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Stocks the dow surging 669 points most total ever. Most of all, lord, thank you for making America Great again. Go ahead and jump might as well jump. Steve hi, everybody. Welcome to fox friends live from new york city it is tuesday, march the 27th. The tuesday of holy week. Ainsley i know it is. Everyone was Walking Around with their palms over the weekend and yesterday i saw a few, too. Such a beautiful week. Brian well, i guess it is official left like a lion came in like a lion. Steve got to be at the end. Brian this is the end. Its been hellacious. My goodness, can we stop it please with the noreasters . Steve its actually a little chilly here in new york city. Nice dry day. Busy three hours. It starts right now. Brian a lot to go over. Including a Citizenship Question on a census we never thought we would have to review again. Moscow vowing though nationally retaliation this morning after the largest expulsion in american history. Ainsley President Trump telling 60 Russian Diplomats to pack up your bags and get out of our country after a nerve gas attack on a former russian spy and daughter in london. Steve some democrats say still not tough enough. Griff jenkins live in d. C. With the very latest. He is in the town where they kicked out a bunch of spies. Thats right. Good morning, guys. Australia the late toast join the u. S. Who led what british Prime Minister theresa may calling a dave solidarity. 130 Russian Diplomats being expelled worldwide. Send ago clear mess stooge russia that their actions have consequences. With these actions, the United States along with its allies and partners make clear to russia that its actions have consequences. The United States is ready to cooperated and forge a better relationship between our two countries. Moscow is vowing retaliation. Turned to twitter which u. S. Consulate to close. Democrats not saying enough. The strong response to the attack in the u. K. Makes even more bizarre the administrations weak response to russias ongoing attack right here in the United States. The last time we had this strong of a response was 1986 and Ronald Reagan kicked 55 russians out of the country, guys. Steve griff, we thank you very much. There are many who feel that Vladimir Putin is just going to ignore this. Even though it is 100 spies. He can just send in 100 new spies. Brian we wont take them. Leave the seats open. If they had reservations at a table u they will lose access. They wont have eyes on things in other countries that will be for sure. They dont get intimidated by. This. Ainsley 22 nations backed theresa may. Normally she is at odds with the folks at eu they are in the middle of exiting brexit. You cant poison individuals on u. K. , on her property and not have consequences. Steve there have been some russian apologist nations that have tried to explain their way out of it. Were not so sure. We are positive it was a russian nerve agent almost killed can that guy. Ultimately though probably the only way you will get valentines day, like were o vladimir. Like were on a first name base. Brian is going to talk to michael antwon on the u. N. Security council coming up in the next segment. Brian did you hear that the u. S. Is not really getting along california too well especially when it comes to immigration, the border and Illegal Immigrants . There seems to be this big difference that washington has a difference with when it comes. Again they are at loggerheads now and lawsuits are flying over the census. Ainsley whats happening is you get the census reported and answer all those questions. You used to have a question on there are you an american citizen . The Justice Department or the doj and Commerce Department have said it is necessary. We need to ask that question again. Its going to be on the census report at least in 2020. California is responding by saying we are suing. Steve thats right. Keep in mind the constitution makes it very clear every 10 years there will be a National Census so they can determine the amount of federal spending, congressional seats and electoral votes in each state. So, wilbur ross, the secretary of commerce said it is necessary to provide complete and accurate census block level data. They also say it will help prevent Racial Discrimination and protect minority voting rights, which does make sense. If you want to know how many illegal people are in this country, go ahead and count them. Rather than estimate. I mean, does that really make any sense just estimating . Brian up until 1950, we used to have a citizenship box. Now thats not on the census. Its on the long form census but not on the census. They said they had it there and the constitution requires that the census count everyone in the u. S. Regardless how they got here. It doesnt mean to me can i see that a couple ways. It doesnt matter how you got here, do you belong here and have you signed the guest book. Have you applied for citizenship . Used to have a box and clear they want to put the box back. Ainsley i think its interesting california says its illegal to ask illegal aliens if they are american citizens. In fact, the attorney general in california Xavier Becerra, he put out this tweet he said breaking filing suit against donald trump and his administration over decision to add Citizenship Question on the 2020 census includingth question is not just a bad idea, it is illegal, he says. Steve okay. So now keep in mind even november though they have not asked us on the official census for a number of years they do ask it every year on a survey called the American Community survey the acs survey sent to fewer homes. They have been asking that for years. They are trying to figure out exactly how many people are in the country, regardless of status. And also it does figure out the number of congressional seats, electoral votes. Ainsley democrats are saying that the president is trying to do this to push the power into his family favor when it comes locations. This determines your childs classroom size. Homeland security funds. Natural disaster preparations. They need to know how many people live in this country and where. Brian most Important Congress men and women. Give you power in washington, d. C. If you ask the average american should your vote count as much as somebody who is here illegally, thats the kaye key. What i find astounding is democrats are calling them immigrants. They are Illegal Immigrants. I want to see if you dont like the connotation with alien. Go ahead and debate that they are here illegally. Its not an immigration debate. Steve officially, i believe they used to be referred to as illegal aliens. But then times have changed and there are all sorts of words out there right now. What they are trying to do is trying to count everybody in the country right now. Like a snapshot of what is going on in the country. The democrats, including Xavier Becerra and eric holder. The former attorney general is he working with an organization these days. Is he trying to stop california or rather he is trying to stop the Commerce Department from pulling this off. Brian look out Orange County. They are deciding whether they join this lawsuit. The u. S. Lawsuit against california or do their own just to stop being linked in with the sanctuary state status. They dont want to be sanctuary city because they happen to be in a sanctuary state. Steve we have somebody coming up from that county on this very busy tuesday. Ainsley jillian has more headlines. Jillian good morning to you. Lets begin with this story. Potentially explosive packages being sent to military. Investigating the packages at fort mcnair, anacosta and dal gren and fort bell voir unclear if any of them could have been detective none nateed. One package contained black powder and a fuse. The father of the nightclub terrorist exposed. A judge refuses to drop the case against omar mateens wife noor salman. He worked for the fbi more than a decade leading up to the 2016 massacre. Salman is on trial for aiding and abetting her husband. And obstruction of justice. They said omar has no connection to the case. Dismissing rumors he might resign in the coming weeks. Speculation swirling after congressman mark suggested majority whip Steve Scalise was poised to take over once ryan stepped down. Scalises office responding saying the whip fully supports ryan as house speaker. A new york city firefighter killed battling a blaze on a movie set will be laid to rest today. Michael davidson i doing from smoke inhalation. Hundreds attending a wake for the 15year veteran remembered as a hero. He was unbelievable. He was a rock. He was the real deal. Jillian davidson leaves behind a wife and four young children. His funeral is this morning at Saint Patricks cathedral. Thats a look at your headlines. Send it back to you. Jillian gosh, there were a lot of firefighters sanding in front of the cathedral this morning on my way to work. And to have all the railings along fifth avenue. God bless his family. We told you about the president expelling 60 Russian Diplomats in response to the u. K. Poison attack. So what impact will that have . Live reaction from the white house next. Steve plus the roseanne tv show reboot is here. Its taking on 2016. How screw voted for him, roseanne . He talked about jobs, jackie. He said he would shake things up . Have you looked at the news because now things are worse. Not on the real news. Steve i love that. Thats just some of it. We got much more straight ahead. Thats funny stuff. daniel jacob for every hour that youre idling in your car, youre sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. That amounts to about 10 pounds of Carbon Dioxide every week malo hutson growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, thats a problem. So forwardthinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. The solution was right under our feet. Asphalt. To be more precise, intelligent asphalt. By embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to analyze the flow of traffic. Then that data runs across our network, and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that travel times are shorter. Who knew asphalt could help save the environment . Were on the move. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Terminix. Defenders of home. Morning on the beach until. It. Wasnt. 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Did you guys lead the push for the massive expulsion, 23 in the u. K. 13 in the ukraine and canada, france, germany, poland, Czech Republic . Have you guys ordered that . As you saw the u. K. Went first actually last week. Yes, certainly i think the president was on the phone talking to european and other leaders last week and made it clear that the United States was willing to stand with its allies and partners but that he expected them to act. That this was something that happened in london, you know, in the europe. Broadly speaking. And that all of us needed to stand together. And did you sees a of last count, last night, it was 22 countries. Some of them not in europe. All acted together yesterday. Brian kicked them out of the consulate in seattle you said with the proximity to boeing and other areas. Have you detected any type of spying in that area. 60 individuals ordered to leave the United States are all people that the u. S. Intelligence has been tracking as essentially intelligence operatives of the russian government. So, yes, im not in a position now to go into specifics about what those people were doing. But the United States government does believe that these were people who were engaging in intelligence operations against our country and that it was appropriate that we force them to go home. Brian i will paraphrase a democratic congressman came out and said hey, you know what . This is a very strong response, but it makes me wonder why didnt we have even a stronger response when its been proven that they medalled in our election . Whats your answer to them . This is just one in a series of responses that this administration has taken since taking office more than a year ago. So, you can always criticize any action and say that somebody could have done more. But this is an unprecedented action. We looked through the history books and could not find an instance of some countries acting all at once in concert on the same issue at the same time. Thats something that President Trump absolutely deserves credit for. This wouldnt have happened without his leadership. Brian michael, personally i think its fantastic. We have got to send a message. What did you tell our embassy in moscow to be prepared for because moscow says they will retaliate . We dont tell them to be prepared as President Trump often likes to say. He doesnt like to telegraph his punches. We tell them when we are ready to act s Russian Ambassador to the United States was summoned to the state department at 8 00 yesterday morning and informed of the actions which went into effect at 9 00. Again, when this comes to anything that may happen or may not happen in the future, we will keep our eye on russian behavior. We think that the phrase retaliation to any response that may or may not come from russia would be inapt. This starts from russian action. Countries responding to a reckless attack, an outrageous attack in the u. K. That not only targeted the individual that the russians were targeting but left a lot of Collateral Damage and endangered innocent lives and children n a way that was completely unacceptable. Brian michael in preparing for the segment i looked at what done. You have been very tough. Hit the oligarchs with sanctions. In syria, you had 300 member300members300mercenaries. Missiles ukraine to defend against the russian backed separatists. The Previous Administration wouldnt do that they sent blankets and mres. Why would the public be mild and actions be strong . Is this intentional two prong approach. Number one the rhetoric hasnt always been mild. A few weeks ago the president tweeted he had been much tougher on russia than the last administration a statement absolutely true. He was wildly ridiculed for that nobody bothered to compare a summary of the facts of what the Previous Administration had done and what this administration has done. This president will absolutely use tough rhetoric where he thinks its appropriate. He sees areas of potential cooperation between the United States and russia. He has made good faith effort to keep the leader to leader relationship between himself and president putin on a firm footing because if there is ever to be improvement between the two governments its going to start at the top and we know that certainly in the russian system any improved behavior from, you know, the middle level is only going to be coming from the direction of the top. He wants to keep that channel open and productive in the hoping that the behavior of the russian government changes. Brian gotcha, mike. When the sun comes up i cant wait to see how good the lawn looks. George w. Bush dancing at a wedding . Its true. Dont move. 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Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from. Order online and get 10 off 30. And the paths they took to a new home. Could their journey inspire yours . Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com ainsley heres come quick headlines for you. A Security Guard turned off an alarm system as russian Shopping Mall packed with children and parents went up in flames. Exits were blocked. The door to the Movie Theater was shut and trapped inside. At least 64 people confirmed dead. A criminal investigation is now underway. New video fueling speculation that north Korean Leader kim jong un is in china right now. It would be his first foreign trip since assuming power in 2011. These images just in overnight showing a heavy security presence with reports of the rogue leaders arrival. Steve . Steve all right, ainsley. Thank you very much. Do you live in a free speech state . Do you even know . Well, according to a new report, alabama, nebraska, oregon, utah and virginia rank as the top five most free states in the nation when it comes to engaging in political speech. But what are the worst . You might be living there. Lets talk to david, the president of the institute for free speech that put out the list. David, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve so this free speech index. Whats the idea behind it. The idea is to let people know how good or how bad their Campaign Finance laws are these laws are so complicated they make the tax code look simple. You need not only a lawyer but a lawyer who specializes in Campaign Finance. Steve sure. I think the big problem with these laws is it makes it more difficult for new ideas to get injected into state capitols. Makes it difficult for new candidates to emerge. And thats why we wanted to put a spotlight on this. Steve i just mentioned the top five with 100 percent score, alabama, nebraska, oregon, utah, and virginia. No limits regarding contributions, et cetera. But then have you got the worst states and they are maryland, colorado, alaska, west virginia, and kentucky what are they doing in those states. Basically putting very low contribution limits across the board. They are also hamstringing their Political Parties even if there is a good candidate and the Political Party wants to back that candidate. Usually they are very limited in what they are able to do to back the candidate. A lot of people say we need these laws to battle corruption. The state ranked dead last in the survey. Kentucky was rated worst in the country for corruption by journalists in each state capital. Steve look at that ultimately the low limits do really help the incumbent candidate. Absolutely. Its interesting. The first transgendered state legislator elected nationally was elected in virginia. This to me just shows how its more difficult for candidates to get elected unless they can appeal to support for people who want to see new ideas and different bases in the legislatures. Steve ever since 2010 ruled Citizens United that has had an effect but not really the wide sweeping effect that a lot of people thought it would. Really, what its done is shifted political power away in the campaigns from the candidate and Political Parties to independent groups. And whether you think this is a good or bad thing, i think its a bad thing to say parties cant backs their candidates and a lot of states have done that things are Getting Better at the state level. Since 2010, we have seen 17 states increase their contribution limits. And, of course, there are about 11 states that have no limits at all. Steve interesting stuff. David keating, press of the institut president for the ine for free speech. Thank you very much. You are welcome. Thank you. Steve what do you think about that . Email us at friends foxnews. Com or tweet us and we are also on facebook. Todd piro is having breakfast with friends in iowa. He is up next. It looks delicious already. The roseanne tv reboot is here. Its taking on the 2016 campaign and roseanne loves President Trump. How could you have voted for him, roseanne . He talked about jobs, jackie. He said he would shake things up. Have you looked at the news . Because now things are worse. Not on the real news. If your adventure keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips you may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. Ask your doctor about myrbetriq® mirabegron . It treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. Its the first and only oab treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. If you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or difficulty breathing. Stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. 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He said he would shake things up. I mean, this might come as a complete shock to you, but we almost lost our house the way things were going. Have you looked at the news . Because now things are worse. Not on the real news. Oh, please. Steve roseanne is coming back to abc. And you know its a lot like the old show. The couch is there the quilt is there. Its roseanne. Its john good map. Dan is a little differently though. He sleeps with a sleep apne apnea. Ainsley and now he is alive. They killed him off the last one and in this episode apparently he wakes up next to her. I thought you were dead. He said you cant kill me. He wakes up. Brian by the way, he looks fantastic. John goodman looks better with time. This is very fascinating is they are taking the political debate and putting it into a sitcom. Ainsley on abc. Brian are they going to send a message . Is it going to be like family of the 1970s . Steve sounds like what we just saw right there its middle class working families. And, you know, the conversations they have around their dinner table and obviously Roseanne Barr is a fan of donal donald trump. She makes that very clear. The original series rarely talked about politics. This one is all about politics in this particular episode thats going to run tonight. Ainsley they are trying to appeal to their base. Middle base is middle america. Middle class families. And thats their audience. Also trying to appeal to both sides. Her sister is the liberal and roseanne is the conservative. Brian they sent us the clip. Roseanne is a series of reducks. People dont have new ideas anymore. Will and grace is back. Twin peeks is back. American idol is on the way back. What others would you like to see. Happy days. Whats potsie doing . Steve you could never recreate that magic. The New York Times does say its feisty and funny. Ainsley roseanne is right. Did create a lot of the jobs. Lots of bonuses went out. Brian awkward pause in that series. Ready to crack up. Its not smooth. Roseanne, its not smooth. They dont go and the dialogue doesnt roll. There is all these pauses. Steve i always liked that. Ainsley did i, too. Brian i dont like the canned laughter. Put them in front of a live audience. Steve i have think it is a live audience. Tom arnold was the warmup guy for her show, remember . Brian no, i dont know. And what happened . Steve he got married to her. Brian and then . Steve it didnt end well. Thats based in the midwest and todd piro is out in the midwest today having breakfast with friends. Is live from judes cafe in manchester, iowa. Good morning to you, todd. Todd good morning to you guys. I have never learned about roseanne so much before in my life. That was amazing. I learned so much. We are going to learn a lot about here. Manchester went for president obama pretty big in 2008 and went for President Trump in 2016 by 30 points. Obviously ought love opinions here. Two friends will break it down. One loves trump. One really doesnt love our president. Lets begin with david. David is a retired truck driver, also a veteran. Thank you for your service, sir. And you say we need more people like President Trump in congress. Why . We need more people to basically change theyre in a rut. They are about themselves more than they are about our country. Todd on the topic of immigration you said the president shouldnt give in to daca, why . People that are already here have every opportunity to become citizens and they need to pursue it. Ed to told and you actually said illegal is illegal. What do you mean by that . Its part of life. Illegal. How you cannot figure out illegal is illegal. Todd all right. Your buddy brad may have a disagreement. Brad as you might imagine is one who does not like our president. Lets talk a little bit about immigration first. What do you think the president should do on immigration . Well, he should allow them to stay here. They have come here years ago. They are hardworking people. We invited them here to pick our crops or californias crops anyway. Them kids didnt do nothing. Everybody has to use kids as pawns. Its reridiculous. Dont hang it on the kids. They all pay taxes. They work hard. 90 of them are lawabiding citizen. You got just as many rotten apples any race whether immigrants or here. Todd how do you respond to davids take that illegal is illegal . They have been here long enough, it doesnt matter. You know. Come in last week it would be a different story, but they have been here, 10, 15, 20 years. 40 years a lot of them. They have been here longer than some people live here. Todd now i want to talk about your friendship. You guys are friends, obviously so diametrically opposed on your viewpoints. Why dont we see more of a civil discourse in our country in this day and age like you two . You are friends. You are not beating eve other up. You completely disagree on the president. Nobody seems to get along anymore i guess. Nobody tries either. Its ridiculous. Todd all right lastly this is fred. We refer to him as judes husband. This is judes cafe. He also owns the place. He wanted to sit here and watch. Back to you. Steve that simple. Todd with the guys out in whamanchester, iowa. Brian todd has company, jillian doesnt. Jillian im over here by myself. Brian just read to us. Jillian get you caught up on headlines starting with this. Chilling 911 calls just released give the glimpse of the horror after a student opened fire in a maryland high school. I was just shot in my school. Im sorry . I was just shot at my school. My knee hurts so bad. Were getting help to you, desmond. Okay . You need to stay strong. Jillian he survived. Jaylen later died from hers injuries. She recently brok up with the shooter. 17yearold austin rollins. He killed himself as a School Resource officer shoat at him. Brand new video revealed in court showing a Penn State Fraternity pledge consumed 18 drinches in drinks. The video was deleted but restored by the fbi. Fraternity brothers waited 12 hours after pizzas fall. 21 people face charges want the statue of Thomas Jefferson removed saying is he i con for white supremacist. Protest planned for later this week now gaining momentum online. Not all students are supportive of the proposal. The school has refused to take down the statue. Take a look at your screen. He led the nation for 8 years. Now former president george w. Bush is leading the pack on the dance floor. Jillian look at those moves. Bottom right corner of your screen there you see it tearing it up at his nephews wedding in colorado. Pierce bush is the son of neil bushs the former president s brother. What do you think . Brian a couple things. Isnt there a song that says you have to dance like nobodys watching . Jillian sure, there is a saying. Brian i thought you could sing it. Jillian now we are are all watching. Brian we have to support president bush. You should be able to dance without judgment and i remember the great Brett Eldredge said i never met a dance floor that did me any good. Ainsley unless he was drunk. Jillian he is a way better dancer than i am. Ainsley he doesnt drink. Steve he throws a band into the wind. He is having a good time. Brian got my library. President twice. I had a baseball team. I will dance. Jillian i love it. Ainsley thank you, jillian. A sanctuary state show down brewing in california. Will an entire county take stand against sanctuary policies . The man planning to lead that revolt joins us live in the next hour. Brian plus, house intel chair devin nunes sending a new warning to the doj. Answer subpoenas or face impeachment. So what happens next . I will tell you what happens next. We called judge napolitano and he comes on our show. Steve all rise. Here comes the judge. Ainsley hi, judge. How are you . Doing more with systems you have in place. 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I give the Customer Confidence by being there every step of the way. We make it really easy. Thats what i love to hear vo go to blinds dot com slash tv right now and save up to 20 off sitewide. Brian all right. Quick headlines right now. Animal edition. A mountain sloin caught after taking a stroll through a california narngd. Using a drone to track down the cat before tranquilizing it good thing open. Released into the wild the wild meaning california. Fishing trip these guy also never forget. Holy oh my [bleep] god, bro. Brian a lot of redactions in that a massive great white shark sneaking up on that fisherman. Fisherman being generic rick off the inlet in florida. No one was hurt. The sharks feelings was hurt because of the cursing. Ainsley i think you have to say fisher person now. Judge are you the Prime Minister of canada . [laughter] steve hold them in contempt or impeach them house intel chair devin nunes sending that warning to the department of justice. Answer subpoenas from congress or certain members could face impeachment. When we get back in two weeks, if the 1. 2 million documents arent in the capitol, thi then he should immediately move to hold the department of justice and the fbi in contempt and if we have to vote on contempt, then we should immediately move to impeach those officials. Ainsley what can we expect next . Here to break it down for success fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. Will he get the documents . I dont know the answer to that looking for 1. 3 million pages of documents accumulated in the Hillary Clinton investigation. Is what he is looking for. Steve he has got 3,000. He has got 3,000 of them, of course, which is a very tiny fraction. So, this is unusual. Normally, when there is a dispute between congress and the doj, they are in opposite parties. The republican congress. Brian astounding. Republican house of representatives held the democratic attorney general eric holder in contempt for refusing to surrender fast and furious documents. And as a result of that, nothing happened. They didnt pursue the contempt. He wasnt punished to a democrat a badge of courage for the republicans to hold you in contempt. Who will this Republican House have to hold in contempt . Ainsley Jeff Sessions. This has never happened before this kind of dispute. You cant hold the doj or fbi in contempt. Brian does Jeff Sessions know he is attorney general . What is his answer to this . It is a great question. And i dont know what his answer is i wish he was out there. And i wish he was addressing these things. Its even more absurd. The documents that congressman nunes is looking for, its the investigation of Hillary Clinton. By the Loretta Lynch justifiable department. It does not implicate the Jeff Sessions Justice Department at all. Steve judge, you know, those same people are in that building. Its the permanent state. But ultimately cant the president of the United States call his attorney general and say stop stonewalling, help congress. The president likes chaos as we know. Steve he would like those documents out. Im sure he would like those documents as well. Would i like those documents . I would like those documents before a fresh pair of prosecutorial eyes and a grand jury because the evidence of her guilt is overwhelming. That takes what did comey do, what did strzok do what did mccabe do off the front page and does the right thing, prosecute somebody who should have been prosecuted two years ago. Ainsley what about this california census question . Its going to be put back on the census are you a citizen yes or no . Democrats in california up in arms about this. They are suing. Congress has not yet voted on whether or not they wants this in the census. Remember,. Steve they have to sign off on it. They have to sign off. Supposed to sign off by saturday. They are not in session this week and not in session next week. They will eventually sign off on it guess what, you have a right to remain silent. Say byebye, im here im alive. One person, five people in the house. Leave us alone. Steve you are obligated to you answer it truthfully. If you answer, you have to answer truthfully. If you dont answer, you dont answer because you have the right to remain silent. Ainsley how will they know if you check yes i am a citizen and you are really not . How will they know because there is no record of them. I dont know where this is going to go. I understand why the government wants to know this. California is practically succeeding from the union. You are about to do a piece from Orange County. Practically succeeding from california. Where does this end . Brian the article section 2 requires census count require everyone in the u. S. Count not asking how many toilets and ethnic background. How many people are in the house. Brian even here illegally. The constitution might be on the californias side. Yes. I dont know where its going to go. They havent filed the complaint yet. If the issue is do you have to answer the question . Ainsley said it. If you answer you have to answer truthfully, otherwise you remain silent and answer nothing except number of human beings in the house. Steve seems like a fair question base electoral votes, congressional spending on heads you should know how many there are. Had shouldnt be an estimate. There is this clash between the individual right to see you lens and governments right to know how many people live there. Brian dont you love the constitutional debate i had with the judge . [laughter] how many are you going to quote to me this morning . Brian sorry. Out of time. Thats all i got. All the best, guys. Steve coming up, facebook now under federal investigation after allegations have surfaced that facebook might have collected information on your phone calls and your texts. So how can you cut down your exposure on facebook . Thats coming up you will not be deterred just because your office is measured in acres and a half day of work is twelve hours. Nor, will unyielding temperatures and a long list of grueling tasks stop you. Your relentless spirit drives you forward and makes work feel less like work. Some call it your heritage. Others say its an obsession. You regard it as a blessed life. Introducing the mahindra retriever. Where were changing withs . Contemporary makeovers. Then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. Who has the upper hand now . Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com. Ainsley as you know, facebook is under federal investigation over user privacy practices following the Cambridge Analytica scandal. New report claims that the site collects call and item data from an dry phone. What steps can you take to limit your exposure. Here to break it all down for Success Technology editor for defense one and author of the naked future patrick tucker. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for having me. Ainsley they are admitting they did this, facebook is. They are saying they didnt do it in secret. When we signed up, we didnt read the fine prohibit. Thatprohibit fine print. If you want to change your settings show us how to do it . Comes from a report sean gallagher. Discovered. This not everybody remembers allowing facebook to do this in the fine print. But if you dont want them to do that you go ahead and go to the home screen. Ainsley facebook app. Go to the home screen. A little icon of you in the corner go. To people giewns people and go d contacts. And hit not now. Thats only one aspect of the different pieces of information continuously take from us in the way that you interact with the site. Ainsley there is more we need to do. There absolutely is. So, you, one of the reasons that facebook is in the news so much today is because of the way Third Party Apps interact with the site. These are the little quizes. These are the little games the things on the site that you at one point said yes to, you probably dont recall. Ainsley so you go to apps. Log in with facebook. These are all the apps that you are going to see here that are on your own site. Related to little decisions that you made to allow them there. You interacted with them. Again, probably only very briefly. Go ahead and delete any of those that you dont recognize, dont remember, or just dont use anymore. Dont be shy about it. Get them all off. Thats part of what started this entire controversy in the beginning. Then, you might also want to change the way you are visible to facebook advertisers. Ainsley go to ads over there Different Companies interacted with and see how you appear to these companies. Your cluster, so that sort of broad category is that you fit. Ainsley patrick a lot of people are mad at facebook. They want to deache a deactivate their accounts. How do they do that . For that go to account settings go, to general vantage account. Deactivation. Much less severe. Basically going into facebook hibernation less visible to the sight and. You dont have to reimport your contacts if you want to reyour account after. Ainsley we asked some of the hottest latest cars out on our plaza out there. These are the suvs. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. 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Its 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. And at our factory in boston, more than a thousand workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. Putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. Doj adds Citizenship Question to the 2020 census. As a result the California Attorney general announces he is suing. The united left russia. He has been tougher than either predecessors against russia. Actions count a lot in this matter. An american held captive by islamic terrorists has a shocking trail of betrayal. You are saying the fbi sacrificed your safety in order to track al qaeda . Yes. Military bases in the washington, d. C. Hit by suspicious packages. Big turn around for stocks the dow surging 669 points third highest point total ever. Most of all, lord, thank you for making America Great again. Lets get loud the music. Ainsley salsa dancing . Steve i think tonight. Brian i heard its the hardest dance. Ainsley you just move your hips around. Brian i like the tango. Steve electric slide. Brian electric side is hard . Steve sway to the music. How hard is that . Brian last time i saw the salsa victor cruz had a touchdown. Thats the last time i saw the salsa. Ainsley thats right. He did a great job. Steve whats going on in the news . Say goodbye to russian spies. Kicked out of the country as donald trump gets tough with Vladimir Putin as retribution for that attack on the rather on the Great Britain fellow and his daughter, former spies. They tried to kill them, the russians did. So now there they are right there. They are still alive but they could have been dead. Ainsley i like that. [speaking russian] brian do you know what you were talking about. Steve meaning goodbye. Brian i love when you quote lennon. Not john. 2 other states also expelled diplomats. Waiting to do it all at once. We did it we sent a huge message to the russians. Now the russians have got to scramble and answer every single country. Nikki haley one of the super stars with this administration from the u. N. Said this. I think you are seeing an increasingly move of bad judgment by return. When we see espionage tactics taking place right here at the heart of the u. N. , we cant have that. This is really not just us, but multiple countries saying all of these actions have to stop. This is not what we do in any other place and it cant be acceptable for you to do. This unfortunately russia is now being held accountable for a lot of things and they have a decision to make. Ainsley wonderful to see all these countries coming together. Many people are not theresa may at odds with most of the leaders that are a part of the eu because theyre negotiating the brexit right now. She is asking all these other countries to come on board and follow suit. They have done that look at that United States expelling 60 and the list goes on and on. Steve here in the United States we have expelled a dozen from the new york city area who were posted to the United Nations. They closed a consulate up in seattle because they say too close to a naval base for National Security reasons. Brian listen, it doesnt make any sense the russians doing. This they on best behavior leading up to the olympics. Steve they have gotten away with so much for some years. Brian also worried about international embarrassment. If countries stayed away. Now they have the world cup. England is talking about leaving their team home. If they do that and russians and other european nations follow suit, it would be embarrassment of the worlds most popular game. Michael anton weighed in. We are always tough on russia. Dont look at the rhetoric. Look at our actions. He is with the National Security council in the white house. Can you always criticize any action and say that somebody could have done more. This sun precedented action. We looked through the history books and could not find an instance of so many other countries acting all at once in concert on the same issue at the same time. Thats something President Trump deserves credited for. We think that the phrase retaliation to any response that may or may not come from russia would be inapt. This is countries responding to a reckless attack, outrageous attack in the u. K. Ainsley the United States ambassador to russia abby huntsmans dad jon huntsman said there are consequences to poisoning people on u. K. Soil. Guess what, we are not standing for that. Steve appears the world is united against Vladimir Putin. This is something he is not used to. Of course, it is simply withdrawing manpower. The big question is will it eventually lead to some sort of sanctions to hit him right in the pocketbook . Stay tuned. Brian i love what jean keene said yesterday. Oil and gas, we have natural gas. Cut off, tell all european allies we are supplying your gas now. We will give it to you at a decent price. Got to travel. And cut off that gas stations best customers. That would be an economic message. Steve stay tuned. Ainsley something happening out in california. This is just unbelievable. The census report that you filled out your entire life. Theres a question on there. A new question that actually existed back in the day. They are trying to put this question back on the census report. Are you a citizen . Its as simple as that and people out in california are upset about this. Trying to sue the Trump Administration for adding that question. Brian how dare we. Ainsley how dare you find out how many people are here and if you are here illegally or not. Illegal to ask illegal person if they are here legally. Brian yes. Steve here what is what department of commerce says wilbur ross says we are going to do it. After a thorough view of the Legal Program as well as numerous discussions with sensor bureau leadership. Members of the congress and interested stakeholders secretary ross has determined Citizenship Question is necessary to provide complete and accurate census block level data. Keep in mind, they have not asked us for a number of years on the census, but every year they ask it on the acf. The American Community survey. It is sent to fewer homes. Nonetheless, they want to know exactly how many people are in this country. It doesnt matter if you are in the country illegally. If you are, just dont check the american citizen box. Its that simple. Brian i imagine some of them who are worried about getting kicked out might not fill out that form theyre going to call for them. To me its fundamentally, mark penn wrote it in our book and said on our show fundamentally americans want border security. And are not proilLegal Immigration. Democrats think they have the American People on their side. The numbers dont add up. Thats a democratic polster. Steve ultimately, think about it. If you are in the country illegally but you are still using the countrys services, by go ahead and saying look, im going to take the census, im not here in the country illegally, then your district winds up with more money. You wind up with more congressional votes. Its all that stuff. Got to have an accurate assessment of the number of people in the country. Ainsley if you want my tax dollars. Pause we are all putting money in california and all these places where illegals are. Then have you got to answer the census question, period. Brian the attorney general said. This breaking. So he is helping us to know this is breaking news in california. The filing suit against President Trump. Breaking, breaking. Administration over a decision to add Citizenship Questions on 2020 census. How unbelievable does that sentence sound . How dare we ask you if you are a citizen on the census including the question is just a bad idea, it is illegal. So the ilLegal Immigration isnt illegal but its illegal to ask Illegal Immigrants to write if they are a citizen or not . What planet is he on . Steve you just cant. Ainsley that planet called california . Steve we are spending a lot of money to do every 10 years to do the big count. We would like to have an accurate count. And good news, eric holder, former attorney general of the United States, he is also going to sue the federal government because he currently is working with the National Democratic Redistricting Commission and he doesnt like it one bit. Brian i think we should do a census like we stand up one at a time and count out. We are going to work on that. Do it my way or the old way. Lets talk about trade. Remember the president said i have got to find out im not so much antifree trade. Im more into fair trade. And the main problem is china. And another problem is south korea. So he started with aluminum and steel tariffs. He was trying to send a message to south korea. Listen iniquity got to stop. Guess what . South korea agrees. They are coming together on some type of agreement to lessen their steel imports to the u. S. By 30 . Steve donald trump ran on trying to bring american businesses back to life. Including the steel and aluminum industry. Last week it was announced that he was going to go ahead and slap 60 billion worth of tariffs on china. And then china came back the next day and said we are going to slap billions on the United States. It looked bad. Thats why the stock market sold off 1100 points last year last week. Brian everyone was broke over the weekend. Steve only if you retired and took the money out. Then yesterday it was revealed that as it turns out we are actually talking to china behind the scenes. The president tweeted this. Ainsley he said trade talks going on with numerous countries that for many years have not treat you had the United States fairly. In the end, all will be happy. Steve ultimately the dow finished up 670 points, almost. And there is also news that apparently the United States is negotiating with south korea, which is the Third Largest exporter to the United States of steel. They are going to start limiting the amount of steel they bring into the country by 30 . Ainsley what does that mean for you . 30 less steel is coming into the United States. Steve cheap steel. Ainsley which means it will create more jobs here. Brian stock market rocketed up. We have 370 billiondollar trade imbalance with china and already dealing with it most of all, going to focus on intellectual property theft. Thats got to stop. Thats cost us about 670 billion a year. Steve one step at a time. Brian talk about worth a lot of money. Jillian mele. How much are you worth . Jillian i lost count. Brian a lot of money. Jillian so much, yes. Brian invaluable to us. Ainsley now why dont you ask her about her religion . Jillian got to go. We do have a fox news alert though. Lets get you guys caught up on this story. Potentially explosive packages sent to military facilities in and around our nations capital. The fbi now investigating the packages at fort mcnair, fort bellvoir and dal green naval. No one hurt and unclear if any of those could be detonated. One package contained black powder and a fuse. A roommate of the austin bomber is person of interest in the case. Looking for a motive in this month wants string of attacks after anthony con dietl blew himself up last week. The roommate could be complicit. The question is did the roommate know he was making these bombs at the time and for the last month when all these bombings were taking place . Jillian investigators are looking through a recording conditt made before his death and his social media. A second wave of the flu is on the way and it could be even more severe especially for young children. The cdc warning people could get flu virus b even if they already have flu virus a. There have been nearly 300,000 reported cases of the flu this season. 133 children have died from the illness. And how about this one . Fox news own Shannon Bream assembling earths mightiest heroes for a very special mission. Suit up. Jillian shannon tweeting out a plea for help after a man on a plane told her about his an nephew amealio who has just days to live and loves the avengers. She wanted one of the actors to send a greeting. But, at least 8 agreed to make videos for amealio, including cancaptain america. I love hearing that story. Isnt that incredible . Ainsley that is great. Isnt that wonderful . Some people coming together to help that child. Jillian that is the positive power of social media. Steve finally. That is great. Ainsley good for shannon getting that going. Brian 13 minutes after the hour. Show downstate brewing in california as we have been discussing. Will an entire county take a stand against sanctuary policies of governor and state. Next guest plans to lead the revolt. Ainsley dad holding up a sign during the one of the biggest moments of his daughters life telling her to say no . We will explain straight ahead the answer is no why you got to be so rude snowed dont you know im human, too why you got to be so rude last four years overall. Switch into a new chevy now. Current qualified competitive owners and lessees can get this 2018 chevy equinox for around 199 a month. Chevrolet. Find new roads. My doctor recommended i switch to miralax. On, stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. An entire county in california could soon split from the states sanctuary law. Today Orange County the o. C. Will take a stand. Orange county supervisor sean nelson plans to lead the way against sanctuary cities and the state and he joins us now live from los angeles. Sean, good morning to you. Hi. Good morning. Steve okay. So your state, now a sanctuary state where do not cooperate with ice. What are you going to do today with Orange County and that status . So two things. One is just a resolution. Which of course isnt going to accomplish anything but sort of a statement. But the other action hopefully will be when we go into closed session to choose to join litigation brought by the department of justice to basically enjoin the state from, you know, holding our Law Enforcement officials to these laws. Steve right. Locally you and other like minded people on your board feel that sanctuary status is up constitutional. Well, it is unconstitutional. I mean, i realize there are a lot of states that dont care to live by certain rules than the federal government or the constitution if they disagree with it last i checked its not optional, even if you dont like the outcome. And it puts our Law Enforcement personnel in a very awkward spot. They have to uphold the constitution and the law. They swear to do that. I swore to do that when i took the oath. And california has decided to poke the president and his administration in the eye. And i would rather they just not involve us. Steve sure. Sean, regarding the story we were just talking about a couple moments ago about how the department of commerce wants to include on the census a question about whether or not you are in this country legally, do you think that is a good idea because your attorney general, mr. Basara, is suing the federal government saying you cant do that. Thats illegal. Well, i dont know how its illegal for a federal agency like the Census Bureau to ask questions. He who knows the most is king. Im sure that the attorney general is afraid of the answer because they would like to pretend that everyone here is entitled to certain government carveouts and benefits and, of course, noncitizens arent entitled to a lot of benefits. California could be hurt as a state because they have numbers that are higher than their citizenship population. Steve interesting stuff. Stay tuned for that and stay tuned to find out what happens today during your board meeting. Shawn thank you very much for joining us live. Thank you, steve. Steve he sacrificed his life to save students down in the parkland. Stoneman douglas Athletic Director chris hixon lived by the motto if not me than whom. His widow shares its meaning to her next. Brian unless my watch is really wrong i think its time for news by the numbers. 2 trillion is how much amnesty for Illegal Immigrants could cost taxpayers. A princeton researcher claims amnesty would allow them to qualify for government retirement programs like medicare and Social Security that money is in zero gravity. Next we will change gears, 7 days, thats how long the American Dental Association wants to limit opioid prescriptions too. Meant to fight the countrys opioid epidemic. 25. 5 minutes. Thats how much time the average American Worker is spending each day on march madness. A new study by the Employment Company office team claims the average worker loses a total of 6 hours during the length of the tournament. You know what . We need a break once in a while. For something unrelated, here is ainsley. Ainsley thanks so much, steve. Majory Stoneman Douglas Athletic Director chris hixon died a hero sacrificing his life to save students during a shooting in florida last month. The navy veteran buried at arlington with a head stone reading if not me than who. Its a motto made famous by another Service Member who gave his life for people he loved fighting in iraq in 2007. First lieutenant Travis Manion. Joining us now to share chris story and reason why her husband lived by those words his widow debbie hixon and his mother tony hixon they join us now. Thank you so much for joining us. Im so sorry for your loss. Thank you. Ainsley tell me what happened on february 14th, what your husband did. Well, my husband was security monitor at majory Stoneman Douglas. When the call came over that there was something going on in the building, of course it was his job to run over and find out what was going on. So he ran into the building and encountered the shooter. And at some point in there, tried to disarm him and lost his life trying to do that. Ainsley tony, its been all over the news that the School Resource officer, the Police Officer did not go in. But your son did. And he is a hero. He is so brave. Kids said that their lives were spared because of him. Tell us what he was like. Oh, chris was super. There is no words that can explain how much i loved him. And i still do love him. And he just did everything for me. There was nothing that i could ask for that he didnt provide for me. He was the best son any mother could ever want. Ainsley how do you get past Something Like this. Its all of our worst fears as parents. I cannot get over it i just cant. I keep waiting for him to knock on the door, come walking in the door, and hes not there. Its very, very hard. I kiss his picture every night before i go to bed and i kiss it every morning when i get up. Its just traumatic. Very, very traumatic. Ainsley im sure. Debbi, tell me about your family and your children. Well, we have two children that we had biologically. We have a lot of other ones that we kind of have encompassed into our family. But we have a 26yearold whose name is tommy. Is he a First Lieutenant in the marine corps, followed in his dads footsteps and serving our country in the military. Then we have a 22yearold whose name is corey. He has special needs. So he is a pretty special guy. And then like i said, we have a couple of students that we took in to our house and raised them like they were our own. Ainsley i know you buried your husband at Arlington National cemetery in late february. Tell me about the story you decided to put Semper Fidelis on his tombstone. He is actually buried in the National Cemetery in florida. On the tombstone we put if not me, than who, which is the motto of the Travis Manion foundation. And tommy, my older son tommy his birthday was earlier in february, and he had asked people to do donations in lieu of giving him presents for his birthday. So my husband and i learned about that Foundation Early this year in february and we thought wow, what an awesome thing. We did a great job raises our son that here for his birthday he is asking for people to donate to this foundation. That really has the motto that we tried to teach our kids as they were growing up. You know, stand up, be present. Be that person that is going to do the right thing. So we you know, we donated money instead of sending him a birthday present. So when it came time for us to decide what we wanted to put on the head stone, we wanted it to speak to what happened without just saying bluntly majory stoneman. That motto really ties into how chris lived his life. So lets use that so thats how we decided to use it. Ainsley oh, gosh. We are so terribly sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for coming on. He is a wonderful person and he is a hero. God bless you both. Thank you so much. Thank you. Ainsley you are welcome. The roseanne reboot is here. And the show isnt afraid of getting political. Watch this. How could you have voted for him, roseanne. He talked about jobs, jackie. He said he would shake things up. Have you looked at the news . Because now things are worse. Not on the real news. Ainsley so how far will the show go . Todd piro is live in manchester, iowa where he is having breakfast with friends. Todd . Todd good morning. Last hour we had a very civil discussion on politics of the day with very different viewpoints. Can we repeat it in the next hour . We will try. I dont know. Im a little worried about verma, she a wild car. We will see what happens when fox friends returns after this. When this bell rings. It starts a chain reaction. Thats heard throughout the connected business world. At t Network Security helps protect business, from the largest Financial Markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyberattacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Most of all, lord, thank you for making America Great again. [laughter] mom . Its okay, darlene. [laughter] im going to use my Life Coaching degree. [laughter] to model the behavior that i teach all my many, many clients in situations like this. We dont namecall. We respond with a positive affirmation about the other person. Youre looking very fit. Apparently all that weight you lost was the good roseanne. [laughter] how could have you voted for him, roseanne . He talked about jobs, jackie. He said he would shake things up. I mean, this might come as a complete shock to you, but we almost lost our house the way things are going. Have you looked at the news . Because now things are worse. Not on the real news. Oh, please. Brian debate in so many households across america. Thats what roseanne, the sitcom is trying to capture as they reboot. Steve you know. They are back to their original roots. Its about a working class family in the midwest, struggles to pay their light bill. Has to take a second job when they have to do that. This is probably a pretty Good Business decision on the part of abc. When you think about it, there are not too many mainstream sitcoms that actually support as roseannes character does, donald trump as president of the United States. Brian in real life she does support President Trump . Steve yes. Brian did i not know that. Ainsley she sits on one of those chairs and says honey, im coming. Takes forever. She is so funny. Glad she is coming back. Steve we asked what you thought about it and david emailed this. Ainsley never been a roseanne show nice to see a tv show portray a family get on with life political divide. Brian they can do it in the news if they do the show timely. If roseanne can be political on tv then can we get last man standing back with tim allen . Steve sounds like that show is going to come back to television but not back to abc. Meanwhile, william emailed finally a show thats not slanted totally to the left. Ainsley im surprised by. This the main character is a trump supporter. Sister, life coach, is the one who is not. Steve you have the fair and balanced thing going. Ainsley right. Brian i asked myself what other shows why like to bring back. Ainsley love this question. Brian i think bosom buddies with tom hanks. I think he would do it. Remember, the rookies . They fought crime when crime was a problem now its not. Steve that wasnt a movie. Brian i also think taxi coming back would be fantastic and maude squad . Ainsley a diner . Brian there was a movie. Steve Berry Levinson did the movie. Todd piro is in manchester, iowa. We are at judes cafe. Neil cavuto has an expression not not about blue or red its about the green. Dick said he did not vote for Hillary Rodham clinton, thats how he says when he is asked who he voted for. The one important thing that dick says. He says he is fed up with the inability of our government to govern. Why do you say that . I say that because they havent passed a budget for so many years. Farming business that i have quite a bit of exposure to, you got to know where your money is going to go and where its going to come from. And they refuse to run the government like a business. Todd understood. Dick, thank you very much for your time. We are going to come on over here. Pat is another one of those who didnt really want to say who he voted for in the election. But he said he did not vote for President Trump. And he is a farmer. He said as a farmer, he is extremely worried about the sanctions that the president has called for. Why do you say that . Its farming is a volatile business. We need some stability. And these threats and such dont create stability. Todd okay. Now going to go over to roger. He is a retired insurance executive who says devote for trump and is proud of that fact. And you say the president is doing an amazing job when it comes to business. Why do you say that . He is doing a lot to cut regulations. The company i was with, we had to create an entire Division Just to deal with government regulations. And thats a huge waste of manpower. And so anything he can do to cut regulations is good for business and good for the economy. Todd as somebody who worked as an insurance executive, just briefly describe what regulations do to a company. You take some of your best people and they have to research all the regulations, fill out the forms, file the forms, deal with the bureaucrats, go through the audits and it wastes everybodys time. And you need regulations for some things. Todd right. You dont need to regulate every time you turn around. Its such a terrible burden. And insurance is one of the most regulated businesses there are. And every time we have to pay extra money for regulations, we have to raise our rates and itst does everybody money. Todd roger, thank you very much. Another civilized discussion. You were talking about how on roseanne civilized discussion. We had had another one here different points of view. Im still worried about verma. I still dont know. I dont trust her. She gave me the stank eye. No, verma is great. Back to you in new york. Steve todd piro in manchester, iowa north and east of cedar rapids. Thats great great discussion. Time for news with jillian. Jillian good morning. Good morning to you at home. Lets get you caught up on headlines starting with. This an american who escaped al qaeda captivity says the fbi betrayed him under the lead of Robert Mueller and james comey. Photo journalist matt sharier as it taken hostage in 2012. After escaping the next year he discovered that fbi knew terrorists spent his money. He is says the fbi has been stonewalling his demand for answers. The ones that are bad need to be weeded out. And the ones who let them be bad and who turned their head need to be exposed. Jillian schrier claimed fbi only wanted intelligence from him and help him recover from the identity theft. Michael bennet turns himself in on a flown charge. The fizzle eagles lineman accused of assaulting a 66yearold paraplegic woman at the super bowl in houston. Police say he pushed the woman trying to get on the field to celebrate with his brother march tell his. The woman needed to be treated for shoulder injury. He denies pushing her. He faces 10 years in prison if convicted. Most fathers give their blessing when asking for daughters hand in marriage. Not this dad. He had Something Else in mind. He read a sign say no as boyfriend proposed in nevada. The girl posting hilarious pictures online before admitting though that he actually likes her fiancee and approved of it thats a look at your headlines, guys. Steve then why did he do it . Just to be funny . Jillian just to be funny. Brian parents can have a sense of humor too. Absolutely. Ainsley even if you like the guy has to be hard as a dad giving baby girl away. Brian thats never going to happen. Steve forgetting about paying for the big wedding. Ainsley this is true. Then once they pay for the big wedding. She is his responsibility now. Steve okay. Ainsley or maybe her own responsibility. Steve brian and i both have two daughters. Brian who are never getting married. Ainsley or dating. Steve until they are at least 50. 18 minutes before the top of the hour on this tuesday. Bombshell development in the trial against the pulse nightclub shooters wife turns out the killers father was an fbi informant for 10 years. What does that mean for the case of fbi special agent weighs in on that in the next hour. Brian the guy seems nuts and john bolton making a big endorsement as he heads to the white house. He is backing john james, an Iraq War Army veteran running for a Michigan Senate seat. The political newcomer joins us live next. Without starting from scratch. It brings your business up to speed, doing more with systems you have in place. It can bring all your apps to life and run them within your data center. It is. The ibm cloud private. The cloud thats built for all your apps. Ai ready. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for smarter business. Wgreat tasting, hearthealthys the california walnuts. Ever . So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Brian went from flying helicopters in iraq to running a successful business before throwing his hat in the ring for the Michigan Senate seat. Steve you and now this political newcomer getting a pretty big endorsement from incoming National Security advisor john bolton. That iraq war vet and republican from michigan, he is running for senate. John james joins us now from detroit. John, good morning to you. Good morning to you as well steve and brian. Steve did you know that john bolton was going to endorse you . No. We met a couple of times. And our last meeting we spoke a lot about my experience at west point and understanding conventional war and understanding how the world is set up. Some of the threats that are facing us now and in the future. We talked about my experience as a ranger qualified apache pilot who has flown actual combat missions in iraq and spoken about how i could best serve the state of michigan and the country from having that relevant combat experience. It was great. It was unexpected and im honored. Brian of course, John Bolton Pac is the one that supported you. Now he has got this important job he is about to undertake for the white house. So, what did you learn from the President Trumps win in michigan . What did you teach what did he teach republicans . Well, i will tell you what, its not about just like previously, not about red, its not about b. Blue, its about the green. And folks really in roseanne did a great job with this on her show, the clip you just showed, that he brought jobs. And he is talking about putting money back into the hands of people who have earned it. He has talked about preserving our constitution, putting america first. And the concerns that real people had in the state of michigan are the same concerns that our president is fighting for. And this is what people really care about. Not what the talking head or the coastal elites are saying or dictating. People in the state of michigan were hurting and will beginning to take the first steps in this long come back heading home. Steve sure. John, the democrats seem to be on the wrong side of the tax cut issue. They are trying to convince everybody its a bad thing. Its only helping big corporations and really rich people. That just is not right. Whats the story from michigan . Well, i will tell you what, nancy pelosi called these crumbs. And she has since backtracked from those statements. But, when you take a look at what these bonuses have meant to individual people in the state of michigan, thats a new set of tires on the car because our infrastructure and our roads are falling apart. Thats more clothes to put on the back of your kids. Thats paying off the credit card faster christmas and holiday season. This is heating your house when we have had cold weather this season. This is real money for real people. Also, in the state of michigan, jobs are coming back from mexico. We werent talking about this two years ago. And i will tell you what if Hillary Clinton had delivered had been elected and had delivered on these promises like donald trump is delivering on his, then she would have got a nobel prize, too. Donald trump is delivering on his promises and the people of state of michigan are benefiting in their wallet. Brian so interesting, you bring to the table a very, you know, awe inspiring resume. You are the ceo of Renaissance Global logistics. Took a 35milliondollar company and made 137 million in revenue while creating 100 additional jobs. You start your career in west point. Fly for over 700 hours in combat in iraq. All building towards this moment. Imagine for me this might be something you thought of all along. Am i correct . Absolutely not. I will tell you quite frankly, i have always lived by my core values, faith and family and god and country and service before self. I have a passion for service. I understand too many people have died for me to be able to live in this great country. I have an obligation, not an option to continue my service and because i have been able to serve, i want to go serve again. I want to go serve because i dont believe that we have enough combat veterans on the floor of the u. S. Senate who understanding how to keep americans safe. Thats actually why john bolton endorsed me because he understands that i have the relevant experience to make critical decisions when it comes to our National Security. And i aim to serve again when i get to washington as well as for michigan and the u. S. Steve john james talking about the endorsement by john bolton. John, thank you for joining us live today from detroit. Thank you for having me. Steve trink. Still ahead on this tuesday, losing their senses in california. Showdown brewing over Citizenship Question on the census has former attorney general eric holder saying im suing the federal government. Brian who is right there. The new York Auto Show is happening today and yesterday. Jillian is checking out some of the hottest new suvs on the plaza. At least we asked her to. Will she turn up in one of the suvs. Steve there she is. Brian who is that in the back . Is that mike . Get out of my dreams get into my car cant sleep . Enough. Take that. A breathe right nasal strip of course. Imagine just put one on and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. So you can breathe, and sleep. Better than a catnap. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. [engines revving] steve the new York International auto show kicking into high gear this week with trends and showcasing the incredible collection of suvs hit the road. Mike caudill. This is a crazy color i have ever seen before. This is the hyundai kona. This is a television debut. They launched this last week in hawaii. The kona normally. This is the hybrid. What does that mean . 250 miles. That beats out the bolt and the tesla. What i love the most about this vehicle is the price. Talking just north of 30,000 for this week to go on sale. Steve take that hand mike right there. I love the piping. Talk to brian about the beamer. Yes. This is the x 2 from bmw. They are calling this a small compact suv. Its urban ite vehicle. Sub 40,000. Zero to 60 time. 6. 3 seconds. Brian what do you do to make this somewhat affordable for a bmw. They keep the size compact. That makes it Value Proposition marketplace take it from a market planning standpoint. This is about cup holders and about usb. In this vehicle right here. 8 cup holders inside of this vehicle. Thats great for the american family. So its a nice urbanite vehicle. Lexus. This is the lexus rxl. L stands for long. Wheelbase is the same as the normal rx. Sub 50,000 vehicle. And it is packed with Safety Technology on the inside of this vehicle. Ainsley my seats are now getting heated. Brian only worried about herself. I love the moon roof up top. Ainsley lots of cup holders. There are 10 cup holders inside of this. There are 8 usb connectivity. Ainsley service is so good on a lexus. Great service. The best part is the warranty and these vehicles will not die on you. Great vehicles. All right. Moving over to the ford edge st. We are adding people as we go down the lanes. Jillian how many cup holders are in here . If you go down the line have you got 6, 8, 8. And there are 8 in this one as well. 8 in this one. Ainsley i like the feeling of this one. I dont know why but i like it. Brian i got leg room in the back. Lets look. So you have leg room in the back as well. This is very sporty. Thats what i love the most about the ford edge is that they are putting a lot of sport in these vehicles. Steve come on over here. Are you ready for this . Subradio outback bigger than that. This is the biggest subaru they have ever built with this vehicle right here. Here is what is great for this vehicle. Here is the big number for you. 19 cup holders on the inside of this vehicle. Steve theyre behind brian and ainsley there is another row of seat. Pan inside the back. Look where brian and ainsley are at. Look how much leg room they have in this vehicle. I could be a defensive lineman and fit in here. Sun roof top of the roof line to the middle of the c line. Thanks guys. Busy morning. Brian back in a moment i will be out of the car. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . You wont find relief here. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritind. While the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms. Claritind relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. Claritind relieves more. Brian did you hear the u. S. Is not getting along with california too well especially when it comes to immigration. Theyre at loggerheads. Lawsuits are flying over the census. Ainsley President Trump telling 60 Russian Diplomats to pack your bags and get out of our country. This is not just us, but multiple countries saying all these actions have to stop. An american held captive by islamic terrorists has a shocking tale of betrayal. Youre saying the fbi sacrificed your safety in order to track al qaeda . Yes. Ainsley potentially explosive packages sent to military facilities in and around our nations capitol. Big turn for stocks, the dow surging 660 points. The third highest point total ever. President george w. Bush is going viral after tearing up the dance floor at his nephews wedding. The. Steve starting with some of the soundtrack, live from new york city this tuesday. Were ready to go. Ainsley were ready. Brian one minute after the top of the hour, 59 minutes remain. We lead with moscow. Ainsley moscow vowing retaliation after the largest he can pull shun in history. Brian 60 diplomats have to pack and. Steve what is the reaction from the white us . Ellison barber is there outside with new developments. Reporter good morning to all of you. The Russian Ambassador to the United Nations spoke to a group of reporters yesterday and hinted of possible Counter Measures coming from russia. The white house is warning against any potential retaliation that government might take. Diplomacy supposes there is a response such things happen. How do you see this move . Normally it is a mirrorlike response but well wait for what moscow will say. We think that the phrase, retaliation to any response that may or may not come from russia would be inapt. This starts from russian action. This is countries responding to a reckless at, an outrageous attack. Reporter over 20 countries are expelling 100 Russian Diplomats in response to an attack on a former british spy and his daughter. British Authorities Say the russian government is responsible for the attack on Sergey Skripal and his daughter. Expulsion of the Russian Diplomats from coming from the u. S. And european union. A official said 60 Russian Diplomats have been given seven days as of yesterday to leave the country, their families as well. They say all 60 of those diplomats are intelligence officials have been hiding under the name, the guise of diplomats to collect intelligence and spy on americans. Russia says they were not involved in the salisbury attack. The uk, the u. S. , as well as dozen eu member states, norway, ukraine, they all disagree. Ainsley, brian, steve. Steve ellison barber at the white house. Thank you very much. There could be a dozen apartments open up. They could be leaving promptly. Brian could do airbnb. They might come back. Steve you never know. Brian if you dont mind the decor. Well talk about what the russian response will be. Knowing the russians it will come in next hour or so. They have a bunch of countries to pay back. Never exciting word, someone says census, a boring form. In california they have a different approach because this administration wants to put a box on the census, says check here if youre a u. S. Citizen. That is it really not been done since the 1950s. That is long form, only one of six people get. Ainsley the doj asked to reinstate the Citizenship Question in to 20. The Commerce Department said well do that they tweeted out about it that made california mad. The attorney general in california will sue the Trump Administration. Steve absolutely. Congress says after thorough review of the Legal Program, policy considerations an numerous discussions with census leadership, members of congress and stakeholders, secretary wilbur ross determined that reinstatement of the citizenship on the 2020 questionnaire, every 10 years, is needed to supply complete and accurate census block level data. They use the 10year census to figure out congressional districts, federal fundings, electoral state votes, et cetera t would be fair to get an accurate number. If youre not in the country illegally you just dont check the box. Nonetheless, former attorney general of the United States, eric hold something suing the federal government. So is the current state of california ag. Ainsley ag, breaking news, filing statute against President Trumps administration over decision to add Citizenship Question on the census. Including the question, including the question is not just a bad idea, it is illegal. So he says it is illegal to ask illegals if they are here illegally. Brian here is the way the rule reads. Census, all people with a usual residence in the 50 states are to be included in the census and thus in the, thus the appointment counts. However i dont know if they realized back then if they would have immigration. From the constitution. Brian over 11 Million People will be here illegally who cant vote, why should they be represented by people that, hot people that represent them are representing voters not just people . American citizens. Steve think about this. We had, well talk about Orange County, how they will join the federal lawsuit against sanctuary state status out in california. We had one of supervisors on a little while ago. They had a lot at stake. What if they poll everybody and not as many people they thought all along they were . That could cost them a lot of federal money and congressional districts. That is the peril for the democrats. Brian outside in los angeles, when you drive in california there is a lot of open space. There is a reason for that. Ainsley we asked what you thought about it. Rick tweeted in, that is what a census is for to count individuals in our country and determine the status and situation. Brian that is the problem, status and situation. Another emailer says of course there should be a citizenship box. If cities and states want to hear bore criminals they can harbor said criminals on their dime, not mine. Steve this twitter user writes i dont know how anybody can object. Only citizens are the ones should be voting. Thats right. There are some localities you dont have to be in the country legally to vote on local elections. You have to be a u. S. Citizen to vote in federal elections that is the law. Brian bothers me write citizens, write immigrants. They dont include the term Illegal Immigrants. You have to label people correctly. No one is antiimmigrant, it is antisomeone bringing down the system going ahead of all the people doing it the right way. That should be distinguished. Ainsley youre right. People feel like theyre protecting Illegal Immigrants more than protecting people who are here and citizens and tax paying individuals. Steve last week we told you about los alamitos, a Small Community in southern cat fornash in Orange County and what they decided they were going to do, they were going to say look, we follow the laws, unlike the state of california. So when the state become as sanctuary state well still cooperate with i. C. E. Right now, entire Orange County headed up by five republican supervisors they want to join the federal lawsuit against the state of california saying it is unconstitutional to be a sanctuary state. Ainsley this is sean nelson, the Orange County supervisor. Listen. I realize there are a lot of states that dont care to live by certain rules in the federal government or the constitution if they disagree with it. Last i checked it is not optional even if you dont like the outcome and it puts our Law Enforcement personnel in a very awkward spot. They have to uphold the constitution and the law. They swirl to do that. I swore to do that when i took the oath. California has decided to poke the president and the administration in the eye. I would rather they just not involve us. Brian i wonder how many cities want to join them. They have to make a decision, a legal decision. They will sue the state to challenge socalled sanctuary state issues, or join attorney general Jeff Sessions in his lawsuit to block portions of it. Steve that is the one theyre going to do. Brian that they know for sure . They made in response for a proposal made condemning the state law. Sean nelson seems to be up in the air. They will discuss the resolution steve they told us they will dot resolution and then join the federal lawsuit. Ainsley it will get bigger and bigger. I have a feeling. Hand it over to jillian. She has a fox news alert. Jillian lets get you caught up on this fox news alert. Potentially explosive packages sent to military facilities and around our nations capitol. The fbi looking at the packages. There are also reports of strange packages sent to the cia and white house Mail Processing centers. It is unclear if many of them could have been detonated. One package contained black powder and a fuse. Were leading up to the final moments leading up to a deadly Helicopter Crash in new york city. He went to cut the fuel as the chopper was going down because it was already off. A passengers harness tripped the switch. The pilot tried to turn it back on and restart the engine and it was too late. All five passengers were killed in the crash. House Speaker Paul Ryan isnt going anywhere. Ryans press secretary ashley strong saying quote, the speaker is not resigning. Speculation swirling after congressman mark amady that majority whip Steve Scalise was poised to take over when ryan steps down. Scalises office responding saying they fully support ryan as the house speaker. Reaching out to the family of a parkland shooting system. The president writing quote, our entire nation mourning the tragic loss of meadow. It was clear she had a Bright Future full of tremendous potential. I know you were so prod of her. We will not forget her life. We are resolved to confront the evil that so senselessly took her live from us. Steve thank you, jillian. Ainsley bomb nell development in the trial against the pulse nightclub shooters wife. Turns out the killers father was an february by informant. What does it mean for this case . Well ask a former fbi special agent coming up next. Steve the best video you will see all day. President george w. Bush in the lower righthand corner, shaking his booty. The day after chemo might mean a trip back to the doctors office, just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. Neulasta helps reduce infection risk by boosting your white blood cell count, which strengthens your immune system. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Applied the day of chemo, Neulasta Onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Theseare heading back home. Y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because its tough on grease yet gentle. I am home, i am home, i am home brian a Bombshell Development in the trial against the pulse nightclub shooters wife. Did you hear about this . It turns out the dad was an fbi informant at various times. The defense motion for mistrial was denied. What does that mean for saloman and the wife standing trial . Joint Terrorism Task force chad jenkins. Chad, did you know about this . I did not know that sadiq, the father was an fbi source. However, brian, i do have to tell you, one of the trademark saying of the fbi agent, todays source is tomorrows subject so it doesnt surprise me especially in counterterrorism investigations. We need individuals that have access, have placement, especially when investigating International Terrorism cases with a islamic radicalization. So it doesnt surprise me but i did not have knowledge beforehand. Brian so i mean, number one, this guy seemed really wacky during the investigation. Said he had no idea. He called the fbi when his son was being investigated by tariffsic behavior and erratic actions. Fbi said no, he was fine. His dad went to bad for him. His dad is being investigated for money transfers to turkey and afghanistan in months leading up up to the horrible attack on the florida club . Sometimes informant can go the wrong direction and this could be a example of that perhaps . Brian, absolutely. Especially counterterrorism in the fbi. This lifts the veil of innocence for all americans to see the underbelly what takes place in counterterrorism investigations. We often use sources especially for terrorism matters, teeter on that brink just far enough where they have access but youre looking at cultural differences. Youre looking at, look, if it is islamic cases that were investigated, i mean, islamic terrorism, islam promotes deception, promotes lying. Brian yeah. As a tool for followers. You have to have that back of your mind. I always had that back of my mind meeting with my sources when were trying to infiltrate a group or trying to infiltrate individuals that we have cases on. That always has to be in the background and forefront of minds of agents out in the field working cases. Brian it takes a couple years. Looks like the wife was complicit. She definitely lied for the fbi and and for her husband that blew up the club. You say counterterrorism cases deal with people like that. You understand them as assets and you understand there is a big negative side to it. I look back to the cia when they thought he was turning over to bin laden and he it was one of the worth days in cia history. Some. Best mind can fall prey. Im wondering if it happened here . What do you think . Well you know, my frustration definitely lies also, the 2013 to 14 investigation that was conducted on omar mateen. I specifically, i personally know that agent. He is an absolute stud agent who did that investigation and he covered his ts, you know, crossed his ts, dotted his is, did everything in his power to do a good investigation at that time but the legal binding handcuffs placed on agents through, you know the fbis diog, doj attorney general guidelines handicaps us from being proactive, being aggressive, thwarting terrorism. Brian right. Yes, we have to give Civil Liberties but man, we open up ourselves to all americans being susceptible for these attacks taking place. Brian chad jenkins, thank you very much. We have to talk more. It is the same thing we heard with the boston bombers. Thank you, chad. Thank you, brian. Brian the Media Obsession with Stormy Daniels reaching new lows. President trump might have met his match with Stormy Daniels. Are President Trumps affairs a threat to his presidency, how low will they go. If you spread fake news, would you go to jail . Wait until you shear the law and where that is. Well, not all products work the same. Thats why my owner gives me k9 advantix ii. It kills fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. Mosquitoes too . Yep. Kills all three through contact no biting required. Wish my owner knew about k9 advantix ii. Ow well. Could be worse. Ooh. Glorious. Protect against the bites that can spread disease. K9 advantix ii. Wise choice. When this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Steve weve got some quick fox News Headlines right now. First up, the navy will soon arm virginia class attack submarines with nuclear warheads. It is part of the Trump Administrations Nuclear Posture review. Currently the virginia submarines can fire tomahawk missiles and torpedoes at a Nuclear Weapons will give commanders new options and expand their missions internationally. There you go. New video fueling speculation that north korea leader kim jongun mavis ted china would have been his first foreign trip since he became the strong man there back in 2011. These images right here coming in overnight showing a heavy security presence with reports of the rogue leaders arrival. A train believed to be carrying highranking officials has since departed. Well keep you posted. Ainsley . Ainsley thank you, steve. As their russian narrative falls apart some in the media are now finding a new obsession. President trump might have met his match with Stormy Daniels. Are trumps alleged affairs a threat to his presidency . Were talking i think understandably and appropriately about the most serious legal allegations that Stormy Daniels made. Clearly this is something that has gotten to the president. The reason he cant engage with Stormy Daniels is because she has got his number. Extraordinary cultural moment, that a porn star is more credible than the president of the United States. Ainsley Stormy Daniels breaking her silence about her alleged affair with President Trump and the media just cant get enough of it. Here to debate is rnc spokesperson Kaley Mcenany and fox news spokesperson, jessica tarlov. Good morning. Ainsley kayleigh, i will start with you, are they obsessed with this story . Absolutely. Lets be clear the medias goal is to distract and destroy this president. If it is not Stormy Daniels, it is russian occlusion or the dossier funded by democrats. Their goal is to take down the president , distract from the record regulations being rescinded, tax cuts, north korea meeting, isis on the run but the good news, ainsley, it is backfiring. You saw the cnn poll yesterday, President Trumps Approval Ratings up seven points in one month. Fox poll, republicans on the generic ballot is up five points. It is not working. It is backfiring. The American People recognize the successes of the. Ainsley is this double standard. Have we forgotten on bill clinton. Ainsley they are not asked on the network. Im sorry theyre not getting ought the networks. Juanita broaddrick is fan of twitter. Not a fan of me on twitter is out there. Lest we forget, donald trump paraded them during a debate of the had them sitting there. Hillary clinton had to stare at them while going through the debate. Bill clinton and Chelsea Clinton there as well. We have not forgotten, we know what happened with bill clinton and his reputation or accusations for sexual harrassment and assault completely dogged Hillary Clinton throughout the campaign. There was whole question whether she can be a feminist eye cone. I had the debate with kayleigh many times, that what happened with her husband that Hillary Clinton had no credibility on the womens issues. We certainly have not forgotten. This is not just a story about the president of the United States of america having a affair with porn star. It is about hushmoney. Alleged intimidation what Stormy Daniels alleges. According to her lawyer well know more about that. Ainsley kayleigh, how much will it hurt the president . Absolutely not. Because these accusations are ridiculous. This individual, this woman said she signed false statements. She said she told a mistruth to the public. She said she didnt want her kids to find out. She is out doing a huge six is at this minutes interview. 60 minutes interview. You point out to the clinton accusers. Paula jones was covered for 16 seconds when allegations came out. Kathleen willey, 34 seconds. She had 60 minutes interview, kayleigh. Mainstream media coverage. 16 seconds. 34 seconds. Storm any daniels is the this woman, jessica, this woman has admitted she lied to the public and yet youre giving her credibility. It is ridiculous. Kayleigh, do you president slept with Stormy Daniels in 2006. Why . No, because the president denied allegation. He denied he have allegation. Ainsley do you think america cares about this kind of stuff . You know, maybe our country for the good or for the bad has changed after bill clinton because this is a president that is creating jobs, creating bonuses for individuals, putting people back to work . With all the tariffs and changing all the laws so the Steel Industry improves in our country, aluminum industry improves in the country, when they go to the polls they weigh out options what is more important . Oh i think the economy is always the important. It was the case during the bill clinton years as well everybody was a fan of the economy. I think that the country does care. The ratings of 60 minutes interview indicate they care. But at end of the day are they voting because of Stormy Daniels . No. They heard the access hollywood tape. We cheated at least two or three of his wives allegedly. He is leader, not a preacher or Something Like that in the evangelical community. Another whole conversation how they stand someone treats women like this and messes around on their wives. But at the end of the day they will vote on the economy. But it is worthwhile story to cover, if there was hushmoney paid, if there was intimidation and threats. And if this was reversed, if it was barack obama, which would never happen jessica, this is ridiculous. You know lets look back quickly to 2016 accusers, lisa bloom paid off one persons mortgage. Six figure payout to another person. Another chapter of staple sorry. People cant stand this president is succeeding. They to manufacture stories and put them on the Mainstream Media. People cant stand this president has no morality. That is very different. Ainsley kayleigh, jessica, thanks for being with us. Great discussion. Still ahead a ms13 takedown. Might have alleged gang members behind bars. You wont believe how many murders they are tied to. The reboot of roseanne. He talked about jobs, jackie. He said he would shake things up. Have you looked at the news, things are worse. Not on the real news. Ainsley is it all about jobs . Charles payne joins us next. Next chapter claritin and relief from of nondrowsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity and live claritin clear. Brian charles can pick out his own intro music. He picked it. Why did you pick this song . I am nostalgic. It is great to be alive. Ainsley you remember the movie, girls just wanna have fun . Yeah. Steve speaking of nostalgic, there is reboot on abc. They decided to put on tonight, starting Roseanne Barr returns to the small screen. Same character with same cast of characters, but this time she loves donald trump. Watch this. Most of all, lord, thank you for making America Great again no. It is okay, darlene. Im going to use my Life Coaching degree to model behavior that i teach all my many, many clients in situations like this. Dont namecall. We respond with a positive affirmation about the other person. Youre looking very fit. Apparently all that weight you lost was the good roseanne. [laughter]. How could you have voted for him, roseanne . He talked about jobs, jackie. He said he would shake things up. This might come as a shock to you, but we almost lost our house the way things are going. Have you looked at the news, now things are worse. Not on the real news. Oh, please. Steve that is funny stuff. It is hard to find a Mainstream Media sitcom that is protrump. Is this a smart abc decision . I think it is. A few, how many people, millions, 60 Million People voted for President Trump. There is curiosity factor. Plus roseanne was successful show first time around. It is reflecting reality. Outside of black panther it is having a terrible year. Putting opinions, ideology aside you might want to address all of your audience. Brian sports, Sports Networks too. Lets talk about how wall street responded. This is your world. Im surprised about the emotion involved with the way the stocks are going up and down. What happened on friday, and what happened yesterday . What happened, wednesday, thursday, and friday is that 1 50, 2 00, 2 05 wall street triggered selloffs in the market to bully white house to back off the trade war. Here is the truth. Weve been in a trade war with china very long time, minimum, two decades, perhaps longer but weve been losing mightily. When i say, we, the American People. I tell you why there is conflict between main street and wall street on this General Motors make as car called the buick envision. Very popular suv only made one place, singapore. They shipped it over to here from singapore. When yen motors did business with china, they forced partnerships and build the factory there. When they sell the car, the car is good for the auto stock, the chinese worker, but guess who doesnt make out on this . The American Worker who doesnt have a job. Ainsley trade talks with numerous countries for many years have not treated the United States fairly. All will be happy. Do you agree. I agree. This really driven me nuts with all of this. We need to get a few factual things. Every country already uses tariff. Every single country in the world already employs tariffs. Also the highly successful economies in the world have the highest tariffs in the world. China, inyaw, south korea, tear tariffs are in double digits. They have growth that surpasses us bigtime. Steve what is interesting, charles what is happening with the turn around in the stock market is now were hearing that china is actually talking to us to negotiate new trade deals that are better for us and south korea already said okay. Brian i can tell you the details. Easing u. S. Access to china market. Treating domestic and foreign firms equally. Increasing u. S. Semiconductor enforcement. Will no longer require u. S. Firms to hand over intellectual property in chinese partners. This cost us 650 billion in intellectual capital. That is a year, on annual basis. China has a lot to lose. Brian theyre dealing. Of course theyre dealing. World economy is going extraordinarily well. You have a guy over there crowned himself emperor. He has a lot to lose. People talk about our debt. They have debt 250 of their gdp. They have grand ambitions. For them to compromise would be brilliant on their part. By the way we would still be in a trade war. This would be our biggest victory ever in a trade war. Ainsley will we see industry come back to the u. S. . I grew up in south carolina. Textiles was such a big business for some families. Then all these companies moved overseas and people lost their johnson. I certainly think we can and we will. Heres the problem. We live in, stock market is every three months. Get quarterly earnings, if theyre bad, stack can go down 20 . China is dealing with a multidecade gameplan. Were dealing with every three or four weeks, gameplan. We have to think long term and we can bring businesses back. By the way the american public, particularly folks in the heartland, these people going on tv talking for them dont know what theyre talking about. People understand, my tv at walmart may go up a little bit more but if were making tvs in this country three years from now i am willing to make the sacrifice. Steve those are the kind of thing theyre talking about on the new roseanne show. Ainsley not like people dont have choices. You dont have to buy the most expensive tv or car if the price goes up. You can make adjustments. Ainsley run to the radio. This is show called brian kilmeade. Brian 20 minutes before the top of the hour. Charles you will be on tonight at 6 00 . Absolutely. Check me out. Brian check out jillian. Jillian this is not radio show. Brian i appreciate the support. Jillian good morning guys, the good morning to you at home. Lets get caught up to stories were following this morning five alleged ms13 gang members tied to 10 brutal murders in las vegas are behind bars. The four adult and 17yearold arrested during 3month long operation in fresno, california. 18 guns were found. The criminals stabbed and shot their victims in the Las Vegas Area before dumping their bodies in the desert. Theyre facing a slew of charges including ilLegal Immigration, firstdegree murder and kidnapping. 10 years in jail and 130,000 fine for spreading fake news. Malaysian parliament considering a law that would punish those who post or spread false information. The law would apply to foreigners outside of malaysia if that post impacts malaysian citizens. A vote on the bill could happen as soon as this week. Weve always known former president george w. Bush has the moves. 43 is back at it again. This time tearing up the dance floor at his nephews wedding. You see that, bottom right corner of your screen. W dancing with the bread and her husband pierce bush in colorado. I cant get enough seeing videos like this. I love it. Steve he is a good sport. Brian you have to dance like nobody is watching. Steve when youre president everybody is always watching. Oh thats, why. Ainsley once your term is over you can let loose. Brian exactly. Without reelection. Steve thank you, jillian. Ainsley that is without alcohol. Steve we hope. Ainsley no, he doesnt drink. Thats right. The meanwhile the current president expelled 60 Russian Diplomats in response to the poison attack in the uk. What does that message send to our allies . That man right there, steve hilton is from the uk. Reaction live. Please stop that. Ainsley i love it. Dont ever stop it brian todd piro in manchester, iowa, where he is having breakfast with friends. Hey, todd. Having a great conversation with my buddy ken. Were talking baseball. He has a cardinal shirt on here. This vietnam vet has an amazing perspective on immigration. You will not want to miss it, when fox friends on a Tuesday Morning returns to the great ol u. S. Of a. Thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Steve we have been telling this morning about President Trump expelling 60 Russian Diplomats here in the United States in response to the poison attack in london. Our next guest says the president s move is key reassurance to our allies. Steve hilton lived in the United Kingdom where he served as strategy director for former Prime Minister david cameron. He joins us live right now. How are you doing . Steve this reaction to poisoning after spy and daughter, i dont remember the last president or two being this tough against russia. No. This is real sri strong diplomatic move. Reassures allies, believing this talk about President Trump not wanting to stand up to putin. He has done that aggressively in the diplomatic move. The really important thing he has been much tougher on stuff that putin listens to way before this. In terms of arming ukrainians, attacking syria, hitting their oligarchs. Steve sure. Most importantly, the Energy Policy that were boosting energy here in the u. S. And starting to sell it here in europe. Steve s that has to drive him nuts, that is bread and butter, oil and gas. The foundation of his regime. On top of this, we should go even further to do more to undermine Economic Foundation of his regime. It boosts more jobs here in america boosting our Energy Industry here. Steve maybe this is phase one. Got to ask you, steve lives out in california. Were talking about how looks if the u. S. Census in 2020, will have a question that, are you a u. S. Citizen . If you are, you check a box. The state of california where you live will sue the federal government. It is unbelievable, everything that comes out of this administration seems to end up in california in the courts. People are sick and tired of the attorney general there. Just basically challenging everything, wasting everyones time with the court challenges. Fundamentally what is wrong with asking people if theyre a citizen . There are certain rights and responsibilities go with being a citizen, that you dont get if youre not a citizen. Certainly reasonable to ask people if youre a citizen . Steve democrats are saying youre trying to intimidate people in this country not in this country maybe legally but in california they are . There is a real thing. Being a citizen is a real thing with real issues attached to it as should affect your rights and your responsibilities in this country. So, establishing is and isnt a citizen is perfectly reasonable thing for government to do. Steve maybe the democrats are out there are worried if they have accurate depiction who is living out there, a accurate headcount, not as many people as they think, they might lose federal money, might lose congressional districts, who knows. Again, that is right if it happens. Citizenship is a good basis for organizing so many things that are fundamental being in this country and establishing that is really basic and important. Steve all right. Steve hilton well watch you this weekend as we always do. Next up were live in manchester, iowa, where todd is getting another free breakfast with friends. There he is. Lets check in with sandra smith who had her brake fast and ready for the big show at 9 00 a. M. A delicious yo gutter. Steve, good morning to you. Moscow warning of retaliation after 100 diplomats are expelled worldwide. Response from the white house in moments. California suing the Trump Administration over a new question on the 2020 census. Why the california ag argues its a bad idea. How about the stock market . 670 point surge lateday yesterday on the dow. Its biggest point gain in 10 years. Have trade war fears eased . Well have maria bartiromo. She will be here in a few minutes. Americas newsroom begins in about ten minutes. Howd i get this yard . Behind petes great looking yard, is his secret weapon. The scotts turf builder program. All it takes is 4 feedings, with a scotts solution for every season. Its that easy. This is a scotts yard. Of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Steve i think by this point in our program todd piro has probably been through three eggs, four pieces of toast and probably eight cups of coffee. Ainsley are you still hungry, todd . 100 on coffee. I havent eaten yet. Well get to that. The pancakes here, the smell wafting through this place. It is unreal. I will crush three stacks in a second. First we have business to get to. I want you to meet ken. Ken is vietnam veteran who voted for President Trump and ken wants the wall. Why . Im really for cuttings down on ilLegal Immigration and as well, the Illegal Drugs that happen to come across our wall, or our border and i think the wall would help to cut that down tremendously. You told me something very interesting. You said you have four very good friend who went the Legal Immigration route, including one you fought with in vietnam. You said all four of them want ilLegal Immigration stopped . Thats correct. Im close to all four of them. Dear friends of mine almost 40, 50 years now, and hector out in san diego who is the one i fought with in vietnam, he is all for that. He think it is time to have everybody go the same route that they did as well as my friends here in manchester did, also did that. Went that same route too ken, thank you for your perspective, most importantly thank you for your service to our great country. Louie, well go to you. Louie is retired factory worker, a trump voter. He is sick and tired of the biased liberal media. Why do you say that . I think the biased liberal media never accepted the fact when hillary got beat, they couldnt get over that. They are trying to find any way they can to get to our president , basically ruin his reputation. Understood. Clyde, quickly want to get to you. Retired t vtech, voted for President Trump. Clyde wishes the president had more help. Why do you say that . It is stacked against him. Theyre all out for political, rather than being good americans and helping this country move forward. Clyde, thank you for your help. I want to give a big shoutout to judy and fred. Theyre the owners of judes here. They have been amazing today. They have pancakes for me. You guys are the best. More fox friends right after this. I was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans better than a manual. And my hygienist says it does but theyre not all the same. Who knew . I had no idea. So she said, look for one thats shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque, and oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the American Dental Association for its effectiveness and safety. My mouth feels so clean. Ill only use an oralb. Oralb. Brush like a pro. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Wgreat tasting, hearthealthys the california walnuts. Ever . So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. This is a fox news alert. Youre looking at the procession for a fallen Fire Department new york firefighter. The 15 year veteran was killed on friday fighting a blaze on a movie set for a new bruce willis movie. His funeral one hour from now on sif fifth avenue. Theres a gofundme page. You can see theyve collected 134,380 if you want to donate please go and do that. He was like the whos who of firefighters. Bill good morning everybody. Breaking overnight, a fox news alert, what will putin do now. Moscow vowing to etal retaliate. We say welcome to tuesday. Im bill hemmer inside americas newsroom. Sandra how you doing . Im sandra smith. Good morning. Nearly two other dozens countries taking action after the u. S. Made its move to expel 60 diplomats at the washington embassy. The message to the kremlin is clear. W

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