its going to happen though. Jillian that reporter has since been fired. James responding on Tucker Carlson tonight. I dont fit in anybodys little box. Im red, white, and blue, baby. I will tell you what, when i get to washington, im going to make sure that we make we move this state forward. Jillian james faces incumbent democratic senator Debbie Stabenow in todays election. Parents on edge as a mysterious polio like illness mostly affecting kids continues to grow. The cdc confirming 80 cases from 25 states across the nation. Believe that viruses including entero causing. Cant confirm that upset win. Mariota is going to go right in and go in himself. Jillian titans with a big road victory beating the cowboys 28146789 the nfl continuing stliewt service this week honoring before the game and halftime. Always nice to see that. Ainsley cool shot. Had it painted on their hands. Steve thank you, jillian. You may need rain jacket or umbrella or winter coat when you head to the polls depending on where you live. Stormy weather is expected to hit every state east of the Mississippi River. Brian tornado risk in the southeast where this twister just touched down in indiana. This weather will affect the voting. Some areas up north could see snow storms this afternoon. Janice dean is live tracking the election day forecast. Janice yes, you are right. East of the Mississippi River valley is where we could have the potential for strong storms. We are at fox square and this is fox nation where we will have so many people coming today to greet us. So excited to see you. Take a look at maps. We could have voter turnout affected by storms across portions of the east coast. We had a tornado watch in effect for parts of alabama as well as georgia. That has been lifted. Great news we still do have the threat for strong to severe storms along this cold front. Thats the eastern third of the country. Area of low pressure across the great lakes, snow for the Northern Plains and the northern rockies. Make sure you are checking ahead. Here are some of the big cities for parts of the northeast, scattered thunderstorms in your forecast. So, plan ahead, all right, my friends . East of the Mississippi River valley is where we are dealing with the potential for strong storms and then those snow showers across the Northern Plains and the northern rockies. We will be tracking your fox news election forecast all morning long throughout the day today from fox square on Fox News Channel. Back to you. Steve thats right, janice. Thats right. A little rain wont slow down people but a little snow might. Brian now we are outside and janice is in the tent. Ainsley there are jars in there with those what are they called . The tins tha pins that people w. Brian buttons. Ainsley yours are on. Brian you can recognize me. I will bring a sketch. 44 minutes after the top of the hour. 16 minutes before the top of the hour. If democrats take back the house nancy pelosi and adam schiff could make President Trumps life miserable. Judge napolitano is next to talk about that. Steve come on, judge. The final countdown hey, what are you guys doing here . Were voya. We stay with you to and through retirement. So youll still be here to help me make smart choices . Well, with your finances that is. We had nothing to do with that tie. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. So shark invented duo clean. While deep cleaning carpets, the added soft brush roll picks up large particles, gives floors a polished look, and fearlessly devours piles. Duo clean technology, corded and cordfree. And fearlessly devours piles. No matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. Steve some of the president s sharpest critics in line committees if democrats win control of the house later today. Ainsley if democrats do take the house, what will they do with the power to issue subpoenas and cause hearings . Brian ainsley would never ask me question but judge napolitano does. Judge, lets give a scenario, its tomorrow morning i ask you the house goes to the democrats, what does it mean for the president . We know what it means for the president , the likely chair of the House Judiciary Committee who represents this part of manhattan where we are right now, congressman Gerald Nadler said the first of the investigations will be a shadow investigation of bob muellers investigation. Did the president fire jim comey for improper purpose and if so is that impeachable . Steve thats so funny because the democrats hated jim comey before he got fired. Correct. And then did judge kavanaugh lie under oath in order to get confirmed as Justice Kavanaugh . Now, in the case of the former, the investigation of the president , they want to be able to lay out on National Television whatever bob mueller has acquired that he keeps secret as the law requires. In the case of judge Justice Kavanaugh no one has ever been impeached for office even before they got for the sake of argument that he lied, i dont believe there is any evidence that he did. They would be reremoving him froms office from something he didnt do well in office. They dont care. They want to use the impeachment power to vindicate their view of government. Brian impeachment, the kavanaugh investigation, look into his taxes. The comey firing and, of course, the mueller russia investigation. Look into how much money the president and his family members earned when foreign diplomats stay in trump managed hotels in new york city. Steve right. And in washington. Why are they doing that . That would be an opportunity for them to look at his income tax return. Ainsley do you agree with Rush Limbaugh when he says if you want more investigations, investigations, investigations, then vote democrat . Russia is entirely correct in this environment. We know that because congressman nadler has told us. This isnt any speculation. Steve judge, its election day, the democrats up until now have been reluctant to talk about impeachment. Come tomorrow they have the house. Nancy pelosi sent out the word. Sent out the message dont use the i word. They have followed that lock step until tomorrow morning. Brian dont produce anything but investigations and impeachment, hard to imagine getting renewed in 2020. Steve all right, judge. Probably thinking shortterm, brian. They dont have the benefit of the kilmeade brain. Brian no one does, sadly. Im stuck with it. Brian, its wet out here. Ryan brian Florida Governor rick scott is in the entire rails for the senate against bill nelson, he joins us next hour. Ainsley . Ainsley President Trump holding 11 rallies in six days to get you, the voter, fired up. Will the trump bump make a difference in rnc spokesperson Kayleigh Mcenany says yes and she is next. The hitch . 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He is the game changer in these races. We very seen it in race by race. I talked to the data department. When President Trump rallies we see Movement Toward the g. O. P. Nominee. Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn was down by 5. President trump comes. He rallies he suspect why 14. Dean heller down by 4. Trump rallies. All of a sudden up by 7. Same in texas, ted cruzs first double digit lead came after a trump rally. There is quantifiable change toward the Republican Party when the president gets out there. Steve kayleigh, what do you make of the fact that the former president barack obama has been out on the stump and he has essentially said without mentioning donald trump by name he has said that the character of the country is on the ballot. Who we are is on the ballot. What kind of politics we expect on the ballot. Clearly, thats talking about the tone that donald trump has taken. 2016 was cat gorical rejection of president obama. All the exit polling showed that voters wanted change. President obama, during his first midterm had a she lacking. He lost 63 seats. Steve that was a wave. A wave. In fact, because of President Trump, we will be the fifth time in history the party that holds the white house pick up senate seats. Fifth time in history. That will be because of President Trump. Brian kayleigh, thanks for dressing like ainsley and stevens tie. Brian let me tell you what the president said yesterday on one op. One interview. He has a regret. I would have had a softer tone. I feel to a certain extent i didnt have much choice but maybe i do. Wanting to get things done on his agenda and that he could have been softer in his delivery. I have never heard him is i Say Something like. Yeah. Thats the first i have heard him Say Something like that. He has been honest and realistic. Media 0 negative. Harvard study conducted. A tone that bull dozens through the negativity from the left and the negativity from the media. Steve lets see what happens. Tomorrow we will know. Kayleigh, thank you. Ainsley another one of justice causative, accusers admits that she lied. Will that have any impact on voters today . Brian i think it will. Plus, Florida Governor rick scott will be here live. Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn live. Could she be the next senator from tennessee. Eric trump not running for office but likes his dad and bob hugin will all be come up live this is stonington, maine, a town where almost half the population is selfemployed. Lobster fisherman is the lifeblood of this town. By 2030, half of america may take after stonington, selfemployed and without employer benefits. We havent had any sort of benefit plans and were trying to figure that out now. If i had had a little advice back then, id be in a different boat today, for sure. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. The new lincoln mkc. Mix. Connecting the world inside, with the world outside. So you can move through both a little easier. Introducing the wellconnected 2019 lincoln mkc. Mwith the best ofodi, the prespressure cooking andsps, air frying all in one. With our tendercrisp technology, you can quickly cook food, juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. Go from fresh to deliciously done in half the time. Which means it may become the only thing you use in your kitchen. tapping for cooking, at least. upbeat music the ninja foodi, with tendercrisp, the cooking while parenting technology. You. Keep doing you. Well take care of Medicare Part d. By helping you save up to five dollars on each prescription, and with free oneonone pharmacy support, weve filled over 2 billion prescriptions and counting. Stop by walgreens and save today. Walgreens. Trusted since 1901. My last stop. Steve Midterm Election day 2018. President of the United States in the sprint to the finish making his final pitch. We have to elect a republican congress. We have to do it. If the radical democrats take power, they will take a wrecking ball to our economy and to the future of our country. Folks are still excited about what happened in 16. Trying to fix things. That President Trump started. We are going to have a big turnout. Donald trump has given Mainstream Media a voice. I just want to be free. And if the democrats get in, were down the toilet. From the foothills of missouri, to the beautiful big sky of montana, from the coal mines of West Virginia to the steel mill of indiana, we are going to win, win, win and not stop winning. [cheers] anything can happen anything can happen steve that is a perfect song. Brian i think it was written for us, is that true . Ainsley it was written for election day. Steve larry sabato predicted with crystal ball the democrats could take up the house today but the caveat was anything can happen. Ainsley its exciting day. Today is the day. November 6th, 2018, election day, and mid terms that could go down in history. Steve the polls just polled 90 seconds ago in 14 more states. Ballots are not being cast in 23 states across the fruited plains. Ainsley all these posters. Steve looking live in arlington, virginia outside of washington, d. C. Brian voters making a choice that could reshape the future of our country. Thats all. The balance of power is at stake. And were tracking all the critical races live from fox square and across america because were right in the middle of america, if you look at a map. We are talking to voters in diners all morning long. Todd piro is in lebanon, new jersey. Pete hegseth is not. He is in fort worth, texas. But, first, Griff Jenkins is live in lakeland, florida. Is he our favorite at the moment so we are going to him first. [laughter] griff good morning, guys. You know, we are taking talkingt this governor race and senate race. Probably the most closely watched in the nation. A little bit of talk about florida football. We will get to that later. I want to start with shirley. I have a loft veterans and guys here. Finally shirley come in. You have a rough crowd of guys here. I do. But they are all great guys. And they would stand up and protected me with their lives. Im asking folks, you already volt you had. What drove your vote . What mattered most to you. I would say the continuing of the tax breaks for the middle class family that trump is continuing to push for congress and the senate to get through to us. And, also, to continue to work with everyone to get us a Better Health plan to for the veterans to have medical, for the retirees to have medical. And also to continue to work on our immigration laws, to help everybody that needs to be helped but also if youre not necessarily in the country legal to help them to be here the right way. Griff shirley gray here is speaking on a lot of issues. We have low lou and larry and gym and a lot more. At the lunch box. Steve how many of those people have actually already voted and how many are going to vote today . Griff great question, steve. Because of the record 5 million plus floridians, shirley has voted. Show a quick show of hands who has already voted . 1, 2, who hasnt voted yet . 1, 2, 3, so really about 40 have already voted here. 60 havent. Thats just a rough guess here of show of hands sampling at the lunch box. Brian leave them alone to eat their breakfast. Show of hands . [laughter] ainsley its exciting day. Lets bring in pete hegseth talking to the voters live at the old south pancake house in fort worth, texas. Hey, pete. Pete good morning ainsley and brian. I always wanted to be four your favorite so i will try harder. We are here at the old fort worth pancake house. Im. Voted for senator cruz. The conversation here in texas and nationally is are the polls not reflective of an undercover trump or cruz voter thats out there but isnt talking to polsters, doesnt have a lawn sign in their yard. Do you think thats true . Absolutely. My friends and the people i talked to dont put a sign in their yard but they are very strong in their beliefs. Its very similar to 2016 people did the same thing. And then the day after the election the clinton signs went away. And we all kind of chuckled. Its the same thing now. Pete you are optimistic both here in texas and also nationally . Absolutely. I think we have got a great chance to hold the house if things break right. But, in texas, its all red, baby. Pete is that the case . Do you feellike todays race is going to go for cruz and break down that race against beto orourke . I think it will go for cruz primarily what beto has done underhanded politics with the classic level as that tried to masquerade as something he is not to try to galvanize and coalesce the hispanic voter. It does the hispanic voter a disservice. They are smart. Do Due Diligence to figure out what they believe and who they support before going to the rallies as opposed to moniker years ago. Pete demon at back to you guys. Steve thank you very much. Pete, go ahead. This is your 7 00 a. M. Of the polls are now open in these states. Wakeup call. Georgia, south carolina, delaware, washington, d. C. , florida, illinois, maryland, massachusetts, missouri, pennsylvania, rhode island, tennessee, mitch began, and my home state of kansas, you can go vote, folks. Ainsley that map will start filling up as folks wake up because of the time change, its mainly east coasters that are able to vote right now. At 6 00 a. M. When we started the show there were nine states that opened the polls, 6 30 more and now you see more than a dozen more. Brian texas a huge turnout. One thing those in Florida Governors race and senate race. Retirees have more to democrats than the g. O. P. For the first time in decades that does not look good especially in a retiring Community Like florida for the republicans. Steve we just talked to griff about this. The early voting down in florida has been historic. And when you look at the historical trends across the United States, four years ago. Ainsley thats amazing. Look at that. Steve 20. 2 million did the early voting. And as of this morning. They are estimating that close to double that number, 36 million have early voted. In axios this morning. They say donald trump has made voting great again. Records shattered. Its the only bipartisan show in town. Both sides are energized. The republicans are all about immigration and the democrats have made it all about healthcare. Brian in florida early voting at 4. 1 million. Floridians 3. 1. Got extra million. By the way they ran out of ballots in miami yesterday. That is not a good sign. Ainsley a lot of seats up for grabs. 35 senate seats up for grabs. 435 house seats. Steve the other factor are the youth vote. They are saying that a record 2. 3 million under 30 have registered to vote. Ainsley and first time voters which could be good for the democrats. Steve absolutely. Also, this is going to be the most expensive Midterm Election ever on television. They have spent Something Like 3. 27 billion on ads and the biggest spenders are the pacs for the most part on both the right and the left. Brian i think its amazing, too. Hollywood went out and decided to have i will call you if you vote pledge. So you had chris red, alyssa marano, as well as jessica alba and olivia. If you show that you voted they will call you back and say thanks for voting. Steve guaranteed or robo call. Brian they actually pick up the phone and call. Strangest telethon ever. Want to talk to a celebrity . Ainsley the president , he was traveling crisscrossing all acontrols the country yesterday. Steve triple header. Ainsley for the last six days, 11 rallies in six days. He ended in missouri in Cape Girardeau which is where Rush Limbaugh is from. Rush took the stage. The crowd went wild. If you missed the 3 00 rally, the 6 00 rally. His late night rally, here are some clips. Brian same tie. We have accomplished more than anyone could have ever imagined. We have created 4. 5 million new jobs. We have got to stop cryin Chuck Schumer. And nancy pelosi. [crowd boos] from erasing everything that we have gained. If the radical democrats take power, they will take a wrecking ball to our economy. They have been on a shameless campaign to obstruct, resist demolish, defame, and destroy. But you can stop them with your votes. If you want more caravans, if you want more crime, vote democrat. If you want strong borders and safe communities, no drugs, no caravans, vote republican. There is an electricity like people have not seen since a date, 2016, november. Were putting america first. Its very simple. Putting america first. America first. [chanting u. S. A. ] brian turnout was great. Lines was long. And crowd was raucous. Do you know what else they have . They have the names. They have names of all of these people passionate Trump Supporters for 2020. They goal out there and hit them up and hey, do you want to be a captain. Go out and wrangle up more Trump Supporters over the next two years. Ainsley what do you mean they have the names. Brian names of the people register to get tickets. They are all free. Ainsley got it. Brian do you want to be a trump captain or trump leader . They will go and continue. This is part of the microtargetting of what the Trump Campaign has done. They have rewritten the playbook for campaigning. Steve well, the president made his Closing Argument. He concluded he took the stage, the 10 00 hour. He left at 11 45. Closing arguments have been made. Now its your turn to vote. And, remember, if you dont vote, you cant complain for the next two years. Brian right. We will never know. Steve we know you cant complain. Brian okay. Ainsley jillian has more headlines. Brian never complain. Jillian following a number of stories, starting with. This a fallen American Hero is finally home. Major Brent Taylors remains arriving at Dover Air Force base in delaware hours ago. He was shot and killed in afghanistan while on leave from his post as the mayor of north ogden, utah. In his final Facebook Post taylor reflecting on afghanistans historic elections and the importance of voting. His gold star wife speaking out for the first time this morning sharing a powerful message. Brent may have died on afghan soil he died for the success of freedom and democracy in both of our countries it seems only fitting that brent has come home to u. S. Soil in a flagdraped casket on our election day. Jillian major tale leaves behind his wife and seven children. A go fund me account for them has raised more than 366,000. You can help. You can head to friends foxnews. Com. Facebook lost more than 100 counts before election day. The company alerted by u. S. Law enforcement about potential foreign entities showing showing coordinated inauthentic behavior onlike. The majority of the posts had posts in french or russian. Comes over criticism of facebooks handling of the meddling in the 2016 election. People were wondering how social media sites were going to handle this . It looks like they are on it. Steve shut her down. Thank you very much, jillian. Ainsley another one of Justice Kavanaughs accusers is admitting now that she lied. What impact will that have you on you the voter today. Steve we have ed henry and Jason Chaffetz standing by on the fox square. If you are around. Oh, there they are. Button up. Keep on rocking in the free world youre still here . Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. So, that means no breakfast . Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. From the first loving Touch Everything that touches your baby should be this comforting pampers swaddlers, the 1 choice of hospitals, is 2x softer and wraps your baby in our most premium protection so every touch is as comforting as the first pampers the 1 choice of hospitals, nurses parents whoooo. Tripadvisor makes finding your Perfect Hotel. Relaxing just enter your destination and dates. Tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To find the hotel you want for the lowest price. Dates. Deals. 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The senate Judiciary Committee just released their report not only finding no evidence to support the claims but also referring two of the accusers to the department of justice for criminal investigation for lying to the committee. So what effect could this have on the voters when they head to the polls today . Here to discuss Senior Advisor to independent womens forum andrea botner. Good morning, steve. Thanks for having me. Steve the story is this judy Munroe Leighton told the committee judge kavanaugh had sexually brapsd her in his car and after he was confirmed and she is talking to the committee she said you know what . I made it up. I was just trying to get attention. I was angry i sent it out. What do you think . Isnt that just unbelievable . I am stunned that she would do Something Like that and put judge kavanaugh through the horrible situation that he had to endure. But, really, for us, you know, for our country, thats so frightening to have such a culture of boldfaced lying and then to now have such a culture of a presumption of guilt. Im waiting to hear what the democrats and those who were so against judge kavanaugh are going to do about this lying. I hope consequences are had. Steve the wall street journal says Munroe Leighton should be for the she has done stoke a political mob in the media and the u. S. Senate as well. This story is not getting a lot of attention. No. No, its not. Steve the accusations were on the front pages of every newspaper. You couldnt escape them. But i havent heard a word about the boldfaced lying thats occurred other than chairman grassley referring it to the department of justice. And i will tell you, steve, we recently did a poll. Mclaughlin and associates. Do you know they found 40 of men were more comfortable being accused of murder than Sexual Assault. And the men, the majority of that poll, they said that the presumption of guilt is alive and well. And they are petrified about it. Steve one thing, andrea, if the democrats win, they have suggested they would reopen the investigation of mr. Kavanaugh. Isnt that unbelievable . Reopen when they have no evidence, no corroboration. And now people way accusers who have admitted they lie. Everybody today can get out and vote and make sure the presumption of innocence is protected. The presumption of innocence and those who cherish that. That is what protects against lying. Steve all right. Andrea bottner thank you for joining us live on fox square. Thank you, steve. Steve a supporter slammed war vet john glams michigan. Only problem she forgot to hang up the phone when she said this. Man, if he beats her, jesus. [bleep] [bleep] john james. Steve ed henry is here on fox square with reaction. Come on up, ed. 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A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. Ainsley we are back with a live look in arlington, virginia where voters are casting their ballots on this very important election day. Steve wow. Brian polls are open in 23 states. Keep in mind we have 50. Steve these states include the ones we include now pennsylvania. We find Lawrence Johnson livein jameson. Lawrence . Thats right. Hey, good morning, guys. Thats right the polls opened here in pennsylvania 7 00. We are in bucks county. This is the line at this hour. Its been pretty steady since people were allowed to come line up. Several political analysts have called the race here in the First District a real tossup. It could go either ways. Voters will decide all over the state. Analysts say voter enthusiasm will decide this race. Which side is more motivated to actually get to the polls to vote. Thats the key in the First District. Incumbent Brian Fitzpatrick is a selfdescribed moderate republican. He has led most recent polls by a small margin in the districts which include part of Montgomery County here. Wallace, his opponent, a multimillionaire philanthropist born in bucks county but spent most of his life in south africa running his familys foundation. He has tried over and ove over steve all right. So democrats have a small registration edge in bucks county which makes up a large portion of the First District. Voters split the tickets here back in 2016. The county supported Democrat Hillary Clinton and republican pat toomey. Fitzpatrick does have name recognition in this area. That could be beneficial to him. Democrats, of course, hoping to make an edge. They have 18 seats, wanting 23. And, of course, they want to shift that power today. The voters will be the ones to decide what happens. Steve a rainy day in jameson, pennsylvania. Just like in new york. Thank you for the live report. Ainsley one election reporter forgetting to hang up the telephone, revealing how she really feels about the g. O. P. s Senate Candidate john james. Listen. Man, if he beats her, jesus. [bleep] john james. That would suck i dont think its going to happen though. Steve well, that reporter got fired. Brian why . Steve the aggressive rhetoric from the left stemming all the way from the top. This one from nancy pelosi. We are not them. We do not act the way they do. But i do think that when you are in the arena and somebody throws a punch, you better be able to take a punch and throw a perch. Brian here to weigh in if that makes any sense on any lastminute dirty tricks that we might expect today. He is fox this is his new title fox news chief National Correspondent who loves the elections ed henry. What about the tone. I remember eric holder weeks ago said they go low we kick them even thoug each evn though the deal from michelle was they go low we go high. No. We go low. We want to attack. Have you this reporter supposed to be fair and balanced, supposed to be looking, you know, with a critical lens, taking on the candidates in michigan. I believe her name is brenda battelle, be tough and be fair. She forgets to hang up the phone. Thats the first mistake here. Bigger mistake obviously is the bias that she had to say oh, gosh, f this and all that if john james wins. Hes the republican in the senate race. Its a 2 point race in one poll that came out in the last day or two. Think how many stories she may have written or other reporters have written that have tilted this race where if they had not been antijames maybe he is up 4 or 6 points right now. Ainsley have you ever seen anything like this . You have been covering politics for a long time. Have you ever seen such a contrast . People hate each other . Ed people have been angry for a long time and getting worse and worse. Steve ed, do you remember back in Journalism School in newsroom i worked in, if you had a bias against somebody, you are the last person the news director would put you on that story. Ed yeah. Exactly. I went to this reporters twitter page. Apparent live she has taken down her linked in page. Well, you know, look, i dont want her to get threats or anything like that. You are right. People are angry and she made a mistake. Dont pick on her. She has been fired. But i went to her twitter page to try to see what stories she has written. What has she tweeted about john james . She took it all down. I bet if you went back and found those tweets. You would find that the fair reporter who is just down the middle was slamming him left and right. Brian i will bring up Something Else thats not brought up a lot. That is that you one way of showing a bias is ignoring a candidate. John james, for the longest time, was ignored. And he was trying to get some traction and finally at the last few weeks he got some traction because he couldnt be ignored anymore because a west point grad with a business background who decided to run for congress, africanamerican in michigan. You could not ignore that story. As soon as he got close. Ed now you have democrat debbie stab now like i said maybe in a neck in neck race with him. And you had the Mainstream Media saying john james can never win. He cant win in Michigan State against Debbie Stabenow. Where did we hear that before . Two years ago we heard donald trump could never win michigan. He could never get to the 270 electoral votes. He could never win this race. And then on election night, bam, bam, bam. Two years ago this week the election models had Hillary Clinton with a 98 chance, basically of winning the white house. Now you have nate silver from 538. Com, maybe to his credit, he is trying to cover things right now. But, he had this all along is the democrats are going to take the house and now is he on abc over the weekend saying well, the models are such that. Steve anything can happen. Ed anything can happen. And maybe anything will. Steve ed, thank you very much. Ed i will be here tomorrow morning. Steve you will. Ed i hear you are going to be on the road i will be in your seat. Ainsley am any your pocket. Ainsley ly pocket square. I dont know how well can you see this. Brian sandra smith wants equal time. Thanks, ed. The polls are now open in new jersey. Whats on voters minds before they cast their ballots . Todd piro decided to eat breakfast with people in new jersey. Ainsley what does Jason Chaffetz predict will happen in the house. He joins us live on the fox square. I understand he has brian in his pocket. Kilmeade all the way. Ainsley put it in your pocket. Brian he can be my running mate. Made in newark made in america natural enamel, Natural Healthy looking teeth are white. 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All right. Mean while President Trump rallied thousands yesterday in a last minute midterm push. Control of the hill in the hands of the u. S. Voters. What are they thinking on this election morning . Ainsley todd piro live at the Spinning Wheel diner in lebanon, new jersey where the race for the senate is now a tossup. Its a deep blue state it could go red though, right, todd . Todd it is a wild race, guys. Typically a blue state. Could it go red . Lets ask the people. Who here has already voted . [cheers] who here is about to go vote once we are done here. [cheers] some people have voted twice. But thats okay. We begin with terry. Terry is our resident comedian. When i asked her who she is voting for in menendez, hugin race. She said and i quote she is voting for bob hugin because he has a better criminal history. Why did you say that . I said it because i need to highlight that menendez is a disease. Its commented and only tear new jersey down further. We are going to be we are going to really fall apart as a country because new jersey is not contributing as always. If you are led by people with bad history, it doesnt speak or represent us very well. And in addition, it becomes the sanction area state. Its just its not going to be a very well kind of thing. Todd terry, thank you. Larry asked me a question when i asked him that same question. He said how could you vote for menendez . Why did you say that . Allegedly, menendez left the country, the Dominican Republic to have sex with underage prostitutes. As well as his best friend, dr. Meghan. Todd of course, he denied that. He denied it. Todd talking about it. This is allegedly. Todd get to the issues now. Because my friend joe over here, very fired up about illegal immigration. He says why do people lock their doors but they want to have unsecure borders. People in new jersey, i dont know why they need walls, dogs, big locks on their doors, lock their windows, security guards. Everybody is concerned with their own security, personally. Yet, when it comes to our country, some people want to let people just walk into our country. I mean, we dont have a country without borders. We just dont have property without a fence. Fences make good neighbors. I lock my door at night. Todd i have never heard jersey people that succinct with their words. I am one. I can say that we will have bob hugin here later on. We will talk with him about the big race. Quite frankly the biggest day in his political career. Back to you. Steve todd piro live in lebanon, new jersey. My daughter sally just voted. Jason chaffetz former chairman of the houseover sight committee. Author of the book called the deep state. Lets talk about the state of the race. Where are we . There is going to be an election today. And we are going to have some winners. Its fascinating. Donald trump, im amazed by his energy. He is everywhere. I think the candidates, they embrace the trump agenda and donald trump will do very well. The ones that are going to struggle tonight are the ones that gave a stiff arm to the president. They didnt want to talk about. So things that the president wanted to do. I think those people tonight will pay a political price for not being on board with the president. Ainsley democrats need 23 seats in the house for a majority. Its expected they will get 28 just because historically speaking since the war, if republicans are in power, the democrats historically usually get 28. Thats exactly right. I was in the house going in 2010 and there was a red wave where we took 6 63 seats in the house. Nobody is talking about that possibility. Will the democrats potentially pull it off in the house . Yeah, they may have a majority of 5 to 10 seats before the end of the night comes, but you never know what ultimately is going to happen. Its up to the people that are watching this program right now whether or not they get out and actually vote. Brian it would have been an ugly scene had it not been the kavanaugh outrage that most people see. Do you think there could be reigniting of that outrage as more of the accusers prove that they are going to be maybe prosecuted because of lying about their interaction with kavanaugh . A guy they didnt know . What we have got it see is the department of justice actually prosecute. This we had people come before the Oversight Committee in a bipartisan way. We made that referral to the department of justice and they refused to prosecute them. So, i think this country is kind of fed up with justice not producing justice. And you cant come in and lie to congress. Particularly with the stakes that were there with kavanaugh. That was absolutely wrong. Steve when you were running the oversight and government reform committee, you had a lot of investigations. If the democrats win control of the house, how will things win investigationwise . Well, think about it. Maxine waters would be given the gavel. Democrats elect their chairman different than how republicans do. Based on seniority. Maxine waters literally becomes the chairman of financial services, credit unions, banking, housing issues. All flow through her. Ainsley does she have experience in that. She has been in congress forever. She does have some experience. I think a lot of people would argue with her tone, her approach and how she does it. Jerry nadler would become chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Elijah cummings Oversight Committee and adam schiff would be the chairman of the intel committee. Brian danger of just doing investigation and impeachment. Two years people look over and go we gave you power for two years. Did you nothing but gridlock. Is that a danger . If you are a democrat . I think going into 2020, if the democrats have the house, they are be even greater contrast. Some people say that would be good for donald trump. Whats good for the country is to move the trump agenda forward and best done by having the do you know whats good for our show toss over to jillian. Good morning, jason. Good morning to everybody. Get you caught up with some of the news you are following. And besides candidates, major issues are on the ballot today. First, safe haven for illegals. A ballot measure in oregon could repeal the states sanctuary law today. Oregon was the first state to pass legislation shielding illegals from deportation and other immigration laws. Back in 1987. Also at stake today, Voting Rights for convicted felons. Measure in florida would restore voting eligibility for more than 1. 5 million felons have finished their sentences. People convicted of murder and Sexual Assault would not be eligible. In washington, voters will decide whether to implement the nations first carbon tax. Democrats want to tax residents on gas and heating fuels. Voters could puff puff pass. Marijuana on the ballot. Utah and missouri voters will decide whether to approve medicinal weed. A look at your headlines. Brian now we have to find out what janice wants to talk about usually the weather. Ainsley a lot of people stay home if its snowing or raining . Janice very good point. We are going to cover that on fox square. Fox nation. All of our fox fans coming throughout the day today. I cannot wait to meet you. This tent is going to be full, i promise you. Stay tuned through Fox News Channel through your election day. Lets take a look at your forecast real quick. As ainsley mentioned, we could have the potential for strong storms across portions of the south. We had tornadoes reports in parts of louisiana, alabama, towards portions of georgia and the carolinas. Okay. We still have a tornado watch in these areas for parts of georgia and south carolina. So, the weather is going to be east of Mississippi River valley. The potential for strong storms and then we have the snow across the Northern Plains and northern rockies. The rest of the country looks pretty quiet. We will keep you up to date on all the inclement weather from fox square on election day. Back to you. Brian fox square the musical. Going to be everywhere. Steve she is a block from broadway. Ainsley off broadway. Steve Florida Governor rick scott is in a tight race for the u. S. Senate against Democrat Bill nelson the incumbent. Mr. Scott is going to join us live a final push to florida voters coming up. Brian plus, how big a role will the economy play at the voting booth . Stuart varney says huge. And he put it in stars. He put stars around my prompter. You cant see that he is coming up next. He is with the people. Barrier between. Ainsley its going to be huge whatever you want to be engine roaring horn honking okay, okay, okay. clatter feeling unsure . Oh. nervous yelp what if you had some help . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge with the confidence of ford copilot360 tm technology. The most available Driver Assist technology in its class. the new 2019 ford edge. So a and as if thatyour brwasnt bad enough,tals it. now your insurance wont replace it outright because of depreciation. If your insurance wont replace your car, what good is it . Youd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. Im regret that. With new car replacement, if your brandnew car gets totaled, Liberty Mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ever since darrells family started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. [darrells wife] uh, honey, isnt that the dogs towel . [dog sfx] hey, mi towel, su towel. More gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze makes gain flings our best gain ever. Gain. Seriously good scent. In your gut, you feel confident to take on anything. With benefiber, youll feel the power of gut Health Confidence every day. Benefiber is a 100 natural prebiotic fiber. Good morning mrs. Jonhson. Benefiber. Trust your gut. Truly has been a neckinneck race these candidates has been campaigning throughout the state of missouri very hard for the past month. President donald trump was actually in missouri two times this past week campaigning for hawley. Last night the two were in Cape Girardeau where hawley again expressed his alliance with trump who won missouri by 19 points in 2016. Now, hawley told voters that he supports the wall and mccaskill is too throicial represent missouri. Mccaskill made multiple stops throughout the state of missouri. She has been praised for the work she has done for veterans since she took office in 2007. Now, mccaskill does pride herself as someone who is able to work with both Political Parties to get things done. She says that she is a strong supporter of worker rights. Now, probably the biggest difference between these two candidates and the thing we have seen on a lot of different political ads has been the topic of healthcare. Thats really driven the conversation between these two as they have been campaigning throughout the state of missouri this past month. I know this will be a big day of people at the polls here in missouri. We have prepared for it to be a late night here. We know people are going to stay up late. Kind of waiting for the results of this race to come in. As we mentioned, one the biggest races being decided here in missouri during these midterms. Reporting live in clayton, im catherine. Back to you. Steve thank you very much for the live report. Meanwhile, President Trump making it clear what this election could mean for you and your wallet. Republicans have created the best economy in the history of our country. And its the hottest jobs market on the planet earth. If the radical democrats take power, they will take a wrecking ball to our economy. Ainsley here to break down the midterm impact on the economy is the one and only stuart varney. Varney of company on the Fox Business Network and joins us out here live. Good morning, good morning, good morning. Ainsley what kind of an impact will this have. The democrats want to reverse the tax cut and roll back deregulation. They want to put a cap on growth. Thats what they would do. They are saying the tax cuts and the market rally only benefits the super rich. So reverse it. This is nonsense. I have got new numbers just in that show there are hundreds of thousands of people in america with a Million Dollars in their 401 k or their ira. There are 55 million americans with a 401 k . 35 million with an ira. All of them, almost all of them up by at least a third. That is mass prosperity. You dont want to reverse that. You want to keep that going. Brian Corporate Tax rate. People say corporations. Who hires what do corporations do . They hire people . What have they done . Handed out bonuses and expanded. We went from 30something to 21 corporate rate. They want to up that. Look, businesses got a very big tax cut. Brian Small Businesses too. Small businesses, too. Small businesses, actually, they are now hiring vigorously and the economy is growing. Thats the indirect result of cutting taxes and redid he go glaght. Steve stuart, what about the suggestion that the president wasnt talking up the economy and how good it is in the runup to the election . He did his best. There is no question about it. He was pounding the table on this along with the caravan issue. But he was pounding on prosperity. Steve okay. That was his main message good stuff. Steve stuart varney, thank you very much. Be watching you here in an hour on the fox business channel. Brian hope so see you in the halls. Ainsley congresswoman Marsha Blackburn and eric trump coming up. Floridas governor rick scott is locked in a very close race against senator bill nelson. The governor is here live coming up next. Well, with your finances that is. We had nothing to do with that tie. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price you. Keep doing you. Well take care of Medicare Part d. By helping you save up to five dollars on each prescription, and with free oneonone pharmacy support, weve filled over 2 billion prescriptions and counting. Stop by walgreens and save today. Walgreens. Trusted since 1901. Brian one of the hottest races in the country today is the Florida Senate race between republican governor rick scott and democratic senator bill nelson. Steve here with his final message to voters republican candidate for senate Florida Governor rick scott. Governor, good morning to you. Ainsley good morning. Good morning. Its going to be an exciting day. Im going to be in five cities. Getting everybody to get out to vote and talking about there is a clear choice. If you want lower taxes, you should support me. If you want more money going to washington, d. C. , you should support bill nelson. If you want somebody who wants to go show up and do work every day, get results, i will do it. My opponent, he has been around for 42 years never gotten anything done. I know how to get the jobs going. We have added 1. 6 million jobs. Im a business guy. The only job my opponent is focused on is one, his. I have got a plan to turn the country around. It starts with term limits. He completely opposes term limits because all he thinks about is washington. He wants to stay there forever there is a lot of big talkers in d. C. Im going to be a deer. Its going to be a fun. We are going to have a big win today. Brian word is Andrew Gillum running for governor in that state is getting the africanamerican vote out that is helping senator bill nelson. How do you plan on countering that . Well, we are talking to everybody. I have been governor for eight years. I talk to everybody in this state. I tell everybody im going to help you get a job. Im going to help your kids get a good education. Im going to do everything i can to keep you safe. 47year low on our crime rate. One of the best Education Systems in the country now. Im talking to everybody. Steve it has been the most Expensive Senate race in florida history. Governor, i was shocked to hear the president of the United States a couple of days ago. I believe he is down in your state. He said, you know, i have been president for two years. Bill nelson has never called me and asked for any help for the state of florida. He said only time anybody ever hears about him is just before an election. He said that bill nelson said you should abolish trump and he has criticized me for talking to the president. Thats my job. We just had a horrible hurricane in the state. And part of the response, the federal response through fema i talk to the president pretty much every day, and he gave me everything i asked for. Its good to have a Good Relationship with the president. Ainsley i know you have been boots on the ground down there helping all those families affected by the hurricane. So thank you for that god bless you for that we wish you al the best. We did invite bill nelson to come on the show. We would love to hear from him at some point today. Is he welcome to call in. Steve better hurry only have one hour left. Ainsley on our show. Steve thats right. More from americas election headquarters 48th and sixth avenue. The president s son, eric trump, will be joining us live on fox square, folks. Good morning. The eye of the tiger building a better bank starts with looking at something old, and saying, really . So capital one is building something completely new. Capital one cafes. You can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. Seriously, 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . That skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and Customer Service are critical to business success. Like the ones we teach here, every day. To take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. We really pride ourselvesglass, on making it easy natures bounty. To get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. 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Maybe you should think again. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy and the power of 123. Trelegy 123 save at trelegy. Com. This is my last stop. Steve Midterm Election day, 2018, the president of the United States in a sprint to the finish making his final pitch. We have to elect a republican congress. We have to do it. If the radical democrats take power they will take a wrecking ball to our economy and to the future of our country. Im amazed by his energy. He is everywhere. The candidates they embrace the trump again today and donald trump will do very well. We have a great chance to hold the house things break right. If democrats get in were down the toilet. Donald trump wants america to be great again. It is not a slowing fan. It is an objective. From the boot heel of missouri to the beautiful big sky of montana, from the coal mines of West Virginia to the steel mills of indiana we are going to win, win, win and not winning. Tonight will be a good night ainsley depends how youre voting. Steve americas election headquarters, 48th and six avenue. Look how many people showed up. A midterms that could go down in history. Brian polls opened up and actually more ballots. Ainsley states. Brian 35 states, good point. Brooklyn, new york, in dekalb county, in georgia. Georgia is a place where we find out about the governors race. Many predicting a runoff. Could reshape the future of ontry. Besides that, nothing is at stake, ainsley. Ainsley were tracking some of the races that are very critical. Were live in fox square on sixth avenue, live in your living room, in your kitchen, in your bath ream hoe hope and were talking to diners all morning long with pete hegseth in fort worth. Todd piro is up in new jersey, lebanon, new jersey. Well head down to florida in the great area of lakeland, florida, where we find Griff Jenkins. Hey, griff. Reporter good morning. It is hopping. People coming in after voting. People having three eggs, hash browns and side of fox news. You already voted. What drove your vote . What drove my vote i moved here 15 years ago out of a high rent distribute, high taxes. I wanted low taxes, low crime. I found a wonderful diversity here in florida. I did not vote for gillum. Reporter all right. Vivian, what was the issue matters most to you, what drove your vote today . I havent voted yet but i will go today for trump. What drove me is, law and order, diversity but legality, and safety and borders, closed borders. Reporter quickly, eddie, how did you vote, how did you vote . I was a water voter, i voted on all the candidates based on position on everglades and red tide. I voted for desantis because he was proenvironmental republican and that was really important to have that. And so i voted for democrat secretary of agriculture. Reporter split vote. A lot of issues driving the voting in florida. It is just going to be start of a historic day with the governors race, senate race, all eyes on the folks here in florida. Back to you. Steve griff, thank you very much. The in the corner you can see first polls close in 11 hours. Down to texas where two big races could reshape the state. Pete hegseth is talking to voters at old south pancake house in fort worth. Pete. Pete exciting in election day. It 8 00 a. M. Here, i dont know the time im so excited. Who here already voted. [cheering] early voting is massive in the state of texas. Huge senate race. Ted cruz versus beto orourke. Any cruz folks in the room . [cheering] including larry and brian who i will talk to. Both of you already voted and voted for cruz. Tell me why you did. Break undo the race a little bit for us for folks who dont understand texas directly. I typically vote for conservative values. I think a lot of people in texas will do that. I think beto, as he made a lot of money for his run, i dont really think that reflects values of what texans really feel. It played up a little harder than it actually is. I think cruz will go through with the win. I believe well run red. I know it. Reporter wont even be close . I dont think it will be a land slide but i dont think what everyone is saying that it will be close. I think cruz will win. Reporter thank you very much. Brian, youre a businessman. What is most important to you . You said you noticed a trend how the senate race viewed in texas . The senate races are viewed very much republican in texas among my friend. A lot of people will go into the booth. They will republican. Dont advertise it on the cars or bumper stickers in front yard. There are a number of reasons for that. There is reason for that. Betos values are so onesided texas people cant relate to him. Reporter you believe a hidden vote for trump if he were to be on the ballot and ted cruz . Similar a lot of people picked trump a loser early but when people go to the booth they know the right thing to do. Reporter i heard a lot, dont california my texas, is that accurate . Keep texas red. Texas, texas. Back to you in manhattan which is very difficult than texas. Brian colonel west, wrote a book, if you lose texas you lose the country. If republicans lose texas you will not win president ial race as long time. It used to be dominant democrat. It flipped 25 years ago. Beto orourke and ted cruz are very close in the senate race. Ainsley both beto orourke has so much money. Steve 50 million. Ainsley they know how important the state is. Steve that fellow pete was talking to though make as good point. The voter who does not put a street sign up for a politician does not answer a poll question. You know, how is that person going to vote because in 2016, it was hard to quantify but they showed up on election day. Ainsley they did. Though showed up on election day. The lines are long early in the morning because people want to go to work. More states open up polls as lights turn on with the time change, more and more states to the west of our country waking up, going to the polls. 12 more states opening up their polling sites at 8 00. Alabama, mississippi, oklahoma, arizona, louisiana, north dakota, south dakota, wisconsin, texas and iowa. Brian how late the night will be for martha, brett, everybody else on the steam a lot of races are close in blue states like california. You have the three hour time change. Who will get Darrell Issas seat. Experts say this could be 20 or 40 seats, shows you they dont want to lose their business if theyre wrong, this could come down here a couple seats. We might be back here tomorrow, steve, you will be in missouri. Steve i will be in branson, missouri. We might not know who has the house. Steve we might note. We know how many people did early voting. In 2014, 20. 2 million did early voting. This year estimate is 36 million. Ainsley that is unbelievable. Steve record youth vote, 2. 3 million americans under the age of 30 already voted. A surge in nonusual voters, firsttime voters could favor democrat. Usually younger folks like democratic party, and older folks republican. Michael mcdonald, a professor at university of florida that tracks voter turnout, by the time early vote is counted looks like every state could surpass the 2014 numbers. Looks like 45 of eligible voters will vote this year. Different election and midterms. Brian people running from high taxes running to conservative state. Running to states that dont reflect their values that are prospering like texas, florida, tennessee. Ainsley issues are different. Democrats, health care. Republicans immigration. Base is fired up on both sides. So many races are neckandneck but the issues are totally different. Steve the president of the United States made a Closing Argument yesterday. It was a tripleheader. He was in missouri, indiana, and ohio as well. If you missed it here is some of the president asking for you to vote republican. We have accomplished more than anyone could have ever imagined. We created 4. 5 million new jobs. We have got to stop crying Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. [booing] from erasing everything that we have gained. If the radical democrats take power, they will take a wrecking ball to our economy. They have been on a shameless campaign to obstruct, resist, demolish, defame, and destroy. But you can stop them with your votes. If you want more caravans, if you want more crime, vote democrat. If you want strong borders, and safe communities, no drugs, no caravans, vote republican. There is an electricity like people have not seen since a date, 2016, november. Were putting america first. It is very simple. Putting america first. [cheering] america first. Usa. Usa. Usa. Usa. Steve so what is going to happen today . We were talking earlier about the possibility of the socalled hidden trump voter like we saw in 2016, larry sabato weighed in yesterday. He thinks that the house could be picked up by the democrats but then again he added caveat, but anything can happen. Brian Cook Political Report has new rankings. Nine districts shifting toward democrat, one better for republicans. But he doesnt put them in the seat. They went from tossup to lean. Or lean to likely. That is the ultimate hedge. In sports you could never get away with that make your pick. What the heck is going on here . Ainsley we started with that song, anything can happen. How appropriate. Mollie hemingway expected if you look at history, since the war 28 of the house seats will go to the democrats. The democrats need 23 seats. But anything can happen. Steve indeed. Meanwhile if you have been watching the Media Coverage of the midterms, here is a sample. But the core of the president s Closing Argument is not hope, its fear. Dark warnings about illegal immigration. Biggest Terror Threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right. This president has radicalized so many more people than isis. The president has far more supporters who espouse equally hateful ideology. The stakes are huge, if democrats win the house, they cain control of committees and subpoena power, the ability to investigate President Trump. Voters with a clear choice to celebrate or reject the trump agenda. Brian that is a little how the media is playing it straight up the middle. The president of the United States finished up in cape rod dough, missouri, his last appearance. You cannot go there without thinking of Rush Limbaugh. Rush doesnt make many appearances. He loves this president , appreciates this president. Loves going back to his hometown. He talked about failure. Brian struggling in radio. Now part of the process is success. You realize there isnt a single elected official in either party, who can do what this is tonight. Theyre jealous. They are envious. This isnt supposed to happen. You people are supposed to love them, not trump. The people in washington really havent taken the time to understand why you voted for trump. They just think youre stupid for doing so. [booing] there is so much to learn about why you have. There is so much to learn about the potential greatness for america, to learn why youre here, why you support trump. Donald trump wants america to be great again. It is not a slogan. It is an objective. Steve elrus hbo last night making the Closing Argument. Eric trump in the house. Brian is that you . Ainsley that. Even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. Olay regenerist wipes out the competition. Hydrating better than 100, 200, even 400 creams. 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She outsmarts me every single time. Checkmate you wanna play again . Anncr prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Ainsley President Trump stumping for Senate Candidate Marsha Blackburn in chattanooga, tennessee over the weekend. Steve but will the president s help be enough to take this highlycontested seat . Candidate for the u. S. Senate Marsha Blackburn joins us today. Good morning to you, miss blackburn. What is going on in the race for tennessee this Tuesday Morning . Steve, i have to tell you. The race is looking good. Were excited about the day in front of us. Well be working right up to the time the polls close at 7 00. This is going to be a great day. Its a great day for tennesseans. They want a conservative senator who will take those tennessee values to washington. Ainsley you know, congressman blackburn, normally we hear that historically speaking the opposite party, if republicans are in power, then the democrats do really well in the Midterm Election, weve seen that time and time again but this year it seems different. So many races are neckandneck for different reasons. Democratic spotters want something totally different than the republicans do. Historically speak having you ever seen anything like this and why do you think these races are so neckandneck . Ainsley, i think what you have is people who voted for President Trump in 2016, they want to drain the swamp. They want to get rid of elitism and cronyism in washington, d. C. And they are showing up at the polls. They know if my opponent, Phil Bredesen were to win, he would be a part of the washington democrats. He had his choice. He could have run as republican, independent, democrat. He chose to run as a democrat. He would support the Chuck Schumer, nancy pelosi agenda. Steve we did insite the governor to appeon the program, mr. Bredesen. We have not heard back. We know you have a busy day. Thanks for starting your day with fox friends. Ainsley one more day. Happy to be with you. Ainsley thank you. We ish all the best. President trump touting his midterm message. Promises made, promises met nationwide. Will that lead to victory . Well ask the president s son, eric trump is live here. Come on up, eric. Youre still here . Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. So, that means no breakfast . Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. waves crashing excedrin sees your relentless, pounding headache even if no one else can. Its why we focus only on headaches. Nothing works faster. We see your pain and whats possible without it. Excedrin extra strength. We see your pain and whats possible without it. Takes more mathan just investment advice. 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Reporter steve, ainsley, brian, good morning. Poles have been open 24 minutes in arizona. Most voters already voted. Arizona secretary of state expects 80 of ballots cast earlier we have a break down. Republicans have an edge in turnout. Out of 1. 5 million, 41 are from registered republicans, 34 from democrats and 24 from independent. Martha mcsally said she is ridiculous she is in virtual tie headed into her opponent krysten sinema. I know you have my six. From the bottom of my heart, push through 24 hours i will be proud to represent you all in the senate. Lets get to victory. God bless you all. Reporter turnout in arizona is already in record levels. Most voted in primary in arizonas history. It is on back to beat 2016 president ial levels. Ainsley thank you, hillary. Eric trump, the son of the president and executive Vice President of the trump organization. Your fathers name is not actually on the ballot but is it . Are people voting for the candidates but are they going to support him . His name is on the ballot. Were winning everything were doing. Our economy is winning. Our veterans are winning. Were winning with jobs and winning with trade. Were winning with everything, guys. If americans reward that, if americans reward a person and a party who has won and turned this country around and made america the greatest country in the world, the greatest economic power this country has of seen, we do amazing today. If people arent complacent, if they get out, if republicans, if that army of trump gets out there, if they vote today, we win. Steve it looks like the army of trump may have already voted when you look at early voting numbers in arizona, the republicans are crushing it. Early votes have been good in certain places, but you cant take that for granted. You can never take it for granted. A lot of races are close. People have to get out to vote. Peoples waynes are up. Wayne growth this year is 3. 1 . We have the lowest since 1969 we have only 11 months, 1969, we put a man on the moon in 1969, we had only 11 months unemployment under 4 and six are under trump. I hope people dont take that for granted. If republicans and Trump Supporters get out there today, we win. Brian something already unprecedented took place, a former president , cannot run again, went out acted like he was on the ballot, barack obama. Number one, did he catch the president by surprise, your dad by surprise he would do this . Do you find it strange seems to be personal with him . He seems to have a personal problem with the he does have a personal problem. He is taking credit for a lot of my fathers accomplishments. You see the passion. You dont see passion at his rallies. You see the passion at my fathers rallies. Unfortunate situation where someone had a medical emergency. My getter steps aside while the person is treated, the crowd sings, Amazing Grace. It brings tears to your eyes. People want this country to thrive, people want this country to succeed. This country is winning. Were winning. We had the slowest recovery coming out after depression, recession ever. Look what happened over the last two years. The markets gone through the roof. Trillions and trillions dollars of wealth being created for this country. Wages going up. Unemployment lowest ever. Our country is doing awesome. Steve eric, to brians point, former president barack obama he said essentially the character of this country is on the ballot. Who are we is on the ballot. What kind of politics we can expect is on the ballot as well. Never mentions your dad by name but he is talking about your dad. They cant talk about quantifiable things, things that you can statistically measure but talk about style all the time. If you cant win on true accomplishments, things you can quantify, talk about style all day. I dont think Americans Care about style. Americans care about results. I know i care about results. This country is doing great. This country is doing great. The media doesnt want to cover it. They want to promote sensational book, they want to promote nonsense. They want to distract. What are the democrats running on now . Double everybodys taxes. Running on attack Law Enforcement, abolish i. C. E. Steve health care. A system truly ironic. This is system they broke. Obama said you can keep your doctor, keep your plan, save 2500. At the enof the day you didnt get to keep your dollar, didnt get to keep your plan and didnt save 2500. When you couldnt afford the plan you wanted you got fined by the government because of something you couldnt utilize because it was too expensive. Theyre running on health care which the system obama bloke. Brian republicans blew it. Not coming up with a replace plan. They set them themselves up for this. Ainsley your wife is crisscrossing across the country. She is incredible. Were excited to see our kids and our dog. Steve she is hourly. She is the best trump. Am i allowed to say that . She is the best trump. Steve that is best trumpian answer. Go vote. Ainsley the polls are open in new jersey, florida, texas, that is where todd, griff and pete are having breakfast with our friends. Well check in with them coming up next. Todays fluctuating Interest Rates can increase your anxiety when buying a new home. Thats why quicken loans created our new, exclusive rateshield approval™ first, we lock your Interest Rate for up to 90 days while you find your new home. Then, if rates have gone up, your rate stays locked. But, if rates have gone down, your rate drops. Either way, you win its the kind of thinking youd expect from americas largest mortgage lender. If youre thinking about buying a home, call quicken loans or go to rocketmortgage. Com today. The new lincoln mkc. Mix. Connecting the world inside, with the world outside. So you can move through both a little easier. Introducing the wellconnected 2019 lincoln mkc. For just fifteen ninetynine at red lobster. You get all the shrimp you want, any way you want them. And now savory parmesan shrimp scampi is back new sesameginger shrimp is here, too. But hurry in, endless shrimp ends november eighteenth. From the outside, from the perimeter of the square, to the outside of the square, we have you covered. I just adlibbed that. Steve yeah. Brian do you think they will use that later . I dont think so. Ainsley very important, midterm day, the day is here, weve been counting down for a very long time. Steve were outside in the elements. It is about 50 degrees, a little drizzly, and election day. How will people vote today across the country . Live team coverage, getting voter reaction. Griff jenkins is live in lakeland, florida. Pete hegseth in fort worth, texas. Todd piro at the diner in lebanon, new jersey. Reporter guys the man running for senate in new jersey decided we were having so much fun decided to come down here. Bob hugin. [cheering] today is a big day. How are you feeling . Im feeling so energized. The people of new jersey deserve better. Ive been all over this state. They know we will get better today. Well make it happen today. Big win, big win today. Reporter if elected what will you do for the great state of new jersey and our great nation. I will restore integrity to the honor and office of United States senate of new jersey. Weve been disgraced and embarrassed. We failed. We get least back than any state in country. People of new jersey deserve better. Well do it in bipartisan way. When i win today, i will call governor murphy tomorrow, i dont agree with a lot of positions we need both senators together, all the newlyelected congresspeople, what are two or three most important priorities for people of new jersey . Fight about everything else. Prioritize two or three things, which includes infrastructure, getting more resources back to new jersey, we dont have the highest property tax, highest sales tax. [cheering] the guy im running against voted to raise taxes over 500 times. He is part of the problem of the it is time for him to go. 25 years of failure and embarassment. We can do better. Were going to do better. Reporter youve been criticized by some democrats being too close to President Trump. Youve been criticized by some conservatives not being closely aligned to President Trump. How do you respond to the criticisms . That is place to be. New jersey people want a independent leader and fight for them and support the president when he is doing things for new jersey and our country. A lot of good things, the economy, lots of good things. There are things, when somebody doesnt do good things for new jersey. We need somebody to fight for new jersey. 10,000dollar tax on state and local Tax Deductions is bad for new jersey. Im a fisherman. I dont believe in offshore drilling off the coast of new jersey. Greatest thing we give to our children, grandchildren, a cleaner healthy environment. Im what new jersey needs. Im a leader my whole life. Im not a follower. I will do what is best for people of new jersey. Dont fill out any special interest questionnaire. My wife and i financed this campaign. When i go to washington, only constituency patters people of new jersey. Well put them first. Reporter bob hugin, everybody, back to you guys. Steve big crowd in new jersey. Todd, thank you. Lets go down to texas where pete is live at the old south pancake house in fort worth. Reporter thats right, guy. I cant pretend to keep up with the crowd in new jersey. Welldone, todd. In texas, everyone goes to work, right . Maybe that is our excuse. It is not beneath me to suck up to the folks here. This is college town. A lot of folks been with us in fort worth. Judy loves you, ainsley. She has been telling me all morning. As republican in fort worth, in texas, how are you feeling about the race . I feel very confident. But all our Republican People in fort worth to get out and vote. We cant sit on our laurels. This is a huge crowd been turned out. As Governor Abbott said last week, we dont know who is voting. There are tons of reporter if you want to keep texas red you cant take it for granted . Get out and vote. Dont stop voting, get out and tell your friends. Reporter getoutthevote message if you need it. Your thoughts on the cruz,rork matchup . Cruz will win by a landslide in my opinion. What i would like to say, if you want money going into your pocket you vote republican. If you want money coming out of your pocket you vote democrat. Reporter very wellsaid, sir. What is the Biggest Issue on your mind . You already early voted, voters what is top of mind . Top of mind is democrats winning the house. I hope it doesnt happen. Reporter cant happen. Pete, you teach government, at the local college here. You give extra credit to the students if they do what . If they vote. I have 98 students. 51 already voted. Of course i voted. Here is mine. Reporter any predictions for today . Razor, razor close but i honestly the republicans will win. Reporter heard it from the government teacher. Here in texas. He thinks ted cruz will pull it out. Well see you guys. Back to you in manhattan. Brian thanks a lot, pete. Ainsley give judy a hug. Reporter i will. Ainsley told me to give you a hug. Ainsley we love you all. Brian pete hegseths arch rival, where they go we have to keep the two apart. Griff jenkins is in lakeland, florida, where he is babysitting. Hey, griff port for the this is nicole. She cant vote until 2035. Voters that can. Jennifer, ed dunne have six daughters. Jennifer is democrat. Ed is republican. All daughters in military or Law Enforcement. Thats right. All of them exempt for ones too young to work yet. Reporter what is driving you today. Will you vote all republican. I vote all republican. I believe in him. He stands for the military and Law Enforcement and making America Great. Reporter you were voting all democrat, until President Trump came along . Absolutely. Since ive been old enough to vote. Reporter ed, youre already a republican. With the issues out there, what is driving your vote today . What matters most to you . The economy. Low taxes, and our border, securing our borders. I believe that is very important. Your wife, because of President Trump is sort of come over from the democrat position. Have you seen other folks that have had sort of the same impact that your wife has . Not really. My wife, she is democrat and thats a big thing for her. Reporter interesting. Just with a few seconds left, i did want to get quickly in, michael, what mattered most to you you were telling me. Im a latino for trump. We have to build the wall. We have to come in the country a legal way. There is process and law to come to the United States. As we did when my mom came over from cotariq can. Reporter all right. Thank you, michael. That is what is happening at the lunch box, great food, cute babies, diversity of voters. Talking about the issues. Brian good math on the baby voting in 2035. I could never have done that, especially without writing it down. Steve write down the forecast. Janice dean will tell you what is is looks like on this election day. We have the best fans on Fox News Channel, right . On, fox square, theyre coming in, fox nation. Well take you live inside throughout the day today, some of our wonderful fans have come down for election day. Lets look at the forecast. Were getting a little bit of rain in new york city. We have a cold front sweeping across the eastern third of the country. Well see potential for inclement weather. Severe weather has diminished but we could see thunderstorms across parts of southeast and northeast. We have snow across the Northern Plains and northern rockies. Otherwise looks like a good forecast. Listen to the local weather forecast. Are you ready . We have the best fans of all time on the Fox News Channel. Steve thank you, janice. Are you best fans or what . Yeah. Brian thats ainsley theyre very humble. Brian they have the best fans. Theyre just not here yet. Straight ahead, one of the tightest senate races in the country. Were talking about democrat joe donnelly. Neckandneck with republican mike braun. Steve our Political Panel is back with the final thoughts on election day. They are coming up. There is janice again. Nothing worth losing sleep over, because we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum from the first loving Touch Everything that touches your baby should be this comforting pampers swaddlers, the 1 choice of hospitals, is 2x softer and wraps your baby in our most premium protection so every touch is as comforting as the first pampers the 1 choice of hospitals, nurses parents ainsley good morning. Welcome back on election day. We have headlines for you. Four major issues on the ballot. Safe havens for illegals a ballot measure in oregon could repeal the sanctuary law. It was the first state to pass legislation shielding illegals from deportation and other immigration laws back in 1987. A measure in florida would restore eligibility to vote for 1. 5 million felons who finished their sentences. People convicted of murder and Sexual Assault would not be eligible. Democrats want to tax residents on gas and heating fuels. Voters, tough, tough task, Legal Marijuana in four states today. Michigan and north dakota weighing in on recreational pot while utah and missouri voters will decide whether to approve medicinal weed. Back to you. Brian moments ago republican mike braun meeting with voters in indiana. Two hours ago he talked to us. Ainsley today the hoosiers will decide between mike braun and democrat joe donnelly in the Key Senate Race. Steve our buddy jeff flock is live at a polling place in carmel with more what braun had to say. Jeff . Reporter he watts talking to these folks. Look at this, this amazing. They have four lines. Cant see end of the lines. Big rally last night for mike braun in a battle with joe dont nelly as we reported. Big rally with the president. The president here twice in the last four days. But Donnelly Campaign this morning spinning it a different way. Look at this quote they gave us this morning. We would like to thank the president for keeping thousands of committed braun supporters off the doors and phones. Every little bit helps that is the spin from Donnelly Campaign. I love politics, dont you. Here is what mike braun side when he talked about voters. That again is a false dialogue. I think when you have a party at the National Level that basically demonizes and tries to run with the negativity, you dont have to be an einstein to know that is a lack of message. Reporter mike braun. Ill tell you. These suburban voters, suburban indianapolis voter, these are voters that both these guys are competing for. Joe donnelly says i support the president. I support him on the wall. I support him on a lot of things. Support for i. C. E. And the rest. It will be a good contest here. This one could go a long night. Guys . Steve looks like. Jeff flock live in indiana with big crowds. Ainsley well be watching that race. Thank so much, jeff, our Political Panel is back with their thoughts this election morning. That is coming up next. Brian with your permission i want to check in with bill hemmer to find out what is on his show indoors. Hey, bill. I like the outdoor setup. You should consider keeping it. Steve in july. Why laugh . I think its a great idea. Finally it is here. Tens of millions of americans voting today. We have the best line up to take you through all of it. Remember early voting has been significant. Karl rove studied the early vote in all the critical races all these states. He is our headliner. Steve stivers runs republican reelection in the house. How does he handicap all the races . So razor tight. Come see sandra and me in ten minutes. We get ready to go on the three hour tour starting 9 00 a. M. See you then, guys. Well, with your finances that is. We had nothing to do with that tie. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Our big idaho potato truck and were going to find it. Awe man. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Hi susan hs honey . I respect that. 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Federalist, fox news contributor. Robert wolf, fox news contributor, 32 advisors. What is the headline today. I never stop believing. I believe that while it should be a bad year for the president s party i think the democrats have defined themselves largely by their rage against trump and that is not enough of an argument. So split decision house and senate. Brian molly, democrats done enough of a job lowering expectations . Whatever they walk away with will seem like a highfive from the nation . Historically speaking they should have a really good night. I think exactly what james is saying. The fact theyre not even sure at this point who will take the house at the end, mean this is is something that will really be battled out at end of tonight. I think you see ainsley why is that . What is so different about this election cycle than anything weve seen before . One thing we know for sure we dont know. We dont know pollsters are right anymore post 2016. We have never seen this much money and these many people vote. There are too many elections by 1 . So we just dont really know. I think the surprise of the night is democrats will do incredibly well on governorships, minimum, six, possibly 10. That will be the most important thing going into 2020. Brian do you believe, molly the democratic leader emerge with the biggest victory, one leading for presidency . People say gillum will run. If orourke wins he will run . Do you see president ial material . People are saying that but i dont think it will happen in 2020. President trump advantage is the lack of a strong bench on the democratic side. Future elections after that, definitely people to watch out for. Ainsley robert, do you agree the gubernatorial races are important. Could be big for the long term, as far as redistricting. 2020, i think not. If youre a republican and, it is not your night, i think Silver Lining would be President Trump may get stronger running against a, pelosiled congress. Might make him look good. Brian how great was the panel . [cheering] chime [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. We really pride ourselves ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . 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Get your insurance quote today. To take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Its election day. Exciting. Thank you so much for joining us. Dont turn your tvs off. Watch all day long. The results will start coming in later today. Well have the best coverage here with the most fun and greatest crowds and bestlooking crowd. Over to bill and sandra. Bill thank you, guys, fox news alert all the rallies, campaigning, tv ads come down to this. Polls are open. Millions are voting at this hour right now as we say good morning. Im bill hemmer. Got a great three hours coming up. Sandra were here. We made it. Today is the day. Im sandra smith. Today Voters Decide whether republicans hold onto the house and senate or if Democrats Gain control. In the house dems need to flip 23 seats to win the majority. In the senate they need a net gain of two seats. President trump making his Closing Argument yesterday. President trump in less than two years time we have accomplished more than anyone could have ever

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