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Thank you for fighting for us. Mariners pitcher james paxton during todays anthem. The challenger, the bald eagle. Decided to land on top of paxton. For him to go rogue, this is very unlike his behavior. All i need is a miracle all i need is you all i need is a miracle all i need is you steve says it all right there in the zipper. It is friday, april 6th. Key word though, friday. Yahoo. Ainsley we are so excited, the week is almost over. Last alarm clock even though we love our jobs we get to sleep in a little tomorrow. Steve even though its going to rain and snow a little bit in new york city because its april. Brian its not allow you had to happen. Ainsley roll out a tarp over the entire northeast . Brian i dont believe its steve o happen. Put your tin foil hat on. You will need that later when its snowing. Ainsley are you saying the meteorologists are wrong . Brian not when theyre around. As soon as they get to the set. Ainsley once janice comes back from vacation. Steve lets place a wager on it. Im going to say its going to snow a little bit. Ainsley what are they saying the chances are . Steve stand by, new york 60 chance of a flurry and stuff starting at 9 and 90 at 10 00. I have my dollar by 10 00. Brian absolutely. You will be on your plane to be florida. Steve im staying here, im watching the masters. Brian i need some National Guard troops. New mexico says im. In california is thinking about it now we know yesterday he is thinking about between 2,000 and 4,000 troops on our border, National Guard. What they will do is probably free up more Border Security to do other stuff and just reemphasize having the 3,000 come across today and 300 come across today and 300,000 annually is not for america. Ainsley the president was there in West Virginia to talk about taxes. And he had the script, just a one page script. And i literally takes that piece of paper and throws it in the air and says the heck with this. Im not going to talk about taxes. Im going to talk about what you care about Border Security. This is coal country where hillary said she was was going to take away your jobs. This was going to be my remarks it would have taken about two minutes but what the hell u that would have been a little boring. We have the worst laws. Catch and release, which were terminating very quickly. We are doing it in pieces. We are working out systems now and we called out the National Guard and and were doing a real job. I will tell you what, the laws of this country have to be strengthened and tufnsd toughened up. We have to have strong borders. We are going to have our wall. And we are going to get it very strongly. The military is going to be building some of it. And we have to change our laws, and we are working on doing that. Steve what he just said there, telling it like it is as the banner says right there. There was a lot going on in there aside from starting with a little flourish where he goes off script. He says we will events actually have the wall. He talked a little bit about the National Guard. Although it was on air force one flying back to washington revealed the numbers between 2 and 4,000. That catch and release thing we have been talking about a lot given the fact the caravan is coming in, we are terminating it very, very quickly. How are they going to do that . We heard from the judge a couple days ago. He can do it. Mean while, going off script, thats nothing new for this president , just ask his former communications director. Thats haze operating style. He likes when people are tuning in listening to him. I think that caravan, whatever the size and scope and nature of it was definitely disbanded as a direct result of the comment he has been making over the last 4 or 5 days. Is he getting his point across. The border crossings, the ilLegal Immigration into the United States from the southern border is at a 46year low. And so he is asking people to consider the laws that are on the books and records of the u. S. And abide by them. Is he for Legal Immigration as is the rest of the nation. Ainsley for Legal Immigration. People can come in legally and do it the right way. His job is to protect americans not only from the crime and criminals but also save you money. A lot of the your taxpaying dollars are going to fund them when it comes to healthcare, when it comes to their education. Criminal justice. Brian when you look at the economy, it is roaring. And a lot has to do with the tax cut production, optimism, but when the president threw out that script, and threw out the topic, it allows people to go off base with him. Voter fraud. People in california are voting four or five times. He talked about those caravans with massive rapes going on with the caravans and going down the escalator and talked about this thing about the wall. We werent talking about emotional moments like this which are pure and this is why he ran. This is buried and nonexistent on other networks. Listen to what actually took place when we were talking about the imhe economy and tax cuts. I just want to say thank you. I said i wasnt going to cry. [laughter] i just want to say thank you to you for the tax cuts. This is a big deal for our family. We really support you, and this is a big deal, these tax cuts are a big deal. Thank you for listening to us. Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for carrying enough to allow us the opportunity to come here and tell you thank you to your face. My boys, my little 10yearold wants to be president one day. It will happen. Ainsley that is so sweet. What a touching testimony. Jessica hodge and her husband is tony hodge. Sea mail carrier. She got emotional talking about how much that money means to their family. It is a big deal to families. Have you nancy pelosi calling them crumbs. She even said if democrats win in november, those go away. Those tax cuts go away. She will take away that bonus and that tax cut from that family right there. Steve i think that will become part of a big commercial come november. But whats interesting about the fact that Jessica Hodge got so emotional talking about the tax cuts is the fact that the president of the United States took shots at the sitting senator from West Virginia, joe manchin and said, you know, we need more republicans in congress because joe manchin voted against tax cuts. Ainsley he said we migh he mige a friendly guy. He is friendly in the hallways but he voted against the tax cut. Receive steve he voted against fixing healthcare. There are three other republicans running to joe manchins seat. The fellow that ran massi. Mining disaster 29 people died. This man wound up in jail for i believe a year he was not invited in. However a congressman who is a republican and also the states attorney general were there because they would like to take joe manchins job. You know what . The president would like them to take joe manchins job, too. Brian he did vote against the tax cut but did vote for the banking reform to change dodd frank. The president came out and wrongly accused manchin of doing that meanwhile, when it comes to Andrew Mccabe and why he was fired before he could retire, were getting some new details. Its essentially this. There is four reasons. Three stand out. A lack of candor under oath. A lack of candor not under oath. And improper disclosure of nonpublic information to the media, specifically we understand the wall street journal about the existence of the fbi Clinton Foundation investigation. Mccabes lawyer came out and says oh yeah he was given permission to talk to the wall street journal. Really . Because james comey says he never gave anybody permission to do that. So, someone is not telling the truth. And james comey says superior. Ainsley what about in virginia his wife was running for state senate. Terry mcauliffs group gave her a bunch of money. He allegedly according to the articles we are reading this morning, sources are telling us inside the fbi, that Andrew Mccabe got lisa page, who was his attorney working for him to go and set the record straight with the wall street journal. Steve and apparently mr. Mccabe, pictured right there, was not honest with the federal investigators as to the nature of what he had sent her to do. And her testimony was completely different, apparently than his. You combine that, that becomes a lack of candor, then have you james comey saying whats he talking about . I didnt tell him he could leak. Then have you got the fact that remember there was peter strzok who was lisa page his attorneys other half of the love birds right there. There was no love triangle. That would have been quite a headline. Ainsley love circle u. Steve here is a text from peter strzok to her. He says i think we need to consider the lines of what we do disclose to the department of justice. For example, the latest stipulation notes we will not disclose. In other words, they are picking up what to present. They are being very selective because they dont want to get caught doing anything bad. You know, it looks so bad for certain members of the fbi. This is extraordinary and then when the deadline came yesterday where they were going to have another 1 million documents supposed to be released and the fbi said not yet. It doesnt look good they have redacted so much because they are keeping so many secrets from us. Brian congressman goodlatte is beside himself. He has got a thousand. He needs 1. 2 million. Jillian mele has 1. 2 million in the bank. Jillian thats just one account. The other account has so much more. I wish. Good morning to you guys, good morning to you at home. We now know the name of the thunder bird pilot killed in a training flight. Major steven del vagnos crashing outside of las vegas on wednesday. It was his first season with the thunder birds. And the four marines killed in a Helicopter Crash killed in california this week also identified. Captain schultz was a Third Generation pilot. Samuel phillips joins corps in 102013. Gunnery sergeant holly served two tours and Corporal Conrad became a father in october. President trump breaks silence on Stormy Daniels. He didnt know what the lawyer made a payment about their 2006 affair. Do you know about the payment to Stormy Daniels . No. [inaudible] Jillian Daniels is suing the lawyer to nullify the agreement. It only strengthen their case. M. M. A. Fighter Conner Mcgregor appear in court today hours after turning himself in. Under arrest after this bizarre outburst. Tmz video appears to show him throwing a dolly at a bus smashing media day in new york city. Two people on board hurt and unable to fight. Mcgregor is charged with assault and criminal mischief. Wow, probably not a good idea. Anger management problem. Brian anyone who thinks thats a set up doesnt understand glass in the face, cancelled bouts. Thats not a set up. Unbelievable. Steve he is in trouble. Ainsley thanks, jillian. Steve straight ahead on this friday morning the antimovement moving through california. Griff jenkins talking to leaders in Southern California who are defying the governor. He is live at the border next. Brian and the eagle has landed but not where it was supposed to and not jillians eagles. Steve ouch, ouch. The stars and stripes and the eagle flies. Uncooperative bald eagle a lady stands in the harbor for what we believe do ndo not misjudgenity quiet tranquility. With the power of 335 turbocharged horses lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350 and a quiet interior from which to admire them. The lincoln spring sales event is here. 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Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Never give up. See me. See me. Clear skin can last. Dont hold back. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. Ainsley as we wait to see when the National Guard will arrive to help secure our border with mexico, more cities and counties in california are actually lining up to fight the state sanctuary policies. Steve the san diego board of supervisors will be the next to vote on the issue, and that comes up on april the 17th. Brian so Griff Jenkins is live at the border, just outside san diego, has everybody very concerned in that area they voted for or against the sanctuary state policy. Hey, griff. Hey, guys. Good morning. Thats right. Maybe some of those 4,000 National Guard troops will be here on the san diego tijuana border along the fence behind me. Who knows . But San Diego County is not waiting around. In less than two weeks they will vote on a measure similar to what escondido did join in lawsuit against californias sanction area laws ties the hands of local Law Enforcement. Breaks down cooperation between local Law Enforcement and ice. So i spent yesterday talking to kristin gasper, the chairwoman of the san diego board of supervisors and vice chair diane jacob. Here is what they said they expect to happen and the reality for one of them who shares 50 miles of this take a listen. We want to do something more than a resolution or at least i personally do. Because thats seemingly meaningless. We will be working in closed session with our legal team to really explore any and all options we have as a county to provide meaningful input into this lawsuit. I have represented about 50 miles of our San Diego County the u. S. Mexico border ever since i have been in office. I have seen the changes that have occurred on the border. And its not good. And we talked to the ice side of this. The san diego field director greg archenbalt. Take a listen. Instead of having one officer go to the jail pick somebody up. We have to have a team of officers outside the jail to get somebody released. Are we capturing those people . No. They are released into the street. We have to put a Team Together to look for this individual. Its more dangerous for our officers. Just to put it into perspective, guys, archen bald was one of the ice agents stationed inside the Escondido Police department for which the mayor says he has since 2010 taken 2,000 criminal aliens off the street. That arrangement with ice agents inside local Police Departments no longer exist because of these laws, guys . Brian griff is standing inside of a wall fence that worked in san diego. All you have to do is ask the people there thanks, griff. Ainsley it is 20 minutes after the top of the hour. You heard of white privilege. One University Held a seminar on christian seminar on christian privilege. Brian about time. Ainsley how did that go . A student who went joins us next. Steve joe biden says he is getting ready to run in 2020. There is one condition. What is it . You have to stay tuned whenever you knock me now down i will not stay on the ground never say never you look amazing. And you look amazingly comfortable. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. Thats when you know, its halfwashed. Add downy to keep your collars from stretching. Downy and its done. A trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home, with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. 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Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Steve 6 23 in new york city. Time for fox headlines. First up Vice President joe biden telling donors he is seriously considering running for president in 2020. But only if its against President Trump. He has been making these remarks in private meetings. A spokesman florp biden says he has not yet decided. Tim pawlenty now running for his former seat after serving from 2003 to 2011. The two term republican did not seek a third term. Instead launching a short lived president ial campaign. The 57yearold most recently worked as a lobbyist in washington, d. C. But now it looks like he is running for governor. All right, ainsley . Ainsley thank you, steve. George Washington University hosting that seminar last night. We have been talking about, place ago spotlight on socalled christian privilege and how christians apparently get unmerited perks and have built in advantages over nonchristians in the United States. Abigail is a campus reform. Org correspondent and jr. At george Washington University and she attended the event last night and joins us to tell us what it was all about. Good morning, abigail. Good morning, happy friday. Ainsley happy friday. Yeah, you made it. Tell us about the event last night and what you took away from it . I was so happy to be able to attend the event thats gotten so much attention over the past week with a group of conservative christian students. Unlike our liberal peers would have have done to an event they disagreed with. We didnt protest the event. We didnt stage a walkout. We didnt demand it be cancelled. We attended and ready with open ears and open dialogue and defend our believes we did just that. Ainsley how did you do that . One of the biggest issues discussed at the event is christian privilege being extremely similar to the idea of white privilege. A big problem i had with this was i didnt understand how something you have no control over, like your skin color could be even comparable to something you have complete autonomy over like your religion. When i brought this up throughout the event a few times, it was ignored. It was dismissed. And the discussion quickly moved on. Ainsley you told our producers they gave you some escalator and stairs analogy . What did they say. Biggest analogy made throughout the event was the idea of escalators and stairs. Those who had privilege were on an escalator to the top of the building and those who didnt have privilege were taking the stairs. I suggested that the escalator to christianity is open to anyone who wants to get on it regardless of your skin color, your socioeconomic status, anything. And once again when i brought this up during the event it was kind of just overlooked, the topic moved on. You can view full coverage of this event and events very similar to it that are unfortunately happening at universities around the country on campus reforms website. Ainsley they also said something about nonchristians werent guaranteed their safety on campus . What . Yeah. That was something i was very confused about. We have never had any instances of violence on campus that have been made public towards nonchristians. An example given were there werent as many worship spaces in the foggy bottommen area for nonchristians. To me it seems like a simple supply and demand issue. There are more christians in the area, so obviously there are going to be more churches. Its not that there is any malice towards nonchristians, there just arent as many of them. Its the same reason that universities offer or g. W. Specifically offers more Political Science classes as opposed to engineering classes there are more Political Science students. Ainsley gw did release a statement to us they said how many people actually went to the event . I would say about 30 to 35 students were present. This is only because space was limited. You had to sign up beforehand and it was a relatively small room. Ainsley so not a lot of students. What percentage were in disagreement there. I would say probably 10 to 12 who were outspoken in disagreement or who i had talked to before hand and said they were going explicitly with the purpose of sharing their perspective. It was great that so many students went who disagreed because even though the person leading the seminar said he had no idea that christians on campus felt the way that they did. Ainsley thank you so much, abigail. Thank you for having me. Ainsley you are a smart girl. Thanks for coming on. She is college. I was at a party. You are a courageous young woman. I was at a party. You are a courageous young woman. Remember this cold blooded cop killer granted parole. Hillary clinton isnt the only one who cant let go. She wasnt perfect, but she was way more perfect than many of the alternatives. Ainsley dick here to react to the former first ladys comments coming up next. That double vision enjoying a slice of pizza. Now its as easy as pie. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . You might or joints. Hing afor your heart. On. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. The more you know the the commute is worth it. Me, for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. You and that john deere tractor. 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Brian eagles go into the water and they will grab a trout with those same feet. Steve tallan. Brian tallans . I thought you meant talent. I think they are. But i mean thats amazing. He could have grabbed his shoulder and brought him out of the stadium. Ainsley he could have lifted of him up and carried him away . Steve that would have been really cool. He wouldnt like that. Ainsley what a majestic creature. Steve no kidding. Diamond and silk join us once a week. They are social media stars. Big trump supporters. Ladies, good morning to you. Ainsley good morning. Good morning. At the beginning of the week the story was about caravan of migrants marching towards the United States and there was a buzzfeed reporter in there so we knew all about it. It sounds like the president of the United States made it very clear called up mexico and said hey, if you want to get this nafta thing done, you better do something about it, and now it sounds like they disbursed so politician accomplished, right . Mission accomplished, yes. People can cross our borders and think they can rip away at the fabric of our country, send it back to their country and then leave the American People just sitting here long gone are those days. Thats right. If people want to be part of the american dream, be a part of america, what they need to do is get in line, rate their turn and become legally. Its good to finally have a real commanderinchief. Brian there was 1200. Some say they are still coming here. By the time they get to the border, there could be a couple of hundred. We will see. They are defiant against the president. Well, what they need to do is get in line and wait their turn. Thats right. They need to get in line and wait their turn and do it the right way. Yes. Were not having that anymore. There is a new sheriff in town. We are not having that anymore. Get in line and wait your turn is what they need to do. Thats right. And if they come here in defiance of our president , where is he sending the National Guard there to the border for a reason. You come for us, were going to be ready for you. To be ready for you. Steve what do you make of that . Because congress has not given the president the money for his big, beautiful wall he is going to put the National Guard down there, 2,000 to 4,000 it sounds like. They are going to stay there until the wall is built, the president said yesterday. I like that idea. I think think need help on the border. I love that idea. Listen, if we dont have secure borders, were not going to have a country. Our country is going to look like a third world country. Thats right. We have to have a secure border. People be cant just start pouring into our country. I say this here to people who live in el salvador and all of these other countries. If you want rights, stand up and fight for those rights in your own country. Fight for those rights in your own country. Thats right. Instead of crossing our borders, ripping away at the fabric and sending money back over to that country. Fight for your rights in your own country. Ainsley we have seen Hillary Clinton speaking out. People saying she is not willing to let go blaming everyone for her loss. Michelle obama was speaking in boston at a womens event, this is what she had to say about Hillary Clinton. Listen. The best qualified candidate in this last race was a woman. And she wasnt perfect, but she was way more perfect. [laughter] than many of the alternatives. Ainsley ladies, what do you think . Well, you know, Michelle Obama thought Hillary Clinton was so perfect, why didnt she vote for Hillary Clinton back in 2008 when she was running against her husband Barack Hussein obama. She forgot about that shade thee threw at Hillary Clinton when she said if you cant run your house you certainly cant run the white house. Well, women, black women heard Michelle Obama and that was reason we didnt vote for Hillary Clinton. Thats right. She was a corrupt politician. And thats what they need to understand. I think that its time for Hillary Clinton to get Michelle Obama, both of them can go into the woods and realize that President Trump is both of their president s. Brian she said 8 years barack was president having the good parent, responsible parent and tells to you go to bed on time and eat your parents. Now we have the other parent. Feels like it would be fun. Eat candy all day and stay up late and not follow the rules. And they have both been in the white house for 8 years. We dont need either one of them in the white house anymore. We dont need either one of them who to vote for. We have a perfect president. His name is donald j. Trump. Is he truly making America Great again. Steve i have a feeling they like him. Brian thank you. Chitchat tour diamond and silk. Com. This sunday. Steve have a great weekend. 22 minutes now before the top of the hour, jillian joins us with some news outside of new york city. Jillian thats right. Good morning to you guys. A judge in new york stopping the release of a cop killer until a new lawsuit by one of his victims widows can be reviewed. In 1971 officers were lured into a building by her man belle and two others and gunned down in cold blood. The wife of one of the officers claimed the parole board failed procedural executive law when ordered his parole. She joined us last month with this powerful message. They cant defend what they did. It should never never have happened. When you kill a Police Officer, you dont get let out of jail. You are in there for life. Jillian a judge will hear a lawsuit next friday. Remember this selfie in front of the museum of art . Turns out it was a hoax. Photo shopping italian terrorist picture to look like a jihady. That tourist stunned when he was tracked down to ask about his vacation photo. Louisiana teachers are now one step closer to being able to pray with students in Public Schools during the day. The state Senate Unanimously passing a bill that now heads to the state house it would allow School Employees to take part in student initiated faith activities as long as it doesnt interfere with their work. This comes after the aclu filed a lawsuit last december accusing a School District in the state of forcing prayer at school. Entering todays second round at the masters, everyone is chasing jordan spies. Spieth. Wow, just tremendous. Jillian the 2015 champ in the lead at 6 under. Tiger woods in first major three years at 1 over par. A tough day for defending champ sergio garcia. Did you see this . 13 strokes on hole 15. Five in the water. A masters record for the most shots on one hole. By the way, worth noting, ainsley you were just asking, tony, who ended up twisting his ankle, he had a phenomenal day. He is in second place right now 4 under par. Ainsley who do we pull for . I like him now. I like jordan spieth. Who do we pull for . Tiger. Brian im saying tiger. Im going tony. Steve may the best person win. Stay tuned. Thanks, jillian. Brian 20 minutes before the top of the hour. Steve coming up on fox friends on this friday, china vowing to fight United States at any cost. As President Trump says the administration is considering 100 billion in new tariffs. Where does the trade feud go from here . Well, we are going to talk to Peter Navarro, white house trade advisor, he has got some ideas, is he live from the white house next. Brian first, was your private messages. Ainsley and first. And, first, it was your private messages, but is facebook now trying to get your personal data from hospitals . How is that ainsley . Ainsley very good. High five trouble, trouble trouble oh, oh trouble, trouble, trouble oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . But zzzquil is different have Pain Medicine fullbodied. Because why would you take a Pain Medicine when all you want is good sleep . Zzzquil a nonhabit forming sleepaid thats not for pain, just for sleep. You totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Steve china has vowed to fight back at any cost after President Trump suddenly announced yesterday he is considering, considering an extra 100 billion in tariffs on chinese goods. Ainsley some lawmakers also slamming the president s proposal saying it will hurt american agriculture. So, is this the right move . Brian after we say what about another 11 billion. They answer back hours later. Are we in a trade war . Lets ask and get the reaction of the director of the White House Office of trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro. Peter, first off, what went into the president s decision to go from 50 to 100 billion worth of tariffs on china. The context is china steals you are intellectual property. Everybody knows when our companies goes to china they are forced to surrender technology and china has a blueprint to steal our Economic Future by stealing Industries Like artificial intelligence, robotics, and such. President trump directed lighthizer to develop tariffs and other restrictions to make sure china doesnt do that thats where we are at. After china responded not by cleaning up its act but punish American Farmers. The president made a decision. This is the decision the president wants to send to the American People. First he will have the back of American Farmers when china tries to attack them. He directed the secretary of agriculture, sunny perdue a Great American to implement a plan immediately to prevent any harm done to our American Farmers. We want to assure you that that plan will be put in place immediately. Secondly. Sending a very clear message to china. There is a reason why President Trump sits behind the resolute desk. He will stand up for america message sending to china great relationship with the president of china. This is business. And this is the kind of business where we have to stand firm against chinas business where we have to stand firm against chinas unfair trade practices. Unlike the previous president for the last 16 years prior to this president basically surrendered over 70,000 factories to china and millions of manufacturing jobs. This is historic moment. Steve its all about jobs. Peter, i know some in establishment washington, running around with their hair on fire. Cant do. This he made that up. Is he adlibbing and making it up as he goes. As we have learned from this president in the last year or. So this is simply a starting point. It is a suggestion. And ultimately it is all part of negotiation. We have seen it has worked with the chinese to some measure and the south koreas thats right, steve. Talk is not cheap. Its veriens tensive. Economic dialogues between the white house and china go all the way back to 2003 in the bush administration. Year after year. Look, the president , the maralago summit in april 2017 extended the olive branch. He went to china in november. We have done Everything Possible to try to get the chinese to clean up their act. But every american knows this every day chinese agents come into our homes, come into our businesses and try to hack our government agencies. And the president says rightly, that this kind of behavior simply is not good for the world. Upsets the global economy. It wont stand. Ainsley we wanted to get your reaction to this. This is republican senator ben sasse. Hopefully the president is just blowing off steam again. But if he is even half serious, this is nuts. The president had no actual plan to win right now. He is threatening to light american agriculture on fire. Your response . For months we looked at how the chinese might respond to the imposition of the defense of america. We thought that they might go after American Farmers as one of the most vulnerable. We expected better behavior from the chinese. But expected they might do this. We are prepared for this. Yesterday, the president announced and directed sunny perdue, the secretary of agriculture to protect and defend American Farmers against chinese economic aggression, period. Brian peter, the key for your success by almost all expert accounts is getting our allies involved. Going to the wto because our allies and others have the same complaints. What have you done to get others involved . And get on our side on this . Sure. The government is a big place here. We have got the National Security council. We have the state department. We have the department of defense. Everyone is engaged on this issue. We are reaching out to our allies and partners. Brian, the history of this is pretty clear. If you go over to asia. The philippines has been bull idea by china. Japan, vietnam. Europe is just very angry with the same kind of theft of intellectual property as we are. We are united in this with our allies and partners. We are working together to stop chinese economic aggression. Brian do you think speak out today . Say again . Are allies going to speak out today on our behalf. We are working very hard to bring the allies and partners into the dialogue on this. If you look, brian, they have already spoken out repeatedly on this. Europe has put in all sorts of sanctions against the chinese, including tariffs, i believe. On the precisely because of these bad practices china does. Steve okay. So everybody in the world knows china is doing this. Nobody has had the courage but donald trump to stand up to it. Steve okay. Exit question, peter, just a yes or a no. I have heard we are really close to a new nafta, yes or no . Possibly. Steve okay. Ambassador light houser not my lane. One word though. Steve just thought one of my words. Ainsley thank you so much. We saw in South Carolina the textile industry, oh my gosh, the mills are empty now. Steve i know it. Ainsley cant have that happen. This is about jobs. Coming up next on the run down did, facebook try to get your personal information from hospitals . A bombshell report next. Hey, kid. Really good to see you. You too. You tell grandma you were going fishing again . Maybe. vo the best things in life keep going. Thats why i got a subaru, too. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. Ainsley was facebook trying to get your personal information from hospitals . Facebook asked several hospitals to share patient information like illnesses and prescriptions for a proposed research project. Steve Facebook Says the project never went past planning stages why would they try to get personal information. Brian thats not the facebook i know. Lets get kurt the cyber go to break it down. How happy are you this morning if you are a administrator at a Major Hospital in the u. S. Going whew. So glad we didnt participate in that. What facebook wanted to do this is a secret project out of building a at facebook where all their secret stuff happens. They have a couple doctors there one doctor had led this up. The goal was they would get patient info like we are talking about but obscure your name of it thats how they are convincing the hospital. We dont want to we get the hippa laws. We dont want the names of people but just give us everything else. That would come over to facebook. Steve they can still figure out how you are. That technique is called hashing. The same way right now they know the four of us are sitting right here. If we have downloaded that facebook app. , we have also allowed them to know when you are with somebody. They were going to get that data. The intent behind this was really good. The idea was for vulnerable patients who say profile could likely have something catastrophic happen down the road. Facebooks idea was hey, maybe we can predict this and let their doctors know or let the patient know in advance, Good Intention but now train wreck of arrogant behavior in the leadership at facebook. That i dont know when we are going to be able to trust anything thats going on. Brian front and center next week. What do you want them to ask. Brian i want them to be candid about intent and what is going to be exposed and what they are going to do about it. Steve everything is exposed. It will be sea wreck public speaking. If you want to check to see if you have vulnerabilities from any of the data stuff go to cyberguy and fox friends. We have tools. Ainsley we just wanted to see our friends pictures and wish our mom a happy birthday on facebook. Now your medical records are opened up. Brian thanks, kurt. Straight ahead. Coming up, should the president stay in syria. The president is signaling he should get out. Dr. Sebastian gorka will put on a stethoscope and answer that question. Steve farage, Mercedes Schlapp, and Geraldo Rivera. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain coffee roasters. Well, heres to first dates you look amazing. And you look amazingly comfortable. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. Thats when you know, its halfwashed. Add downy to keep your collars from stretching. Unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. So, next time dont halfwash it. Downy and its done. This was going to be my speech. It would have taken about two minutes. We have to change our laws. What the democrats are doing, its insanity. President trump considers an additional 100 billion in new tariffs on chinese imports. This is business. And its the kind of business where we have to stand firm against chinas unfair trade practices. And she wasnt perfect but she was way more perfect than many of the alternatives. I think its time for Hillary Clinton to get Michelle Obama, both of them can go into the woods and realize that President Trump is both of their president s. Robert di de niro is back and no stranger to bashing President Trump. This is the kind of horrific language that makes it impossible to bring people together. I just want to say thank you to you for the tax cut. Thank you for listening to us. Thank you for fighting for us. [applause] rock it inside out we going to rock this town make them stream and shout. Brian brian setzer wrote that song in massapequa. Steve we have a live image from the titled basin in our Nations Capital because the producers put a camera there the Cherry Blossoms are at full bloom right now. It only happens about a week once a year. Thats a live image of as you can see title tidal basin. Gift from the japanese a proud tradition in our Nations Capital. Ainsley trending right now on social media. There is the washington monument. Ainsley only lasts a week . Steve unless there is a rainstorm and then it can only last a day. Sad. Brian terms of immigration and ilLegal Immigration in this country. When the president didnt get his money for the wall he had to realize get our military on the border. Come up with a number of how many National Guardsmen he wants and women he wants on the border between 2,000 and 4,000. Right now, there is no permission from the governor of california, no rejection, but no permission to put them there. We have griff. Steve california is considering it. And although we are going to tell you what the governor of the great state of oregon said and thats not good. So the president yesterday, on the way back on air force one from white Sulfur Springs West Virginia said he is going to put between 2 and 4,000 of the National Guardsmen there. Its going to be openended. He you heard in the open the lady trying to fight back the tears thank you so much for the tax cuts. Its really helped our family and her son wanted to be president one day. He ditched the script. He threw the piece of paper in the air and he said pretty boring. I will go off the cuff. Funny you should ask. You ask, we deliver. Here you go. You know, this was going to be my remarks. It would have taken about two minutes. What the hell. [applause] that would have been a little boring. Catch and release we are terminating very quickly. We are working on systems now and we called out the National Guard and you know, were doing a real job. But i will tell you what, the laws of this country have to be strengthened and toughened up. We have to change our laws. And the democrats, what theyre doing, is just insanity. We have to have strong borders. We are going to have our wall. Were going to get it strongly. The military is building some of it we are working on changing our laws. Brian president was beside himself over the weekend when word came out about buzzfeed having a reporter embedded with a caravan of refugees headed to our border number between 1200 and 1500. President outraged by. This he condemned mexico for allowing this to happen. They have got stopped in their tracks in i believe pueblo some are still heading to mexico city and want to be heading to our border about 200. The president also said, came out and said some things that i think are going to be a major distraction from his main theme which reinforce the border, reports of massive rapes going on, which now people are saying whats he talking about . Where does that come from . And the president of mexico is now firing back at our president. So you wonder have we created way too much of a distraction instead of just reinforcing our border and trying to get financing for the wall. Ainsley he wants everyone to do it legally. I want to build big wall and put a door. Come here legally. Cost a lot of money to have illegals here and crime goes up. Steve we had a guest on this program last week i believe who was talking about how the president is trying to end ilLegal Immigration because of the danger to people who are trying to come into this country illegally sneaking. In so i do understand what the president is talking about there has been outcry. Kate brown not related to jerry brown. She says if the president were to ask, if she would deploy her National Guard troops on the southern border she would simply say no. She is not for the militarization of the border at all, which is curious because, clearly, if you are a nation, you need a border that works. Brian who asked her by the way . Ainsley oregon. She is not even on the border. She is not on the border. Im wondering, too, legally, if you could put other states National Guardsmen in california because as much as the wall has worked in san diego, just ask anybody down there, its not complete. And they are going to need some guardsmen in california conceivably. And if california says even though they said yes to president obama and said yes to president bush. If they say no to President Trump, what are we do then . Ainsley are they allowed to do that in the the federal government says we are putting them down there. The governors can say no . Brian secretary nell senel said she is in conversation with jerry brown which means we are still trying to convince him to do the right thing. Steve plus, they are still trying to figure out what the National Guardsmen are going to do on their southern border. Trying to figure out how long and how many exactly but also what kind of gear they are going to take and also will they be armed . I heard a report this morning they would not be but then i was reading in the wall street journal apparently that is still part of the negotiation, speaking of the negotiation, it sounds like the president of the United States, once again is, firing shoot across the bough of china. He made it very clear last night that he would like the white house trade folks consider levying 100 billion china. He is trying to level the playing field. Ainsley this is kind of your baby, brian. You love talking about this and how it is going to effect americans because you are very knowledgeable when it comes to this. I have been asking you guys a lot of questions. Im not a farmer and i dont understand this as well as maybe these individuals that are very involved in it. But i do know growing up in South Carolina, we had one industry that was a textile industry and we saw it go kerr plunk. Shepard jobs went overseas. Ainsley people out of work. Mills empty. Put apartment complexes in some these mills. If you go to some of these cities today there is nothing there in these mills. We lost at love money because of it. Brian manufacturing is beginning to grow. Nafta is almost renegotiated we heard Prime Minister trudeau, speak yesterday on the 5yard line as well as the mexican president if the well wasnt poisoned with immigration talk. Peter navarro, along with Robert Lighthizer are trying to get to the bottom of the trade imbalance and intellectual theft of our property with china. Ing that he them head on. Yesterday the president decided after getting a report. They have been studying this for 12 months now, instead of going 50 billion in tariffs. Were going to up that 100 billion. Is he outrage is our president that china not president that china not only is not cooperating and negotiating. They are trying to attack our farmers and many people think its because most of them voted for this president. Peter navarro, in those red states. Peter navarro weighed in about 20 minutes ago. The president made a decision and heres the two clear messages the president wants to send to the American People. First, he will have the backs of personal farmers which china tries to attack them. Secondly, he is sending a very clear message to china. There is a reason why President Trump sits behind the resolute desk. He will stand up foreamerica. This is business. And this is the kind of business where we have to stand firm against chinas unfair trade practices unlike the previous president s for the last 16 years prior to this president basically surrendered over 7,000 factories to china and millions of manufacturing jobs. This is historic moment. Ainsley i do believe him. I believe he will have the backs of americans. Look at the coal industry. Hillary clinton went into West Virginia and said i want to end the coal industry. And he went immediately afterwards and said i want to bring back the jobs and protect you guys. Brian thats easier than. Ainsley is he a negotiator and thats what he is good at. Steve this is the starting point. According to the wall street journal. United states has 375 billiondollar trade deficit with china. He would like to reduce that the president , by 100 billion and also reduce the import tariffs on cars and open up the Financial Markets as well. Ultimately that is, it sounds like his end game. Right now he is throwing out the 150 number. Keep in mind, its just a consideration. Its what if. Behind the scenes talking. Ainsley prices might go up when it comes to soybeans and cars. Jobs will come back . Brian right now the markets are going down on the future. Bounce back. Chinas trump card . They have 1. 17 trillion of our treasuries. That was at the end of january. Since gone up. What if they do a call on that . That . Steve ultimately though there are no tariffs. Its all a suggestion all in negotiation and this is the opening bid from the president. So, stay tuned. Meanwhile 7 11 in new york city and time for some news . Jillian good friday morning to you all. Lets get you caught up on some of the stories we are following here. Thee we now know the name of the thirthirnsdthunder bird pil. First season with the thunder birds. Four marines killed in a Helicopter Crash in california this week also identified. Can you see their photos on the screen. Samuel schultz Third Generation pilot. First lieutenant Samuel Phillips a pilot joined in 2013. Gunnery sergeant holly served two tours in iraq and lance Corporal Conrad just became a father in october. North korea could nuke the u. S. As early as this summer. The chilling warning coming from the u. K. s ministry of defense. A newly published report showing the rogue regime could be capable of launching Intercontinental Ballistic Missile by july 23rd. This comes weeks ahead of President Trumps expected meeting with kim jong un. The administration is still in the process of determining where and when that sit down will take place. M. M. A. Fighter Conor Mcgregor will appear in court hours after turning himself in. Under arrest after following this bizarre outburst. Tmz video appears to show mcgregor throwing a dolly at a bus full of fighters media day in new york city. Two people hurt and unable to fight. Mcgregor charged with assault and criminal mischief. And tim tebow starting off the season with a little bit of magic. [cheers] exfootball star smash ago smash3 runner. Going on to win 60 in Eastern League opener. Brian heres the thing. When he gets this baseball thing out of his blood. Steve he is doing welling. Brian there is going to be a new football league. We need him to play jillian is he really going to go from football to baseball to baseball back to football to baseball . Going to be 50 years old and still going from one to the other. Picture one and be great at it. Brian we will still be covering it. Ainsley this is what professional athlete. Hes the hes good at every sport. Jillian excel at it. Ainsley stop saying that about my man. I love tim tebow. Jillian you cant sell it if you are all over the place. Brian just broke news, ainsley has a man, a new man. Should we stay in syria. President signaling he is ready to get out. Wont say when. Dr. Sebastian gorka joins us. He looks like that. Ainsley one woman almost threw 2 million away literally. How her husband helped save the payday. Steve he didnt take out the trash better shop around you better shop around by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. Theseare heading back home. Y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because its tough on grease yet gentle. I am home, i am home, i am home do ndo not misjudgenity quiet tranquility. With the power of 335 turbocharged horses lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350 and a quiet interior from which to admire them. The lincoln spring sales event is here. For a limited time get zero percent apr on the lincoln mkx. Hurry in today to your lincoln dealer. President trump signaling is he ready to pull out all our troops in syria. Many are nervous about that. The white house wont exactly say when or what is the president actually up to when it comes to syria . Should we actually stay or should we go . Lets ask the former Deputy Assistant to the president who is still in Constant Contact with the president. Is he a Fox News Contributor dr. Sebastian gorka. Book defeating jihad. Secretary of defense mattis, incoming security advisor bolton. Whoa, mr. President , wrong time to leave. President obama did this once we paid the price with the rise of isis. Doesnt the president realize that . He does, brian. Just as steve discussed in prior segment in regards to china. Is he setting the conditions for the negative areas settlement. And getting other people more involved than they are. Its a trump model. He is not interventionist. He doesnt believe in massive amounts of u. S. Troops deployed around the world. World. We will keep a president , in my opinion, the trump model for wherever we have some interest is to have a very light footprint. A small footprint and then get others engaged. I know the National Security council is negotiating with saudi arabia, for uae for them to stump up a lot of money to train the resistance. To train the antiassad forces and to stabilize that area. Dont worry, we are not going to see iran coming and exploit it as they did after obama pulled our troops out of iraq. Brian in other words, if our 2,000 troops are going to be there, he wants saudi arabia, cutter, the uae to pay for it. Not only that what we are going to see a diminished president , maybe half of the 2,000. And then sawedy, uae, others, finance the training, this time real training. Not that joke under the Obama Administration where 15 people got trained for millions of dollars and then were killed. No, provide what is called foreign internal defense. Fid. Its a mission of bragg, green berets. Brian im surprised you said that im not policy to get assad out. Doesnt seem like thats going to happen. As soon as the russians got in, that means assad stays. What are we doing . No, its not about getting assad out. The only objective that the president has had since the beginning, since january the 20th, is to stop the mass blood shed. This is a civil war thats been going on for seven years now. Estimates of half a Million People killed. Women and children. Its to stop the blood shed. Brian i would love to see our diplomatic presence amped up as the iraqis get set for another election. They will want us there. They dont want to be overwhelmed by iran. We do have the influence and won over their good stead. Thats a big threat is iran. Thank you, brian. Brian do it diplomatically, too. Thanks, dr. Gore canchts thanks, brian. Brian nations top doctor sounding alarm will Opioid Epidemic you have never heard before. Why the Surgeon General wants you to carry a life saving antidote. Wrapper jayz is worth billions. He wants to talk about why white member are so privileged crazy right now nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . For allday, allnight protection. Nso lets promote our springsh travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this. sneeze earn one free night when you stay just twice this spring. Allergies. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things janice, mom told me you bought a house. Okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. You just answer some simple questions online, and you get Coverage Options to choose from. Youre ruining my workout. Cycling is my passion. Youyou know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Brian we put the numbers together now its time for news by the numbers. First 23 years, thats how fast Officials Say Arlington National cemetery could run out of space. Arlington is asking the public for suggestions on what to do. As available land shrinks and requests for burials sadly grow. Next 8. Thats how many could be due to the miles long crack threatening to split africa in two. Seismic activity. Thanks a lot, earth, 10 million years. 2 million. Thats how much this scratchoff lottery is worth and its owner almost threw it away. Michigan woman threw it into the trash thinking it was a loser. Fortunately her husband took a second look. Thank goodness for men. Ainsley, steve . Ainsley or how about the woman who bought it . Brian can we have something . Ainsley seeing a picture of jayz out rapper continuing his attacks on the president and lecturing the country on why white men are so privileged in upcoming episode of David Lettermans new show on netflix. Watch this. Bringing out ugly side of america that we wanted to believe was gone. Its still here. We still got to deal with it we have to have the conversation. We have to have the tough conversation. We have to the talk about the n word and why white men are so privileged in this country. Steve but as a celebrity worth close to a billion dollars, according to forbes, is he the right person to be talking about wealth and privilege . Ainsley here to weigh in on this is executive director of unhyphenated America Christopher harris. Hi, christopher, thanks for being with us. Good morning. Thanks for having me. Ainsley you are welcome. Whats your reaction about what jayz just said . I think he is precisely the wrong person to have this conversation. It would be one thing if he had just given up his past, but he continues to promote a message, a divisive message. The left is actually promoting him because he is a shiny object to distract people. I mean, thats it in a nutshell. You always have to look at hot left is trying to promote. And why. They are focused is nothing. Focus acronym follow one course until successful. Their ultimate goal is to push identity politi cs they know by using a familiar face, someone like mr. Carter to distract people, kind of like a hip know tis using a Spinning Wheel or Something Like that to get your attention off of other things. Thats all think are simply doing with him. Steve christopher, i thought over the last couple of years the democrats were pretty much decided that the identity politics they had employed in the past didnt that as a party. I think they decided to roll the dice on this one again, especially because they have decided or they feel like with their polls that maybe this is going to take root, that they can put this particularly on President Trump. But, you know, whats interesting is i hear people now saying that oh, President Trump is a racist. But, yet, every republican president has been called a policies or by the same standards. Standards. Ainsley what about the former administration . Did he do a better job . In terms of president obama doing a better job with Race Relations . Ainsley yeah. Jayz is complaining about white privilege. We had a black president for 8 years did he do a good job . Im a big fan of booker t. Washington. He has the first black man to be invited to the white house. And there was a huge backlash when he was invited to the white house by teddy roosevelt. But then we fast forward a little bit over 100 and something years. Have you sean carter being invited into the white house or hanging out with president obama. And they are twitter buddies or committee, text buddies. Nobody said a word. Its one of those things where they want to keep continued to promote an idea that not really there. When you are dealing with individual americans dealing with each other individually, we dont have the problems that the left says that we do. When you listen to the lame stream media we are all at each others throat and its simply not true. Steve you hear that all the time, christopher, after a while people start to believe it if its not true. Yeah. If its on tv it must be true. Thats what they are trying to get you to believe. We have been indoctrinated to you follow that train of thought. Thought. If you keep watching many of the other works, thats what they are going to keep promoting. All day every day. Identity politics all day every day. Its just ad flood. If you keep hearing it, you have to say maybe there is some truth to it. No there is no truth to it but they keep perpetuating it. Steve christopher, what does your group unhyphenated america doonches we are an organization sounds like. We believe america is best not hyphenated if you promote the principles of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness then you are an american and no need for prefix or suffix, you are just an american. Sean carter, im a capitalist. Im a free market guy. I promote capitalism and free markets. I look at sean carter. I congratulate him on the changes he has made. But heres the question. Who is following behind him . This is why i talk about gentlemen like booker t. Washington. He took his position. He took his wealth and actually helped to raise black people in particular up from slavery and helped to move towards racial reconciliation in america. Is mr. Carter doing that . I think the answer is no. Ainsley jayz you, beyonce they have done phenomenal. Their music is great. I love their music and i think they are doing a great job. Look where they came from and they worked their way up. Steve they are capitalists. Ainsley i dont like the victim mentality. We need to promote positive and telling our kids to work hard and can you achieve your goals and thats what is american is about. Steve executive director of you unhyphenated america. Christopher. Ainsley thank you so much. Thank you. Steve Griff Jenkins has been talking with local leaders who are defying Governor Brown. He is live at the border fence next. Ainsley and your mission, should you choose to accept it, help cops find this bad guy. Steve that bad guy . [Mission Impossible theme song] seresto, seresto, seresto whatever your dog brings home to you, it shouldnt be fleas and ticks. Seresto gives your dog 8 continuous months of flea and tick protection in an easytouse, nongreasy collar. 8month. Seresto, seresto, seresto hesumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets go to sumatra. Wheres sumatra . Good question. This is win. And thats wins goat, adi. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. Making the coffee erupt with flavor. 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Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. This condition has not been reported with entyvio. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Steve we heard the president of the United States say this week he is going to send the National Guard down to our southern border to help secure it with mexico. More and more cities and counties in california are lining up to fight californias state sanctuary policies that went into effect in january. Ainsley the san diego board of supervisors going to be the next to vote on this issue. Thats coming up on april 17th. Brian you mean there is more to california than just los angeles and San Francisco . Jiff jenkins live at the border outside of san diego and joins us with the latest. Hey, griff, that wall looks pretty secure. Thats right, guys. You know, brian, whether you are standing on this wall or you are 45 to 50 miles north where escondido is, the board of supervisors for San Diego County are next april 17th will vote to take action similar to that of which we saw with escondido. Here is the chairwoman kristin gasper. And vice chair diane jacob telling us what they plan to do next. Take a listen. We want to do something more than a resolution or at least i personally do. Thats seemingly meaningless. We will be working in closed session with our legal team to really explore any and all options that we have as a county to provide meaningful input into this lawsuit. I represented about 50 miles of our San Diego County, the u. S. Mexico border ever since i have been in office. And i have seen the changes that have occurred on the border. And its not good. And what she says is not good is this sb54. Municipalities are. Break broken down relationship between local and federal Law Enforcement that we talked to san diegos field director for ice greg archenbaldt. Instead of having one officer go to the jail now we have a team of officers outside the jail for the person to get released. Are we capturing all those people . No. They are getting released into the street and put a Team Together to go out to look for this individual. Its more dangerous for our officers. There are 18 cities inside San Diego County escondido is the first, it looks like not likely the last. We will see what San Diego County board of supervisors does in less than two weeks, guys. Brian griff, we do not have reaction from Governor Brown yet, right . No, we do not. We have not had reaction from Governor Brown or Xavier Becerra over the backlash from now what is six cities and counties saying that this law, particularly sb 54, crosses a line between protecting illegal criminal aliens rights and the safety of their communities. Steve not just that they say its unconstitutional. Griff, thank you very much for getting up so early. 4 36 where he is in san diego. Brian 24 minutes before the top of the hour for jillian. Jillian he was in the 5 00 a. M. Show too. He was up all night long. Ainsley brian, are you going to give him a pay raise. Brian yes. Jillian can i get one, too while you are at it. Brian absolutely. Jillian brothers and convicted killers eric and Lyle Menendez reuniting behind bars after 22 years apart. Eric moving into his brothers housing unit in a san diego prison. They can now interact with each other during rehabilitation programs. The Menendez Brothers both serving life sentences for shooting and killing millionaire parents in 1989. The Surgeon General wants more americans to carry antidote. The move could save lives. Overdoses are occurring in nonmedical settings. So we cant rely on the traditional first responders. Jillian its the first Public National Health Advisory in 50 years. All 13 years have passed laws including access to the life saving drug that locks zone. Police in georgia releasing Surveillance Video from inside a Cell Phone Store pleading for the publics help in a creative way. [Mission Impossible theme song] jillian police hoping the Mission Impossible theme song gets peoples attention. Hopefully it got yours. A look at your headlines. Steve why was he crawling . Was it there was a window outside he didnt want to be seen by passers by . Jillian i dont know. You are focused on the music at that point and trying to see what he looks like to see if you noe the guy. Ainsley crawled right by. Jillian im going to crawl right out of here. Steve thank you, jillian. Brian coming up this sunday the third installment of legend and lies. Successful series continues. Looking at what led up to the civil war itself. The first one was the lead up to the civil war. Then you had Abraham Lincoln the role he played in the civil war. Whereby half the country defected before he even got to the white house. This week focus on robert e. Lee. He had a chance to lead the north. He famously turned it down. He married into George Washingtons family. He felt like he was sticking um for the people of virginia rather than keeping the country together. Here is a little of what you will see if you watch it 8 00 and 11 00 on sunday. Half of the enemy advanced. The southern troops arent prepared for the allout fight lee has in store for both them and the unsuspecting union army. Lee will unleash the true horrors of war. Transforming him in the eyes of his men and the world. Ainsley well, i understand. Steve brian is the host. Ainsley brian is the host of all of 12 episodes. Brian so well scripted and acted i deserve no credit. Its an honor to be involved in it. One thing they do is talk about whats at stake and what has come up since, we are debating on statues and grant number one book talked about and how great he was. And while the north was struggling to find the right leader, somebody who actually wanted to fight. The south was thriving thanks to town wall jackson and robert e. Lee. Ainsley whats the one thing you learned from this that you didnt know before . Brian i cant believe how much i didnt know and how much blood shed there was over 600,000 americans died fighting each other in a war that very easily could have went the other way. Steve civil war indeed. Catch ton legends and lies this weekend. Brian is the host. Ainsley sunday night. Brian 8 00 and 11 00. I think youll love it. Steve President Trump yesterday in West Virginia slammed that states u. S. Senator joe manchin. Listen to this. He votes against everything. And he voted against our tax cuts. He also voted against medical help and healthcare and thats bad. Steve the president wants joe manchin to be out of the senate. And he would like that guy, or at least a republican to be in. Republican evan jenkins, West Virginia congressman, is going to join us on the other side of a brief timeout. Ainsley plus, joe biden says he is getting ready to run in 2020 on one condition. Steve President Trump visited West Virginia yesterday to talk about tax reform and took some time to go after democratic senator joe manchin. He votes against everything. And he voted against our tax cuts. And that was bad. And he also voted against medical help and healthcare. And thats bad. And we cant have it. So, you know, its one of those things. And he does other things that i dont like. I will be honest with you. Steve our next guest is a republican congressman running nor senate in West Virginia. In hopes to face manchin in the general election come november. Joining us right now from West Virginia is congressman evan jenkins. Evan, good morning to you. Good morning, steve, great to be with you. Steve you know, if i was joe manchin yesterday, my ears would have been burning because the president of the United States was on his home turf talking about what a lousy job the president s estimation joe manchin has done for the people of West Virginia. And thats important because President Trump carried West Virginia by 42 points. And if joe manchin wants to win in november, he has got to have some goodwill and right now it aint there. Well, its not there. Lets not forget that joe manchin campaigned hard for Hillary Clinton just a month out of the general election. West virginians understand that this is a clear choice this year. Im honored to have so much support. We know that joe manchins time is up. He has not been supporting President Trump. He voted against the tax cuts. Voted against fixes our healthcare system. He is the on the schumer team. He has almost 85 voting record with elizabeth warren. Is he not right for West Virginia. He doesnt represent our values. He has really become washington joe. We need a new voice. In the u. S. Senate from West Virginia u. Steve republicans in West Virginia will have three candidates to choose from. I know you and the attorney general were in attendance yesterday. But the third republican, a fellow who used to run massi energy, Don Blankenship was not invited to the event. He of course famously i think served about a year in prison after that terrible mining disaster out there. What do you make of the choice, West Virginians have regarding the three republicans . Well, theres a very clear choice. Yes, Don Blankenship just got out of federal prison, serving a conviction following the tragic disaster of ubb, 29 brave West Virginia coal miners lost their life yesterday, tragically, was a memorial event for that, the anniversary. So there is a clear choice, don blarchenship has use you had his checkbook to propel himself into second place for the u. S. Senate nomination and the republican party. Im leading in the polls. Its a clear choice between me and joe manchin. Its an opportunity to elect, nominate somebody in the primary who can actually beat joe manchin. Thats what this is a mission to make sure that Chuck Schumer doesnt get anywhere close to the majority leaders office. And we can do that and pick up a much needed republican seat by nominating me, evan jenkins. Don blarchenship is on a ventricle detective attachment is he using his checkbook to buy his name i. D. Statewide. Get into this race for vengeance. And Patrick Morsey deeply flawed, 18 years as a hill lobbyist in the swamp, deeply conflicted with the opioid industry having lobbied for the opioid industry that has ravaged and we are really excited about the future of making sure we bring a republican vote to the United States senate, making sure that Chuck Schumer is not the leader. I proudly endorse President Trump in the primary in 2016. He is doing a great job in West Virginia. And this country. And im a proud supporter of President Trump every step of the way. Steve well it, certainly sounds like it. And he was in your corner yesterday. Congressman evan jenkins joining us today from West Virginia. Congressman, thank you very much. Thank you so much, steve. Steve all right. It is now 7 49 here in new york city. The city of london has some pretty strict gun laws but the citys murder rate just surpassed new york for the first time in modern history. Nigel farage is going to react to that coming up next. Plus, we have got Geraldo Rivera in the next hour and Mercedes Schlapp. Im high on believing were on the move. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Terminix. Defenders of home. Brian as the gun debate heats up around this nation, does it ever go down . Some on the left are calling for a full repeal of the Second Amendment, including one Supreme Court justice. How is gun control working with other nations . You are not going to believe this . A new report from the london times reveals that the murder rate in london has surpassed new york city for the first time in modern history despite londons strict gun laws that really kicked n the 1920s, what can the u. S. Learn from these numbers and what to avoid . Former u. K. Independence party leader Fox News Contributor nigel farage joins us now. Nigel, i was stunned by this. Are you . No. Im afraid the rise in gun violent crime. 40 rise in knife crime in the last decade. New phenomenon of acid attacks. We really have got a big problem in some of the burrows of london. What we are seeing, this is not about rules, its about policing. We used to have something called stop and search, where the police would stop a suspect to see whether they were carrying a knife. We have stopped doing that, you know why . Because the police are too fearful of being thought to be racist if they pick up somebody who is black. So what have you now got is Political Correctness is killing people in london. Brian well, and why here . Which is not exactly devoid of Political Correctness. Dont we seem to have the problem in a major city that the thought was going to be, you know, ridden with crime in the 1970s and part of the 1980s. Yeah. But also, you know, there is a thing here called leadership, isnt there . Think about giuliani in new york. You know, he led from the front. He worked with the police. They got real tough the criminals. In london, i mean, you wont believe this, but the mayor of london sadiq khan has not visited a single crime site or spoken to any of the bereaved families there is a total absence of leadership, Political Correctness within the police force. You know, we have very strict gun laws as have you mentioned. But even when guns are illegal, bad guys still carry them. Brian right. Absolutely. Now, lets move on to something else. Former president of mexico. Vicente fox doesnt miss a chance to go after President Trump. Now he says because of President Trump america is about nationalism instead of being about globalism. Vicente fox is he somebody we should be learning from . No. And i have been doing a series of debates in universities over america this week explaining to people that actually the kind of globalism that people like foxx supports is a globalism in which bureaucracy takes over from democracy in which the nation state frankly gets degraded. And im trying to explain to students at american universities who have been told that brexit and trump are terrible that actually what happened in 2016 is we voted to take back control of our lives and our nation and they shouldnt be scared. They should be excited about the future. Brian yeah. And as you know when brexit happened your economy was supposed to collapse. The European Union was supposed to leave you isolated. What has happened . Almost nothing bad. You continue to thrive and now the people of britain seem to have a sense of pride that wasnt there maybe when they gave everything to brussels and all their power. Nigel, thanks so much. Have a great weekend. Thank you. Have a great weekend. Brian meanwhile, coming up straight ahead in the final hour, President Trump just revealed whether he will go to the white house correspondence dinner. The question is it all about my decision . Geraldo rivera is here to react to that and so much more. As well as his brand new book when he comes on our show. He will walk in any moment im back. Aleve pm for a better am. And im terry ware. And this is our Sears Hometown store. We always wanted to raise our family in a small tightknit hometown community. When the opportunity to own a Sears Hometown store became available we jumped at it. And ever since, weve been a family owned business. Our customers keep coming back because they know they can trust us. Were part of their community. We dont work for sears. We own this place. We work for you. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Period. Doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. This was going to be my remarks, it would have taken about two minutes but the hell with it. We have to change our laws, the democrats what theyre doing it is insanity. If people want to be part of the american dream, part america, get in line, wait their turn and become legal. Brian when it comes to Andrew Mccabe why he couldnt be fired before he retired were getting new details. Steve President Trump is considering extra 100 billion in tariffs. Weve done Everything Possible to try to get the chinese to clean up their act. Why we have to talk about why white men are so privileged in country. The left pushes identity politics. Using a familiar face to distract people. Say, thank you to you for the tax cuts. Thank you for listening to us. Thank you for fighting for us. [applause] steve it is friday morning, 8 00 at studio f, for fox friends. Ainsley if anything goes on friday morning what would happen here on the set . Brian florida georgia line, their fgl house on friday night, in nashville, tennessee. Three separate floors, three separate themes. That is really cool. Ainsley if you never been in nashville, you got to go. When you go in the venue, band playing on bottom floor, one in the middle and one on top. Brian basement level, Michael Jackson stuff. I prefer to dance. You know im not happy unless im dancing. That is the bottom floor. I like the middle floor. Steve youre describing our studio kind of. Brian kind of like that,. Steve exempt we have not only three floors but we have outside porch. Today Geraldo Rivera is on the porch but in los angeles. Good morning to you. Ainsley i read the book. So good. Florida georgia line in nashville, tennessee. Brian fgl house. It is offbroadway. A reason to make the turn. I gotcha. Steve youre out in california. Were talking about today regarding ilLegal Immigration. The president made it clear he wanted to stop the caravan of migrants fleeing oppression and violence and poverty from central america. And it sounds like for the most part that has happened. Now he made it very clear, because congress would not give him money for the wall, he will put between two and four thousand National Guardsmen on our southern border. What do you think about that . I think it is like a sugar high. It feels good to say im going to fix this problem. I will send in the National Guard. Send in the marines, the old klee i shea. You missed little earthquake. We had a 5. 3 shaker. Steve did you feel it . I was having a bloody mary at the hotel. Ainsley did it end up in your lap. It was a 5. 3. I was here for the northridge earthquake in 91, that was a real shaker. What the president did, i wish, as supporter of the president i wish he had stuck with his remarks about the tax cut and about the economy because i really do believe thats the secret to the midterm elections in november, to emphasize that the president s economic policies have put americans back to work in West Virginia and everywhere else. But instead he went, i think it had a lot to do with the caravan steve, that you were describing and in the spike in ilLegal Immigration in the month of march. We are at 46year lows, historic lows when it comes to undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border. Brian right. It was unfortunate combination of the caravan story and it has broken up that caravan and this monthly spike that now caused this renewed also his frustration over the fact he did get funding for border wall. Ainsley he did talk about the tax reform. He had the lady up, the couple, she got very emotional. Tax reform helped my family. Started crying wanted to thank him in person. He got there. He had a script for the tax roundtable. Im reading through this, so boring, he threw it literally in the air and want to talk offthecuff. This was going to be my remarks. Would have taken two minutes. [laughter]. That would have been a little boring. We have the worst laws. You ever think catchandrelease which were terminating very quickly, were doing it in pieces. Were working out systems now. We called out the National Guard and you know, were doing a real job. I tell you what, the laws of this country have to be strengthened and tough inned up. We have to change our laws. The democrats what theyre doing, its insanity. We have to have strong borders. Were going to have our wall. Well get it very strongly. The military will be building some of it. We have to change our laws. Were working on doing that. Brian geraldo, i totally agree with you, he has the great narrative george bush would be like rain man repeating same thing over and over again until everybody wrote it. We left meeting thinking how West Virginia was revitalized thanks to the economy. A woman talked about her house a postal worker, were talking about voter fraud, people voting five times in california. He talks about the caravan where all the rapes are happening. Trump is being trump, but trump hurt trump yesterday. I agree, buy brian. To ainsleys point, when you have that emotional, every American Woman making that statement, thanking the president , a statement of gratitude, a statement of relief. Here we are, this rising tide lifting all boats, thats the positive message. Instead this voter fraud thing. You know we had a commission. Kris kobach the kansas secretary of state headed this commission, it was formulated with all of this bluster. They didnt find any meaningful voter fraud, certainly not on then you have the caravan, which conjured up up imagines of this brown tide washing over the southern border and, you know, all these people abuseing our immigration laws. We have problems on the southern border but 46year lows. Ainsley what do you think of nancy pelosi, calling it crumbs, you hear the lady crying, and nancy pelosi if elected in november will do away with tax reform. That is hutting this lady in particular. Brian but the president swamped the message with other remarks. You might not like that he talked about other things other than tax reform but a lot of people want to hear him explain all these different issues. I dont fault the president for adlibbing although in this case i think that brian is correct, that it diddies track from the main message. But going back to the attorney border, you had president bush, i remember so clearly back in 2006, he sent the largest contingent of the military to the southern border. Then you have president obama beginning in 2010 and lasting really until 2016 with the use of the National Guard. You had rick perry, rick perry in 2014, he did it. Sending the military what do they do there . Ive been with the military. God bless them. Brian good mage to send. We found out, it send as mage to coyotes when they come across, look out america is serious about this even though it is 46year low if number is correct, 300,000 a year is unacceptable. That is what the president s point is. Can we switch over to the russian investigation. More details are coming out about why let me say one thing. I have to say one sentence. The president wants the wall. The wall has become this almost mythical feature of the president s agenda. He elected president , he should get his damn wall. He should get the wall. What i am asking, at same time democrats concede he deserves to get the wall he was elected to build, that President Trump and the republicans get together and they find a path to legitimacy for the dreamers. Dreamers, wall, one deal, one compromise, both sides dont get everything they want but steve the big problem, geraldo is with the president s own party. The republicans in congress, a lot of them dont want the wall. If you dont with any democrats and you got a bunch of republicans who dont want it, even though they opened up the brinks truck with the omnibus 10 days or so ago, so much money is being spent yet theyre denying president what you said the wall that he wants. You know, here is one thing he could do. Homeland security secretary, kristen her name, very articulate, maybe his most effective cabinet member. We have a lot of military bases on the border. Instead of spending money to send troops there in empty gesture, use that money, build the wall on u. S. Army bases between the Defense Department appropriation and the Homeland Security money. Build the wall. At least you start, at least, you can demonstrate that in this sample it works. You know, i think that, Andrew Mccabe, i dont want to give that shortshrift. If Andrew Mccabe was allowed to retire and collected his pension, he never would have had a gofundme page. He would have negative been sympathetic character he has become at least on the left. This guy did, purportedly, allegedly, supposedly did a bad thing in lying about what he told the wall street journal visavis his wife jills run for the Virginia State senate. It is just, by depriving him his pension in meanspirited way you gave him some props he didnt deserve. Brian how about Michael Flynn . Meanspirited way . He accused lying three major times and might have altered result of an election. Ainsley under oath allegedly. Brian either he is lying or james comey is lying. Theyre both contributing each other. I agree with that. Ainsley will he be charged, yes or no . Mccabe . I hate to guess. I tell you one thing. There is not going to be any major figure indicted in the russia collusion illusion. I know that. There is no collusion. You know, so, that is, that aspect of it. Comeys book will come out. It will make a big splash. The, whatever differences, discrepancies exist between james comey and Andrew Mccabe who became acting director will embarass the people who are the enemies of the president. Brian be smart. Pick up Geraldo Riveras memoir. Ainsley so good, geraldo. Proud of you. The geraldo show. Brian 11 minutes after the hour. Can not wait for jillians memoir. He would buy it. Jillian lets get you caught up with. Thunder the f16 jet crashed outside las vegas. It was his first season with the hundred der beards. Former marines identified. You can see the photos own the screen. Captain samuel shults was Third Generation pilot. Gunnery Sergeant Derrick holly served two hours in iraq and Lance Corporal Taylor Conrad was just became a father in october. President trump breaking his silence on Stormy Daniels. He didnt know about the payments his lawyer made to daniels allegedly to seek her silence in the 2016 affair. Do you know about the payments to Stormy Daniels . [inaudible] you have to ask my attorney. Did you know where she got the money . I dont know. Jillian daniels is suing the president and lawyer to nullify the agreement. The president s latest comments she said only strength their case. China vowing to fight the u. S. At any cost. The warning coming as President Trump considers an additional 100 billion in new tariffs on chinese imports. Director of the White House Office of trade and Manufacturing Policy, Peter Navarro joined us earlier saying the u. S. Is done with china stealing our intellectual property. When our American Companies go to china they are forced to surrender their technology. China has blueprint to steal our Economic Future, stealing artificial intelligence, robotics and such july jill china issued a 50 billion dole dole dollar plan to tax u. S. Goods. Brian we talked about a gun owner who urge ad city council to take a stand. He will join us live. He have time we have one of these shootings, nobody wants to blame, put the blame where it goes which is at the shooters feet. You want to put it at my feet. Whoamike and jen doyle . Than i thought. Yeah. Time for medicare, huh. I have no idea how were going to get through this. Follow me. Choosing a plan can be supercomplicated. But it doesnt have to be. Unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. Including the only plans with the aarp name. Well that wasnt so bad at all. Thats how we like it. Aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. This is a tomato you can track from farm, to pot, to jar, to table. And serve with confidence that its safe. This is a diamond you can follow from mine to finger, and trust it never fell into the wrong hands. This is a shipment transferred two hundred times, transparently tracked from port to port. This is the ibm blockchain, built for smarter business. Built to run on the ibm cloud. Steve here is some good news. Businesses are booming so much in that town, elkhart, indian, it is creating a problem. Ainsley what . Brian the city is facing a labor shortage. There is not enough workers to fill jobs. Ainsley matt flynn is live in elkhart, on the grow economy taking over. Do we all need to move there for a job . Steve that is the spot. Reporter if youre looking for a job possibly. Good news and good problem to have here in elkhart . This is the rv manufacturing capital of the world. In fact more than 50 of the gdp here comes from american manufacturing. Not many towns left that can say that. Right now the mayor says it is trying to fill 9,000 jobs from the boardroom to the factory floor. Elkhart is trying to attract employees and working class families with downtown losts, new homes, a 60 milliondollar aquatic center, biking trails, linking two rivers. Weve decided that it is time to invest in ourselves while the market is hot. While were doing great. That is the time you invest in yourself. Focus on quality and youre seeing that throughout the midwest. Reporter elkhart received a lot of help from generous donors, with state funding tax dollars, to give the town a true facelift. Elkhart is not alone. A lot of towns across the midwest in similar situations trying to attract workers in states like iowa and wisconsin. According to the most recent Labor Department data, if everyone employed person in the midwest was placed into the an open job there would be more than 180,000 unfulfilled positions. The 12state midwest region is the only area of the country where job openings outnumber jobseekers. Back to you guys. Steve that is good news. Matt flynn, live in elkhart, indiana. Ultimately the good news if theyre looking for employees there in the rv capital of the world, that means people all across the country have more money to buy rvs. Ainsley exactly right. Brian 19 minutes after the hour, speaking of jobs, were minutes away from the march employment report. Could be historic as in really good. Well bring you the numbers as it happens. Now ainsley speaks. Some emailed after you saw this interview. Weve been telling you about him. He is a gun owner and urging his city council to take a stand. What i want to know is when will you start standing up for the majority and here who the majority is. Im the majority. Ainsley mr. Majority will join us live next. How do you win at business . Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com start winning today. 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Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Steve got quick headlines for you. First up, former president joe biden, that man right there, now telling donors he is seriously considering running for president in 2020, but only if it is against President Trump. Sources tell fox business biden has been making these remarks in private meetings with possible democratic contributors. Biden spokesman said the former Vice President has not yet decided. Meanwhile, a gubernatorial candidate here in new york by the name of cynthia nixon, you remember her from 2nd and the city, reportedly promising to turn new york into quote a real sanctuary state. Several cities in new york that have policies that protect people in the country illegally. In the private event nixon blamed Current Governor andrew cuomo from stopping statewide legislation being passed. That is some of the news. Here is more. Ainsley thank you so much. A North Carolina man making waves for this impassioned speech defending the Second Amendment. Take a listen. When will you all start standing up for the majority . And here who the majority is. Im the majority. Im a lawabiding citizen who never shot anybody. The Second Amendment was written, whether framers liked it or not they wrote it for everybody. I am everybody. The lawabiding citizens of this city are everybody. We want our rights and we want to keep our rights. By god well keep them, come hell or high water. Brian joining us from North Carolina, North Carolinas own mark robinson. Isnt even a gun owner. Staunch defender of the american constitution, joins us with the story behind his impromptu speech. There was no teleprompter there. That came from the heart, mark. What prompted you to go up there . Well, first off, i would like to say thank you for having me on and i would also like to say thank you for everybody out there. The response to this has been so overwhelming. People have called me on the phone, just random citizens from across the nation have called me, telling me that they were inspired by what i said. That is exactly what i wanted to do. I thank god it touched so many people. I really thank people for the positive response. What really drew me to go to the meeting is the fact that i, im, i do social media. I do facebook. I talk about the Second Amendment and protecting the Second Amendment. I do that a lot online. But i dont find a lot of time and dont make a lot of time to actually go in person to attend meetings and really get politically active. When the Greensboro City Council first talked about trying to ban or cancel the gun show, made me very angry. When they announced this meeting, i found out the meeting the day of the meeting i knew i had to attend even though it was somewhat inconvenient because the meeting took place at 5 30. I didnt get off work until 4 45. I went. Didnt intend to speak originally. After hearing some of the comments. I could not hold back. I had to let the council know how i felt. What i told them is exactly what i thought. I do not intend to sit idly by while politicians make rules that make rules take away mine rights as lawabiding citizen the if i commit a crime i expect my rights to be withheld. Until that time i expect my rights due to me under the constitution and my government and city and state. Ainsley the date we aired it two days ago, our audience went wild. We got some emails and many are gun owners and agree with you, support the Second Amendment. That same day, california, some of the cities breaking away from the state, suing the state because they dont want it be a sanctuary state. What is happening in our country . Youre one of the ones that has spoken out . You pushed into a corner and enough is enough . I got to speak out . Thats absolutely what is happening. What is happening is, you have fringes on both sides that are screaming. The silent middle is just being overlooked. Were oh taxed, were underrepresented. Were disregarded. A lot of times our words are ignored. That needs to cease. Good people need to start standing up. We need to start going down to the city councils, our town halls. There used to be an old saying, write your congressman. Im not going to write my kong congressman. I will confront hill, facetoface. You will not overrun me anymore, not put me last, you will put me first. Law abasing citizens in this country we need to have our voices heard. I hope what i said encourages people to stand up and defend your rights. Brian youre a big presence on line. People should speak out to you if they want you to speak to them or your group. Mayor nancy vaughn told us in response to you coming on. Ultimately we decided to have the show, invest net revenue in local gunstoppers ram which is division of crimestoppers. Their mission to get illegal guns off the streets. I assume mark, youre okay with that . Well, im okay with that as long as they enforce the laws on the books. As far as i understand we had a young man in greensboro captured in connection with the murder of a 16yearold girl. He was caught with an illegal gun and let out on no bond. He signed himself out. So when they start putting their money where their mouth is and start punishing criminals who use these guns, i will believe actually theyre making an effort to take illegal guns off the streets. What i see now, i see a concerted push to end the Second Amendment. And it is simply not going to happen. The citizens of this country need to stand up and push back, because if they could take away the Second Amendment, the First Amendment is obviously right behind it. Ainsley how can we follow you on social media . Will you ever run for office . I have already talked to my wife about running for office a little while back. I have actually in college right now. Im studying to be a history professor. Im not sure how it will go after all this comes off. You can follow me on social media. My name is mark keith robinson. I have a facebook page. I have quite a following on facebook. I would like to send a shotout to all my facebook followers. I really appreciate you guys. Brian somewhere theyre shouting back. Thanks, mark. Ainsley marks, youre great. I really think you should run for office. Talk to your wife again. Congratulations on your college degree. That, when are you going to graduate, in a year or so . Yes. Right. Ainsley good. I yes. Brian thanks, mark. Appreciate it. Ainsley thank you, god police you. Protect southern soil for us. Brian we just got march jobs report. We will bring you numbers when we return. Antisanctuary state movement sweeping through california. Griff jenkins talking with local leaders to find the governor. He is next. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. This condition has not been reported with entyvio. 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So it is below, a little below what they wanted. Not a great number. 26 minutes before the top of the hour. Ainsley were waiting to see when the National Guard will arrive down at the the bored to secure our border but sanctuary defiance is growing. Steve more cities in california lining up to stop the sanctuary state policies. San diego board of supervisors will next to vote on issue. Brian i wanted Griff Jenkins to go and ainsley supported the move. We sent you to the border, to the wall and still so nun. Reporter still no sun yet, guys. Whether or not San Diego County chooses to follow Huntington Beach to file their own lawsuit or do what escondido did, join the Trump Administration lawsuit against california sanctuary laws has yet to be determined. I spoke with the chair about their plans and another supervisor, diane jacob whose district has 50 miles of this very border right behind me. We want to do something more than a resolution, or at least i personally do because thats, seemingly meaningless. Well be working in close session with our legal team to really explore any and all options we have as a county to provide meaningful input into this lawsuit. I represented about 50 miles of their San Diego County, the u. S. The u. S. Mexico border, ever since i have been in office. I have seen the changes that occurred on the border and it is not good. Reporter to keep in perspective, why so many californians are upset because this law, sb 54 cuts the cooperation and communication between local i. C. E. Leaders and local Law Enforcement. Here is san diegos director. Instead of having one officer to go to the jail to pick somebody up, we have to have a team of officers waiting outside of the jail for the person to get released. Are we capturing all those people . No. Theyre getting released into the street. We have to put a Team Together to go out to look for this individual. It is more dangerous for our officers. Reporter it is not a done deal in San Diego County but looks like they will do something, one of the members, greg cox did not want to come on camera with me. He plans to vote against whatever they do. Governor brown also hasnt weighed in on this growing backlash, twice. Ainsley i think we know where he stands though. Steve i think so too. Griff jenkins down in san diego, standing guard at our southern border. Brian standing guard with the news is jillian. Jillian always. Because they wont let me sit. Brian were talking to your people. Jillian get you caught up on the story were foaling. Former first lady Michelle Obama thinks Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice for the u. S. Instead of President Trump. Qualified candidate in this last race was a woman. And she wasnt perfect but she was way more perfect. [laughter] [applause] than many of the alternatives. Jillian obama speaking at Leadership Conference in boston. She said people who want a female president need to support women with those ambitions but emphasized she isnt interested in the job. Shocking video just released showing a Police Officer getting hit by a car. Officer cody martin investigating a crash when a car comes barreling toward him, flipping him into the air in texas, austin, texas. He is recovering. He wants the driver to come forward. I dont any resentment towards being hit. I would just like for them to take accountable for the actions to learn from their mistake. Jillian officer martin had only been on the job for 10 months. Facebook is not just going after your data but your private medical information too. Listen to this of the Company Reportedly asking hospitals to share patient records to match with facebook profiles designed to help doctors figure out who might need special care. Meantime founder Mark Zuckerberg preparing to testify before Congress Next week over the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Facebooks coo Sheryl Sandberg will break down zuckerbergs testimony at 2 00 p. M. On the davely briefing with dana perino. Make sure you tune into that. Steve on the hot seat. Meanwhile we have a fox news alert. Moments ago the white house issued brand new sanctions against over a dozen russian officials. Live response from Mercedes Schlapp on the north lawn of the white house next. Brian more oligarchs feeling the pinch. Backstage brawl dominating the sports world. Ufc star Conor Mcgregor, for this brawl. It hurt some fighters on the inside. Glass everywhere. Well be live at the overnite developments, including comments from dana white. Test drive the ztrak z540r at your john deere dealer today. Nso lets promote our springsh travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this. sneeze earn one free night when you stay just twice this spring. Allergies. Or, badda book. 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Have you ever used word oligarch before the last few months . A ruler and oligarchy, very rich Business Leader with a great deal of political influence. What happened . Whats going on . This is response to the law that was signed, and Congress Passed and signed by the president. That was signed, and Congress Passed and signed by the russia accountable. These are dealing with issues of election meddling among other things. Basically Holding Russia accountable for their actions. Steve of course we do know this administration did announce some sanctions back in january of this year, mercedes, but this not just about the election meddling. It is about crimea. It is about ukraine. Thats right. Steve it is about assad. It is about syria. About attempting to subvert the western democracies, that is the election part, and cyber activities. So you targets these oligarchs and rush Business Leaders and officials what will you do to them . These are additional steps the administration has taken. As you mentioned, brian, the administration has been tough on russia. We worked closely with ukraine. You saw the action we took expelling 60 russians from our country. This is continuing process to insure russias bad behavior, especially coming to the issue of election meddling in this area and across the globe. Brian mercedes, a couple of things, we saw after the 60 expulsions for the nerve gas attack the russians did the same thing to us. In fact yesterday, a lot of our officials left in a bus out of moscow. Im just wondering do you expect russia to retaliate . Would that affect another wave back at them . What we all want in the end is good relationships with russia, when it comes to have a stablized region but that of course would include that russia does not move forward with bad behavior. What weve seen when they use the nerve agent, we stood with our allies on this issue. We took action we have to do what is right for america and what is right Congress Passed this law that the president signed taking additional actions against those individuals who have tremendous political influence in russia. Steve well, this is breaking news. I know more will be developed a little later on. Lets talk about something weve been talking about all week long, mercedes, and that is the ilLegal Immigration into this country. The president wanted a the congress did not give him enough dough but to build couple miles, the president said yesterday on air force one coming from West Virginia, he wants between two and now thousand troops along the southern border until the wall is it built. The administration is speaking to governors in each of the state. How is that going . Let me tell you the president is taking such a leadership role when it comes to bothered security. He understands clearly Border Security is National Security. Secretary nielsen, department of defense, the team has been working alongside the governors to develop this formula that can determine the number of National Guardsmen going into these different states. They are eager, these governors are eager bringing in additional help Law Enforcement needs in order to deal with increasing border crossings. This is an issue that has to be dealt with. This is why the president so results oriented as he is we need to take action. We know bringing National Guard toed border works. It worked under president bush and under president obama. This is immediate deterrent to stop illegal crossings. The other Issue Congress failed to act. Democrats dont want to come to the table. It is unfortunate they dont want to close the legal it is unfortunate they dont loopholes. Theyre leaving i. C. E. Out there without the support they need. So the president in taking this action is sending a clear message to i. C. E. That help is on the way. Were going to insure they have the tools they need to support so get their job done. Brian mercedes, if the california governor does not want to put the National Guard, can you use National Guard from other states . Theyre working through, the administration is working through the details. At the end of the day i think it is benefit for all these governors that are on the border to insure we stop the illegal crossings. Remember it is drugs coming through the border. It is ms13 gang members coming through the border. We need to take control of the situation. The reality, why the administration is looking into legislation that would stop, end catchandrelease. As we know tens of thousands of individuals are crossing the border illegally. Only 3 are being removed. That is simply not enough. We need to be able to have control of the border, make sure that our i. C. E. Agents are empowered to make sure we have a legal system, immigration System People are coming through on merit, skilled, immigration system. That is what we want. We want to have immigrants coming in to match skills we need to make sure they meet our Economic Needs in america. Ainsley media from all over the country is invited to washington to a dinner every year, correspondents dinner. He doesnt think he being treated with Mainstream Media fairly. When asked on radio what he said . I want to get straightened out to press before i do it. I didnt do it last year. I had a rally instead. The dinner was a massive failure. I probably wont do it. Ainsley were getting a statement from white house correspondence saying he will not be there this year. What is your response . Where the president wants to be, with the American People. Why the rally last year was so incredible. Why he was in West Virginia yesterday, meeting with families, meeting with the workers. Here in washington a lot of fancy pants elitism. I love with the president he wants to be with the people. He wants to talk about the great things he is doing with america. That is where he feels at home. Steve you know what mercedes, weve been doing this show a long time. You are the First White House official from the north lawn used the expression, fancy pantsy,. Ainsley you and matt drove me 45 minutes to my hotel. Could not get a cab after the dinner. Yes. Steve who needs uber when you have her said slap. Ainsley took me 45 minutes out of my way. There were no ubers. Brian see if, betcha kellyanne wouldnt have done that. Thank you. For getting ainsley safe. Steve on this friday, mma superstar connor mcgreg connor facing after throwing that through a bus. Ainsley what is coming up on your show, sandra. Thousands of troops could be heading to defend our southern border. Acting Deputy Commissioner of u. S Customs Border protection joins us in moments with an update. China promises to fight back after President Trump promises 100 billion in tariffs. Join us live in americas newsroom in moments. Prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Brian mma fighter extraordinaire Conor Mcgregor will appear in court today hours after turning himself in because of this incident, youre witnessing it. Mcgregor under arrest by this bizarre outburst. People were hurt. Tmz video appears to show him throwing a dolly at a bus window. Ainsley we have fox 24 7 reporter jared max is with us. Pretty serious stuff. Some people said, ainsley this is publicity stunt to address interest. Only way if this is publicity stunt this went very wrong. Some people got injured. Two utc fighters on the bus in tomorrows ufc fight wont be fighting. One suffered corneal lacerations. They were hospitalized. Three of the fights tomorrow night wont be as a result of all this. Dana white absolutely disgusted, didnt see anything like it. Ainsley did glass go in his eye . Yes. Obviously everybody is shaken up when 30 thugs storm, you know, these guys were all cutting weights, getting ready for a fight. This is the most disgusting thing ever happened in the history of the company. You can imagine he is going to be sued beyond belief. And, this was a real bad career move for him. Word is that Conor Mcgregor who was not part of this event was going after one of the fighters on the bus, who said to have gone after, had a confrontation with one of Conor Mcgregors friends at hotel. Conor said to flown in just for this. Steve go after him. You say why . Brian dana white will he go in business with you, will anyone go in business with Connor Mcgregor after this . Thats a great question. I think about the savageness of it. If a baseball player or hockey player or basketball player did this something is off. If a Football Player did it . Theyre trained to be savages. Im not as shocked as much as i am shocked. Steve jared max. 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